Can somebody help???? - Upgrading, Modifying and Unlocking

can somebody please help me with this.... i have put it in the correct section, but this is the correct section too, but didn't want to double post...
Thankyou, Brendan


noob...plz help me..

hi all
firstly i would like to give my praises to all of u for being such good members of this website.The question i am about to ask is a little off topic but can someone plz help me.?Is there such upgrade of windows mobile 2005 for smartphone?and if it does can someone plz give me the link to where i can download it or u would be so kind to upload it here..really appreciate any ans from any of the members of this forum...
thank you..
p.s i'm kinda new to all this..plz correct me if i am wrong)

Splash Image file size issue

I am sorry for cross linking but I really want an answer and someone must know!!! Please check this thread and see if you can help...
Thanx in advance!!

SoS!who can help me?

Hi,i need this software,but i can not search crackde,is there anybody who can cracked this software?
If there is someone who want to help me,please reply or email me:[email protected]
there is nobody who can help me ?
Posting or requesting serials/cracked software or warez of any kind is strictly forbidden here. In the future, please do not make any such requests.

help me, please...

it's my first time to posting here.
n i need help to change my diamond's rom.
i want to change it to HD rom.
can you help me..??
please tell me step by step.
thank you very much for all of you.
Have a look here...

delete this pls!!

Sry posted in the wrong area can someone help me I don't know how to delete this post

