Tilt 2 Help - Outlook WILL NOT update inbox as messages are received!!!!! - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

Hey Folks,
I've tried looking and I couldn't find anything.
I received my Tilt 2 a few days ago and set up my Outlook Email.
Everything worked fine and my Inbox and Calander tied up to my work server.
The problem is when I receive a new email...the phone doesn't receive it. I have to actually hit "SEND/RECEIVE" to get the new emails...they are pushed through!
I've checked everything and copied the settings from my previous WM phone. I have the schedule set to "As items come".
Any help?
Thank you much!

Open your Wireless Manager and make sure Microsoft Direct Push is turned on?

I am also having a problem with outlook syncing and notifications. I previously used a Tilt and then a Fuze and one of the things that I like the best was that outlook email would arrive and I would get notified quicker than on my PC.
With the Tilt2 it takes a long time to get the notification (envelope on top) and the email itself unless I send/receive.
Push is turned on all other settings are correct. My next step will be to hard reset and try again.
Has anyone else run into this issue?

Change your messaging options for your Outlook email.
Go to email box....click "Menu" then select "Option"
Then select the email account, then edit account setup.
Continue to press "Next" until you reach the "Automatic Send/Receive"
Make your changes as needed.
I have my Tilt 2 setup every 5 minutes and downloads today's messages only.
I hope this help....

That works fine for regular email accounts. I have that setup for my other email accounts. Outlook uses push mail through activesync and it should be immediate. Unfortunately something has made this stop working.

I am assuming that you have selected option under schedule "as items arrive".
If so, then you might want to look at your server to make sure that is it not the problem.
If not there, you might try deleting and reinstalling the outlook active sync account on your phone.
If that does not work, you might have to resort to a hard reset.
Good luck.


Gmail - pop3 dissapearing messages on send/receive

Hi all,
Just set my XDA2s up for my gmail acount.
All is fine, I can receive and send mail no problems.
However, if I have a message in my inbox which I have read it gets deleted on the next send/receive.
I cannot find a way to tell it to keep my messages until I delete them manually...
Any ideas?
I have exactly the same problem.
Anyone knows?
Me go try.
Never thought of using gmail on the qtek.
same here... i thought it was only with imate jams...
I don't have that problem here.
I only see option to remove deleted items manually or automatic.
its under storage.
That option purely manages what to do with items marked as deleted. Not those in the inbox.
I am glad others see the problem. How do you have things set up?
I set my gmail not to archive or delete the items I download and read. However, I can't help but think that this is a setting with the XDA2s.
There's no thing wrong with your XDA IIs or Gmail.
Go into the settings of your gmail account on your XDA IIs. At the "Server information" screen, there is an "Options" button. Go into the Options screen. On the last screen,
* If you choose "Get full copy of messages" your messages will be deleted off of the server once you do a "Send/Receive Mail" This is common for all POP3 servers. Gmail has a special option in the "Mail Settings/Forwarding and POP" for you to "Keep Gmail's copy in the Inbox" even if you do a "Get a full copy of messages" Other POP3 servers don't have this special option so emails will get deleted. To keep it consistent with other POP3 servers in case you have multiple email accounts, just select "Trash Gmail's copy"
* If you choose "Get message headers only" and include 999K (32K is about a screen full of email) you will still see most of the body of your emails once you do a "Send/Receive Mail" but your emails won't be deleted off of the server. Now... if you realize some of the emails are SPAM and you want do delete them off of the server to save yourself from downloading those SPAM mails again to your desktop email software, you can click on the SPAM mail and "Mark for download". Then do a "Send/Receive Mail". Those emails that are marked for download will then be downloaded to your XDA IIs and deleted from the server. On your XDA IIs, you can just delete them once the "Send/Receive Mail" is done.
Hope it helps.
Does anyone kn ow why I keep getting a message "Messages cannot be downloaded to your mobile device. Make sure that you are connected and that your e-mail account settings are correct. Then, try to download messages again". I'm sure that my settings are correct. I can send emails OK - it's just will not down.load them. Any ideas?
Hi Suntingwong,
This does not appear to help unfortunately. The problem is not what happes to the mail at the gmail side but at the ppc side. No matter what I do, once I have read (or downloaded and read) a mail in my XDA2s's inbox it is removed from the XDA2s's inbox at the next send/receive. It is not sent to the deleted folder - just removed. I am after a way to keep it in the inbox as read, as you would logically expect it to be.
I can confirm the above.
It seems that each time you go over the send and recive you inbox is reset to empty. Thus what you had downloaded (as header or full text), and read just goes into never never land.
I am not sure what the differnese is betwwen the 2 icons at the bottom, both push your mail.
I have been lost on this one for a long time, adding to it I have also been lost on how I can sync my pop.mail with my outlook pst for the sent items and inbox.
Seems like the sysnc only goes Between the default mal box, which meens I CANT configer as pop. So I cant send unless I am attached to the desktop over that mail box.
Its concept that I don't understand and have yet to find a soulution.
rakh1 said:
Hi Suntingwong,
This does not appear to help unfortunately. The problem is not what happes to the mail at the gmail side but at the ppc side. No matter what I do, once I have read (or downloaded and read) a mail in my XDA2s's inbox it is removed from the XDA2s's inbox at the next send/receive. It is not sent to the deleted folder - just removed. I am after a way to keep it in the inbox as read, as you would logically expect it to be.
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Sorry I misread your question. I was thinking you were bothered by emails getting deleted from gmail whenever they got downloaded to your PPC.
I only use my PPC to quickly screen mails so this is not a problem for me. As long as I don't download emails from the server (set just to get header and 999K of body) then my emails won't get deleted from the server nor the PPC until I downloaded them to my desktop email software or when I delete them manually from my PPC.
Now if you want to keep your emails in your PPC no matter what happened to them on the server (got downloaded, etc...) You can mark your emails as "not read" whenever you're done reading them. That will keep them from being removed from your PPC. It's an arduous thing to do but it seems to be the only way...
Hope it helps
There has got to be a better solution than that.
I have the same problem as well, and would really like to see a fix.
You must enter in the settings of your account (upper right corner) and go to "Forwarding and POP". There you have this options:
1. Status: POP is enabled for all mail that has arrived since 1/1/05
Enable POP for all mail (even mail that's already been downloaded)
Enable POP only for mail that arrives from now on
Disable POP
Yoy must select the first option (Enable POP for all mail (even mail that's already been downloaded)), click on "Save changes" and now the messages dont disappear when you read it in your PPC.
I was sad to find out that the IIs only retains 6 email accounts. It seams that this problem isn't only inharent to gmail account. I have configured 3 of my own domain pop3 accounts. When I download the email to my IIs, the emails on my IIs disappear the next time I send/receive.
Look I feel like a real dumb a**.
I cant work your fix as I cant find that setting. Top right is a drop down for me (From, recived date, subject.)
In accounts I get 1/4 and see nothing on the next 3 pages that does anything for me.
Were should I be as it seems its not in messaging.
This is my observation... wondering if any body sees the same thing.
1. If the message is no longer on the server, upon the next Send/Receive, the message is removed from PPC.
2. If a message is not read on PPC, it will not be removed from PPC no matter if it is still on the server or not
2. There is no universal rules as to when a message is removed from the server when it is accessed via POP3
3. For gmail, this is configurable (Mail Settings>Forwarding and POP>[keep Gmail's copy in the Inbox, archive Gmail's copy, trash Gmai's copy])
4. For adelphia.net, a message is not removed no matter if only header or full body is downloaded. A message is only removed when accessed via desktop email software (if the software is NOT configured to leave a copy of the email on ther server)
5. For netzero.net, a messsage is not removed from the server if only header is downloaded to PPC. A message is removed from the server if full body is downloaded PPC.
So if one wants to keep a copy of gmail's email on the PPC, one has to set up Gmail to "keep Gmail's copy in the Inbox" in the "Forwarding and POP" setting.
One also must configure desktop email to keep a copy on the server. For Outlook 2003, this setting is found on the "Advanced" tab right under the POP3/SMTP port settings.
That's some good observations sumtingwong. I could care less about gmail since all junk go through gmail. I'm more conserned about my domain pop accounts' email disappearing from my PPC. I will leave the messages on all 3 dedicated servers for the next few day to test your observations. stay tuned..
ps. damn this site is crawling. is it getting DDoS'ed?
Site's been crawling for days now........new servers?
Anyway - i can find no way to stop the mails dissapearing on the PPC. So, I have worked round it by creating a 'keep' folder and I simply move the mails I want to that after reading them. Not ideal but it works for now.
I left the messages on my mail servers while picking up full email from my PPC mail client. As sumtingwong posted, the mail doesn't disappear from my PPC anymore. I have successfuly sent received mail the past 3 days on 3 different email servers. All email are still on my PPC. I will delete all mail from the servers and see if the emails remain on the PPC.
ps. I pick up mail on both my own email servers and gmail.
I'm starting to get annoyed. Just recently, my Gmail emails are disappearing. But my emails from my own email servers are still on my PPC which doesn't disappear like the Gamil emails. The most anoying thing is, when I delete the emails from my PPC that belongs to my email servers, the same emails are redownloaded again. It's like the PPC email client doen't know the emails have already been downloaded. This doesn't happen to my other phones with email clients.
WTF, are there any other email clients we can use instead of the built in POS Outlook?

Pop3 Inbox - messages getting deleted

I have a PDA2K and am being driven mad by my inbox getting emptied.
I have my home pc outlook express set on leave a copy of messages on server.
When I receive an email on the imate it goes into my inbox - great
When I look at mail on my home pc - it also goes into my inbox - great
When I next do a send & receive on the imate it removes the email I have received on the pc from the imate inbox
Is this normal?
Can I keep my Imate inbox intact and delete only what I want to?
Apols if this has been covered before - I have searched but am going crazy
half the problem is sorted
I discovered that I was not leaving a copy of my messages on my email server because I had 2 outlook express accounts going for the same mail and only one was configured to leave a copy on the server
However I would still like to know if it is possible to keep my Imate inbox intact (& under my control) even when the messages are no longer on my pop3 server
Email being deleted
Is there not a tick box in Pocket Outlook on your iMate that chooses whether email is deleted on PC? In email account settings or something like that.....Don't have my 2i with me so not entirely sure, but think it right. :?
Still perplexed
Hi Shane
I am using the Pop3 mail but even when I tried Outlook I cannot find any option like this
Are there any other users who have an Inbox that does not de-populate
On Server
what email provider do you use? I'm use gmail, and "leave downloaded email on server" option is on email setting. You should log on on your email account and go to setting, search for "leave downloaded email on server", thick on it. :wink:
Yes I have set the server to leave a copy - however after around 3 months they will be deleted when my mailbox gets full. I presume they will then be deleted off my I-mate. What I want is a way to permantantly store them in my Inbox unless I manually delete them.
It sounds like exactly the same issue I have.
I have one PC where I download my emails to - which deletes off server once downloaded. This is fine.
Though on my XDA2i when I go to the POP3 account in messaging I can see all my emails - but when I attempt a send/receive, it deletes all previous emails from the inbox and donwloads any new if there are any.
It is like it is synchronizing the inboxes of what is on server. This should not be the case - I would expect this behaviour if it was setup to be IMAP , but not POP3.
I agree nsm - it behaves differently to other Pop3 accounts - I wonder if there is a way to send the inbox to SD storage and protect it that way.
The whole lot went again today when I set up a pop3 a/c on a new pc at work and forgot to leave a copy of messages on server
The only (in-elegant) way round this I have found is to create a new folder on my Imate called inbox copy and manually copy the important messages over as they arrive.
Surely there must be an easier way
Me too
I am facing the exact same problem as u guys... moment I download the entire mail... Even aster I check the leave a copy on the server checkbox. Is there a way to keep the mails?
In messages/inbox on your Blue Angel, tap accounts and then accounts again.
Tap the Storage tab at the bottom of the screen
make sure that delete items is set to manual. Otherwise the emails are deleted automatically when it sees that they are no longer on the server.
Also, try setting the email account to show all messages, and not just from the last x days (in advanced settings for each account)
It's usually these two that cause this.
have you tried...
setting "receive message headers only" on the handheld? This works fine for me...
rhedgehog - thanks - have made sure items are only deleted manually
quote "Also, try setting the email account to show all messages, and not just from the last x days (in advanced settings for each account) "
Is this setting on the pda

Missing Inbox on TouchFlo

I just got my new TouchPro 2 on Verizon today and I installed wireless sync to have my emails from work pushed to my phone (used this on my XV6800). The Outlook email was created correctly and I can access my inbox if I go to all accounts but I can't find out how to add a link to the inbox on the email tab in TouchFlo. The email tab will show that I have new emails but I need to go to the Windows Mobile accounts screen to get to it.
Is there any way to add this account to the email tab in TouchFlo?
You are not alone. Same problem here. Looking for the answer.
Do get the number of messages, but no access to them in TouchFlo?
Yes it will display the number of messages but there is no easy way to display them through the email tab. I have been clicking the inbox link in the notification message that I get when a new wireless sync message comes through. It works but it would be nice to be able to view the messages downloaded through wireless sync in the same way as my gmail account.
Ha. It took me 2 days to figure out why I had 1 message showing on that tab (damn "welcome" email in outlook inbox). I suppose that the whole email tab is of no use to you then, if you use outlook. Maybe a plugin for the home tab is possible?
Same issue
I am also having the issue of the Outlook email not showing on the TouchFlo email tab. I have looked everywhere to try and find where the configuration for this tab is stored, but no luck.
I did have it showing previously when ActiveSync was configured to sync with Outlook (in addition to Wireless Sync), but if I did not disable ActiveSync completely when connected to my computer it created duplicates, and kept creating them for as long as it was connected...Big mess. When I disabled syncing with the inbox on ActiveSync, it deleted all of my email (on the device, then wireless sync deleted everything in Outlook as well), and the Outlook email no longer showed in the TouchFlo email tab.
I am thinking that setting up a bogus ActiveSync partnership with a computer that has nothing in Outlook (and selecting the Inbox) might be a workaround, but it should not be this difficult.
NOTE: I tried removing everything and setting up a bogus partnership through ActiveSync, still did not put the Outlook email back in the TouchFlo Email tab. Just have to use Start > Messaging until someone figures this one out. Would be nice to have it working correctly.
Same issue here. I added second email account, not in wireless sync, but in the email setup, a POP3 account. Now the little envelope goes to that account and then on the bottom you can see the inbox and navigate to the outlook inbox which is your wireless sync. It gets you there with a couple of extra steps, but it isn't the same.
Additionally, you can't see your email for a particular contact, in your wireless sync email. That is a huge benefit of the HTC Touch Pro 2, in that it integrates emails, SMS messages, phone calls, facebook, all through the contacts. Hope someone finds a work around, this is very irritating. Love the phone, but without this, not sure if I will return it within the 30 days.
I'm having the same problem, does anybody have a solution for this?
Same problem
I've got the same issue. Anyone ever find a solution for this that doesn't involve a hard reset?

Creating appointments w/attendee and gmail (Update on issue)

See post 3 for update
If i create appointments on the phone and save them, they are put in outlook out box and not sent. I ave gmail imap setup and cant seem to get it to take over for the calendar. Current rom in sig
carhigh said:
If i create appointments on the phone and save them, they are put in outlook out box and not sent. I ave gmail imap setup and cant seem to get it to take over for the calendar. Current rom in sig
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I have a really really awesome answer for you.
Don't setup your email anymore, just go here:
This will setup an Exchange-like server and will enable you to do that. At least I am pretty sure that isn't what you are already doing, because this will setup the email and sync Calendar, Contacts and Email with PUSH. Let me know if you need any help.
I dont think you understood the problem, but thanks for reading and suggesting something.
Part of the issue is resolved. We can now add to the calendar and it sends the email to those attendee's we add to that event, thru our gmail accounts. How i fixed that was going into the office folder and using the calendar link in there. In menu/tool/options, appointments page, there is a "send meeting requests via: (email account)". I just changed it from outlook email to our gmail account. So now it sends them out with the gmail account rather than sitting in the outlook outbox.
THE NEXT ISSUE is that when anyone sends you a meeting request, from outlook(pc) OR from the phones calendar thru gmail, if you recieve that request on the phone, there are no buttons to "accept/tentative/decline/propose new time", like there is in outlook pc. It just comes in as a regular email that looks very useless. The only way to accept or decline is to read the email in outlook on the pc where you have buttons "accept/tentative/decline/propose new time".
carhigh said:
I dont think you understood the problem, but thanks for reading and suggesting something.
Part of the issue is resolved. We can now add to the calendar and it sends the email to those attendee's we add to that event, thru our gmail accounts. How i fixed that was going into the office folder and using the calendar link in there. In menu/tool/options, appointments page, there is a "send meeting requests via: (email account)". I just changed it from outlook email to our gmail account. So now it sends them out with the gmail account rather than sitting in the outlook outbox.
THE NEXT ISSUE is that when anyone sends you a meeting request, from outlook(pc) OR from the phones calendar thru gmail, if you recieve that request on the phone, there are no buttons to "accept/tentative/decline/propose new time", like there is in outlook pc. It just comes in as a regular email that looks very useless. The only way to accept or decline is to read the email in outlook on the pc where you have buttons "accept/tentative/decline/propose new time".
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Actually, I did understand the issue.
You aren't setting the email up correctly. If it is showing up as Gmail, and not Outlook it isn't setup for Exchange. You need to remove that account and follow my link to setup Exchange features...
Im not following you on this exchange stuff. What does an exchange have to do with poutlook not showing an email with the same options as outlook on the pc?
ok i just set this up on phone. active sync on phone says attention required.
result: the config on your exchange server prevents you from sync'ing. please contact your serv admin.
BUT getting and sending email is working right. Syncing is working for email.
Creating a calendar event and adding attenees is not working at all now. The emails never go out. Sending an event to myself from my wifes phone somes into the phone the (no good). But comes into my outlook pc correctly
Setting up sync has its own issues. I sent an event from my phone to my wifes phone. Oh joy, i get an html page i can accept with on her imap email.
I accepted it on the wifes phone and it NEVER went onto her calendar on the phone. Which leads me to beleive she must have sync setup too. What a joke!!!!!
It would be so much easier if google mail would include the MS office option buttons for reading and responding to event emails.
Not only that, but now i have to create events either on the phone, or in google cal. I can not setup events in outlook and have them all sync UNLESS i pay and use google apps.
Google has a big problem with MS. If i send an event to a google account, if i read that event email in gmail, its also striped of any way to open or respond.
The way this works best if WANTING to use gmail and outlook, while still wanting to use outlook for events cal, is to only reply, respond or accept events within outlook on the pc.
You have to ONLY select Contacts, Calendar and Mail. Try that and let me know if you still get that Att Required... Also, if all else fails I can give you my email and we can test it that way.

Leave Email On Server

How do I set up my email so that it leaves a copy on the server so when I get to my laptop the message can be downloaded? I do my email on my laptop but need to be able to receive / send email from my HTC as well. Thanks!
By using POP account setup. I have POP on my TP2 and on my home computer... On my home computer I have set on the account settings that when I remove the email in my Outlook it will remove it from the server...
Loco5150 said:
By using POP account setup. I have POP on my TP2 and on my home computer... On my home computer I have set on the account settings that when I remove the email in my Outlook it will remove it from the server...
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So ... what is the setting on your TP2 that specifies, "do not remove from server"?
There is a setting on the edvanced settings menu when you setup the account, or go to edit the account settings.
There is a setting on the advanced settings menu when you setup the account, or go to edit the account settings.
use imap instead of pop. pop downloads messages and wont mark them as read on the server or delete them after a month or whenever you set it, and some pop clients delete the email from the server after its pulled. imap is much more advanced and if you can get imap-idle you get push email support.
Leave Email on Server, and other Advanced Settings
I have been frustrated with this issue also. I use my phone for POP email when I am away from my computer. It is almost always business, and I need to keep records of communications in one place. Using Outlook, I archive all old emails to a network server. Since installing my current ROM, I have been unable to find access to the email size, signature and delete handling options. As a result, emails that I delete from the phone also get deleted from the server before I download them to my PC. This is a big problem since I sometimes delete messages from my phone without taking action - planning to deal with them the next day from the office. Dealing with multiple email accounts and up to 50 messages per day makes the phone very cluttered unless I regularly clear them out.
I just discovered the "back door" into the old WinMo style advanced email settings using a tip from another thread regarding email signatures.
I am using the Energy ROM (08-Sep-10, which I love). Here is how to get to the advanced email settings:
1) From any email Inbox (not the Sense screen) tap Menu/Tools/Options to get to the Messaging settings page.
2) Tap an email account on the list.
3) Tap "Send/Receive Schedule".
4) Tap "Advanced Settings" at the bottom of the screen.
5) Choose your option under "When deleting messages:"
Other advanced options are also available this way, including email signatures for each account, as well as download size and scheduling.
I'm happy again!
Thank you for resurrecting this 9 month old thread.
I too thank you for posting this. I needed to change this on one of my accounts but had forgotten where the change needed to be made. You saved me lots of time searching.
Again, thanks much for the direction.

