T-Mobile = Horrible customer service??!?!? - HTC Excalibur

I've heard the rumors... T-Mo's customer service is legendary. They're the best in the game. Everyone says so!!
Rewind: October 2007. I was a Sprint customer. After 3 years of hell with Nextel, no service in Rhode Island, replacement phones, billing errors, and long wait times, I became an ex-Spring customer when I threatened to leave Sprint for T-mobile, and the customer service SUPERVISOR said to me "You do what you have to do..." *click* and hung up on me. So I did just that... I walked into a t-mobile store and bought a wing.
Fast-forward: Today. It's now 6 months later. I've had 3 warranty replacements on the Wing, then (because I was fed up with the wing) I asked for an alternate model. They told me the only other "multiple exchange" model was the Dash. So they sent me a dash (which I can't figure out because it's cheaper). That was 3 weeks ago. Today, I noticed a bunch of white lines on my screen (see my other post for a screen shot).
I just got off the phone with T-mobile. They confirmed that this is a problem with the Dash, and the brackets holding the screen apparently break for no reason at all, causing this problem. It can happen for any or no reason at all. Well, the wing might be slow and lock up and reboot itself when it wants (though I fault t-mobile's ****ty software for that) but at least it kept it's screen in tact.
So I told them I wanted a wing back. They refused, because I did not qualify for the multiple exchange, since it was only my first dash. I told them I needed a phone that DIDN'T lose it's screen at random, so I wanted the Wing back (which is what I originally paid $300 for) and they said no, because that only applies if I had 2 or more defective dash's. What the hell is wrong with this company!?!? They can't send me a Blackberry Curve (even though it's the EXACT same price as the Wing), they can't send me ANYTHING, not even a basic phone. They said if I wanted the wing now, it would cost me $400!!!
Now, looking back at Sprint, with their new CEO (who has vowed to clean up customer service) and their newest plan (simply everything), and the coolest phone I've ever seen (the Sprint "Touch") I think I'm going to pay the early termination $200 fee and switch back to sprint when I get my $600.00 economic stimulus check from the government in May, and I told the t-mobile guy that too. He said "Well, sorry to hear that, but there's nothing we can do for you..." <-- What the hell is that??? What happened to customer service? I left Sprint because they sucked, and now they're getting better and T-Mobile sucks.
Looks like I picked a bad time to leave Sprint and an even worse time to join T-Mobile.
I am SICK of getting new phones every month in the mail. It takes me about 6 hours to get my phone looking & acting the way it should. I have to flash the ROM, copy pim.vol, change the theme, remove the stupid "callstart.wav" file, hack the **** out of the registry, and set up email, internet connections, and everything else. I've wasted countless days of my life doing this.
I've reached the end of my tether. I hope a perspective T-mobile customer reads this and it helps them decide to NOT go to T-mobile. Likewise, I hope a higher-up at T-mobile reads this and gets the message.

LMFAO Dude grow up.

SpringfieldXD45C said:
I've heard the rumors... T-Mo's customer service is legendary. They're the best in the game. Everyone says so!!
Rewind: October 2007. I was a Sprint customer. After 3 years of hell with Nextel, no service in Rhode Island, replacement phones, billing errors, and long wait times, I became an ex-Spring customer when I threatened to leave Sprint for T-mobile, and the customer service SUPERVISOR said to me "You do what you have to do..." *click* and hung up on me. So I did just that... I walked into a t-mobile store and bought a wing.
Fast-forward: Today. It's now 6 months later. I've had 3 warranty replacements on the Wing, then (because I was fed up with the wing) I asked for an alternate model. They told me the only other "multiple exchange" model was the Dash. So they sent me a dash (which I can't figure out because it's cheaper). That was 3 weeks ago. Today, I noticed a bunch of white lines on my screen (see my other post for a screen shot).
I just got off the phone with T-mobile. They confirmed that this is a problem with the Dash, and the brackets holding the screen apparently break for no reason at all, causing this problem. It can happen for any or no reason at all. Well, the wing might be slow and lock up and reboot itself when it wants (though I fault t-mobile's ****ty software for that) but at least it kept it's screen in tact.
So I told them I wanted a wing back. They refused, because I did not qualify for the multiple exchange, since it was only my first dash. I told them I needed a phone that DIDN'T lose it's screen at random, so I wanted the Wing back (which is what I originally paid $300 for) and they said no, because that only applies if I had 2 or more defective dash's. What the hell is wrong with this company!?!? They can't send me a Blackberry Curve (even though it's the EXACT same price as the Wing), they can't send me ANYTHING, not even a basic phone. They said if I wanted the wing now, it would cost me $400!!!
Now, looking back at Sprint, with their new CEO (who has vowed to clean up customer service) and their newest plan (simply everything), and the coolest phone I've ever seen (the Sprint "Touch") I think I'm going to pay the early termination $200 fee and switch back to sprint when I get my $600.00 economic stimulus check from the government in May, and I told the t-mobile guy that too. He said "Well, sorry to hear that, but there's nothing we can do for you..." <-- What the hell is that??? What happened to customer service? I left Sprint because they sucked, and now they're getting better and T-Mobile sucks.
Looks like I picked a bad time to leave Sprint and an even worse time to join T-Mobile.
I am SICK of getting new phones every month in the mail. It takes me about 6 hours to get my phone looking & acting the way it should. I have to flash the ROM, copy pim.vol, change the theme, remove the stupid "callstart.wav" file, hack the **** out of the registry, and set up email, internet connections, and everything else. I've wasted countless days of my life doing this.
I've reached the end of my tether. I hope a perspective T-mobile customer reads this and it helps them decide to NOT go to T-mobile. Likewise, I hope a higher-up at T-mobile reads this and gets the message.
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Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today! I for one would never EVER go to sprint. I don't care how much 3g or EV-DO they have...I used to be work for sprints technical support desk and i absolutely hated it! all they cared was for you to get off the phone as quickly as you could try to sell some add-on crap that you didnt need... retrigger the IOTA (internet over the air refresh) and get off the phone ASAP! and the reson why the tech do this is they dont get a bonus if they dont have an average call time under 7 minutes! i went to work for them thinking it was a technical job and all it was , was a front for over the phone sales! i was only there for 8 months and i hit the door as soon as the opportunity arose.

Maybe its you, not the phones. Ever think about that.
T-Mobile is not here to exchange any phone "YOU" decide to mod, drop, throw, dunk,etc.
They have a limit on how many, per customer, can get an exchange.
There is a thing called insurance you can buy from them, for this specific reason.
Pay up to keep getting a new phone every 4-6 months.

And see, I am the exact opposite of what the first poster said, I am a current SunCom Wireless customer, who was just bought out by T-Mobile, and I have had nothing but good things from TM's customer service. I called them about getting a Wing, and if they would provide me with a TM SIM card that would work with my SunCom plan....which wont work of course, so instead they say-"Hold on one moment and let me look at your account...(so I give em my account number, a SUNCOM account number mind you)and the dude comes back and says, well with your anytime rewards(basically 5USD off of a new phone that yoy get for every month you stay with SunCom), you can get a Wing for 249.99, and we will go ahead and SIM unlock it for you before we ship it, so that you can use it with SunCom. Then when SunCom and TM become one company, we will send you a TM SIM card(because thats what they are doing with everybody) and you will still be able to use your SunCom services and current billing prices." So of course I say hell yeah, and give the guy my debit card number, and he comes back and says, "Oh, and you also qualify for free next day air!" so hell yeah, I do LOVE TMs customer service already, and im not even one of their customers yet! BTW, teh Wing=AWESOME!

I sort of had a similar experience.
I had a Shadow, and did not like it, I really wanted the Dash to begin with..
I called and asked to send the Shadow back, and that was fine, but they wanted me to pay $200 upfront.
After thinking about it, I said no.
Called back asked for a supervisor, who immediately called the proper department, got my phone sent out FREE, gave me the rebate instantly, and also sent me a free bluetooth headset.
I have no problem with T-mobile, but if you do, call back and ask for a supervisor.

I LUV me dash and I think that Tmobile is probably the best mobile phone company. Hell they didn't ever try to sell up, but they did help me downgrade my plan with courtesy and respect and no additional months on my contract.
As to your problems with the Dash, I am sorry I would still get another. Even great products have some problems with them. I have had my Dash for over a year and couldn't possibly be more pleased. I keep it in a case and it is in pristine condition. My contract is over and I really would like a 3g device but there isn't anything I would like more than the dash out there. Especially with google's web page compression and the opera mini.
I work at IT at a hospital and most...no every smartphone has KNOWN problems with them. Please don't ask about getting a TREO..... You won't see known issues broadcast anywhere unless you are an major enterprise client. Cellular companies don't usually ever mention problems to nickel and dime clients.
My sister has major problems keeping a working cellphone for more than 4 months since they stopped making them large plasic bricks in the 90's. She has had her Dash for over a year as well. It has a large crack in the screen (no actual harm just a large crack). Various large gashes and the power button has to be pushed extra hard but it's still workin! So if you ask me it is a brick.
Tmobile is different. They only have edge no 3g at all that is a dealbreaker with enterprise clients. They only have nickel and dime clients. I think in general Tmobile have to be nice to their personal clients and they are. Just don't put a pink logo on your website!

Allright... for those of you telling me to "Grow up" and "Maybe it's not T-mobile, it's you" First of all, I'd like to remind you that I'm at least being polite to you. See, I reply to topics to give USEFUL information, not scathing remarks. That makes for somethign we like to call "a pleasant atmosphere". Perhaps you've never heard of that before. So how about YOU grow up? Thanks
I'd also like to point out that "I" am hardly the reason for the following WING issues:
Phone #1: Random reboots, battery lasted for 2 hours max, touch screen would stop working, and only come back after a reboot.
Phone #2: Extremely slow (timed: 34 seconds for the start menu to appear after pushing the start button.. OUT OF THE BOX), random reboots.
Phone #3: Internet would not work at all. On the phone with PDA Tech support who walked me through everything he wanted me to do, then finally HE suggested replacing the phone.
Phone #4: Would not power on at all.
Phone #5: The dash: Everything is working fine. Today, while sitting on my desk (e.g. not being dropped, submersed, etc.) a bunch of white lines appear on my screen. A member of this board said he had the same problem, and even T-Mobile said it was a known issue...
I'm sorry, but please explain to me HOW that is "me" and not t-mobile!??! You've obviously proven to me what great intelligence you have by demonstrating your innate, Jedi-like ability to sit at a keyboard and say "Dude, grow up" and "Maybe it's you not t-mobile" So please explain, Captain SDA... I eagerly await your solution to "my" problems with these "perfect" phones.
My mom once told me "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". Clearly your moms never told you that, Perhaps you should ask YOUR mom for that same advice. Judging by your superior online personalities, that shouldn't be too hard: Just leave your basement and walk upstairs. I'm sorry you don't understand the value of a dollar, and the fact that I have now spent $300 on a phone that doesn't work, and I religiously pay my bill for a service I can barely use. I'm sorry that upsets me. You're right, I shouldn't complain about that.
*** sigh ***
For the rest of you: Thanks for the advice about going back to sprint. The only reason I'm even thinking about it right now is because of all the good things I heard about the new CEO and the changes he's making, and I'm excited about the Samsung Instinct as well as the Sprint HTC Touch, which I personally got to use and it was lightning fast!!

My point was that T-Mobiles history with you as their customer.
When i read the story, i thought, this guy has no luck with phones. Do you honestly think T-Mobile will start giving away replacements to a person that has a history of mishaps? Look at it from their point of view also.
The thing is these days, people think everything is about themselves.
Sorry if you hate my replies. I tell things the way I see them. I don't sugar coat anything.

If you had said THAT instead of "Dude grow up" at first, it would've been a little nicer, don't you think?? Do you think I don't have enough on my plate already, after bleeding out all kinds of money for a damn phone & service that I can't even use, without having to put up with wisecrack remarks??
Yes, I DO expect T-Mobile to stand behind their products.
I respect the hell out of calling shots as you see them, but I question HOW they're seen. Throw me a bone, will you??

SpringfieldXD45C said:
If you had said THAT instead of "Dude grow up" at first, it would've been a little nicer, don't you think?? Do you think I don't have enough on my plate already, after bleeding out all kinds of money for a damn phone & service that I can't even use, without having to put up with wisecrack remarks??
Yes, I DO expect T-Mobile to stand behind their products.
I respect the hell out of calling shots as you see them, but I question HOW they're seen. Throw me a bone, will you??
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*tosses a bone in the air *

you know even if i had 10 phones break on me, through running normal software or even modified i would like the company to replace, even if it was my fault... thats what u pay insurance for and thats what makes great customer service. Think about it... how many people know more about the phones then someone that modifies them? not your average user, i referred about 15 people just because sprint is so good with me breaking my phone anyway i did( twice but w/e), not just a new phone but every little thing(a new box, battery, phone, 2x stylus, etc...). no need to grow up its a normal thing to worm someone about a HORRIBLE service provider, i've had sprint for a couple months no complaints, well maybe my bill once but i just shot them an email about my bill being $300, next day they gave me an extra $500. if u switch to sprint get the sero account and you may want to do it fast because no one knows how much longer that type of plan is going to be available....

atomiix said:
you know even if i had 10 phones break on me, through running normal software or even modified i would like the company to replace, even if it was my fault... thats what u pay insurance for and thats what makes great customer service. Think about it... how many people know more about the phones then someone that modifies them? not your average user, i referred about 15 people just because sprint is so good with me breaking my phone anyway i did( twice but w/e), not just a new phone but every little thing(a new box, battery, phone, 2x stylus, etc...). no need to grow up its a normal thing to worm someone about a HORRIBLE service provider, i've had sprint for a couple months no complaints, well maybe my bill once but i just shot them an email about my bill being $300, next day they gave me an extra $500. if u switch to sprint get the sero account and you may want to do it fast because no one knows how much longer that type of plan is going to be available....
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Yea but the key element of your situation that makes it different from the person that made this thread is that you have INSURANCE! things are a whole heckofalot different when you have insurance. When you don't, you stand a chance at ending up like this poor guy! The only thing about insurance i absolutely despise is you always get a reburb.

I have to disagree...If i had a company and sold you a phone. If you modify the rom in any way, warranty is void.
I think even with insurance it gets voided. (I may be wrong)

Mikey1022 said:
I have to disagree...If i had a company and sold you a phone. If you modify the rom in any way, warranty is void.
I think even with insurance it gets voided. (I may be wrong)
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No because most insurance plans cover damage ... which cover both physical and software.firmware damage.....

pudgedaddy said:
No because most insurance plans cover damage ... which cover both physical and software.firmware damage.....
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original and modified firmware?

Mikey1022 said:
original and modified firmware?
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Yes! Heck even if it didnt and the insurance covered only physical damage. I'd beat the heck out of the phone so it wouldnt turn on to find out which firmware or ROM was installed. I mean if you think about it , the phone companies make a buttload of money gettin $5 ( or more) a month for monthly insurance charges,,,, then the customer still has to fork out a deductible when they use the insurance. So trust me, I'd love to offer insurance. Lastly most insurance policies limit the nunber of exchanges to 2 or 3 per year. so it would insure that they couldn't abuse the insurance plan

it sucks about the issues you are experiencing, but do you think this is the right forum (no pun intended) for this issue? in my opinion, you will have better luck discussing this issue with mid - senior level management at T-Mobile USA; not with a bunch of people looking to modify their mobile devices.

johnnylavah said:
it sucks about the issues you are experiencing, but do you think this is the right forum (no pun intended) for this issue? in my opinion, you will have better luck discussing this issue with mid - senior level management at T-Mobile USA; not with a bunch of people looking to modify their mobile devices.
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I agree. The mods should close this thread

I have no other place to vent, and to be honest, I was hoping to get a former T-mobile employee (or someone) who would send me a PM or leave a post with a bit of a tip in it.
If nothing else, I'm outraged and I need to vent (something wrong with that??) It's only natural.
By the way, this has nothing to do with insurance... this is still warranty!! And how do you figure flashing the ROM voids the warranty?? It changes no physical part of the phone... and as long as you can flash the factory ROM back onto it, (thus making the phone still useable) what harm was done?
I see nothing in the warranty about flashing the ROM as being grounds for voiding.


Am I being unreasonable?

I've had a TP2 since June last year on a 24 month VF business contract. When I bought it I was told by the sales rep that if it went wrong during the contract they would replace it within 24 hours, and they still have this guarantee on their website today.
It went wrong in December, and, sure enough they swapped it for another within 24 hours. Now exactly the same fault has happened again. I rang VF and was told I had to send it back for repair and it would take up to a month. I mentioned the business account guarantee and was told that it is a very old phone and things move on. They don't have any so I cannot have one. But, they would let me buy another phone off them to tide me over until mine was fixed and they would credit my account with £25!
I did point out that they are still selling them with the same 24 hour replacement guarantee on their website, but have been effectively blanked me.
I've also tried going through their eforum with the same result.
Am I being unreasonable in expecting them to live up to their own advertising?
I think it is possibly a case of them breaking their side of the contract
Unfortunately, I think you are being a little unreasonable, in that you seem to be insisting they send to you something they don't have. The phone is a bit older, and isn't available to them anymore. You're asking them to live up to their advertising, but what exactly do you expect them to do? No amount of complaining is going to make a TP2 materialize out of thin air.
I also doubt it would be a breach of contract. Their legal experts have probably already included a contingency in their agreement fine print which absolves them from having to replace hardware within 24 hours when its not in stock anymore. Phones get obsoleted very quickly, they know that as well as anyone.
On the other hand, I will agree that their solution is not really acceptable, either. I doubt you would be able to buy a phone for 25 pounds (assume the price would be unsubsidized, since you are still on contract), so it sounds like they are asking you to spend money on something you don't really need. Maybe they can send you some type of refurb "loaner" phone to use while yours is repaired. Or there should be some other solution that gets a usable phone into your hands while your TP2 is being repaired, without it costing you money.
Personally, I always keep an old phone as a backup. Things break, it happens.
I dont think you are being unreasonable at all. They have the phones in stock in shops, they still advertise the deal (although not sure thats relevent).
Incidentally, what is the fault?
crazyC said:
I dont think you are being unreasonable at all. They have the phones in stock in shops
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If they have the phones in stock, and have access to them, then I agree they should send him one.
Although I don't know about the UK, but in the US, stores which have the carrier's name are often franchises, and not owned by the carrier at all. So just because they have a phone in stock at a store, does not mean they carrier has any access to them.
redpoint73 said:
If they have the phones in stock, and have access to them, then I agree they should send him one.
Although I don't know about the UK, but in the US, stores which have the carrier's name are often franchises, and not owned by the carrier at all. So just because they have a phone in stock at a store, does not mean they carrier has any access to them.
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Click here http://online.vodafone.co.uk/business/s/mobile-phones-devices/business and see :-
24 hour replacement service – for extra peace of mind lol
Then click here http://www.vodafonebusinessshop.co.uk/Details-Phone-HTC-Touch-Pro-2-3090.html
and you can click through to check out
Now they may not have a refurb to send me, but it seems pretty obvious that they have new ones being sold with the same non existent guarantee.
crazyC said:
I dont think you are being unreasonable at all. They have the phones in stock in shops, they still advertise the deal (although not sure thats relevent).
Incidentally, what is the fault?
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It is the same fault that I had in December. A small square of an oily substance appears in the middle of the screen and gradually (over a few weeks) expands to cover the screen, then the screen stops responding.
When I reported it at Christmas they said "Oh yes that one" as if they are used to it
The REALLY annoying part is that I was wavering on taking out a 2 year contract for precisely this reason, and was assured that if I had any problems with the phone within the 24 months they would swap it the next day.
I should have known better

[Q] Please help me.

I have 2 HTC Evo's and 2 Samsung Moments.
I want out of Sprint. They tried increasing my bill just 3 months into a 2 year contract. I was a victim of bait and switch.
Sprint says I am good to port out and cancel without ETF.
Please please please help me get my phones working on another provider!
I really don't even care if the internet works as I almost always have access to wireless internet via my phones. However; fully functioning phones would be great too?? I guess it depends on what is "do-able"
I am pretty sure the 4G wont work..... but it doesn't work in my area anyway.
I have been reading for the better part of 2 days....
Some say it can be done, some say you need to pay someone to do it...there is so much conflicting information out there....then I found this place.
Sorry but I just got laid off and paying for help is out of the question. I will however; send MANY positive vibes your way.
You guys seem to really know your stuff.
Thanks in advance for your time.
Sorry for the bother.
Not gunna happen dude sorry.... not unless you have another cdma cell compqny like cricket or metropcs. There are roms in the dev section to do that.
They will not work on verizon that i am aware of or ever heard off and att us cellular and most others are gsm.... evo isnt a dual band phone.
Just go sell them and buy new phones.
And explain what "they increased my bill"is.
I am kind of in the same boat i think.
I signed up for 129 + 10 per evo (wife and i have 1 each)
And every single month my bill just gets higher and higher by a few bucks each month.
I was also told i get a 10% discount because of my employer and i have not seen a dime taken off.
Not only that but i dont even get 3g technically until late at night. After 8am until 8-10pm i only get 50-150kbps.
And frankly i am sick of it. I was lied to about the coverage and the network speeds by the retarded sprint store employees and i cant take it anymore.
The only time i cant really use the data on my phone is on wifi. Otherwise its jearly useless.
v_lestat said:
Not gunna happen dude sorry.... not unless you have another cdma cell compqny like cricket or metropcs. There are roms in the dev section to do that.
They will not work on verizon that i am aware of or ever heard off and att us cellular and most others are gsm.... evo isnt a dual band phone.
Just go sell them and buy new phones.
And explain what "they increased my bill"is.
I am kind of in the same boat i think.
I signed up for 129 + 10 per evo (wife and i have 1 each)
And every single month my bill just gets higher and higher by a few bucks each month.
I was also told i get a 10% discount because of my employer and i have not seen a dime taken off.
Not only that but i dont even get 3g technically until late at night. After 8am until 8-10pm i only get 50-150kbps.
And frankly i am sick of it. I was lied to about the coverage and the network speeds by the retarded sprint store employees and i cant take it anymore.
The only time i cant really use the data on my phone is on wifi. Otherwise its jearly useless.
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Thanks for your response. Really appreciate it.
The thing that REALLY gets me is they were arrogant about it. I spoke with 3 different people from Sprint, with one being corporate, and they all didn't seem to care in the least bit about losing me and my 5-6K over the next couple years??? Bad bad business...Something I will never forget.
It looks like I can have both Metro-Pcs and also Cricket in my area if I want them??
I was reading that in order to get the Sprint phones on Metro, you need to first get a phone(Their Brand) with them, and then add the other phones electronically via their web site??
Didn't read much on Cricket yet.
Also.....I have never flashed a phone before but I can follow directions pretty well...(I'm married)
Which service it better Cricket or Metro? I read that Metro's internet is junk but again that doesn't bother me b/c wireless is pretty readily available.
Sorry...here is the low down on them increasing my bill:
I posted this at Hofo too:
I am so disappointed in Sprint. I am cancelling and will never return and also vow to tell everyone that will listen just how underhanded Sprint is.
I was mislead by sales both in store and on the phone with C/S.
In researching phones and service, we kept getting the sales pitch from Store employees and customer service people that "Sprint discounts the ENTIRE bill...not just the first one or two lines." That was a MAJOR selling point in almost every rep we spoke with. Honestly, this is what lead me to pay ETF'S from VZW to come aboard. It also led me to cancel my home phone service, give away my GPS, purchase chargers/skins etc...
I am into Sprint for at least 1K....
Considering we (mostly all) purchased the EVO'S and Samsung 4G's on release dates, we are now 3-4 months into a 2 year contract and Sprint decides to "remind" us that the discounts are no longer valid on lines 3-4.
You can't remind someone about something that was never told to them to begin with. I believe that would be more "informing" than "reminding"??
I have documented this in my series of bills....I was never told....only reminded.
Funny thing is Sprint knew before releasing these 2 phones that they were going to tuck it to their customers.
There is no way that a company of Sprints size could conceive of and implement a policy such as this in a couple months. It had to first be conceived of, second go to legal, third be approved by corporate, employees educated and trained how to handle IRATE customers etc... (Possibly not in this order?). Point being...SPRINT KNEW ABOUT THIS ALL ALONG.
It is not a matter of the 10 or 15 bucks extra a month. I don't want to do business with a company that aggressively sells you on a pricing point, and 3 months into a 2 year contract tries to fleece you for EVEN MORE money. As if the $10.00 premium wasn't enough??
KNOWING full well that people are into them for a lot of money, also knowing it is pretty damned difficult to activate these phones with other providers, and also knowing most people do not look at tiny boxes on page 2 of a bill....They are scum in my book. This was all calculated and down right deceptive....
What good is a contract if one party can make adjustments whenever that want? That is not a contract IMHO...It is a one sided license to steal and SHOULD be illegal. Can I send a letter to my car loan provider and "remind" them that as of next month, I will be paying 10% less? I think not!
Now, I must spend the time researching phones/providers AGAIN....The time and money WASTED on this is absurd....Every time I see a Sprint commercial I cringe...I WAS A BELIEVER...Now I will gop out of my way to stop everyone I know from doing business with these guys.
Let me add that I have no problem with modifying Terms but it needs to be done AFTER the contract is up, not 3 months into a 2 year.
Disgusted....If anyone can tell me how to get 2 EVO's and 2 Samsung Moments going on another provider, I would be forever grateful.
Also...to all of you that say, "Ahhhh it's only 10-15 bucks", You wont be saying that when Sprint implements the pay for data usage plan they are probably working on as I write this.
What they have done would be illegal for 99.9% of the population....Who regulates these guys? Seems like a free for all to me??? They do what they want, make CRAZY money, and pay 5-10% out in legal fees as a result....BAD BAD BAD business.
I'm done...thanks for reading.
you have to talk to Sprint's customer retention department, theyre the ones whose job it is to get stuff done for you. Some people have said they went straight up the chain to the executive in charge of that department and it worked out well for them, just search for his name and number

Sprint now requires credit card payment for new phones?

Forgive me if this is already a known quantity around here, but I only just found out this evening that orders placed through Sprint for new devices can no longer be billed to your account. Apparently we now have to pay by credit or debit card up front when we want a new device.
dead78 said:
Forgive me if this is already a known quantity around here, but I only just found out this evening that orders placed through Sprint for new devices can no longer be billed to your account. Apparently we now have to pay by credit or debit card up front when we want a new device.
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yup found out a couple of months ...........i believe there should b a couple of threads on it
lballer69 said:
yup found out a couple of months ...........i believe there should b a couple of threads on it
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they're saying it changed it on October 5. yet another way we're taking it in the pants as a result of Sprint getting the iPhone and another reason to never bother ordering a phone from Sprint.
yep blame that on the iphone
apple started this a few years ago, so no cash at all, even in person at the apple stores for iphones, as people were buying them stateside, and selling them overseas for huge markups, since they were not available at the time
gotta love Apple lol
Amd4life said:
yep blame that on the iphone
apple started this a few years ago, so no cash at all, even in person at the apple stores for iphones, as people were buying them stateside, and selling them overseas for huge markups, since they were not available at the time
gotta love Apple lol
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yep, you're 100% right.
man, I was on the fence before about upgrading my Epic...there's no way in hell I'll do it now. when you look at everything that's gone lately, Sprint's shown they're willing to screw over their entire customer base for the sake of luring in new customers with this gimmick Apple crap. now they've got their big sales figures and they can all pat each other on the backs for a job well done.
do the other carriers require up front payment for their devices?
Just so you guys know, sprint is actually the last of all the big 4 carriers to get rid of bill to account for new phones. Its a fight against fraud. Cutting costs is necessary to keep providing the unlimited data plans. Saving money by reducing fraudulent purchases is one of the best ways to do this. There is a reason behind every choice the company makes. It may not always sound like the best when you first hear it but the reasons why typically justify the changes. Sprint tries really hard to provide what other carriers no longer do but there at reasons that other carriers have cut things, and with sprints new high end world phone lineup we are running into the same things.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
lookout4theyeti said:
Just so you guys know, sprint is actually the last of all the big 4 carriers to get rid of bill to account for new phones. Its a fight against fraud. Cutting costs is necessary to keep providing the unlimited data plans. Saving money by reducing fraudulent purchases is one of the best ways to do this. There is a reason behind every choice the company makes. It may not always sound like the best when you first hear it but the reasons why typically justify the changes. Sprint tries really hard to provide what other carriers no longer do but there at reasons that other carriers have cut things, and with sprints new high end world phone lineup we are running into the same things.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
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frankly, the "we need to do this to keep unlimited data" excuse has lost its appeal. all I'm seeing is a fledgling company pulling back on service in order to accommodate the iPhone and keep itself in business. as it stands now, I live in an area where my data service is horrendous. calls to Sprint are essentially pointless since I'm given an endless string of excuses as to why I can't download faster than .2 Mbps on 3G and why I can't stay connected to 4G for more than a couple of minutes. I've been with Sprint for over 10 years and I've seen all aspects of quality within the company deteriorate considerably in that time. The simple fact is that they're network couldn't accommodate the demand of all the Android devices on it; I can't even imagine what the surge of new iPhones is going to do to service.
meanwhile, we're told that every courtesy we received is being taken away in order to assure a high level of service. that would be fine except there is no longer a high level of service to maintain. I've actually had Sprint tell me that their changes aren't so bad because they're simply doing what all the other carriers do; therein lies the crux of why having 3.5 carriers dominate a nation of roughly 400 million people isn't good for anyone. a struggling company in that setting has no incentive to do anything but keep its doors open. they've lost the will to differentiate because they no longer have to; their sole concern is to avoid being subsumed by one of their competitors. most investors (myself included) doubt Sprint's ability to sustain itself beyond the next couple of years because they're a poorly managed company who've become notorious for making extremely poor decisions - this recent backpedaling from WiMax is one of the worst.
so yeah, great we get unlimited data. we'll see how well that unlimited data that Sprint's stripped away all incentives for holds up when an already super-saturated capacity is unable to withstand the demand from this gadget they've bet the farm on.
I am usually on the side of the consumer but, this time, I think if you don't have the money to pay for it, why are you upgrading? Wait a month and get it when you have the money. I don't see why it was ever an option to begin with.
The only reason I am still on Sprint is becaue they have the number one best plan for my situation. If I didn't want unlimited data, or the best cutomer service, or the coolest new phones, I would go with MetroPCS. They have the best plan for someone like that. Shop around. Get what is best for you. I'm not preaching. I just want every customer out there to be as happy as can be.
It is probably better this way. When you charge to credit card, they don't add the weird few dollars here and there taxes in the taxes and surcharges sections (this is in addition to the tax they charged on the phone purchase itself) I probably got another $5-$6 in random taxes I had to complain about to get back.
I agree that data speeds on Sprints unlimited plan sucks. I will contest to that. Sprint's network simply is being overwhelmed from all the traffic they get from all the smartphones out there. So Sprint came up with a plan. The plan is going to cost $10b over time I think it was. To come up with the money Sprint has to cut cost and create more revenue. To cut cost Sprint got rid of certain luxuries we were receiving as consumers. To create more revenue Sprint fought to get the Iphone on board (Sprint announce this was their biggest sales day ever). Simple economics. Remember Sprint is a far 3rd behind the top two cash cows we know as AT&T and Verizon. Sprint is not financially stable right now but, making these necessary moves will help us as consumer in the long run. I know you pay now, and, you want it now, but, all we can really do is wait till Sprint finish's with their $10B project in your area.
Seriously? You all look at this as "exploiting the customer"? What they got rid of was effectively an interest free credit card that people were abusing. No, doesn't make any business sense at all, certainly not.
True exploitation would be them deciding to charge interest on your balance.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
buggerritt said:
I am usually on the side of the consumer but, this time, I think if you don't have the money to pay for it, why are you upgrading? Wait a month and get it when you have the money. I don't see why it was ever an option to begin with.
The only reason I am still on Sprint is becaue they have the number one best plan for my situation. If I didn't want unlimited data, or the best cutomer service, or the coolest new phones, I would go with MetroPCS. They have the best plan for someone like that. Shop around. Get what is best for you. I'm not preaching. I just want every customer out there to be as happy as can be.
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Ive been doing bta for years without problems from sprint. The problem was me, with the subject the post is about. Im pretty impulsive at times. More that once ive had financial department calling me wanting money because im past due. I couldnt pay the price of the phone (usually full price because i was in mid contract) and my bill up to date in a month or less. I kept telling myself, after i would get my account completely paid up to date, that i wouldnt do this again and would only get another phone if i had the money in hand to pay for the phone. Sometimes financial emergencies happen that are unforseen and they can really put a person behind for awhile and its a struggle to get caught up. Thats one of my character defects, i admit it (for the first time). Its not sprint's fault for this, its mine for being impulsive and irresponsible when it comes to finances.
I dont know why i felt the need to say this, but it had something to do with the subject and i shared my experience (and foolishness) with you guys.
Shame on me, i know!
I'm right there with you man! I sold a Dell Venue Pro so I could get my Epic Touch and I still have an Atrix on At&t and am looking at over $500 if I leave At&t. All that so I could get a 1/2 inch bigger screen and a slightly faster phone. Oh well at least I got a good one, no Los or any other issues thus far.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
I just paid my Sprint bill the other day. With activation, the phone, and my normal bill, it was $578.06. No more bta? Who cares. If you don't have the money, you probably shouldn't buy the phone anyway.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA App
Verizon still allows billing to your account. This last carrier nonsense isn't true
heygrl said:
Verizon still allows billing to your account. This last carrier nonsense isn't true
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that's what I thought. quite frankly, this argument that deadbeats have ruined the bta is a bunch of b.s. because that would be a punitive major and not something supposedly introduced to insure a high level of future service. the reason why bta is a solid option is that it means not having to rely on Sprint to refund your money in the event you decide to return a recently purchased phone. what this new move does is allow Sprint access to the customer's money immediately, which is actually a better move from an accounting standpoint since funds collected can be immediately invested. however, my biggest beef with this change of policy is that like all the other changes we've endured in recent weeks, they're all being done to accommodate the iPhone. like many others, I'm not remotely convinced of Sprint's able to even stay in business long enough to see all these supposed service improvements take place, so right now (and for the immediate future) all that's happening is Sprint is pulling back on customer services to pander to the iPhone.
Like another poster said this is to accommodate fraud. I work for another big name phone company and this is a way to keep people from calling in and ordering multiple phones on an account and having them shipped and once you see that these phones were ordered and you did not order them you call sprint and they have to foot that bill. If there is a credit card used it is tied to the person who used it and fraud is dealt with easier through the CC companies because they have more info. The FCC are coming up with all these rules to help us as consumers. It kinda makes it harder but safer. Anyone who knows your information can order on your account and that is scary. We see people on this forum who call in and tell lies all the time. Fruad is no joke. If it makes it safer why not?
Sent from my hand crippling Epic 4g Touch
Thanks for sharing this. I think you hit the nail on the head and I wish more people were willing to look at their own situation objectively and take some personal responsibility.
Sprint is a business, making business decisions. If they need to make changes to stay viable, then they should make them. If I decide at some point I don't like them, I can go somewhere else. It's the beauty of free enterprise and consumer choice.
oscarthegrouch said:
Ive been doing bta for years without problems from sprint. The problem was me, with the subject the post is about. Im pretty impulsive at times. More that once ive had financial department calling me wanting money because im past due. I couldnt pay the price of the phone (usually full price because i was in mid contract) and my bill up to date in a month or less. I kept telling myself, after i would get my account completely paid up to date, that i wouldnt do this again and would only get another phone if i had the money in hand to pay for the phone. Sometimes financial emergencies happen that are unforseen and they can really put a person behind for awhile and its a struggle to get caught up. Thats one of my character defects, i admit it (for the first time). Its not sprint's fault for this, its mine for being impulsive and irresponsible when it comes to finances.
I dont know why i felt the need to say this, but it had something to do with the subject and i shared my experience (and foolishness) with you guys.
Shame on me, i know!
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Who orders from Sprint anyway? There's always some place cheaper to get the phone of you're eligible for an upgrade. Ordering from places like Amazon or Wirefly at the very least saves you tax.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
My local Best Buy is great about returns and will price match any other vendor that has a unit in stock. I've never ordered from Sprint.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium

[Q] Broken Glass, ATT insurance, matters of opinion(update in op)

Ok lets get this out of the way first. Yes my glass broke second day of owning, yes I was being careful and wasn't neglect on my part. Phone should have been able to survive a fall from less then 12" only landing on its back with out breaking glass.
Ok now that we got that taken care of here are my options.
1. Buy $30.00 glass attempt repair on my own. Question with this are if I mess up or something gets damaged could I still claim insurance(ie. will they know I have opened phone)
2. Att states they will replace for $199.99 but will likely be refurbished unit(which sucks). If I go this route will I need to flash back to stock and reset flash count or will they even check that. Rooted with custom recovery and att clean rom. Any one had experience with att insurance claim?
Local shops say its impossible to replace just the glass. Repair would be $425.00 so that is out.
Edit: I tried to call the walmart I purchased it from and got no answer. So I called another walmart and told her what happened. She said we are told we can't exchange phones that are damaged and you only get one exchange. So I thought I was screwed. She then said read your contract if it doesn't say anything about the condition of the phone or the number of times Walmart will have to replace phone. She kept emphasizing to read contract. Then said if I have any problems Call her back and she will call corporate. Sure enough contract states you can exchange phones in the 14 days nothing about condition or number of times. So following walmarts contract I got the note replaced. As of today if anything thing happens I have insurance. I also bought a temporary case till otterbox gets here.
Re: [Q] Broken Glass, ATT insurance, matters of opinion
I've dealt with att twice and it was agreeable. The second time I sent my note 1 in for the same issue (charging port failure) they sent me a brand new device. The truth is you don't always get a refurb, it's just kind of luck and how much product is on hand (so I was told by att cs).
If you try to fix the screen yourself and fail DON'T send it in for warranty... That's fraud and effects the prices for everyone else.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 2
Re: [Q] Broken Glass, ATT insurance, matters of opinion
Try searching next time. Here a few ppl have claimed to replaced only the glass but from experience on my s2 skyrocket its a pain in the a** and I ended up cracking the digitizer. If so tho ppl in this thread say to search for videos on youtube. Check it out.
Sent from my Galaxy Note 2 running SkyNote3.2
jyazzie110 said:
Try searching next time. Here a few ppl have claimed to replaced only the glass but from experience on my s2 skyrocket its a pain in the a** and I ended up cracking the digitizer. If so tho ppl in this thread say to search for videos on youtube. Check it out.
Sent from my Galaxy Note 2 running SkyNote3.2
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I did search, I'm not a newbie I wasn't asking about how to replace the glass or if it is possible i was asking for opinions of my next course of action. I have seen the threads and watched the videos.
The customer is always right...
Sorry about your shattered screen. that's rough. hope I can offer some insight on your warranty situation:
You have two angles of attack:
1. Go in with your tail tucked between your legs, and pray for the best possible outcome. If the outcome is less than optimal, follow step 2:
2. Argue pleasantly, until you're satisified.
That said, at&t is usually pretty good with succumbing to "motivated" customers. I've always tried, and with great sucess, gotten all of my replacements by contacting them through e-mail or phone (and a few times at the service centers). My own personal experience has lead me to believe, if you go in, they're more likely to scrutinize you, your credability and your story and stick you with the least desirable option. My brother-in-law is a very "motivated" customer, and has almost always been "satisifed" by at&t (that's what she said) (shattered screens, water submersion, etc).
And as far as relocking\returning to stock, again, IME, I've only had them check my device for root/BL tampering twice, and they simply checked to see if their was a stock recovery. And I think it was only because the kid was knowledgable enough to know how to check. Otherwise, I've always gotten the impression the sales person doesn't know how to check for evidence of a tampered device.
If Steps 1 and 2 fail, try droping the, ETF-bomb. "How much is my Early Termination Fee?" In my experience, they always come back with good news from their supervisor. YMMV. And just as an FYI, when I have dropped the ETF-bomb, I had legitmately wanted to end my service; I wasn't threatening.
Good luck and hope some of this was useful to you! like I said, YMMV.
PS. If you go into one service center and they give you your options, that doesn't stop you from leaving with your device and getting a "second opinion" from another, possibly more agreeable service center. And then if you care to, as a last resort, you can always try contacting them through e-mail\phone.
nespid said:
Sorry about your shattered screen. that's rough. hope I can offer some insight on your warranty situation:
You have two angles of attack:
1. Go in with your tail tucked between your legs, and pray for the best possible outcome. If the outcome is less than optimal, follow step 2:
2. Argue pleasantly, until you're satisified.
That said, at&t is usually pretty good with succumbing to "motivated" customers. I've always tried, and with great sucess, gotten all of my replacements by contacting them through e-mail or phone (and a few times at the service centers). My own personal experience has lead me to believe, if you go in, they're more likely to scrutinize you, your credability and your story and stick you with the least desirable option. My brother-in-law is a very "motivated" customer, and has almost always been "satisifed" by at&t (that's what she said) (shattered screens, water submersion, etc).
And as far as relocking\returning to stock, again, IME, I've only had them check my device for root/BL tampering twice, and they simply checked to see if their was a stock recovery. And I think it was only because the kid was knowledgable enough to know how to check. Otherwise, I've always gotten the impression the sales person doesn't know how to check for evidence of a tampered device.
If Steps 1 and 2 fail, try droping the, ETF-bomb. "How much is my Early Termination Fee?" In my experience, they always come back with good news from their supervisor. YMMV. And just as an FYI, when I have dropped the ETF-bomb, I had legitmately wanted to end my service; I wasn't threatening.
Good luck and hope some of this was useful to you! like I said, YMMV.
PS. If you go into one service center and they give you your options, that doesn't stop you from leaving with your device and getting a "second opinion" from another, possibly more agreeable service center. And then if you care to, as a last resort, you can always try contacting them through e-mail\phone.
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Good advice all the way around, all though not too sure about ETF because I'm still on my new contract 14 days. Not sure how they would take that. I also thought about see what Walmart would do since that is where the phone was purchased do to pricing. With the screen not sure how they would handle that can't find anything on the web about the return policy for store bought phones.
chrisryn said:
Good advice all the way around, all though not too sure about ETF because I'm still on my new contract 14 days. Not sure how they would take that. I also thought about see what Walmart would do since that is where the phone was purchased do to pricing. With the screen not sure how they would handle that can't find anything on the web about the return policy for store bought phones.
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Well then, you just opened up your options - try a bunch of different Wal-marts. One of them is bound to have a lackluster employee who doesn't care, and just wants to go back to doing nothing - find that guy\gal and bring home your new N2.
If there is no physical damage to the body of the phone, you have better support to your story that the screen was flawed. I would really fight that point, that the screen was flawed.
Honestly, they don't have a leg to stand on, if there is no physical evidence to the body of the phone that it was "accidental damage", and they're not going to call you a liar (at least not to your face). With all of this, keep in mind to "argue" as politely as possible, but be persistent. Wear them down and get to yes! Illegitimi non carborundum.
---------- Post added at 01:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:54 PM ----------
And yeah, as far as the ETF-bomb, it may not help if you're only 14 days into your contract. I've been with at&t since 2002 and I have 3 lines, so, that may factor in on their decision with the ETF-bomb.
I was with att for ten years when they decided to move out my upgrade date out of now where claiming it was because of a data overage. I was out of contract ready for renewal the didn't give a S*** about me canceling. I went to Verizon and it was a nightmare had 4 gig limit and they where charging me overage at 3.5 gig. Fought with them for about 3 months before I was able to use breach in contract with a supervisor to get out with out a ETF. Now I'm back at ATT and had this happen.
Plan B
chrisryn said:
I was with att for ten years when they decided to move out my upgrade date out of now where claiming it was because of a data overage. I was out of contract ready for renewal the didn't give a S*** about me canceling. I went to Verizon and it was a nightmare had 4 gig limit and they where charging me overage at 3.5 gig. Fought with them for about 3 months before I was able to use breach in contract with a supervisor to get out with out a ETF. Now I'm back at ATT and had this happen.
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thaaaaat sucks.
Move out your upgrade date because of data overage? weird. that makes no sense to me.
Here's a possible option: it's $200 and you have to return your current device or, is it $200 for a new device and you keep your shattered device? If it's the latter, then possibly sell the current N2 as-is on eBay\craigslist and use that money to purchase replacement? I am inclined to believe it is probably $200 + returning current N2.
nespid said:
thaaaaat sucks.
Move out your upgrade date because of data overage? weird. that makes no sense to me.
Here's a possible option: it's $200 and you have to return your current device or, is it $200 for a new device and you keep your shattered device? If it's the latter, then possibly sell the current N2 as-is on eBay\craigslist and use that money to purchase replacement? I am inclined to believe it is probably $200 + returning current N2.
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The said thing about the overage was it was due to their lack luster dsl department getting our dsl turned on at the new house. Seemed that the old tenant had some cheap phone service and never turned it off. They wanted $800.00 to run new lines. So we where using phones as all internet for a month. I'm pretty sure that I will have to return device, once the other comes in. I'm going to try walmart first, then if that doesn't work see if I can talk the deductible down on the att insurance and hope its not a refurbished. I have had to many android and iphones(wife) that have been through three young boys with out damage and this one damages so easy. Either way new device will not be fully used till it is safe in a case then still treated like a baby.
Bonne chance!
chrisryn said:
The said thing about the overage was it was due to their lack luster dsl department getting our dsl turned on at the new house. Seemed that the old tenant had some cheap phone service and never turned it off. They wanted $800.00 to run new lines. So we where using phones as all internet for a month. I'm pretty sure that I will have to return device, once the other comes in. I'm going to try walmart first, then if that doesn't work see if I can talk the deductible down on the att insurance and hope its not a refurbished. I have had to many android and iphones(wife) that have been through three young boys with out damage and this one damages so easy. Either way new device will not be fully used till it is safe in a case then still treated like a baby.
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sounds good to me.
good luck and let me know what you worked out.
Re: [Q] Broken Glass, ATT insurance, matters of opinion
I didn't see this mentioned but I recommend getting the insurance protection from Best Buy. You can still get it even if you don't get the phone from Best Buy. You can pay one flat fee to cover the year or pay $7 a month.
They will replace your phone at no extra cost for physical or water damage.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda premium
kiltedthrower said:
I didn't see this mentioned but I recommend getting the insurance protection from Best Buy. You can still get it even if you don't get the phone from Best Buy. You can pay one flat fee to cover the year or pay $7 a month.
They will replace your phone at no extra cost for physical or water damage.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda premium
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Very much aware of that. Had it on my Galaxy nexus gave it to my mom she dropped it hard cracked the screen now she is waiting for her refurb to come in. They told me it was replaced at the store when I brought it in, with new unit. I have had to loan her my inspire while she waits 5-10 days for the other to come in. Not really satisfied with that plan either.
Re: [Q] Broken Glass, ATT insurance, matters of opinion
That's weird. I've had to have 3 devices replaced through best buy over the last couple of years. I've never had to wait more than 3 days. I Also like that you get a loaner phone till the replacement comes in.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda premium
I asked for a loaner they said they don't do that.
Edit: Hoping my inspire doesn't suffer same fate.
Re: [Q] Broken Glass, ATT insurance, matters of opinion
I'm actually a manager at a best buy mobile.. We are supposed to supply loaners if we have them with a $50 deposit that you get back when your phone comes back in.. Some stores don't charge that even though they should.. For android devices the insurance is $9.99 a month or $169.99 for 2 years.. Everything is covered except lost or stolen.. Which we do have a free app called locked and found that will let you lock your phone out if it is lost or stolen. It will take pictures with the front facing camera and email them to you with a location.. The best part is there are unlimited claims and no deposit
cold21blooded said:
I'm actually a manager at a best buy mobile.. We are supposed to supply loaners if we have them with a $50 deposit that you get back when your phone comes back in.. Some stores don't charge that even though they should.. For android devices the insurance is $9.99 a month or $169.99 for 2 years.. Everything is covered except lost or stolen.. Which we do have a free app called locked and found that will let you lock your phone out if it is lost or stolen. It will take pictures with the front facing camera and email them to you with a location.. The best part is there are unlimited claims and no deposit
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They wouldn't even let me talk to a mobile associate had to talk to GEEK SQUAD, sometimes I wonder the requirements for Geek squad hiring, Guy didn't know anything. Nothing against Best Buy just had bad experience mobile wise here. Best buy is my favorite store, Been platinum reward member for 8 years now.
Re: [Q] Broken Glass, ATT insurance, matters of opinion
chrisryn said:
They wouldn't even let me talk to a mobile associate had to talk to GEEK SQUAD, sometimes I wonder the requirements for Geek squad hiring, Guy didn't know anything. Nothing against Best Buy just had bad experience mobile wise here. Best buy is my favorite store, Been platinum reward member for 8 years now.
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I get that a lot with complaints from the big box stores.. Next time try a best buy mobile store.. It's a more one on one experience and we usually know a little more
cold21blooded said:
I get that a lot with complaints from the big box stores.. Next time try a best buy mobile store.. It's a more one on one experience and we usually know a little more
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I would but we don't have those here.
You should not be concerned AT ALL that you may get a refurbished phone. I've done it couple of times and the phone is always perfect brand new condition. It's not like it will have scuffs on it or non-working parts....not to worry.
Also don't need to reset your phone to stock...you're getting it replaced due to broken screen not complaints that it is not functioning.

I Finally Beat Verizon! My M9/M8/M7 Debacle

The below is long but I wanted to provide all the details of my last Verizon Customer Support issue and how I resolved them
VZW messed me up last year. My son had an M7 that was purchased new in 2012 under the subsidy for a 2 year contract extension. When he was eligible for an upgrade I took it to the nearest VZW store and I got the M8 using his upgrade. They asked me if I wanted Edge on the new M8 and since I change phones often, I went on Edge.
Unknown to me at that time they had done the upgrade wrong. They should have simply upgraded the M7 to the M8 on my son's number then switched the phone to my number. Easily done as I have done it many time before. Instead, they put both my son's M7 and my M8 on Edge. The only saving grace was they were not charging anything monthly for the M7
After getting my M9 I realized no return label was sent with the M9. After several days of phone calls I was told to go to my local VZW store to return it. That is 25 miles away but I drove over anyway as I wanted to ensure the M8 went back.I I waited for 20 minutes for someone to help me (even though 4-5 employees were milling about BS'ing) and was told "We can't take it back in store if you ordered online". I was LIVID. Another 2 calls to VZW and I was able to get a return label.
Then I went to get my son's phone on Edge. The CSR told me to go to the local store. I told her they were jerks and would give me a hard time as it said my son was not eligible to Edge up until 2016! They called the store and cleared it all up, supposedly.
By this time I was so angry, I sent a nice email from my company email (I'm an exec in a large insurance company) to the president of my VZW in my region. I explained my entire saga and provided my account number and contact number. I then headed off the VZW store. Again, they took my name when I walked in and there were 2 people being helped and 4 employees milling around. No biggie, my son needed time to pick out his new phone. 20 minutes later he decided on the S6 Edge. It took another 10 minutes for someone to approach us. I explained the issue and gave him the M7 to return. This is where the fun starts....
He looks at the phone and says "Does this even charge?" My son said "Yes, it charges fine". There were a few minor cosmetic scratches on the bottom but the back, and glass were PERFECT. It had been in an Otterbox with a MIME protector on it. It was also only about 6 weeks old as the original stopped charging and it was replaced under Assurion protection with a refurb phone. Most likely, the minor scratches on the bottom were there as my son is VERY careful with is phone. The VZW salesman, let's just called him "jerk", says "I doubt we can take this". I explained the situation and even provided the receipt when I paid 199 for the phone back in 2012 and technically, I should not even have to return it.
He disappeared for about 15 minutes and then I got a call from Verizon Executive Support concerning my email to the NE regional president. My son looked all scared as the jerk came out and told him "There is no way your getting a new phone today!". My 17 year old looked and me and I said "Don't worry Mike, we are walking out of here with a new phone!". The jerk looked me straight in the eye and said "No, you won't". I had the phone on speaker so the VZW executive support could hear. She then asked me which store I was at and I asked the jerk for the store number. "Why do you want that?" I said "Because I'm on the phone with VZW Corporate Executive Support" he said "Sure you are, our store number is xxxxxx". She overheard this whole exchange.
The Executive support put me on hold and said she was going to call the store manager. Within 10 minutes the manager was RUNNING out of the back shaking my hand and telling me how sorry he was. I told him that the jerk needed some serious coaching on this customer service skills and that he needs to dress more appropriately (High top expensive basketball shoes wide open, shirt 1/2 tucked in and 1/2 out), While he is kissing my a*s, Verizon Executive supports calls to say, I needed to return the M7, I would get an S6 Edge and she would not only credit me for the 199 but give me another M8 as I DID NOT have to return the M8 which is why I never got a return label!
I then said I was not really even happy with the M9 as the Camera was still weak and there were no major differences between the M8 and M9. So she told me to upgrade to whatever phone I wanted and just give the manager the M9 as it was only 10 days ago when I bought it. She even waived the 35 restocking fee. I thanked her and she sent me a text with her name and direct number.
I told the jerk to simply activate the phones and not do anything else. "I can transfer all your stuff". I said "Nope, already taken care of, just please activate both phones and let me get out of here". He didn't say another word until he handed me the bag with the phones and with a disgusted looks said "Have a nice day" I responded "You too and as I walked away I turned back at him and said "I told you!"
So now my son as an S6 Edge, I have a Note Edge, I gave my wife the new M8 to replace her old M7 and the M7 is going up on eBay now.
The point to this story is when you are treated poorly, you don't have to throw up your hands. Do some research, find someone in the C-Suite of a company and send a very nice email. All you need to is fine the naming convention and the domain. Since all public company's must list their executives, getting their email is usually pretty easy if you are at all Internet savvy. Don't ever pay money for these addresses. You can find them for free. C-Suite executives almost always have high level CSR's that can do almost anything for you. I have used this so many times and the only time it didn't work was with Comcast. No matter who I sent an email to they never had anyone follow up. Guess what, Comcast is gone and will never be in any of my homes again, EVER.
Glad to hear everything was taken care of. The Verizon store I go to has taken pretty good care of me.
Excellent to hear that you have your phone issue resolved. Sorry to hear that you had to move from the M9... but now that you have used both: how do they compare?
I had the messaging error 65535 class 3 and had to reset my phone (M9). The Tier 2 support agent monitored my phone hit 115 degrees and had me power it off. We then reset it again and it did it again... he said to go to a corporate store and exchange it. The exchange went smooth; they started off saying, "I don't know if we can exchange it, no gold," etc... . With much less headache, I am on my second M9. (I have the Silver...)
Mike02z said:
The below is long but I wanted to provide all the details of my last Verizon Customer Support issue and how I resolved them
VZW messed me up last year. My son had an M7 that was purchased new in 2012 under the subsidy for a 2 year contract extension. When he was eligible for an upgrade I took it to the nearest VZW store and I got the M8 using his upgrade. They asked me if I wanted Edge on the new M8 and since I change phones often, I went on Edge.
Unknown to me at that time they had done the upgrade wrong. They should have simply upgraded the M7 to the M8 on my son's number then switched the phone to my number. Easily done as I have done it many time before. Instead, they put both my son's M7 and my M8 on Edge. The only saving grace was they were not charging anything monthly for the M7
After getting my M9 I realized no return label was sent with the M9. After several days of phone calls I was told to go to my local VZW store to return it. That is 25 miles away but I drove over anyway as I wanted to ensure the M8 went back.I I waited for 20 minutes for someone to help me (even though 4-5 employees were milling about BS'ing) and was told "We can't take it back in store if you ordered online". I was LIVID. Another 2 calls to VZW and I was able to get a return label.
Then I went to get my son's phone on Edge. The CSR told me to go to the local store. I told her they were jerks and would give me a hard time as it said my son was not eligible to Edge up until 2016! They called the store and cleared it all up, supposedly.
By this time I was so angry, I sent a nice email from my company email (I'm an exec in a large insurance company) to the president of my VZW in my region. I explained my entire saga and provided my account number and contact number. I then headed off the VZW store. Again, they took my name when I walked in and there were 2 people being helped and 4 employees milling around. No biggie, my son needed time to pick out his new phone. 20 minutes later he decided on the S6 Edge. It took another 10 minutes for someone to approach us. I explained the issue and gave him the M7 to return. This is where the fun starts....
He looks at the phone and says "Does this even charge?" My son said "Yes, it charges fine". There were a few minor cosmetic scratches on the bottom but the back, and glass were PERFECT. It had been in an Otterbox with a MIME protector on it. It was also only about 6 weeks old as the original stopped charging and it was replaced under Assurion protection with a refurb phone. Most likely, the minor scratches on the bottom were there as my son is VERY careful with is phone. The VZW salesman, let's just called him "jerk", says "I doubt we can take this". I explained the situation and even provided the receipt when I paid 199 for the phone back in 2012 and technically, I should not even have to return it.
He disappeared for about 15 minutes and then I got a call from Verizon Executive Support concerning my email to the NE regional president. My son looked all scared as the jerk came out and told him "There is no way your getting a new phone today!". My 17 year old looked and me and I said "Don't worry Mike, we are walking out of here with a new phone!". The jerk looked me straight in the eye and said "No, you won't". I had the phone on speaker so the VZW executive support could hear. She then asked me which store I was at and I asked the jerk for the store number. "Why do you want that?" I said "Because I'm on the phone with VZW Corporate Executive Support" he said "Sure you are, our store number is xxxxxx". She overheard this whole exchange.
The Executive support put me on hold and said she was going to call the store manager. Within 10 minutes the manager was RUNNING out of the back shaking my hand and telling me how sorry he was. I told him that the jerk needed some serious coaching on this customer service skills and that he needs to dress more appropriately (High top expensive basketball shoes wide open, shirt 1/2 tucked in and 1/2 out), While he is kissing my a*s, Verizon Executive supports calls to say, I needed to return the M7, I would get an S6 Edge and she would not only credit me for the 199 but give me another M8 as I DID NOT have to return the M8 which is why I never got a return label!
I then said I was not really even happy with the M9 as the Camera was still weak and there were no major differences between the M8 and M9. So she told me to upgrade to whatever phone I wanted and just give the manager the M9 as it was only 10 days ago when I bought it. She even waived the 35 restocking fee. I thanked her and she sent me a text with her name and direct number.
I told the jerk to simply activate the phones and not do anything else. "I can transfer all your stuff". I said "Nope, already taken care of, just please activate both phones and let me get out of here". He didn't say another word until he handed me the bag with the phones and with a disgusted looks said "Have a nice day" I responded "You too and as I walked away I turned back at him and said "I told you!"
So now my son as an S6 Edge, I have a Note Edge, I gave my wife the new M8 to replace her old M7 and the M7 is going up on eBay now.
The point to this story is when you are treated poorly, you don't have to throw up your hands. Do some research, find someone in the C-Suite of a company and send a very nice email. All you need to is fine the naming convention and the domain. Since all public company's must list their executives, getting their email is usually pretty easy if you are at all Internet savvy. Don't ever pay money for these addresses. You can find them for free. C-Suite executives almost always have high level CSR's that can do almost anything for you. I have used this so many times and the only time it didn't work was with Comcast. No matter who I sent an email to they never had anyone follow up. Guess what, Comcast is gone and will never be in any of my homes again, EVER.
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.This is close to what happened to me. I got on VZW chat and asked them a crap load of questions...like what port in required meant. and if i qualified, and etc etc. I told them what I wanted and they said I could do it. They said I could get $100 credit for recycling ANY smart phone...So I asked if a phone that WORKED and all buttons worked, but had a cracked screen would still qualify and he said as long as the phone is usable. So I took it into a VZW store to get the M9 and they told me I was wrong about EVERYTHING. I spent a total of 6 hours on chat (I assumed the wait times for all the replies were so they could get the right answer). I was so furious. They told me that I had to give them my M8 (which I got off contract from my sister) because I was upgrading early on edge. I told them that I could easily go to ATT and they will pay my 130 dollar cancellation fee and get the M9 from them. Then a Supervisor said that I can't get the 200 credit (100 for new edge activation, and 100 for recycling any smartphone), but she WOULD let me keep the M8 and upgrade early. I said lemme think about it. After thinking about it I was like nahhhhhh. SO I called. I immediately asked for a manager....the first level lady said well let me know what happened and what you're looking to happen and let me see if I can help. SO long story short she let me keep my M8, told me to get a cheap craigslist phone and she will give me a 100 credit for that. I said that isn't enough. I spent a total of 9 hours now, and I want you to get as close to that 200 credit as possible. SO she gave me 40 dollar account credit. So I got 140-used phone on craigslist. I have thought about going to the Note 4 but I probably wont because I don't think its worth a 100 dollars more.
Rezound qualifies for $100
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Icyman said:
Rezound qualifies for $100
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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EVERY VZW Smartphone in "Good working condition" qualifies for $100. The M7 was $150, and M8 was $200. However, I didn't want to give them my HTC M8 for 200, when I could prob sell it for $250. I might still give VZW my M8 if it doesn't sell on Swappa in time. (I'm moving overseas).
danblade said:
Excellent to hear that you have your phone issue resolved. Sorry to hear that you had to move from the M9... but now that you have used both: how do they compare?
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Thanks Dan!
Now that I have had the Note Edge for 3 days, I like it a lot. The camera is FAR superior to the the M9. Perfromance is pretty close. The M9 has an Octo core processer with 4 running at 1.5 and 4 running at 2.0. The Note Edge has a Quad core proc but runs at 2.7 Ghz.
I like that I can swap batteries in the Note Edge and I like the Gear S watch which I also purchased. I like the bigger screen of the Edge as well as the edge functionality.
All that being said, there was really NOTHING wrong with my M9. It was fast but it's not really fair to compare directly to Note as they are really different animals. The only real comparison is with the Camera. The Edge Camera BLOWS AWAY the M9 camera but a firmware patch may address the M9 camera issues.
I do suspect it will be much more difficult to get root for the Note Edge but I've come to realize that I'm just a crack flasher and spend a TON of time just flashing ROM's and very rarely gain anything.
One other negative for the Note Edge is it is still running 4.4.4 where the M9 runs Lollipop. I hear 5.0.1 is rolling out now for the Note Edge but knowing VZW, it will probably take 3 more months.
While I don't the M9 at the corporate store in Queens Center Mall,Queens NY. I had similar issues like you that is why because of those reps at that store I might never upgrade with verizon, and if I do I will never do it at any corp/3rd party store.
Originally posted by MikeO2z
"I do suspect it will be much more difficult to get root for the Note Edge but I've come to realize that I'm just a crack flasher and spend a TON of time just flashing ROM's and very rarely gain anything."
HAHA! I am feeling that too, Thanks for saying it!
Mike02z said:
Thanks Dan!
Now that I have had the Note Edge for 3 days, I like it a lot. The camera is FAR superior to the the M9. Perfromance is pretty close. The M9 has an Octo core processer with 4 running at 1.5 and 4 running at 2.0. The Note Edge has a Quad core proc but runs at 2.7 Ghz.
I like that I can swap batteries in the Note Edge and I like the Gear S watch which I also purchased. I like the bigger screen of the Edge as well as the edge functionality.
All that being said, there was really NOTHING wrong with my M9. It was fast but it's not really fair to compare directly to Note as they are really different animals. The only real comparison is with the Camera. The Edge Camera BLOWS AWAY the M9 camera but a firmware patch may address the M9 camera issues.
I do suspect it will be much more difficult to get root for the Note Edge but I've come to realize that I'm just a crack flasher and spend a TON of time just flashing ROM's and very rarely gain anything.
One other negative for the Note Edge is it is still running 4.4.4 where the M9 runs Lollipop. I hear 5.0.1 is rolling out now for the Note Edge but knowing VZW, it will probably take 3 more months.
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Tbh, the Note 4 Camera is somewhat better then my M9, but I do think the M9 will get fixed eventually. But I think that it still wont perform as good as the cameras that have optical image stab. The G3 even took better pics. I was blown away when i saw my friends G3 when holding my M9 next to it. Saying that though, unless I get the G3, I won't have a better device. My opinion is that the Note Edge, S6, S6 Edge are far from better devices (overall) then the M9.
I don't see any problem stated in the first post... None, at all. You did not have edge on both, if you were not getting charged. It would have been cheaper short term and long to do edge if you had at the time 10 gigs, or now, 6 gigs of data. I also see no point in using your son's upgrade in the first place unless you simply always get the new phone and he gets the hand me downs, which edge makes irrelevant. In which case your line was still eligible for both 2 year or edge. Did you skip a whole paragraph of actual problem? Lots of confusion as to the reason you went to the store for an online order and why that was an issue in the first place.
If You skipped a paragraph about edging up and turning in the phone on your sons line instead of yours for whatever reason, then it all makes sense. Ask for a printed return label, send in. If a store took the edge-up turn in, then your account would have been charged a non-return fee since there is no link in the systems between self serve and in store. But in that case, then it seems you got mad for no reason at all and no blame with your carrier... Which would make no sense to blab on the internet about.
Mike02z said:
The below is long but I wanted to provide all the details of my last Verizon Customer Support issue and how I resolved them
VZW messed me up last year. My son had an M7 that was purchased new in 2012 under the subsidy for a 2 year contract extension. When he was eligible for an upgrade I took it to the nearest VZW store and I got the M8 using his upgrade. They asked me if I wanted Edge on the new M8 and since I change phones often, I went on Edge.
Unknown to me at that time they had done the upgrade wrong. They should have simply upgraded the M7 to the M8 on my son's number then switched the phone to my number. Easily done as I have done it many time before. Instead, they put both my son's M7 and my M8 on Edge. The only saving grace was they were not charging anything monthly for the M7
After getting my M9 I realized no return label was sent with the M9. After several days of phone calls I was told to go to my local VZW store to return it. That is 25 miles away but I drove over anyway as I wanted to ensure the M8 went back.I I waited for 20 minutes for someone to help me (even though 4-5 employees were milling about BS'ing) and was told "We can't take it back in store if you ordered online". I was LIVID. Another 2 calls to VZW and I was able to get a return label.
Then I went to get my son's phone on Edge. The CSR told me to go to the local store. I told her they were jerks and would give me a hard time as it said my son was not eligible to Edge up until 2016! They called the store and cleared it all up, supposedly.
By this time I was so angry, I sent a nice email from my company email (I'm an exec in a large insurance company) to the president of my VZW in my region. I explained my entire saga and provided my account number and contact number. I then headed off the VZW store. Again, they took my name when I walked in and there were 2 people being helped and 4 employees milling around. No biggie, my son needed time to pick out his new phone. 20 minutes later he decided on the S6 Edge. It took another 10 minutes for someone to approach us. I explained the issue and gave him the M7 to return. This is where the fun starts....
He looks at the phone and says "Does this even charge?" My son said "Yes, it charges fine". There were a few minor cosmetic scratches on the bottom but the back, and glass were PERFECT. It had been in an Otterbox with a MIME protector on it. It was also only about 6 weeks old as the original stopped charging and it was replaced under Assurion protection with a refurb phone. Most likely, the minor scratches on the bottom were there as my son is VERY careful with is phone. The VZW salesman, let's just called him "jerk", says "I doubt we can take this". I explained the situation and even provided the receipt when I paid 199 for the phone back in 2012 and technically, I should not even have to return it.
He disappeared for about 15 minutes and then I got a call from Verizon Executive Support concerning my email to the NE regional president. My son looked all scared as the jerk came out and told him "There is no way your getting a new phone today!". My 17 year old looked and me and I said "Don't worry Mike, we are walking out of here with a new phone!". The jerk looked me straight in the eye and said "No, you won't". I had the phone on speaker so the VZW executive support could hear. She then asked me which store I was at and I asked the jerk for the store number. "Why do you want that?" I said "Because I'm on the phone with VZW Corporate Executive Support" he said "Sure you are, our store number is xxxxxx". She overheard this whole exchange.
The Executive support put me on hold and said she was going to call the store manager. Within 10 minutes the manager was RUNNING out of the back shaking my hand and telling me how sorry he was. I told him that the jerk needed some serious coaching on this customer service skills and that he needs to dress more appropriately (High top expensive basketball shoes wide open, shirt 1/2 tucked in and 1/2 out), While he is kissing my a*s, Verizon Executive supports calls to say, I needed to return the M7, I would get an S6 Edge and she would not only credit me for the 199 but give me another M8 as I DID NOT have to return the M8 which is why I never got a return label!
I then said I was not really even happy with the M9 as the Camera was still weak and there were no major differences between the M8 and M9. So she told me to upgrade to whatever phone I wanted and just give the manager the M9 as it was only 10 days ago when I bought it. She even waived the 35 restocking fee. I thanked her and she sent me a text with her name and direct number.
I told the jerk to simply activate the phones and not do anything else. "I can transfer all your stuff". I said "Nope, already taken care of, just please activate both phones and let me get out of here". He didn't say another word until he handed me the bag with the phones and with a disgusted looks said "Have a nice day" I responded "You too and as I walked away I turned back at him and said "I told you!"
So now my son as an S6 Edge, I have a Note Edge, I gave my wife the new M8 to replace her old M7 and the M7 is going up on eBay now.
The point to this story is when you are treated poorly, you don't have to throw up your hands. Do some research, find someone in the C-Suite of a company and send a very nice email. All you need to is fine the naming convention and the domain. Since all public company's must list their executives, getting their email is usually pretty easy if you are at all Internet savvy. Don't ever pay money for these addresses. You can find them for free. C-Suite executives almost always have high level CSR's that can do almost anything for you. I have used this so many times and the only time it didn't work was with Comcast. No matter who I sent an email to they never had anyone follow up. Guess what, Comcast is gone and will never be in any of my homes again, EVER.
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Was this a corporate store? I'm a manager at Verizon and I would have fired that idiot right there.
seshaz said:
Was this a corporate store? I'm a manage at Verizon and I would have fired that idiot right there.
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Yes. It was a VZW Corporate store. I typically use the VZW Corporate srore near my second home. They are MUCH better but they did mess up my original M8.
Mike02z said:
Yes. It was a VZW Corporate store. I typically use the VZW Corporate srore near my second home. They are MUCH better but they did mess up my original M8.
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That's wild, not even sure how they were able to f it up that bad in the system lol. You must have got a super special rep
coolbluedab said:
I don't see any problem stated in the first post... None, at all. You did not have edge on both, if you were not getting charged. It would have been cheaper short term and long to do edge if you had at the time 10 gigs, or now, 6 gigs of data. I also see no point in using your son's upgrade in the first place unless you simply always get the new phone and he gets the hand me downs, which edge makes irrelevant. In which case your line was still eligible for both 2 year or edge. Did you skip a whole paragraph of actual problem? Lots of confusion as to the reason you went to the store for an online order and why that was an issue in the first place.
If You skipped a paragraph about edging up and turning in the phone on your sons line instead of yours for whatever reason, then it all makes sense. Ask for a printed return label, send in. If a store took the edge-up turn in, then your account would have been charged a non-return fee since there is no link in the systems between self serve and in store. But in that case, then it seems you got mad for no reason at all and no blame with your carrier... Which would make no sense to blab on the internet about.
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First, When I used my son's upgrade back in March of 2014 his phone SHOULD NOT have been put on Edge. It was a subsidized phone that was eligible for upgrade. I used his upgrade to get my M8 as he was happy with the M7. So he would not be eligible for an upgarde until 3/2016 BUT it said he was on Edge. After I used his upgrade, I went on Edge but that had nothing to do with his plan. I should have returned the M8 when I preordered the M9 but they did not send me a return shipping label. I was told to go into ANY Verizon corporate store and they would take it. I drove ~15 miles one way for no reason as the store said they could not take the phone back after being told that was the ONLY way to get the phone back.
Then I spent hours on the phone trying to send my M8 back BEFORE I got charged for it. The reason I never got a return label was they didn't want the M8 back. Even though on Edge. No idea why. I finally got a shipping label and retrned the M8 but was then told by Executive Customer Support there was no need to retrun it. They also said the original store made a mitake and while my son's phone had a new upgrade date of 3/2016, It should never have been out on Edge.
My beef was that I could not get a stratight answer from the CSR's at VZW. It was then that I sent an email to the regional preseident that covers my state. Why I got to upgrade my son's phone early was that they knew I had been told that I could upgrade that. They had the converstaions between me and the CSR's. While technically not eligible for an upgrade, they took the M7 back and let him go on Edge and returned my M8 and gave me a 199 bill credit for getting it wrong in the first place.
Yes, Edge is great for people like me who change phones every year but there was no Edge when we purchased the M7's and I had 5 in my family. No one likes to upgrade except me so I used to take all their upgrades as I'm the one who pays the bill but now Edge makes that a moot point.
When I went on the VZW web site it clearly stated that BOTH my son's line and mine WERE ON Edge even though I was not paying anything for the M7.
OK, so you have a beef with your closest Verizon store reps, and basically traded almost all your HTC One phones in and moved to Samsungs. (You have no M9 to speak of...) Why is this in the HTC One M9 Forum Section?
WorldOfJohnboy said:
OK, so you have a beef with your closest Verizon store reps, and basically traded almost all your HTC One phones in and moved to Samsungs. (You have no M9 to speak of...) Why is this in the HTC One M9 Forum Section?
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because he is trying to encourage us to switch our m9s for samsungs

