Today Screen & Manila itself. - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

Hi all,
Question actually 2:
1) I checked but didnt find what I was looking for dont know if it even exists. Is there a standalone program out there that you can install and access from the programs menu so that if for any reason when manila crashes (which happens often) that you can hit start and then tap the icon to re-start manila? Cause many of times Manila will crash or hang and other then powering it off or taking the battery out, you cant restart it.
2) As for the today screen, I dont know thats why I am asking, I was toying with some of the editors posted around for the png and gui, and noticed you can compress alot of the images that appear. My question is, will it make a big impact to how the screen looks meaning jagged edges, ugly etc?, The reason I ask is cause since the today screen has alot going on, and being that manila is sluggish as it is, I was wondering is compressing the images or files, would speed up the loading process and speed up some of the loading from screen to screen.

1. You can use cleanram for this. It will clean you're memory and restart manila. Make sure you don't have manila on you're exception list.

Ive used this before. just saw there was an update thru the program (props for that feature). Just thought there was maybe a simple program that just restarted it. but thanx for the input!
anyone with any ideas for Q2?

Been using the MAX MANILLA rom for about 4 days now. the only issue I've been having is just GUI stuff and txt'n software prob.
1) the Digital clock will sometimes freeze (no biggy)
2) If I was to send a text on my device to somebody, it wont show up on the screen, I would have to change screens and then go back to my text messages to see it.
3) sometimes the device will show you have a txt when you've already read it.
Same goes for.......if i was to stay in the text messaging program and somebody sends me a text message, I'd have to move to another screen and then come back to the text screen to see it.
Anybody else having this issue?

Update here you guys. I dont know if its the reboot that fixed the txt messaging error or installing the ATT tilt2 keyboard fix.
But now my text messages are working properly. it shows up on the screen as i send it.

Thats great youngWMuser glad you fixed your problem, but it has nothing to do with the topic of the post. If you have issues create a seperate post to solve your issues, Thanx.

lol. sorry. I'm using Manilla and the thread said "today screen and manila itself" haha. That's why i posted on here. And the text problem still is occuring.

Rather than installing a program to take up more space, you could go to Start>Settings>Today, click on the Items tab. De-select Manila (in my case, it's TouchFlo 3D) and hit okay. It will take you back to the Settings page, select Today again and go back to the Items page and re-select Manila. When installing a new TochFlo 3D theme, I do that rather than doing a soft reset. It seems a little quicker to me.
Take a look at this. The "Things you should know" and "History" sections might help.
Just out of curiosity, what versions are your ROM and Manila

Your right, but in the the 2.5 manila the setting page to get to all settings, still access a manila tab, which is of no use, but you did make me think of another way. Does anyone know what the CPL is to access the all settings page, I could just create a shortcut in the programs menu.
But I am still curious about the compressing of the files for the today screen, has anyone ever tried it?


I don't want that lines in Today!!!

Hi everybody,
I want to use a picture as wallpaper in my Qtek 9000..
But there is a problem: the lines between the Today plugins!!
I solved DEACTIVATING all today plugin!!
But i can't belive that i can't ERASE that damned lines!
Well: i tryed Wisbar Advanced desktop... but it slows the PPC..
I would write to Microsoft.. Because i HATE that lines..
I could use Pocket Plus.. But seems it crashes PDA..
Can you suggest me something similar.. Maybe freeware..
Please help me..
Bump and ditto, easy solution?
I too would like to know how to get rid of those stupid lines, it just makes any background image look crap.
I have managed to edit the Tomtom logo and made it smaller so it takes up less space but the annoying lines have to go.
If anyone out there knows a solution it would be greatly appriciated.
how did u edit the tomtom logo?
You could try changing the colour of the lines. Google for Tweaks2k2 and you should find a great tool you can download and use 3 times before needing to purchase it. BTW, the tool does a lot more than give you the ability to change the colour of the lines. This is a must-have app.
I can't belive that the only solution is to change the line's color!
I want to see the picture of my girlfriend WITHOUT that UGLY and STUPID lines!
No other phone in the world doesn't show a full picture!
I think that the solution is to write to Microsoft.. I can't belive it.. But there is no other solution!
They have to chang Today.. It's too old.. Based on old Pocket PC (In portrait)..
Maybe i posted in a wrong room?
on a old jornada I had I recall an app that had this as an option, so its possible, there must be a way to do it, maybe just replacing the image used for the lines with a blank one?, Im no coder or anything like that, just throwing out an idea, this is a developer forum, maybe someone could throw together a quick and dirty hack or maybe a reg hack, somebody help us out, I hate those lines too.
This issue has come up in several threads. The only way I know to "get rid of" them is to change the color to match the background by using a Theme Generator program.
I found links to the SHMetrics value in the SHELL32.EXE code of wm2003se. It is all done by COMMCTRL.DLL and te lines are called TodayLVItemLine2 and TodayLVItemLine1. But this is very undocumented. The problem is that you need to reboot every time you change something in the SHMetrics value.
See this post
I am still fiddling around with various values of this SHMetrics value. Problem is that I realy don't know what the effect is on what GUI element.
Perhaps one day...
Im running wisbar advance 2 and I average 2-8% cpu (overclocked to 264) with it running but I dont see a setting to remove the lines, correct me if Im wrong...
I wish wisbar had different edge/gprs icon support, edge is spotty in many areas I frequent, so I trey to dl when im in an edge supporting cell...even if it just showed the actual icon like "notifications"
to change the colour of the tomtom sign just go to paint and zoom in and change the colour to your desire. i have made mine deep red. and to change the size go into photoshop and change the image size to a smaller size.
Once you have the one you want just go to the tomtom folder that should be on the root of your device and replace the file ttoday.bmp with the one you have. You might want to back up the original ttoday.bmp file just in case.
Once replace you don't even need to soft-reset. just go into settings-today and check to see if tomtom is selected to appear on your today screen. once you tap on the tick in the corner your picture will be updated.
Il try to attach the ones i have done but this is my first time attaching an image so it might not work.
As for the crappy lines on the screen.....Is there not a way just to make the lines invisible???
to change the colour of the tomtom sign just go to paint and zoom in and change the colour to your desire. i have made mine deep red. and to change the size go into photoshop and change the image size to a smaller size.
Once you have the one you want just go to the tomtom folder that should be on the root of your device and replace the file ttoday.bmp with the one you have. You might want to back up the original ttoday.bmp file just in case.
Once replace you don't even need to soft-reset. just go into settings-today and check to see if tomtom is selected to appear on your today screen. once you tap on the tick in the corner your picture will be updated.
Il try to attach the ones i have done but this is my first time attaching an image so it might not work.
As for the crappy lines on the screen.....Is there not a way just to make the lines invisible???

MyFaves icon went red-X

I'm sorry to do this. I'm just burnt out on searching today. The icon on my MyFaves panel (the five circles icon) decided to go AWOL today. All the icons appear to be intact in the Windows directory. What do I have to edit to get rid of the damned red "X"?
Only thing I've done differently was update CHome Configurator and CHome Weather. I'm not blaming them since they really don't deal with the icon. I just can't think of anything else I've done.
Go to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\CHome\MyFaves and edit the iconpaths location to where your pic is. The first pic in iconpaths is when your window is active and the second pic location is when your window is inactive. Your pic is probably in your \Windows directory. Hope this helps
(just in case I wasn't clear, here's a capture)
I gotta get off this thing for the night.
the iconpaths key has the value "4605;4604".
What does that translate to?
beartard said:
the iconpaths key has the value "4605;4604".
What does that translate to?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Do you have the My Fav icons in your windows folder?
if yes, then change the link in the iconpaths to the MAIN "my fav" icon in both reg address'
In the brozeres.dll, the picture files for iconpaths are predefined (meaning they are preloaded, so you don't have to do jack to have your screen be complete).
You can change their paths to whatever you want and that image will replace what the bronzeres.dll days that iconpath should be.
So if you want your active icon to be a color image of My faves icon , and your inactive to be a black and white image of the same, then it would look something like this:
Just make sure whatever image you replace IS located in the place you entered in your registry. It's that easy. Takes like 5 minutes, just type in location drop pics in location (if not already there) and reboot or run your weather update and reload homescreen (might have to change layout, not sure about that). That's it.
I owe you a beer.
One day, my friend.
Oh sure he gets the beer but i dont?
Fine next time ill write a page long way of fixing your issue. lol
Hell, get us all together and the first round's on me.
A clue, perhaps?
beartard said:
I'm sorry to do this. I'm just burnt out on searching today. The icon on my MyFaves panel (the five circles icon) decided to go AWOL today. All the icons appear to be intact in the Windows directory. What do I have to edit to get rid of the damned red "X"?
Only thing I've done differently was update CHome Configurator and CHome Weather. I'm not blaming them since they really don't deal with the icon. I just can't think of anything else I've done.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Okay, the MyFaves pics on the collapsed panel are now X's on my phone.
The pics/icons in the expanded panel are fine.
I believe I have found a clue:
Thinking it might reset the collapsed MyFaves pics/icons panel, I
thought I would change the home screen to something else, reboot, then
change it back and reboot again.
But the home screen layout wouldn't change! So I scrolled through the
home screen settings and discovered duplicate fields on the settings
page for "Home screen layout" and a couple of other fields.
If I changed the layout in the second occurrence (or both occurrences) of
the "Home screen layout" field then the change would occur, but not if
I changed it only in the first occurrence of the field.
Oddly enough, sometime over the weekend the duplicate fields
disappeared but collapsed My Faves panel still displays the X's
rather than miniature pics/icons MOST of the time. Occasionally a
single mini-pic will appear, not always the same one.
Obviously something about the Home Screen settings has become
Here's where maybe XDA developers can help. I'm thinking that the various
home screen layouts must be templates into which a user's unique
settings are imported.
For example, you and I (and everyone else) have identical templates
for, say, the "T-Mobile default" layout. Our unique settings (My
Faves people and icons/pics, Weather app city, etc) are properties imported into the template before (or as) it is displayed in the panel. If someone could find out what file(s) comprise the "T-Mobile default" template, someone
might be able to either tell us how to fix the corruption or post the uncorrupted template file(s) copied from another Dash phone.
Now, while online with my Dash to Tmo this past weekend through Web2Go
I came across a support screen that listed support for "missing
MyFaves app". Unfortunately that link led nowhere (dead). Now I can't even find the page, but obviously T-mo does recognize a missing MyFaves app as an issue, so it may be possible to restore our missing icons/pics to the collapsed MyFaves panel by reinstalling the MyFaves app.
I'm not sure this is relevant, but this occurred after a couple of aborted attempts to install Opera, then Mini Opera. Eventually I got Mini Opera installed.
Distinguished XDA developers, I know many of you think the MyFaves app is useless but some people like having it, so any help that you can provide is greatly appreciated!

remove missed calls and calender? ive searched

OK, I know i will get flamed, but i have searched here, ppcgeeks, and howard forums, but apparently am not using the correct phrase or tag words. Can I, and if so, how can i remove the calender and missed calls from the home screen? i have ready through a ton of threads, i just cant find an answer. Flame away, but please also answer! BTW, i'm not a noob to these devices, i have had a 6700 and 6800, custom roms, etc, and have "tweaked" my TP2 rather significantly. i am pretty close to where i want it, just want to get rid of these last 2 things, then it is a hard reset, and reinstall everything i like. please help!
I know you can get rid of the "calendar" and "missed calls" icons quite easily. But you want to completely remove the links? So for the end result, you want just the clock on your home tab? ie, you don't want to see your next appointments and missed calls at all?
To answer your question, you will have to be more specific with your description. For instance, what items do you have selected for your today screen? Are you using Manila/TouchFLO 3D, HTC Home, or a 3rd party Today plugin? One possible fix could be disabling the calendar from the Today Items menu, or if you are using Manila/TouchFLO 3D, you can customize the tabs and remove the calendar from the list. Maybe you can take a screenshot of your screen so it is easier for us to see what you are talking about.
yep, just want them off the home screen, btw ohyeahar, i am using your skin and love it, thank you very much for all of the work.
i am using touchflo3d, i've taken all of the check marks off of the items list in the today settings screen, aside from the touchflo 3d check
Ok, I see what you are saying... On the "Home" tab of TouchFLO 3D, you would just like to see the clock and nothing else.
I did a search and found this thread:
In the thread they referenced Diamond TF3D Config, by Sushilange
I searched for that and found this thread with a download link:
I downloaded the cab, installed it but it would not work on my phone
Apparently, this is for a previous version of Manila
I did some more searching and it seems that a lot of people want the same thing as you but I was unable to find a way to do it.
I am going to poke around in my registry and see if I can find a way to modify the home tab manually.
I found another thread that talks about removing the Calendar and Missed Calls:
There are some cabs on page 3 that you can try or you can read further in the thread where it talks about modifying the xml files to manually make the changes.
thank you, i will weed through and see what i can come up with.
well, the no dotted lines cab worked fine. i used the file and replaced the file in windows and the calender is gone, not the missed calls. i attached the files here, thank you to [email protected] for these, i will continue to read through and see what i get.
ok, well, after some searching and fooling around, I tried editing the manila file again, but still have the missed calls text up. also, the above file only removes the calender text, and not the actual button, so if you press in the spot where the calender text was, it goes to the calender. not a huge issue, just thought i would mention it. but still not able to get rid of the 0 missed calls. my search continues, getting closer though.

setting wallparer in TF3D not Today

I promise that I have searched for this and got nothing but a headache for my troubles, maybe I'm entering the wrong search terms, I do not know.
Previously I had my HD set up with a .jpg file (irrelevant as to what it was) as the common background to all of the tabs in TF3D. After Orange swapped the phone, under insurance I have been living with the default theme for a few months now and reckon that it is time for a change.
However for the life of me, I can not work out how to change the background in TF3D.
Everything that I have read on here seems to apply to the Today Screen only, but clearly from the screen shots on various threads everyone else is showing TF3D with a spanking new background.
Some mention going to SETTINGS>WALLPAPER, I have no such option in the settings screen.
Have tried the SETTINGS>TODAY>Use this picture as the backghround, but this only gives a background picture if TF3D is switched off.
I know that this can be done with a change of theme, but I am pretty certain that this was not what I did last time. And I do not, yet, have the knowledge to make my own from scratch. (I have read the MaxTF3D Theme Maker thread).
Any advice or pointers greatfully recieved. No I do not want you to come and do it for me
Scratch that
Yes I know I am a tit.
Found it in the TF3D Settings, not the windows settings.

Problems with new stock rom

I have few minor problems with the stock rom...
i flashed with the new stock rom, used the adv. tool and hd hack, but i damadged the phone too much so i hard reset the phone.
now i want to change the stuff only by regedit, and done that for almost all what i wanted.. there are just few things that bother me....
i could not find the reg edit for the big fonts that are default in this rom (the menus, the IE fonts, ...)... the advanced tool had that option but i cannot find the reg for it...
if you check the attachment for IE and one opened WEB page, itd BIIIG... even zooming it to small does not help, after pressng one ling, i get a biiig page again... im going crazy...
i managed to fix the fonts in the menus on HOME, but in IE the menus still are big, and donno why they are bad if i have the pro2 screeen turned down.
anyone knows the reg fix for this big fonts, i guess the ie pages will be small once i do that...
in internet explorer: Menu-View-Text Size- select smallest?
does not help... the os fonts are set to big in the regestry somewhere...
need to set them to normal.

