scrollbar explorer - P3300, MDA Compact III General

hi, simple question, i want to move the scrollbar from right to left side in explorer? is it possible? i hide the screen while scrolling.....(left handed)

normally the scrollbar locations are hard coded into the application. very rarely a developer puts the time into accommodating everyone in all eventualities. there is only so much you can do. so i doubt it's possible but in saying that a lil google for an accessibility app or something similar may yield something

lol lmk if you find out im in the same boat although i prefer Opera

cant you change this in regedit??
i thought you could..

can u? do it in regedit?


I don't want that lines in Today!!!

Hi everybody,
I want to use a picture as wallpaper in my Qtek 9000..
But there is a problem: the lines between the Today plugins!!
I solved DEACTIVATING all today plugin!!
But i can't belive that i can't ERASE that damned lines!
Well: i tryed Wisbar Advanced desktop... but it slows the PPC..
I would write to Microsoft.. Because i HATE that lines..
I could use Pocket Plus.. But seems it crashes PDA..
Can you suggest me something similar.. Maybe freeware..
Please help me..
Bump and ditto, easy solution?
I too would like to know how to get rid of those stupid lines, it just makes any background image look crap.
I have managed to edit the Tomtom logo and made it smaller so it takes up less space but the annoying lines have to go.
If anyone out there knows a solution it would be greatly appriciated.
how did u edit the tomtom logo?
You could try changing the colour of the lines. Google for Tweaks2k2 and you should find a great tool you can download and use 3 times before needing to purchase it. BTW, the tool does a lot more than give you the ability to change the colour of the lines. This is a must-have app.
I can't belive that the only solution is to change the line's color!
I want to see the picture of my girlfriend WITHOUT that UGLY and STUPID lines!
No other phone in the world doesn't show a full picture!
I think that the solution is to write to Microsoft.. I can't belive it.. But there is no other solution!
They have to chang Today.. It's too old.. Based on old Pocket PC (In portrait)..
Maybe i posted in a wrong room?
on a old jornada I had I recall an app that had this as an option, so its possible, there must be a way to do it, maybe just replacing the image used for the lines with a blank one?, Im no coder or anything like that, just throwing out an idea, this is a developer forum, maybe someone could throw together a quick and dirty hack or maybe a reg hack, somebody help us out, I hate those lines too.
This issue has come up in several threads. The only way I know to "get rid of" them is to change the color to match the background by using a Theme Generator program.
I found links to the SHMetrics value in the SHELL32.EXE code of wm2003se. It is all done by COMMCTRL.DLL and te lines are called TodayLVItemLine2 and TodayLVItemLine1. But this is very undocumented. The problem is that you need to reboot every time you change something in the SHMetrics value.
See this post
I am still fiddling around with various values of this SHMetrics value. Problem is that I realy don't know what the effect is on what GUI element.
Perhaps one day...
Im running wisbar advance 2 and I average 2-8% cpu (overclocked to 264) with it running but I dont see a setting to remove the lines, correct me if Im wrong...
I wish wisbar had different edge/gprs icon support, edge is spotty in many areas I frequent, so I trey to dl when im in an edge supporting cell...even if it just showed the actual icon like "notifications"
to change the colour of the tomtom sign just go to paint and zoom in and change the colour to your desire. i have made mine deep red. and to change the size go into photoshop and change the image size to a smaller size.
Once you have the one you want just go to the tomtom folder that should be on the root of your device and replace the file ttoday.bmp with the one you have. You might want to back up the original ttoday.bmp file just in case.
Once replace you don't even need to soft-reset. just go into settings-today and check to see if tomtom is selected to appear on your today screen. once you tap on the tick in the corner your picture will be updated.
Il try to attach the ones i have done but this is my first time attaching an image so it might not work.
As for the crappy lines on the screen.....Is there not a way just to make the lines invisible???
to change the colour of the tomtom sign just go to paint and zoom in and change the colour to your desire. i have made mine deep red. and to change the size go into photoshop and change the image size to a smaller size.
Once you have the one you want just go to the tomtom folder that should be on the root of your device and replace the file ttoday.bmp with the one you have. You might want to back up the original ttoday.bmp file just in case.
Once replace you don't even need to soft-reset. just go into settings-today and check to see if tomtom is selected to appear on your today screen. once you tap on the tick in the corner your picture will be updated.
Il try to attach the ones i have done but this is my first time attaching an image so it might not work.
As for the crappy lines on the screen.....Is there not a way just to make the lines invisible???

Any way to add "recent programs" to the home screen for WM6.1 "sliding panels"?

Any way to add "recent programs" to the home screen for WM6.1 "sliding panels"?
Hey, folks! 1st time post here (I think!)
Anyhow, I upgrade my Dash to the Kavana WM6.1 ROM last week. I *really* like the sliding panels home screen layout. Super useful, if you ask me! I was wondering, though, if anyone knew how to add "Recent Programs" as on of the sliding panel plugins? I've opened the "SlidingPanel.home.xml" file and found the plugins section for the home screen order. It has...
<Plugins Order="CClock;CHome;CAppointments;CWelcomeCenter;CWindowsLive;Settings" />
So...I'm assuming that there might be some plugin like "CRecentPrograms" that I can add. Does anyone know what the plugin would be, or info on how to get the Recent Programs in there, if possible?
Unfortunately, there's nothing like that available right now. The next best thing is creating a panel with your most used applications. Search around here a little bit and you'll find it.
That is a good idea, however. Does anyone know how the MRU lists works? where it is stored, how it is called? Perhaps we could cobble it together.
Profezza said:
That is a good idea, however. Does anyone know how the MRU lists works? where it is stored, how it is called? Perhaps we could cobble it together.
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I think its stored in the registry under the shell - I will look for the key later
I'd agree that this would be nice to have. Really the only thing I miss about WM6.0. I'll poke around and see if I can find it as well.
The data is stored under HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Shell\StartMRU
I'm not sure what to do with it from there though as far as creating a panel/plugin for it. If anyone could point me in a direction I'm willing to try to do it.
I would love to have this plug-in as well.
You do realize that depending on where you try and put that in the home screen, your one button click away from your recent programs list in wm6.1? Otherwise you'd be 4 to 5 clicks if you added a panel to the home screen.
flyboy009 said:
You do realize that depending on where you try and put that in the home screen, your one button click away from your recent programs list in wm6.1? Otherwise you'd be 4 to 5 clicks if you added a panel to the home screen.
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That's true, of course, but it's what I prefer. I had the "Recent Programs" on my home screen in WM5.0 and WM6.0, and would like it back while still keeping the *wonderful* sliding panels UI.
Also, I would really prefer to have "All Programs" be the default when I hit the Start menu button. I know I can do that now, but then I lost the Recent Programs feature altogether.
Someone raised a good point, though: is there a way to create a home screen "panel" that features a handful of links to programs that I specify? That might actually be better, in my case.
rchamberlin said:
The data is stored under HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Shell\StartMRU
I'm not sure what to do with it from there though as far as creating a panel/plugin for it. If anyone could point me in a direction I'm willing to try to do it.
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I would try too if I knew where to get info on the new plugin system (the CHome thingy). Does anyone know? I can't find any doccos
MRU is one click away in 6.1 lol
Mikey1022 said:
MRU is one click away in 6.1 lol
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Thank you, that's been mentioned before in this thread. It could also be one click away on the home screen, depending on where the panel is located. At worst, you wouldn't have to use it.
IMO, it's not that much different than having the CLinks on there, except instead of it being static, it's dynamic. I think it's worthwhile to have on the home screen if possible.
yipcanjo said:
Someone raised a good point, though: is there a way to create a home screen "panel" that features a handful of links to programs that I specify? That might actually be better, in my case.
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oldSAP favorites. go here
yipcanjo said:
Also, I would really prefer to have "All Programs" be the default when I hit the Start menu button. I know I can do that now, but then I lost the Recent Programs feature altogether.
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I'm not fussed about the recent programs how do I get All Programs come up when I hit the Start Menu Button?
nevermind I'm an idiot.

Chome Panel Chooser

Hey guys. Whipped this thing up to help people choose the panels that can be displayed on the homescreen. So far it only contains 7 entries, the ones I found on my phone. You can turn the panels off or on, by selecting a panel and typing it "off" or "on" respectively. After you make the changes, you need to reboot to see the changes. The last option will make that easier for you. Choose "Reboot", type "yes" and it will reboot for you. Let me know if there's any other panel names you would like me to add, or if you find any bugs. Thanks!
Look good but isn't this just like the chome settings (neoOrder) that is in Rockys ROM where you can enable and disable the windows you want and change which position they are in on the screen?
Clydeisthe**** said:
Look good but isn't this just like the chome settings (neoOrder) that is in Rockys ROM where you can enable and disable the windows you want and change which position they are in on the screen?
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Everyone isn't running rickwyatt's ROM. Some are still with Kavana's. Like me.
Rip Syntaxx said:
Everyone isn't running rickwyatt's ROM. Some are still with Kavana's. Like me.
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ohh ok I didn't know that it wasn't in Kavana's ROM I have never flashed one of his just Rickys .. my bad
Clydeisthe**** said:
ohh ok I didn't know that it wasn't in Kavana's ROM I have never flashed one of his just Rickys .. my bad
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To Clyde: It's cool. Contrary to popular belief, there are still some users that are on Kavana's ROMs. lol I have no problem with rickwyatt's, but I found them to have too many apps and tweaks that I found unnecessary for me personally.
To Org (and anyone who'll listen): This is great idea for those who aren't quite comfortable with editing their .xml files to rearrange the slider panels (like me)! I've noticed that many users have a panel called "My Programs". What do I need to do to create this? I think it's a really useful tool to "slide" straight through the programs you use on a regular basis. I've already read tons of posts on this, but it's not registering. Thanks in advance, guys.
It's difficult to sit here and do a step by step, but I'll point you in the right direction and answer your questions later.
1) Download a registry editor or use the one on the phone.
2) First off, keep in mind there's TWO places in the registry where you need to make changes. One is HKLM\Security\Chome\DefaultSettings\CWelcomeCenter and HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Chome\CWelcomeCenter
3) Look for a key that says "Disabled" and make sure it doesn't say "1". Or use my utility to turn the welcome center on.
4) When you're in the registry you'll find Page1, Page2, Page3 etc etc in both places. Each Page represents ONE slide. For each page you can makes changes such as... ACTIONURL is the path to the program you want to execute when hitting the middle button. for example "\program files\NRG\Chomeweathersettings\weather.exe" will run the weather program
SK2URL is the same, but for the right softkey. SK2Text is a label for that softkey. The "pictures" key points to the .png file you will be using as an icon for your program. Right now it probably says "2500". Change it to "\windows\weather.png" and you'll get the weather icon in its place, for example. The Title text is self descriptive... put in whatever you want the title of the slide to be.
I hope you can figure it out from here
OrganicM said:
It's difficult to sit here and do a step by step, but I'll point you in the right direction and answer your questions later.
1) Download a registry editor or use the one on the phone.
2) First off, keep in mind there's TWO places in the registry where you need to make changes. One is HKLM\Security\Chome\DefaultSettings\CWelcomeCenter and HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Chome\CWelcomeCenter
3) Look for a key that says "Disabled" and make sure it doesn't say "1". Or use my utility to turn the welcome center on.
4) When you're in the registry you'll find Page1, Page2, Page3 etc etc in both places. Each Page represents ONE slide. For each page you can makes changes such as... ACTIONURL is the path to the program you want to execute when hitting the middle button. for example "\program files\NRG\Chomeweathersettings\weather.exe" will run the weather program
SK2URL is the same, but for the right softkey. SK2Text is a label for that softkey. The "pictures" key points to the .png file you will be using as an icon for your program. Right now it probably says "2500". Change it to "\windows\weather.png" and you'll get the weather icon in its place, for example. The Title text is self descriptive... put in whatever you want the title of the slide to be.
I hope you can figure it out from here
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Thanks a bunch, man. I'm gonna finagle with this as soon as I get off.
OrganicM said:
It's difficult to sit here and do a step by step, but I'll point you in the right direction and answer your questions later.
1) Download a registry editor or use the one on the phone.
2) First off, keep in mind there's TWO places in the registry where you need to make changes. One is HKLM\Security\Chome\DefaultSettings\CWelcomeCenter and HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Chome\CWelcomeCenter
3) Look for a key that says "Disabled" and make sure it doesn't say "1". Or use my utility to turn the welcome center on.
4) When you're in the registry you'll find Page1, Page2, Page3 etc etc in both places. Each Page represents ONE slide. For each page you can makes changes such as... ACTIONURL is the path to the program you want to execute when hitting the middle button. for example "\program files\NRG\Chomeweathersettings\weather.exe" will run the weather program
SK2URL is the same, but for the right softkey. SK2Text is a label for that softkey. The "pictures" key points to the .png file you will be using as an icon for your program. Right now it probably says "2500". Change it to "\windows\weather.png" and you'll get the weather icon in its place, for example. The Title text is self descriptive... put in whatever you want the title of the slide to be.
I hope you can figure it out from here
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I'm understanding how to read the code. Thanks for breaking it down. I'm just having trouble finding the .pngs for my icons and also (noob moment) finding the target file for certain applications. It's keeping me from being able to input the file address for ACTIONURL and SK2URL.
Not Hard to Find
Just think of your program, "Where is it stored?"
That should be your only question when finding your target file. That simple, you should look in your Program Files directory on your phone or you storage card, that will then tell you where the link is.
2ndly, you can find other programs in your startup folder. They will be listed in link format, but this is fine, the link can be treated basically as the exact file itself (as far as your phone is concerned).
Long story short, use these locations for your entries for ACTIONURL and SK2URL. Have a blast!
Rip Syntaxx said:
I'm understanding how to read the code. Thanks for breaking it down. I'm just having trouble finding the .pngs for my icons and also (noob moment) finding the target file for certain applications. It's keeping me from being able to input the file address for ACTIONURL and SK2URL.
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outerdepth said:
Just think of your program, "Where is it stored?"
That should be your only question when finding your target file. That simple, you should look in your Program Files directory on your phone or you storage card, that will then tell you where the link is.
2ndly, you can find other programs in your startup folder. They will be listed in link format, but this is fine, the link can be treated basically as the exact file itself (as far as your phone is concerned).
Long story short, use these locations for your entries for ACTIONURL and SK2URL. Have a blast!
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Thanks, OD. I've figured out the file locations and such. I just need to know where you guys edit the .pngs for icons. I've found some icons, but they sucketh. I want them glossy and polished looking like the default icons.
By "where" , I assume you mean what programs do we use?
I use Photoshop do edit my pngs. I think other, cheaper software is available. Don't quote me on that. Photoshop can also be attained other "ways" (cough,cough).
Anyways, you can easily mod any pictures, turn them into anything you want, .png,.tga,.gif,etc. Look around.
Rip Syntaxx said:
Thanks, OD. I've figured out the file locations and such. I just need to know where you guys edit the .pngs for icons. I've found some icons, but they sucketh. I want them glossy and polished looking like the default icons.
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outerdepth said:
By "where" , I assume you mean what programs do we use?
I use Photoshop do edit my pngs. I think other, cheaper software is available. Don't quote me on that. Photoshop can also be attained other "ways" (cough,cough).
Anyways, you can easily mod any pictures, turn them into anything you want, .png,.tga,.gif,etc. Look around.
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I understand how to make any pic a .png, .jpg, .gif, etc... It's not the icons that I need, but rather, the program. I'll search for "alternate" ways to get photoshop. lol
Rinku has a pretty good description on how to add CProgs on his blog. It at the bottom of the page.
Thanks guys for all your help and input! I've figured it out, and in the process figured out how to change the small icons in the upper lefthand corner of the panels as well. It's kinda tedious at first, but once you get the hang of it--it's not bad.
Rip Syntaxx said:
Thanks guys for all your help and input! I've figured it out, and in the process figured out how to change the small icons in the upper lefthand corner of the panels as well. It's kinda tedious at first, but once you get the hang of it--it's not bad.
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For photo edtiting, i use GIMP,,,, it's the same program i used to modify the yahoo weather icons for ORG...... it's free and works just as well as photoshop CS3.
Go here if you want to try.
pudgedaddy said:
For photo edtiting, i use GIMP,,,, it's the same program i used to modify the yahoo weather icons for ORG...... it's free and works just as well as photoshop CS3.
Go here if you want to try.
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Thanks, Pudgemeister. I'll check it out.
pudgedaddy said:
For photo edtiting, i use GIMP,,,, it's the same program i used to modify the yahoo weather icons for ORG...... it's free and works just as well as photoshop CS3.
Go here if you want to try.
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I used GIMP for my icons, it was easy and I think they turned out quite nice. Here are a few that I found/made they all have transparent backgrounds. Feel free to use which ever you like.
A few more
Editing Slider Panels
Does anyone know the default setting for this registry key: \HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CHome\CMessage\ICONPATHS? I changed it trying to change the condensed icon (upper lefthand corner) for the message notifications panel. Instead, my weather panel's icon was changed. What're the default values for the key? (ex. 2xxx;2xxx)
It is 2201;2201

Swiping finger to move through Screens, Help please!

Wondering if you lot could help me.
I’m working on a mobile app, on one of the screens there is a box for the customer to “sign”, but if the customers signature have a horizontal stroke in it, it causes the app to move to the next screen.
This only appears to be happening on WM6.5, what is this feature, I first thought it was TouchFlo but I have disabled all that, so is it something within Windows and is there a reg hack or way to disable it within settings.
Your help is much appreciated.
You should post this in the WM app/developement thread. Should give better reponse

Text icon app?

Hi guys,
I´ve been doing some tests with Simple Text but when the text is to big the words get cut or I have to make the fonts so small that I cannot read them properly. What other similar apps are there that would maybe allow me to make the icon size bigger?
Not sure I totally understand what you mean but maybe this app would help?
Then again, probably not...
Thanks, bro. I´m going to give it a go anyway. It´s always fun to try out new apps.
This one would actually work if it didn´t create such large icons...I think I´ll just create some on photoshop.
How about this?
I've not really started using it properly due to time so not sure if it will help but it does have loads of different sizes.
Still could not find an app for this that I liked. I think the best way so far is to create an invisible background on photoshop and the set it as default for all icons...this way only the labels remain visible.

