Help Please lost word autocomplete t9 after upgrade and hex edit - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam ROM Development

Hello Everyone,
I have a slight problem. I have a japanese softbank X01HT which I have upgraded the dopod english ROM to the BLACK 2.5 ROM.
To fix the keyboard characters i.e. to get some symbols like the "," and "." correct I used the registry hack for the japanese keboard on the wiki.
After I did that my characters are now all correct in place but I lost my t9 predictive text autocomplete even though I have set it to predict after 2 letters. I also did a soft reset but problem still persists.
Any help is really appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Just trying to bump this up to see if anyone can help me.

It is a problem when you have your keyboard on symblo fix.


Suggested words DO NOT work with JPN KB

i have a softbank X01HT (Japanese HTC TyTN)
the auto text or suggested words (pops up with 4 suggested words after you press a couple letters) no longer works once i switch to the new KB layout
you change the KB mapping from 20409 and 10409 to 30411 in the registry. this works great since the , and . are correct as well as all the symbols but i lose the auto suggested words that usually popup
does anyone know how to get the suggested words back? im running schaps 3.60a WM6 image.
just changed the registry setting to the original settings and the suggested words automatically worked again. so it has to be something with this japanese keyboard layout that prevents it from working.
I'd like to try this out so I can see if I can replicate the behavior. Can you post the location of the registry settings and the original settings for each?
Sorry, I meant the original registry settings that come with the schaps rom. The 179649 seems to be the "fix" for the X01HT keyboard.
(edit) Okay, I seem to have a clue here. I have the keyboard correctly inputting all symbols and the auto-suggest is working. Here are the settings I have to make it work:
Location Keyname Keydata Valuetype
HKCU/keyboard layout/ Default e0010411 REG_SZ
HKCU/keyboard layout/Preload Default e0010409 REG_SZ
HKCU/keyboard layout/Preload/1 Default e0010409 REG_SZ
HKLM/Software/OEM/Querty Layout 30411 REG_DWORD (Hexadecimal)
(edit) Crap, this won't work for me because it somehow prevents my Japanese IME from inputting English text through the sip. Anyone out there know the fix for that? We can't be the only two people who have noticed this.

Help - no HTC keyboard (after word complete fix)

Hey everyone,
I have an issue,
After fixing the word autocomplete on my TP2 i no longer have the HTC keyboard, instead a weird one comes up with a number pad, and brackets ont eh left and .,PW and some other symbols ont he right hand side.
This has happened after changing the following
Originally Posted by beemerTPPC
IMPORTANT: previously be sure that HKLM\Software\Tegic\eT9\XT9SupportMSSip has a value of 0.
Simply change these two registry keys under:
HKLM\system\currentcontrolset\control\layouts\e 0010409
Ime File : \windows\xt9ime.dll change to Ime File :\windows\compime.dll
Layout Text : XT9 IME change to Layout Text : COMP IME
And soft reset.
Mine had et9 instead of xt9, and i confirmed that if i change it back i get the htc keyboard, however i loose word complete on the hardware keyboard.
I want both though! i hope one of you smart guys out there can help me out!
This is really annoying.
i want this back!

keyboard (qwertz/qwerty)problem

Hi. I'd just bought HTC touch pro2 and I believe it's for the german market. It has qwertz keyboard. It was flashed with WWE 6.1 ROM ( as far as I can see it's official ROM not cooked) When I press y key it turns out z, symbol keys are all mixed up... I tried keyboard mapping software, but got messed up... and gave up. I need help...some people on other forums suggested that I can flash it with german ROM, but I don't speak german. Anyway, is there a way to fix it in my present software (except keyboard mapper) or can you tell me what to do...maybe I can try cooked software in english with qwertz keyboard view? If you can reccommend me any... Thank you in advance (sorry for my english)
Anyone, please? In service center they proposed to change the keyboard and to replace it with qwerty but it is very expensive
Ok, I have a German device (So QWERTZ hard keyboard)
I loaded a WM6.5 WWE so English version, that changed my keyboard to QWERTY, so when hitting the Z on my hard keyboard, it showed the Y.
Changing below two keys with a reg editor will make your keyboard back inline. So Z will show Z and Y will show Y, but you can keep your English ROM.
"CurLang"="407" (HEX)
Good Luck
Hello! I've the same problem with a pro2 taken in swiss. i've loaded wm 6.5 and now i've keys z and y inverted and many simbols too. I've tried to change my reg but I can't change the second parameter (Curlang) 'couse reg editor doesn't allow me to do. Any ideas?
Thank you

[Q] Norwegian letters

Just wondering if it's possible to enable Norwegian letters (such as Ø) on the Defy. I'm not worried about typing them that much, just displaying them. They just appear as a "?" in a diamond
that's great! thanks for your help

[Q] Qwertz keyboard with english dictionary?

I have installed CM7 as a ROM atm. It's possible to switch input language for word suggestions etc. The problem is it also switches the keyboard layout to qwerty when I set it to english, but I'm really used to qwertz. So does anyone know if it's possible to have the english dictionary/input language with a keyboard layout of qwertz?
Common ppl someone must know this :S I'd be really grateful :good:

