[Updated] Text Colour - All Programs Hightlighted Item - Touch HD Themes and Apps

I have 2 problems...
I have managed to change the header/title background image for the Sound, Customize Tabs, All Programs & Music Library pages, but now I need to change the colour of the text shown on top of this background.
Does anybody know what registry setting or manila file I need to edit to change the colour of the text in the title bar for these pages?
I have been through every forum topic that remotely mentions text colour/color... but can't find anything relating to these pages. I've also looked through every registry entry on my phone, and can't find anything there either.
I want the colour of the title text on the Sound, Customize Tabs, All Programs & Music Library to be white... as it is on the Settings page (see images below).
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
I have managed to change the text colour for the title on the Communications page via a registry setting, but I can't seem to find the right manila file for the header/title image.
The Communications page looks identical to the Sound & Customize Tabs pages, yet they don't share the same background images or text colour settings... seems odd!
Does anybody know which manila file relates to this header?
Can anybody help? Thanks, in advance

Well... it's been 6 long days... and it appears nobody knows how to change the text colour on the pages I mentioned above
I've managed to solve problem number [2]... the header/title image for the Communications page is actually a simple PNG containing the header & background in one large image... and not in a manila file. Same goes for the highlight image for this page. Maybe this is because the Comm Manager can be accessed even if TF3D is turned off!
I've also partially managed to solve problem number [1]... the colour of the title text on the Sound, Ring Type, Ringtones, Customize Tabs, All Programs & Music Library pages is controlled by one of the mode9 files (one which initially generated an error in the m9editor, but it turns out I could still edit it).
Anyway... I'm still stuck on how to change the default black text that appears on the All Programs page for a highlighted program. The All Programs page is the only page that doesn't alter the colour of the text for a selected item... items stay in black text whether selected or not... so I need to know how to change that to white. I know which mode9 file relates to the Program Launcher... but there's no entry relating the the colour of the text when highlighted, so I imagine I will have to create an entry. I've tried a few variations, but none of them work... I'm basically taking stabs in the dark here, lol. Does anbody know where in the mode9 file (at what level) I need to insert the text colour reference for a highlighted item?
I've only had my HTC Touch HD since Christmas day... so almost a month... and I've mostly finished 'skinning' it... all thanks you guys. Everything I've achieved so far has been by reading through endless forums. I've not expected anyone to do anything for me... and I'm more than happy to put the work in... but I'm about pulling my hair out trying to figure out how to change 1 simple bit of text colour
Please, please, please.... can anyone even point me in the right direction

While I'm waiting... a few tips
I thought I might share a few things I've learnt & a few problems I've solved... just things that bugged me.
[1] No SMS sent message. I wanted it.
In the registry, go to: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings & set SMSNoSentMsg to 1 (or create a New String Value, if it's not there!)
[2] New SMS/MMS/Email sound. It played once & stopped. Easy to miss a new message. I wanted the sound to repeat.
In the registry, go to: HKCU\ControlPanel\Notifications. Find the folder for Reminders {15F11F90-8A5F-454c-89FC-BA9B7AAB0CAD} (inside you'll find a key called "Default"... it's value "Reminders" tells you this is the folder for Reminders... you need to know this so you can locate the folders for SMS/MMS/Email. For now, copy the value of "Options" which should be "1073741845". Now go back to where all the other {folders} are, and find the ones for SMS/MMS/Email and change their "Options" value to "1073741845 (copy & paste). That's it... new SMS/MMS/Email sounds will be repeated!
NOTE: You may find that the sound will not stop playing, even after you've read the new SMS/MMS/Email. I haven't found a way to prevent this (yet!), as it appears WM6.1 doesn't give the command to stop playing these sounds... as it was designed to not have these sounds repeating in the first place. So in the meantime, pressing the END/HANGUP softkey seems to halt the sound immediately!
[3] Threaded SMS. I hate it. I don't want my SENT SMS to appear in my INBOX marked with "Me:". If I sent it... it should be in my SENT items and nowhere else! Plus... seeing one long conversation like "happy new year. you too. my father just died. fancy coming to a party" etc... when each message is months apart and not related to the same conversation... is just ridiculous. Why a choice of thread or not is not included in the options is beyond me!
In the registry, go to: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\OEM & set SMSInboxThreadingDisabled to 1. Threaded SMS is GONE!
[4] Reading an SMS... the page initially jumps to below the "Sent:" information... this is annoying. I usually like to be able to see the date/time the message was sent while I'm replying, and having to always scroll up a bit on every message gets annoying.
Find the file: c:\windows\read_sms.htm and move the anchor tag with an id of "Inbox:top" to just below the first div tag under the opening body tag. No more jumping!
[5] ActiveSync constantly running... me closing it... and it's running again within minutes.
Go through the ActiveSync set-up... tell it to sync MANUALLY, and when you're asked what to sync (contacts, addresses, etc), UNTICK THEM ALL. No more ActiveSync running all the time!
[6] Selecting "English United Kingdom" in my regional settings... still shows "favorites" instead of "favourites" in some of the People menus, and the date on the Home tab is in an American format.
There are 2 manila (XML) files (one US, one GB) for Home, People & People List. Whether you select English US or English UK... manila is using the US version of these files... I don't know why. Find the GB versions of these files (00a49dc2_manila, 4d8aad9e_manila, 5fbd18e6_manila) and rename them to the name of the US versions (1dea52e0_manila, 7fc62a3c_manila, 590ad244_manila). Then edit the page relating to the Home screen (590ad244_manila) and change the date format to "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy" which will give you "Friday, 23 January 2009" instead of the current "Jan 23, 2009".
I hope these help somebody else

I think you have a wrong "
sidepa said:
[2] New SMS/MMS/Email sound. It played once & stopped. Easy to miss a new message. I wanted the sound to repeat.
In the registry, go to: HKCU\Software\ControlPanel\Notifications. [/B]
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here go to:HKCU\ControlPanel\Notifications ,Not path Software......
and I need change colors too, Can you say a lot????

Damn good tips!
Thanks for these.....

amiapig said:
I think you have a wrong "
here go to:HKCU\ControlPanel\Notifications ,Not path Software......
and I need change colors too, Can you say a lot????
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You're right... my bad. I've changed my original entry to reflect the correct registry position.
For anybody else wanting to change the colours of the title text....
[1] Open the mode9 file "5c9aa261_manila", and find the colour reference for "TitleText" (which refers to the title in the main TouchFlo Tabs) & "TitleTextLowLayer" (which refers to the title in the Sound, Ring Type, Ringtones, Customize Tabs, All Programs & Music Library sub pages of TouchFlo). Change the colours to whatever you like, and "save as". Copy this edited manila file over to your device & replace the existing one.
[2] The colour of the title for the Communications page isn't controlled by the above manila file... you have to change a registry setting instead....
Go to HKLM\Software\HTC\CommManager and find the key called "TexColorSetting". It contains a lot of hex colour codes... the first 6 digits being "50 50 50", which is the dark grey colour of the Communications title. Change that to whatever colour you want!

Did you manage to change the white background color from the music library tab?
I'm searching everywhere for it but cannot change it.
If i use the background for all tabs the '3d' grid disappears but the white background sticks ..

nixx-X1 said:
Did you manage to change the white background color from the music library tab?
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I hadn't even tried to do that, because I want my Music Library background to stay white.
However, I've just done a bit of experimenting on your behalf, and can confirm that you can have the same background in the Music Library as you have in all other tabs. (or a different background if you prefer!).
You need to edit the Mode9 file "5c9aa261_manila" (in m9editor), and find the section that relates to "BackgroundLevel0" & "BackgroundLevel1".
Copy the 2 properties found in "BackgroundLevel0" as shown in the pic below, and paste them into "BackgroundLevel1". You'll also need to DELETE the "Opacity" property from "BackgroundLevel1".
Basically... your file should look like the below image!

sidepa said:
I hadn't even tried to do that, because I want my Music Library background to stay white.
However, I've just done a bit of experimenting on your behalf, and can confirm that you can have the same background in the Music Library as you have in all other tabs. (or a different background if you prefer!).
You need to edit the Mode9 file "5c9aa261_manila" (in m9editor), and find the section that relates to "BackgroundLevel0" & "BackgroundLevel1".
Copy the 2 properties found in "BackgroundLevel0" as shown in the pic below, and paste them into "BackgroundLevel1". You'll also need to DELETE the "Opacity" property from "BackgroundLevel1".
Basically... your file should look like the below image!
View attachment 153052
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DUDE! you're my hero
thanks man!
it works perfectly
and now to find a way to put a custom background behind it instead of the sprint_bg one

The image called "Manila_sprint_bg" relates to file "4a087e41_manila".
Simply edit that file (using Manila Editor) and use whatever image you want!

sidepa said:
The image called "Manila_sprint_bg" relates to file "4a087e41_manila".
Simply edit that file (using Manila Editor) and use whatever image you want!
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I know
But I already did this for the background of all tabs.
So will replace the location for the level 1 to refer to a different image (or see if I can add a new manila file) as I want it to be different.
thanks again!

sidepa said:
I thought I might share a few things I've learnt & a few problems I've solved... just things that bugged me.
I hope these help somebody else
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You hope?! Bro.. friend... buddy... it not just helped... it saved me a bunch of bucks, 'cause i'm not tempted to smash the black gadget at the wall anymore.

cerato said:
You hope?! Bro.. friend... buddy... it not just helped... it saved me a bunch of bucks, 'cause i'm not tempted to smash the black gadget at the wall anymore.
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I'm just curious as to which particular 'feature' was annoying you so much?
Glad you got it sorted anyway!

sms thread and info hide... anyway the list is as long as route66... but this is in particular... the good thing is that this forum seems to be endless as well... so never late to learn a nice tweak. thnks again

sidepa said:
[3] Threaded SMS. I hate it. I don't want my SENT SMS to appear in my INBOX marked with "Me:". If I sent it... it should be in my SENT items and nowhere else! Plus... seeing one long conversation like "happy new year. you too. my father just died. fancy coming to a party" etc... when each message is months apart and not related to the same conversation... is just ridiculous. Why a choice of thread or not is not included in the options is beyond me!
In the registry, go to: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\OEM & set SMSInboxThreadingDisabled to 1. Threaded SMS is GONE!
[4] Reading an SMS... the page initially jumps to below the "Sent:" information... this is annoying. I usually like to be able to see the date/time the message was sent while I'm replying, and having to always scroll up a bit on every message gets annoying.
Find the file: c:\windows\read_sms.htm and move the anchor tag with an id of "Inbox:top" to just below the first div tag under the opening body tag. No more jumping!
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Thanks for the tweaks. Here below i explain a bit simply to users like me (i.e. "dummies)
Enter to above registry using some reg editor program like SKTools for example. If OEM is not preseent, create a key with this name. Then enter in the key folder and create a string named SMSInboxThreadingDisabled with value 1.
To change read_sms.htm use total commander, navigate to windows\read_sms.htm, use the edit function, then cut/paste below the first div tag (its little above cut item.
That's it.


[Solutions] HTC Homeplug problems

The new HTC Homeplug looks really good, but there are several issues with it, which I propose to discuss in this thread.
[size=+1]Adding new weather sources[/size]
1. Go to http://wwwa.accuweather.com/world-city-list2.asp (update: try also http://htc.accuweather.com for those having trouble getting their cities to work) and enter your city under "Find an International Location by Name" (the top box) and click Go.
2. Click on the city you want in the results
3. Copy the zipcode query string from the URL, e.g. Coventry, UK is "EUR|UK|UK001|COVENTRY" (don't copy the last pipe).
4. Open both HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml and _HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml from the \Windows folder and copy one of the other lines, replacing the data with the city name and the code from part (3).
It should look something like this:
<city name="Coventry, UK" locationcode="EUR|UK|UK001|COVENTRY"/>
5. Save the file back to the \Windows directory
6. Select your newly acquired city from the list!
This doesn't seem to work for everyone as it appears to be restricted to certain cities, no one is particularly sure why yet. If after following these steps you get an error downloading data then it probably does not support the city code you entered. To find your city look here: http://htc.accuweather.com
[size=+1]Weather not updating[/size]
No solution yet
[size=+1]Photocontacts in the applications[/size]
See Vijay's solution here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=1312528&postcount=59
(See screenshot atatched to this post)
You can also use the same approach to use VJSMS and VJEmail to open SMS and emails to your contacts.
[size=+1]Making it smaller[/size]
The biggest issue (pun intended) for me is the size of it - there isn't room for much else on the today screen. I know the idea is that it is thumb friendly, and it is, but I would like to make it a little smaller. I've looked through the reg and can't find anything to do this, nor any options anywhere. Probably requires decompilation / impossible.
If you have any ideas / solutions to these problems, or more problems of your own, post them below. I will try and keep the first thread updated, if you have a solution PM me so that I don't miss it.
With the Today plugin there's no need to use the "No unread messages" plugin, since they pretty much defeat each other, so there's one thing that can be removed to make more room. I'd like to see an MMS shortcut?
I've removed the messaging plugin too.
With regards to the MMS counter, I think that because the SMS/MMS inboxes are now combined, it might count the cumulative total in the Unread SMS counter? I haven't tested it yet. I also want to find out what happens when I sync my texts to Outlook with Jeyo Mobile Extender, and how it treats MMS.
ronfin44 said:
With the Today plugin there's no need to use the "No unread messages" plugin, since they pretty much defeat each other, so there's one thing that can be removed to make more room. I'd like to see an MMS shortcut?
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Yes, that is right. It is double things showing on the Today.
Oliy said:
The new HTC Homeplug looks really good, but there are several issues with it, which I propose to discuss in this thread.
Adding new weather sources
1. Go to http://wwwa.accuweather.com/world-city-list2.asp and enter your city under "Find an International Location by Name" (the top box) and click Go.
2. Click on the city you want in the results
3. Copy the zipcode query string from the URL, e.g. Coventry, UK is "EUR|UK|UK001|COVENTRY" (don't copy the last pipe).
4. Open both HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml and _HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml from the \Windows folder and copy one of the other lines, replacing the data with the city name and the code from part (3).
It should look something like this:
<city name="Coventry, UK" locationcode="EUR|UK|UK001|COVENTRY"/>
5. Save the file back to the \Windows directory
6. Select your newly acquired city from the list!
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Hi thanks for the twaek...
But this seams dont work...
Do they not show up in the list? Try a soft reset.
Make sure you update both xml files (one has a _ infront of the name) and make sure the _ file is read only after you save it, works for me
I have managed to put photocontacts in the Applications tab, see first post for details. Not particularly elegant but it works!
Question about icon(s): What are the dimensions? 32x32, or any size and it'll resize it automatically?
The original icon size in VJDialer.exe is 32x32 and 8 bit depth. I managed to replace it with 64x64 pixels and 24 bit colour depth with Resource Hacker so you can have good quality photos. They show up a fixed size on the app tab though.
I'm pretty sure you can use whatever size icon you want, but 64x64 was noticeably better quality than 32x32.
1. Create icons (*.ico) for all the photo contacts you want using GConvert or similar icon creator.
2. Extract VJDialer.exe from VJPhonetools and open it with Resource Hacker.
3. Open the Icon > 1 folder and right click on 2057, which is the icon
4. Select "Replace resource" and replace it with one of the icons you made earlier
5. Save the .exe with a new filename, e.g. contactName.exe
6. Repeat steps 2-5 for each icon you have created.
7. You should now have a set of exes which each have your contacts' photo. Copy these to your phone, for example "\Program Files\Phonetools".
8. Create shortcuts to each of these exes and place them somewhere in \Windows\Start Menu. I use \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Speed dial".
9. Go to the HTC Homeplug and add new button. Select your photo contacts!
Can you simplify these? For some reason it didn't work. I was able to add the shortcut, but wasn't the same. Didn't show an icon I made and showed me an error
Oliy said:
The original icon size in VJDialer.exe is 32x32 and 8 bit depth. I managed to replace it with 64x64 pixels and 24 bit colour depth with Resource Hacker so you can have good quality photos. They show up a fixed size on the app tab though.
I'm pretty sure you can use whatever size icon you want, but 64x64 was noticeably better quality than 32x32.
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Sorry to be a pest. Just not grasping using the Resource Hacker. I followed the steps, but I'm missing something. Is there a laymans version or a cheat-cheat for dummies? lol
I didn't explain it very well, here is an alternate explanation:
Create icons for all your contacts out of pictures
1. Use GConvert or similar to open an image file and save it as an icon eg contactName.ico.
2. Do this for each contact you want to display.
You now have an icon file displaying each of your photo contacts
Create a series of VJDialer.exe files each with an icon of your photo contact
1. Use Resource Hacker and open VJDialer.exe from VJ's cab
2. In the pane on the left, click on "Icon" to expand it
3. Click on "1" below "Icon" to expand that
4. The object below "1" is the icon, right click on it and select "Replace resource"
5. Select one of the icon files you created earlier
6. "Save as" a new name, for example contactName.exe
You now have an instance of VJDialer.exe with the photo for an icon for each of your photo contacts
Create links to the exes in the start menu
1. Bring up the context menu on one of the exes and "Create shortcut"
2. Edit the shortcut to include the phone number of that contact as documented on Vijay's website
3. Copy the shortcut to the \Windows\Start Menu directory.
4. Do this for each instance of exe
5. Add all your contacts to HTC Homeplug
ronfin44, just have a play around with it, one or two of my icons didn't work properly the first time I tried, if in doubt try another icon just in case.
Thanks bo. I opened VJ's dialer shortcut in Notepad and did a quick edit of it so it would dial a specific number, but now I'm gonna try your instructions.
my icons etc work fine. ...the only issue is when im recieving a sms through the plam threader the plugin cant reconize that i recieved a sms. Is it because its through the threader emails etc show up but my guess is because im using the plam threader.
I'm stuck on how to edit the exe once I make it, like how do I add the number? Not too clear on VJ's website. It shows the example, but what do I use? When I tried it in Notepad it gives me an error when I try to Launch it:
No recipient found!
Format eg:
Please Donate! etc etc
Not sure if this is part of the new Touch stuff, but the new battery icon in the top bar (in line with the start button) blocks the time/date from showing where it normally would.
Is there a way to remove this icon so the time and/or date can be displayed there?
hahaha I figured it out! I'm an ass! I kept selecting the wrong icon in the menu, and NOT selecting the shortcut! lol Thanks for all your help guys! -fin
Oh, I make awesome icons if anyone wants some!
even the new weather info wont help
i really need the weather to work, can any one prove to me that it works for CHAMPAIGN ILLINOIS UNITED STATES
Updating HTC Weather Plug-in with GPRS....
I can update weather via wifi and active sync but i cannot connect and update via gprs. I can surf the web just fine, Windows live mail works fine, just cant update HTC weather plug-in. Used Weatherpanel with Dymond with same gprs setting and it worked as well. Anyone else having these issues.
using Tmobile USA Blackberry Connect plan

CHome Configurator for WM6.1: Version FINAL (UPDATED - 2008/07/11)

If you are using a smartphone running on Windows Mobile 6.1, this small utility might be useful for you. It allows you to switch on/off and change the display order of the sliding panels on any CHome homescreens. It could also be used to customize all custom panels based on CWelcomeCenter and Settings plugin.
This is the final version which has all the features that I have planned to do since the beginning. Please try it out and report you find any bugs. Have fun.
PS: Thank rickwyatt for the dialer extracted from his ROM and everyone else who contributed the icons.
Download the ZIP version if you have trouble installing .CAB on your device.
If you are using Ricky ROM v24 with CHome Configurator preinstalled, unzip CHomeConfig_Ricky_ROM_v24.zip to \Windows folder of your device.
Chome Configurator Panel Icons Tutorial
UPDATED TO (2008/07/11)
Saving panel order to .home.xml sometimes reports Null Reference Error.
Error while deleting a panel which has more than one page
Version (2008/06/02)
Few minor changes in this version:
NEW: First panel is now dockable
NEW: The page order will also be saved in the active .home.xml file
NEW: Icon pack is avalable from a seperate download
FIXED: Bug with Internet Link Template when https:// URL is specified
Version (2008/06/02)
NEW: Contact Dialer template now offers a choice to enable SMS button if the selected phone number isn't a mobile phone.
Version (2008/06/02)
NEW: interactive Application Launcher template
NEW: interactive Internet Link template
FIXED: Page Order window didn't save the settings properly
FIXED: location of support files (helpers & pictures) are now based on the executable's folder. This allows the software to be installed to storage card.
FIXED: Pictures extracted & used from Outlook Contacts are now saved in My Documents folder.
REMOVED: Import & Export to XML because of major problem with the importing feature.
Version (2008/06/01)
NEW: user can add new and remove existing panels (panels based on CWelcomeCenter)
NEW: import from XML, export to XML
NEW: ability to copy/paste/paste as new (clone)
NEW: page template: Application Launcher, Internet Link and Contact Dialer
NEW: ability to change page order
NEW: support for CHOME on HTC Vox
NEW: Contact Dialer can extract and use contact's picture.
FIXED: Page names are now sorted in alphanumeric order
FIXED: Plugin icons field is now saved properly
You are now able to add new pages and delete existing pages
The settings are now saved to both locations in the registry for maximum compatibility with other softwares & devices
Added two new properties in the panel settings: panel icons & disable page counter
User must now have at least one visible and non disabled panel in order to save the settings.
Fixed a bug which prevents user to disable the panels
After the changes has been saved, the user must choose to reboot the device or else the changes won't have be effective (in order to accomodate panels based on CTestUIPlugin).
Fixed a bug with Softkey 2 URL (it didn't keep its value after saving)
Temporarily removed "Visible" check box on Customize window.
Saving the new settings will automatically update the homescreen without rebooting the phone.
NOTE: The .CAB is updated. Please redownload and install it if you have
installed the old one.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Works like a charm. Great Work!
Just downloaded and installed. Tried a few tweaks and works great. Its simple to edit the panels and also seems to work well with NRG's weather panel. Awesome app, man!
The Real Deal!
showaco said:
Just downloaded and installed. Tried a few tweaks and works great. Its simple to edit the panels and also seems to work well with NRG's weather panel. Awesome app, man!
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Works like a charm!
I Must Say:
This is really nice, I do have a reg editor, which is really all this is. But it has a great GUI, and unlike the OldSAPFavorites, it actually works like it's supposed to work.
I am really impressed by the author, and heck I might even try to improve on this. Although I don't really see how.
Props to the author, and to everyone who hasn't checked this out, it's definitely worth the time. It takes you to exactly what you want to edit. Updates it perfectly.
Rock on!!!
Aww man... This GREATLY eliminates the headache of having to do this through the registry! It's pretty much the same process--just a more user friendly interface!
outerdepth said:
I am really impressed by the author, and heck I might even try to improve on this. Although I don't really see how.
Rock on!!!
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how about when clicking on Pictures box, open up the folder. makes it easier to select.
illi said:
how about when clicking on Pictures box, open up the folder. makes it easier to select.
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This is already available in the current version. When the focus is on Pictures box, press the right softkey and select one of the 2 options available.
psyfactor said:
This is already available in the current version. When the focus is on Pictures box, press the right softkey and select one of the 2 options available.
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Ops! Stupid me. Should try the apps first before commenting.
Anyway how about a module to modify the layout - changing the cpr file's fontsize, text placement and slide size. Make a visual presentation of changes being made.
Currently in order to see changes made to the cpr file, require changes in the settings>homescreen.
Thanks and thanks for such a useful apps.
illi said:
Ops! Stupid me. Should try the apps first before commenting.
Anyway how about a module to modify the layout - changing the cpr file's fontsize, text placement and slide size. Make a visual presentation of changes being made.
Currently in order to see changes made to the cpr file, require changes in the settings>homescreen.
Thanks and thanks for such a useful apps.
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And how do you propose he accomplish that ? You STILL have to reload the CHome plugin to see your changes. Besides, making a GUI editor for the CPR files could prove to a huge pain in the ass, probably not worth his time
OrganicM said:
And how do you propose he accomplish that ? You STILL have to reload the CHome plugin to see your changes. Besides, making a GUI editor for the CPR files could prove to a huge pain in the ass, probably not worth his time
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outerdepth said:
I am really impressed by the author, and heck I might even try to improve on this. Although I don't really see how.
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Click to collapse
Just responding to his comments. Too bad I'm not a coder. Well, if it can be done without hurting anyones's a$$,well and good. Otherwise....
Only suggestions I could think of for an improvements is perhaps getting rid of red for the disabled ones. Its a non-standard GUI practice. More commonly the disabled would be grey, or struck through, and an icon pair, like perhaps an eye & a circleslash (or similar) would denote the visiblity of the active ones. And maybe some way of not moving them to the bottom if they are enabled-invisible, but letting them stay in place.
Still, rather trifling things, and very nice app, that should be standadrd in any 6.1 ROM, as of now, IMHO, and should probably be in the settings Cpanel! Good stuff.
There is no software without bugs
There was a bug in version which prevents Softkey2 URL to keep it value after the settings are saved. So I have updated the software to version Please read the first post for more details.
Anyway how about a module to modify the layout - changing the cpr file's fontsize, text placement and slide size
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It would be nice but it would be more like a software running on PC not on the phone because of its complexity and I don't think I'll have time for that for awhile
... More commonly the disabled would be grey, or struck through, and an icon pair, like perhaps an eye & a circleslash (or similar) would denote the visiblity of the active ones. And maybe some way of not moving them to the bottom if they are enabled-invisible, but letting them stay in place.
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Belive me, grouping the panels by their visibility is more difficult to do than leaving them in place but I chose that way because it represents exactly what the user will get on the homescreen.
*Off topic*The version number starts at 0.9.x.x: because I haven't had enough time to implement every features I have planned for version 1.0.
Features still not implemented:
Changing page order on Customize window
Adding/Deleting page on Customize window
First of all, thank you for making such a great app. I installed it on my Vox and it works great. The only question I have is: How can I add the CLinks page? When I make it visible, it's not on the homescreen, because it's just not present in the reg. Is there an easy way of adding it?
so i was messin around with it because it diddnt seem you work i hid all the panles and now it wont load even a blank screen when i reset it it freezes at with the start menu bar showing and the windows wait symbol anyone got an idea or am i F'd
Can you still open it with Active Sync? Because if, you might wanna delete the sliding themes and then reboot. It'll probably show that it can't load a layout, but you can acces the startmenu again.
kevitoNY said:
so i was messin around with it because it diddnt seem you work i hid all the panles and now it wont load even a blank screen when i reset it it freezes at with the start menu bar showing and the windows wait symbol anyone got an idea or am i F'd
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I tried that myself and it required a hard reset to fix the problem. I didn't expect the homescreen to crash like that when no panel is visible (typical Microsoft QA
To do a hardreset:
- Turn off the phone
- Remove the battery for a few seconds and put it back
- Hold both your soft keys for a couple seconds and then while still holding the 2 keys, press power on.
I'll make sure that there's must be at least one visible panel in the next release.
Top Bar Gone
When I install either this one or CHome Weather, the top bar with the status icon disappears. If I uninstall both, the top bar reappears. I have tried it several times, and I get the same results. Any ideas?
tlogix said:
[*]Saving the new settings will automatically update the homescreen without rebooting the phone.
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Does it just reload the homescreen? If it does, it want work with for people using the TestUIPlugin(like CHome Weather). If this panel is being used, then a reboot is needed to reload the homescreen. But I could be wrong, I was once before.
debabratadey said:
When I install either this one or CHome Weather, the top bar with the status icon disappears. If I uninstall both, the top bar reappears. I have tried it several times, and I get the same results. Any ideas?
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Which Sliding Panel layout is your homescreen set to?

WM 6.5 Start Menu Missing Folder Icons(Added)!!:D

I really like the new WM6.5 start menu especially the new icons however as usual M$ always do a half job! They left out certain folder icons i.e. new folder, media etc... So when you try to organize your start menu and create new folders you get the old ugly bitmap folder icons of WM 6.1 which just looks out of place in the new WM 6.5 start menu!! Yes I know you can use custom png icons with great utility such as mushipkw's hComber v0.1: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=507299
However I wanted the folder’s to match the new png folder icons from M$, so decided to rebuild the icons to the following; New Folder, Connectivity, Multimedia, Tools, and Web.
Now I’m happy my start menu is organized with matching folder icons, I can sleep now!!
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
So if you’re like me and want the same follow these steps:
1) Using the built in File Explorer go to Windows\Start Menu\Programs and create the following new folders: Connectivity, Multimedia, Tools and Web. Now when you come back to your start menu you should see these new folders you have created with the ugly old WM 6.1 folder icons!
2) Now install the attached cab Extra WM6.5 Start Folders, soft reset and enjoy, you can now organise your programs according to these folders using the file explorer!!
Also with a bit of xml editing I have re-sized the start menu icons so they are now slightly larger which IMHO looks much better on my HD than the default size tiny icons! I have attached the cab WM 6.5 Medium Size Start Icons, just install and soft reset!
P.S. I have also attached the Folder Icons PNG's which has the New Folder so you can do whatever you want with them!
Here are some more folder icons here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=4001595&postcount=15 many thanks to jsmith8858!
and some more here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=4072931&postcount=1 thanks to tboy2000!
There I found this taskbar?
andriej1974 said:
There I found this taskbar?
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If you mean where you can find the taskbar Icons I'm using then look here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=3833993&postcount=7339
gfreek said:
If you mean where you can find the taskbar Icons I'm using then look here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=3833993&postcount=7339
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Very, very thx.
should i be concerned by the "If you move this some programs may not be able to work" warning i get for some things?
cool........ Thanks!
suisen said:
should i be concerned by the "If you move this some programs may not be able to work" warning i get for some things?
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No it's ok this warning prompt comes up with only default programs that come with the rom e.g. windows media player, pictures and videos etc.... but it doesn't matter if you move them from one folder to another they work fine! it's just M$ being over protective!
os ot just me that this wont work on miri v15?
bonesy said:
os ot just me that this wont work on miri v15?
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Yes it works just follow the instructions on first post!
hey, nice work on the thread, can i ask for some advice?
im currently skinning my start menu, but i cannot work out how the ranking works! (i.e. the order the items are displayed)
I had a look inside your cab and i noticed the you have a selection of reg keys getting altered during the install, i was wondering if you could tell me what each does?
im particuarly interested in the Rank and Favorite order.
I have been messing with this for a number of weeks, and it seems to be not so straight forward, i was under the impression that the first item in the top left (usually the "Home" icon) would be 1 then moving accross to the left would be 2 etc etc
But this is not the case as i can see your cab has numbers like "986" in the rank!!
thanks in advance for your help
MysticGenius said:
hey, nice work on the thread, can i ask for some advice?
im currently skinning my start menu, but i cannot work out how the ranking works! (i.e. the order the items are displayed)
I had a look inside your cab and i noticed the you have a selection of reg keys getting altered during the install, i was wondering if you could tell me what each does?
im particuarly interested in the Rank and Favorite order.
I have been messing with this for a number of weeks, and it seems to be not so straight forward, i was under the impression that the first item in the top left (usually the "Home" icon) would be 1 then moving accross to the left would be 2 etc etc
But this is not the case as i can see your cab has numbers like "986" in the rank!!
thanks in advance for your help
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Initialy I did the same thing as you until I just exported all the default reg values from HKLM\Security\Shell\StartInfo\Start and looked at the actual rank reg values of each program link i.e.Home, Phone, Messaging, Settings etc... and saw they were completly random ilogical decimal value anyhow I jotted down the relevant rank value so I knew where each items position is after it was case of applying these values to the programs link of my choice as to where I want them to be in the start menu!
P.S. I have noticed that these default rank reg values varies from rom to rom so what value worked for one rom will not work on a another i.e. start menu order wil not be the same!
Thanks for this gfreek...
gfreek said:
I really like the new WM6.5 start menu especially the new icons however as usual M$ always do a half job! They left out certain folder icons i.e. new folder, media etc... So when you try to organize your start menu and create new folders you get the old ugly bitmap folder icons of WM 6.1 which just looks out of place in the new WM 6.5 start menu!! Yes I know you can use custom png icons with great utility such as mushipkw's hComber v0.1: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=507299
However I wanted the folder’s to match the new png folder icons from M$, so decided to rebuild the icons to the following; New Folder, Connectivity, Multimedia, Tools, and Web.
Now I’m happy my start menu is organized with matching folder icons, I can sleep now!!
So if you’re like me and want the same follow these steps:
1) Using the built in File Explorer go to Windows\Start Menu\Programs and create the following new folders: Connectivity, Multimedia, Tools and Web. Now when you come back to your start menu you should see these new folders you have created with the ugly old WM 6.1 folder icons!
2) Now install the attached cab Extra WM6.5 Start Folders, soft reset and enjoy, you can now organise your programs according to these folders using the file explorer!!
Also with a bit of xml editing I have re-sized the start menu icons so they are now slightly larger which IMHO looks much better on my HD than the default size tiny icons! I have attached the cab WM 6.5 Medium Size Start Icons, just install and soft reset!
P.S. I have also attached the Folder Icons PNG's which has the New Folder so you can do whatever you want with them!
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I think you forgot the online folder unless its called the web folder?
Ive notice theres really only one icon thats missing from the group if it could be made that would be great and appreciated a navigation or gps how ever you want to call it icon thanks.
More Icons
thanks for the great icons! I went ahead and fooled around and created some more -- games, nav, accessories, etc. Most, if not all, of the images were found at iconfinder.net, and I used Paint.NET to create the new ones. They are a little rough, but they look decent.
Included in the zip are two folder sets -- set "a" is a more traditional "sideways open-folder" style set of icons, set "b" is using the "wm6.5" folder icons and using your PNG's as a starting point. Each icon's name is prefixed with "a_" or "b_".
Again, I take no credit for any artwork whatsoever in creating these, I just put them together for my own use and thought I'd share.
Hope someone finds this useful!
jsmith8858 said:
thanks for the great icons! I went ahead and fooled around and created some more -- games, nav, accessories, etc. Most, if not all, of the images were found at iconfinder.net, and I used Paint.NET to create the new ones. They are a little rough, but they look decent.
Included in the zip are two folder sets -- set "a" is a more traditional "sideways open-folder" style set of icons, set "b" is using the "wm6.5" folder icons and using your PNG's as a starting point. Each icon's name is prefixed with "a_" or "b_".
Again, I take no credit for any artwork whatsoever in creating these, I just put them together for my own use and thought I'd share.
Hope someone finds this useful!
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Nice work jsmith8858!!
Hi great work, thanks for sharing this with us.
Would someone mind putting up the default wm 6.5 start menu icons and the text messaging icon? I changed them but forgot to back the up before I did and now I can't change them back to match this set you have made. Thanks!
EDIT: nvm, found them
oluchika said:
Would someone mind putting up the default wm 6.5 start menu icons and the text messaging icon? I changed them but forgot to back the up before I did and now I can't change them back to match this set you have made. Thanks!
EDIT: nvm, found them
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Ok you've found them but for future reference if anybody else wants them unzip the attached file, all the default icons!
lots of thank, but i try to install the medium size icon on my ks 20 but i can't make the icon look bigger. plese tell me how can i do.

[Mod] WP7 Default Theme Reg Keys + Values / Dark Email Mod

Perhaps it is just me, but every time I go into the email app I am always bothered by the colours of it. It is actually physically painfully white at night - going from a dark themed homescreen to a pure white screen. Finally, I had enough of this and decided to fix it.
We've known the registry values for themes for quite some time and people have performed keyboard colour changes and a background colours, but I've never really modified much other than that. After playing with different theme colours for over an hour I decided I really just wanted my email app to match messaging.
WP7 uses the light theme for email, even when the rest of your phone is using the dark theme.
This is rather obnoxious.
I decided I was going to record the values of the individual themes and document their effects - this is so I can always revert to normal - and I figured these values could be helpful to others for creating their own themes.
Here are the keys I played with and their default values:
Local Machine / Control Panel / Themes / [O for Light / 1 for Dark]
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
By mapping all the dark theme values to the light one - we can have a dark themed email app to match the rest of your dark themed phone
Yes - I realize that mapping both themes to Black eliminates the point of having 2 themes - but this way your email app matches your dark theme - which is what I wanted.
I played with a series of other theme colours and could never find one I particularly liked.
So play with it and post your results, I'd love to see some cool themes that actually look nice.
You must have a way of editing the registry on your device to do this - personally I use WP7 Root Tools 0.7 Alpha, but you can use whatever method you prefer. For Nodo+ devices this means you'll also need Interop Unlock, but if you have a way of editing the registry you probably already have this.
Don't ask how to edit the registry here - there are already many threads for that.
We can go on and on about how this is better for AMOLED screens but not helpful to LCDs and all that jazz, but honestly, I just want my the applications on my phone to match and not blind me at night.
ok so this is great.... but how do I fix office? the double dark theme messes it all up cuz the office background stays white. Like where is the background image stored and can it be edited?
voluptuary said:
ok so this is great.... but how do I fix office? the double dark theme messes it all up cuz the office background stays white. Like where is the background image stored and can it be edited?
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Great find - I didn't even notice that.
These are really just for reference - I imagine it may be possible at some time to change that actual background picture - but until then if you map the black theme colours to white you'll need to tone down the text colour.
The text is chosen by ContrastColor - so you can tone that down to a light grey if you want - I went with #ff383838 just to see it.
Keep in mind - there is also transparency that is going on with a lot of these default values.
Yeah, everything is perfect aside from Office. I also changed all the image values from thier 'light' version to the 'dark' (like 'ButtonBackground' for example) I just wish I could fix the Office background.
EDIT: Anyone know how to remove Office from the app list? I hardly/never use it and since it's all messed up I'd like to know if it is possible to remove it from the app list? I'm super anal about these things.
With that mod Office is wrong Background hides the content.
Budniu said:
With that mod Office is wrong Background hides the content.
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Yep, I had to change it back. I'm gonna see if there is some registry value we can change to just get email to use the dark theme.
I just realized the problem you solved for yourself, but i think there must be a key what tells email app, wich theme to use, don't you think?
I wil start search for it, but i do not have the time for it for a few days now.
really nice!
could someone boil this into an xap and/or setting?
I found a reg key that is interesting.
HCU\Software\Microsoft\InternetExplorer\Main\UseThemes = 1
I made chromecolor transparent in dark theme to find out it it uses a theme in real and it uses the current theme.
Next is to find out what happens if is et it to 0.
magdan83 said:
I found a reg key that is interesting.
HCU\Software\Microsoft\InternetExplorer\Main\UseThemes = 1
I made chromecolor transparent in dark theme to find out it it uses a theme in real and it uses the current theme.
Next is to find out what happens if is et it to 0.
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I havent noticed a thing... i'm gonna try adding that value to "Email' and see what happens.
EDIT: and... nothing happens when the key is added under 'Email'
I have runned into a little problem.
I messed around with the white and black themes but decided to take it back to the original hex codes. So I found this topic and matched the hexes on my phone but there are still som missmatching colors more in particular in two spots in the phone.
Now, I have now idea what these areas are called in the registry and I dont know if they're the same.
If someone have any idea at all please tell me!
Where is the office file
man... I have just spent the last 2 hours meticulously going through every picture file (png, jpg, etc...) on my phone using WPDM and I found no file that contained the OFFICE BACKGROUND...
I have to think that this would possibly be defined in one of the executables for office contained within the phone as the image itself does not seem to be a separate file... It may also be defined through some of the OFFICE UI files (.dll and .mui files) also within the /WINDOWS folder...
I am posting this so you guys know this has been done and dont waste hours of your life looking for image files... We have to go past that... (Past quamtum physics... j/k jejeje)
Well, that was a waste of time... jejeje
p00ltergeist said:
I have runned into a little problem.
I messed around with the white and black themes but decided to take it back to the original hex codes. So I found this topic and matched the hexes on my phone but there are still som missmatching colors more in particular in two spots in the phone.
Now, I have now idea what these areas are called in the registry and I dont know if they're the same.
If someone have any idea at all please tell me!
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you can try download my app Metro Theme (see the sign) and restore the original theme from here
mapaz04 said:
man... I have just spent the last 2 hours meticulously going through every picture file (png, jpg, etc...) on my phone using WPDM and I found no file that contained the OFFICE BACKGROUND...
I have to think that this would possibly be defined in one of the executables for office contained within the phone as the image itself does not seem to be a separate file... It may also be defined through some of the OFFICE UI files (.dll and .mui files) also within the /WINDOWS folder...
I am posting this so you guys know this has been done and dont waste hours of your life looking for image files... We have to go past that... (Past quamtum physics... j/k jejeje)
Well, that was a waste of time... jejeje
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The Office background is stored in a .dll sorry to say. The only way to fix it is to use a custom ROM.
The office background image is stored in officeres.262.dll.
You only can edit it with a resource editor, on a running device this isn´t possible... => cook a custom rom
OMNIA 7 owners can use the full-skinned mi7ROM from mirolg (skinned by me), I´m able to update the officeres.262.dll with cabsender if needed... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1574431
The problem is the black font of the office hub...
contable said:
The office background image is stored in officeres.262.dll.
You only can edit it with a resource editor, on a running device this isn´t possible... => cook a custom rom
OMNIA 7 owners can use the full-skinned mi7ROM from mirolg (skinned by me), I´m able to update the officeres.262.dll with cabsender if needed... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1574431
The problem is the black font of the office hub...
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Yeah, you have to do what I did on my contable skinned ROM and change the light theme to a dark one. Then you can use office with a modded dark background.
voluptuary said:
Yeah, you have to do what I did on my contable skinned ROM and change the light theme to a dark one. Then you can use office with a modded dark background.
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Please send me a .rgu and the modded office background...
Here is my dark office background...
I had to edit the ShellServices rgu (C5F302AF-97F8-42B0-A119-8FFC5433D02D.rgu) to replace the default Light theme (0) basically you can just replace all the Light theme values with the copies of the Dark theme values and you will be fine. I used my own 'Night' theme for my ROM. Also if you want it I can give you the office background I made but all I did was a flood fill of black, nothing special.
Thx. I will check it and create an Update cab for the mi7ROM...
Sent from my OMNIA7 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App

[APP][4.0+] ZW Utilities [v0.7.0] [17.06.2014]

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Marco Agas from the mycoloroscreen youtube channel did a really good overview video over my app. Check it out:
The new way to manage colors for your Zooper Widgets is here. Add as many variables as you like, use the whole color spectrum with transparency and then export your set. Using the color tags defined through this app, you can make the whole look of your widgets be changed in a matter of seconds.
Instead of spending time to do different color combinations of all your widgets and manage all those templates, make your widgets once and let the user make the color version they want! All you as the designer have to do, is to define the tags in your app, use them as advanced parameters with the appropriate tags in your widgets, then export your collection and share the file with your users to import. Easy as that
Zooper has a lot of build in variables to represent the different states of your device. But some of them like bluetooth, ringer and airplane mode are not included. ZW Utilities fixes this by making three new variables available to you:
#TZWU_BLUETOOTH_STATE# (0-off. 1-on, 2-connected)
#TZWU_RINGER_STATE# (0-silent. 1-vibration, 2-normal)
#TZWU_AIRPLANE_STATE# (0-off, 1-on)
These will be automatically updated, when the system state changes. Apart from having the app installed, you don't need to do configure anything else. They are just there for you to use
I tested this app with a small group of people and while it should be fairly stable, it's still software. So if something doesn't work as expected, the app crashes, etc. please tell me about it and include as much information as you can (at least device, system, rom and app version). You can either post to this thread or if you are also on G+, join the app community http://goo.gl/qGQVn1. I also appreciate any and all ideas you have for the app or what additional functions you would like to see.
Happy theming everyone!
Get it for free on the play store
Text Link: http://goo.gl/HihS2s
0.5.2 Initial public release
0.5.3 Fixed crash when editing hex color, fixed bug where fully transparent color was not correctly send to Zooper
Changelog 0.6.0
[NEW] Standout window mode
[NEW] Registered file intent for profile export files
[NEW] Closing the standout mode window now returns to the main app
[FIX] Standout mode window size based on device density
This should fix display problems on devices with a different density than xhdpi
[NEW] Tapping the tile strip below the action bar copies the variable name to the clipboard
This makes it easier to just paste the variable in it's intended form into Zooper
[FIX] Import/Export file path is created on app start or file import
[NEW] Shortcuts
You can now use ZW Utilities shortcuts to toggle certain system settings, let your widget react to user interactions (View toggles) and open Pop-out color dialogs without opening the app first.
!IMPORTANT! Setting toggles were tested on different devices but are not guaranteed to work everywhere. If you notice a problem with any of the new shortcuts please report them here. Thank you
How to use
You need to enclose the variables you created in the appropriate tags. Which tags depends on where you want to change the color. For text and rect modules it's [c][/c], for progress bars it's [cf][/cf] (foreground), [cb][/cb] (background) and [cl][/cl] (additional fill color). So to change the color of a text module whit a variable named #TKWER_COLOR# you would put [c]#TKWER_COLOR#[/c] in the advanced parameter section of the that module.
Extended Variables:
Still to come...
... and a last one
kwerdenker said:
... and a last one
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If you could please add an apk in the OP cz not all of us use the Play Store.
Just a request. Or I'll have to wait until it's uploaded in any third party market.
sent from my BatPhone.
karanrajkapur said:
If you could please add an apk in the OP cz not all of us use the Play Store.
Just a request. Or I'll have to wait until it's uploaded in any third party market.
sent from my BatPhone.
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Sure, I will attach the APK as soon as I get the chance
Send from my secret moonbase via space carrier pigeons
@karanrajkapur File has been added to the first post
Magnificent work mate!
Sent from my E151
Idk if this problem with zooper or app. I can't copy variable created with this app from one item to another. Other variables copying works. I made text with variable in advanced parameters that works and I want to copy it to other text elements. I went to items list, selected text1 and in scrollable list selected copy advanced parameters. I selected other text elements and clicked paste. Zooper said Paste successfully but there was nothing in advanced parameters of other text elements. I had to copy them manually which taken too much time.
typed from dark room
ewa12321 said:
Idk if this problem with zooper or app. I can't copy variable created with this app from one item to another. Other variables copying works. I made text with variable in advanced parameters that works and I want to copy it to other text elements. I went to items list, selected text1 and in scrollable list selected copy advanced parameters. I selected other text elements and clicked paste. Zooper said Paste successfully but there was nothing in advanced parameters of other text elements. I had to copy them manually which taken too much time.
typed from dark room
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I have this problem with Zooper and other Advanced Parameters too. Judging from your description this seems to be an internal bug from Zooper and I'll try to raise it with the devs. Maybe they can get it fixed because as you say, this can get very cumbersome.
I've only been on Zooper for a week now, so forgive the newb-ness here. I'm running a minimal home screen, where I have several links to apps as just plan white text.
Depending on the background I'm using that day, the text shows clearly...to not so much.
This app will let me use some sort of variable for the text color so I can change all the app links in 1 shot (ie, change to a light backgroup, go into app & change all my links to black) ?
Edit: Saw this on the G+ Group:
You need to enclose the variables in the appropriate tags. Which tags depends on where you want to change the color. For text and rect modules it's [c][/c], for progress bars it's [cf][/cf] (foreground), [cb][/cb] (background) and [cl][/cl] (additional fill color). So to change the color of a text module whit a variable named #TKWER_COLOR# you would put [c]#TKWER_COLOR#[/c] in the advanced parameter section of the text module.
Works perfectly!!!
Funny part is I was considering changing my text "icons" to small all-white pictures. Wondering if I can do an icon fill the same way.
polstein said:
I've only been on Zooper for a week now, so forgive the newb-ness here. I'm running a minimal home screen, where I have several links to apps as just plan white text.
Depending on the background I'm using that day, the text shows clearly...to not so much.
This app will let me use some sort of variable for the text color so I can change all the app links in 1 shot (ie, change to a light backgroup, go into app & change all my links to black) ?
Edit: Saw this on the G+ Group:
You need to enclose the variables in the appropriate tags. Which tags depends on where you want to change the color. For text and rect modules it's [c][/c], for progress bars it's [cf][/cf] (foreground), [cb][/cb] (background) and [cl][/cl] (additional fill color). So to change the color of a text module whit a variable named #TKWER_COLOR# you would put [c]#TKWER_COLOR#[/c] in the advanced parameter section of the text module.
Works perfectly!!!
Funny part is I was considering changing my text "icons" to small all-white pictures. Wondering if I can do an icon fill the same way.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Oh yeah, I meant to post that info here too. Will do so immediately, thanks for reminding me.
As to your icon question: it's possible to do, if you use icon fonts (something like this for instance http://www.spiderflyapps.com/downloads/android-developer-icons-the-font/ ). Then icons are just another Text layer and their color can be changed just the same
kwerdenker said:
As to your icon question: it's possible to do, if you use icon fonts (something like this for instance http://www.spiderflyapps.com/downloads/android-developer-icons-the-font/ ). Then icons are just another Text layer and their color can be changed just the same
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Was about to post a simple example (cropping pix from a home screen thread). In this example, I'm able to change the top row, the line itself, but not the icons at the moment. (or the cell signal bars in another simple widget).
I've never heard of icon fonts - do you mean like Wingdings for Windows where the font is loaded with app icons instead? Hmm - that would work in theory. Checking your link now!!
Edit - found a site called Fontastic that lets you pick from their pre-done icon packs & makes you your own files to download on the fly. Only bad part is not having exact icons for what you want (like no Waze icon). I did a quick test using it, and works exactly as op described!
Now to see how hard it is to take generic icons & make a ttf from it. I'm guessing poorly because of resizing, but don't know.
Brilliant idea!! Thank you so much for this!!
Please add checkered background for selected color, so we can better see what opacity is set
geekon said:
Please add checkered background for selected color, so we can better see what opacity is set
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This is something on my personal DoWant list too but I need to modify the library for the color wheel for it. This will need some time so I can't give you an ETA on it. But it will be implemented at some point
The best utility for zooper I must say. Helps changing the accent colors of my zoopers on the fly without having to enter the widget setup every time. Should be a must have app for anybody who's designing widgets. @kwerdenker You've made our lives so easy.
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Update 0.6.0
First, let me take this chance to say thank you to all of you! Especially to all who rated or reviewed the app on the play store! The response to the app has been very encouraging and I hope I can keep this up for the future releases. If you have anything you want to see in those, please feel free to post them to this thread or join the community on G+: http://goo.gl/qGQVn1
And now for the main event of the evening:
The latest version of the app has been pushed to the store and should be live any minute. This update contains one of the most requested features: a more responsive way to see the effect of the color changes. Thanks to the fabulous Standout library, it is now possible to pop a variable into a floating window. This enables you to change colors and see the effects immediately on your homescreen. Currently this is limited to one variable at a time but I hope to improve that over time.
*IMPORTANT*If you use the sliders to change the color, you have to tap (just tap, no movement necessary) the ring color selector. This is a limitation of the HoloColorSelector library. I hope this will be fixed in one of their next versions.*IMPORTANT END*​
You can see a video of it in action here: https://plus.google.com/u/1/109987884687615789406/posts/gRiNgL7NWPB
It is also now possible to import and apply color profiles exported from the app by opening them in your file browser. It worked with the ones i tested but if it doesn't with the one you use, please report it.
And now, have fun wit it. Happy theming!
Changelog 0.6.0
[NEW] Standout window mode
[NEW] Registered file intent for profile export files
New version is up. I forgot to upload the one before that here, so here is the combined changelog:
[NEW] Closing the standout mode window now returns to the main app
[FIX] Standout mode window size based on device density
This should fix display problems on devices with a different density than xhdpi
[NEW] Tapping the tile strip below the action bar copies the variable name to the clipboard
This makes it easier to just paste the variable in it's intended form into Zooper
[FIX] Import/Export file path is created on app start or file import
Marco Agas from the mycoloroscreen youtube channel did a really good overview video over my app. Check it out:

