I'm on fresh and kings cfs #9 and I get no slideshow over hdmi. I just put fresh on mg girls evo and left the stock kernel and her phone works fine. In the kings kernel thread people say they have the same kernel and that slideshow works for them.
Any idea why mine doesn't work?
Looking for the stock htc kernel #15.
Just take it off myns or mikfroyo roms
There is a link to it here
I am sorry, I just noticed that it is actually based on netarchy's kernel.
it is in kernel manager too, with and without sbc
after quick google search:
Hey thanks guise.
Was wondering if there was a kernel available with SBC to run on Virus ROM (Kingdom Revolution) HTC sense 3.0? Or can I just grab a Net Kernel and use that.
Yes, grab a net kernel, breaks the camera though
Flashing a different kernel is on good for battery but only if youtube and the camera isnt a big loss for u
yeah you can get the camera back by using his stock kernal....
wonder if the stock #15 kernel would work` and not break the camera...
Well I like the Rom but the camera isn't working for me and playing videos don't work either all I see is a white screen and I wiped my cache and dalvik and changed my kernel is there anything else that can make it work i need my camera
It's the kernel issue You can't run any custom kernels on synergy rom yet
When htc releases their source code then they will make custom kernels for the sense 2.1/3.0 roms
But sz tiamat netarchys godome kernel none wont work so youre going to have to flash the stock kernel
Ahh ok I see thank ya
Im running Virtuos Unity 1.31.0 rom. Ive tried different kernels Tiamat 1.1.2 and jdkernel both booted up but very unstable laggy and apps would not work . I found kernel sense by drellisdee works great but wifi will not connect .the reason i wanted different kernel was for oc the stock unity kernel only oc to 1.5 but drellisdee has option for higher but its been unstable past 1.6 ...any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
switch over to CM7 if you want very high OC.
U shouldn't be using aosp kernels on sense roms things won't work that's why tiamat and jdkernel didn't work too well they are aosp kernels and your running a sense rom
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All fixed up thanks for the info guys...I just did a clean install and aplied kernal right after working great at 1.7ghz and stable going for 1.8 I guess the issue stemed from applying kernel after restoring back up
Im not using hdmwin or any hdmwin kernel. Im trying to watch a video from my gallery through stock hdmi mirroring but its not working. Any ideas?
Whooo! (Cole Voice...)
hdmi isnt enabled on gingersense roms like that, you need to use hdmwin with their kernal, or flash back to a 2.2 rom.
Whooo! (Cole Voice...)