STOP!! Before You Post, Read This NOW!! UPDATED: 10/29/10 - Galaxy S I9000 Android Development

Thinking of posting a new thread???
Use the search button on the top bar between "New Posts" and "Quick Links"
Threads posted in the wrong fora will be moved initially; however, for repeat offenders, the moderating team will look to take action to rectify the situation in a manner it believes is appropriate
It is the responsibility of all users to keep the fora organised and clean. We need you to do your bit to keep things orderly.
To the dedicated members that care to keep this forum, subforums included, clean and organized and grouped.
Please start reporting threads to the mods to take action. Please use the REPORT button to do so.
Thank You and happy easy searching.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
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Forum Searching | Posting | The Basics: (Make sure you've read them before starting a new thread)
Forum Rules -
Forum Search -
Google Forum Search -
Advanced Searching -
XDA "Mantra" -
Post What Where:
General - general technical discussion items, news, anything else that does not fit into the other fora categories.
Q&A (Questions and Answers) - all questions, irrespective of type, get posted in here whether they be theme related, accessory related, technical, etc.
Accessories - any items to do with components and/or accessories relating to your device.
Rom Development - only meant for very advanced technical discussion directly related to ROM development activity and the delivery of actual ROMs and ROM components ONLY. Nothing else goes in here.
Themes & Apps - anything to do directly with the development of themes and/or applications. Nothing else goes in here.
If you have developed a ROM, or are working with others to do so, the development forum is somewhere to discuss and share ideas, post useful feedback and logs or crash dumps, and to discuss a common goal developers are trying to achieve.
It is NOT the place to post your question because it gets higher traffic, or because more experienced users frequent it. Doing this just annoys those who are working on the device, and drives them away. Developers don't want to wade through 20 threads of "Help me urgently" to find their threads for porting and fixing camera issues etc. Similarly, if a thread is designated as discussion for developers say, porting a camera fix, please do not post in there asking "When will it be ready?", "Can I flash this yet?" etc. This is both completely disrespectful to those working on the project (you evidently haven't read the important posts in the thread), and also is making it harder for developers to find comments from other developers or testers when required.
Similarly, don't make loads of "Thanks for your work here" posts in an active development thread. It's just as annoying to developers as asking when something will be ready. If a ROM is complete, then go ahead and thank the developer if you wish, but don't go into threads for devs only, and interrupt it to post "thanks". It's basically spamming, and is treated as such.
If you are posting in development, you should have read every sticky and notice there, and should be actively developing or helping in the development of something. Developing isn't installing a ROM, or using a tweak, it's creating a ROM or other hack or tweak. If you haven't read for several days before starting out on XDA, you are likely about to ask something already solved. I registered on XDA when I first wanted to post, and that was to join in a discussion on something. Sure, join up and ask a question, but read the information available in General and Q&A first, as your question will have been asked before. Search is your friend here, become familiar with it.
Regarding when to post in development if you are not actually developing something, there is one occasion where it's acceptable. If you find a leak of a new ROM, which isn't already posted, and you verify it's legitimacy via either running it, or based on the source you obtained it from, then this is assisting in development, and should be posted in development. If you want to ask when a leak will be available use search first, then if not already in discussion, open a thread in general or Q&A.
If you have a problem flashing a ROM, this is NOT related to development. It's up to you to determine if it is specific to a particular ROM, and post useful information in that developer's existing thread for the ROM. If it happens on more than one ROM, and isn't a known issue (remember you should read several times more words than you post), then find out what you are doing wrong. Check guides written by others, try to repeat the problem and see if it happens every time. Something needs to be reproducible to be fixed effectively.
Once you have identified what you need help with go to the device Q&A forum (general if device lacks one), and make a clear, informative thread that explains the issue, and what you have tried doing to fix it. Did you re-download the ROM? Did you ask a friend to flash it for you, to reduce chance of user error? What steps (exactly) did you follow? What errors did you see (exact wording)? Did you double check all the steps? Did you do a wipe or hard reset?
If you make a clear, concise, yet detailed post, you will find help forthcoming, and should get the problem sorted very quickly. If someone suggests you try something, report back on what happened, did it work etc. Then, next time someone has this issue and searches, they will find this and have a verified and tested solution.
So remember... before you start a thread in development, ask yourself what you are developing. If you can't answer, then stop, step away from the post button, and think about where you are posting. Would it be better in General or Q&A, or is some more time with your best friend, search, required?


[GUIDE] Report Problem and Bug [Proper Way]

I been wanted to create this thread for longtime because i find that user way of reporting bugs isn't much positive
This lead to particular OP for the Rom Build/Mods/Apps/Themes unable to provide a proper fix
Particular problem is from the user whom take for granted steps & reading just for sake finding for "downloads"
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Therefore i would like introduce few steps that make OP & User with their problem easier​
Post at correct forum (Particular Device)
I found that some particular user posted on wrong forum that are not related
Example :: problem on Xperia XXXX ROM on Samsung Forum thread(This Is Improper)
Please Post on the Device Forum that dedicated for your device only
[*]Post at particular Thread that you have encounter problem
If you have a problem/bug to report on XXX Rom.Do Report on XXX Rom Thread & not YYY Rom or other's
If there's a Solution/FAQ Page for the particular rom do report on the thread instead the [DEV] thread
Doesn't require to open a thread on the Android Development Forum.It's just spam at there.We hate it(I mean you not suppose to)
[*]Do Not Use The Private Message Button
Please Never Ever Sent Any PM to developers just to report the bug you encountered.Post it on the particular thread that mentioned
Developers/OP will have an eye on it.Therefore doesn't need to sent pm to report your's
Do appreciate work by the developers & respect they have their own time too.Keep your question on thread
[*]Read OP Pages At least twice
The place that you will gain all the info you should have
Read every single notice/quote/information/instruction/faq/other's written page
Do not just head to the download section and press the download
Get every info on which particular thing you need and what you should do to install it
[*]Follow ALL the instruction given
When the OP Posted Wipe Cache & Dalvik.It mean to select that particular option only
If the OP Posted Use Only Select/Recommend Kernel.Please do only flash/install particular kernel only
Follow each and all instruction properly(No lazyness/Skipping) any one of those
[*]Search through thread whether the similar problem has been reported
Let say you have setting fc's everytime you enable the sound option.Do search before whether other user have reported or not
If The Particular Problem/Bug has been reported.Doesn't need another user to report it.(Duplicating post)
[*]Give Proper Report
Give A Report Such As This
What steps/instruction did you used?
Did you try wipe & cache
Did you tried it more then twice?
What kernel you are running on?
Which version of build you are having problem with
Do Explain the problem clearly.If you have random reboot upon selecting theme manager,
do report that it's due to the theme manager not just saying "I have random reboot"
If possible provide a screenshot
Do provide an adb logcat (everyone on this forum should have at least logcat skill)
This is one of the best answer for the dev/op to fix if you unable to describe all the problem
[*]Do not ask or force the OP/Developers to fix the problem
No matter what problem you are having,no words such as "Please" fix the problem
Developers have their own time,they choose to fix what they want,You don't pay for what you download
[*]Take your third party installation problem away
Let say you have installed a third party mod (Ex: Beats Audio) ,if you encounter any problem please post on the beats audio thread instead
If You having problem by supercharging or installing any third party patch do take to the particular thread or keep it on your own.
[*]Stop Asking Whether Will This Work Or Not
:Facepalm: Please try it yourself or see over comment by user.
If you want to know just install and test it yourself
If you afraid bricking then never go near a development thread.There's always a Risk
[*]Press thanks button to user/devs that helped you
[*]Provide logcats whenever possible
Dmesg & Logcat using simple terminal emulator
dmesg >/mnt/sdcard/dmesg.txt
logcat -d -v time >/mnt/sdcard/logcat.txt
Hope This Clear Enough For All User To Report Problem On What they encounter.
As developer a positive bug report are very useful to us to fix all the problem that we might not noticed
With proper method,this will not just help us to get problem solved but less unwanted post or waste of time
Any suggestion/fix can be made with reply below v
Hope this does what it does.
I recommend all user especially new member that join XDA to read this
We don't want keep reporting 10poster/spam user.Moderator have life too ​
Thanks to Zackconsole for an awesome guide
Original link is HERE.
Hashy said:
I been wanted to create this thread for longtime because i find that user way of reporting bugs isn't much positive
This lead to particular OP for the Rom Build/Mods/Apps/Themes unable to provide a proper fix
Particular problem is from the user whom take for granted steps & reading just for sake finding for "downloads"
Therefore i would like introduce few steps that make OP & User with their problem easier​
Post at correct forum (Particular Device)
I found that some particular user posted on wrong forum that are not related
Example :: problem on Xperia XXXX ROM on Samsung Forum thread(This Is Improper)
Please Post on the Device Forum that dedicated for your device only
[*]Post at particular Thread that you have encounter problem
If you have a problem/bug to report on XXX Rom.Do Report on XXX Rom Thread & not YYY Rom or other's
If there's a Solution/FAQ Page for the particular rom do report on the thread instead the [DEV] thread
Doesn't require to open a thread on the Android Development Forum.It's just spam at there.We hate it(I mean you not suppose to)
[*]Do Not Use The Private Message Button
Please Never Ever Sent Any PM to developers just to report the bug you encountered.Post it on the particular thread that mentioned
Developers/OP will have an eye on it.Therefore doesn't need to sent pm to report your's
Do appreciate work by the developers & respect they have their own time too.Keep your question on thread
[*]Read OP Pages At least twice
The place that you will gain all the info you should have
Read every single notice/quote/information/instruction/faq/other's written page
Do not just head to the download section and press the download
Get every info on which particular thing you need and what you should do to install it
[*]Follow ALL the instruction given
When the OP Posted Wipe Cache & Dalvik.It mean to select that particular option only
If the OP Posted Use Only Select/Recommend Kernel.Please do only flash/install particular kernel only
Follow each and all instruction properly(No lazyness/Skipping) any one of those
[*]Search through thread whether the similar problem has been reported
Let say you have setting fc's everytime you enable the sound option.Do search before whether other user have reported or not
If The Particular Problem/Bug has been reported.Doesn't need another user to report it.(Duplicating post)
[*]Give Proper Report
Give A Report Such As This
What steps/instruction did you used?
Did you try wipe & cache
Did you tried it more then twice?
What kernel you are running on?
Which version of build you are having problem with
Do Explain the problem clearly.If you have random reboot upon selecting theme manager,
do report that it's due to the theme manager not just saying "I have random reboot"
If possible provide a screenshot
Do provide an adb logcat (everyone on this forum should have at least logcat skill)
This is one of the best answer for the dev/op to fix if you unable to describe all the problem
[*]Do not ask or force the OP/Developers to fix the problem
No matter what problem you are having,no words such as "Please" fix the problem
Developers have their own time,they choose to fix what they want,You don't pay for what you download
[*]Take your third party installation problem away
Let say you have installed a third party mod (Ex: Beats Audio) ,if you encounter any problem please post on the beats audio thread instead
If You having problem by supercharging or installing any third party patch do take to the particular thread or keep it on your own.
[*]Stop Asking Whether Will This Work Or Not
:Facepalm: Please try it yourself or see over comment by user.
If you want to know just install and test it yourself
If you afraid bricking then never go near a development thread.There's always a Risk
[*]Press thanks button to user/devs that helped you
[*]Provide logcats whenever possible
Dmesg & Logcat using simple terminal emulator
dmesg >/mnt/sdcard/dmesg.txt
logcat -d -v time >/mnt/sdcard/logcat.txt
Hope This Clear Enough For All User To Report Problem On What they encounter.
As developer a positive bug report are very useful to us to fix all the problem that we might not noticed
With proper method,this will not just help us to get problem solved but less unwanted post or waste of time
Any suggestion/fix can be made with reply below v
Hope this does what it does.
I recommend all user especially new member that join XDA to read this
We don't want keep reporting 10poster/spam user.Moderator have life too ​
Thanks to Zackconsole for an awesome guide
Original link is HERE.
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Nice guide! though for doing a logcat I always prefer ADB logcat rather the terminal one!

[Development type][Project type][Version - Date] A Project template for XDA

*** Disclaimer
This is the logical place to tell users about behaving responsibly and
thermonuclear war.
This template can be used to create clear threads with only the minimum of required information directly available and a unified look users easy to understand for your users. Information section should be used for background information about your projects. Introductions, how did the project come into existence, what problem does it solve, the background information needed to understand the project are logical pieces of information to put in the introduction section.
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Next up are screenshots, pictures, and designs of the projects. If you have smaller images put multiple on the same line like this:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Or f you have a very large image or many smaller ones:
Hide (part of) them by using the HIDE and /HIDE tags:
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Click to collapse
If applicable, add a comprehensive list of the main features of your project. Make sure to keep that list compact and only list the most important/outstanding points.
Avoid meaningless terms
Always use short points
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Installation instructions
In this section tell your users about possible prerequisites for getting your project to work. Then give a simple guide of steps to follow to for the installation process. If possible use a list:
* Copy this thread and the vB tags
* Follow the steps in this thread
* Write down information on your project
* Publish thread
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Only directly show your latest changelog. Some projects get quite long and your users will get "the scrolls" after a while. Put the individual changelogs in CODE and /CODE tags if you can. If you need to link from your changelogs to other pages or threads use the QUOTE and /QUOTE tags instead. The CODE and /CODE tags have a finite length so try to keep it brief enough for each line to fit or make sure you cut the line off by using enter/returns. Please if you use a stock parts (kernel etc.), explicitly state so.
Current changelog: 11-11-2012
[note] Your changelogs should have tags as well.
[new] The new tag describes a new function in your project.
[changed] The changed tag describes a function that was changed in
this update.
[fixed] Describe the major bugs that were fixed here.
Older changelogs should be hidden from direct view:
Changelog: 11-11-2011
[note] Your changelogs should have tags as well.
[new] The new tag describes a new function in your project.
[changed] The changed tag describes a function that was changed in
this update.
[fixed] Describe the major bugs that were fixed here.
Changelog: 11-11-2010
[note] Your changelogs should have tags as well.
[new] The new tag describes a new function in your project.
[changed] The changed tag describes a function that was changed in
this update.
[fixed] Describe the major bugs that were fixed here.
Changelog: 11-11-2009
[note] Your changelogs should have tags as well.
[new] The new tag describes a new function in your project.
[changed] The changed tag describes a function that was changed in
this update.
[fixed] Describe the major bugs that were fixed here.
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Finally the place where the magic happens, the download section! Provide your users with download instruction and link(s). If you can provide a checksum here so users can verify that the download was successful. Also of you want to or need to share your projects sources. This is the place to do that too. Please if you use a stock parts (kernel etc.), explicitly state so.
Project Template
Project Template
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Addons/Themes/User Art
Use hide if the list grows longer that 3 items.
Use hide if the list grows longer that 3 items.
User Art
Use hide if the list grows longer that 3 items.
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The FAQ section in a thread is bound to grow over time, but it may be small to start with, so whether or not you you should hide part of this section is up to you, but you will likely need the most urgent questions in direct view. If questions are short and the answer tends to be long you may choose to hide the answers but not the questions.
A: Use normal sized text for any paragraph of texts
A: Paragraphs of text should be black, no exceptions
A: Images are nice, but keep them proportional to your text
A: Use a title -> paragraph stucture, a short and clear title (a subtitle if needed) and put information in the paragraph
A: Use ROM, APP, MOD, TOOL, THEME and GUIDE tags in the development tags in the thread title
A: Use CM9, AOKP, STOCK etc. to describe the project type in the thread title
A: Don't use big font's, unless you use them to create titles.
A: Don't center your text, this breaks the reading flow
Q: Should I put this entire thread one one page or is it okay to distribute it across multiple pages?
A: Whether or you put your project on page or on multiple is entirely up to you, just make sure it feels consistent across all pages.
Q: I have my own thread design, can I use that?
A: Sure thing! But remember consistency is key here, make sure you take away the good things from the template and respect the do's and don't.
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Thanks To/Credits
* Hero's
* Contributors
* Mentors
* Testers
* Donators

[Roll up] Important threads for: T-Mobile HTC One (M8)

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Try to keep the development forum CLEAN! No offtopic posting and no questions.
Use the report button in an offending post to let us mods know we need to take action. Dont take matters into your own hands!!!
Sources need to be posted for all kernels!!!
You need to use TAGS like [ROM] or [KERNEL] and so on as used in all dev forums throughout XDA
Any disputes between developers should be handled by pm. No public posting in a dev thread regarding these matters
Rom issues should be discussed within their respective threads, or in a corrisponding Q&A thread
Thread titles should ALWAYS coincide with ROMS ALREADY AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD!!! No advance notification of incoming ROM through thread title. A changelog for the yet unreleased Rom can be included in the OP or in another post CLEARLY MARKED as EXPECTED CHANGELOG
Posting in the development section means automatic ACCEPTANCE of the above Rules
Forum specifics:
Attention all Android Developers - GPL
Forum Rules
Forum Search
Preset Google search for XDA Developers.
Not yet created
Guides/How to:
[GUIDE] [T-Mobile] Unlock Bootloader, Install Custom Recovery, Root, S-Off
[how to] remove your "tampered" banner
[how to] change your MID without an eng bootloader
[how to] lock/unlock your bootloader without htcdev(s-off required)
[MOD] Hboot without red text on custom kernels.
Set up Android SDK (ADB) for Windows 8 / 8.1 / [ADB][Bootloader][Fastboot]
[TOOL] HTC One 2014 (M8) All-In-One Toolkit V1.0.1 [4-8-2014] [PERM ROOT]
Attention developers or those just starting out
How do I determine if my work belongs in Original Development?​
These are the determining factors:
~The following are most likely “Original Development”:
Official releases of highly original and upstream custom ROMs (built from the ground up with significant original development within them
Official releases/development of such original ROMs, perhaps posted by the maintainer or their nominated person.
A significant “first” in development for a device. Significant is subjective, but it is likely something which took considerable time/effort, and is generally accepted by developers to be significant and non-trivial.
Kernels which are built with beneficial changes that are not simply pulled from other kernels already available. Some element of original work is expected.
Tools and utilities with a clear purpose, and which are well-made, and useful to users. They should have an element of originality, either in purpose or through significant improvement in the means of operation.
Significant port of a ROM from one device to another, giving enhanced features or functionality to users of the target device. The port should be beneficial (a port from two virtually identical devices isn’t original development, it’s winzipping, and nobody really benefits from this, as it’s not development)
~The following are most likely not “Original Development”, and should be posted in the “Android Development” sub forum:
Your own “unofficial” stock build of your favourite original, source-built (or otherwise) ROM, particularly where an official or maintainer-endorsed thread exists already.
Minor derivatives of other ROMs with little or no changes, or ROMs consisting of “placebo” features as a main constituent or claim.
Renames or rebadges of others’ work – these don’t belong on XDA at all! Refer to rule 12 for more information.
Reposts of existing ROMs with small changes (i.e. kitchen work, such as adding a couple of apps). If you could realistically distribute your changes as an “addon pack” above and beyond a ROM, you should do so. In addition, your “ROM” would not be original development as it would be substantially identical to the original ROM.
A thread created with unrealistic goals that are clearly unachievable by those starting the thread. This is not intended to discourage high aspirations, rather to prevent threads porting Windows Phone 8 to the HTC Wallaby. This is pretty much common sense.
A ROM where a main or significant claim/feature is graphical changes to the user interface (ie. Themed ROM)
Forum section rules:
To help keep this forum section tidy and easy to use, here are some rules and guidelines.
Only the following topics are allowed in the DEVELOPMENT area:
[DEV] - Development for any projects or Apps.
[ROM] - Custom ROMs.
[KERNEL] - Custom Kernels.
[MOD] - Hack & Modifications for the phone. (See below for more details)
[FIX] - Fixes for known issues & bugs.
[R&D] - Research & Development for Devs only, when gathering data for a new projects.
Please keep all non Development relevant chatter out of development threads, It is recommended to make a separate thread in the Q&A section for non Development related comments and questions, valid replies within a development thread are: BUG Reports, Problem, Troubleshooting Steps & Logs.
Note: If you are unsure where your new topic should go, then please post it in General.
For more information on the Original Android Development section check out this portal post
All kinds of Best Rom/Kernel/etc threads are unwelcome and they will be closed. Read, research and make your own mind up, as the question is very subjective.
Please Include Screen Shots for ROM / MOD / THEME / Apps & Games, when possible as it's expected by our members.
[MOD]'s that are primarily theming related or simply adjust stock application or framework functionality or behavior belong in the themes and apps section rather than the development section.
Unmodified Stock ROM and Source Codes does not count as a DEVELOPMENT project unless it's part of an active project you have already started, and so should be posted in the general section.
Placeholder threads posted in the development section will be removed or moved.
Howto's and Guides should be posted in the general section.
Password must be provided for all password protected files.
Direct download links preferred, due to stipulations stated in forum rule #11
11. Don’t post with the intention of selling something.
[*] Don’t use XDA to advertise your product or service. Proprietors of for-pay products or services, may use XDA to get feedback, provide beta access, or a free version of their product for XDA users and offer support, but not to post with the intention of selling. This includes promoting sites similar/substantially similar to
[*] Do not post press releases, announcements, links to trial software, or commercial services. unless you’re posting an exclusive release for
[*] Encouraging members to participate in forum activities on other phone related sites is prohibited.
[*] Off-site downloads are permitted if the site is non-commercial and does not require registration.
[*] Off-site downloads from sites requiring registration are NOT encouraged but may be permitted if the following conditions are met:
A) the site belongs to a member of XDA-Developers with at least 1500 posts and 2 years membership who actively maintains XDA-Developers' support thread(s) / posts, related to the download,
B) the site is a relatively small personal website without commercial advertising/links (i.e. not a competitor forum-based site with purposes and aims similar to those of
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Extra emphasis on rule #12
12. Using the work of others.
If you are developing something that is based on the work of another Member, you MUST first seek their permission, and you must give credit to the member whose work you used. If a dispute occurs about who developed / created a piece of work, first try to settle the matter by private message and NOT in open forum. If this fails then you may contact a moderator with clear evidence that the work was created by you.
Convincing evidence will result in copied work being removed. If there is no clear evidence you created the work then in the spirit of sharing all work will remain posted on the forums.
These rules apply to all software posted on XDA unless that software comes with a license that waives these rules.
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... and Please! keep all your personal bickering via PMs, do not pollute the forum with your personal indifferences.
If you have a problem with a specific member please contact the Moderators for help, that's what we're here for, but we are not babysitters, we are here to gather, organize and provide useful information for our over priced phones
...for additional details please read the full Forum & Marketplace Rules
Thank you for your cooperation.
[SIZE=+1]If there are new threads needing to be added from either the Q&A or General sections, please contact one of the Moderators. Your Moderators can be found at the top of each sub category. General, Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting, Android Development etc...
~Thank you~[/SIZE]​
I would suggest something, separate the roms with sense from the roms without sense, it's a mess search for roms with sense in the One S section.
rgvelez said:
I would suggest something, separate the roms with sense from the roms without sense, it's a mess search for roms with sense in the One S section.
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This is not for ROMs or kernels. Threads consolidating these things will be found in the General section, when sombody decides to create it :good:
In the OP it says that info about S-OFF will be added to this guide (via a link I assume). If there's a way to still do that I'd be grateful. I've been combing the forums and interwebs trying to get a good handle on whether I need S-OFF to update my firmware. I'm also coming to the conclusion that the only way to get S-OFF is to purchase Sunshine for $25....I'd love to know if any of that is accurate or not.
zerozed99 said:
In the OP it says that info about S-OFF will be added to this guide (via a link I assume). If there's a way to still do that I'd be grateful. I've been combing the forums and interwebs trying to get a good handle on whether I need S-OFF to update my firmware. I'm also coming to the conclusion that the only way to get S-OFF is to purchase Sunshine for $25....I'd love to know if any of that is accurate or not.
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There is no tmobile 4.4.3 firmware as of yet. So in order to update drivers for 4.4.3 you need to s-off. If firewater does not work for you, then sunshine is your only option.

GSI AOSP 10 ROM For S20 & S20 Pro Ultra // stable [All model!]

Hello we are sharing a new union brush for the localised version of the S20 Planets
S20 is a fast phone with Multi Core CPU and top of the-line Large AMOLED panel.
What Works:
Mobile data
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Download at: Mod edit--link removed.
Download Link it
Use Odin or Twrp brusher
Brush to AP slot @ ODIN
Brush to super partition @ TWRP
Format data to begin boot.
Have intact a Vendor image.
Credits :
Learn & extras added on :
Could someone share some screenshots or a video review? Does Gcam work?
TWRP ? where ?
Orphee said:
TWRP ? where ?
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Sent from my SM-G965F using XDA-Developers Legacy app
pro199282 said:
Thanks for use my Rom
You use a different brush if you are not found TWRP.
Gcam support
Screenshot support
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Is this a joke? We dont have twrp yet and what the heck is a different brush?!
speedyjay said:
Is this a joke? We dont have twrp yet and what the heck is a different brush?!
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I think he is saying use Odin. I tired Odin and it got stuck.
pro199282 said:
are you kidding there is twrp
because u didnt enabled nand erase on odin to clean it though :laugh::laugh:
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Erase nand? Are you joking? I wouldnt trust this....
pro199282 said:
its clean flash due encryption and then use my kernel its my Djraz mix NEMSIS so you dont need that again
and use twrp just format data easy flash my kernel in odin or twrp after patched it on magisk MOST fastest s20 pro or s20
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Dude, with the greatest of respect - you come here with 25 posts, no pevious ROMs, nobody to verify this actually works and you want us to play guinea pig with our £1,400 phones? Can you post some screenshots or photos of your phone to show this actually works? Or, we're just going to have a really expensive paperweight...
pro199282 said:
without that understand you look i post picture odin how flash it btw
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Okay, but thats not evidence that this actually works.
Do you know what a nand erase does buddy? It erases:
If people get this wrong then they're going to have a useless device. You have to show us that this actually works.
pro199282 said:
offtopic my thread i guess
nand erase = only userdata erase
look at download mode that same time you do it it show in blue letter erasing userdata and use my new Twrp and nemeses kernel btw its soo nicceee
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No, you're wrong. Nand erase erases EVERYTHING!! If you dont know this mate, then you shouldnt be making ROMs. I wont be trying this one.
pro199282 said:
like there it shows literallly cant belive it
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Okay, if you've proven that this works - why isnt your Knox tripped?
Also, please go back to the main page and read the rules. It clearly states you need screenshots of the ROM working on your device.
I know we all have busy lives and don't have time to go through a list of long winded rules, so here's a shortened version to make your life easier
Only the following topics are allowed in DEVELOPMENT area:
[DEV] - Development for any special projects or Apps
[ROM] - Custom ROMs
[KERNEL] - Custom Kernels (usually found in Original Development)
[MOD] - Hack & Modifications for the phone with code only, zips go in themes and apps
[FIX] - Fixes for known issues & bugs
[R&D] - Research & Development for Devs only, when gathering data for a new projects
[HOWTO] / [GUIDE] - How to instructions and Guides (Most of the time should be in General)
Note: If you are unsure where your new topic should go, then please post it to General
Please Include Screen Shots for ROM / MOD / THEME / Apps & Games, when possible as it's expected by our members
DEV Support for ROM / KERNEL / MOD / THEME must be provided within XDA thread posted by the Developer, otherwise it won't count as a Development, and in turn it'll be considered [INFO]rmation / [REF]erence and moved to General
Unmodified Stock ROM and Source Codes does not count as a DEVELOPMENT project unless it's part of an active project you have already started
Password must be provided for all password protected files
Direct download links preferred, due to stipulations stated in forum rule #11
Extra emphasis on rule #12
All ROM / MOD / DEV / etc... found in the DEV section not created by the DEV themselves does not qualify as a development and will be moved to General. It should be properly tagged as [INFO] or [REF], with links to the source website were it was found
Please keep all non Development relevant chatter off the DEV project topics, feel free to create a new topic in General for non Development comments about specific ROM / MOD / THEME / etc... valid replies within a DEV project are: BUG Reports, Problem, Troubleshooting Steps & Logs.
... and Please! keep all your personal bickering via PMs, do not pollute the forum with your personal indifferences.
If you have a problem with a specific member please contact the Moderators for help, that's what we're here for, but we are not babysitters, we are here to gather, organize and provide useful information for our over priced phones
pro199282 said:
you learn what is nand erase
he didnt broke it your the bad here your the bad in my post that you will be delete of my post Just belive that developers like am developer i know what i say its true
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To be honest too, I really appreciate the effort. But it's quite hard for me to understand your posts... and as already said too, I'm not willing to try and untested rom/twrp/kernel on a 1k€ phone...
You really should explain how to flash, what are the impacts (data loss etc...)
pro199282 said:
ONLY data removed on NAND ERASE to you Moderation will block your account all your account that are you haves more if you have more accounts for what in my post here all everything its closed from my post You so bad
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man nand erase will wipe everything and now your wanting us to use your gsi rom with zero proof it works as you dont have device
Orphee said:
To be honest too, I really appreciate the effort. But it's quite hard for me to understand your posts... and as already said too, I'm not willing to try and untested rom/twrp/kernel on a 1k€ phone...
You really should explain how to flash, what are the impacts (data loss etc...)
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twrp cant mount super image stay clear
Thread permanently closed.

Broken XDA links

I was reading some posts about samsung and discovered some broken links of XDA. can they be fixed?
Those links goes to the post where they linked to XDA xposed modules
[APP][6.0+] XTouchWiz | Customize your Stock Samsung Roms
This module supports Samsung TouchWiz Marshmallow 6.0+ Rom only. XTouchWiz includes the most important features IMHO, I have no plans for the theming/coloring features, so please no need to ask for them. Wanam Xposed was a big project that i...
[XPOSED][Q] Firefds Kit - Customize Samsung OneUI 2.x [28/04/22]
Version for Marshmallow is available here: Version for Nougat is available here...
evildog1 said:
I was reading some posts about samsung and discovered some broken links of XDA. can they be fixed?
Those links goes to the post where they linked to XDA xposed modules
[APP][6.0+] XTouchWiz | Customize your Stock Samsung Roms
This module supports Samsung TouchWiz Marshmallow 6.0+ Rom only. XTouchWiz includes the most important features IMHO, I have no plans for the theming/coloring features, so please no need to ask for them. Wanam Xposed was a big project that i...
[XPOSED][Q] Firefds Kit - Customize Samsung OneUI 2.x [28/04/22]
Version for Marshmallow is available here: Version for Nougat is available here...
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Both links work for me as seen in attached screenshots.
Spoiler: Screenshots
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Oswald Boelcke said:
Both links work for me as seen in attached screenshots.
Spoiler: Screenshots
View attachment 5335639
View attachment 5335637
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Maybe evildog1 meant the links included within the linked posts? If this is the case, they are probably broken links caused by the move to XenForo, possibly needing a fix with the new XF url format?
woodman said:
Maybe evildog1 meant the links included within the linked posts? If this is the case, they are probably broken links caused by the move to XenForo, possibly needing a fix with the new XF url format?
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Upps, you're right. @evildog1 Sorry, I misread your post.
And affirmative, all the links in the two quoted posts are broken and simply refer to
Xposed General
Use this forum to chat about xposed framework and modules to modify your device without flashing a custom ROM
However, there's a workaround to go to the actual thread or post that were supposed to be linked as the number at the end of the URL is the important part.
If you take the example from the link in this post:
[APP][6.0+] XTouchWiz | Customize your Stock Samsung Roms
This module supports Samsung TouchWiz Marshmallow 6.0+ Rom only. XTouchWiz includes the most important features IMHO, I have no plans for the theming/coloring features, so please no need to ask for them. Wanam Xposed was a big project that i...
The link is:
Now simply reduce this to (please note that the t must be separated from the number by a /)
Above will then refer you to the thread or post, which new URL under Xenforo is:
or as plain:
You find the important number at the end again after the dot.
Don't know if the admins can run a script to repair all broken ones? @MikeChannon
woodman said:
Maybe evildog1 meant the links included within the linked posts? If this is the case, they are probably broken links caused by the move to XenForo, possibly needing a fix with the new XF url format?
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That's right! Sorry for my bad english
Oswald Boelcke said:
Upps, you're right. @evildog1 Sorry, I misread your post.
And affirmative, all the links in the two quoted posts are broken and simply refer to
Xposed General
Use this forum to chat about xposed framework and modules to modify your device without flashing a custom ROM
However, there's a workaround to go to the actual thread or post that were supposed to be linked as the number at the end of the URL is the important part.
If you take the example from the link in this post:
[APP][6.0+] XTouchWiz | Customize your Stock Samsung Roms
This module supports Samsung TouchWiz Marshmallow 6.0+ Rom only. XTouchWiz includes the most important features IMHO, I have no plans for the theming/coloring features, so please no need to ask for them. Wanam Xposed was a big project that i...
The link is:
Now simply reduce this to (please note that the t must be separated from the number by a /)
Above will then refer you to the thread or post, which new URL under Xenforo is:
or as plain:
You find the important number at the end again after the dot.
Don't know if the admins can run a script to repair all broken ones? @MikeChannon
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Thanks, it helped a lot
Hope this can be fixed
evildog1 said:
That's right! Sorry for my bad english
Thanks, it helped a lot
Hope this can be fixed
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Yes, these are easy for an OP to fix or a Moderator, assuming there are not hundreds of them of course.
As said above one that ends with e.g. can be changed to
Possibly even easier just copy the number at the end insert t/ after and paste in the number (all that extra writing and sub forum stuff is redundant, all it needs is the /t/ part and the number. So in the above example you can use:
That works just as well. (/t/3908114 is what it needs, not all the other wording.) Forum links work in the same way except they need /f/ instead of /t/
If there are hundreds of these, I can see if someone can script something but it might not be quick or get priority.

