[Q] Touch pro 2 and WiFi - help - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

Dear frinds, few days agi i went to a cafe wuith WiFi hotspot, and the waitor gave me a password, not a network key, a password. Wher should i enter a network password? I have a wifi router home protected with the key, so i know the difference. Please help.

In hotels, I have been given a password and there I would launch IE and it would show a hotel login page. That is the only thing I can think here..

daviddallas may be correct about going into IE and seeing the login page
if that doesnt help perhaps it is WPA encrypted and you should go to wifi>advanced>Authentication and choose WPA (or something else try them all if you have to) that way you could type a passoword instead of just Hex

Thx friends will try and report back.

I had a similar situation yesterday. Went to local cafe that offered free Wifi, and they provided a password. I'd been to hotels and the like with a WiFi device, so I tried to load up IE. Connection Failure. I asked the cashier, and they actually had a laminated sheet with instructions on how to set up, and on the back was a basic troubleshooting guide I had to load IE, and go to a specific page to enter the log in info, a bit confusing but it worked out in the end.

Going to IE didnt help, will try again and report. I think it is important feature of the phone that needs to to be clarified.


Wi-Fi Settings?

Can someone please tell me how -- or point me to an existing thread that will provide instructions for how -- to get AT&T's Tilt 2 to use wi-fi?
My situation is that I'm new to the Tilt 2, and I'd like to be able to access wi-fi -- rather than the slower than molasses 3G network -- when I'm within range.
My network is wired with a WAP, and it uses static IP addressing. I have no problem accessing the network with my (old) 8525 and my (newer) iPhone or my PDA or my laptop (all configured by me) to use my network to access the Internet and email.
My network is pretty tight (I think, or hope) in that it requires a specific IP address that matches a specific MAC address to gain access.
I've configured my router & WAP to accept a specific IP address for the Tilt 2, as well as the Tilt 2's MAC. I've checked & rechecked too many times to count to make sure I didn't make any typos. I've assigned the IP address on the Tilt 2 by going to Settings > Connections > Wi-Fi > Wireless Networks > Network Adapeter, and I set the Boradcom 8-2.11 DHD Newwork Adapter (is that the right one?) to use the specific IP addy I've assigned.
However, while the wi-fi icon indicates it's connected, I'm unable to use either browser on the Tilt 2 to access the Internet -- all I get are error messages.
I have honestly tried to read here for tips, and while I've read that I need to disable the AT&T proxy, the threads I found were a little (or a lot!) over my head.
I would sincerely appreciate any guidance.
Please, Need Help with Wi-Fi Settings
Surely I'm not the only one having problems getting the settings right so my AT&T Tilt 2 can connect to a home network, am I?
Honestly, I'm not a moron, but I can't figure it out, and the AT&T store was no help today, either. I recall that I had a similar problem with my 8525, so I went back & looked at my notes from 2008-- the problem was the MEdia Net proxy settings. On the 8525, it was a simple matter to uncheck the "This network uses a proxy server to connect to the Internet" box.
On the Tilt 2, however, I can't see where to give that a try because all I see is a message that says, "This connection is pre-configured. It cannot be modified."
Am I looking in the wrong place, or what? Or is that unlikely to be a problem on the Tilt 2?
I will greatly greatly appreciate any suggestions to try!
My first question is, are your WiFi router and the wifil on the TP2/Tilt the same? If the router is g and phone is N, they won't communicate.
That's a good question, and one I'd not thought of. My WAP supports B, G, & N & is operating in B/G/N mixed mode-- I don't know what the Tilt 2 is, but I'd think one of the three would cover it, yes?
Try going to this thread and downloading the files in post #13. Run the remove hidden proxy cab and see if that works, that will remove the hidden AT&T proxy server setting that often can't be disabled otherwise. The Tilt2 supports 802.11 b/g, so a router in mixed mode should have no trouble with that. You might try playing around with the network adapters again; I'd personally take another stab at the DHD adapter you tried earlier, since that is the one used on wlan connections. Also, you should probably make sure that the box which says: "My network card connects to:" is set to The Internet, and not work (this setting can be found on the Network Adapters tab of the Wi-Fi applet.
And while a bit off topic, you might want to consider adding additional security on your router (such as WPA2 encryption) if MAC filtering and static IP addresses are your only security; it's quite easy to grab both using free tools like aircrack-ng.
I want to thank you for your suggestions, but I'm not having any luck so far.
Scratch that -- things seem to be working . . . kind of. All I did was keep redoing the same things over & over, and suddenly, things are working.
I'm starting to think, though, that there's something wrong with this particular phone. Seriously -- I did nothing different tonight to get wi-fi working . . . encouraged by your comments, I just kept doing the same things over & over & over that I did last night.
Last night, running the removeHiddenProxy4CWS cab (it's in the Tools folder) resulted in not being able to connect to the Internet via 3G or wi-fi. Tonight, the results are different: I'm able to connect to the Internet via both after having run for the umteenth time the removeHiddenProxy4CWS file.
Further, while I've read many comments that the Internet is really slow on the Tilt 2, I'm thinking mine is abnormally slow & seems to hang up even via wi-fi. Now, I'll admit that perhaps my expectations are different coming back from an iPhone, but I charged up my old 8525, turned off the phone on the Tilt 2 to make sure I was connecting via wi-fi, and we are talking agonizingly slow on the Tilt 2 -- I was able to browse to six different Web pages on the 8525 in the time it took the Tilt 2 to partially bring up the first page (I used the same starting page on both). And, I say "partially" because it seemed to hang up at only partially displaying the Web site until I eventually hit the little circle in the bottom right of the screen. It does that on lots of pages -- is that the way things usually work on the Tilt 2?
Also, after my last soft reset just before things started working, I got a memory error message after I turned on wi-fi & when I hit the Internet button -- I should have written it down, but it said something about being out of memory on line 2. Any suggestions about that?
If the above are normal experiences for the Tilt 2, then I'll start learning about the tweaks to improve speed & such. If not, then I guess I need to try to exchange this phone. <sigh>
I also really appreciate your a bit off topic comment because I'm a security freak but not sure I understand much! My WAP uses WEP 64-bit encryption in addition to the MAC filtering & static IP addresses, and my wired router has a firewall -- does that sound sufficient. None of my neighbors can "see" my network, and it can't be seen from the nearest public road -- does that sound relatively secure?
Most of your Tilt2 problems could be fixed by flashing a custom ROM. If the phone is a business phone (as in it belongs to your company) or you otherwise can't void the warranty, a custom ROM sounds about right. It will improve the device's speed on all fronts, and will also have more available memory on bootup (mine had 25% less RAM in use on startup with a custom ROM). On my Tilt2, using a custom ROM with the latest Manila 2.5 build, things are still quite snappy, and pages load quickly on 3G and EDGE. If you'd like to know how to put a custom ROM on your device, this link will tell you everything you need to know. If you decide to put a custom ROM on your device, keep in mind you'll lose all the data on your device if you don't back it up.
As for the wireless security: WEP is extremely insecure. It has been proven insecure for many years, and has been replaced with the WPA (okay but obsolete now) and WPA2 (best current router security) protocols. Cracking WPA/WPA2 is much more difficult, as it requires a password cracking program and a wordlist to crack downloaded traffic obtained from the network, which can take days of cracking, sometimes ending in failure regardless. Unlike WPA/WPA2, WEP is much more vulnerable to many different attacks, from programs like aircrack-ng, which are free and readily available. If you don't believe me, check out this video of WEP being cracked on a test router, with the Backtrack 4 Beta security Linux distro, in as little as 2 minutes. MAC addresses and IP addresses can also be grabbed with many readily available tools, and the MAC can then be spoofed quite easily with free programs. And even a hidden SSID can be grabbed with a program like Kismet, which scans all wireless network traffic in an area (regardless of the network it's on) and can grab the hidden router's SSID during the handshaking process (when a client computer connects to the router). If you're absolutely positive that your network can't be detected from any public road (as in, there's no signal whatsoever), you're probably okay and can probably sleep safe at night. But, unless you have old equipment/software which doesn't support WPA2 or WPA, I'd recommend upgrading to the latest WPA2 security (if you're really concerned about security/privacy).
I really appreciate your help!
The Tilt 2 is a week old -- it was a birthday present. Am I correctly understanding that I could flash a custom ROM & then flash back the original if I don't want to void the warranty?
If so, playing with different ROMs would be something I'd be interested in doing . . . I just don't want to void the warranty in case there is something wrong with the phone. I had lunch with a friend with an AT&T stock Fuse (I think) Thursday, and we were playing with each other's phones. I can't say that I noticed her Internet was any faster (I wasn't really paying attention), but she was quite surprised that both IE & Opera failed to display a complete page until the screen was touched. On my end with her Fuse, Web pages opened completely with no fuss.
So, the whole "hang" thing makes me very nervous, particularly with the "out of memory" error message with nothing other than Contacts on the phone yet -- I've not even bothered to configure email (my lifeline). I was hoping the Web interface (I have IMAP) would work OK since that was one of my big beefs with the iPhone -- the onscreen keyboard just didn't work for me. But, with The Tilt 2 taking over 60 seconds to even get to my web-based Inbox, the Tilt 2 is gonna be a problem unless I can get that resolved. Hence my concern about not voiding the warranty.
You are correct: I do have older equipment that only supports WEP. My PDA & my old 8525. If I can get the Tilt 2 working well enough for me, I can rotate the older stuff out and go with stronger wireless security. I know my neighbors can't "see" my network, but I've never tested from the street behind my house since the closest neighbor behind can't see the network. However, due to the configuration of my neighborhood, I'd best check that street. <gulp>
Thanks again -- I really appreciate the help.
sslund said:
The Tilt 2 is a week old -- it was a birthday present. Am I correctly understanding that I could flash a custom ROM & then flash back the original if I don't want to void the warranty?
If so, playing with different ROMs would be something I'd be interested in doing . . . I just don't want to void the warranty in case there is something wrong with the phone. I had lunch with a friend with an AT&T stock Fuse (I think) Thursday, and we were playing with each other's phones. I can't say that I noticed her Internet was any faster (I wasn't really paying attention), but she was quite surprised that both IE & Opera failed to display a complete page until the screen was touched. On my end with her Fuse, Web pages opened completely with no fuss.
So, the whole "hang" thing makes me very nervous, particularly with the "out of memory" error message with nothing other than Contacts on the phone yet -- I've not even bothered to configure email (my lifeline). I was hoping the Web interface (I have IMAP) would work OK since that was one of my big beefs with the iPhone -- the onscreen keyboard just didn't work for me. But, with The Tilt 2 taking over 60 seconds to even get to my web-based Inbox, the Tilt 2 is gonna be a problem unless I can get that resolved. Hence my concern about not voiding the warranty.
Thanks again -- I really appreciate the help.
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Sure, I'm glad I can help. Well, you're partially correct about the whole ROM thing. The deal is, your warranty is only voided if they know you put a custom ROM on it. If they don't find out (ie, you restore the ROM and SPL to their stock counterparts) you're good to go. However, you do technically void the warranty because you put a third party ROM. However, you can take it from me when I say it's almost 100% safe when you follow instructions and it's completely worth it. You get more features and stability with less bloat while using an unofficial ROM. Keep in mind that if the USB port goes bad, you can't restore the device to stock configuration, and you'll have to pay full price for repairs (unless you dispute the warranty violation in court, and try to prove that there's no way an unauthorized ROM broke the USB port). Otherwise, a custom/cooked ROM is completely worth it, and will greatly improve your whole experience over the stock ROM.

Getting on our company's network

Warning! I'm a network novice.
I'm trying to get onto my company's wireless with my Evo. I see the network in under Wi-Fi Settings. It shows that it's remembered and secured with 802.1x EAP.
I'm presented with a 'Connect to XXXX' dialog when I tap on the network. The signal strength is Fair and the security is Enterprise(8021.x).
When I attempt to connect, nothing happens. On the advice of a colleague, I used adb to create a logcat file (which this tool won't let me include) generated while I attempted to connect.
Any help would be appreciated!!
Did you ask your IT staff?
They have some type of security on their wifi.
Nope, my Evo isn't supported formally.
They could have it password protected, or MAC required etc.
How do you get your laptop on the wireless?
You are going to have an impossible time getting this on the network if they don't want it on the network.
802.1X means that you'll need either a username/password (usually your Windows login password, with the username formatted as *DOMAIN*\*USER* so if your user account was bsmith on the Domain Contoso, your login would be CONTOSO\BSMITH.
If that doesn't work, then you'll need the certificates that they use to authenticate devices onto the WiFi network. Unless you know what you're doing, or get cooperation from the IT department, you're SOL. Your best option would be to get a pocket access point/router (Like an Apple AirPort Express, etc.) and use that, and hope your IT staff isn't competent enough to notice it on the wired LAN, and if they do and you get caught, that you don't get fired.
DISCLAIMER: The above could get you fired if it is against the rules/permissions/policies of your job. I am not responsible for what happens to you for following my suggestions.
drmacinyasha said:
802.1X means that you'll need either a username/password (usually your Windows login password, with the username formatted as *DOMAIN*\*USER* so if your user account was bsmith on the Domain Contoso, your login would be CONTOSO\BSMITH.
If that doesn't work, then you'll need the certificates that they use to authenticate devices onto the WiFi network. Unless you know what you're doing, or get cooperation from the IT department, you're SOL. Your best option would be to get a pocket access point/router (Like an Apple AirPort Express, etc.) and use that, and hope your IT staff isn't competent enough to notice it on the wired LAN, and if they do and you get caught, that you don't get fired.
DISCLAIMER: The above could get you fired if it is against the rules/permissions/policies of your job. I am not responsible for what happens to you for following my suggestions.
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I would highly disagree with putting on a rogue AP, that's very likely to get you fired, not to mention a pain in the ass for network admins.
mrono said:
I would highly disagree with putting on a rogue AP, that's very likely to get you fired, not to mention a pain in the ass for network admins.
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Depends on how it's configured... I have a APExpress that I use at work when I need to. IT is so stupid here that they haven't noticed it. Also have it in bridge mode and with WPA2, MAC control, hidden SSID, and 802.11n 2.4Ghz-only mode helps. All that they would see when I hook something up its three new devices on the LAN.
--Sent from my EVO 4G using XDA App.
I had this same problem, and I finally figured it out. All I can say is google the answer. The trick was leaving the Anonymous Identity field blank. Yes, enter your network id and password. I was relieved when I figured it out.

[Q] School WiFi issues

Hi, first of all, I have no idea where I am supposed to post this.
Anyway, I have a Nexus 7 FHD, and have been using it at school. My school has its own wifi, and I used to be able to connect to it perfectly fine, as I knew the password. It doesn't have any of that wifi login stuff. Recently, however, I think I've been blocked or something from it. I go to WiFi settings, and then my N7 sees the network. I know I have the correct password as my phone (d2vzw) can still connect to it. I click on it to connect, and then the network says connecting... but then after a while it goes back to the Saved, Secured with ... etc. This has been bothering me a lot, as I often need to research topics at school. I've tried spoofing my MAC address, but I don't think it works. If somebody could please help me solve this issue, it would be greatly appreciated!
P.S.- My friend also had this issue, and he's more tech savvy than I am. He was also blocked on his N7 (first gen) and tried changing his device name and mac, but I'm not sure either of us actually spoofed our mac addresses. The first time, both of us were blocked. Then, the wifi crashed, and we both regained access. Now, only I'm blocked, and then only reason I can think of for actually being blocked is attempting to start up orbot... which incidentally failed. Please help! Thanks!
The proper course of action would be to contact your network's admin and request that you be unblocked and take the lumps that come with the actions that caused you to be blocked. Trust me when I say that most system and network admins look very negatively on attempts to get around the security. (you'll only be digging your hole deeper)
Not all admins are the same but I base my opinion on my experiences as a network admin on a .mil network for 7 years YMMV but I know the mentality intimately.
You could use Bluetooth tethering to share the phones WIFI connection with the N7. Use the phone for the WIFI connection and then enable Bluetooth tethering. (If you don't know how, google 'android bluetooth tethering'.)
BTW, the DHCP requests on the WIFI to get your IP address contain a hostname besides the MAC address. You can change that using an adb shell or root terminal and running:
setprop net.hostname HOST_NAME_YOU_WANT
oldsoldier2003 said:
The proper course of action would be to contact your network's admin and request that you be unblocked and take the lumps that come with the actions that caused you to be blocked. Trust me when I say that most system and network admins look very negatively on attempts to get around the security. (you'll only be digging your hole deeper)
Not all admins are the same but I base my opinion on my experiences as a network admin on a .mil network for 7 years YMMV but I know the mentality intimately.
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Thanks for the advice! But the thing is, I don't think students are supposed to be on the WiFi anyway lol. Someone found out the password, and now I guess close to 97% of the student body uses the WiFi. The teachers definitely know, but they haven't taken any action, so who knows. Anyway, I don't know who the admin is or have any clue how to contact him... soooo I'm out of luck haha.
tni.andro said:
You could use Bluetooth tethering to share the phones WIFI connection with the N7. Use the phone for the WIFI connection and then enable Bluetooth tethering. (If you don't know how, google 'android bluetooth tethering'.)
BTW, the DHCP requests on the WIFI to get your IP address contain a hostname besides the MAC address. You can change that using an adb shell or root terminal and running:
setprop net.hostname HOST_NAME_YOU_WANT
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Hm, this sounds pretty interesting. Could you explain a little more in depth? or point me to a website or whatnot? That would be greatly appreciated, as I'm not that knowledgeable in the networking area. Would this "fix" be reversible?

Found a simple fix for wifi issue I have had for ever

So here's what happens. Occasionally after I flash roms my wifi acts up. It will connect to open networks just fine however when I try to connect to my work network using my User name and Pass word the wifi just says Saved,(and some other word can't remember). Needless to say I assumed this was something that happened after repeated rom flashes. So in any case I'd ODIN back to a stock and it would fix the problem ( I've actually soft bricked my phone many times trying to fix this at work).
Today I googled the problem for the hell of it: The solution was very easy (I take no credit for this), and I'd not read this on XDA so thought I'd share. When connecting to a wifi network that requires authentication, make sure you forget the network, instead of clicking on the network to add your information, touch the add network button and manually put in the SSID, your user name and password. Voila, it worked instantly for me.

Can't change DNS at Android 5.0

Hey guys. I flashed android lollipop 2 nights ago with fastboot. I am very happy with it so far but there is one major annoyance about it. I can't change DNS.
When I try to modify network settings after I change from to "DHCP" to "Static IP" I can't click save button. I also tried a few applications and all of them gave error.
The only thing I can think about while I was flashing the image I got boot.sig and recovery.sig errors but the guide video was telling to ignore those errors.
I am wondering if rooting the device would help me. I am open to any kind of suggestions.
Thanks a lot.
Might be a dumb answer, but I had that issue as well. Make sure when you fill out the info for static you actually type in ALL information. After I filled out each section manually the save button was lit and I was able to save changes. Not sure though if it worked, ipleak is telling me I still have a bunch of google dns's from around the country. Settings were saved though.
If you want to use dhcp but change the DNS server, this seems to be an open problem.
Can you change the DNS on your router instead of the device? On my Netgear I changed it so all devices use Google DNS ( and instead of Comcast DNS. Works great, and covers everything connected to it either wired or wireless.
I know that isn't really a solution for the problem, but it might help in the meantime.
I did have to use a static IP. My router is set to use different DNS servers though.

