Saving Contacts when switching to WM6? - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam ROM Development

When I got my new Hermes I had to go through every single one of my contacts and change them from something like "P;John /M" to their regular names..I don't want to do this again, and would like to know how to save these when switching from WM5 to WM6..I tried searching and they were saying you can't just save the database etc etc because of changing formats so I need some help..
I don't have the data package, don't have anything on outlook set-up, but have a computer with activesync working, and also a 2gb card.
What would be the easiest way to save these while upgrading? Is there anywhere to look for step-by-step instructions so I can't screw anything up?
Thanks everyone!

You do use ActiveSync right ?
Also PIM Backup should work.

Yea, am I missing something? What is the best way to back these up so I can make sure everything is alright? Is there a really easy way to back up and restore my photos etc as well? I am just trying to drag them to another folder, and I think this is what I did on my original upgrade, but when I did it then I hadn't changed my contacts or anything else yet so I really am clueless.
I feel like a complete idiot..I have programmed in php/mysql and been on computers my whole life, and now I am asking people for help with the simplest of things.

You might want to take a look at this:
By - the - way,
I found both of these using this:

I actually already looked at that and was just stuck on this point..I still don't know how to save my contacts? The contacts at first came from my SIM with the formatting I talked about. I changed that, and don't know if I upgrade will they default back to the old things? Also how about the ones I saved to the phone and then put a default picture with them?
The thing I was doing was simply clicking the explore icon in activesync and then trying to drag the files in that folder into a new folder(which wasn't actually working at all)..I know I must be missing something simple, and I am sorry for bringing such a newbie question into a experienced users forum.

Thank you, I didn't ever see the google thing. I had searched the forums to no avail though. Thank you for the help and I will do the rest on my own

Oh Yea, Welcome to xda-developers.
When I first joined I also had the most difficult time finding what I was looking for using xda-developers forum search.
I really like that Google Search.
Thanks to Mike the Mod.


Saving email and other settings

Hi Guys,
I tried doing a search but i cant find any threads on this.
Does anyone know how to save all your settings before u do a flash? settings like the emails settings are pretty time consuming as i put in nearly 4 email accounts. It would fantastic is i could just copy a single setting file each time i flash the rom .. that way there will be less inertia to reflash again
You need to do a more thorough search next time
thanks man.. but actually was just looking if there is a single setting file for the email accts .. i dun really need all the other settings to be saved as i run my phone pretty bare..
i dun suppose there is a single file that you could just copy and paste over is there?
Nope sorry. The settings are all contained in different areas of the registry.
That program is about as elegant as you can get.
There is a way of making your own .cab file for these settings so that you only have to make that once, then re-run it when you flash your phone to get all your settings and stuff back. There is a thread somewhere about how to do it.
I've had a brief look myself but not yet got around to doing it - i'll have another look this afternoon and see if I can work out how to do it easily and post a guide for everyone else.
Just noticed that that was my 100th post and I'm now a senior member - about bloody time ;-)
Does this mean I have to do my own ROM now? ;-)
knownuts said:
Hi Guys,
I tried doing a search but i cant find any threads on this.
Does anyone know how to save all your settings before u do a flash? settings like the emails settings are pretty time consuming as i put in nearly 4 email accounts. It would fantastic is i could just copy a single setting file each time i flash the rom .. that way there will be less inertia to reflash again
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There are several threads on this forum abous this. Just search more.
For now try to use my example here that sets my POP3 and Exchange accounts. Just put your own data in and load it in a XML loader or make it a .cab file.
Lordsmiff said:
There is a way of making your own .cab file for these settings so that you only have to make that once, then re-run it when you flash your phone to get all your settings and stuff back. There is a thread somewhere about how to do it.
I've had a brief look myself but not yet got around to doing it - i'll have another look this afternoon and see if I can work out how to do it easily and post a guide for everyone else.
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PM me and I will walk you through making your own cab for them. fairly easy.
I'll have a look for myself first and do some reading - I always find that if I do that, I can do it easier next time round as I "know" how to do it and what's wrong when it doesn't work But I'll definitely take you up on your offer if I get stuck

Backing Up Everything

Apologies if this appears elsewhere but I have looked without success. If it does then a link to the solution would be great.
Basically I found this site a few weeks ago and since then have been tinkering with my phone. I've tried various roms, added different programs, played about with the settings and so on. Today I have finally got it just how I want it. It is overclocked to run quickly but safely. The today screen is perfect. It contains everything I need including my huge list of contacts. And my theme is spot-on. However usually in life when everything is right something big and hairy appears out of nowhere and dumps on you. Its got to the point where I panic every time I turn it on just in case it crashes and I need to start all over again.
My question therefore is if anyone knows of a utility (or can give detailed instructions) to completely back up the phone. Right down to the user settings, theme and contacts. If possible maybe even to create a rom image of my phone so that if it does ever crash I can reinstall the whole thing from one simple file. I assume this sort of thing must be possible because Kavana and Ricky produce such wonderful roms with various programs, etc pre-installed.
Can it be done? And if so - can it be done by an enthusiastic amateur or do you need to be a tech guru? I should add I don't mind paying if I need to buy a piece of commercial software to achieve this.
Did you even bother to search google for "smartphone backup" ? The very first link that comes up, takes you right to the software you say you need. I apologize for being harsh, but I hate the lack of common sense...
An option
Not sure about the cooked 6.1 Roms. Maybe someone else might know or have tried.
I use this and it's well worth it.
if u just mean the saved registry values and what not u can always export the registry so that way if u have to hard reset the phone or if a new amazingly wowlike rom is released and u NEED to flash u can always import the registry values of the chomes and it'll be the way u left it (thats what I do for my myfaves and my programs)
OrganicM said:
Did you even bother to search google for "smartphone backup" ? The very first link that comes up, takes you right to the software you say you need. I apologize for being harsh, but I hate the lack of common sense...
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No problem, and you are entitled to your opinion. however its replies like that which stop people making posts to forums like this. Everyone has to start somewhere, and one man's obvious "common sense" answer is another man's dilemma.
As for using google... yep I could have done that but google links to hundreds of pages, some owned by people trying to sell software which obviously means they won't be objective. Others have methods which could damage a phone and because I don't know the writers how do I know which methods to trust? Ergo I decided to come to site I know, with people whose technical knowhow I trust, and to search the forum and then ask them for advice. To me, that is common sense. Isn't that one of the reasons that places like this exist? So non techheads can ask guys like you for help?
No offence intended and, for what its worth, you are one of the guys whose advice on this forum has helped me countless times. So thank you for that no matter what. Without your posts I'd never have got this far in the first place! I mean that.
As for the other replies... thanks guys. I will look into the registry stuff. And I will certainly check out the software link. If I do find some info on google, I hope you folks will help me pick the best method to use and avoid bad advice.
Thanks again.
Okay the Sprite software is perfect. And now I've checked it out maybe my question was a stupid one. Still, its nice to have a recommendation from an independent source. I've been burnt in the past by bad google advice.
Sorry if I've wasted anyone's time.

How to get these.....

Alright I have loaded ROM's onto my phone but I am still pretty new to this, I am wondering if anyone can take the time to walk me through of how to get Home Screen's like these (the first one and the red one on PG1)
Thank you very much for any help you are willing to give.
P.S. what ever help I get I will be more then happy to give to other begginner's.
The big clock is called HTC Home and that's fairly easy to find, just make a simple search for it. The tray on the bottom looks like PHM Trays which you can get from PHM Tools.
carltmac said:
Alright I have loaded ROM's onto my phone but I am still pretty new to this, I am wondering if anyone can take the time to walk me through of how to get Home Screen's like these (the first one and the red one on PG1)
Thank you very much for any help you are willing to give.
P.S. what ever help I get I will be more then happy to give to other begginner's.
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Did you bother reading the thread or are you the type to look at pics and ask for help, right off the bat?
Actually I did take the time to read a lot of the post's but as I said in my first post I am pretty new to this stuff and a lot of the talk was quite confusing to me because of the short form's and such so program's and stuff like that.
Like I said before, I am just looking to see if some one has the time to help me, not looking for people to chirp about how new I am and such. Thank you.
carltmac said:
Actually I did take the time to read a lot of the post's but as I said in my first post I am pretty new to this stuff and a lot of the talk was quite confusing to me because of the short form's and such so program's and stuff like that.
Like I said before, I am just looking to see if some one has the time to help me, not looking for people to chirp about how new I am and such. Thank you.
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Alright so I have read the first like 11 pages and no where in there have I found how to get those 2 Home Screen's running on my Dash?
Please help
As for the Red Carousel theme....go here.
Download the needed cabs in the bottom of his first post and read his install instructions.
As for the HTC home, if you READ where to get it from its in his first thread also...
- HTC Home
Download that cab.
Once you've downloaded the transfer them to your phone using Active sync. Place them in your documents folder. Using your phone Resco Explorer program direct yourself to the My Documents folder and click on the cabs to install them.
If asked where to install them, pick Main memory (phone itself) not the memory card.
DO NOT UNZIP or UNRAR the CAB files.
After the cabs are installed. REBOOT.
Once rebooted, Click on start->settings->Home Screen->Home screen layout
Once there, choose which home'd like to have.
Thank you for the help, I have one question though, I downloaded the courosel theme and unzipped it to a folder and then I copied to my from through My Computer (I'm not sure if that matter's?) but when I selected the Courosel theme in Home Screen, the text messages and voicemail stuff look's all messed up? Is that because I unzipped the file?
Another question came up....
I dled the LCD clock and unzipped it, copied the folder to my phone and then went to Resco Explorer and clicked the Setup.xml and it did a bunch of stuff, I thought it installed but then when I rebooted my phone nothing happened?
DO NOT UNZIP or UNRAR the CAB files.
Jesus man
the lcd plugin is a CAB
If you need help anymore this member (Gixxum) is the man to go to.
Alright thank you very much, I didn't realize that that was a cab file since I have never worked with a cab before.
I installed the cab. and got a message saying that I may need an older version of WM?
I then rebooted and the LCD clock was not there?
I couldnt edit again so I has to do another post, the problem I was having was just that I didn't go to the background image and change it to courosol.
thank you.
pfunkside said:
DO NOT UNZIP or UNRAR the CAB files.
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No matter how big or what colors we use people seriously have selective reading. lol
actually I read that a few times but I was not sure what a cab file was.
Funny how much you care about the mistakes I made instead of helping haha.
Thanks everyone.
alright I have one more question and I thought I would post it here instead of opening another thread. When I am using txt messaging and I sent a txt (I will use this as an example) at 8:01 PM and some one sends me a txt back in the same minute it will say that they replyed at 7:01 PM. It always says one hour earlier for replys? I have searched through options but I cannot seem to find where to change it?
Thank you ahead of time.
Are you sure your time is right? Go to settings --clock & alarm-- and scroll to where on earth you are. Do a reset try that.
I checked the times man and NOTHING! this is kind of brutal, it's not like it's a huge problem but it's just ******* frustrating, any ideas guys?
Whats the time difference on the clock?

First post goodies!

OK I lied.
Hi, if you want a gushy intro you can pretend I made one but I'll get straight to the question (YES I USED SEARCH!) after this aside: I've hooked up my Dash thanks to this site and appreciate all you lovely developer people there @ the big coding room in the sky.
I'm on WM6 and all that good stuff thanks to you guys and it's pretty amazing. My question concerns the SMS restore/backup etc system. Now I backed up a few old texts for personal reasons as the conversation was gettin a bit large.
Is there any program I can use either for the computer or the phone itself to read these backed up messages without restoring? I'd like to sorta archive them for later use in an email account but been having a hard time.
Thanks, any help appreciated.
(Oh and Don't ask about the username)
as far as the ones you saved already...what file format are they in?
They're in .sms format and thanks for the speedy reply I'll check out that website right now.
i can open sms files in notepad on my pc. tried that?
i tried opening it in notepad and it wouldnt come out right..the messages were spread everywhere and not in order

All right, I give up. Two things I can't figure out-Image settings + Messaging window

Ok, I've tried not to make a thread about it and read around and try things on my own, but I cannot figure out two things with my phone. Maybe neither can be done..
1- The way my Kaiser used to label pictures was yyyymmddhhmm_###.jpg
So the file would be something like 200906302055_045.jpg
I can't figure out how to make my TP2 do this. The pictures save as IMAGE_014.jpg as an example and that is unhelpful when you don't keep all your pictures on your phone and you're flashing, etc. Does anyone know if that is even possible?
2-I really like the TF3D text conversation window..Except that it doesn't update when someone messages me. So I have to leave the window and come back, kinda defeating the purpose of it for me. Is this normal or is it fixable?
Thanks for any information
Here's the solution for your 1st query!
ohyeahar said:
Here's the solution for your 1st query!
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awesome thanks. It's too bad they made this so hard to do. I'll bet a lot of people prefer it the other way as well.

