How to manage RAM without a new ROM? - Upgrading, Modifying and Unlocking

My Wallaby (with Windows PPC 2002) is too central to my life for me to risk losing it by daring to flash it with a new ROM. This means that new tools, ringtones and things have to go into its mere 32 MB of RAM. On the other hand, this RAM is also cluttered up with "skins", sounds and things (including a version of Windows Media Player that has always resolutely refused to work) that Microsoft, HTC et al. have decided I must have. Mostly if I try to delete them, either using its native File Explorer, or via the cradle with Explorer from my computer (Windows XP Pro SP2, local adminstrator account on the PC), I get an error message, "File in use or write protected", that sort of thing, i.e. I'm not allowed to delete them.
Can anyone help me with the following?
- An explorer tool which will let me see and change attributes and permissions where necessary, and delete unwanted files from RAM?
- Any information on possible Windows PPC 2002 equivalents of accounts, local, administrator, etc.? My unsuccesful attempts to delete files have a distinctly "not local administrator" feel.
Another thing that would be marvellous, would be the option to use the (currently 128 MB) SD card as a sort of hard drive, i.e. to put large executables on to that and start them with something like a shortcut, so that they only load into RAM when they're actually needed. Can anyone tell me any more about whether this is possible, and if so how?
Thanks to all in advance.

you cant delete files in rom of the device and even if you could it would not add more program memory or storage on wallay you can only access the rom at flashtime
and at all other times it's readonly and dont take up any of the ram of your device

Thanks for your reply, Rudegar, but I'm looking to delete things from RAM, for instance \\device\program files\windows media player\*.* Am I wrong to think all this stuff loaded from ROM into RAM after the last cold reset?

Oops, I just discovered I can delete the files mentioned above (and did), from the native File Explorer. However, when I tap and hold \\device\windows\player (the media player executable, presumably player.exe) the "delete" option is greyed out in the context menu.

total commander is way better then file explore

I installed Total Commander, with thanks to Rudegar, and to Lumpistefan for being able to use his site as a hop. It's certainly a better tool for file management, but I'm not yet able to delete files I want to.
Roaring guitar.wav is a sound I particularly hate, and a colleague at work is already using it as his ringtone. Therefore there is no way I want to keep that ringtone in RAM. Total Commander lets me see the attributes, which are Read only, System (and in ROM, grey of course). It seems as if I can "greytick" and untick Read only and System, but when I come back to the file these attributes are there again. If I try to delete Roaring guitar.wav using Total Commander I get the message "Warning! Could not delete 1 file(s)!".
As I said, all this has a very "not local administrator" feel to it.
I tried searching the registry for "roaring" but the string was not found. I also cautiously experimented with switching the values of the following keys between 0 and 1:
but neither had any discernible effect on the behaviour described. Of course Roaring guitar.wav is just an example (and no offence meant to my colleague), I would like to remove a number of sounds and wallpapers I'll never use, and free up some more of my poor Wallaby's hard-pressed 32 MB RAM for everyday use.
Does anyone know how I could do it?

Hate to tell you this, but if TC says the file is in ROM, its in ROM and you can not delete it.
I am not familiar with Wallaby in particular but I guess the file your are attacking is not copied in to RAM. No reason to do so.
Windows Mobile was never designed for multiple users so no 'local / remote' administrator and stuff. Just trust me when I say this, if you can't delete it - it is in ROM.
There are two programs I can recommend:
MemMaid - it will show you exactly what is clogging up your RAM and automatically clean out what it can.
CabInstl - this little free app will let you choose where to install programs so you can put most of your apps on the SD.
Also in ActiveSync, when asked if to install to default location select 'NO' and you will get an option to install to SD.
One more hint:
You can keep all your themes, including the one you are currently using on the SD. Once you selected and installed the theme the *.tsk file is no longer needed.
When my iPaq was my only and primary PPC I also struggled with 32MB RAM (total). I kept everything on my trusty 512MB SunDisk except what I needed on startup.


Am I wasting my time or just plain stupid?

Hi Guys,
I've had my XDA-IIs for quite sometime now and recently upgraded the ROM - thereby started playing with the Extended_ROM also...I just thought I would like to share my experience with all here - which may be usefull or just another waste of time - for gurus out there..
Firstly - let me explain - I got this idea as I dont experiment a lot with my unit - so hard re-setting my unit quite frequently was out of the question, secondly I recently dropped my IIs and realized how - valuable it is to keep all settings, software and other information intact - as after i got it back from the service center - it was all gone.
Then was the major issue of Space - I found that the 16MB Extended_ROM was a waste as it is only required - When you Hard why not use it ?
So i played with it a while and I got this solution : Please let me know If I am plain stupid or just wasted time on somthing simple by re-inventing the wheel !
First - thing I did was to clear all the clutter from my Extended_ROM by removing all the un-necessary stuff from the default CAB files (Thank you XDA-Developers)...
This reduced my Extended_Rom Contents to roughly 9MB - Then I added some of my MUST INSTALL cabs to the same and modified the Config.TXT file to execute them - This made the total Size to 12.4MB...(I still have space for case i Need!)
Then - I made a CAB-File for myself (using CAB Wizard) - with my Shortcuts, Registry Settings, and all the other files I needed - Like my Games, Regularly used applications like BetaPlayer, noteM, VX-Util, PHM Regedit, etc...a complete list is provided below for reference..
Now - for my hard reset - I take the following steps :
1. I do a soft reset - to close all programs and remove from memory..and Since my Extended_ROM is always open - I just format the same using storage tools...
2. I copy the Contents of the Extended_ROM from the Storae Card into the Extended_ROM area...
3. I lock/Hide the Extended_ROM and give it a Hard Boot (No Pun) !
4. All the default and memory based CABS get installed - with no hassels.
5. Unit Automatically boots - So i just open the Extended_ROM and reformat the using Explorer - Click on the Personal CAB that I made...This installs all my Other applications - Those I did not want to install on the Main Menory - the location for Installation is "Extended_ROM" and it also updates the registry for settings, Creates my Shortcuts etc.
6. That's It I Soft re-Boot - I just give a random check to see if all my settings are there...and start using my unit...Whole process takes NO MORE THAN 3-5 Minutes !
Now tell me am i stupid and wasting time ?
Oops - Forgot - abut the items the list is as follows :
In the Extended_ROM Folder (On Storage Card)
-- Filtered Default Installations
-- My Personal Programs Installed on Main Memory (Via the Config.Txt File - During Hard Boot)
In My 10MB Personal_App Cab File - Which I execute Manually After the above are installed !
Games : Monopoly, BubbleBuster, PocketPegs, NeoTiles
Utilities : Unit Conversion, Lamp, Tray Launcher, Off, Reset, Run, Space Detective, Suspend
Ring Tones : My Default and Favorite Rintones placed in the Rings Folder
Alarms : My Favorite Sounds placed in the windows folder
Applications : BetaPlayer, eWallet, Games, Globe, MobiPocket, Repligo, Syscleaner
Registry Settings: Notifications, Sounds, owner, Device ID etc.. etc..and other default application settings like Tray Launch, SPBGPRS Monitor, Notem, Camera, Repligo, Mobipocket, etc..
Shortcuts : to All my Applications - Placed in \Start Menu\Programs and also on the "Start Menu' - Place my regularly used Softwares.
Stupid Question
But still wondering ? - Why did i create the separate Cab file for the Personal Applications and not just place them in Extended_ROM to execute ?
Well- For one thing - The Extended_ROM has a limit of 16MB and All my applications put together - along with the defaultones were crossing 23MB! So I could not placethem on the Erom and hard boot - I had to find an alternative - secondly I wanted to use the 16MB to install programs !
Also i found it a better option to install my programs on the Extended_rom rather than waste expensive space on the storage and the storage Card was just used for mp3's, videos, etc etc..
That way I could use the Extended Rom for my Installed Programs, The Storage for My Documents etc...and the 1gb Storage Card - For my videos, etc etc. Hence even if I changed my Storage Card - I really did not need to worry abt the setup within. As most of my stuff was saving on the unit.
So thats what I did - Stupid or otherwise - whatever it is - Now when I re-set my machine - It takes me less than 5 minutes to get back on track !
I am attaching some screenshots of the Space after installation and execution of the above...Check it out..
Extrom.jpg - Shows the Items placed inside the Extended_ROM
inside_backup_folder - This is the backup folder inside the Storage Card. It has the folder for Extended_ROM - Which I just copy and also the personal Application CAB installation file.
Space - The Total Space available on the Unit after a fresh Install
Storage - The items On Storage - All my Documents etc Go into the "My Docments" Folder
StorageCard - Contains the "Backup" folder which has my Extended_ROM and also the "My Fun' Folder - Which holds my Movies etc..
Last Question - What happens if I need to Hard Re-Boot and My Storage Card Does Not work !
I keep and alternative - 64MB Card with me all the time along with my credit card etc - this has a replica of the backup folder. I have also uploaded the files on my Google Mailbox - Just being paranoid god knows why !
That's my experience...Too Long a Note ! I hope someone has the time to read this...and tell me I am not stupid !
Stupid or not...
Good note mate - can't stop wondering why you copy it all back to the extended rom before hard reset...
you could just as well just have them all run directly from the backup folder on the storage card... That would save the time copying and formatting every time...
Since you know how to do a custom cab file, my guess is, you also know how to add a registry setting (or shortcuts in start) to run thoose cab files at the existing location on the storage card at first boot...
(all cabs must be readonly however - otherwise it's a one-shot... and they are all gone)...
In the extended rom, you can just leave one tiny little cab with the regsettings/shortcuts, autostart.exe and config.txt running... That leaves all the rest free... Or - wondering... why not just change the paths in the config.txt file - or - wondering... the kernal might even look for autostart.exe in the root of the storage card??? Might be worth testing...
My cab file includes TomTom3 and settings, but now that tomtom5 is out, the setup is so simple that i didn't bother messing with it... Also, a custom written application for entering orders with replication, ending up in Navision Attain...
(Just showing off, but i like it )
Now see what you did... this note also became too long... can't stop writing when first getting started...
Oh - btw. - you have used a LOT of time making what you did - thanks for the notes, making me think of the above idea - might use that some day too...
Certified Stupid !
Thanks JanR,
Guess I now need a Hammer on the head to come back to senses !
You are right - Since I already have the CABS in the backup folder - I could have run the same directly from there by leaving the config.txt and the Autorun.exe on the Extended_ROM itself..and maybe a few critical CABS is necessary.
I wonder why the lightening did not strike me then. Please Punch me the next time I try to give out such Grande experience ideas on this forum !
Will change the script to accommodate and see how it works out.
Till then...cheers!
You could just create a self executing sprite backup of everything as you want it and put it in ExtROM and call it from the config file. That's what I did and it works fine on XDAII and MDAIII. Just Hared Reset and its all done in a minute or two.
Once again suggesting...use SPB Clone is bestg back up tool
spb clone
Don't you think it's a bit pricey for your average user?
I totally agree..
Some of these softwares are "Nice to have..but not really necessary" if you can find work arounds.
What i started of from a complicated process has by far progressed and reduced itself trementously and - i can thankfully say I dont need nothing more....
I have achieved the initial objective of using the Extended_ROM for installing softwares, keep all my docs are in Storage - so I could Switch Cards without issues...
...and that my friends, thanks to all of you here in XDA-Developers have been achieved.

Jasjar extended_rom manipulating

Did someone of you all talented and gifted people found a way to delete\add programs in the JJ extended rom?
i keep deleting them using the total commander and they keep coming back after a hard reset.
As i understand:
1) All cellular network operator specifications found in the extended rom are taking a lot of memory space that can be freed.
2) The anti-virus program is slowing the whole thing operation as it is allways running on the background.
3) I know other cab files i would like to add to the extended rom in order that they will be installed automatically after a hard reset.
What do you think?
You can find the three cab files for the CA anti-virus, backgammon, and Skype, on the xda ftp site. Go to, find the ftp link most of the way down that page, scroll down to Universal, click on the link under Universal uploads, then click on the extended rom folder on the ftp site and Joe under that.
Use add / remove program to uninstall these three programs - anti-virus, backgammon, and Skype. After they're uninstalled, in turn, tap on the cap file for each of these three apps and when the install dialog comes up, choose to install TO THE SD CARD.
It says there is a problem installing the anti-virus program on the SD, but it's not true, it works fine from the SD card. Putting the three apps anti-virus, backgammon, and Skype on the SD card frees up about 4.2MB of space in ROM (storage).
Don't hard reset and these apps won't wind up back in the ROM. You don't need to hard reset unless you are installing an new ROM.
Alternately, you can go the more involved route in the link below to free up a little more space. If you get the Joe Bongo extended ROM, you'll see that there are 7 other cab files in the extended ROM. They take up about 0.5 MB of space. I'm not going to hard reset my device to save 0.5 MB of ROM space, because it's not that much space and I'll lose all of my settings on hard reset.
8) 8)
Hi cool_case and thank you for your reply
what i wanted is something totaly different
1) i wanted to delete the files i do not need from the extended rom (to free up some memory)
2) i wanted to add programs i do need, to the extended rom (to make installation automatic after a hard reset)
as you probably know, when i remove programs allready installed (like the anti-virus) i am never 100% sure what registry changes were made (altough i am deleting all changes i know of, using a registry editor).
Hi aseptic,
One of the xda-developers aces will be fairly like to figure out how to create a special ROM image that doesn't have have the extended ROM stuff in it. You may be familar with the Anansky hack (and later easier methods) posted in early summer here for the xda mini (JAM) that freed up about 27MB of 'storage'.
okay i will be waiting
The thing about deleting things from the extended rom to free up memory is that the extended rom is already partitioned so deleting things from the extended rom will not actually free up space. It will only prevent the deleted things from installing the next time you hard reset.
We will need some sort of other hack to free up this partitioned space (big storage hack). Just deleting them from the extended rom will not do what you're hoping for.
This WORKED for me!!
Following the instructions listed on this page I was able to reclaim 15M+ for Storage and Programs on my JasJar.
Not to bore you guys with result details here is how it played out with application installation:
After hard reset with Extended ROM bypass (eliminating Backgammon/Antivirus/Skype)
Storage 39.52 Program 28.27
After first ActiveSync 4.1 Storage 34.53 Program 21.29
Installs with soft reset after each:
Resco File Explorer Storage 33.31 Program 21.39 (?)
SPB Imageer ' 30.03 21.35
Pocket Artist 3 28.08 21.55
Listpro 4 27.24 21.45
PhatPad 26.42 20.84
MS Pocket Streets 5 25.92 20.75
TCPMP 24.28 20.25
Magic Button 24.15 20.44
NewsBreak 23.32 20.25
also on 2G SD Card Pocket Informant / MS Reader / Weather Panel
Sync includes 1,235 Contacts / 3 years of Calendar / 2 years of email (3 accounts) (attachments on SD) etc.
Bottom line Storage 19.67 Program 14.86
I wouldn't consider this too shabby.
Darn sight better than with the fluff on Extended ROM.
Hopefully this may be of interest
Thanks for the link to the hofo wiki with the very clear instructions for bypassing the extended_ROM installation.
What I had done before was use add-remove programs to remove Backgammon, the CA anti-virus, and Skype. Then, I used the cab files for these three apps found on the xda ftp site to install these three to the SD. This saved about 4.2MB of storage. People had said that this method didn't really remove the apps from ROM.
But, that's apparently not the case. I followed the instructions for bypassing the extended ROM installation above and wound up with about 1MB more of "storage" memory than was obtained by just removing the three apps above manually using add-remove. So, the method above works is a little better, because while you can manually remove the backgammon, anti-virus and skype, you can't manually remove the carrier settings.
Another good thing came of doing this -- Sunnysoft backup did a nice job of restoring settings, including Today Screen plug-in settings Haven't found any omissions yet, but as I don't sync pim data, can't comment on whether Sunnysoft does that.
8) 8)

Install programs on Storage Card (SD)

Hello all,
great efford!!!!!
I have QTEK 9090 WM2K3SE or should I say Blue Angel.
ROM version 1.40.00 WWE
ROM date: 03/10/05
Radio version: 1.15.00
Protocol version 1337.45
ExtROM version 1.40.148 WWE
When you install a new program it is automatically installed on
My Device\Program Files\New program (This is RAM I think.).
You do not have any option of selecting in which folder to install the program
in order to select the Storage Card.
???Is there any way to force new programs to be installed on SD???
Is there another open Thread that contains this information?
Thank you!
If you are installing from the desktop, ActiveSync asks "install program in default location?". Click 'no' and you will be able to choose to install to SD.
If you are installing directly from a cab you will need CabInstl to change the destination.
Thank you, I will try both!
Explicit path
Thank you, both of the suggestions worked fine!
But, I have some further questions.
CabInstl allows to specify an exact installation path, e.g. SD\MyPrograms\New Application.
With ActiveSync 3.7 you can select SD but not any subfolders of SD like with CabInstal.
Does the newer version of ActiveSync support an exact path installation definition and not just drive?
Blue Angel has 128 Mb RAM. Under Settings\Memory\Main you can see that.
Settings\Memory\Storage Card\Storage Card is the SD memory card that I have attached.
What is the Settings\Memory\Storage Card\STORAGE which is 40 Mb?
If you want to install any application from ActiveSync it gets also installed on the PC Add/Removes programs and after Sync with PDA you have to Remove it from the PC. Is there any way to avoid the PC permanent installation?
1) No. ActiveSync only lets you choose the general location. Note that what CabInstl does may cause some programs not to work as PPC programs often expect to be in a specific directory.
2) Main memory is divided in to two parts:
Program - your actual RAM just like on PC which programs use to run.
Storage - on WM 2003 devices (like yours) this is also RAM but it is treated like hard drive. WM 2003 has a slider that lets you repartition the RAM between storage and program. On WM5 device this is internal flash.
3) No. This is just something installers do, they keep a part of themselves on the PC. Unless you have extremely little space on you hard drive, I recommend not removing the apps. It will make them easier to reinstall should you have to preform hard reset.
Thanks again Levenum for the usefull feedback.
Thanks again Levenum for the usefull feedback.
1) I just had this experience yesterday with GSPocketMagic1_32_19
during a restart its .exe file cannot be found. Good to know that it is a more general problem in order to avoid installation on subdirectories.
2) The manual is not describing this very clear and surprisingly if you change the allocation size with the bar in screen main memory the size in storage screen does not change, or if you copy something to Storage again the size of the Memory\Main\Storage -InUse does not change were the Memory\Storage Card\Storage changes, so it was difficult to figure it out. It is like you have 128 RAM + 40 Storage RAM.
There is one other thing I forgot to mention regrading RAM:
No matter what you do with the slide, if the system thinks it needs more running memory or more storage it will repartition by it self. Usually it will divide the free ram 50/50 between programs and storage.
This is why you may copy something to main memory and not see a difference in available storage. You should always look at 'used' values.
Also there is a reg key you can create:
Simply creating this key will prevent the system from automatically repartitioning your RAM.

amateur/newbie in need of help thred

Hi guys, ive had my touch hd 3 days now and ive been riducled by everyone that i didnt go for a iphone, however ive spent alot of time on here and its plain to see that so much can be done and be added!
Now i gotta confess i dont know what a CAB file is, i dont know what ROM is, i dont know what this manilla is, so i hope you can see my probs!
During my 3 days ive managed to download the blackpad dialler and the hd tweak(altho they took me ages), but i wanna change the theme, the wallpapers, i wanna add apps like google maps etc..
I hope this thread will attract people who can help people like myself out and explain how to do stuff and where to go etc..
Btw how do i choose a downloaded song(synced via windows media) to be my ringtone? haha such a amateur!
Thank you for any help in advance!
have you read the wiki? that will help allot, helped me 2.
the wiki??? lol
a .cab is an install file you copy to your phone and then tap it to execute from like file explorer. most installs if they are exe you run them on you PC and they send a cab file to you phone through activesync. but if its a cab file just copy to you phone and execute. If you dont like it yoou can uninstall from eith the phone in Settings/System/Remove Program.. or from you PC on activesynce or mobile device center.
Where on the phone is file explorer? but thanx for the rest, actually makes sense, god im blonde!
where can i read about this wiki?
Its in programs.
Honestly, I would reccomend you go through your phone. Go into programs and see whats there. Then go into each of the settings options and see whats there.
Then learn the hierarchy of your phone memory.
You will see that it is similar to Windows.
The top directory will be"My Device" and under it will be "Storage Card" which is your memory card (similar to an external hard drive analogy for a desktop) and then you will see Program Files where programs are installed and My Documents contains the following folders and more:
My Videos where you videos you record will be saved
My Pictures
This is the wiki page - it's VERY helpful:
And, the software wiki is here:
You chose well. The Blackstone is an amazing bit of kit!
Keep in mind that it's basically a small computer with an aerial. Unlike the iPhone its not just a fancy phone.
Any computer needs a way for the user to tell it what to do... thats the operating system in the blackstone that's windows mobile (or winmo). You also need a user interface (ui) so you can tell it what to do. The HD uses touchflo 3d (tf3d). That's the front screen with all the tabs and clocks and stuff.
Like any computer... programs are installed to do different things. The dialers, sms, camera are all programs. This means you can install new programs to do things or overwrite programs to change what you already have.
These programs come in two main forms the cab file and the exe. The cab runs only on the phone and the exe will only run on the phone or your computer. There are lots of cabs to do lots of things. Download one that's interesting and run it.
Everything is stored in files on your blackstone. You can look through these files using file explorer... you will find that in your programs tab on tf3d. files are stored in folders. that means you can organise them the way you like.
The secret to the blackstone is to think about what you'd like to be able to do with it then search here or google to find a way... there usually is one.

Deleting Stock WinMo 6.1 ROM Files

Is there any way to Remove some Stock WinMo 6.1 ROM Files ? There are a few Pictures that I don't need in the Windows Folder (Album Sample) and they range between 412k ~ 842k each so there is a couple Megs of Storage Space that could be gained by Removing them any Info is appreciated.
LGK1 said:
Is there any way to Remove some Stock WinMo 6.1 ROM Files ? There are a few Pictures that I don't need in the Windows Folder (Album Sample) and they range between 412k ~ 842k each so there is a couple Megs of Storage Space that could be gained by Removing them any Info is appreciated.
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Click to collapse
Those pictures are save to remove or relocate (backup/save on your PC or whatever)...when you're looking at them in file explorer in the phone, just press+hold on any of the file names, and a menu will pop up with the option to delete.
sirphunkee said:
Those pictures are save to remove or relocate (backup/save on your PC or whatever)...when you're looking at them in file explorer in the phone, just press+hold on any of the file names, and a menu will pop up with the option to delete.
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Click to collapse
But that's where I run into the Problem I have Resco Explorer installed and get a Message that says:
File '\Windows\Album Sample_01.jpg'
is in ROM memory!
You cannot delete it.
I tried thru regular File Explorer and the Delete Option is grayed out......
Yeah you know what, I had deleted all those pics right when I first got the phone, via the album view I think...but obviously (now) it retains a copy of them in that odd protected status you discovered. Looking at the pics in the /windows folder now, there's even some of those "album sample" ones that I've never seen before.
Sorry, I thought I'd already removed them from my phone cuz I didn't see them anywhere I'd expect to Some of the chefs around here will probably know if there's a way to trim that fat out of the windows folder, that's the kind of thing they're good at when assembling ROMs.
It's very simple people.
ROM stands for Read ONLY Memory. Think about what that means.
The only way to change what is on your ROM is by flashing, or I suppose you could use a hammer.
That's it.
dik23 said:
It's very simple people.
ROM stands for Read ONLY Memory. Think about what that means.
The only way to change what is on your ROM is by flashing, or I suppose you could use a hammer.
That's it.
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And besides, removing these files from ROM would not free up space in RAM! Short answer, they're not taking up space that would be useful to you otherwise.
Ok then, I understand if the files in there are just unable to be deleted, but...
-If it's truly "ROM" (read-ONLY memory) on the phone, then how can it be flashed to a different one? In other words...the ROM image may indeed be read-only, but the physical memory it sits on isn't, correct?
-Doesn't the ROM image occupy a set amount of the on-board storage memory, that would otherwise be free for local storage? Therefore, some cooked ROM's eat up more/less space than others, affecting how much room is left for the user to store files etc, n'est pas? I think the OP's purpose was to try to free up storage space if possible, not just RAM overhead.
Again, I get it if the files baked into a ROM image can't be deleted once it's cooked...I'm just thinking that a ROM without unneccessary files in it WILL save usable space on the phone.
Read Only Memory
ROM is "usually" only ever read. In the day to day use of the device you are reading data from it. Kind of like a printed page from a laser printer
When you flash the ROM, you are actually writing to it, like when the laser printer prints the page. To get a new page, you need a laser printer. To get a new rom, you have to have a program to flash it.
After it is done printing, nothing changes on the page and it can only be read.
Same thing with a ROM, the amount of space will not change until it is flashed.
"-If it's truly "ROM" (read-ONLY memory) on the phone, then how can it be flashed to a different one? In other words...the ROM image may indeed be read-only, but the physical memory it sits on isn't, correct?"
Yes and no
A more accurate term would be Read Only Memory That Can Still Be Written To, But Isn't Very Often.
ROM has a better feng shui
"-Doesn't the ROM image occupy a set amount of the on-board storage memory, that would otherwise be free for local storage? Therefore, some cooked ROM's eat up more/less space than others, affecting how much room is left for the user to store files etc, n'est pas? I think the OP's purpose was to try to free up storage space if possible, not just RAM overhead."
No, there is RAM and ROM, these are separate, and have different functions.
"Again, I get it if the files baked into a ROM image can't be deleted once it's cooked...I'm just thinking that a ROM without unneccessary files in it WILL save usable space on the phone."
No, a ROM without unneccessary files in it WILL save usable ROM storage space.
I hate to say it, but hit the wiki
Once you understand the types of ram, and how and more importantly WHY they are used, this will make sense.
Cingularly Twisted said:
A more accurate term would be Read Only Memory That Can Still Be Written To, But Isn't Very Often.
ROM has a better feng shui
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Click to collapse
LOL great analogy, thanks
That's what I suspected, but just wanted to be sure!

