Change regional Settings from Registry - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam ROM Development

Hi, i want to change this setting from Start, settings, system, regional settings by a registry key/cab file.
I've noticed that it's stored into HKLM\Security\ColdInit\
Locale = countrycode (in my case 1040 dec)
But the reg key is restored after a SR, also if i reset with an app
Is there another key that influences this one?
Ps: i've also tried changing
But no suxcess... is important to Localize the rom with a cab wich contains spell check, dictionary etc...

Mate I think I found what you're looking for:
Replace xxx by language code. '413' is Dutch (The Netherlands) for example. For the codes see:
Better late than never

Changing those registry values cannot switch the regional settings immediately, not like doing this through start->settings->regional settings.
Is there any way (any command, program) to activate those registry values immediately, rather than a soft-reset?

No, you would need a program to recall these settings.

utak3r said:
No, you would need a program to recall these settings.
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Do you know what program or command/function can do this? Thanks!!

bump - any idea how to solve this?
need to change registry for regional settings via cab file!

i changed the values but nothing happend... not even a soft reset...


Configuring settings through ext rom.. Possible?

I'm working on a custom ext rom for my department at work.
I've gotten the installers to work, and I've gotten the config files for most of the software in place..
How ever, there are a few more changes I'd like to make..
* Change Region (Very important!)
* Disable some of the default Today plugins.. (At least re-arrange them)
* Set "Owner Name", "Device name" and such..
* Change today theme.
I have a feeling that this isn't possible from the config.txt file.
So I was hoping someone could perhaps direct me to a tool that does this?
If not, what about making it?
Or can I just set it up, and then copy a file from \Windows or something?
Neary all setting can be changed through registy.
This meand adding a cab with registry settings to ExtROM.
Read device-specific wiki... many registry keys are explained.
For editing CAB's I use softworkz ER2003edit (share/expireware).
Good luck.

My Universal's Customized Extended ROM

Many people are asking me what I throw into my Extended ROM since I play around with tweaks and CAB files. Well, I decided to finalize most of it and make it available for public consumption.
Mind you, I have a Qtek 9000 (Universal) which I flashed to the JASJAR CE ROM which appears to be more stable, O2 XDA Exec Radio ROM, and the mix of CAB files from various devices plus my own concoction.
Disable Digital Security for unsigned files (required if you want to use my customized CABs!):
Add MIDI Ringtone and Video Call/Phone Skin Plugin:
Add Bluetooth Initialization Bug Patch:
Add Enroller and SIM Manager shortcuts:
Update User Agent Profile:
Enable tap-hold Save As... in Internet Explorer Mobile:
Add Version Number for Extended ROM in Device Information:
CUSTOMIZED: Change Search Engine to Google, smallest text setting, Default layout, MakeFit
CUSTOMIZED: Add Cingular GPRS (no CSD) settings
CUSTOMIZED: Add File Cache (Aximsite) and GLYPHCACHE (32768) tweaks
CUSTOMIZED: Add ClearVue and MIDlet Manager (no Voice Speed Dial or SDDaemon) shortcuts
CUSTOMIZED: Add CertificateStore information (no clubimate shortcut or i-mate homepage)
CUSTOMIZED: Add Owner Information, Device Name and Description, Bluetooth name (you need to manually enter your information in this CAB using WinCE CAB Manager)
CUSTOMIZED: Add blank page for Internet Explorer key (just loads IE not attempt to open a particular page with it)
CUSTOMIZED: Enable Backlight key to be customized in Button Applet
CUSTOMIZED: Enable ClearType and Landscape ClearType
CUSTOMIZED: Change Regional Settings to USA (and set short date to dd-MMM-yy)
Latest version of Skype (not beta):
CUSTOMIZED: Unhide and Unlock Extended ROM (will show up as Extended_ROM2)
BeyondtheTech said:
Disable Digital Security for unsigned files (required if you want to use my customized CABs!):
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Many thanks for this!!!!!
need to revert or delete this cab!
how do i undo this cab? when I click my start button and close it I get a ghost of the bottom half of the menus stay on screen...pls HELP :?
CUSTOMIZED: Add File Cache (Aximsite) and GLYPHCACHE (32768) tweaks
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How flash from spv m5000 to jasjar ROM
Hello, I think I understand and apreciate your explain. but firstly I have to remove from the extended rom the .cab from orange and to add your files .cab, and then to make a hard reset. so after that my spv m 5000 will change to jasjar. sorry but I don't understand if with this files that we have to inserted in the extended rom will change my spv m5000 to imate jasjar. could you explain me that?
thanks a lot.
hey, can any one pls help. I really don't want to do a hard reset again...Spent alot of time getting eveything set up nicely. I need to know what reg setting I need to change to undo the cab i installed above!!! :shock:
youmeus said:
hey, can any one pls help. I really don't want to do a hard reset again...Spent alot of time getting eveything set up nicely. I need to know what reg setting I need to change to undo the cab i installed above!!! :shock:
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This will return the GlyphCache to 2000H (8192 bytes), the standard.
thanks file worked!
Hi BeyondtheTech,
1) Any procedure to perform the upgrade?
2) Are there config and autoexec files to edit?
3) How to unlock/lock and unhide/hide EXTROM?
Java Plugin required!
Is there any java plugin avaialble for the Universal since existing PIE cannot view sites with java (I might be wrong)?
It in the Java folder on the FTP.
Hi BeyondtheTech
Your link leads to nowhere
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/Java/JeodeForPocketPC.exe
All the Extended ROM files have been moved to this folder.
The links are gone because your site is under construction.
Please give us new links. Thanks a lot.
I have put back the files here:
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Sorry, forgot the .htaccess file for the webhosting.
It's good now!
Thank you so much. Downloading now... :lol:
Just a small question: how can I modify the file to change the regional to Australia? Of course, if regional is Australia, the date format is dd MMM yy
Hope you can help me soon. Thanks in advance.
I had to search for the particular keys that get changed, then set them in the CAB file.
Since I don't remember offhand what keys get changed, you can try opening the CAB file with OCP WinCE CAB Manager ( then look in the Registry section for the keys and values.
Next, go ahead and use the Regional Settings to change to Australia and whatever else you need.
Then, use Resco Explorer or another Registry Editor to see what the new values are and pop them back into the CAB file. Done!
I do not seem to be able to find the following cab. Is it missing or have I gone mad?!?
CUSTOMIZED: Add ClearVue and MIDlet Manager (no Voice Speed Dial or SDDaemon) shortcuts
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If you have a copy could you add it to the files...

changing keyboard from english to german

I have a german t-mobile device with a qwertz keyboard and loaded with english wwe version. I would like to have the right mapping so can i change the english mapping to german on the keyboard ? what is the registry key for that a what is the value for the german qwertz keyboard layout ?
Thanks for nay advice
I have the same keyboard also but don't know how to go to Reg Edit mode. Please advise.
Use TotalCommander. It is an file explorer with an good registry editor.
keyboard layout
I just upgraded my qtek 9100 to AKU 2.3 but the slide-out keyboard that I have is in Swedish. I tried to make the changes suggested at
but that didn’t work. Has anyone been successful in changing the keyboard language?
I was not able to do it also. Can someone help?
It just needs a hard reset
I kept on trying at this and finally after changing the value to 0414 and doing a hard reset by using the stylus in the hole it worked. I went back and tried the 041d and it too worked so I guess the reset was what was needed. Also there is a Swedish keyboard fix circulating but don't use it since it will only work for Ext_ROM ver. Hope this helps someone else!
Can you advise how I can go to the following step?
For German layout (QWERTZ):
HKCU\ControlPanel\Keybd\Locale = 0407 (REG_SZ string)
Thank you in advance.
you need a registry editor
First of all you need to download and install a utility that will allow you to access the registry. There are a number of good freeware applications that will let you do this. Unlike regular windows there is nowhere you can type regedit. I use Total Commander and it can be downloaded from
Once you have access to the registry (in total commander you click on the folder named “\\” ) click on registry -- >HKC-- > ControlPanel -- > Keybd . Once under Keybd create a key called Locle . In Total Commander this is done by double clicking on “+Add Value+” Set the name to Locale and select String. Click Ok and then when the value box pops up enter the LCID Hex number like 0407. If you need to change the number highlight the key and click properties.
Don’t forget to reset the machine by pressing the stylus into the reset hole.
Hope this helps.
Thank you very much for the elaborate procedure. I followed every step you wrote and locale = 0407 was sucessfully entered. After reset, the keyboard still did not change to German! I tried many times but the result was the same. Did I do any thing wrong? Many thanks.
Change from Ger Z: 66567 to 66569 (eng Y)
Good luck
I am sucessful!
Thank you very much. I got it now!! :lol:
used for Wizard not Uni

HTC WWE WM6: Keyboard Mapping Required?

I unlocked and flashed my T-Mo Dash with the new HTC WM6. I set all the regional stuff to US English, but something's not quite right with the keyboard.
The '@' symbol key creates a kind of cursivy 'L', I believe it's a British Pound symbol, but I'm not 100% sure. The '=' key creates a sort of capital C with a equal sign through the middle of it.
I use the '@' key a lot, and I can get that symbol now with the '&' key (for which there is no longer a key).
I checked currency settings, regional settings, etc -- and it all looks right, maybe I missed something -- or -- maybe I need to find a registry setting for key mapping?
Place the attached text file into your \Windows\ directory.
Thanks -- tried, but can't seem to delete or rename the original. Tried unselecting the 'read-only' status in the file properties, but it wouldn't allow it. My device is application unlocked...
Hmmm...mine is listed as et9.Excalibur.407.kmap.txt instead of et9.Excalibur.409.kmap.txt and I cannot delete or rename or copy over it either.
edit: I should note that I installed the German rom
Ok, here is how I fixed it with mine.
use regedit and go to:
HKLM/Software/Tegic/eT9/IME/KeyboardLayouFiles and change value 07FF to 0409 from the 0407 in there.
Conceivably you can name the map file posted above to anything and change its value in that key.
Glad you worked it out, but that's not what's going on with my device -- I've looked at both .txt files and the one posted by OutPhase has the correct mappings -- just can't use it (yet)...
countfloyd said:
Ok, here is how I fixed it with mine.
use regedit and go to:
HKLM/Software/Tegic/eT9/IME/KeyboardLayouFiles and change value 07FF to 0409 from the 0407 in there.
Conceivably you can name the map file posted above to anything and change its value in that key.
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use TotalCommander or Resco Explorer to overwrite the file during a copy/move applications/
US English keyboard settings
US English keyboard settings...
change HKLM\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\KEYBD\CurLang to 1033 (Dec) 0409 (Hex)
use a reg editor to move the attached file into \Windows
I've already made the CurLang change in the registry, it 'took', but no change in my keyboard mapping.
I've no idea how to 'use a reg editor to move the attached file'... I'm using the registry editor that comes with Resco File Explorer, see nothing in it for file-move operations -- something I don't ever recall as being part of any registry editor, mobile or PC-based. Thanks for trying though...
johnnylavah said:
US English keyboard settings...
change HKLM\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\KEYBD\CurLang to 1033 (Dec) 0409 (Hex)
use a reg editor to move the attached file into \Windows
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I didn't say use the Registry editor to move it. Use the normal Resco Explorer to move it. It'll ask to overwrite the existing file.
Thanks, it worked. Not sure why, but I could copy/move and overwrite it with Resco Explorer, but not rename/delete it. It's all working now, thanks!!!
outphase said:
use TotalCommander or Resco Explorer to overwrite the file during a copy/move applications/
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outphase said:
I didn't say use the Registry editor to move it. Use the normal Resco Explorer to move it. It'll ask to overwrite the existing file.
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No, you didn't -- Johnny Lavah said it (as was quoted in my reply). What you said worked -- thanks again.
johnnylavah said:
US English keyboard settings...
change HKLM\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\KEYBD\CurLang to 1033 (Dec) 0409 (Hex)
use a reg editor to move the attached file into \Windows
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another solution
There was already an "eT9.Excalibur.0409.text" in windows that was in the UK English version of the keyboard. I renamed the attached US version as below and put that in the windows directory. Then I mapped the registry to it.
I like Outphase's solution better -- no registry edit required, once he explained to just copy the file over it's all good now. Thanks though.
graybip said:
There was already an "eT9.Excalibur.0409.text" in windows that was in the UK English version of the keyboard. I renamed the attached US version as below and put that in the windows directory. Then I mapped the registry to it.
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keyboard layout files
Hi all
My device is french, but I'd like to use the German keyboard layout.
I can change the contact search keyboard layout but not the layout that's active when writing messages.
As I understand from the above thread, I need the german layout file, eT9.Excalibur.0407.kmap.txt. Can anyone provide me with that one? I don't see a single reference to it.
Any other hints?
Thank you, Michael
anyone know how to setup the # butting to changes your profile to vibrate and visversa? (worked on the t-mobile wm6 rom)
I miss that one too -- it's actually a part of all TMobile WM ROMs -- kinda handy, would be great to have that back!
jantjo said:
anyone know how to setup the # butting to changes your profile to vibrate and visversa? (worked on the t-mobile wm6 rom)
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Thank you. I tried outphase's solution and it works perfectly. Didn't have to edit the registry at all.
chaznet said:
I miss that one too -- it's actually a part of all TMobile WM ROMs -- kinda handy, would be great to have that back!
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Yeah there must be a registry setting some where that enables it. it's not t-mobile dash phone's only. I got a s621 (Rogers) and it worked with all the t-moble ROMs. hopefully somone will figure it out.
where is the \windows dir and how can i go there?

WM6 dialer

How do I get this dialer for my HTC P3300? I recently purchased this phone which came with a wm6 os installed and it has the native smart dialer.
However, i would like to have this dialer.
Please help
Install, before In registry HKLM > Security > Phone > Skin
Change Enabled from 1 to 0
And reboot
Thanks but could you please elaborate on this registry thing... i am new with the registry edits etc...
Install this editor.
Couple of simple steps
Ok here a couple of simple steps for you.
1. copy the attached file to your xda (Its not exactly the same dialler skin as the one you posted but its as close as i could find), tap it from there and it will install.
2 if you dont have a registry editor, use the one tabarda has provided.
once you have installed both (the & Registry Editor) open the Registry Editor, go to HKEY_LOCAL _MACHINE > Security > Phone > Skin > then change Enabled from 1 to 0.
Then do a soft reset and it should now have the dialpad you requested.
hope this helps
Thanx a ton... u guys are too good...
NO, no, they are wrong! (just partly...)
There is NO NEED TO INSTALL ANYTHING! The picture in the first post shows the original WM6 dialer that comes built-in, by Microsoft. But you usually cannot see this, because or HTC either the branded versions put their own dialer skin 'above' the original one.
So, the only thing to do: obtain a registry editor (the posted one is OK), navigate to 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Security / Phone / Skin' and change the value of 'Enabled' from 1 to 0. Then soft reset and voilá: you will see exactly the same dialer like in the picture.
thats what i thought? i think theres a post on it which i asked the same thing in meschles 2.1 touch rom
but if you want to divert back to the other pad do you just edit to 1 again and soft reset?
i just did this and nohting changed? i have the same dialler that you get with the touch 2.1 wm6 mechle's rom?
ctibor said:
NO, no, they are wrong! (just partly...)
There is NO NEED TO INSTALL ANYTHING! The picture in the first post shows the original WM6 dialer that comes built-in, by Microsoft. But you usually cannot see this, because or HTC either the branded versions put their own dialer skin 'above' the original one.
So, the only thing to do: obtain a registry editor (the posted one is OK), navigate to 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Security / Phone / Skin' and change the value of 'Enabled' from 1 to 0. Then soft reset and voilá: you will see exactly the same dialer like in the picture.
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thats precisely what I did - changed the registry and thats it, I got my dialer back.
sim code input
does this also work for the sim code input ?
patterns said:
i just did this and nohting changed? i have the same dialler that you get with the touch 2.1 wm6 mechle's rom?
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change the setting. WAIT ABOUT 20-30 SECONDS and then soft reset.
The WAIT is hard to explain, but then you can be sure a registry setting keeps changed.
worked fine after the WAIT
daffymol said:
does this also work for the sim code input ?
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To modify PIN pad you can remove this line:
cesconoa said:
To modify PIN pad you can remove this line:
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thanx. it works
now only the comm mannager is green.
can i change that also ??
greets daffy

