Enableing "Auto Check Names" in poutlook - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

Is there a way to enable auto check names in pocket outlook email?
I used that feature a lot in my Kaiser...


Hide SIM Contacts and disable SMS Confirmation?

Hi all,
Was wondering, is there an app like there was a fit4cat for hermes which will let me disable SMS sent confirmations on my Orbit? Also, any way at all to stop SIM card contacts appearing when i go to my contact list, i only want the phone contacts appearing there (but dont want to delete contacts off my SIM).
Thanks in advance
Yes there it for both, this one for hide SIM contacts. the other you have do some searching or registry hacking
Thanks very much, that's just what i needed, contact list was getting far too long with both showing
Open up notepad, copy the stuff below into it and save as a .reg file instead of a text file. That'll disable the sms sent notification for you
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Hide SIM contacts
I tried the patch but I still see the SIM contacts in my pocket informant 2007.
Somebody would know how to hide them?
sturgis said:
I tried the patch but I still see the SIM contacts in my pocket informant 2007.
Somebody would know how to hide them?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
There is an option in the Contacts View settings "Show Non-Native Contacts" which is set to YES. Uncheck that and Contacts should ignore the SIM contacts.
markquinton said:
Open up notepad, copy the stuff below into it and save as a .reg file instead of a text file. That'll disable the sms sent notification for you
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The registry bit did not exist in my XDAII, I have WM5 with standard XDAII O2 ROM. Mine is HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\SVC\SMS - there is no Settings folder. I created it and still got nowhere. What do I do please?
show sim contacts again
once you've hidden the SIM contacts using this app is there a way you can get them back if you want to see them again?
Disable the SMS Sent notification
Regisrty: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\
Key: SMSNoSentMs (decimal)
Default: 0 (on)
New Value: 1 (off)
Note: Please note that the 'Settings' key may not exist in your device, and thus may have to be created first.
Is there any way to hide the SIM in contacts on a locked HTC Touch? It should be an option not a reg hack. What a stupid idea. Why do I need to see my contacts twice?
I should mention that I have used PHM RegEdit and the hide sim cab file above which both work great, until I restart my phone.
found it here...thanks.
NP9660 said:
Disable the SMS Sent notification
Regisrty: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\
Key: SMSNoSentMs (decimal)
Default: 0 (on)
New Value: 1 (off)
Note: Please note that the 'Settings' key may not exist in your device, and thus may have to be created first.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
there's no "settings" folder
devGOD said:
there's no "settings" folder
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Seriously !! Read the post and what it says.
HINT: Especially the bit at the end

Alarm problems in Calendar

My appointment reminders in WM6 not working.
I've tried many programs (ex. CheckNotification, AlarmFix, ...), but alarm in the appointment not sound/vibrate.
Any idea?
I'm sorry for this stupid question.
Same problem here
Touch-IT 4.4 WM6
just as a start. lets make sure that the most obvious settings are set correctly:
- settings -> sounds&notifications:
"programs" and "notifications" must be set
- tab notifications:
select "reminders" from event dropdown list and check the settings here
Same problem here. Any of you is using some synch program like funambol?
However this problem is very common in WM devices and not only in Hermes.

Chome Config: custom Chome or Cmessage

i was wondering if there is a list of urls/launchers that i could use to make my own pages / panels in CHome. I dont mean launchers for programs I put on my phone, those are easy enough. I mean launchers / urls for stuff that are a part of the OS. Links like msprofiles; mssettings; etc. To be specific i want to make pages for text msg, emails, missed calls, call history. pretty much almost the same stuff that are in CHome & CMessage panels. Obviously those panels are nor editable, so i can not go into them and look at the links like i can with CSettings.
For starters, i want to make pages for Text Messaging, specific email accounts. i am able to make page for 'messaging' in general which leads to those but i want to pages for each, just like in CMessage & Chome. Also want missed calls, voicemail. Anyhelp would be appreciated.
bump. can someone help?
Ms Shortcuts
Better Late than never?
:MSPIMG 'Pictures and Videos Grid'
:MSMRULauncher 'Recent Programs
:MSTASKMGR 'Task Manager'
:MSWRLSMGR 'Wireless manager'
:MSWELCOMECENTER 'Welcome Center (Set Date time, Device Password, Set up e-Mail, Background)'
:MSSTART 'Start Menu Only'
:MSCdial 'Phone Dial Pad(Make a call)'
:MSCAMERA 'Open Camera
:MSINTERNET_SHARING 'Internet sharing App and Connection Settings'
:MSHome 'back to Home Screen'
:MSCPROG 'Last call Dialog/Dialer'
:MSWELCOME '?Welcome.exe Doesn't work on my phone'
:MSREMNET '?Remnet.exe Doesn't work on my phone'
:MSBranding '?BannerImage Doesn't work on my phone'
:MSCLOCKALARM 'Clock and Alarm Dialog'
:MS_SNDMGR '?? Doesn't work on my phone'
:MSSYNCAPP 'Active Sync Dialog'
:MSTNOTES 'Voice Notes'
:MSCONTACTS 'Contacts list'
:MSCALENDAR 'Calendar/Appointments'
:MSPOUTLOOK '?Outlook app Doesn't work on my phone'
:MSCALC_TPC 'Calculator'
:MSCALC 'Calculator'
:MSFEXPLORE 'File Explorer'
:MSPIE 'Internet Explorer'
:MSQuickApp 'Quick List (Power Off, Lock, TaskManager, Wireless Manager, Profiles) '
:MSProfiles 'Profiles (Normal, silent....)'
:MSSETTINGS 'Settings Dialog'
:MSSETTINGS;home.cpl.xml 'open Specific Setting (in this case home panel setup)'
:MSClog 'Call history'
:MSVOICEMAIL 'Call voice Mail'
:MSHOTVOICE '?? Doesn't work on my phone'
:MSVOICE '?? Doesn't work on my phone'
:MSScut 'Speed Dial Dialog'
:MSSOLITARE '?Solitare? doesn't work on my phone'
Still have no clue what all the icons are ie. 2000,2001,2001,....,3000
maybe some with access to the rom can figure that one out

Setting T9 instead of XT9

On my Kaiser I always set word correction to be T9 (pop up list of suggestions) rather than XT9.
I did the change using advanced config utility. The advanced config utility I have for the TP2 does not have this feature.
Who know how to adjust the registry to enable T9 instead of XT9?
Not sure if this is what you're looking for but here goes...
Go to "Settings" tab in TF3D
Tap "All Settings"
Go to "Personal" tab
Tap "Input"
With "Touch Input" selected, tap "Options..."
Go to "XT9 Settings" tab
Uncheck "Auto-Substitution"
ohyeahar said:
Not sure if this is what you're looking for but here goes...
Go to "Settings" tab in TF3D
Tap "All Settings"
Go to "Personal" tab
Tap "Input"
With "Touch Input" selected, tap "Options..."
Go to "XT9 Settings" tab
Uncheck "Auto-Substitution"
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for the reply but that's not it.
In XT9 the default, word suggestions appear in a row across the screen.
In T9 the word suggestions appear in a pop up block on the screen.
samsat said:
On my Kaiser I always set word correction to be T9 (pop up list of suggestions) rather than XT9.
I did the change using advanced config utility. The advanced config utility I have for the TP2 does not have this feature.
Who know how to adjust the registry to enable T9 instead of XT9?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Has anyone figured out how to enable T9 instead of XT9 on the TP2?
I think the answer to your question is found in the thread:
I'm not very sure as I don't know what the T9 is supposed to look like...
kurtfimmers said:
I think the answer to your question is found in the thread:
I'm not very sure as I don't know what the T9 is supposed to look like...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Many thanks, that worked.
kurtfimmers said:
I think the answer to your question is found in the thread:
I'm not very sure as I don't know what the T9 is supposed to look like...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
T9 is a text predictive input method found mostly on mobile phones, where you use numeric keys to enter letters (hence the letters on each key) and the software predicts the word by the sequence in which you press the keys. This input method is present on my Dopod D810.
The word completion function being discussed is not a part of T9, but a Pocket PC/Windows Mobile feature that has always been present on PPC devices (way before these PDA convergence phones) but has been replaced by HTC to give a different behaviour and appearance.
I think I have the problem figured.
Once you do the reg tweaks T9 pop up word suggestion works great until you try and do a new contact.
When you move from a text field to a number field the keypad automatically changes to numeric and after that it will not change back again at all for any text field.
Some clever person out there needs to work out what other registry change needs to be made to re-enable the auto switching of the keyboard between text and numeric fields while still maintaining the T9 word suggestion.

changeScreen help with reminders

I tried gyrator2 and changescreen, and find changescreen easier to use.
The one problem I am having with changescreen (and gyrator2 for that matter) is I cannot seem to make an exception for the reminder popup. I want all calendar reminders to be portrait. When I use the "Show App Names" button in changescreen, and a reminder alarm pops up, it says "shell32". I have tried to make an exception for this, but it does not work. Plus I think shell32 is the main program for WM 6.1. Anybody know the app name for a reminder popup in TF3D? Thanks!
PS- Sprint TP2 stock rom.

