I have no idea what the differences are between these:
Anyone have a change log in English?
You can download 07.09.PV using the Official Download Manager attached.
Perhaps someone could enlighten us to the differences as this ROM seems to be the best and most stable compared to the all other Roms including Dopod D810 Official Roms posted recently.
Also, as a suggestion to mods it would also be nice if the Rom WIKI page was the place where everyone posted ROM updates / links so this list is more frequently updated - perhaps pinning the list at the start of this forum as PDAVIET does instead of having to scroll through the forum.
RAR is protected with password....
password is PDAVIET
Nighthawk2050 said:
I have no idea what the differences are between these:
Anyone have a change log in English?
You can download 07.09.PV using the Official Download Manager attached.
Perhaps someone could enlighten us to the differences as this ROM seems to be the best and most stable compared to the all other Roms including Dopod D810 Official Roms posted recently.
Also, as a suggestion to mods it would also be nice if the Rom WIKI page was the place where everyone posted ROM updates / links so this list is more frequently updated - perhaps pinning the list at the start of this forum as PDAVIET does instead of having to scroll through the forum.
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The Differences can be seen in his forum-
myppcsg said:
The Differences can be seen in his forum-
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Great!!! If you can read it!
Can u please provide to us an extract of the changelog ?
I dont know how to register to since i dont speak vietnamese..
Thanx in advance ...
It would be nice to have the changes posted here in English as well... I do not understand those "cryptic" characters on that webpage/forum.
Nighthawk2050 said:
I have no idea what the differences are between these:
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Not having a go, but if you bothered to search the forums you question has already been anwsered before
Nighthawk2050 said:
I have no idea what the differences are between these:
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New Kaiser Like Homeplug, fully working
New Comm Manager which includes Wireless Modem
(C) material has been removed from apps menu
Now the splash screen has 1st htc-splash 2nd pdaviet-splash
From the official post:
- HTC Touch UI Home 1.5 b620722 mới
- HTC_Touch_UI_CommManager_1_72
- MMS 4_0_31_22_RC2
- Voice Speed Dialer 1_2_B070612
- BT_FTP_1_2_30214_1
- HTC_Audio_Manager_1_02_614712
- SIM manager 6.16
- PIM Backup
A great rom, as usual.
Please say thanks to tom_codon, the autor of this excellent work.
Rapidshare link:
As far as i can see/read the difference between ROM v3.00.07.08 PDAVIET & ROM v3.00.07.09 PDAVIETare in these programs:
ROM v3.00.07.09 PDAVIET
- HTC Touch UI Home 1.5 b620722 mới
- HTC_Touch_UI_CommManager_1_72
- MMS 4_0_31_22_RC2
- Voice Speed Dialer 1_2_B070612
- BT_FTP_1_2_30214_1
- HTC_Audio_Manager_1_02_614712
ROM v3.00.07.08 PDAVIET had:
- ArcSoft MMS 4.0
- HTC_Audio_Manager_1.02_515718 GREEN SKIN
- HTC_Audio_Manager_Today_Plugin_1_0_227.714
- Bluetooth FTP 1.2 BTHeadset Fixed
- HTC Home 1.0 (Editor by Schaps)
CorePlayer & Pocket Secure are not included in *.09, so it should be 'legal' to post here.
OzzMosiz said:
Great!!! If you can read it!
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There is an pull down option for english at the bottom leat hand side.
1. In this ROM the default Java applet is changed to Esmertec. But it doesnt seem to work very well with Opera Mini & Opera Mini 4beta. Both of them are crashing each time here. Can anyone confirm this or is it me?
Is it possible to uninstal Esmertec Java and install another Java client?
2. When i installed this ROM, the START Menu was black, but i changed the theme a few times to test some things. I went back to the 'Windows default', but the title bar is seablue/green. Is there any way to change it back to black? (Shouldnt be to hard right?)
bartez said:
1. In this ROM the default Java applet is changed to Esmertec. But it doesnt seem to work very well with Opera Mini & Opera Mini 4beta. Both of them are crashing each time here. Can anyone confirm this or is it me?
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I'm using Opera Mini 3.1.2 High memory version, and it just works without any crash. Maybe in the previus pdaviet release it was a bit faster, but I can't be sure because it depends also on the network I'm actually connected to.
Check the security settings of Esmertec, tapping on the applet and allowing network access without confirmation.
Tried that, but didnt work. Is it possible to install another version (for a different brand/type mobile phone) on the P3600 that doesnt run on Java?
If you go to, does the site recognize your phone? It didnt work here, so i think i have a 'global' version installed that works for most phones.
Does anyone know how to setup MMS account in this ROM.
There there isn't any tab to manage ports and urls for MMS like in previous versions.
Device Locked
After a reset my trinity stuck on windows startup screen.
I think it's related to the new Kaiser HomePlug.
If you don't have any suggestions, I have to do an hard reset and reinstall
claros said:
A great rom, as usual.
Please say thanks to tom_codon, the autor of this excellent work.
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Agreed - a great ROM - I'm currently running it and it is fast ans stable. Never had to soft reset yet!
However, I don't believe that tom_codon is the author. It's Mr PhamQuang I think. tom_codon - can you confirm / deny - i thought you were involved with PDAVIET without being the ROM cook.
bartez said:
1. In this ROM the default Java applet is changed to Esmertec. But it doesnt seem to work very well with Opera Mini & Opera Mini 4beta. Both of them are crashing each time here. Can anyone confirm this or is it me?
Is it possible to uninstal Esmertec Java and install another Java client?
2. When i installed this ROM, the START Menu was black, but i changed the theme a few times to test some things. I went back to the 'Windows default', but the title bar is seablue/green. Is there any way to change it back to black? (Shouldnt be to hard right?)
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Yes, you need one of the HTC_Default themes in the ROM - not the Windows Default. I in fact love the seablue/green - with the black "vista" background on today screen and the HTC Homeplug. it's not the boring blue - the colour brightens it up a bit - without the HTC vomit green
Windoze9t8 said:
There is an pull down option for english at the bottom leat hand side.
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that's wizard sharp evesight - and what a place to put it on the site! Thanks for the heads up.
Radio Rom
HI all,
Give me an answer if you can. What`s radio version in this rom?
Thanx in advanced
sasta said:
Does anyone know how to setup MMS account in this ROM.
There there isn't any tab to manage ports and urls for MMS like in previous versions.
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did u find out how to set this thing up??
Have a great day
How to change CHome settings
If you need other language for Opal Keyboard
All credit to DupinBJK
Update 21/April/2009
OS 21501.5.0.70, official WM 6.5
A few small changes with the possibility to have 3 more tables and put what you like on your own programs.
The table "Programs" can to be customize only by registry
The table "Programs2" in Chome Config parameter by the name of "CLinks"
The table "Personal" in Chome Config parameter by the name of "Settings" , this table can have icon and you can change the name in "Collapsed".
To learn how it works, look here, 1rst and 2nd post : + weather
I have already put the cabs in "PostInstall-ShowacoTitaniumWeather_QVGA", Weather and Titanium can function without modification after installation is already done.
So 2 tables for the programs (without icons).
When you are in the Chome Configurator, "CLinks" is for the "Programs2" (you can name it what you want by "Collapsed" once in the page setting . No need to cut "Chome" in Today.
To activate-unactivate-down-up tables is that by Ipaso Config tool .
For customize the "Programs" table it's only through Registry or mxip .......... provxml that can change, a subject is open for that
If you want Titanium Weather, use only the cab in PostInstall, otherwise you will lose the 2 new tables.
And a table for Favorites contact by AppStar with a tool, the cab is available in the postinstall file, you must install it after the last Titanium Weather.
Photo tab can read SD Card now , take a photo and store in SD Card , a new folder will be created "DCIM-NIKON-100" , copy or move your photos in this .
Link :
Correction :
1) A Showaco Titanium cab is added in DL folder for WWE versions , this is my mistake and you have all with french version in PostInstall, sorry .
Update 05/April/2009
OS 21202.5.0.0
Link :
Update 26/Mar/2009
OS 21198.5.0.0 .
Ray Files link by Super Sport :
Corrections :
1) Battery icon on Top Bar : cab in attachment .
Update 20/March/2009
OS 21193.5.0.0
Corrections :
1) for Windows Live in WWE version , after set your Hotmail account , a new tab Windows Live will appear in Today CHome .
2) for Change sip in FRA version is imissing .
Update 08/March/2009
OS 21169.5.0.0 CHome + Widgets + Start Menu
This Rom is without M2D
Versions : WWE + FRA : Full with all Footprint components and Lite without Footprint (Commmanager+AdvancedConfig 3.3+some necessary tools )
Recommandations :
* "Move to up" Tools; Utility; Short cut; all you need folders .
* Only FRA version : "Region settings" ( Paramètres régionaux) is set in Belgium and don't change it , because France is not in WM 6.5 test country .
Link :
1) For Lite version , i remove 1% battery.dll and forgot to replace 10% battery.dll , so DL also the cab file "Battery.dll_forLire version" , unzippe it and install .
Update Feb-13-2009 : OS 21139.5.0.0 Manila 2D Iolite-Footprints .
This Rom is a hybrid WM 6.1/6.5 , the principal new thing is Footprints and M2D Iolite with Footprints tab ( this tab is hide after flashing , easy to activate by M2Dconfig in PostInstall )
What’s new :
· In OS : PIE 8 and MS Office (zoom service in Word + Excel )
· All Footprints Packages from Iolite official Rom including Manila 2D
4 versions :
With M2D : Iolite_Full and M2D Lite , all components of Footprints .
Without M2D : Medium (with all Footprints components) and Lite ( with only OS new things )
Known bug :
Recorder don’t work in Footprints , only by Programs-Multimedia .
aGPS+Footprints+Tomtom work fine , but aGPS itself , i’m not sure ( Trinity GPS may be not compatible or it’s depending Operator ) .
Recommandations :
1)AGPS work only with 3G and TomTom all versions , so install , make your Operator setup then you can uninstall it .
2)Today items are controlled by M2D_DEVTools_Settings , make your setup in Programs_M2D_DEV .
3)Don’t launch TomTom 7,... by Manila Footprints tab , it work but “no enough memory” , disable M2D and launch by Footprint in Programs . If you have TomTom 6.03 it’s ok by M2D .
4)Check in PostInstall-Cabs and install what you need by UCCompliant or manually .
5)If you want only device contacts install NikkiSimFix cab in Attachments .
6)If you want use STK_Services , install "
7)I forget put in WWE version Windows Live , cab in attachment .
ROM-based on OS EC 21014.1.6.0
Optimized (compressed) for Big Storage memory device and Ram.
Result: more than 54 MB on the versions with Manila and more than 58 MB without M2D. More than 29 MB of RAM after a soft reset.
*2 Full Versions Manila 2 D: DiamondRed with digital clock black with red focus
Vista with large digital clock airport type.
*1 Medium version without Manila but with all the programs of the first 2.
*1 File Screen Shot (In FRA link).
*1 Ultra Lite with only Comm Manager , Voice Speed Dial and Task Manager
*1 Lite with Registry,Quick GPS, Arcsoft 4.2, D_Show (for HTCAlbum if you install after) .
FTouchFlo is activated with gestures:
Up-Down: Activate Manila
Down-Up: Disable Manila
Left-Right: Activating CicleBT
Right-Left: Calculator
French Link
1 CAB more for French'user :TV-Musique-SFR for this Rom
English Roms WWE
Corrections :
1) For Vista M2D version , Sounds Settings Tab missed files :
2) Correction WWE versions Short Cut for Camera in attachment (31-Jan-2009)
Contents :
* ActiveSync Killer
* .NET Compact Framework 3.5
* UC Compliant
* Battery icons and menu by 1%
* Manilla2D 2.0
* Outlook Enhancement
* Network Plugin
* Office mobile with OneNote and Adobe Le 2.5
* Arcsoft MMS 4.2
* Calculator Diamond white
*Voip included with SipConfig and SetUp voip .
*Modem link
*Windows Live Messenger .
*Bluetooth explorer with Opal BT SAP
*Diamond CommManager
ActivSync by Bluetooth is working .
Well i have certainly forgot a few soft .
Special Thanks:
Bepe : great kitchen
Ervius : pkgtoolsbuildos & tools for building rom
Ababrekar : xip&sys porting guide and help
eLiAs : async killer & Dialpad
Dotfred - pimbackup & taskmgr
Schaps : advanced config
XDA community : for answers to questions we did not know
Everybody else : sorry that i forgot about you .
Team Chanvi - Oggi
Thanks a lot for this new rom
great job
Tnx you for supporting Trinity. Other cookers already transferred to Diamond or TouchHD. Thumb up for
I have question for you ???
Can you PLEASE make one ultra lite or just leave vanilla ROM 5.2.21014 1.6.0 ???
Hi spOOky
You have Medium version without Manila and a CAB for HTCHome in PostInstall, i will try to make an ultra light rom with only Comm Manager and Task Manager later .
Cant download... link not workable...
download link fixed
yeah, the download link was incomplete with "...". probably chanvi is in the rush. i managed to get the correct link from old thread:
Admin edit: links removed due to legal complaint from microsoft.
chanvi93 said:
You have Medium version without Manila and a CAB for HTCHome in PostInstall, i will try to make an ultra light rom with only Comm Manager and Task Manager later .
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I runing on Medium since you publish last rom last night
chanvi93 said:
i will try to make an ultra light rom with only Comm Manager and Task Manager later .
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I hardly wait ultra light version ....
callmepaper said:
yeah, the download link was incomplete with "...". probably chanvi is in the rush. i managed to get the correct link from old thread:
Admin edit: links removed due to legal complaint from microsoft.
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Thx to Chanvi and the Team and Thx to callmepaper for the link..
hudxisme said:
Cant download... link not workable...
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The ROMs can also be found in my signature mirror.
chanvi93 said:
Hi spOOky
You have Medium version without Manila and a CAB for HTCHome in PostInstall, i will try to make an ultra light rom with only Comm Manager and Task Manager later .
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hi chavi, i'll be the first to line up for your lite version!!!!
I love your work!!!
SuperSport said:
The ROMs can also be found in my signature mirror.
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thanks ,but can you make a mirror on rapidshare or other site, we can not access the mediafire in china.
thanks again.!
yuxiaoyun said:
thanks ,but can you make a mirror on rapidshare or other site, we can not access the mediafire in china.
thanks again.!
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rapidshare link:
Admin edit: links removed due to legal complaint from microsoft.
yuxiaoyun said:
thanks ,but can you make a mirror on rapidshare or other site, we can not access the mediafire in china.
thanks again.!
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I'll see what I can do. When complete, I'll update this post, check back soon.
callmepaper just beat me to it. By a couple minutes... Thanks callmepaper!
SuperSport said:
I'll see what I can do. When complete, I'll update this post, check back soon.
callmepaper just beat me to it. By a couple minutes... Thanks callmepaper!
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thanks again ,but what version are you prefer to use, vista,red diamand or the other one?
SuperSport said:
I'll see what I can do. When complete, I'll update this post, check back soon.
callmepaper just beat me to it. By a couple minutes... Thanks callmepaper!
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no worries. it was weekend and i'm in s'pore, free for a day. your mediafire collections really helped us lot. thanks to you too! have a good weekend.
yuxiaoyun: I have only tried Vista so far. Am going to try the others hopefully tomorrow or tomorrow evening.
callmepaper said:
no worries. it was weekend and i'm in s'pore, free for a day. your mediafire collections really helped us lot. thanks to you too! have a good weekend.
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I'm glad to hear the Mirrors are helping. Is there anything I've missed? Anything anyone would like added? My Network Connection is pretty fast and unlimited usage, so glad to help when I can.
Maybe PM me requests so as not to fill up this Thread. CV93 and Oggi are doing such a great job, that I'd hate to get off track in here.
SuperSport said:
yuxiaoyun: I have only tried Vista so far. Am going to try the others hopefully tomorrow or tomorrow evening.
I'm glad to hear the Mirrors are helping. Is there anything I've missed? Anything anyone would like added? My Network Connection is pretty fast and unlimited usage, so glad to help when I can.
Maybe PM me requests so as not to fill up this Thread. CV93 and Oggi are doing such a great job, that I'd hate to get off track in here.
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AHA, i have pm you just now,but i can not get your response ,so read your pm inbox and give me some advise.
this file server is more popular in china mainland.
Admin edit: links removed due to legal complaint from microsoft.
so ,if you like ,share your files in this server will share with chinese.
before i flash mine to the vista, is there a way to back up my sms and then restore it again once the flashing finished?
i don't want lose any sms when i do flashing
i can restore my contacts no problem with activesync+outlook, but not sms
wtf lol do a search man
PIMBackup is what you want... it backs up everything into one file... then when you reflash, you can restore using that file and it inserts everything back
easier for contacts, messages, appointments, tasks, etc.
easier than activesync
Does not work on the P3600i
Chanvi, can you please ask Nosedive how to get ROMs to work on the P3600i? He knows what the secret is!
OK many users have asked me to revert changed (skinned) taskbar icons back to the stock XPERIA ones (most taskbar skins are currently uninstallable, but not when the user has over-installed a new CAB or when they are pre-cooked into a ROM)
I have prepared two CABs with all the XPERIA stock files
These CABs will revert all of the taskbar icons to the original stock ones
Choose the proper CAB for Windows Mobile 6.1 or Windows Mobile 6.5
[26 nov 09] EDIT:
I have prepared a CAB to re-install the STOCK XPERIA battery only, registry keys included, for WM6.5 ROMs (could be compatible to WM6.1 ROMs too, so please test)
is there a way to just replace the wait icon for 6.5 from the green SE bouncy one..
YES it will be done, for sure
I'm currently dissecting 6.5 files
Just let me finish the surgery and I will report after washing my hands
dissect away...because the 6.5 unistaller doesn't work..i had to reflash today
lakeside00 said:
dissect away...because the 6.5 unistaller doesn't work..i had to reflash today
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It's the registry...
I've found many differences between 6.1 and 6.5
Still learning how the new OS works
trust me i know too well how tricky the registry in 6.5 is..i've had to reflash about 5times in 2 days because of the damn currently trying to find a way to change the font in titanium without having to modify the .cpr file..hw's ur surgery coming along
lakeside00 said:
trust me i know too well how tricky the registry in 6.5 is..i've had to reflash about 5times in 2 days because of the damn currently trying to find a way to change the font in titanium without having to modify the .cpr file..hw's ur surgery coming along
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modifying the font ??
1- Get your new font, rename it to tahoma.ttf
make a copy of your font and rename to tahomabd.ttf
2- Open both with font creator (
Go to Autonaming
3-Change the name of your font to "Tahoma" and "Tahoma Bold" respectively. Save both
4- Copy your "tweaked" tahomas to /windows/ (replace the stock ones) -> reset
PS: I can not test the WM6.5 CAB untill I get my WM6.5 ROM absolutely finished and streamlined to the Sony OEM software package, then I will test
thanks you very much
Thanks for making the cab - unfortunately I can't seem to get it to work.
I'm installing it over Jack's Full 3.3 ROM, which has Anx1 Tsowen Taskbar by default.
After installation, the taskbar icons are completely blank, and all the other icons in the start menu, file explorer, etc. are corrupted, eg. folders have the internet explorer icon.
Any ideas for a fix?
_Robert_ said:
Thanks for making the cab - unfortunately I can't seem to get it to work.
I'm installing it over Jack's Full 3.3 ROM, which has Anx1 Tsowen Taskbar by default.
After installation, the taskbar icons are completely blank, and all the other icons in the start menu, file explorer, etc. are corrupted, eg. folders have the internet explorer icon.
Any ideas for a fix?
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This CAB restores the tweaked files only
You can ask ANGELUSZ for the required registry changes (they are just 2 values I guess)
Once you change those registry keys back, all will return to normality
thank you very, very muvh!
the cab didnt work.. i got the same results as _Robert_ did, all the icons disappeared, and there were just blank spaces.
i tried this fix though, something about using MAX TF3D and restoring the original icons:
but anyhow, thanks very much for your help, gtrab!
Anyone who know how to get stock icon files in windows mobile 6.5 ?
Or to change the them ? Please help
Hey so i just installed the WM6.5 icon pack and it all works and all but you recieve the charging symbol even after you unhook the device after charging
great cab, reverted everything except for the volume control on Kisja's WM6.1 Sense 2.5 RC1 rom. Any fix for this?
Manila/TouchFlo/Sense phones use a different, customized phcanOverBMP.dll (which contains the taskbar icons)
So this CAB is not recommended for sense/manila/tOUCH flo devices
Try at your own risk
Why some people think
PS: If you are using a cooked ROM which includes manila, then ASK THE COOKER, because installing XPERIA STOCK files over MANILA will creatre a MESS of course.
Why some people think XPERIA has "native manila ?? Thiat's a Blasphemy !!
I just used the Stock XPERIA X1 battery icons on the H.V4 Sense Rom and so far it works with no problems.
hello everyone. i want the colored 6.1 style start button on my 6.5. will this 6.1 stock cab help? is there another way to do it?
Is it possible to convert an iconset from 6.5 for use on 6.1 ?? Is there a gd guide I could start from ?
Hi id like to create top bar icons, How can i do this? I've searched forums with no find :'(
here is a link to both 6.1 / 6.5
6.1 is simular to make em but 6.5 is diferant in dlls used first link tells you what yo need to use for tools and what to get for dll's
here is link for 6.5
if you look here, look for taskbar there is simular posts these i have on quick link in my favorites
Many Thanks
!!!HOW TO FLASH TUTORIAL!!! by Edmun. Read before flashing!!!
!!!!!!WARNING to all ROM's 2011-2012 year regarding speaker damage due high volume.!!!! !!!!
13/01/12 VIDEO REVIEW OF WM6.5.3 "MARVELL DREAM 2" 96DPI by EDMUN!!! Contacts app from video
RECOMMENDED!!! -Updated 19/02/12 WWE WM 6.5.1"Classic" is back with "MARVELL DREAM" OEM " 806MHZ here
04/01/12 ITA WM 6.5.3" MARVELL DREAM 2 " 806MHZ here
03/01/12 WWE WM 6.5.3" MARVELL DREAM 2 " 806MHZ going to final. (96/128DPI) versions.
29/12/11 The Last of the Mohicans. About i780.
20/12/11 Latest versions and patches, localizations
22/11/11 WM 6.5.3 release 21/11/11 128 DPI "MARVELL DREAM". i780 PXA311-*806MHZ. WWE.
Above 806MHZ
Below 624MHZ
10/08/11wm 6.5 .3 Finale WWE/CHS 128 DPI / 96DI pack lite
20/06/11wm 6.5 .3 Testings season Update 4 WWE/CHS 128 DPI (SCREENSHOTS)
02/01/11 wm 6.5 "classic" Final WWE
20/12/10 Release candidate 2 of wm 6.5 "classic" (based 19/07) (Portugal lang)
Very big thanks to emydebbo who has donated for my rom! the only one but real and first donut and understanding for my free time and work! Italian rom has been dedicated
09/09/10 Release candidate of wm 6.5 "classic" (based 19/07)
26/08/10 28205 (23518) Hybrid REPACK.96DPI/28232 128 DPI REPACK. Mouse fixed
25/07/10 Fixed keyboard driver from Epix. New options.
24/07/10 96 DPI pack for wm 6.5 "classic"
22/07/10 96 DPI Ultimate and future releases wishes and developing goes to new thread started by Hashtowent. Be welcome
19/07/10 First beta release of wm 6.5 "classic" version, based on Epix official update. Mouse fixed. 128 dpi .
26/06/10 96dpi beta HTCzed Link (mouse bug present yet)
22/03/10 128 dpi version released.(mouse bug present yet)
earlier 96 dpi version released.
WM 6.5.3
Ver.: 96DPI-28205(23519) Hybrid REPACK v2.2 Video: Thx to Edmun!
128DPI-28232-128DPI REPACK
DPI: 96,128
Lang: WWE (English)
Compr.: LZX
Page pool: 10 mb
KNOWN BUGS: Mouse bug
H/W keyboard: Mulilang in attached cabs
Videocall: working (by default)
-epix drivers: fixed mouse/screen + sound + touch + bt drivers with support of audiogateway for bt mono headsets;
-added HTC Audiomanager;
-HTC black theme;
Thank you guys for support and help! Download links below.
This build contains Hack program. Inappropriate usage of it can damage your device!!!. Backup device before using it and try it on your responsibilty.
Before you test my ROM you will HAVE TO FLASH FULL OFFICIAL PDXIB1 update to avoid bricking your device after your previous installed ROM!
Also if you expect any strange errors, hangs or hardresets apply this update cos some of i780 device hav "Easter egg" inside and are able to get bricked shortly after those symtoms.
1. OFFICIAL UPDATOR PDXIB1 exe Patched for "Low battery" and "Incorrect version" warnings.
2.OFFICIAL PDXIB1 UPDATE in parts for MIRAGE uploader HERE. Mirage uploader for new roms.
UP: NOTICE for Repack roms!!!: Delete cfgfingermouse link from windows/startup. Its remained from prevoius version, now causes 4-way pad not working.
128DPI version Contents Manager fix (can be used for 96DPI if you want samsung's contents manager to view photos, video, pdf) i780 Contents manager
But one "But" :rate and leave your opinion after tying on this post. Thanx.
More wm 6.5.x versions from other ROM makers:
Font fix for EAST input for WWE:here or here for roms from 08/2011
FYI: Post will be updated only with new significant windows updates. Not for every release. Please be patient.
OLD (13/12/2009):
Ver.: 28008
HARDWARE: SGH i780/XIB1(some from omnia)
DPI: 96 (other available soon)
Lang: WWE (English)
Compr.: LZX/XPR(original by samsung)
Memory free: 179/70mb (LZX), 170/70mb (XPR)
Page pool: 12mb
KNOWN BUGS: Videocall not available (fix soon), Mouse bug.
Hardware keyboard default is: english. You can change easy layout of harware keyboard by installing according cab included to this post.
Software is full from MS ( game Bubblebr. incl.) besides Custom MS: Money, Weather, Voicecom. All Samsung soft is deleted besides: Alarms, ObexFtp, MiniPlayer,SmartConv,Zoomer. Addons: Adobe reader LE(from HTCdt2 6.5),PocketRAR, i780cursor, Lockscreen, Touchresponse, Stoptimer and other..
Fixed Resco Exporer vs 6.5.3 issue, button "x" long press closes programs, added Comm bar and Titamium bar to Chome, Smaller Sams.task manger, no certificates needed for and programs to install. GPS, processor and flash card are hardware a bit boosted but have no use of common tweaks.
Just simplier.
Compressed with LZX allows to increase storage memory space by compressing harder of system files,negative side- ROM is slower! XPR compression is normal provided as in original ROM by Samsung, ROM size is bigger> less free file space available.
17/12 Where to find city code for Weather plugin. Go to search for your city. For example Beijing (China), its prompts in adress:|CN|CH002|BEIJING Code is : ASI|CN|CH002|BEIJING
Please report bugs.
LINK with Chinese support 96dpi XPR
i780_Flashing_Guide 0.9-untested for working for XP.Untested for Vista/win7. Report for improvements.
H/W Keyboard cabs: New!!!
new!! Num and Caps lock indicator in taskbar (only for default layout keyboard)
addons getrab's battery view enhancer in % (1 step=10 %)
Plugins for Titanium(i have adapted for 320x320):
Facebook (needs facebook installed)
Program Launcher
Pls support my work if you like to: > >PAYPAL< <
Nice job man ^^
I used it with the german cab and i am happy now.
All will works, no problems.
Think this can be a final version not a beta from M$
Nice job
Hi is it possible for u to post a swedish hardware keyboard cab? if so i will try ur rom tonight
Looks GREAT - really inovative! Thank you for your work.
I'll give it a try after the PRE-release
BTW: What build/branch are you using? Is this nk 6.1 or still 6.0?
ElVikin said:
Hi is it possible for u to post a swedish hardware keyboard cab? if so i will try ur rom tonight
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Copy original files from \windows directory: zylonite_keyboard_us.dll and small file begins from sym0...txt from current swedish firmware that are you using and post here. Il make cab.
nCoder said:
BTW: What build/branch are you using? Is this nk 6.1 or still 6.0?
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nk 3.0 from win 2001. Joke
hey buddy!!! finally a wwe rom from you!!!! Downloading now
looks awesome....and i'm sure its fantastic because you pretty much know every damn thing abt making roms
dreamtheater39 said:
hey buddy!!! finally a wwe rom from you!!!! Downloading now
looks awesome....and i'm sure its fantastic because you pretty much know every damn thing abt making roms
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Thx dude. I had no much time to test, but hope its fine
heineken78 said:
Thx dude. I had no much time to test, but hope its fine
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Just installed your!! its just amazing
Feels like a new device
The titanium weather and comm plugins included are awesome...i usually never have the patience to install it...having it in the rom is just perfect! Vibrate on touch...keyboard sounds....really nice!
Like all the new icons and stuff m8! great job....looks like you've really worked hard on this one!!
cheers buddy...get online sometime, been a while
dreamtheater39 said:
get online sometime, been a while
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Yeah a while, put answering machine on msn. Cos your PDA is only online
testing now.
can you include PIMBackup in ROM for future releases? Having it in the ROM would save time.
good work so far.
Where is ActiveSync?
theo80 said:
testing now.
can you include PIMBackup in ROM ? .
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Not sure if PIMS still work fine for new WM 6.5.3. its designed for wm5-6.1. I have attached cab for you. It plces link to Utils in Start Menu.. So please check if its working specially for mails.
But I recommend you to use MyPhone. Download it from Marketplace in start menu.
tester1970 said:
Where is ActiveSync?
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Have no shortcut for it in start menu. sorry forgot to put it.
Its starts any automatically in memory and shortcut of program can found in \windows\ folder.
Any problems with synchronizing?
no, just wanted to change to "manually sync".. thanks it works now
tester1970 said:
no, just wanted to change to "manually sync".. thanks it works now
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Here is temporary fix. Link is back
Hi! Thanks for you work. I have 2 questions:
1.I'm noobie about flashing ROM. Can you tell me how to do this with a guide ( or a link to her )?
2.Is possible install your ROM on a PAIHI4 version?
tnx a lot.
heineken78 said:
Not sure if PIMS still work fine for new WM 6.5.3. its designed for wm5-6.1. I have attached cab for you. It plces link to Utils in Start Menu.. So please check if its working specially for mails.
But I recommend you to use MyPhone. Download it from Marketplace in start menu.
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Actually I already downloaded the PIMBAckup application cab and installed it and just added the shortcuts manually. It works.
johneisenheim said:
Hi! Thanks for you work. I have 2 questions:
1.I'm noobie about flashing ROM. Can you tell me how to do this with a guide ( or a link to her )?
2.Is possible install your ROM on a PAIHI4 version?
tnx a lot.
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Plese use google search for now, there are tons of manuals also on this site. Sorry, dont have time now looking for that. Later, I will post all guides. they are different to xp /vista (win7).
little bug
ok after a few hours I found a little bug:
In lock mode if the screen is on, the volume keys are not locked.
will post as soon as I find any others.