Dopod s900 [Cannot change the language to ENGLISH] - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV ROM Development

I just got the phone from Shanghai, from my dad. He's tried to change the language for me, but even though it's set as English (Canada), it's still all in Chinese!
I've been researching all day and looked through all the websites. I have downloaded numerous ROMs which could possibly help me. I downloaded the ones with WWE or UNI in their names so that they'd turn my phone's language to English I believe?
I attached screenprints of what it looks like.
Everytime I tried to sync them, it would immediately restart my phone, the phone will go to the coloured screen,then will turn white and have a bar that stays at 0%. Then on my computer it would say:
[ERROR 262] Update Error
This error message indicates that RUU cannot start the update process. Please contact your service provider for assistance.
While in its multicoloured screen:
"DIAM120 MFG 64M
SPL -1.30.OliNex
MicroP-Diam (LED) v11
PSOC-Diam STAGE_PVT v8x32"
I have no idea what they mean except that I think I need to upgrade my SPL in order to install the HardSPL that I downloaded. It says I need a version 1.40. something..but I don't know how to get that. I went to the official website and my serial number would not work for the downloads in the support section.
I'm stuck and I couldn't sleep because I've been trying to fix this problem! Ugh please help me. I've seen posts where other people have solved similar problems but their solutions do not apply to my case. I don't care about how difficult it may be. I just want my phone in English! I have no idea how to navigate around the phone in Chinese.

Check this out
Choose unsigned hardspl olinex first, If still cannot flash, do hardspl 1.93 olinex.

I tried the file
and clicked on the file ROMUpdateUtility
and it worked!
I don't know what this did for my phone...but I think it has a new SPL? What do I do from here to make my phone english?
It's currently still in mandarin or something. I want to download the right ROM but I have so many...which should I try? Do I run HardSPL before or after flashing?

I have the following files:
Which should I try? some of them do not display the picture of my phone. Therefore should I not flash those?

I just tried flashing all of the files that displayed a photo of my phone..
It would immediately turn off, go to the coloured screen, and then go to a greyish white screen showing a percentage bar. It would stop at 1% and restart my phone. On my computer, it would say "Error 244: Invalid Model ID" Sorry for posting so many times..
Right now my phone's rom is still: 1.93.706.1 CHS (which i believe means chinese?)

Now you have to flash from link above. the 244 invalid model also happened to me before i flash 1.93 version. you have to flash hardspl before the rom.
My personal opinion don't flash official rom that you wrote above, because it will take many memory. Choose cooked one.
For the best wm6.5 rom
For the best wm6.1 rom

You may want to start with reading the stickies on the top first. There you will find all necessary information.
Basically, after the HardSPL you are able to flash one of the cooked ROMs (and thereby to change the language of the ROM to English /WWE).
You may want to change the Radio as well.
If you got a Dopod version of the Diamond (for mainland China) you will lack of WLAN support regardless the ROM.
Good luck!

IT WORKED! thank you SO much. I'm extremely ecstatic. <3


US Diamond (pregame)

Hello XDA Friends!
I have done 2 solid nights of reading now - not to say I am in the least bit an expert, but this is my second experience with flashing htc phones (previously had a htc wizard). I am not a complete newb, but I have a few unanswered questions before i jump in balls deep.
1) After searching the forums, I have found that I seem to have a (rare) ROM version - 1.93.422.4 WWE to be exact. It is the stock US 3G GSM ROM. It appears that others have (after hardSPL) successfully flashed their Diamonds accordingly with European versions. I went to HTC's website and registered my Diamond and they told me that they do not have a down-loadable version of their ROM (an official HTC ROM) for the 3G US version. HTC simply does not make a version for US 3G that they release.
-"Unfortunately, after some checking on our website with your serial numbers, we have found that currently there is no ROM update for your devices. From our experience, there is almost never an update developed for unlocked US GSM devices. The way we release our updates is we develop them first (after receiving the operating system from Microsoft). Then the carrier or vendor takes the update and modifies it to fit their policies and we release it. Unfortunately, the vendor that usually sells unlocked US devices does not complete the last step." -HTC
This concerns me as this is my fallback in the event things do not go so well for me while flashing. SOOOO all that said, does anyone have a copy of the ROM lying around for my backup benefit!?!
2) Can anyone with a US diamond verify that they are indeed running with a cooked ROM (and be so kind as to suggest which one they prefer?). Obviously its trial and error, but stability and speed are high on the priority list (stock is SOOOO SLOOOW)!
3) The hard reset is confusing me. HTC rep said that if i do a hard reset that it will restore the device to factory settings, thus no need for me to download a ROM to restore the device (i obviously did not tell him i was looking into cooked ROMS!).
-" As far as a ROM that would restore the device, you would simply need to do a hard reset in the even that the ROM became corrupt. This would restore the device to factory defaults. " - HTC
This would indicate that the ROM is somewhere on the internal 4gb storage and copies itself back to the ROM. Is this erased when upgrading ROMS or becomes unavailable after going to hardspl? or would i still have the option to hard reset (take the red pill) and wake up believing that my dance with cooked ROMS was a dream!?!?
Thanks for all your help - fire away - I have thick skin. I'm sure someone will point out my lack of research skills ;p
Long live Xda,
I have an unlocked US GSM also. I also tried to get it off the site and it said it was not for my device...
HTC support is pretty much useless, I called and they told me over the phone that my phone wont run WWE roms and that i needed US roms and i told them thats funny because it came preloaded with 1.93WWE.
Anyways The New official rom will work on your phone and its allot faster than the 1.93
First the Hard SPL i used this.
I use this RUU_Signed_1_93OliNex_HSPL_UnsignedEdition
And if you want the official 2.03 WWE ROM its here
Want this one
I haven't used any cooked ROMS yet so i cant help you out there
Awesome - thanks for the info - that was exactly what i was looking for! Yea... the fact that it says WWE in the ROM is completely contradicting - HTC tech support doesn't seem to know whats going on.
Have you tried the hard reset since you loaded the new ROMs? does it revert to 1.93?
Thanks again for posting,
ok all,
flashed to hardSPL olinex 1.40, confirmed in the bootloader, tried to flash to 2.03WWE (as referred to me from above) and it gives me:
Error [244] : invalid model ID
This update utility cannot be used for your pda phone. please check your update utility.
OK. from reading i gather this is because something is wrong with hardSPL? what hardSPL should i use? Or is it another issue entirely?
btw - after hardSPL, and hard reset, everything on the internal storage is there
perhaps i need to be more specific. When i enter the bootloader, it says:
what the bible says it should say is
Hard SPL 1.40.Olinex
Does this mean that it did not upgrade correctly? Any ideas? Im trying win 1.37 OliNex
again it says in the bootloader
lets me get all the way to 99% and then fails with
Error 270 :update error
The image file is corrupt. please check your update utility.
I need some help guys. Starting to get a little frustrated do you have to update the radio rom before it will take the main rom?
Ok, next update. Could not get any of the olix hard SPLs to work. I have tried to upgrade to hardSPL 1.24 per this thread
only problem is that the phone does not ever boot into windows. When i go into the bootloader, it still shows olix 1.37 hard SPL. I have tried re-downloading the file. So far it gets to 100% of the ROM flash and then throws the error 270. Any thoughts?
I never had this problem but on the page were you got the ROM they say if your having issues installing through the update utility to do this.
Rename ..NBH file to DIAMIMG.nbh
Copy to Internal Storage
Soft Reset + Hold volume down button + back button <--
Follow instructions on screen
Anymore problems just read this through the thread were you got the ROM your not the only one who got the "corrupted 270 error".
But flashing it from the storage card should work . ..Goodluck
Ok all,
I have had a hell of a time getting a rom that will install. I could repeatedly get to the bootloader without a problem, and every rom i flashed after installing olinex 1.37 allowed me to get all the way to 100% but would then tell me that the rom was corrupt.
I downloaded and installed Shaks rom, version 3.20 from
I will report on further issues i have with the device.
When I try to burn the 2.03 WWE ROM mentioned onto my stock US Diamond I get: Error 294: Invalid Vendor ID.
Any ideas what I need to do? I did not change the SPL - must I do that?
I read through the referenced threads and see where people with Error 270 need to put the image file onto internal storage but I have been hesitant to try that since it for Error 270 and not necessarily Error 294.
Any ideas?
wpsantennas said:
When I try to burn the 2.03 WWE ROM mentioned onto my stock US Diamond I get: Error 294: Invalid Vendor ID.
Any ideas what I need to do? I did not change the SPL - must I do that?
I read through the referenced threads and see where people with Error 270 need to put the image file onto internal storage but I have been hesitant to try that since it for Error 270 and not necessarily Error 294.
Any ideas?
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You need to upgrade to HardSPL.
demo23019 said:
I never had this problem but on the page were you got the ROM they say if your having issues installing through the update utility to do this.
Rename ..NBH file to DIAMIMG.nbh
Copy to Internal Storage
Soft Reset + Hold volume down button + back button <--
Follow instructions on screen
Anymore problems just read this through the thread were you got the ROM your not the only one who got the "corrupted 270 error".
But flashing it from the storage card should work . ..Goodluck
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Here is the Rom only if anybody wants to flash it. You will not get the invalid ID error.
Thanks for everybody's help. Burning the new SPL did the trick.
Have tweaked everything pretty much back to how I like it and am quite happy with the new ROM. My only complaint is that I prefer the larger Compact QWERTY keypad of the 1.93 ROM since I have fat fingers. I know that I can dig that keypad up elsewhere but I'll try to get used to the new one first.
Thanks again.

Advantage of HardSPL

I have a HTC Touch Diamond p3700. Now I have take a look around at the forum/wiki and other external links. and found a solution to my problem. What I wanna do is change the language from my phone to english. Throught a website found on google I was able to get "HTC Touch Diamond_MRII_RUU_Diamond_HTC_Europe_2.03.401.3_Radio_Signed_Diamond_52.51.25.26_1.09.25.23_Ship"
from the HTC website (by the provided serial number). my question number 1 is is this file I got compatible with my phone?. Also by reading the wiki about SPL I found out I could do a SPL ROM update (just install the rom with the provide file from HTC website) or do a HARDSPL ROM update. Question number 2 is What is the avantage to have a HARD SPL?.
To my situation isnt it better to have a soft SPL over hard? If I just want to change the OS language! I dont need any tweaks or so. Just want it in english, like how it will be like a brand new HTC comes from US or UK.
I hope you guys can help me out with this question. Thanks in advance
If you want to change stock rom, with another language than on your phone, you have to flash HSPL olinex-unsigned, you can find it on this forum, use 1.93-olinex-unsigned.
You don't have to flash SPL, just if you upgrade your stock rom with same language like on it, which came with your phone, where you buyed, form example if you buyed phone in SWE, rom on it is SWE, and if you try to change lang-rom with WWE, it will show message, "wrong vendor id, or lang id" , than what you have to do, if you change lan OS, from originally, you have to flash with olinex-unsigned...
What I have done now is Flashed to Hard-SPL-Diamond-OliNex.
The problem now is when I try to run the SPL ROM update it will stuck at 0 procent (phone screen) and in windows it say 262 update error.
I have tried with _HTC Touch Diamond_MRII_RUU_Diamond_HTC_Europe_2.03.401.3_Radio_Signed_Diamond_52.51.25.26_1.09.25.23_Ship which I downloaded from the HTC website and also with RUU_Diamond_HTC_Europe_1.93.401.2_Radio_Signed_Diamond_52.29.25.12_1.00.25.05_Ship which is provided in this forum as supported ROM.
Can anyone help me out?
lhyeung said:
What I have done now is Flashed to Hard-SPL-Diamond-OliNex.
The problem now is when I try to run the SPL ROM update it will stuck at 0 procent (phone screen) and in windows it say 262 update error.
I have tried with _HTC Touch Diamond_MRII_RUU_Diamond_HTC_Europe_2.03.401.3_Radio_Signed_Diamond_52.51.25.26_1.09.25.23_Ship which I downloaded from the HTC website and also with RUU_Diamond_HTC_Europe_1.93.401.2_Radio_Signed_Diamond_52.29.25.12_1.00.25.05_Ship which is provided in this forum as supported ROM.
Can anyone help me out?
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Place your device into bootloader mode(soft reset + hold vol. down until you see rainbow screen) before flashing.
Connect to pc....u should see bottom switch from serial to usb then flash device using your RUU_exe.
it say "Trigger USB Host..." Few seconds later than in red "Retry Enter USB"
More Info:
ROM Verion: 1.93.404.1 NLD
ROM Date: 07/10/08
Some Extra Info:
SPL I flashed with, comes from file (1.92 MB, 49371 views)
lhyeung said:
it say "Trigger USB Host..." Few seconds later than in red "Retry Enter USB"
More Info:
ROM Verion: 1.93.404.1 NLD
ROM Date: 07/10/08
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It should just read USB in bootloader mode. Not familiar with above statements. Try another USB port.
when I do (soft reset + vol down + back) it comes into the tri color screen. Then it switch screen to something where it say "no image found" and switch to the screen I descript
I have plugged the phone into another usb port now I get the tri color screen with USB on the bottom. Then I run the RUU I downloaded from the htc site. But it cannot detect my current ROM version so I ignore that and just go on. Then the phone jumps into the progress bar screen!! it has been 3 minutes now but still @ 0%
I have no idea what it was or why is that. But I have successfully update the ROM into english. What I have changed from my configuration above was searching for SPL 1.40 on the internet. After reading alot I have the idea that the version 1.30 I had downloaded is not the right one. And unfortunately I cannot find 1.40 on this forum so I had to try with google. After flashing the phone into 1.40 UNSIGNED (yes I took the risk and put the unsigned version on it).
When all that has happened I could easily run the ROM I downloaded from the HTC website and update the phone. Everything goes smoothly without problem.
So the problem lies in version 1.30 HSPL vs 1.40 HSPL.
For people just drop into this website and want to change your ROM etc. here is a good tip. The information given on this website is great, good, and correct! but just beware that the tools provided might be outdated while tutorials, FAQ's, WIKI and forum threads are all taking about the newer version of tools.

pls help me rhodium from t mobil doesnt work after upgrade to 6.5

i have a new htc from t mobile i bought it from craigslist and i was proced to hard spl by this version then i have a message that mean theflashage is done then i make a update to Rhodium_AF|HTC Sense 2.5|LEO 1.43 when it finish the phone doesnt work its stoped at the white screen and stays there im too upsed help me plssss
modelid RHOD210
Ok, please come down...
Let me guide and help you...
First of all it is good that you have done Hard-SPL !
So, if you ROM went BAD and you can not do anything with your Rhodium...
There is a thing that you can do...
Please, follow those steps:
1. Take the cover of the cell phone, and search for the SOFT-RESET hole at the
RIGHT (other side from the VOLUME up/down).
2. Press the VOLUME DOWN, hold it and than SOFT-RESET.
It will take you to tree colour page for BootLoader screen.
3. Connect the device to the computer and try to Flash the ROM again
(or other ROM...).
Good Luck !!
Any help, just ask for it...
Doesn't work from boot laoder too I think the is no radio flash because I can't see olinex in trial color just 5 or 6 Kobe of numr
i think the Hard SPL V2_00R3_185 file you downloaded is corrupted. i also downloaded today but couldn't extract it.
That s mean my device is brick dead
Try this: Download any GSM ROM from this forum (I like EnergyROM Leo), unzip it, and rename the .nbh to "RHODIMG.nbh" (without the quotes) if it isn't already called that. Copy that onto a MicroSD card (that is formatted to FAT32), and put that in your device. Now, go into the bootloader (power off the device, then press Power and Volume Down) then follow the instructions. Hopefully you just had a bad flash, and reflashing will solve it.
I will try but I think my phone is no radio flashed yet bcuz I can't see olinex in bootloader
correzzola said:
I will try but I think my phone is no radio flashed yet bcuz I can't see olinex in bootloader
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Oh, if it doesn't say 0.85.OliNex, then you're still on a stock SPL, so my suggestion won't work. Try flashing the TMobile stock ROM for your device, and retry the HardSPL process (I would advise redownloading everything to ensure it's not corrupt).
So how canine flash t mObile stock rom
0.79.0000 stock SPL
i have this number in tricolor that mean my device is Relocker bcuz i m was make it by so now the phone dosnt accdpte flashage by
this is a tricolor screen
MicroP-Rhodium (LED) vA
MicroP-Rhodium (LED) v4
201,849 calibrated
and this is my start page froozen its stay here with this nuber down left
B 80
P 61.27t.25.23u
D Energy ROM
correzzola said:
0.79.0000 stock SPL
i have this number in tricolor that mean my device is Relocker bcuz i m was make it by so now the phone dosnt accdpte flashage by
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have you tried reflash HardSPL_v1_20R_185HSPL yet?
It also might helps you guys...
I have managed a Full Package of Hard-Spl Oilnex that WORKS!
Download the Package here...
After download and UnRAR it, you will find anything you need for Hard-Spl and the Original Tutorial
For Flash and for Stock Restore...
Calm down
First of all, posting 2 new threads and commenting in the NRG thread is called spamming, stop it. It'll be much easier for you to get the help you need by sticking with one thread (I imagine the Mod is going to do that for you). Second, blasting your email address and phone number publically is bad practice, you open yourself up for a massive email spam list and phone pranks. I suggest you go in and edit your post as soon as possible and delete that information out. Thirdly, I'm guessing English is not your native language, if it isn't I suggest typing the problem out in your own language, use a translation software (I think Google Docs has this feature), and post the translation into the forum. This will help with clarity of what's going on.
Now with all that said, my final suggestion would be to tell us exactly what you have done to the phone IN THE ORDER that you've done it, up until the point that you're at now. Also, being that you bought this phone off a craigslist (another mistake imho, I'd rather just spend the extra $$ for the warranty and piece of mind that it's from the manufacturer/carrier directly), tell us what condition the phone was in to begin with. Did it come with NRGZ ROM preloaded, or the stock ROM? Was it locking up before you decided to reflash? Did you read the Flashing Guide stickied to the top of this forum before flashing your phone? (If not, let this serve as a reminder to all other newbie's looking to flash to READ BEFORE YOUR MOD!)
We're going to try and help you, correzzola, but you need to take a breath and calm down. It's just a phone, granted a lot of money, but you're not suffering onto the point of bloodshed so it's all going to be okay.
From the look of it, you HardSPL'd, flashed a cooked ROM, then removed HardSPL. Huh... that's probably not good. Try flashing this T-Mobile US ROM (I'm assuming you have a T-Mobile US TP2) while in the bootloader, and see if that solves it (or even flashes at all). If that doesn't work, I'm honestly not 100% sure what to do next, since I've never heard of anyone doing this before.
Firstly, STOP SPAMMING THE BOARD!!! - you will only annoy people and make them less likely to help you.
Secondly, Read what Dave (the Tytn Guy) has posted and let us know what happens, any more problems post in this thread and I'll see what I can suggest.
itry this rom too but doesnt work TMOUS Stock Shipped Rom 1.20.531.4 (51986) WWE
i think this step is responsable of my probleme Stock/Shipped SPL by

stuck in the process

I have to flash my girlfriends diamond that she got second hand and happens to be a French device.
it is locked with pass and the shop owner doesn’t remember the pass. Willing to take back the device my girlfriend wants to keep it if possible.
Since it has a PW that I don’t know I only can put it in 3 color screen manually and then go on.
Doing so I get this 3 color info page:
DIAM100 64M
MicroP-Diam (LED) v11
PSOC- Diam STAGE_PVT v0x30
I thought I should HARD SPL but freezes on 0%
I read about that issue
tried actually every single SPL in the forum signed and unsigned but it still freezes always at 0%
[UPDATE] I also tried flashing the following ROMs so far:
Eto.X 1.3 WWE
[2nd UPDATE]
I have the device now rested manually (factoryy default )since Vicai was kind enough to tell me how this works but still there no connection between pc and ppc.
this is kind of strange for me since my pc recognizes my touch pro without problems.
[3rd UPDATE]
now it the diamond is listed finaly in windows explorer but still any attempt to do a ROM update or HRD SPL gets STUCK at 0%
[4th UPDATE]
I tried flashing RUU_Diamond_HTC_FRA_1.93.406.1_Radio_Signed_Diamond_52.29.25.12_1.00.25.05_Ship
same thing happens now again stuck at 0%
now I am kind a running out of ideas and would appreciate a little help,..
I am realy trying to get some help here.
would somebody help me out?
do I do something wrong or am I looking for advice at the wrong place?
well, actually i think there are alot of helpfull ppl round here, but they can't come up with a good solution for your problem. I personally have no clue why you can't run hardSPL.
What i do know is that since the device is not hardSPL'ed it is not possible to flash any rom (even official ones) in another language than the one it came with (French).
What you could try however is flashing an official French ROM, you can download it from here, (look for wiki pages for diamond) or from the official HTC site, and then try to run hardSPL again.
Good luck and i hope things gonna work out for ya.
Nirak said:
What you could try however is flashing an official French ROM, you can download it from here, (look for wiki pages for diamond) or from the official HTC site, and then try to run hardSPL again.
Good luck and i hope things gonna work out for ya.
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thats what I am going to do, I just did't try so far because my french is realy bad but I allready downloaded the french rom to try.
thank you,
mm I think the only solution is flash a rom original French and then try to put HSPL, I use 1:40 OliNex

[Q] ROM Update stays at 0% - help needed

Dear All,
this time, I have a problem and need your help, please.
I just bought a new (used, but not by me ) HTC Touch Diamond. Hard-SPL (1.37 from whoever) was installed.
First MTTY'ed the device - with success (set 14 0, task 29, task 8)
Wanted to install OliNex 1.40 first
Started ROM-Update, everything went fine, screen of Diamond changed into "bar display" - but stays there with 0%
Tried several flashes (OliNex, ROM, Radio - everything the same)
Does anybody have a hint for me what to do? Identifier seems ok, DIAM100 is shown in intial bootloader screen (three color-screen)
I appreciate any hint.
With kind regards from Switzerland - Christoph
Downgrade your radio to one below 1.02.XXX before flashing the unlocked radio
Full instructions to unlock your diamond are here
Once you have done this, you can flash any ROM you like
Dear Dave,
thank you very much for your support.
Unfortunately it didn't help but showed everytime the same picture - stuck in the bar at 0% and doesn't do anything.
I tried STEP 1, STEP 2 and downgrading to radio (but actually I don't know which is actually installed, as the Diamond never reaches the Touch Diamond page with ROM & HW Info, it stucks in the Touch Diamond page with no information at all, if started not in Bootloader mode)
It seems to me that the bootloader itself could be corrupted or the model number (shows DIAM100 in Bootloader) is somewhat corrupted, as I know that the internal storage consists of more digits (like DIAM10000 or so) - and a way to fix it with MTTY? But I can't find a description of the MTTY tasks of the Diamond.
Any more Idea?
Thank you Dave, and all the others who read and think, in advance.
Can you get into Bootloader mode by holding down
Volume down button + Back button (Bottom right button) + Press reset with the pen
Then keep pressed the first two buttons and let go of reset, keep hold of the first two buttons until it reaches the bootloader mode
If you can do this, then reboot and put the radio onto the storage card (4GB one) and enter bootloader mode, then folllow instructions on that screen to flash the radio, and you can do the same for the rom
It sounds to me like maybe you have not managed to flash the HardSPL properly
Hi Dave!
Thanks for your quick reaction.
Yes, I can anter bootloader mode. But nothing more. Flash is not possible. Hard-SPL was the first thing I tried to flash but it also remained at 0%
How can I put files on the internal storage card from within bootloader mode? (Phone is not booting, ONLY bootloader mode is accessible...) I never encountered this before...
But I can reach the phone with MTTY.. can I access the storage card through this?
Have your tried different HardSPL versions ?
Im not sure what is wrong... if you are in Bootloader mode, and the USB drivers are installed and you have activesync running on the PC it should update no problem
I would make sure all the above is true, and attempt different HardSPLs
I think that is the issue as you wont be able to flash an unlocked radio or custom rom without HardSPL being flashed first
Here is another version you could try
EDIT - And I dont know if there is a way to access the storage card from MTTY or bootloader, my guess is that you wont be able to
Also, this is a GSM Diamond right ? Not a CDMA ? (UK Networks are GSM)
CDMA flash is here
Hi Dave!
Yes, it's GSM. Thanks for your help and the links provided - it didn't help.
I tried various Hard-SPLs: OliNex 1.20, 1.30, 1.37, 1.40 and 1.93 (developers)
Result - all the same: standstill at 0%
I've seen in MTTY that I have an "upload" menu item - but need there the start address and command line for Diamond plus to know what it is meant for, I will try to find out... and if there is some new know-how out of this, I will post it here, in order that future GENERATIONS may find it *laugh*
Kindest regards from Switzerland - Christoph
Ok, lol Another possible !
Maybe your friend flashed a Signed HardSPL which means you can only flash Signed radios and roms until you flash another unsigned HardSPL
If the Radio you are trying to downgrade to is unsigned that could explain the issue... try and find a Signed radio below version 1.02.XXX and try to flash that, then try to flash to another Unsigned HardSPL, if the radio flash goes ok.
Update stops at 0%
Short answer: You're running the normal HardSPL and you're trying to flash an unsigned (not signed by olinex) ROM. You need the developer version which fixes the 0% issue. Link is at the bottom of this post. Read on to understand the difference between Standard/Developer Edition!
Long answer: First you need to understand that there are two definitions of "signed". HTC and the mobile operators sign ROMs so that the RUU flash utility allows them to be flashed. Usually this is what the word "signed" in the filename means.
Then there is another definition of signed: The developers of HardSPL introduced their own signing process. They want to ensure that people flashing cooked ROMs can rely on a certain quality standard. The normal version of HardSPL will only allow ROMs signed by OliNex to be flashed. If the ROM you are about to flash is signed, it will say so in the thread you got it from. If it isn't signed, you will need the developer version of HardSPL. That one will allow any ROM to be flashed. Get it at the bottom of this posting.
A note on this: The signing process by olinex makes sure that the ROM you're about to flash won't brick your device. It doesn't mean all other ROMs are necessarily evil.
Some help on 0% flash hangs
I`ll have a look into uploading from MTTY as I have never tried that.. sounds a good feature if you can though for dead phones and such !
good luck.. again lol
magicdave26 said:
Ok, lol Another possible !
Maybe your friend flashed a Signed HardSPL which means you can only flash Signed radios and roms until you flash another unsigned HardSPL
If the Radio you are trying to downgrade to is unsigned that could explain the issue... try and find a Signed radio below version 1.02.XXX and try to flash that, then try to flash to another Unsigned HardSPL, if the radio flash goes ok.
Update stops at 0%
Short answer: You're running the normal HardSPL and you're trying to flash an unsigned (not signed by olinex) ROM. You need the developer version which fixes the 0% issue. Link is at the bottom of this post. Read on to understand the difference between Standard/Developer Edition!
Long answer: First you need to understand that there are two definitions of "signed". HTC and the mobile operators sign ROMs so that the RUU flash utility allows them to be flashed. Usually this is what the word "signed" in the filename means.
Then there is another definition of signed: The developers of HardSPL introduced their own signing process. They want to ensure that people flashing cooked ROMs can rely on a certain quality standard. The normal version of HardSPL will only allow ROMs signed by OliNex to be flashed. If the ROM you are about to flash is signed, it will say so in the thread you got it from. If it isn't signed, you will need the developer version of HardSPL. That one will allow any ROM to be flashed. Get it at the bottom of this posting.
A note on this: The signing process by olinex makes sure that the ROM you're about to flash won't brick your device. It doesn't mean all other ROMs are necessarily evil.
Some help on 0% flash hangs
I`ll have a look into uploading from MTTY as I have never tried that.. sounds a good feature if you can though for dead phones and such !
good luck.. again lol
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This is the answer. I used to have the same problem because when I bought my diamond I thought everything runs the same as the TyTN but ...
So to cut this story short, almost 90% of the 0% bar situations are because U R not using signed roms. However if Ya want to then use the unsigned HardSPL.
Hi Dave & Nazgul,
it seems that my case belonst to the non-90%
Of course I tried all this, but I have THREE diamonds - two were branded by the Swiss Swisscom (this is, in fact, the same image as the German Vodafone branding), one was the original HTC version
I'm flashing Diamonds since two years though.
My fault this time was, that I THOUGHT, this new one were HardSPL'ed, but it wasn't - and formatted the device using MTTY without Hard-SPL.
After that I had the above mentioned situation.
NO Hard-SPL was flashable - as written above - also noth the unsigned developer 1.93 edition - it always remained at 0%
I managed in the meantime to flash the original Vodafone/Swisscom ROM. So I have back the device in the official configuration (HTC Swisscom 1.97 package
But - this uses Radio and I would like to downgrade because I think, Dave's hint above to use a radio before would be worth a try.
BUT - I STILL can't flash anything. Neither ANY Hard-SPL nor any Radio version nor any ROM.
The bar remains at 0%
I tried to find the original (first edition) of the Swisscom ROM Package, which used the Radio - and then to try Dave's proposed steps.. but I can't find it anymore - all you can find is the "latest" package...
So I would still appreciate any help to be able to flash. Ok, now at least, I have a usable phone... but... I wanted to use it (as the other two) for ROM development testing, so who wants to have a PHONE!?!?
Kind regards from Switzerland - Christoph
Here is your radios
Sorry for the short post, I have a really bad hangover lol
Morn' Dave!
I tried them all - none of them was flashable... same 0%-bar.
I thought of having the V 1.00 complete official Swisscom-Pack and as part of it, the radio, which is included. Seems to me, that the c(complete) official ROM pack is flashable.
THEN I could re-try to flash Hard-SPL (with then installed radio below
Hangover? What's this?
Christoph21x said:
Morn' Dave!
I tried them all - none of them was flashable... same 0%-bar.
I thought of having the V 1.00 complete official Swisscom-Pack and as part of it, the radio, which is included. Seems to me, that the c(complete) official ROM pack is flashable.
THEN I could re-try to flash Hard-SPL (with then installed radio below
Hangover? What's this?
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YEa that might work, it is almost certain the issue is the HARDSpl being either not flashed, or flashed with a signed version
Good luck !!
And the hangover is nearly gone... I cured yesterdays with more alcohol lol
Have you tried these UNSIGNED dev HARDspls ?
Hi Dave - GOT IT, solved
The "secret" was to flash noit from withi boot loader but from within Win Mobile with ActiveSync/Windows Device Center connected.
Then say "Yes" when "enterbootloader.exe" was asked to be installed/invoked.
Then the Device rebooted, flashed Hrd-SPL 1.40 correctly - and everything else onwards went fine.
Thanks a lot for your assitance, Dave and others.
Kind regards from Switzerland - Christoph
Ah.. I thought you were already using the Activesync and CustomRUU to flash it with !
Yes, the ROMs and Radios can be flashed from the storage card, but the Hard SPL needs to be done from Activesync / CUstomRUU
Pleased you got it working anyway

