Problems after o2 Rom Upgrade - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro Software Upgrading

I have had a couple of problems with the upgrade to the new o2 rom.
1) I can be actively connected to a wireless lan network, but connecting to the internet will always default to the 3G option even though I have a good wireless lan signal. O2 data support now want me to do a hard prefer to see if there are any other options available.
2) My Pocket Plus icons will occasionally revert to the traditional windows icon so that one cannot determine which program is behind the symbol. Soft resetting may clear this, but not always...Yet for all this I have plenty of memory, both storage and program.
I am therefore wondering whether there are some conflicts with the new rom and my applications such as Pocket Plus...Also there is apparently no option on the exec to prefer the wireless lan as a default way of connecting to the internet...
Any advice much appreciated before I do another hard reset.

I've had issues with the Connections in both 2003 and 2005 - my solution to the problem you describe was to:
1. Setup the "My Work Network" to use the settings from "My ISP" rather than the "O2 Active" settings.
2. Ensure that it has the "This network connects to the Internet" enabled, and "This network uses a proxy server to connect to the internet" disabled.
3. Select "My Work Network" for both options under "Select Networks".
This should basically give you a system that will use Wireless if available, or 3G if not.

Thanks, sorted wi-fi connection
Yep, had the wireless network connected to 'work' rather than 'the internet', so its back working as it should. Disappointingly O2 data support could not have told me that and with your help I was saved a needless hard reset. Just need to sort out the icon situation, but perhaps that is more of a software conflict...


How to disable internet passthrough in ActiveSync?

Is there a way to disable the internet passthrough in activesync? I use a remote software that allows me to use my phone on my PC when docked, SOTI pocket controller. So I like being docked at work, however (this is where this question gets weird)... my work has disabled the port to access MSN messenger on our network, I want to be able to sign in from time to time so I thought using my PPC would be great! However the internet passthrough in active sync means that it won't access the MSN messenger port either, because it's using the same network, so if I undock and connect using GPRS I can use messenger, so what I want to do is be docked still but have my device use GPRS internet instead of the passthrough, this way I can sign on to messenger while docked. Does this make sense? Respond if I'm not being clear enough. I have found web versions of messenger that work, it's just too slow for me and gets in the way, if I could use my PPC it would be just perfect! Thanks in advance, it's a weird one so hopefully someone will have a suggestion that will tickle my fancy out there!
I would like to know the answer to this as well. I have GL installed and cannot retrive new messages while my SX66 is docked.
As much knowledge as there is out there, this one seems to have the experts stumped.
Lots of people asking the question on the net and no answers.
I'm surprised no one has replied to this yet.... It's actually pretty easy to fix. Right click the ActiveSync icon in your tray and click connection settings, change "this computer is connected to" from 'the internet' or 'automatic' to work network. Your phone should no longer look for a connection through AS on these settings.
Doesn't work for me. The wireless data connection is immediately terminated on the phone once the USB cable is plugged in, regardless of how the XP ActiveSync software is configured.
That's rather odd, I used to do just that to make my AIM go through my phone rather than the computer while using MyMobiler.
gboybama said:
As much knowledge as there is out there, this one seems to have the experts stumped.
Lots of people asking the question on the net and no answers.
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have you tried the 'This computer is connected to:' and select 'Work Network', in the Connection settings dialogue box?
edit1: wow, typed this weeks ago, Google chrome saved the page till today...
edit2: on your phone, In connection settings in My Work Network, under the Proxy Settings tab, is 'This network connects to the internet' ticked? try un-ticking it if it is...
Work or "The Internet" it doesn't matter what I select on ActiveSync. It still disables the H on my phone as soon as I connect the USB cable.
For connections on my phone, all I have even in the list of connections is MEdia Net. I can't uncheck Internet there or else I wouldn't get Internet while disconnected.
Despite the fact that my only existing connection on the Settings/Connection page is MEdia Net and that only is set for "Cellular Line (GPRS, 3G)" I still can only access the Internet through my work server when connected to my work desktop.
I noticed the same behavior when syncing via Bluetooth. As soon as the connection with ActiveSync is established, wireless connectivity is shut off.
My apologies for the kick, but if someone knows the aswer, please enlighten me!
I cannot disable the internet pass-through either, not even when I select "Network (work)" in "This computer is connected to" in the Windows Mobile Device Center (The Vista version of ActiveSync).
I have set-up Exchange on my phone, which connects to My Exchange server runs in my network, so when I connect the phone it should connect to instead of If it would stay on HSDPA, then the connection would remain OK. Because of this, it won't sinc with my PC either, because it keeps hanging on connecting to ActiveSync (of which the server cannot be resolved).
Many thanks to the person who knows the answer!
This thing is a bigger pain than it should be, that's for sure. I think I got it working - simultaneously syncing via Exchange over GSM and locally through USB (obviously not the same items).
In my setup Contacts, Calendar, E-Mail, and Tasks are using the mobile network to connect to our Exchange server's external Push interface. Notes, Mobile Favorites, Files, and OneNote are syncing through USB or Bluetooth (I tried both) when I connect locally.
I'm currently running Vista on this PC so things might be different on XP or Windows 7. On the PC in Windows Mobile Device Center I enabled "Allow data connections on device when connected to PC" and changed "This computer is connected to:" Work Network.
In Windows Mobile, in the connections manager, edit the existing connection. MEdia Net shouldn't have a proxy set and under the Advanced tab click Select Networks - if the "Programs that automatically connect to a private network" is set to My Work Network then make sure and edit the settings to have "This network connects to the Internet" unchecked. Or alternatively, just change the private network to be Media Net as well. That should do it.
On your pc if you open up ActiveSync and go to file>connection settings and make sure "allow wireless connection on device when connected to the desktop" is checked you should be able to keep your mobile internet connection up while still connected to a pc.

How to manage differnet network connection (wifi/gprs/usb)??

I have been using my XDA2s for 6 months now and the worst thing I have found is switching between different network connections.
When i am on the road I use GPRS, in our offices WiFi, and at home USB, but i have not yet found an easy way to swap from one to another. After I go into Wireless Manager (which i have set to the ie button), i select the method, but still need to go into Network Settings -> Advanced -> Select Networks, and change the connection that the Internet uses.
Am I missing something here, or is this what everyone goes through. I should add that i mainly use the network for ActivSync'ing to our Exchange 2003 Server.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Doesn't sound normal; if wifi is on all the time the manager should intelligently select between wifi if it's available or GPRS if it isn't. USB I don't think is managed intelligently, but I might be wrong there; I don't use it.
Do you have it automatically connecting to unprotected wifi networks? Is the wifi at work encrypted or no? What happens when you walk into the hotspot, does the wireless manager change from GRPS to wifi? Stupid question: Do you keep wifi on all the time?
No, dont have it accessing any network in range. This is what i do, let me know if its wrong:
On the road when i want to ActivSync, i go into Wireless Manager, and press the GPRS button, then go into Network Management -> Advanced, drop down the "Internet should connect using" and select the Vodafone-GPRS Settings option. Then open up ActiveSync and Sync. I have noticed, if later on the if i just go into ActiveSync and Sync it connects to the internet without having to go into the Wireless Manager. But if i have in the meantime connected to a Wifi network then it doesnt.
When I go into our offices, i go into Wireless Manager, and press the WLAN button, then go into Network Management -> Advanced, drop down the "Internet should connect using" and select the "My Work Network. Then open up ActiveSync and Sync
In My Work Network, i have nothing setup/ticked except for "This Network Connects to the Internet".
In Vodafone-GPRS Settings I have a GPRS modem (Vodafone) setup, and the "This Network Connects to the Internet" ticked.
The wireless manager should be switching between wifi and GPRS automatically. I don't use Activesync (I'm on a Mac), so I don't know anything about the syncing.
Try keeping the wifi connection on all the time. When you want to use GPRS, just leave the wifi on (which will have no connection if you aren't jumping between hotspots). Don't go into the manager. The wireless manager should realise there is no active wifi connection and then drop down to using GPRS instead.
Try that, tell me how it goes.
I preformed a full backup, then cold reset the unit. After that I just let it auto-configure to Vodafone, an presto it works. Docked, WiFi, and GPRS without having to go into the advance setttings every time. Although I will turn of WiFi after 5mins not being used - cant afford by battery to die (normally use it as a phone for over 3hrs a day).
Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction.

wireless problems on my Orbit

Hi All,
I have a problem with the wireless connection on my Orbit.
When I try to connect to the internet the first time via my router I am assigned an ip address via DHCP and everything works fine. After I have left the device for a couple of minute and try to connect to the internet I just get the message Locating from the internet explorer and it will not connect to the internet unless I reboot.
I have tried the following to try and resolve.
Assign Static IP Address and DNS Servers
Removed all Encrytion and Mac Address filtering from the router.
I have tried to stream internet radio to see when it drops the connection.
Tried continuously pinging the router deafult gateway.
Disabled powersave options.
I would like the device to always stayed connected so that I can send and recieve Skype calls
Has anyone else experience this problem ?
I have exactly the same problem with you (my device is the HTC P3300) and I have tried everything you mention -apart from the ping and streaming audio - but no effect whatsoever.
I suspect that the problem lies with my wireless modem-router (USRobotics 9108) but I have yet to find something useful for it. Others I have asked have no such problem.
Someone mentioned that in "my network connects to" in the wireless network adapter settings we should check "Work" instead of "The internet". Haven't tried that yet though.
Do you have the same problem with other types of internet connection e.g via usb?
USB and GRPS work fine! It is just the wireless that has the problem, it seems like the device is loosing it's connection to the router even though it retains an ip address. When you try to ping from the phone to the router you get timeout request.
Even when you release and renew the ip address it still will not work, the only way I have found to make it work is either to reboot or turn the wireless off then back on.
I just wonder if there are any timeout values that shutdown the wireless connection after a certain amount of time?
Some remarks...
I used Media player with streaming audio via wifi and guess what? It didn't stop a couple of minutes later as I expected but kept playing for 15-20 mins. The P3300 was on power supply all the time. Then I quit from Media player and browse the net for a while. After about 5 mins... here we go again. I beleive that IE has some kind of counter that when exceeded (data, time?) it stops connecting. The funny thing is that afterwards neither media player streams nor skype worked.
On the other hand I tried skype on a new session without ever opening IE and guess what? It worked like a charm for about an hour... It never stopped responding. Now what do you make out of this?
I thought it may be IE causing the problem so I installed Netfront 3.3.
Same problem! I don't think it is the browser causing I have the same problem with Netfront.
When the connection goes I use pocket lan to ping from the phone to the router and do not get a reply.
The fact that we can stream music/video and use skype for long periods of time with out problems leads me to believe that once you initiate a constant outbound session from the phone to the router it is fine but as soon as disconnect this session this is when the problems start.
I think there maybe a registry setting for the wireless card may need changing.
I will check later and post my findings....
Any luck with our problem?
Could it be a ram allocation thing to do with IE? As I don't seem to have this problem with the WIFI but I do find that my orbit slows down to an unacceptable rate during IE use or until I use space reclaimer etc.
JC#79 said:
Could it be a ram allocation thing to do with IE? As I don't seem to have this problem with the WIFI but I do find that my orbit slows down to an unacceptable rate during IE use or until I use space reclaimer etc.
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I don't beleive so, because my P3300 is working as it should except that it won't download any pages after a while. If I check RAM afterwards is pretty much acceptable. The machine will not slow down at all it just stops downloading as if the connection is broken (but its not).
make sure under settings/connections you have a a setting called MY ISP, if not then make a new one.
then go to settings/connections/advanced and "select networks", make sure BOTH say using "MY ISP"
then go to settings/wifi and click on network adaptors and make sure it says "my network card connects to the internet
Voila all problems solved !
hb328_dtdd said:
make sure under settings/connections you have a a setting called MY ISP, if not then make a new one.
then go to settings/connections/advanced and "select networks", make sure BOTH say using "MY ISP"
then go to settings/wifi and click on network adaptors and make sure it says "my network card connects to the internet
Voila all problems solved !
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I certainly don't have "MY ISP" !!!!
How can I add one? the only thing I can see in this screen is "internet" in bold and below "add new modem connection", "add new VPN connection", "Proxy server...". When I choose "add new modem connection" it asks for my modem type (GPRS, irda, bluetooth, COM1) and afterwards "call number" and such...
Which one should I choose for MY ISP?
I think that there used to be a "MY ISP" but I must have erased it...
go to manage connections/add new
Thx for info, I figured it out...
no problem m8. any other problems give me a shout, I have only had the Orbit for around a week but have sussed most of the problems out including loop resets etc.
vaggoul said:
I certainly don't have "MY ISP" !!!!
How can I add one? the only thing I can see in this screen is "internet" in bold and below "add new modem connection", "add new VPN connection", "Proxy server...". When I choose "add new modem connection" it asks for my modem type (GPRS, irda, bluetooth, COM1) and afterwards "call number" and such...
Which one should I choose for MY ISP?
I think that there used to be a "MY ISP" but I must have erased it...
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Even I havent found something like My ISP and tried but could not create one...
After connecting to WIFI when i use i-net, it starts with GPRS... similar to the problem explained above..
hb328_dtdd, could u please help...
vaggoul said:
I certainly don't have "MY ISP" !!!!
How can I add one? the only thing I can see in this screen is "internet" in bold and below "add new modem connection", "add new VPN connection", "Proxy server...". When I choose "add new modem connection" it asks for my modem type (GPRS, irda, bluetooth, COM1) and afterwards "call number" and such...
Which one should I choose for MY ISP?
I think that there used to be a "MY ISP" but I must have erased it...
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Even I havent something like My ISP and tried but could not create one...
After connecting to WIFI when i use i-net, it starts with GPRS... similar to the problem explained above..
hb328_dtdd, could u please help...
I'm having trouble and can't figure out how to do the setting for the internet. Can anyone post a step by step guide on how to do it? TIA
When u say settings for the internet do u mean for wifi?
Yes, I mean for wifi
First of all read the manual. Or try the following. If all fails try to be more specific about your problem.
1. Make sure wireless network is up and running.
2. Press Comm Manager and press wireless icon.
3. Usually it scans automatically for nearby networks
4. If a network is found is announces the network's name and if a connection is desired.
5. You enter password (WEP, WAP, or whatever u have)
6. Connection established.
It is recommended to use in "start>settings>wireless network>power" the slider in "better performance" setting. Leave others as is.
Tip: if u open Internet Explorer before a connection is established (check for the apropriate icon) then it connects automatically with GPRS.
Network/Connection/Communication Manager for my HTC Artemis/XDA Orbit
I've got a problem with my device's connection Manager in Setting/Connection/Connection. I am able to add any connections using ISP, GPRS, bluetooth... but can only use the last one added. I have no facility to manage these connections or switch between these (this is rather strange, I've always been able to manage this on my previous devices).
I am therefore left confused with this. I have tried to download a communication manager, but this one did not work.
Any ideas from anyone?
Please reply

AS 4.5 -> Internet passthrough (100s of solutions, but none is working???)

Since AS 4.2 came out I have problems to use USB Internet passthrough in Activesync, als AS 4.5 did not solve this problem. I googled around a lot and also searched in xda forums but everyone is giving other instructions, some say this, some say it the other way. It also does not depend on the rom, I had the same problem on the wizard and now also with my TyTN on wm5 and wm6 roms.
So my question is: How to enable USB internet passthrough on ActiveSync 4.5? At the moment my desktop activesync is set to "automatic" in the connection settings, and on my device under Settings->Connections->Connections->Advanced->Select Networks I have "Orange Internet" as the connection which connects to the internet (which has in the proxy settings "this network connects to the internet" enabled). and the work connection is "My ISP" which has no settings at all. I tried to add a new network connection but didn't even know which Modem I have to choose and so I gave this up.
I also tried to set my desktop activesync to either use "Work" or "Internet" instead of automatic but when I try to use Opera, Internet Explorer or any other program like downloading the weather data all programs say that the host or page cannot be found or report a network error.
Can anyone help with this, I'm really very desperate... Cause I also tried to find the correct settings for hours now, but without luck...
Thanks for any help with this subject.
marcelser said:
Since AS 4.2 came out I have problems to use USB Internet passthrough in Activesync, als AS 4.5 did not solve this problem. I googled around a lot and also searched in xda forums but everyone is giving other instructions, some say this, some say it the other way. It also does not depend on the rom, I had the same problem on the wizard and now also with my TyTN on wm5 and wm6 roms.
So my question is: How to enable USB internet passthrough on ActiveSync 4.5? At the moment my desktop activesync is set to "automatic" in the connection settings, and on my device under Settings->Connections->Connections->Advanced->Select Networks I have "Orange Internet" as the connection which connects to the internet (which has in the proxy settings "this network connects to the internet" enabled). and the work connection is "My ISP" which has no settings at all. I tried to add a new network connection but didn't even know which Modem I have to choose and so I gave this up.
I also tried to set my desktop activesync to either use "Work" or "Internet" instead of automatic but when I try to use Opera, Internet Explorer or any other program like downloading the weather data all programs say that the host or page cannot be found or report a network error.
Can anyone help with this, I'm really very desperate... Cause I also tried to find the correct settings for hours now, but without luck...
Thanks for any help with this subject.
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do you use a proxy server for this pass through connection? what activesync partnership do you have setup "Guest" or a Normal one...
First to be able to use passthrough you must be connected to your PC via USB and thus connected to active sync. Active Sync should be fully set-up.
First question;
Can you synchronize your data through Active Sync 4.5.
If yes. Try to tick all the items in the desktop active sync> connections settings. On the space "this computer is connected to" select automatic
second: Can your PC connect to the internet?
If yes open the PC Internet Explorer and try to browse, then, while connected at USB, open Pocket Internet Explorer in your mobile and try to browse. You should be connected to the internet then. Good Luck!!
If still you wouldnt connect there must be wrong on your Active Sync partnership set-up
Two more tips:
1. Start/Settings/Connections/USB to PC - untic
no proxy
walshieau said:
do you use a proxy server for this pass through connection? what activesync partnership do you have setup "Guest" or a Normal one...
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I don't use any proxy server for connecting to the internet, my PC is directly connected to a NAT Router, as well as my linux box and my girlfriends computer and all work perfect.
As for the activesync partnership, where do I see the type of my partnership or in other words, what is a "guest" partnership? The only thing I see is that my device is named "WM_marc1" and that activesync items sync perfectly but the internet passthrough won't work.
I hope you can give me further advice with this information. Thanks for you help
docles2002 said:
First to be able to use passthrough you must be connected to your PC via USB and thus connected to active sync. Active Sync should be fully set-up.
First question;
Can you synchronize your data through Active Sync 4.5.
If yes. Try to tick all the items in the desktop active sync> connections settings. On the space "this computer is connected to" select automatic
second: Can your PC connect to the internet?
If yes open the PC Internet Explorer and try to browse, then, while connected at USB, open Pocket Internet Explorer in your mobile and try to browse. You should be connected to the internet then. Good Luck!!
If still you wouldnt connect there must be wrong on your Active Sync partnership set-up
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My data synchronizes perfectly through AS 4.5 and I have already checked all items in connection settings. Of course my computer is connected to the internet (see reply to walshieau) and honestly IE and pocket IE have nothing to do with internet passthrough, it's all about TCP/IP subnetting, bridging, tunnelling or whatever method AS 4.5 uses for internet passthrough.
Sorry if i am not explicit...but i hope this helps. For my wizard i remember i had to install a reg on the PC. It did some changes to the Active Sync registry.
The bad is that i don't have that reg
marcelser said:
Since AS 4.2 came out I have problems to use USB Internet passthrough in Activesync, als AS 4.5 did not solve this problem. I googled around a lot and also searched in xda forums but everyone is giving other instructions, some say this, some say it the other way. It also does not depend on the rom, I had the same problem on the wizard and now also with my TyTN on wm5 and wm6 roms.
So my question is: How to enable USB internet passthrough on ActiveSync 4.5? At the moment my desktop activesync is set to "automatic" in the connection settings, and on my device under Settings->Connections->Connections->Advanced->Select Networks I have "Orange Internet" as the connection which connects to the internet (which has in the proxy settings "this network connects to the internet" enabled). and the work connection is "My ISP" which has no settings at all. I tried to add a new network connection but didn't even know which Modem I have to choose and so I gave this up.
I also tried to set my desktop activesync to either use "Work" or "Internet" instead of automatic but when I try to use Opera, Internet Explorer or any other program like downloading the weather data all programs say that the host or page cannot be found or report a network error.
Can anyone help with this, I'm really very desperate... Cause I also tried to find the correct settings for hours now, but without luck...
Thanks for any help with this subject.
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hi, I am using wm6(LVSW series, black Series and now Official Dopod release) on my hermes, everytime I can successfully connect to the internet via activesync using whatever program like pie, opera, spb insight, weather update, WML etc.
what I have done is simply unchecked the 'enable advanced network functionality' under start -> settings -> connections ->USB to PC and then plug the usb cable to my pc.
I use activesync 4.5.
hope this help
ctrlaltdel said:
hi, I am using wm6(LVSW series, black Series and now Official Dopod release) on my hermes, everytime I can successfully connect to the internet via activesync using whatever program like pie, opera, spb insight, weather update, WML etc.
what I have done is simply unchecked the 'enable advanced network functionality' under start -> settings -> connections ->USB to PC and then plug the usb cable to my pc.
I use activesync 4.5.
hope this help
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simply check the 'allow data connections on device when conneted to the pc' under connection settings and then plug the usb cable to pc.
Heres the Fix
I had the same problem and this reg key fixed it for me 100%
Download this file AND RENAME IT TO lspvalue.reg
the double click on the reg file on your PC
ZaJules said:
I had the same problem and this reg key fixed it for me 100%
Download this file AND RENAME IT TO lspvalue.reg
the double click on the reg file on your PC
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That's the one i was talking about, thanks i was going to need it too
Ok followed the procedures. I think anyone of them works. Mine worked by changing on PC activesync to "this computer is connected to: The Internet". Nothing else worked. I had the reg hack from the time of my beloved Wizard!
go to:
start -> settings -> connections -> advanced -> select network
make sure that
"programs that automaticaly connect to the internetshould connect using"
"my work network" and not "my isp"
then go to
start -> settings -> connections -> usb to pc
and make sure to uncheck "enable advanced network functionality"
that should do it
hsalah72 said:
then go to
start -> settings -> connections -> usb to pc
and make sure to uncheck "enable advanced network functionality"
that should do it
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on my hp 6828, it doesnt seem to have the usb to pc option/icon.
tried the first part selecting connect to work.
I'm stil haveing a problem. any ideas?
maymaymay said:
Two more tips:
1. Start/Settings/Connections/USB to PC - untic
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This one works for my TP
Goshh... I love this board !!
Thank you very much, maymaymay
Still not working
Why can't someone come up with an ACTUAL solution to this?
When I connect my Tilt to the PC it automatically passes the internet connection through the PC. I did the registry fix and tried all four settings (0, 1, 10, 11) and still my data connection on the phone is overridden by the active sync desktop pass-through. I turned off the advanced networking option and still it goes through the PC. I even went through all the settings in active sync for "This computer is connected to" even though that doesn't even look like it would affect which connection my phone uses. This seems more like a setting within active sync on the phone more than anything.
I use my phone at work for chatting on yahoo IM (with Palringo) since my company network is filtered. I use a program called MyMobiler to transfer the phone display and controls to the PC so I can use my desktop keyboard for the chat program instead of my phone's keypad. Since the network is filtered the internet connection on my phone is filtered too since it's passed through the desktop when I active sync it to use MyMobiler. Sometimes Palringo will hold the connection even after I've connected to the desktop and sometimes it won't.
Bottom line here is can someone come up with an real working solution to this problem that a LOT of people are having?
HOW TO DISABLE DESKTOP PASSTHROUGH WHEN CONNECTING WITH ACTIVESYNC. Search that on google and here and all you will find are people saying "Yeah I have that problem too" or people telling how to connect WITH desktop passthrough.
I have a similar issue. I have my phone connected to my work PC to charge / sync, but all Internet connections attempted by the phone are being routed through my work network until I unplug the USB.
Naturally, that's very bad since all Internet traffic is logged by my work and many sources are blocked. I have an unlimited data plan on my phone. Why can't I stay connected to it when I'm hooked to ActiveSync?
I read someplace that Windows Mobile has an order of preference where connections are concerned. Probably hard line, then wi-fi, 3G and then EDGE. Surely there must be some way to modify this order of preference.
The thread is missunderstood...
The problem here is give to the PPC internet via usb... providede by a PC...
The solution that REG (that works for me EVER!!!).
And now other one provide internet to my PC via usb on phone account
With apologies, I'm not sure I understood what you said there.
But, some of us are actually trying to stop receiving internet by the USB.
I would like the phone to initiate a wireless 3G connection even when connected to the PC. But, thus far, all settings I've tried still cause my phone to attempt to access my business network here at my company.
Big no-no.
have you finally solved the problem?
If so just like to ask if you have change your homepage in ppc? which is
and have not run your network wizard? then maybe I have the solution here
Reg key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer/AboutURLs/
usually it is ( default value )
A.Blank value is res://webview.dll/blank.htm
B.Home_0409 value isfile://windows/default_0409.htm
C.version_0409value isfile://windows/default_0409.htm
if there is a new reg in that one try to delete that file again using a registry explorer ( depends on what you use to view the file)
turn it off for about 30 secs then soft reset... I hope this helps out
I'm not sure that addresses the issue, or mine at least. My phone disables HSDPA the moment I plug the USB cable into the phone and Active Sync takes over. It's before I even open a browser.
Not only does the phone start looking for Internet over the USB Active Sync connection, it looks for non browser related things like weather updates and sending mail to the gmail server.
Somewhere, it's coded to have an order of preference in what kind of connection it accesses. By default, it seems to look for any available land line connection, possibly wi-fi next, then 3G and then EDGE. I'd like to take the land line connection completely out of the equation.

"this network connects to the internet" keeps clearing

I have never had this problem before and whilst I am not the most technical, I am a long time user of pocketpc's.
When I try to connect to the internet whilst cradled, it tells me this connection cannot connect to the internet. So I go into the connection settings of "My Work Settings" and find the "this network connects to the internet" checkbox is cleared. So I tick it. My network does not have a proxy, so I leave that clear.
I go and try to connect again and get the same. I go back to the connection settings, and the checkbox has cleared again. It doesn't matter how many times I go back and set it, it keeps clearing.
I have tried creating a new connection, still clears. I have tried setting a proxy for SOCKS but not the others...doesn't clear it (the proxy checkbox seems to force the "this network connects to the internet" to stay) but I can't connect because it is looking for a proxy in the https (or so I assume).
Any help greatly appreciated, thanks
I too have this (Athena WM6).
I have a GPRS connection for internet, and a VPN connection for my work network.
I would like to be able to connect to both work and internet via wifi.
Ideally it should be possible to select whether a particular Wireless SSID is work or roaming, but also allow access to the internet from the work network.
Sorry I was mistaken in subject
Can it have something to do with syncing, since your device is in the cradle.
I'm having this issue as well on my Wizard WM6.

