Opera Best Practices - Touch HD Themes and Apps

Hi There,
Anybody have any tips on best practices for the Opera browser? i.e. which version\build etc.
What tips and tricks people are using when surfing etc etc?
The reason why i ask is i have a few annoyances such as :
* when i hit launch Brower, navigate to a webpage, move away to another app then come back to the browser, I have to click on the launch browser to load up opera again and then click press the tabs button to go back to the page i was originally surfing
* When surfing e.g within this forum, the text is not word wrapped so have to scroll across the screen, unles i zoom, then the page word wraps. Why can't it word wrap the first time around?
* When i scroll from left to right it sometimes scrolls then instantly scrolls to the far left or far right
* Sometimes if I want to scroll up or down the keyboard gets accidentally displayed.
these might just be the way I am using Opera and may need education


Mobile Browser

I find myself using the internet to read the news mainly on my XDA Orbit. but the IE browser sucks real bad. does anyone know of a good mobile browser.. i would like to be able to scroll by dragging the screen with my finger... i tend not to use the stylus for anything nowadays... but scrolling with my finger nail proves dificult sometimes..... tabbed browsing would be nice but not essential
how about Opera?
or theres minimo: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/minimo/
opera seems perfect thanks
anyone know a opera hack when you open a new tab that it goes to that tab, instead I want it to stay in the current tab, also is it possible to make the scroll bar on the left as im left handed
shift + ctrl click the link
Thats the way for big windows opera anyway.
dont know how to do it on pocket version

Here is a more convenient way to search XDA Developers using google for IE7 users

Hey, if you are like me and are so lazy that you can't stand to do an absolute minimum amount of work, and you use Internet Explorer 7, than this tip is for you!!!!
You can add google search xda developers to your inline search box at the top right of your IE7 window. It only takes a few steps to add this, and you can have it in your IE7 search box for convenient google searching of xda developers any time you want.
or if you prefer the old way, the instructions are still located here:
Follow these steps (they look like a lot, but they are simple):
1. Go to the regular google / XDA developers search url
2. Type the word TEST (all caps) into any one of the search boxes ( with all of the words, with the exact phrase, with at least one of the words) that google offers you (depending on how you most like to search xda developers) (if you type TEST into the "with all the words" field, that is the default google search method)
3. press "google search"
4. Copy the url of the current page you are on
5. click the little pull down arrow next to the picture of the magnifying glass in you IE7 search box
6. on the pull down menu click "find more providers"
7. on the page that comes up, there is a yellow box on the right side of the page that says "create your own" paste the url that you had previously copied into the first text field in the yellow box
8. In the second text field in the yellow box type the name that you want your new search shortcut to be called (I just called mine XDA DEV)
9. click "install" in the yellow box
10. A dialogue will come up with the final options (you can click cancel to quit at this point) you can click add provider to add it as one of your search shortcuts, or check the "make this my default search povider" box to make it the one that is automatically seen in that search box when you start IE7.
11. Success!!! if you didn't already add it as your default search provider, then you can pull down the box with the little arrow next to the magnifying glass and select it whenever you want to search xda developers quickly and conveniently through google.
12. to also add google search the XDA wiki, repeat these same steps, except with this as the url for step 1:
http://www.google.com/advanced_search?q= +site:http://wiki.xda-developers.com&hl=en&lr=&as_qdr=all
13. You could also use these steps to google search any website, or even use the website's own search engine too
Same can be done for firefox 2 and I'm using it myself.
There is a standard keyword on google to search a specific site, so in this case, go to google, type your search, and then site:forum.xda-developers.com
eg On google, to search for vijay555 within the forum, type
vijay555 site:forum.xda-developers.com
Mike: I didn't notice any large, detrimental features in IE7. Firefox is still probably the way to go, but I tend to drift between the two depending on how much WMV porn I'm watching.
Actually, I use my own browser, VJMultiBrowser, which IMHO is nicer then both, but that's another story.
vijay555 said:
Actually, I use my own browser, VJMultiBrowser, which IMHO is nicer then both, but that's another story.
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Click to collapse
Google gives no results when searching for VJMultiBrowser?
mestrini: VJMultibrowser has never been released, to anyone except BuzzLightyear. It's very very much built around how I work, but it's been my main browser for a few years (ie since I wrote it), although obviously it's in continuous development.
That is in fact a problem, I've squeezed so many things in there, I forget what it can do. I just remembered that it has a flick gesture for flicking to the next page in a set of documents, eg, flick mouse left/right to go from
Anyway, yeah, it's never been released, hence no information on it, but I recently made up a bit of an overview/description of it for the recent LifeHacker.com non-Firefox browser wars. However, I think I went slightly outside the limitations of the competition (they wanted a max image size of 1280*1024). There was too much to fit in, so I think I got disqualified. However, if you wanna have a look, check out the image below.
I suggest that you first put your browser in fullscreen mode (press F11), and then scroll right to the bottom first, to see how I use it in a 1x3 (ie 4 browser panes) setup normally. Then scroll back up the graphic to see some of the main features (but not all!).
Warning: 0.9mb image!
Click to enlarge:
http://www.vijay555.com/smilies/VJMultibrowser.png [no compression]
VJMultibrowser - Features Part 1
PS: Some of the features, as described to LifeHacker.com
VJMultiBrowser is a browser “shell” I started working on some time back. Necessity was the mother of its invention – I worked in an office that had banned use of Internet Explorer. As such, I started discreetly using a custom version of Internet Explorer in Kiosk Mode to have a very low profile browser – no chrome at all, and no easy way to navigate.
I then started working on the MiniBrowser, a single browser with minimal chrome, ie very low profile interface, designed to use 99.5% of the available screen space for the browser, using only a tiny area for the necessary interface (Back, Forward, Home, Refresh, Save etc).
I quickly realized that for most efficient use while browsing, I would typically need at least 4 windows to be open simultaneously. This gave birth to VJMultiBrowser. The browser starts off as a single browser window with low profile interface. However, as required, up to three sibling browsers can be spawned to join the parent. Each browser is color coded in the top right so as not to lose track of them.
Each browser can be used to drag and drop using the MiniIcons in the top right near the navigation bar. Thus one can stay within the same browser window but drag off interesting links to its three brethren easily. The target browser will show a fluorescent green highlight to show it’s the required drop target, and if it’s currently obscured, it will jump up to the top to show which browser you are dropping into.
The home icon can also be used as a drag icon (to drag the current URL) and also as a drop target (eg highlight a URL in Word and drop it onto the home icon and it will navigate there).
The address bar and page title can be resized or completely hidden if not required. The home icon can optionally display the URL and Title as a Balloon, so no interface is required unless needed.
The address bar is a full command line – apps can be run, calculations performed, or jump to various shortcuts and favorites. Favorites and URLs will be autocompleted.
The concept is that I can use 4 browsers as a super-tabbed browser: 4 mini tabs accessible from each browser, and each browser can be hidden or viewed by clicking on its associated miniicon. Each browser can be maximized, closed, toggled in height, shrunk to an icon (MicroIcon mode) for non-obtrusive browsing. Each browser can be freely resized, or optionally docked together (like Winamp) and joint resized in proportion. Browsers can be resized using the numeric keypad for presets, or the cursor keys for pixel perfect resizing.
Layouts and current browsing sessions can be saved and reloaded by double clicking an icon or drag dropping a session onto the navigation bar. A single click can also resize the 4 browsers to quarter full screen (ie each browser takes a quarter of the screen), quarter non-full screen (same, but not the whole screen is used), explorer layout (1 large browser, 3 vertically adjacent mini browsers) etc.
Although typically 4 browsers are sufficient, for occasional usage you can “clone” either a fully featured MutliBrowser, or its little brother, the MiniBrowser. MiniBrowsers have full functionality, but have an even lower profile chrome/interface, ie just a context sensitive back and forward button, a home icon for drag drop saving etc, and a mini address bar. MiniBrowser are designed for temporary usage, and specialized usage, eg popping up Alexa information, a list of links on the page etc. Lists of links etc can be live filtered by typing the required path into the Mini Browser address bar.
A non complete list of features (as it’s in continuous development, and also, I forget all the little things built into it!):
* Built in command line from address bar - do calculations, run applications, aliases, live search and highlight, path navigation (with one button navigation up and down the website/directory path).
* File explorer – will navigate through local system to replace the Windows Explorer with a 4 pane multi-explorer.
* Use of customisable command aliases in address bar eg:
g] LifeHacker = google lifehacker
m] Bourne = find times for films containing Bourne
i] Bourne = imdb query Bourne
TRF to translate to French, TRG to translate to German etc.
* Aliases for most popular search engines, eBay, Movies.com, Wikipedia, IMDB etc. All aliases are user configurable
* Some Greasemonkey and embedded Javascript support, and customisable advanced bookmarklet support (can inject javascript and CSS sheets directly into the page. Optionally disable scripts, CSS and frames).
* CSS remover and rewriter.
* Built in WYSIWYG HTML editor.
* Live search type-ahead Google searches with one click access to searches and "I'm feeling lucky" targets (eg, start typing LifeHa, and press Ctrl + 1 to execute a Google search on the most popular hit for that search. Press Ctrl + Alt + 1 to go directly to LifeHacker.com).
* Live highlighting, eg start typing in Life and all references to Life will be highlighted, and a popup showing the hit count will appear. Quickly navigate forward and back through hits using F11 and F12.
* Live zoom in and out, and rotation (clockwise and anticlockwise). Can be used on websites and while image viewing – particularly useful when used in Explorer replacement mode, to browse through a folder full of images.
* Optional alpha transparency for the browser.
* Optional ghost mode for true transparent browsing – makes a selected colour on the webpage transparent, to allow viewing through webpage onto desktop etc. This is useful for example docking a display of live stock prices on the desktop, but not obscuring screen in any way.
* Gesture recognition for most important browsing functions.
Eg mouse drag left/right to go forward back, mouse drag up/down to navigate up and down directory path, button + drag to get special context menu for shortcuts, favorites etc. Browse with mouse only, no forward and back clicks required.
* Can host both the Internet Explorer and Mozilla browser for the best of both browser engines.
* Ad blocker, using customisable list of blockable urls.
* Anti-phising filter.
* Anti-spoofing filter and blocker (will catch rule defined exploits and warn before displaying the page, or optionally present a text only view of the page to disarm the spoof).
* Popup blocker, with optional override (either force popup into parent browser, or into a mini-browser so as not to obscure main session).
* Popup history to show URLs of overridden popups.
* Session based Browsing History (optionally saveable, by default erased on close). Color coded history shows what webpages were viewed by which Multibrowser.
* Form Filler – single click form filler to fill forms with generic, predefined form data eg Name, Address, Telephone) or fill in a form, save that data, and re-use pre-saved data to fill in that form on request.
* Save multi-browser layouts as shortcuts to reload and resume pre-defined browsing sessions with one click (eg have a folder on your desktop containing special layouts for News, RSS, Local Drives, YouTube).
* Image extractor (will present a list of all images on the page).
* Link extractor (will present a list of all links on the page).
* Site summarizer (will present a list of all links on the page with associated neighboring text, to quickly summarize the contents of a long page of links).
* Shortcut/Alias access to Alexa data and WhoIs data (presented in a mini-browser to not obscure main browsing session).
* ThumbNailer (will inject thumbails into links on the current page to see what the destination looks like).
* Built in RSS news reader.
* Optional Magnetized windows (like Winamp) to allow window docking and for the docked windows to be dragged as a group).
* Built in scratchpad/notepad with drag and drop save.
* Built in HTML to Text and HTML to PDF conversion. Merely drag the Home icon onto Notepad, Word etc and it will be automatically converted. Optionally right drag the home icon to save the URL only as text.
* Built in Speech engine to speak page or selected text.
* Zapper – remove any annoying page element (eg flashing adverts) by moving mouse over the element and pressing ctrl + z.
* Cropper – select required selection on the page and choose menu option to crop the entire page just to the selection: useful when printing only selected parts of a complex web page.
* Built in Favorites searching with wildcard searching and session saving.
* Gesture-based Favorites popup – Favorites presented as a popup menu by merely flicking the mouse.
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Click to collapse
VJMutlibrowser - Features Part 2
Some more of the features (messages have a limit of 10,000 characters. Who knew!?)
* Drag and drop search for Dictionary references, Google and Wikipedia (merely drop a selected word or phrase onto the navigation menu and a popup for each of these searches will appear). No keyboard required.
* Any corner dragging – resize the Browser from any corner using tiny drag handles in each corner. Alternatively use the efficient Multibrowser Gripper in the top right to drag and position the window, (left click and hold), resize the window (right click and hold), maximize (double click), minimize, toggle size etc.
* Desktop docking - immediately dock to any corner or edge. Use cursor keys for pixel perfect placement.
* Resizable Breadcrumb bar to allow single click navigation through local and web paths (eg, http://www.google.com/images/deviants, clicking on ‘images’ will immediately navigate to that URL. Also for local file browsing, eg in a path C:\Documents and Settings\MP014292\Desktop, clicking ‘C:\’ will browse to C:\.
* Status bar – hidden by default, can be displayed, resized. Carries an item history to see browser ‘status text’ all previous items. Will automatically extract embedded items like YouTube movies, flash games etc so they can be saved locally with one click.
* Optional keyboard only link navigation – jump to selected links, eg alt + 6 to jump to the 6th link on the page.
* Unlimited MultiBrowser and MiniBrowser clones – if more then 4 browers are required, more fully function browser windows can be spawned at the click of a button. MiniBrowsers (limited functionality browsers for displaying popups etc) can be similarly spawned.
* Custom error screen – if page cannot be found, a Google search will immediately be initiated, with links to Google Cache, Internet Archives, different domain suffixes (eg, Vijay555.com, .org, .co.uk etc)
* Single click appending of www. .com, www. .net, www. .co.uk, www. .org etc.
* Lots of other stuff I forget.
* 238k, installed. No spyware.
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Click to collapse
Note that the screenshot doesn't show all features. But hopefully gives some idea of how it works. All browser panes are freely resizeable etc though, so you can have any layout you want.
Use the XDA-Developers Toolbar,
Take a look at it at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=330587

New Internet Explorer (IE 6 on 6)

Hi everyone,
I like the new Internet Explorer that comes with WM 6.5 however there is one major annoyance.
I like the fact that it goes to full screen by default leaving just the little “orb” in the bottom. However I HATE the fact that it displays the address bar every time I navigate. The address bar covers the tool bar for my web-based apps and I have to wait for it to disappear every time I navigate from page to page.
Is there anyway I can make it STAY in full screen mode without displaying the address bar unless I ask for it?
The Fish
Don't use the IE, There are far superior browsers out there, delete the icon and forget IE6 exist. IE6 is a good step in the right direction but other browsers out there are far superior.
thefish123 said:
Hi everyone,
I like the new Internet Explorer that comes with WM 6.5 however there is one major annoyance.
I like the fact that it goes to full screen by default leaving just the little “orb” in the bottom. However I HATE the fact that it displays the address bar every time I navigate. The address bar covers the tool bar for my web-based apps and I have to wait for it to disappear every time I navigate from page to page.
Is there anyway I can make it STAY in full screen mode without displaying the address bar unless I ask for it?
The Fish
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Eat Toast is right, you have Skyfire, Iris, Opera 9.5, etc......
i would say skyfire beats IE 6 10 to 1. page render is waaaaayyyyy faster and the ultimate reason skyfire has flash support built in!
I agree, I dislike Internet Explorer too. Skyfire is definatley a step up.

notifications on Manila home tab

One of things I've always wanted to do to Manila is remove the SMS and Email tabs in favor of having them appear on the Home tab.
When I get a new SMS, I miss being able to see a little "1" pop up on my messaging icon, and being to click it to jump right into pocket outlook and start my threaded conversation. (Right now, I have to slide over to the tab, read it in an admittedly eye candy scrolling fashion, often flicking back a couple of messages to remember what I was talking about, then click to open up HTC's messaging application. Its more clicks and swipes than I think necessary.)
I like that 2.5 lets you place shortcuts on the bottom of the home panel (finally), so I was considering making those shortcuts to SMS and Email and removing the tabs, but then I realized I'd be losing the notifications.
I'm still looking up and reading about Manila customization, and I think this should be possible... can anyone with some knowledge on the subject point me in the right direction?
Do I need to edit the home mode9 file?
Do I need to learn LUA?
Do I need both?

New Incredible User - some sense weirdness?

Sorry if this has been answered, but I did some searches and couldn't find any answers.
Basically, I just moved from the Droid to the DI, and am loving it so far. Sense has really surpassed my expectations (especially after root) - however, there are some frustrating quirks i've noticed.
The biggest one occurs in web browsing. If I tap the address bar, it only automatically selects the page's url after http:/, meaning that I can't search a term without deleting the http, and then typing in my search phrase. I poked around in settings but couldn't find a preference for selecting all text in the address bar.
Has anyone found a way around this? Thanks!
When you tap the address bar, tap the search (magnifying glass) that will delete everything in the box so you can type your search string.
You can just tap the search from anywhere to bring up the search function...that's not part of the browser.
Thanks for the tip. Small thing, but just part of adjusting to the new phone. Loving it!
Berzerker7 said:
You can just tap the search from anywhere to bring up the search function...that's not part of the browser.
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It is part of the browser. If you look the searched items in the browser will be different from the searched items when you just press the magnifying glass without being in the browser.

