USB periphery connections. Artemis O2 Orbit - P3300, MDA Compact III General

Hi everyone I was wondering if anyone have experience connection USB devices to Artemis?
USN HDD, Card readers. USB hubs.
I am thinking of trying to connect an USB HDD but just wanted to know if anyone done it before

Sofaford, if you get this working let us know over at
I would love to be able to use my external laptop hard drive with my orbit

Due to the USB bus structure ,it is not possible to connect other devices except a host like a PC to the Artemis. The Artemis has only a device controller on board, but You need a host controller, if You will link the USB HDD to the PDA. There are some other PDA's with build in hosts in the market

Got a nas hard drive works on my wireless network. Good at home. Is there a wifi adaptor to use hd out of network range?


Bluetooth enabled IDE peripherals... possible?

Hi guys! I don't know if this thing belongs here, but since I'm an owner of a Blue Angel device, I'll put it here anyway. Is it possible to create a simple device which has the following components:
- An IDE adaptor (don't know if this is the right term, but what I mean is a cable which can be connected to standard HDDs', CDROMs', etc.)
- A power input to provide external power to the HDD or CDROM connected to it.
- A bluetooth radio allowing a device (PDA, cellphone, laptop) which is bluetooth enabled (like my Blue Angel) to connect to it via bluetooth. I think the directory bowsing profile, or network profile should be supported.
The purpose of such a device is to allow my Blue Angel to read CDs' and copy data from hard drives. I know it would mean carrying an extra device, but considering the advantages it would give me (reading CD's and HDD's without the need for a PC) I would surely consider adding it to my gadget bag.
Does such a device exist? If not, is it possible to make something like this?
Sorry, but it can't be done. The Blue Angel's USB port is only a USB Slave port, meaning it only works if plugged into a computer.
I dont think a bluetooth drive adapter exists, but maybe something wireless could be used??
I would also suggest WIFI. Bluetooth is way too slow
Toshiba used to sell a Bluetooth hard drive called the "HopBit". I don't think it was ever sold in the US but Dynamism imported it for a while. It seems to be discontinued though.

XDAIIs as USB host?

can i use my o2 as usb host? like as if i connect my usb flashdisk to my computer.
Yes but you need 3rd party software.
Card Export II PPC. Works very fine.
arliss said:
Yes but you need 3rd party software.
Card Export II PPC. Works very fine.
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Hi. Can you give detailed information about using BA as a usb host? (hardware, software, how to... etc.) Thnx.
Note: In fact I want to use, for example, my usb keyboard or usb hdd on my BA. Is it possible?
card export II enable you to use your BA (any wm device) as mass storage with memory card.
evoluzzione wants to connect a usb flash drive on his BA.
is there something like sd to usb adapter? which connects usb devices to sd ports.
special SD cards has either wifi or usb plug.

USB HOST for pocket PC ????

i am sure for alot of people out they have searched for something to make their usb devices work on a pocket PC. i have gathered some information with regard to this topic and i hope that other users will add to it so that there is a greater awareness and mayb it will help someone figure out the best way to create 1 for the PPC
right now the there is no external USB host controller for pocket pc.
the reason we need the USB host is so that we can connect external USB devices. but i believe that we also need to load the drivers for devices as well.
wat i think is the way the device should work is the usb host for ppc should have drivers built into it so that when u connect a flash drive for example it can identify it and then send the necessary info into the PPC so that the PPC will then handle it in the correct manner. thereafter on the PPC we will probably find it as an additional drive.
I think that connectivity will actually work via the SDIO and not via the USB port.
If there are any other senior members that can elaborate on this it will be great, it will shed some more light on this feature.
I personally would love to have this feature, not for any specific external device but just the ability to have interoperability with all my usb devices onto my PPC.
there are usb host CF cards i believe
not sure if anybody ever made to test in a himalaya backpack which have a CF card
thing with usb devices is that usb mass storage one 1 generic driver
so one for external hd's sdreaders and usb keyring would be enough
CF USB host
do you think that it can be converted from CF to SDIO ?
I actually searched for a CF to SDIO converte but no luck, however even if i do find it what are the chance that it will even work!!
anybody knows more about this ?
it could easy brake because of the size diff
another problem is it would require 2.5watt to power a usb host
not sure if the sd interface can provide that kinda power at all
ok, but considering that we can overlook these obstacles will the converter actually allow for the CF USB to work ?
do you no where i can find a CF to SDIO converter ?
I've got a question about "USB Host" as well... I read somewhere, that some processors are capable of USB Host but the companies didn't do the wiring in their devices. and of course the drivers are missing in Win CE.
So my question is: Can I connect USB-Devices to my PDA if I build a USB-wire where I inject 5V from outside and run linux on my device with USB-support built in the kernel?

Is it possible to create a driver for USB tv/fm tuners? For pocketPC

Just wondering, would it be possible? it would be really nice feature for most pocketPC devices i would think...
im sure there is a bluetooth fm tunner, but i doubt you could stream video and sound through bluetooth? thus usb would be the best choice?
with usb there are masters and slaves
abd most pda's all htc ones i believe
are pure slaves they cant init a connection to
another slave like a tvtuner or external hd or webcam
they can only be accessed by the master (pc)
how do you find this out on the device? also is this a hardware or a software restriction?
ah nm i looked at and saw most say, client, only few out there have client/host but its 1.1 only
so is there anything that is bluetooth that has usb host? or sdio with usb host?
ok ok, how about wifi with usb host??? i know wifi sucks a lot of battery life though
It's hardware restrictions, but to be honest the reception will be poor walking around on your mobile anyways.
Why not just load up some vids to your PDA and watch them via TCPMP? Much better quality and less battery.
recall a CF card which i think supported usb host
well i was looking more so for bluetooth, as most devices have 2.0, i cant remember were it was but i thought i saw a bluetooth mouse with a SD card, it might have been a usb one but i remember clearly in artical talking about using the sd card reader over bluetooth, that would be great for low bandwidth stuff, what would be super is a SDHC ability, that way you could shove sdhc card in it and have over 8gb+ of space of music/video etc...
but i dont get why there is no bluetooth usb host... or at least bluetooth multi card reader?
i have see a multi card reader but it was with bluetooth and it connected to host... so im wondering ifi the bluetooth can allow access to the card reader on its own if the usb plug was used to power the unit only

USB wireless keyboard/mouse using wifi

Well I've been searching for a while trying to connect the S3 as a laptop using MHL+USB OTG, but seems it is not possible or simply hard enough to consider other options. Several options have been considered:
1- Using BT keyboard/mouse is not always suitable since most of us use 2.4Ghz USB keyboard/mouse and it does not consider connecting HDD or other stuff.
2- I found an application that allows you to use your keyboard/mouse connected to your PC to control the phone, "takecontrol", take a look here:
Using this app you could also share an HDD connected to that PC solving one of the previous problem BT has.
But this configuration forces you to have your computer switched on... a bit useless if what you want is to connect the S3 as a PC instead of using an actual one.
3- After this I thought of using a wifi USB HUB, but hey! most of routers have USB ports, so why don't we use them instead of buying a new equipment? Then I realised it should work fine for sharing contents from a USB HDD but for USB wireless mouse/keyboard...
(those of you who have a BT mouse/keyboard but don't know how to connect the USB HDD to get "full" PC experience with the S3/S2/Note..., maybe it's still interesting this option)
So my question is if it is possible to connect a USB wireless mouse/keyboard plugging it to a wifi USB HUB. Maybe with an android app? what do you think guys?
I'm still thinkin about this.
Would be possible to use a wireless USB Hub, via wifi or BT?
WiFi Mouse is very good for you, please visit:

