Could a webmaster alter the CSS for PDA browsing please? - About

When I'm browsing threads and forums in XDA-developers on my WM6 machine, there are huge margins either side of the content column. (See screenshot below.) They don't need to be there, and I'm wondering whether some kind admin could amend the CSS to reduce the size of these margins please. It would be really simple, I think.
The beginning of the <body> within the page template looks like this:
<!-- content table -->
<!-- open content container -->
<div align="center">
<div class="page" style="width:100%; text-align:left">
<div style="padding:0px 25px 0px 25px">
Could someone try changing the CSS in that final <div> tag to something like:
<div style="padding:0px 5px 0px 5px">
It's such a small change but it could make such a difference to the usability of XDADev on our PDAs.

In fact, there's another <div> wrapper around the posts in a forum thread as well, so that could be amended too if someone's feeling kind.
<div id="posts">
<!-- open content container -->
<div align="center">
<div class="page" style="width:100%; text-align:left">
<div style="padding:0px 25px 0px 25px">


Hi Guys,
Just letting you know i've seen this and i will take some time to look at it, but dinner first if you don't mind too much

oke I've been searching through templates for a while now but can't seem to find the right template to match. There's also the point that this will influence the way pc users view the forum so when I find the template I will need to check if it's still ok for pc users too.
That being said, if you use i.e. on you phone you can easily change a setting which will solve your problem. In i.e. go to menu -> view -> one column
It's easily changed back if you don't like this setting when using different sites.

Flar said:
Hi Guys,
Just letting you know i've seen this and i will take some time to look at it, but dinner first if you don't mind too much
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Thanks, Flar.
I take your point about the one-column view, but if you're able to change the template to reduce the CSS padding then that would be even better IMHO.
Will wait for your news.

what about header / footer or GENERIC_SHELL?
try to go to your vbulletin settings -> general ... there you can enable a comment in html from which template the html code is derived.
also there's an error in your postbit (i think). the menu above the posts is wider, than the posts themselves. that is not correct.

Hi Guys,
When it comes to modifying templates we have quite a lot on our plate right now due to extensive changes in the upcoming software upgrade.
I'll monitor this thread but it might take quite some time before I can actively try to solve this issue for you, my apologies..

Not to beat a dead horse, but some kind of allowance for using a PDA to view a PDA oriented site would be great. XDA is just useless when viewing on my hermes. Thanks for the hard work though, this post is in no way intended to be a knock, just something i think A LOT of people would appreciate.


[Q] Dynamic UI Creation XAML, C#

this is my first post. I am pretty desperate at the moment.
I would like to dynamically create the UI for the WP7 based on a CSV file in Isolated Storage. right now I would settle for just being able to write the UI in XAML from the code behind in C#.
steps that I would like to execute:
1. user clicks a muscle group button which passes a value to another page-done
2. users data is pulled from CSV file and placed in array for easy storage-done
3. for each data element create a XAML TextBlock with the data which is displayed in the UI <-- need some serious help
best I can do is show the XAML code with the <> tags as a string in the UI.
is what I am asking possible?
Thanks for helping.
Knudmt said:
this is my first post. I am pretty desperate at the moment.
I would like to dynamically create the UI for the WP7 based on a CSV file in Isolated Storage. right now I would settle for just being able to write the UI in XAML from the code behind in C#.
steps that I would like to execute:
1. user clicks a muscle group button which passes a value to another page-done
2. users data is pulled from CSV file and placed in array for easy storage-done
3. for each data element create a XAML TextBlock with the data which is displayed in the UI <-- need some serious help
best I can do is show the XAML code with the <> tags as a string in the UI.
is what I am asking possible?
Thanks for helping.
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Sounds like what you really want to do is dynamically create controls in the code-behind. I would forget about generating "XAML".
private void AddTextboxesFromCSV(string[] CSVData) {
foreach(string str in CSVData) {
TextBlock tb = new TextBlock();
tb.Name = "txtUserSelectedValue" + CSVData.IndexOf(str);
tb.Text = str;
Where <YourObject> is the object you want to place the controls into, some sort of layout Panel.
Thanks for the response
I think that is the direction I will be going. Just out of curiosity do you know if what I wanted to do is even possible?
UN app for WP7 does something like this. Go to and grab the source. Open the source in Visual Studio and browse to the "Framework" folder and open up "BasePage.cs". At the bottom there's a method called AddNavigatingText() that does what I think you are looking to do.
Here's the method:
protected Grid AddNavigatingText()
var NavigatingText = (Grid) XamlReader.Load(
@" <Grid xmlns=""""
xmlns:x="""" Height=""30"" VerticalAlignment=""Top"" Background=""#CCFFFFFF"">
<TextBlock HorizontalAlignment=""Left"" TextWrapping=""Wrap"" Text=""Navigating..."" Width=""129"" FontSize=""{StaticResource PhoneFontSizeNormal}"" Margin=""24,0,0,0"" FontFamily=""{StaticResource PhoneFontFamilySemiBold}""/>
<ProgressBar Style=""{StaticResource PerformanceProgressBar}"" RenderTransformOrigin=""0.5,0.5"" Margin=""135,0,0,0"" UseLayoutRounding=""False"" Background=""White"" IsIndeterminate=""True"" LargeChange=""0"" />
return NavigatingText;
Thanks for the reply. Looks pretty simple. I downloaded the source and signed up for codeplex. However I can not connect to the
It's not possible to use dynamically created XAML; code is the way to go and much easier IMHO.
When you open the project just hit cancel at the login screen and it will load.
sulphuricaciduk said:
It's not possible to use dynamically created XAML; code is the way to go and much easier IMHO.
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Agreed, doing it via code with a very basic XAML based page is likely to be faster, and will actually work. It's also a lot easier to fix things than trying to work out what went wrong in XAML you can't see...
I would agree with the statement that creating the controls dynamically would be faster. And def a great deal easier to read It just bugs me when I know this can be accomplished, yet I cant get it to work
Blade0rz said:
Sounds like what you really want to do is dynamically create controls in the code-behind. I would forget about generating "XAML".
private void AddTextboxesFromCSV(string[] CSVData) {
foreach(string str in CSVData) {
TextBlock tb = new TextBlock();
tb.Name = "txtUserSelectedValue" + CSVData.IndexOf(str);
tb.Text = str;
Where <YourObject> is the object you want to place the controls into, some sort of layout Panel.
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Well that worked very well, thanks! I am having a little formatting issue .. my textblocks show up right on top of each other. any ideas?
Thanks again
Knudmt said:
Well that worked very well, thanks! I am having a little formatting issue .. my textblocks show up right on top of each other. any ideas?
Thanks again
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I solved this silly issue. just added a listbox control to the xaml front end and added my elements with an ugly cast
Knudmt said:
I solved this silly issue. just added a listbox control to the xaml front end and added my elements with an ugly cast
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If you had a StackPanel as the parent control, you could have each new textblock stacked...

Working with an XML database

Nevermind, I found the help I needed here. I may need help later on, but for now I can continue myself.
Hey there, thanks for reading.
I'm working on my first Windows Phone application, but I'm having some trouble right now. It's an application to keep track of donations to a small children's daycare. The idea is to keep track of what has anything that has recently been donated, and what people said that they might have (for example over the phone) so they can keep track of what to expect, what to look for and what to replace in the near future.
As I'm pretty new to Silverlight and C# (I do have plenty xHTML / CSS / PHP experience) I find it hard to parse and write to the XML file correctly. I've searched on MSDN and browsed trough a few pages of Google search results, but to no avail. I did find some examples, for example using XDocument, but then MSDN said it wasn't available for SL on Windows Phone.
Basically, I need a method that, depending on the input ...
# reads all items from the XML (to show a list on the app's main page)
# reads 1 specific item (for a detail view)
# reads either all received, or all expected donations
Also, I'm not quite sure what would be the best way to save the DateTime value to the XML. I assumed the best way would be splitting it up in day/month/year etc, but if there's a better solution I'll gladly take your advice.
If any of you could show me an example, or give me a push in the right direction, I would really appreciate it!
My current XML layout is below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- begin sample data-->
<donation id="0">
<items>Football, 2 tennis rackets</items>
<description>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ac justo dui, id aliquam erat. Aliquam quis lorem et nulla.</description>
<!-- end sample data-->


Hello anybody
Actually I write a app to show a social website with the windows phone 7, and to control your status and more.
Now I have a problem. The mobilepage are not very good programmed (not from me ^^).
Also I need a function to set a default zoom level, and a way to disable the zoom for the users.
can you help me please ?
grezz from germany
One way to do it (and I've a feeling the only way) is to use the following sort of meta tag within the <head>... </head> section of the HTML that you are displaying in the webbrowsercontrol:
<meta name="Viewport" content="width=320; user-scaleable=no; initial-scale=1.0" />
This means of course you need to have control of the HTML that you are trying to display (it won't work unfortunately for displaying someone else's website).
More info here:
Hope that helps,
He can download external HTML, save it locally, make needful changes and display from the local file Tricky but should work.

problem how to display many data in itemsControl - ListBox?

problem how to display a lot of data to a itemsControl - ListBox?
Hello everyone! I am student developers as on windows phone and I recontre a problem when I want to display in my listbox ItemsControl.
Let me explain the problem:
I said three itemsControl in my listbox;
<ListBox name="MyListBox" >
<ItemsControl name="item_BeforeHead" />
<ItemsControl name="item_Head" />
<ItemsControl name="item_Body" />
</ListBox >
After I get a "Http request" full source code of a web page and I cutting (parse) the contents into three parts: <Before head> <head> <body> to place them in the good items!
The problem is the big website containing more than 50,000 - 1000'000 characters. So more than 30,000 characters in each itemControls. And the problem is the display that's slowing my listbox! The movement is made by jerks ..
Y is there a better way to charge a lot of content and display it after?
Thank you very much in advance for your help, this was a moment I'm looking for this solution ...
And again sorry for my bad english;-)
Change your app design. The whole idea to display items 30,000 characters long is completely wrong (doesn't really matter how fast you are displaying that junk), your list/whatever become simple unreadable.
So, try to formulate your task requirements in correct way first, and look for correct solution after (4 example, if you are trying to display ebooks, there are a few possible solution etc.)
mhhh thank you ! But i found this :
And also this class : "LongListSelector" for windows phone 7
kingmiddle said:
mhhh thank you ! But i found this :
And also this class : "LongListSelector" for windows phone 7
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I highly doubt this will be beneficial to you as I believe this is also build on the standard listbox. If you really need to store that many items, think about implementing a database, and than let the listbox directly read the data out from the database and filter the amount of results down if needed.
But like sensboston said, don't know what u are trying to do, but who is gonna read 30.000 characters? Think about parsing the content first before you add it to the listbox, so get rid of all the unwanted stuff. By building a regex which will match all the stuff you need than add each match to the listbox/database.

Broken / Missing font

I noticed that the previously used forum font (Open Sans) is somewhat gone in the whole forum since yesterday, instead Arial is used as the built-in fallback font. I had a quick look into the HTML and noticed that the font could get imported at two places, but both are commented out.
(Line numbers are taken from the main page,
First part: Line 132
<!-- <link href="//,600|Hind:400,600,500|Titillium+Web:200,400,300italic,300,400italic,700,700italic" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> -->
Commented out.
Second part: A stylesheet.
/* XDA Developers 2015 Theme CSS
Generated 05-25-2016 @ 00:24:25 */
* //,600|Hind:400,600,500|Titillium+Web:200,400,300italic,300,400italic,700,700italic
* document here when changing fonts
Everything commented out.
I guess it's a bug, and I'm surprised that nobody else noticed it / seems to have it. Arial as the forum font looks ugly as hell.
MrWasdennnoch said:
I noticed that the previously used forum font (Open Sans) is somewhat gone in the whole forum since yesterday, instead Arial is used as the built-in fallback font. I had a quick look into the HTML and noticed that the font could get imported at two places, but both are commented out.
(Line numbers are taken from the main page,
First part: Line 132
<!-- <link href="//,600|Hind:400,600,500|Titillium+Web:200,400,300italic,300,400italic,700,700italic" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> -->
Commented out.
Second part: A stylesheet.
/* XDA Developers 2015 Theme CSS
Generated 05-25-2016 @ 00:24:25 */
* //,600|Hind:400,600,500|Titillium+Web:200,400,300italic,300,400italic,700,700italic
* document here when changing fonts
Everything commented out.
I guess it's a bug, and I'm surprised that nobody else noticed it / seems to have it. Arial as the forum font looks ugly as hell.
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Working on some site speed enhancements, the relevant part to load the web fonts is not commented out, it comes immediately after the part of the code you quoted Try a hard refresh (CTRL-F5) to be sure.
webworker01 said:
Working on some site speed enhancements, the relevant part to load the web fonts is not commented out, it comes immediately after the part of the code you quoted Try a hard refresh (CTRL-F5) to be sure.
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Had another look; that's some horrible comment formatting. The fonts "Hind" and "FontAwesome" are being loaded properly as they are not commented out, but the Open Sans font only exists as a commented link without @font-face and all that stuff.
Hard refresh didn't work, and the browser console revealed that there is indeed no Open Sans being loaded. Uncommenting the link tag on the main page (obviously) solved the font problem.
MrWasdennnoch said:
Had another look; that's some horrible comment formatting. The fonts "Hind" and "FontAwesome" are being loaded properly as they are not commented out, but the Open Sans font only exists as a commented link without @font-face and all that stuff.
Hard refresh didn't work, and the browser console revealed that there is indeed no Open Sans being loaded. Uncommenting the link tag on the main page (obviously) solved the font problem.
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Obviously we're not writing our source code like that and we compress the final output :good:
Attached screenshot reveals Open Sans being loaded and I've tried it out on many browsers. Maybe there's a browser or OS compatibility issue I can look at if you send over those details.
EDIT: I see the problem you're having might be due to Internet Explorer security restrictions. Looking into it
webworker01 said:
Obviously we're not writing our source code like that and we compress the final output :good:
Attached screenshot reveals Open Sans being loaded and I've tried it out on many browsers. Maybe there's a browser or OS compatibility issue I can look at if you send over those details.
EDIT: I see the problem you're having might be due to Internet Explorer security restrictions. Looking into it
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I'm using Firefox 46.0.1, IE shouldn't be a problem. But the console revealed that the fonts are being blocked ( )
Rough translation: The CORS-Header "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" is missing. So it's no an IE security restriction but a FX security restriction.
(Why is there no "Manage Attachements" button lol)
MrWasdennnoch said:
I'm using Firefox 46.0.1, IE shouldn't be a problem. But the console revealed that the fonts are being blocked ( )
Rough translation: The CORS-Header "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" is missing. So it's no an IE security restriction but a FX security restriction.
(Why is there no "Manage Attachements" button lol)
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Right, same problem different browser. Reverted the one change for now. Thanks for the info!
webworker01 said:
Right, same problem different browser. Reverted the one change for now. Thanks for the info!
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Ah, it's working again, thanks!
And all you did was uncommenting the one <link> tag. Such an easy way to break everything

