[Q] Gmail stop synching after a nandroid - Desire Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi, yesterday i restored a backup after have tried Ginger but now i have a problem with gmail synch: everytime i receive a mail and then i delete or change label i continue to see 1 received mail and if i go to the mobile site i find it unread in the inbox.
Anyone know how to solve this problem?
thanks in advance.

No one?

Have you tried cleaning Gmail's cache and data?

You should try a "microsoft solution": just delete your account, create it again and sync all a new.
I had a similar problem after a ROM update, and that fixed it.

I've tried clearing data and cache of Gmail app, but after the first synch it stop again. I'm going to try with the "m$ solution" lol.
Thanks for the replies


[Q] Gtalk problem on Desire

after doing WIPE on my Desire it turned to a problem with Talk application. I can sign in, can see who is online, also can send messages, but i don´t recieve any message on the phone. i can see the messages in chat history on my google account on pc, but not in desire. i tried wipe again, turning off aon on and nothing helped.
i also tried to download talk.apk and reinstall it, but it´s not possible (writing: application cannot be installed)
please anyone has an idea what can help?

[Q] Contacts not updating to Exchange [Solved: See Solution in first post]

I have a problem.
My contacts are not updating to Exchange.
When I add a new contact via the phone (selecting the exchange account) it does not get updated to the exchange contacts. Any ideas what I would be doing wrong?
My Sync is on, background data is on.
System specs:
I am running MIUI Rom (v22) but had the same problem with opendesire before I switched. Now using Cyanogen, ROM version does not matter
Email.apk version: 2.2
Contacts version: 2.2
Now Solved:
Possible Reason: Changed ROMs too many times
Solution requirements: Exchange 2007 with Owa and internet explorer then you can do it yourself else you need to get your IT guy to do this.
a. Go to OWA (in IE) and delete all instances of your android device from there under the mobile devices tab.
b. remove your exchange account from phone and add it again.
To test:
c. Add new contact,
d. disable sync and re-enable for exchange account from accounts screen.
repeat step D if contact doesn't get updated.
Any ideas guys???
Use the search ... there must be an topic with the same problem ... there is an link to an stock e-mail app whitch should work.
hi philj,
i only asked the question after i scoured the forum and google for about 2 hrs
I'll try and replace the email.apk and see if that helps
So I changed Roms, went to Cyanogen mod new RC.
My google account syncs two way perfectly not exchange.
Using touchdown doesn't help because you can't add contacts to it with either CAM card or from the accounts application.

[Q] move from one account to another

Hello everybody,
I've used a temp gmail account (the famous one we all have for receiving spam) when I received and set up my Desire Z. The problem is that I've downloaded not many but nice applications (some are paid) and now I would like to restart from 0 and link my phone to a clean gmail account (and market account).
Is there any way of migrating one market account to another? basically having the apps downloaded or purchased under [email protected] migrated to [email protected]?
If not, anyway of retreiving apk's from my rooted phone and then installing them after a factory reset and a link to that new account? (was looking into /system/app but it seems like most of the apps are not in, nothing found on the sd)
Thank you in advance for helping me
what I suggest you do is just download the apps you paid for and keep the ones you have on your phone then migrate to the new gmail. You can do this by going in settings>applications>manage apps then (not sure if this is the right one) clear the cache on your market app. Open market and it will request you to login with your gmail. Do so with the new gmail and bammo! If you ever accidentally remove the paid apps, just login the old account again, so be sure to write down the info incase you forget later down the road.
Probably not the exact solution you were hoping for but it's the best I can come up with!
Note: If clearing market cache doesn't remove the logged in account, try clearing the cache of some other official google apps that require sync.
Note 2: doing this will not migrate your contacts, but you can always copy all your contacts from one account to another by logging into gmail on the pc and manually migrating them there.
Hope this helps!

[Q] Samsung Account Stopped Syncing

For the past 7 days I've been unable to sync my Samsung account and receive the following message in settings: 'Sync is currently experiencing problems. It will be back shortly.' Has anyone else experienced this and is there a way to get it syncing again?
Thanks in advance
Have tried deleting the account and redoing it again (re-typing ur credentials)with sync enabled?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317
as well as you aware, there's no meant of deleting samsung account other than factory reset...
I got the same problem...
slicingtaco said:
Have tried deleting the account and redoing it again (re-typing ur credentials)with sync enabled?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317
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This solution seems to have worked, thank you. Before I removed my account, I did a full backup via Kies. I realised removing my Samsung account deleted my S Notes, so I tried to restore them from my backup, but after a 'successful' restore, half of my notes are missing.
The notes that are missing were in a folder named 'Notes.' I tried to create a new 'Notes' folder, but apparently this folder name is already in use. Searching for the folder brings up no matches, so where is it?!
Upon further investigation, all my missing notes and memos are still in my S Note directory, but for some strange reason they're not showing up in the app. Any ideas?

Question Redmagic OS 4.0 update contacts not showing in messaging app

I have a Redmagic 6 Pro and just did a System Update to the latest OS - NX669J_UNCommon_V4.21.
Messages is now not showing Contact Names. Most of my contacts are setup with international Codes +XX. Messages is showing local number 0XX.
Is there a fix for this?
P.S. This has changed as there was no issue prior to the update.
I am having the exact same problem. Very frustrating. If anybody can find a fix it will be very much appreciated. If not hopefully they issue a patch to correct this problem sooner rather than later.
Is anyone else having this problem?
There were similar reports for other users back when Android 9 was released (on other devices).
If you haven't already, try clearing the cache of the messages app; if that doesn't work, try clearing data and cache (shouldn't affect you actual messages, but back up just in case) and finally, try uninstalling the last update to the app (if you can) and reinstall afterwards.
Also, make sure messages has permissions granted to access contacts. Make sure the international code is present in contacts phone numbers.
I don't have a RM6 (got 5G) - my spouse does but hasn't updated yet.
1- In factory Contacts app, open advanced settings and export v.card back-up of contacts.
2- Clear data and cache in factory Contacts app, phone app, and messaging app.
3- Reboot phone.
4- In contact app, import v.card back-up to phone and default Gmail.
5- All should be good.
(Not all steps may be necessary.. it's just what I did to get things working).
Hey mate. Thanks for this. I actually cleared contact data and resynced back to my Google account and I think that also fixed it (for some reason I couldn't find the vcard after I exported).
Another issue I have noticed. If you get a Message from an unknown Contact you can Choose "Add Contact" but there is nowhere to add a new Contact, only to search and add to existing.
Thanks for your follow up.
jasonmastertech said:
1- In factory Contacts app, open advanced settings and export v.card back-up of contacts.
2- Clear data and cache in factory Contacts app, phone app, and messaging app.
3- Reboot phone.
4- In contact app, import v.card back-up to phone and default Gmail.
5- All should be good.
(Not all steps may be necessary.. it's just what I did to get things working).
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cmantra888 said:
Hey mate. Thanks for this. I actually cleared contact data and resynced back to my Google account and I think that also fixed it
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Can confirm - clearing data on contact storage is all that's needed.
I am facing the same problem with calls. When i get call only numbers show but not names. , but after the call i can see it in history. Any recommendations?
jirain21 said:
I am facing the same problem with calls. When i get call only numbers show but not names. , but after the call i can see it in history. Any recommendations?
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I found the solution. I turned off the VOLTE and it is solved.

