Vista Hide Battery Guage - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

Hi Guys,
Is anyone else having problems with Vista Hide Battery Guage on the Tilt2. Mine occasionally pops up with an error and wants to send error information to Microsoft.
Vista Hide continues to work fine, but the error notification keeps popping up repeatedly, a new error window appears as soon as you hit either send or hide at the bottom.
Perhaps there is a workaround or maybe someone knows of another similar battery guage that works more reliably on the Tilt2.
Thanks, and here is the file i am using:


Notifcation Bubble always there

The notification bubble on my Touch Pro2 never disappears even when I have read all emails/text messages or listened to voicemails.
If I soft reset the device it does not come back until I next get an email. If I then read that email the bubble stays in the top bar and if I click on it there are no new notifications it just shows me the sound, battery and data connection icons.
I have seen other threads about changing the following registry key HKLM\Services\NOTIFICATIONMANAGER\Flags however I don’t have the NOTIFICATIONMANAGER key on my device. I have included a screen shot as proof.
I am using a Orange UK branded device.
Any help would be very appreciated.
Many Thanks
You can use this software to clean your notifications.
Thanks for the response.
Cany i just delete all the events in the list. I have 28 events.
tried the software above. still have a stuck notification for a text message that does not exist.
i cant believe people say the WM is better the the IPhone OSX with a straight face...
it´s a bug... in my german t-mob touch pro 2 i have the same issue. i know of 3 other devices that have the same prob... i think it´s a problem with manila... manila sucks... i know of a few other bugs in the new manila version... still beta state
MY TP2 on Orange UK almost always has a notification bubble on the status bar and when you tap it, nothing is show.
I have Line 2 on my SIM, i tought it could be this but that TouchFlow didnt have support for this (even though my Touch HD does?!- will start another thread on that). If I power off/on the TP2, the notification goes away but not for long.
Any thougts? What bug is it that Orange UK let it out?
crazy talk said:
tried the software above. still have a stuck notification for a text message that does not exist.
i cant believe people say the WM is better the the IPhone OSX with a straight face...
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Hello, Go to the link below. Install the .exe file to your SD card, run it, do a soft reset and you will be all good. PM if you have any problems.... Oh, and yes, WM is way better than the Iphone!!!

Getting Rid of the SMS notification - tweak doesn't work

I've found the reg hack to remove the SMS sent notification, but it's not working.
The default setting for HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings - "SMSNoSentMsg" is "1" .
With the value set to "1", I get a small message sent notification that ok's itself away after about 5 seconds. This looks like it is Windows generated.
With the value set to "0", I get a larger message sent notification at the bottom of the screen that ok's itself away after about 5 seconds. This one looks like TouchFlo generated it.
This is on a Verizon TP2. Anyone else seeing this behavior?
Apparently the reg hack isn't working on Verizon phones. I found a workaround here:
Probably someone getting even for having to enable the GPS . . .
dude,why you so bent on getting rid of sms sent notification?this is goddamn good feature, i would get unsettled if there is no sms sent notification.
once i installed some kind of software that flushed out this feature,damn,it spent me several days just to get it back,now you want to rid of it? i dont underastand.
PS:sms sent notification will only appear for several seconds,then gone,nothing annoying at all
I'm not too bent now that I know it goes away after a few seconds. Didn't realize this when I first looked for a solution. On a prior phone, it would pop up and I'd have to "OK" it away. I can live with this.
There's a whole bunch of people at PPC Geeks that are bound and determined to get rid of it, though . . .
How about a way to get rid of the received SMS/MMS Notification. btw...running stock At&t ROM and want to stay with it for quite a while
Try this...

New EU rom & SEA rom issues Ive run across Help!

Hi All, I was wondering if anyone has run into these issues, I mentioned them in a thread but decided to make a new post. this happens in both roms
1) Is anyone having issues that some contacts in the messaging client (HTC) lose their pix and you see a sim card instead of their photo? If so anyone know how to stop this?
2) Sometimes when hitting send after writing a txt msg, the screen right away goes black where you have to hit the power button to bring the screen back on.
3) Anyone notice that with this rom, the home weather screen is slower then the stock eu 6.5 with 2.1 manila? Seems it has something to do with the clock, because if you slide the clock up and show only the clock in the bar the weather animation plays just as the demo does (Especially the rain and wiper blade). Can someone check to see if the home page possibly has a memory leak or bad coding? And is there a way to change the flip clock easily to not flip or to a different clock on these roms?
4) Anyone notice during a call there is no way to get to the call history from the dial pad or anywhere? if you know please enlighten me.
5)Anyone figure out how to make the htc sms program bump up the writing section instead of it taking its time?
6) I tried using the SDKCert cab, and it seems to me that it messed up my Sea rom install. Anyone know of another way to re-map the keyboard for an ATT Tilt 2?
Any help or guidenance would be greatly appreciated. And any help I can give I will, I have a spare HTC tilt 2 phone and can test anything out. right now trying to figure out why MSVC doesnt read back txt msgs with another senior member. Hopefully we can get this to work I need that!
No one else has these problems?
Okay here is another one, anyone figure out how when you get a txt msg and hit the msg tab it goes to the first msg and not be stuck on the last msg you read on the msg tab?
AngelDeath said:
Hi All, I was wondering if anyone has run into these issues, I mentioned them in a thread but decided to make a new post. this happens in both roms
1) Is anyone having issues that some contacts in the messaging client (HTC) lose their pix and you see a sim card instead of their photo? If so anyone know how to stop this?
2) Sometimes when hitting send after writing a txt msg, the screen right away goes black where you have to hit the power button to bring the screen back on.
3) Anyone notice that with this rom, the home weather screen is slower then the stock eu 6.5 with 2.1 manila? Seems it has something to do with the clock, because if you slide the clock up and show only the clock in the bar the weather animation plays just as the demo does (Especially the rain and wiper blade). Can someone check to see if the home page possibly has a memory leak or bad coding? And is there a way to change the flip clock easily to not flip or to a different clock on these roms?
4) Anyone notice during a call there is no way to get to the call history from the dial pad or anywhere? if you know please enlighten me.
5)Anyone figure out how to make the htc sms program bump up the writing section instead of it taking its time?
6) I tried using the SDKCert cab, and it seems to me that it messed up my Sea rom install. Anyone know of another way to re-map the keyboard for an ATT Tilt 2?
Any help or guidenance would be greatly appreciated. And any help I can give I will, I have a spare HTC tilt 2 phone and can test anything out. right now trying to figure out why MSVC doesnt read back txt msgs with another senior member. Hopefully we can get this to work I need that!
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I am having issues with mine also.....
i am actually having a bit of a hard time with the new HTC 2.5 ROM.
I have read through the threads and it seems other people are having the same problems.
i.e.- sms very slow-
speakerphone bug- once activated the other person cannot hear you, you have to turn off speakerph and turn on again for them to hear you.
I hard reset but still get the same problems.
I think after I try a few more tweaks I will be able to post a good assessment so others will "hopefully" not have to deal with the same problems.
I hard reset to clear everything and then flashed the ROM again. Took care of some problems.
I installed your Volume Settings cab from another post to take care of the low vol prob.
After flashing the ROM the speakerphone is working. ..
1) I have not had a problem with the contacts
2) I am still having this problem with the text msg
3)To fix the Home screen issues- I installed Cookies Home Tab and his editor
4) Haven't noticed the during call problem but will check it out
5) I installed SMS chat cab to help with the text problems and also disabled the HTC msgng. it is still slow but not as slow
6)I used the Tilt 2 Keyboard fix....

[Q] SMS Problem

Having an odd issue, and I can't seem to find any information on it.
It seems that randomly my text messages won't actually save to my phone. I'll get a notification of a text received, and the preview of it shows up in the notification bar, but when I go to check it (either clicking the notification or opening up the app), it won't be there. It's like I never got the message. It's not in either the stock app or GoSMS's database. It would do this when I used Handcent as well tho too.
Anybody else have any issues like this, or know of a fix? I'll have to reboot my phone several times, or even try sending myself test messages to see if it fixes itself or not.
Edit: seems similar to this person's issue:

[Q] New Messages Not Being Displayed !!

Hello all, need help on this one. When I get new messages, it would normally display/preview the message on the notification bar and also on the lock screen. But recently, this has stopped happening. It only shows the new message icon and nothing else. I did a restart and whatever else I thought of doing, hoping to solve the problem, but to no avail. And I tried searching the forums as well but doesn't seem as though anyone else has faced a similar problem. Help me out guys.

