SMS unicode special characters remover - Touch HD Themes and Apps

Hi all,
I want to ask if it is possible to "cook" some special feature to ROM with following functionallity:
I am typing my SMS with XT9 Czech, of course with unicode special characters. I need a fix, which will send the text without these special unicode signs to send it like a normal 160 characters instead of 70 characters SMS.
a) There are some utilities like SMSunaccent but it is a stand alone software which doesnt fit so well with all ROMs (problems with keyboard, etc.)
b) Also dont tell me to switch off the UNICODE selection in the message´s option, because the result is the sms with "?" instead of the special characters.
c) possible solution is to have the XT9 Czech without special characters, but I havent founf any editor of it.
Thank you very much and I will wait for your answer PDA Gurus ...


Looking to understand i18n

I'm looking to understand something about internationalisation and fonts on Windows Mobile 6 (mine is a HTC Touch Cruise). The practical problem is that my user interface is European but when I receive e-mails and text messages in Hebrew I only see squares. I don't need to write in Hebrew or to change the MUI.
I'm not looking for a commercial product - I'm a software developer myself (but not on Windows Mobile) and feel very comfortable modifying registry entries, swapping files and the like. What I'd like to understand is the mechanics of the problem.
I've read about changing the system font and have changed it to one that supports Hebrew with the following results: the popup notification when a message arrives is now in Hebrew characters (but backwords), but when I open the messages they're still only squares. Is there a system font that isn't covered in the above link? A system default codepage issue?
Many thanks for pointers, explanations and suggestions

Modify your full qwerty keyboard

I just found a couple of text files and registry keys and values to modify your full qwerty keyboard settings. So if you are satisfied with the factory installed keyboard (as I am), you don't need a 3rd party keyboard application to have customized keyboard. AFAIK all unicode character can be selected for the keys, so exotic characters can be easily placed to wherever you want.
Please find a short description here:
Please do not hesitate to comment my work

cyanogenmod 7 support lang

Hello I'd like to ask if cm support Greek language. Thanks.
I'm almost certain that it does.
Does it support Greek SMS keyboard with auto Capital Letters so you can send 160chars in sms? Or you go with 70chars using unicode? The original rom now, when you send SMS it auto converts what you write to Gr Capital letters so it can fit 160chars in each sms.

galaxy s3 mms apk

can someone port it because it has so many design settings! it looks so nice
ps can someone upload the cm10 mms apk with notification popup?
I second that request.
Samsung mms.apk is the only one I've used to correctly handle Greek characters in sms input.
(ie. when on sms mode, and keyboard set to Greek, automatically turn on uppercase, and interpret/input all identical to Latin letters as English. If set to lowercase, use Unicode with 60 characters).
Unfortunately, this odd method is the one used in Greece to send 160 character sms, and it's a pity the native android sms/mms app does not support it.
Unfortunately, as very few people face this problem, there is little interest in porting the Samsung mms app.,plus every request I've found about it ends in comments like "why do you want it? XXX is much better" etc
Bottom line, I'd be very grateful if someone could port it.

Incoming SMS' not displaying Japanese chars??

Hello, I just purchased this device and I have a problem..
I found out that when a friend of mine sends me an SMS with Japanese characters in it (or with symbols like these ★☆★), those are not being displayed as they should. They are instead replaced by question marks!!
I thought that maybe it was a font problem, but I couldn't find a way to alter the font in my phone without rooting it..!
Do you know of a way to alter this? I couldn't find something that seemed relevant in the options..
Do you have Japanese enabled in the settings?
It only takes 2 taps to thank somebody here.
which setting + what about the other special(?) chars?
Hello RedLedLight and thank you for the reply!!!!!!
Could you be a bit more specific? Which settings are you refering to? There's too many.. Are you refering to the system settings(where to find the one you want), or the settings of the stock messenger app?
Well, Japanese is not supported as an input method of the stock keyboard. That's why I had to download another one which would enable me to write in Japanese.. Still, I could write and send messages with Jap chars, but when I receive an SMS, then I'd just get question marks all over!
Also, any ideas as to the why those other chars are not being displayed? They're not Japanese.. In my samsung phone there's some symbols like ♡♥ºº•○●□■◇◆♧♣▲▼▶◀↑↓←→☆★▪ who ALSO appear as question marks when I send them to this phone!!! :S

