Language of Index letters in phone contacts (WM5) - P3300, MDA Compact III General

Hi everyone,
Does anybody have an idea on how to change the language of the Index letters in the contacts. I have the WM5 in Russian, but all my contacts are usually stored in English and it becomes a headche any time I want to find a contact from the list. I have to scroll it all the way down to what I want.
Is it possible to change the russian index letters to english?


contacts index letters in wwe wm6

Hi everybody , does anyone know how i could change the letter search engine in contacts ? i would like to change them with greek letters .
Ihave all my contacts in greek and i m having a very bud time when i want to find someone

[Q] Importing word list to dictionary

I have a Desire, I would like to import some words into the dictionary (language papiamentu) which will my typing in my language easier and faster.
Is there a way to import a list of words from a file or creating a locale for the Desire?
Anybody any idea?

[Q] How to have multi-language dictionaries [WP7 autocorrects my English words]

I own the French version of WP7.
Most of the time I'm typing my messages in French. Autocorrection works fine.
But for business purposes I also have to type my messages in English. Then WP7 will try to auto-correct my English words into French words, and messes everything.
That's crazy.
How can I have both French and English dictionaries ?
Select multiple keyboard languages in the settings. When done so, your virtual keyboard will show a regional button right of the spacebar. Changing keyboard layout will change the dictionary.
Thanks Tom for the tip.
That was quite easy. It didn't come to my mind to check in the general settings menu.

Scrolling through contacts problem

I read the Tips & Tricks thread, and saw that there is a tip about the contacts.
Tried it and realized the problem, I am telling you:
When you want to scroll through your contacts -fast- you can use the bar one the left or scrolling by touching the screen with 2 fingers..
I am using greek language for the system and I 've also written my contacts in greek.
But when I tried scrolling I only saw english letters(only some of them, as it shows the letters of the contacts you have inserted - and I have some english written contacts) and not greek letters.
This also happens with the dialer, that we can type the first letters of the contact..It doesn't work with greek contacts..
Is it a setting that I can change?
Thank you!
Anyone please?

[Q] Language Support?

Is there any way to change the language of the widgets themselves? There is support for other menu languages but no way (that I have found) to change the actual language of the widget... Example being month text is always in english. As a second question based off that... is there a way to have text go from top to bottom?

