Speed of TP2 compared to others? - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

Am the guinea pig in the office as the only one with TP2 and have been comparing phones. On opening and closing applications the phone does take much longer than the iphone and also on browsing (20+ secs to load a page with four bars not wifi). Anyone else experienced this?
Have undertaken a hard reset which has improved speed slightly. In memory have about 53% in use but no programmes running (storage has 40mb in use and 251 free and 7GB available on micro sd).
Is this speed normal or is there something I can do to speed it up?

There are so many reviews of this device, there's no need to ask this.
If you compare it to the fruitphone, you will probably get flamed around these parts...
If you read reviews or have used other Windows Mobile devices before, you will notice that the TP2 is faster than most other Windows Mobile devices.
Pocketnow did a browser comparison which may be useful to you.
Personal tip: disable plugins and javascript in Opera. At least for me, this doesn't affect my browsing experience negatively. In fact, the pages load significantly faster and I don't have to deal with flash based ads.

according to speed booster my pro2 is slower than my universal.


3G speed poor on Rogers (on my unit at least), trying to troubleshoot

Please, anyone that has Hermes Tytn, I have all my 3G connections correct, however download speed is close to 700 kbps and fairly large latency,according to dslreports.com . Can anyone that has a TyTN on Rogers network verify that they are getting sufficient speed from their unit ie downloading internet pages, and if so, would like to know what browser they are using, and perhaps whether Sim card upgrade, could make a difference. My 1.51 radio appears to work fine, but wondering if this could make an absolute huge difference in speed, if I was to change to another radio. Someone told me to upgrade my Sim card to the 4000 series, which I did, but no change at all. Thanks to anyone.
Not sure about rogers but I do find opera 9.5 seems to be better than PIE. This is the version I use.
stoker1 said:
Please, anyone that has Hermes Tytn, I have all my 3G connections correct, however download speed is close to 700 kbps and fairly large latency,according to dslreports.com . Can anyone that has a TyTN on Rogers network verify that they are getting sufficient speed from their unit ie downloading internet pages, and if so, would like to know what browser they are using, and perhaps whether Sim card upgrade, could make a difference. My 1.51 radio appears to work fine, but wondering if this could make an absolute huge difference in speed, if I was to change to another radio. Someone told me to upgrade my Sim card to the 4000 series, which I did, but no change at all. Thanks to anyone.
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I'm on Rogers. I got 613 kbps with a 0.299s latency. What is it supposed to average?
Good question,, I will have to learn these terms ie kbps and latency.. I think the you should strive to get lower latency figures. I have run the iPhone 3G test on my Tytn and the dslreports speed test, and I get confused. On top of that, I really get p..d off when I see how slow my internet page loads up compared to an actual iPhone. Sure different browser, processor etc,, but it's humiliating downloading a page next to a friends 3g iPhone.
stoker1 said:
Good question,, I will have to learn these terms ie kbps and latency.. I think the you should strive to get lower latency figures. I have run the iPhone 3G test on my Tytn and the dslreports speed test, and I get confused. On top of that, I really get p..d off when I see how slow my internet page loads up compared to an actual iPhone. Sure different browser, processor etc,, but it's humiliating downloading a page next to a friends 3g iPhone.
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dslreports have never been an accurate test unfortunatly. When i was on O2-UK gprs i got a report of 1.2Mbps lol!!
I'll take a look around and try find a decent speedtester.
If your constantly comparing your device to an iPhone sir then that shows you lack confidence in the Hermes and other device......I DO HOPE thats not the case?
Try opera mini, gets on alot better that opera mobile for some reason.
of course not Mrvanx,, I love my Hermes and the myriad of operations that I can undertake compared to IP and been using it with confidence for some time now. Sure wouldn't give it up . Just trying to get the full use of 3G and minimize obstructions to speed. Someone had mentioned something about UA (user agent) being a factor. Currently using Opera 8.65 on main memory. Had tried the Opera mini,, and loved it,,however, I suppose now that we hav 6GB of data for $30Cdn , don't have to worry about data for now
Welcome to the infection of the I-Phone. LOLL, Everyone over on Howard forums was talking about this topic. As soon as Rogers brought in the I-Phone everyone wanted to play with them, which is causing major data traffic. It started about 2 days after the release, my speeds went to crap. I am pretty sure it will all level off once the initial fad has passed. Most I-Phone nuts are just into it for the Fashion statement. Its a popular thing. Kinda like the Moto Razor craze a few years ago.
P.S. did you get on the 6gb $30 plane from Rogers?
Yes,,,did get the 6gb 30$ plan,,thx Today I ran a dslreport speed test..even though MrVanx doesn't think it much of a good test for now (think he is trying to find a better one).. Am including screen capture of todays test.. I don't know how good, bad , or how far from average this speed amounts to. Thanks for your thoughts on my readings
Ditch MS Internet explorer.
Opera Mini is the fastest. Will blow your friends iphone away.
On Rogers. radio 1.47.30
Ok , tried Opera Mini,,,and same speed test and Under Statistics (mentioned just slightly below your screen shot),, says that under 3G under Alltime statistics,, says 673 kbps,and also mentions 462 ms. My test shows Speed: 5988 kbps... I don't get it? How does the Alltime statistic which is 673 compare to 5988? They seem to both have the same kbps meassurement, yet worlds apart.What am I missing? Just added another capture at Testmyiphone.com tested using OperaMini again...so does this test mean anything to you in terms of speed, or is this a useless site? Most of these tests somehow determine that the unit that I am testing, is not an iPhone
not to sound like a dummy, but all the gobbledegook doesn't mean that much to me.
My 3G is very fast- almost as fast as my broadband.
If I'm surfing, I use opera mini, or Opera 9.51. If I need to download files, I use Pocket IE because it handles rapidshare and megaupload better.
Opera just seems more responsive, IE takes too long to load pages and images.
stoker1 said:
Ok , tried Opera Mini,,,and same speed test and Under Statistics (mentioned just slightly below your screen shot),, says that under 3G under Alltime statistics,, says 673 kbps,and also mentions 462 ms. My test shows Speed: 5988 kbps... I don't get it? How does the Alltime statistic which is 673 compare to 5988? They seem to both have the same kbps meassurement, yet worlds apart.What am I missing? Just added another capture at Testmyiphone.com tested using OperaMini again...so does this test mean anything to you in terms of speed, or is this a useless site? Most of these tests somehow determine that the unit that I am testing, is not an iPhone
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AFAIK Opera Mini can not be used for bandwidth tests since it will report the bandwidth of the proxy server that they use to send the image you see in your phone. That's why it will always report a higher bandwidth than with PIE or Opera browser. That's why it seems always faster, since it is a dedicated server processing all the information and probably hooked to a T3 or something. Again, AFAIK...
Nanastas,,, how to you like the new Opera 9.51 compared to Opera 8.65,,is it faster? better for you? Just wondering if it is worth the move,seeing as it still is in Beta.
my 2 cents...
dgaud: that makes sense. But to be clear, opera mini is significantly faster in every way than PIE.
Stoker: I like it a lot. it is a big improvement. Loads a bit slower off the start, but the rendering engine and the reflow into paragraphs is really intuitive and works well.
Beta or not, I've been using the different leaked versions since they came, and it's still getting better.
Guys, Opera Mini does all its rendering remotely, so the speed tests done in Opera Mini are just a speed test to opera's servers.

TouchPro2 w/android 2? touchpro2VShero?

hey friends,
I'm still wondering about these two.
is there a way to put the android 2 and sense in the touchpro 2?
that's a consideration for the phone.
regarding droid, well, i hear motorola still trying to regain themselves and i had no good experience with their phones (especially voice quality and performance), so i'm not so sure about the droid.
moreover, i'd like to hear you guys out, if the answer for android 2 to TP2 is a YES, which one is better, the hero or the TP2?
how's the user experience with small-medium palms with the keyboard?
how's the performance? lag time? loadbalance?
how's wm6.5?
preety much noob in all that stuff, but still i have so many answers missing. internet reviews are not that helpful though, not comparing to XDA anyway
please, you're help.
There is no info because it can't be done. You can't run android on TP2 at the moment, and if it happens to run on it, you will have to boot WinMo first so that being said, you will sort off be running 2 os's... so speed will be slow, might as well stick with WinMo 6.5.
I was hoping for a summarized reply
I'm NOT a buisness user, but i'm moving on to work in QA.
I'd like to have excel and word on my phone,
i'd like the thought i can run pc-like apps for winmo (say dosbox for running games) or a lot of others (heroes of might and magic?),
i like customizations, i guess i'll sometime NEED push emails to my phone,
web browsing is actually not so issue to me, unless it's the ONLY alternative.
so i guess winmo is better for me?
or does the hero can do the job? (is it true it gets android 2? sense too?)
which OS is better for me?
i'm looking at the near future but i cannot see past to the long run, so i really have no idea which one to take on both phones. Keyboard can be VERY useful for writing documents and playing games \ browsing i guess.
can u play games that require buttons on the hero?
and a noob question, can i run XP apps on winmo 6.5 or do they need to be adjusted for it?
a lot of questions but they'r the branches of the original, i'd apretiate the answers. The main idea is to take something that may fit my needs & usage, and not something needs to be suited for them.
thanks again.
I say you should go for WM.
Just because you are going to use word excel and other programs.
This just isn't possible on Android. (yet)
Same question
I hear ya HTCwannabe
I am deciding on the TP2 vs Hero for my wife who will be using for business function more than movies, pics, movies and games.
I went and saw both at a local store to actually see them and feel the hardware. Both are quality construction.
I have to say, Android is great, but, as a business user, I have to say that WM is the better way to go and having the keyboard is great too.
Not to say Android won't become more introduced into the business world, but Android is just hitting puberty with 2.0.
I really want to give Hero a chance and "make it work", but too scared.
Probably going with TP2 for now after I do a bit more research.
First of all, I can edit Excel and word docs on my G1, so that is NOT WM only.
Second of all, Hero runs on version 1.5 (Cupcake). HTC has not updated to Android 2.0 (Eclair) for the Android version of Sense. I'll be honest with you, I switched from Android to the TP2, for one reason, Android is a battery hog. With a $50 extended battery (That added significantly to the size of the phone) I got less then 10 hours of battery. The task management is pretty much crap on that device right now.
So if you need a phone that'll last for at LEAST a day (Heavy Internet/AIM/Skype/SMS/Phone calls) and that has a good speaker phone, you are going to want to go with the TP2.
If you don't care about Battery, want free turn by turn directions, an AWESOME App market, then you want to get an Android device. *EDIT* Also way better games on WM. I have Warcraft 2, and Age of Empires. You can't just run programs from XP, it has to be modified/ported over. However, as I said, I have the full version of Warcraft 2, so it obviously can be done. If anyone finds StarCraft/Quake 2, and sends me a PM, you'll be my best friend! lol
I have heard a RUMOR (from an unverified internet blog/thread) that when the HTC HD2 arrives in America, it will have two flavors - Android, and WinMo. So you may want to wait till the HD2 is out, because if it does come out in two flavors, I'm positive someone will get it to dual boot, or you will at least be able to change from one to the other with a simple flash. (Assuming of course that they stick identical hardware into both devices.)
Although I'm kinda biased, I'd say the Touch Pro2 is the way to go. It's an excellent device, the best I've ever had. As others have said, Android is still kind of young, and not the best quite yet. Also, as someone else has mentioned, the battery life is abysmal. I ran it on my HTC TyTN II and I couldn't get a full day out of it. On the same device, I could go 2 days without recharging.
Regarding Android on the Touch Pro2, it is possible. However, it is NOT possible at this time. The developers are still working on hardware support. Eventually, they will release a .zip file with all the necessary files. You put them on your SD card, and run an executable which will start Android and kick Windows Mobile out of RAM. This means that for now you still have to boot WM before you boot Android. And also, you might have to wait a while before stuff like the camera, GPS antenna, and keyboard are fully supported. After a while, they'll probably be able to get Android fully working. Also, there is a project that is centered around getting linux natively booting with code injection, but that's gonna move slowly.
As for the HD2 Android rumor, I don't believe that will happen. HTC should be releasing a device with comparable specs to the HD2, except with Android.
I have touchpro2 and this is my opinion based on friends of mine that have android
1)battery power- android on heavy use only last 3 hours max...touchpro2 7-8 hours.
2) All buisness apps plus voice quality ,internet sharing,etc. right out the box. No updates requires.
3)As far as games konami has signed a contract to make games for touchpro2 so in 1-3 month you see major improvement plus lots of freeware games you can find online.
4)windows mobile will be able to run android later on anyway...so whats sense of buying android lol!!!
The only advantage android has is its a little faster and thats about it. For now they have better selection of games by a little margin. Windows Mobile is the way to go. In couple days I will release a 6 level arcade shooter for free so that should help your gamming fix. Any other questions just ask
I really don't understand the idea of "heavy usage" being given here for the TP2.
There is no way I could get more than a few hours of heavy usage out of mine. If I have a really slow data connection it improves battery life because it stops the thing heating up but with full on HSDPA the battery gets eaten through really very quickly. A flight doesn't haveto be delayed for very long before I have to reach for the charger.
And that's without using the GPS. Have you tried walking about with Google Maps connected to HSDPA and GPS whilst getting calls over bluetooth? Battery life is really only 2-3 hours, if that!
This has been pretty much the same (although the TP2 is the best) with every HTC device I have ever owned.
I am not saying Android is any better but I'm not sure if it's the OS, more the number of features sucking the power.
dik23 said:
I really don't understand the idea of "heavy usage" being given here for the TP2.
There is no way I could get more than a few hours of heavy usage out of mine. If I have a really slow data connection it improves battery life because it stops the thing heating up but with full on HSDPA the battery gets eaten through really very quickly. A flight doesn't haveto be delayed for very long before I have to reach for the charger.
And that's without using the GPS. Have you tried walking about with Google Maps connected to HSDPA and GPS whilst getting calls over bluetooth? Battery life is really only 2-3 hours, if that!
Ok honestly any phone that you make calls over bluetooth will zip mega energy , theres no way around that. As far as overheating thats an issue. If you have insurance I suggest you tell them your touchpro2 is overheating and to send you a replacement. Your touchpro2 should not get hot like that.
The android under the same use as you just talked about in the above quote will only last an hour tops!! I dare any android user to say it lasts longer under those conditions.
As far as apps and games concerned I found awesome apps
I put them up when i get a chance or link them here. The amount of programs does use up alot of energy , but when 6.5 official rom comes it will reduce battery consumtion by about 30%. Long live the King!!
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Where did I say overheat ?
I gets warm/hot depending on definition and every HTC device I have had does the same when dealing with high data throughput, just like the Wifi card on your PC will warm up when transferring large files. It's normal, but it's also a waste of battery power.
Anyway, it's kind of difficult to compare the power usage of an OS without having the exact same hardware to test both on.
Has this ever been done ?
Yes in a way
dik23 said:
Where did I say overheat ?
I gets warm/hot depending on definition and every HTC device I have had does the same when dealing with high data throughput, just like the Wifi card on your PC will warm up when transferring large files. It's normal, but it's also a waste of battery power.
Anyway, it's kind of difficult to compare the power usage of an OS without having the exact same hardware to test both on.
Has this ever been done ?
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Well right now as it stands no one has the same OS on both systems but even with half of the programs that touchpro2 has the G2 last less. But I talk facts and not my opinion. So the only thing I can compare is this.
With internet on only surfing thru websites no downolading the G2 last about
2hours45 minutes. Thats 15 minutes less than testers of large magazines said it lasted.
Touchpro2 with internet on surfing thru websites and downloading (i couldnt resist saw some apps) lasted about
6hours 25 min. Me and my friend david( G2 fanboy) did the test. The only variable is david had his phone for 10 months and I had mine 8 months. But I dont think 2 months could have put a dent in his battery that bad. Anyone else test this out.
Not very scientific
go on cnet then
dik23 said:
Not very scientific
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1. Iam not a scientist lol .
2. Thats the best I can do...I really dont know what your looking for. I just compared battery power.
3. If you want to be very detailed I did a search for you ...go on google type...cnet reviews G2..
4)then after that type..cnet reviews touchpro2..
5)Finally everyone here tries to help there no need for sarcasm. I always try to find answer for anyone who asks. Enjoy your cnet reviews . peace.
Sorry if I didn't find you and your friend browsing the internet on your phones a good comparison of two OS' power usage, and those two reviews still aren't comparing the same hardware.
Without a comparison in which all other influencing factors are ruled out it is impossible to reach any conclusion either way.
dik23 said:
Sorry if I didn't find you and your friend browsing the internet on your phones a good comparison of two OS' power usage, and those two reviews still aren't comparing the same hardware.
Without a comparison in which all other influencing factors are ruled out it is impossible to reach any conclusion either way.
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1. Both phones will never have the same hardware or software. Microsoft and google are 2 different companies aiming for different uses.HTC produces both according to what the companies are aiming for. So that comparision will never happen. Its just not possible.
2. Mircosoft doesnt put consideration into games or total speed. Microsoft concentrates on buisness and navagation apps. Microsoft also has better and more frequent updates to thier OS. The bad part is sometimes Mircosoft OS is slow.
3.Android is more a youth movement. Games and apps for teens to young adult is googles focus. Google doesnt recieve updates regularly so critical errors in thier OS usually dont get fix without a long waitinig period. Android however is faster as far as interfacing and jumping from app to app.
Well, I do think that there are some people on this board that would like to disagree on your first point since they are currently trying to make Android work on the TP2 and other WM devices. "It's just not possible" is a bit strong.
You may be correct with the Microsoft concentrating on business but since when have they released any navigation software ? If it exists please give me a link. I know there are a lot of 3rd party navigation apps and Google have their maps and new navigation app (only for Android 2.x in the US at the moment). But Microsoft ?
And saying that WM is slow in comparison is, yet again, impossible to gauge without a proper test, trying to exclude other factors.
I'm not sure about this teen thing with relation to Android either. Apple maybe. And the idea that Google doesn't release fixes quick enough kind of misses the point of open source. I'm aware certain parts of any released Android firmware are closed but the fact most of it's open means that you don't have to wait for a fix, you can do it yourself, or if you're not that way inclined you can get a fix from people who are. With Microsoft, however, you do have to wait and that is that.
As far as running android on touchpro2 , if it happens, I put money on it that touchpro2 will run the android OS faster than G2. The reason I say this is because touchpro2 handle on a daily basis way more programs. With Andriod it comes with the basics internet,google maps,youtube,clock, calender,notepad, sorry Iam having a hard time listing cant think of too much that it comes with.
Windows Mobile touchpro2 I dont even have the time to list
what it comes with but I know you already know.
As far as navagation I dont really use much except for what comes with the touchpro2 is good but I have seen some in these 2 websties www.freewarepocketpc.net and
www.wm6software.com . Hope that helps if I have some time later I find direct links for you.
As far as making applications I only know the basics of making games for touchpro2. If you want to and have time I invite you to my website , its the link on my signature. I enjoy debates like this one , Iam glad I could find someone who can hold intelligent conversation like you without flaming.
I have only 1 question why is it just you and me in this conversation , I was hoping more people would join in , this topic we are discussing is not complex. I was hoping someone else with access to both phones like me would have run a test too and see what thier fesult was.
I moved to the Touch Pro 2 from the G1 (still have it), and I have to say that I get MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH better battery life from the Touch Pro 2 than I EVER did from the G1. The Android OS has no task manager (w/o it being rooted/cooked, which I have) and even then, it won't end every application and doesn't save much battery life. The Android OS was less dependable (IMO,) ex: my alarm was unreliable due to sometimes me waking up and it would give me a process error... My Touch Pro 2 would never have that issue (which was recurring atleast 3 times a week on my G1.) I don't know that i would necessarily say that the Android OS is "faster"... but just that it does run "smoother" than sense... I loved Android, but it did happen to be kind of a children's phone (I'm only 22 lol!) and I am in the military so I have to have a very reliable phone! Just my opinion... No "scientific testing" or anything... But I do believe that Zarpy is probably pretty correct in his findings whether they were scientific or not~
If your in military I will assume you like shooting games. This freeware shooter might be fun for you to play try it here

anyone tested their phone with sunspider?

just out of curiousity, I tested my phone wiht Sunspider benchmark and I got really really bad score.
I got around 132171.8ms.
This is terrible score considering that all other mobile phones are getting much higher score.
The test is done with mobile opera 9.5 and my wifi network.
Can someone else who got the phone or other winmo phone test their speed. Just want to know if it's just me or it's the phone.
Sunspider is a Java test. If you're trying to test your internet speed, www.mobilespeedtest.com is a better way.
thanks for the reply. No, I was not trying to test the internet speed but rather the system performance. The score is so much lower than other handsets that I saw online. And it's not just a bit lower but big difference. So, I am just curious what's up with the phone. This may explain why tilt 2 is always so slow.
Java isn't used for much on the Tilt 2.
Miami_Son said:
Sunspider is a Java test. If you're trying to test your internet speed, www.mobilespeedtest.com is a better way.
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Actually I firmly believe that the link you've provided provides bogus results and is just a way to make money from advertising, ie Web Hosting.
I know for sure that my network limits me to 384kbps, I have been arguing with them about it, but this site regularly shows my download speed to be far in excess of this.
I think you'll find http://www.dslreports.com/mspeed?jisok=1&more=1 provides far more accurate results. Either that or tether to a real computer and use http://www.speedtest.net
Sorry, this isn't really related to the first post but it winds me up seeing all of these mobilespeedtest results in peoples sigs.
Not sure what you're talking about. The only ads I see are Google ads and these are random generated. I don't even look at the numbers instead preferring the comparison graphs to the different types of services. The biggest thing is it always works whereas DSL Reports tends to be flaky on a PPC or just to busy. On the PC, DSL Reports is my first choice.
I have an ongoing dispute with my network where they have limited my down speed to 384kbps, or 3G when I have full bars HSDPA. A few years ago I'd be getting ~1500. My argument's their service is going backwards while theirs is they want more money from me for the faster speed. They also block port 21 which is annoying but I use sFTP to beat that.
Anyway my point is that they have admitted to me that the maximum bandwidth I can get with full HSDPA is 384kbps. dslreport has never given me a number above this whilst sometimes it's a little less, as you'd expect. mobilespeedtest gives me results all over the place, 300, 700, 3000 ...
These results cannot be correct. My network says that I am limited and I am. If I tether to my laptop and go to speedtest.net I get the same results as with dslreport. Laughably Speedtest.net sometimes gives my up speed faster than my down as the network obviously hasn't limited it.
I don't know what mobilespeedtest is trying to achieve but it's not, I think, measuring bandwidth.
Edit : The advert on mobilespeedtest is always for the same web hosting company - which is not your standard random Google Ad
Is this the Samsung Taylor?

[Q] Old Windows Builds = Faster performance

Am I stating the obivious here?
HTC handsets are getting faster and faster and yet I find the devices less and less responsive.
However, having installed a ROM with an older Windows build, I immediately found it to be faster (even when it's one running Cookies Home Tab).
(This was going first from "Energy.RHODIUM.23569.Sense2.5.Cookie.May.16" to "Energy.RHODIUM.21911.Sense2.5.Cookie.Jul.24" and then to "simplicity_3_September_21887_2016CHT").
Is this a general rule that seems to be overlooked in a quest to get the latest Microsoft title?
Is this like the "great advantages" of Windows 7 over Xp (EG NONE EXCEPT AERO SNAP AND A NEED FOR FASTER HARDWARE) (Caviat = I know there may be holes in this statement).
Anyway, besides ranting...
give jackos old school rom a try!
Jacko's Oldschool is a relevation.
Nothing is as slick and I love it
Currently trying another Jacko Rom though.
profjekyll said:
Is this like the "great advantages" of Windows 7 over Xp (EG NONE EXCEPT AERO SNAP AND A NEED FOR FASTER HARDWARE) (Caviat = I know there may be holes in this statement).
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Maybe I'm stating the obvious too... but obviously it is for support and compatibility with newer technologies and hardware? Which is true for Windows Mobile platforms, is it not?
eXilius333 said:
Maybe I'm stating the obvious too... but obviously it is for support and compatibility with newer technologies and hardware? Which is true for Windows Mobile platforms, is it not?
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Wellllllll.... Yes, newer versions of Windows Do have much better hardware support, and DO have the ability to support newer runtime platforms like .Net and newer hardware interfaces such as DirectX. True.
I still manically wonder ifl Microsoft has a deal going with Major hardware companies to always tax the hardware as much as possible so faster machines are needed.
And while I'm on this Rant... DELL! What a bunch of gits, putting multiple security softwares (poor ones at that) on their systems (EG McAffee & Aol Security). Which are ticking time bomb waiting to nerf the computers out of waranty!
And to continue my Rant, it's all "Processor, Processor, Processor". How many of the shelf systems come with faster hard disks? The TRUE bottleneck of the day is not "Slightly faster CPU / RAM / FSB" (although this is of course nice). The Glaring bottleneck is Hard Disk thrashing (which takes place even if you have a squiggabyte of RAM) which has been engineered by our pals Microsoft. Having a 10k RPM disk, or even better an old 15K SCSI server disk (which are pretty cheap if you can manager the scuzzy SCSI nonsense) then your general PC performance increases more than the latest Ram type.
Anyway I digress. Anyone looked at Gonzo's? Is is possible that his ROM is fast because he uses a weird old Kitchen no one else does?
eXilius333 said:
Maybe I'm stating the obvious too... but obviously it is for support and compatibility with newer technologies and hardware? Which is true for Windows Mobile platforms, is it not?
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And Another thing. After installing AeroSnap for XP I think it's better and more supported by far than 7 / Vista.
profjekyll said:
And Another thing. After installing AeroSnap for XP I think it's better and more supported by far than 7 / Vista.
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PS - Thanks for helping me release my "Pentium" up aggression.
profjekyll said:
And Another thing. After installing AeroSnap for XP I think it's better and more supported by far than 7 / Vista.
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Are you being serious?
Vista and, subsequently, 7 are far more robust as operating systems than XP in terms of networking, security, multi-core usage, memory usage (as in how it is used not how much is used), and compatibility for new technologies such as multi-touch capacitive touch screens, 64-bit (unless you're using the discontinued XP-64 bit which works on old and discontinued Itanium processors) which means total system memory is capped at 4GB, and well bluetooth advances and just a whole mess of other technologies that you can go look up yourself.
Do you only care about looks and speed? And don't mind blue screens of death from conflicting drivers from unreleased memory? Or maybe you like your background services more exposed, unnecessarily? I see...
I don't know how you formed your 'opinion' about XP or what "information" you used to form it.... but here (http://www.techradar.com/news/softw...red-windows-7-vs-vista-vs-xp-615167?artc_pg=1) is one of many articles about some of the differences between the operating systems... if you actually studied the architecture of 7 vs. XP I think you'd find your response about AeroSnap (lol?) substantially short-sighted...
Vista brought new version of NT kernel, featuring remaked memory management, support for new things etc. And re-optimalized from previous "swap as much as possible" to "use memory as much as possible with multi-core processor". That's why it behaves as it behaves on low RAM and singlecore CPUs. Comparing XP vs Vista (and later 7) is like comparing Windows Mobile 5.0 and Windows Phone 7 .
Vista was revolution for me, I used them 1.5 years without single issue or reinstall. I'm not kidding (Ultimate x64). Now it's year after I moved to Windows 7 Prof x64 and for past 2.5 years, I've never been happier with the system.
Anyway, new builds are not nescesarilly faster or slower, some are slower, some are faster. Eg 21910 can be slower than 21909, but 21911 can be again faster etc. Sometimes they bring some change in the drawing, some optimalization, next time they add some (for you hidden) feature.
Best combo for speed, RAM and user experience is IMHO my LBFAR WM6.5, featuring 21899 build, TF3D (from WM6.1 ROMs), over 320MB free ROM and 115MB free RAM, enabling really awesome multitasking, all running apps don't even fit on the window in tasklist.
Haha - your both wrong and you know it (about XP that is).
Thanks for the advice though!
profjekyll said:
And to continue my Rant, it's all "Processor, Processor, Processor". How many of the shelf systems come with faster hard disks? The TRUE bottleneck of the day is not "Slightly faster CPU / RAM / FSB" (although this is of course nice). The Glaring bottleneck is Hard Disk thrashing (which takes place even if you have a squiggabyte of RAM) which has been engineered by our pals Microsoft. Having a 10k RPM disk, or even better an old 15K SCSI server disk (which are pretty cheap if you can manager the scuzzy SCSI nonsense) then your general PC performance increases more than the latest Ram type.
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profjekyll said:
Haha - your both wrong and you know it (about XP that is).
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I don't mean to sound rude, but you're* wrong and you "don't" know it.
Read that... or any of a countless articles on Hard Drive speeds... again I don't know where you get your information? I studied only a little bit of architecture for my Computer Science degree but it was enough to learn that HD RPMs are not the "true" bottleneck of anything... Solid State can potentially be faster but the RPM-based disks but this idea that RPMS are a bottleneck is outdated and does not account for today's programs or paradigm :/ I am terribly sorry to break it to you... opinions are not necessarily reality. :'(
On a final note, you really SHOULD try OndraSter's rom... you can even install 6.5.5 with TouchFlo3D which is supremely fast, why? Because it is Sense 2.1 and, even more so, 2.5 which are slowing down the performance of our TP2's not so much the OS increments. I definitely recommend his if you really want speed, memory, and an unbloated foundation to install whatever you wish...
At first I was going to let this bit slide, but... well...
profjekyll said:
And to continue my Rant, it's all "Processor, Processor, Processor". How many of the shelf systems come with faster hard disks? The TRUE bottleneck of the day is not "Slightly faster CPU / RAM / FSB" (although this is of course nice). The Glaring bottleneck is Hard Disk thrashing (which takes place even if you have a squiggabyte of RAM) which has been engineered by our pals Microsoft. Having a 10k RPM disk, or even better an old 15K SCSI server disk (which are pretty cheap if you can manager the scuzzy SCSI nonsense) then your general PC performance increases more than the latest Ram type.
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That statement is just wrong in too many (almost all) ways and scenarios, it is about "processors, processors, processors" because applications are becoming richer, the web is becoming richer, programs that 'average' people--maybe not you--interact with are requiring more resources such as memory and processor 'time' and even if the disk was "faster" (such as potential SSDs) the system would have to wait for the processor to finish or the memory management (although I know little about this, but you can read further, yourself). The world is increasingly becoming more focused on "multi-programming" with dozens of rich web 2.0 sites opened in tabs, updates/patches possibly downloading, user content being uploaded or multimedia being downloaded, photo-editing, or rich software development... which are bottlenecked mostly by system memory, CPUS, GPU, and network speed, not simply "disk thrashing"... you may be used to a system with less than 4GB of assignable system memory that was pushed to it's fullest. Have you actually used Vista, 7, or their 64-bit versions for your everyday tasks with your everyday programs as you do XP, for a sufficient duration?
If you have enough system memory you won't experience "disk thrashing". That term, "thrashing" refers to a situation generally generated by your physical memory being full (or nearly full), and constant page swaps must occur... and it does NOT refer to normal page swap activity. That is not thrashing, but how the memory management algorithm was designed... most "work" lives in your RAM.
eXilius333 said:
I don't know where you get your information? I studied only a little bit of architecture for my Computer Science degree
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Thanks for the WM help though.
eXilius333 said:
If you have enough system memory you won't experience "disk thrashing".
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eXilius333 said:
HD RPMs are not the "true" bottleneck of anything... Solid State can potentially be faster but the RPM-based disks but this idea that RPMS are a bottleneck is outdated
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SSD vs Traditional disks... both have advantages and disadvantes. SSD seem to have very fast access time but slow throughput meaning they are good for rewriting lots of small files, but poor at shovelling a lot of data. Traditional disks are the reverse...
I don't care what disk you go for, but the fact is disks really are one of the main bottlenecks in day to day computing.
eXilius333 said:
On a final note, you really SHOULD try OndraSter's rom... you can even install 6.5.5 with TouchFlo3D which is supremely fast, why? Because it is Sense 2.1 and, even more so, 2.5 which are slowing down the performance of our TP2's not so much the OS increments. I definitely recommend his if you really want speed, memory, and an unbloated foundation to install whatever you wish...
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Thanks, that is VERY insightful, TF3D vs Sense... Thankyou thankyou.
Thrashing is not the same as background paging. The Windows Vista/7 paging system is tremendously more efficient compared to 2000/XP.
Vista's biggest flaw was a slight lag in foreground processing, which made it feel slower. Windows 7 changed the foreground priorities around.
As for WM builds, Sense is a dog. Especially once you go past 2.1. I basically made the Foundation ROM because I wanted a slimmed down 6.5 ROM with lots of free memory. I think it's as stable as 6.1. I've also given up on Sense and moved to SPB, which I think helps the stability and battery life.
i cant tell if hes trolling or serious.
yes, xp is faster in the fact that it requires less resources to get to boot.
for that matter, chromium devastates XP.
the hdd vs sdd:
SSDs do not have bad 'throughput', the only problem with SSD is that when you write numerous little files it still has to go through and add to the allocation table where they all are, which is true on every form of media. the ssd still writes faster than conventional HDDs.
read speeds are phenomenal and large file write speeds are quite good too.
cpu use:
XP only truly utilizes dual cores, after that it really starts losing efficiency. Vista was a failboat, for this post i'll only refer to win7 from here on. win7's kernel fixes the holes in xp's multicore flaws, as xp was never intended for multicore systems.
if you have a fresh install of xp, and a fresh install of win7 basic, give them both about 15 reboots, then boot them both. it will be about the same time, within a second of each other.
i'd love to finish this but i have other things i must attend to atm
Looks like everybody got stuck on P III 1.2GHz and 256MB RAM when Vista came out (which was avg PC on that time). I was using happily XP on Barton, about 2GHz with 2.5GB RAM. Hating Vista that time. Then I upgraded to E2200 with 2GB RAM. Reinstalled XP, everything was working fine. Then I upgraded to 4GB RAM and I was like "hey, now I have enough RAM, lets try 64bit."
Since XP64 weren't in my native lang (and I don't like EN windows) and it was pretty much abandoned by MS because it wasn't used heavily (like... 1%? maybe less?), I tried Vista Ultimate x64. Compared to XP, I felt alive, modern, able to multitask and system could use all my cores and all my RAM, without killing my harddrive. WHAT A FEELING!
I used Vista for 1.5 years with changing pretty much my whole PC (except motherboard), without a single issue. Compared to XP, which died in like... 4 months tops (still dont understand, how anybody's XP could last > half a year) it was huge difference. No slowdown after few days, everything was running fast. I switched about the time SP1 came out. And never looked back. Vista was awesome update for me. NT5.1 was too archaic for current hardware. You never should use new system on old hardware, old technologies (eg NetBurst vs Core2), because it is built for NEW hardware.
Also, Vista brought new options and directives for drivers, so many of them weren't compatible. That was major issue, but not on side of MS, but on side of OEMs, which didn't deliver drivers for new hardware in time. But after few months, there were drivers for Vista working OK.
Then Win7 came out with a bit enhanced priorities for processes (like the UI), also featuring new cool stuff and minor update to kernel (NT6.1).
Sorry, I just loved Vista and never understood anybody who hated them. If they would try them on correct hardware about a year after launch, when everything was fixed and drivers were available, everything would be different and Win7 could be delayed and featuring even more changes. All in all Vista, it was featuring huge kernel upgrade... Something like CE4 vs CE5.
But this is heavily OT, we should keep in lines of ROMs. If mod is about to delete it, let it there for a while so the people up can read it.
Rajinn said:
i cant tell if hes trolling or serious.(
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Genuinely not trolling. Just ranting + convinced I am right.
Joe USer said:
As for WM builds, Sense is a dog. Especially once you go past 2.1. I basically made the Foundation ROM because I wanted a slimmed down 6.5 ROM with lots of free memory. I think it's as stable as 6.1. I've also given up on Sense and moved to SPB, which I think helps the stability and battery life.
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Ok, so sense is a dog... I am getting that generally. 2.1 is pretty fast, but lacks hand buttons on the home page (as far as I can see). I want to be able to quickly press once, maximum twice from the home screen to phone my GF or open CoPilot etc.
I have never found this out... Perhaps someone can enlighted:
If I got a raw WM ROM without any sense on it (haha "no sense"... nvm) can you install Sense OR SPB OR ... as an alternative "front end" onto this using a .cab file or similar?
Or is this not possible, because Sense etc are very intrinsic to the build of WM?
If so, where can I get these .cabs?
What other front ends are there to WM?
At this rate, I expect I will end up learning C# and writing my own. Well, probably not.

Anyone tried this app?

I guess some OUYA users tried it for games that demanded more memory, but I'm not a OUYA user.
You can probably chalk this up to boredom, but I'm intrigued by the RAM Expander app by ROEHSOFT.
So I'm wondering if anyone's tried it with AFTV? And since I haven't read about it in these forums at all I'm guessing it's either incompatible or useless, since aftv comes with 2 gb and the app says "up to 2.5 gb"
Basically I'm just curious. I've heard it could put unnecessary strain on your device. Of course if it is safe I don't see the harm in using it. I'm just not certain it'll make a noticeable difference...and it is a bit costly but they offer a trial (I think.)
Like I said. It's a slow night. I'm just looking for some info or an opinion if you have it. Thanks.
If your Fire TV is slow something is wrong. Maybe some high quality streams or videos may jitter, but the function should never be slow. I Have yet to get down lower than 680mb of ram. 2gb of ram and four cores is more than enough for any device and should never be slow.
porkenhimer said:
If your Fire TV is slow something is wrong. Maybe some high quality streams or videos may jitter, but the function should never be slow. I Have yet to get down lower than 680mb of ram. 2gb of ram and four cores is more than enough for any device and should never be slow.
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It's not slow. In fact it's very fast. But a wise man said the more ram the better (2 things there--1. I'm paraphrasing horribly
2. I'm NOT the wise man
I do read here that people oc with hard to measure results. So while it was just an--I'm bored and curious type question, I feel like other people have considered possibilities of speeding things up. I've seen some streaming boxes from China with 4 gb yet the processor, I think, was on par or a bit less powerful than aftv.
I have no need to increase ram. Only scenario I think it MIGHT help (and this is through novice eyes) is if you're using the swap data option for games or perhaps storing thumbnails on usb. Maybe you'd get quicker reads??? But I could be way off there.
You did confirm what I thought--it's not necessary, but I'm thinking more along the lines is there any benefit?
Either way. I doubt I'll test it and definitely don't want to encourage any curious novices like myself to try. It's just if someone has tried it I'd be interested in hearing about it.

