I need help with unrooting. I want to send in my g2 because it acts up and goes very slow. I am not sure which method I used for rooting. I did not use g free. Just terminal and visionary. Also I can't use a computer. If really needed I can but I perfer not to. Thanks for your help
Im trying to root my wifes mt3gs, shes finally sick of espresso amd ready for cm!
I noticed theres about 3 differrent methods to root it..
If anyone has used these methods and can tell me which was more user friendly I would eternaly greatful, of course i prefer a "1-click-root" method but i dont think that exsists does it?
thanx in advance..
i have tried two methods, exploid was the most straight forward and easiest. cm6 does not yet support bluetooth.
Do you mean this thread?
One click method? Never seen that for the slide. I used Eugenes method to root which is in the slide Rom bible and so far I've been able to root all 3 slides Ive ended up with very easily. You will have to use command prompt on ur computer but if u watch the video its really not hard at all. This is my.first android phone and it was simple for me so try it out an let us know.
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA App
go with exploid
I agree with whgarner, I used the exploid method and that was fast and efficient
I used this method and strongly recommend it: HTC Slide root guide from cyanogenmod
The guide assumes that you have already setup Android SDK on your computer and that you have installed the correct drivers for your phone so if you have'nt done that already you will need to, as all the methods I have seen so far for the Slide require ADB. Lemme know if you got any questions.
cingall said:
I agree with whgarner, I used the exlpoid method and that was fast and efficient
I used this method and strongly recommend it: HTC Slide root guide from cyanogenmod
The guide assumes that you have already setup Android SDK on your computer and that you have installed the correct drivers for your phone so if you have'nt done that already you will need to, as all the methods I have seen so far for the Slide require ADB. Lemme know if you got any questions.
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First off thanks for your response,
Im assuming that this guide works with the latest OTA.. btw can you contact me on gtalk? [email protected] (for quick response support) i just wanna make sure my wife gets her phone back asap. That way if i hit any walls i can get over them quickly and efficiently..
thanks again..
Hey thanks for reading my thread.
I am wondering if it possible to root mt3gs directly from the phone its self?
if someone knows of ever heard of this. Please help. I thank you in advance for any advice.
I think Chiefz was able to do it ... but it didn't sound like a procedure for the casual rooter. If it is possible it requires a solid working knowledge of the system files via terminal and an app such as root explorer to pull it off. I'll try to locate the post (might have been a tweet).
Using a computer and the various rooting methods available for the slide it is quite easy to achieve root.
Moved to Q&A as not development.
I am trying to root my phone using this method that requires usb drivers. But I am having troubles getting my computer to see the phone.
I later came across a program called visionary+ can I just select Attempt Permrootnow? Will that do the trick?
If it works how to I install a custom rom after that
Stick to Rage method
Visionary may work but many people had issues with it. I am very new to this, and I used the rage method. Look for the thread (here is the link) that guides you though it. I had issues understanding how to use adb, but the guys here on the forum were very helpful in guiding me through it.
This was my thread with help I received...it may be beneficial for you.
I like the rage method bcs I learned a bit of to do things on the phone without having to have someone automate it all for me. Give it a try it's not really difficult once you get a few things in order.
Good luck, and if you get stuck just ask, people on this forum are always willing to help.
To get adb working on your PC, use this guide - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=865685
is there a faster and easier way to perm root and S-OFF the g2? i dont really wanna mess around with terminal for frear i put the wrong code in and im left with a very expensive paper weight please reply thank you
Well it's really not that hard. I rooted mine back when it was a lot riskier.
If you can adb though, there's a way to run terminal via your pc.
From there all you would need to do is copy and paste the lines in so there's no chance of error on your behalf. Simple as pie.
Also if you decide not to root there's nothing wrong with that either. I rooted my G2 and I'm still running stock everything. Stock rom, stock clock speed, stock all over this mo fugga! Don't know why I rooted XD Nothing with root is even too appealing right now.
can you show me how to do the ADB root please
brancuff said:
is there a faster and easier way to perm root and S-OFF the g2? i dont really wanna mess around with terminal for frear i put the wrong code in and im left with a very expensive paper weight please reply thank you
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Use the gfree method, it's pretty straightforward and low risk.
guntcent said:
can you show me how to do the ADB root please
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Maybe this will help
Like the title says, this is what I need help with. Let me start by saying I am not new to the scene, just new to the G2, and it's been awhile since I've gotten my hands dirty I need help with rooting my g2, as I have only done it on my N1. Whoever helps me, will get a donation. I want to either root 2.3.4, which I am currently running stock, or downgrading to achieve root. From what I've seen it looks tough to root 2.3.4 if its even possible atm. Either way, I just want root! You may either email me, to set up a time to walk me through it, or hit me up on gtalk. Either way, I would love this done asap! Again, this won't go as a favor that is not returned. I just would like some help so I do it right. I have adb ready to go, and know my way around the processes, just want to get it right. So either email me, or on gtalk. Or post contact info below for me to contact you. [email protected] gtalk = natehinn
Here's a downgrade link, which you can then follow with http://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/index.php?title=HTC_Vision#Rooting_the_Vision_.28G2.2FDZ.29_and_DHD to root.