WM6 A2DP and m4a (AAC) files - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam ROM Development

I've serached and searched but have not found a solution... Please help!
A2DP works great when playing mp3 files with WMP. However when playing m4a files the phone switches automatically back to the phone speaker. Once an mp3 file is played again, it will switch back to the BT headset. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Also, is there a plugin for WMP to recognize the id tags of m4a files?

are you using windows media player to play the m4a?
it happened to me back to wm5 time while i was using the windows media player
,it just act like yours.
if you use 3rd party program such as tcpmp. it will play m4a via A2DP just fine. it's a problem of pocket media player.

Yes, I am using WMP. I've used tcpmp but is is pretty cumbersome to select files when you have to many. It does not have the options to select by artist, abum, etc...


HELP, Media Player and Phone Support through Headphones

Maybe it's just me but I started off with the Pocket PC Phone SX-56 and when listening to the Windows Media Player through the headphones and a call came in the phone would ring in my earphones, the Player would pause, and after I hung up the phone the Media Player would start playing again. Pretty straight forward, it worked the way it should.
Then I got the MDA II, and then when a call came in while I had on the headphones, the phone would ring in the headset but after I hung up the call, I had to go into the Media Player and manually press play again. Step backward number one.
Now I have the XV6600 (XDA IIs, SX66) and guess what? Now when I get a call and I have on the headphones with Media Player plaing, the phone doesn't even ring in the headset. I can tell a call is coming in because there's a pause in the music. I still have to go into the Media Player and unpause it when I hang up the call. Step backward number two.
Does anyone know how to change setting to get it to work as it did in the SX-56. The folks at Audiovox are clueless.
I have the XDAIIs and it does ring in my headphones when I get a call. Though I have the same experience with Media Player not playing again afterwards. I understood this to be a feature of Windows PPC.
There is a music player that does offer this facility (called something like betaplayer) but, after I installed it on my ppc and played some mp3s from the SD card, the card got corrupted so I uninstalled it and haven't had the problem since.
give Mort Player a try, http://sto-helit.de/freeware/pocketpc/mortplayer/en/index.pl
Great program, the programmer has an xda2s too, and the program is freeware !!!
To my mind the best media-player on the market!
have fun!

.m4a files won't play over BT stereo headset?

I'm running a LVSW rom tweaked by Austinsync.
When I play mp3's using Win Media Player, they play fine thru my Moto HT820's. However, whenever a m4a file starts playing, the musics reverts back to playing on the phone's speaker.
I'm pretty sure that m4a files played fine thru the HT820's when I was using the pure LVSW rom from 6/16 though.
Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
I've tried Sleuth255's ROM and the same thing happens - mp3 songs play thru the stereo BT headset fine but if I try to play m4a songs, the audio switches to the phones' speaker.
No one else has encountered this problem? Or am I the only one that has m4a music files?
I play m4a music files through bluetooth and they play fine, unfortunately, I use a wizard. What do you use to play? I use TCPMP, Windows Media plays my m4a(aac plus encoded) as mono, while TCPMP plays it as stereo..

MP3 Ringtone and Music Playback BUG - Need Help fix/confirm

So I wanted to use my Touch Pro 2 (sprint) as a music player. After trying a few music players, because I did not like touch flo 3d's, I stuck with winvibe. anyways I managed to MESS the ringtone playback up...
So what is happening now is: my phone will not play any mp3 ringtone or choose any mp3 ringtone. if I choose a mp3 file as a ringtone, sound, etc, it will not let me choose it (windows setting will not let me choose it). this doesn't mean mp3s don't work, I can play them fine on windows media player and the music player. it just won't play back as a ringtone in the settings and can't be selected as a ringtone.
These were the last two major things I had done since it was last working properly:
1) I did a file association in WinVibe to all supported files (mp2, mp3, ogg, wma, m4a, wav, wpl).
2) While playing back music, I made a call to my celphone (that was playing music) to see if the ringtone would go off causing the music player to stop.
It was at step 2 where I noticed this bug. since then I can't figure out how to go about fixing the problem.
any one experience this while music playback? what music player did you use and did ringtone function properly or interrupt the music player?
any help, fix, info, or comment will be appreciated.
additional info: I don't think file association is the problem. There are some sound files that are unaffected. it's the very few short alarms (which I think are all wav).
soft restart did not solve problem either..
What "setting" did you use to set your ringtone?
Click into Windows Mobile settings, then go to Personal > Phone, are you able to choose and set your ringtone through that?
doesn't matter, through that, the windows settings > sound & notifications or the manila touchflo 3d, settings > sound. they all don't work.
Most likely its the media player giving you the problem UNINSTALL IT

Disabling the native media player on the Touch Pro 2

How do you disable the native media player on the Touch Pro 2 so that you can use your Bluetooth headphones controls to play another media player? Any suggestions would be great. Thanks!
I've never disabled the native HTC media player, I just installed another app (Nitrogen in this case), and I've had no trouble listening to that and controlling it through my BT stereo headphones
Thank you - will try Nitrogen & see it that does the trick.
Hey master, I was actually playing around with Nitrogen some more last night, and I discovered a few things. First....when I hit the "pause" button on my bluetooth headphones, it doesn't actually pause the player (like it does when I use windows media player on the phone), it just interrupts the audio stream going to the headset, the player actually keeps playing. And, for some reason, it also causes the HTC Media tab to pop up.
I'd never realized these behaviors until last night, but I thought they might influence your search for a media player. I know the BT controls on the headphones will directly control all functions in WMP just fine, but that's obviously not the best (and definitely not the "leanest") media player available and I'll be checking out other replacement options for it today too. I'll post back here when I confirm which one(s) work the way we want for the BT controls (aka "AVRCP" profile)
Sirphunkee, That's the issue I have with the HTC media player using Bluetooth. If I press ffwd or rew, the HTC player starts playing over the 3rd-party player (i.e. Core Player, Pocket Music, etc.). I would use the native player - if it had an equalizer (maybe I'm asking for too much, LOL) & WMP is "okay" at best in sound, but is a battery hog. Thanks again & now you know my pain,
Also, for some reason, my playlists don't show in Nitrogen.
Yeah, the reason I didn't realize at first that the HTC media player was kicking in is becasue I don't have any music in it's default folder, it's all on my SD card, so the HTC player pops up but just continuously shows "searching...", so it never started playing anything over the music I already had on.
But yeah, I'm sure there's registry keys somewhere that tell the phone what to do (i.e. calling up the HTC player) whenever AVRCP commands are received...if they can be routed to activate/control the HTC player, they should be able to be redirected to the player of choice.
Keep looking, I'm doing the same (well, whenever my boss isn't walking by lol)

MW600 sounds fine in coreplayer but no sound in win WMP

Hello, I got the MW600, and i plays music fine through coreplayer but when I try to listen to something in WMP there is no sound at all. This wouldn't be that big of an issue if I could figure out how to get Coreplayer to accept the AVRCP functions of the headset. I have tried the options in the settings that say BT remote plugin (windows a2dp is selected) but whenever I click it core shuts down and when I re-open it is not checked.

