Anyone have an suggestions for getting the Caller Id for Contacts Only option to work?
I'm using att&t on my 8525 and their support group is sending a new phone because they say it should work but they don't have a clue.
You set it by going to Settings > Phone > Services > Caller Id then retrieve the network settings. They are Everyone, No One or Contacts Only. Everyone and No One works but Contacts Only is same as no one.
The tech's phone he said it worked. Mine no way.
The option is there and should work with WM6 3.61.
Any suggestions would be appreciated, I have searched to no avail.
Just a thought, but are your contacts only on sim? It may be that that feature only works for contacts stored in the phone memory. I haven't checked this feature myself, but thought I'd give a suggestion to try to troubleshoot.
My contacts are in memory...
at&t sent me a replacement phone with WM5 on it and it works on that phone. I'm not sure when in the WM6 life cycle it stopped working. I'm goint to load the plain official version of WM6 and see if it works. I also might post to vp3G's tread and see what he knows. How that we know it is not a network or hardware issure maybe someone can help me track it down.
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
i have mine stored on phone and using vp3 3.61 and it shows only to my contacts
Hmm, Guess it is time to upgrade the new phone to WM6.
I'm using vp3G's WM6 v3.61 and when I enable "Contacts only" it has the same effect as if it set to "No One"...
After a year is there a fix for this?
Thank you.
Saw one other forum on how to edit the myfave5 but no luck in getting it to work...
Does anyone have instructions ? I have the tmobile WM6 rom on my exvalibur and was able to turn on the my5 feature but when I try to add a contact and picture it never updates it... I tried doing it by the registry but still no luck so does anyone know?
I don't have t-mobile service since I am in canada... I just want it to work because I think it would be cool to have it...
Anyone know?
try searching this forum. its here.
Tried that... didn't work which is why I ASKED.
ok i did a search FOR YOU.
Tried those steps but the display will never update and neither will contact info...
esmith said:
Tried those steps but the display will never update and neither will contact info...
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The myfaves program for the ppc is not only a stand alone contact dialer. The program sends sms messages to the T-mobile server to verify if the user is subscribing to MyFaves. The T-Mobile server will respond indicating if you have the myFaves service or not. If you don't it wont let you change the contacts and should make the myFaves stuff disappear if there is a neg on the myFaves service. Thats why you cannot use it as a stand alone dialer.
I'm subscribed to weather forecast that comes in 3 text (SMS) messages every evening @ 10 PM.
When I swiched from wizzard to hermes, I noticed, that I got only one or two messages instead of 3 every night. I thought there has to be a problem with the device, so I changed it.
== BUT==
Now I have a brand new Hermes - and with the same problem!!! It just looses SMS messages. Several people have been complaining to me that they sent me SMS which I did not receive.
What would be the problem?
the first hermes ran WM6 black 3.01 with 1.41 radio and the second one runs WM6 black dymond with 1.40 radio. The only common thing is that both devices were treated with Oli's HardSPL 7.
p.s. when I put my SIM card into a nokia, I receive all 3 messages as normal.
I dunno if this will help at all but...
...try going into start>settings>phone>services(tab)
click on 'voice mail and messages' then tap the 'get settings' button.
It should get the SMS and voicemail numbers from the network.
Might help...but its a long shot.
mrvanx said:
I dunno if this will help at all but...
...try going into start>settings>phone>services(tab)
click on 'voice mail and messages' then tap the 'get settings' button.
It should get the SMS and voicemail numbers from the network.
Might help...but its a long shot.
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That actually helped me in the past. For some odd reason my SMS's would get stuck in the outbox and not send, so upon advice like above, I clicked "get settings", and all was well. It hasn't happened in a long while, but it was solved by doing that.
it actually may be your sim card similar thing happened to me got a new sim card fixed it.
I had a very similar problem with normal ssmes not coming thru and smses being held in the outbox. The problem started when I changed to an AKU3 Rom. The old South African 1.35 Rom worked perfectly but as soon as I changed to their new AKU3 the sms problem started. I had also upgraded my Radio to the 1.41 Rom.
How I solved the problem was I got my sim card replaced (which I found didn't solve the problem). I then only installed the apps I really needed and didn't upgrade the Radio.
For the past 2 weeks I haven't had any problems, so maybe try hard reset your phone, and start by only running it as standard and see what happens, also maybe try downgrade your radio.
Ensure the you have a message centre assigned in the phone settings. If you cannot get it automatically, call your operator and enter it manually.
Hi rebel I have noticed the same problem...but it is regarding the SMS and could be some operator incompatibility or sth...will try the"get operator settings" thing...but I think this won`t solve our problem, cause not receiving all SMS/MMS it is a thing...but not receiving just some SMS/MMS is another problem...
Hello to all!
I tried "get operator settings" and will report if there will be any progress. But I doubt, because if settings were wrong, than I wouldn't receive any text messages. But I can receive SMS, just not all of them.
It just makes me crazy.
@PC78: we're both using same network (Mobitel Slovenia). If you had exactly the same problem, than I guess it has to be some incompatibility between hermes and operator? I will contact them and ask for explanation.
In the meantime, I will flash my hermes to some old ROM with stoneaged Radio (1.03 or something). Let's see what happens ...
I have the same problem, could it be the HardSPL?
gh0st, where are you from? Till now, only users of Mobitel Slovenia reported this problem.
I don't know if it's hard SPL. But it's possible. Can it be removed from the device? I'm willing to try. But I need some instructions on how to remove it and bring the device back to the "factory" state.
...Hard-SPL?...what have the Hard-SPL to do with SMS/MMS?...I think it could be only an OS/Radio ROM problem or operator incompatibility but not Hard-SPL...
same problem here...
delayed texts and no sms recieved...
i found out that even i have signal on my cel, im out of coverage when contacted.. but this is intermittent
there are times its ok.. then not.. then ok..
this happens only when i upgraded my dopod 838 pro
thats why i ask experts here on other thread how can i roll back the original
setting of my cel.. specially the radio..
im from asia region... can anybody help me too..
i upgraded to 1.40 radio which i think suited only for cingular network or other else...
Hard spl olipro 2.10 etc...
I had problems with SMS wneh using Black 3.0, using LVSW (latest) now and have no problems.
I suggest you try using one of the LVSW roms instead of Black - try Elf's or Sleuth's variants as they are the most complete.
Also, the most popular shipping "new" radio out there is Try that radio as well.
Hello guys,
A bad news, really.
It's confirmed: Hermes has some serious compatibility issues with certain mobile operators (networks).
I contacted a company that imports and repairs HTC devices in Slovenia. Technician told me that they are aware of the problem and are solving this "missing SMS" issue together with carrier (Mobitel) and manufacturer (HTC).
They didn't yet solve it, though.
This technician also told me that this problem is ROM-independent, so it does not matter if I'm using june 2006 stoneaged ROM with 1.03 radio or newest cooked WM6.
go into start >> settings >>> phone >>>services >>> click on voice mail & text messages and click on get settings
it will show you your settings for text message service center. Make sure there is a "+" sign before the number. for example + 1 (312) 314-9810 >>> this number is for cingular message center anyways "+" sign should solve the problem
thesame problems with sending sms or replaying and reciving.
even on orginal Era's ROM
Sometimes everything is perfect but when I tap replay, sms stucks in outbox.
Or sometimes when just wanted to write new sms.
Only SR helps.
my operator: Poland - Era gsm
Thanks for the replay my concern was [email protected] incompatibility problems...doooh...
I have had my hermes for only 1 week on T-mobile uk PAYG. Everthing works cool, but I have had a couple of calls from people why didnt you respond to "x" text message. they just did not ever come through at my end.
Guess this is the price to pay for having everything bar the kitchen sink in your pocket.
I can comfirm that I had this problem on Black Dymond (3.5) with certain type of sms.
with elf 2.1 crackberry all works well.
So it Is rom dependant.
p.s radio 1.40
I know, I know... search... well it hasnt worked for me. Im always trying out new roms, but I have noticed that more than half of them do not have mms under messages... there is no way to set them up... so I finally realized that I can download arcsoft mms which gives me access to putting in a gateway and port and all that. I am using the correct settings but for some reason it just isnt sending or recieving picture messages, i tinker with what its gonna use to connect with and still no use. I even tried the tmobijoe2999 app to use settings and apparently its not arcsoft friendly. I have a connection set up, internet explorer and opera work great I just wish that there was some sort of cab out there that every time I flash to a new rom, I could just have the mms settings working... any help? Ive gotten it to connect and just stay at 0%, ive had it go to 100% with confirmation but the person didnt recieve the message I am not very regedit friendly but please help me out.
P.S. Oh, and at the moment, im using CRC's 14.1 rom
Still not enough information
CRC's there is 3 versions, which one did you download?
Where are you located, and what is your device exactly? Carrier settings may not be correct.
zocster said:
Still not enough information
CRC's there is 3 versions, which one did you download?
Where are you located, and what is your device exactly? Carrier settings may not be correct.
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Im located in Flagstaff, using a cingulair 8525 with tmobile. and I am using the Normal version of the rom.
it appears ive got the correct settings from the network wizard, it is now sending the message 100%. when I send a mms to myself, it goes through, but I ever recieve it.
i believe you better off asking this sort of questions on his thread. I am sure I seen somewhere the cab/settings for it.
alright, thank you for your help. if anyone out there is cool and they have tmobile and want to make a cab that has all the correct reg settings for data and mms, that would rock my world. Thanks again!!!
Actually, I just flashed my phone 4 times to 4 different roms, and each time after it customized and loaded up i pushed the envelope and all it had was text messages and setup email. I think something may be erased from my registry? and im using the 2.1 bootloader if that helps...
I've checked just about everywhere and can't figure this out. I installed Ricky & Stylez Rose rom V1.7 and ever since i can receive T-mo MMS but can't send. Is there a fix for this? Other than that great rom.
Maybe try running the device configurator through T-Mobile?
MMS Problem with WM 6.1
So I downloaded WM 6.1 Kavana and I cannot send or receive MMS does anyone know why this is and how to fix it? thanks.
kaarstmobile said:
Maybe try running the device configurator through T-Mobile?
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Maybe try running the device configurator?
or you could try running the device configurator?
as a last resort, have you tried running the device configurator?
Please post back with your results
how do i do that, sorry not too familiar with my gadget
I'm guessing you haven't done this since you don't know your device, go to Start Menu\Accessories\Connection Setup and choose the region and carrier you need.
MMS doesn't work straight away with any of the WM6.1 ROMs you have to set it up, also jdog has a link in sig with the settings.
yay! thanks!!! you people are awesome i don't know what i'd do without this site.
Thanks but i've tryed device configurator and i get the following : Error in the database. Any ideas. Also tryed t-mo configurator and that's how i finally got mms to receive. Last thing that i tryed was T-mobile USA MMS settings cab. Am i missing something or just stupid?
jbailey49 said:
Thanks but i've tryed device configurator and i get the following : Error in the database. Any ideas. Also tryed t-mo configurator and that's how i finally got mms to receive. Last thing that i tryed was T-mobile USA MMS settings cab. Am i missing something or just stupid?
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i always get error syncing
i've tried device config and the htc wiki excalibur 5.99 tzones mms setup and still error syncing
you will always get a error while syncing, it never works. But once you have configured to your provider, it should receive and send just fine. Testing it is just a matter of sending one and asking someone to send you one. If you play your cards right, you may be able to get a "naughty" pic out of the deal
I'm experience little annoyance with it too.
I run connection setup and set it t-mobile, and i send my self a text with image I get notice about it but never get the damn picture or just queue there never downloads it.
that happened to me once all i did was under MMS go to tools then options, then go down to account settings, click menu, go to MMSC settings and make sure T-mobile MMS is checked.
jbailey49 said:
I've checked just about everywhere and can't figure this out. I installed Ricky & Stylez Rose rom V1.7 and ever since i can receive T-mo MMS but can't send. Is there a fix for this? Other than that great rom.
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yes indeed it does do that but with the right configuration it works well i personally downgraded to 1.4 which is best since it doesn't drop my calls every 45 scs or 1min45 secs or have people call me and reach my voicemail when my phone does't even ring or just doesn't allow me to call like i don't have network. it's just faultless
For some reason I cant send MMS, it keeps telling the receiver the message "One or more of the message contents have been deleted by MMS adaptation. Either the message was too large or the components were unsuitable for your device."
The files iam trying to send are only 20kb. I also did put it on free creation mode. And iam using arcsoftmms v5 found here
Does anyone know anything else I can do? Should I switch back to the arcsoft that came with the extrom? Hard reset?
i don't have too much experience, when it comes to mms, but if there was a arcsoft version in the extrom coming with the rom, you certainly should use that version, because it was tested and works definitely. to do that, you don't need to hard reset, normally uninstalling the one version and installing the other one should be enough. plus you should also check, that your carrier settings for mms are right, usually the operator would send you the correct settings by extended sms.
Alright will do, I'll post back if it worked or not.
EDIT: Yay! I got it working. After numerous hours of researching and testing. All I had to do was a hard reset, and reinstall... Damn, I guess I screwed up the settings or something.
cant get the mms done
I just couldn's send or receive any mms.. Im wondering y? I already send the settings via the operator. It says i will get the sms to do the required settings.. However i do not get it. Instead, if i used other phone, i will get the settings.. Pls help
first of all, do you have arcsoft mms installed? you can check by looking it up either in the installed programs list, your extrom folder on the pc or simply by opening pocket outlook and look, whether the account picker displays an mms account. if not, search the forum for the program. there are a lot of different version floating around and you probably need to try out, which version fits your om and works for you. then you look for the settings and probably your carrier's settings sms can only work with arcsoft installed in the first place. if even then you don't receive an sms from your carrier, after you ordered it, it is a problem with your carrier and you'd probably have to contact them about it.