Change to Firstname, Lastname in Contacts? - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 General

Anyone know can I change it so that it sorts by Firstname instead of Lastname in the Phone Contacts?
Its super annoying.

This question should be sticky, the number of times it gets asked!
See at the bottom of this thread:

I found a small freeware application that will help you. in my pda2k I should to select all the contacts tap and you'll see in the expanded menu the option FileAsf this will change from last, first to first, last

And I just looked at the WM5 Emulator..............they haven't given us the option to display First Last.


WM6 Dialer Names+Numbers

Hi All,
Is there any way that i can get the names and the numbers to display as i hit the keys in the dialer?[Currently only the names are shown]
The earlier Jasjam rom there was an option to have the names and numbers to show up as you type.
Many thanks for you help with this,
My current version: 2007-05-07 RUU_Hermes_WWE_3.30.0.9 [LVSW Edition]
normaly is should show you the neames and below one number for the contact you want... when you scroll to your contact... with left / right pad you can scroll through the numbers for that contact...
Nope, Its only showing me the names but no numbers
Is there any option that i need to change to get this working?
Sounds like you need to reinstall the HTC smart dialer. Check the wiki under the cabs section (and elsewhere). Maybe that will fix what ails you.
WM6 Dialer Names+Numbers - Settings for Black.
This one has buggged me for a while also, however it's easy to fix.
Simply use "Pimp my Black" and enable the 3G Video Dialer. Click bling, soft rest and you now have the older smart dialer which shows names and #'s. It also allows you to use the scroll wheel to quickly access history and speed-dial.
I'm also running LVSW's ROM - ever since I installed the HTC Smart dialer 2.2 on the wiki cab page I can't find the option to enable the names/numbers on the main screen at all. It's just a blank space with the numpad.

Change the TouchFlo shortcuts? i.e. contacts button points to PocketCM?

How would you change where the buttons on the touchflo cube point? Would it be possible to point the contacts icon on the cube to PocketCM instead of WM contacts.
Also, it would be nice to be able to keep the cube open behind the application you launch, so that when you exit, it goes back to the cube.
Sorry if this has been answered already, but i couldnt see it anywhere!
Thanks in advance,
it has indeed been answered in another thread.
But especially for you: you can modify the Buttons via Biotouch in your Programs.. The Cube can't be held open. I guess it would eat a lot of Memory anyways..
Thankyou very much for you reply!
However, I dont see anywhere in "BioTouch Settings" that lets you define the contacts button that you get below the 9 quick dial pictures. Is this possible?
oh, this one you can't change afaik. The contacts page on the cube seems to be the program itselfes and if you click to the contacts symbol it changes the view to the contacts program.
read tom's first post of his B&B4 thread. he added a big list of how to change stuff. one of the entries reads:
"Want Set Pocket CM to default contacts ?? ----> HERE<------"
click it, read it, be happy

HTC home "Favorite People" - names are cut to a few letters only. Any fix possible?

HTC home "Favorite People" - names are cut to a few letters only. Any fix possible?
Does anyone know if there is a way to modify some registry or *.ini settings to display at least some more letters from a last name so the contact can be recognized?
The problem is that when you assign names from contacts list to Favorite People tabs, the font is so small and room is so little that it displays only a few first letters of a name so you can't figure out whose number is there in case you have same last name for a few persons in your contacts. Try it, and you see what I mean. Here is a screenshot from my Favorite people list. As you can see, two different contacts named "Katia Cell" and "Katia Work" are displayed only with words "Katia..." So it's impossible to figure out which contact is which.
My personal opinion is that it's needed to reduce number of people down to six (from ten) so there will be more room to display letters. Any advice appreciated. Thanks.
If you put the two phone numbers on the same contact, there will be a small icon in the upper left corner to differentiate cell phone and land line number.
This Favorite People option is to use with the contact who has contact's picture. I am using it with picture contact and its fine. For mobile, home or work an icon appear with the picture if you have the same contact with all the different information.
I got it. Works good with a picture contact. Thanks.

change 'the other' soft keys?

Hi, I know how to change the softkeys on the "Home" page but I'm really not too happy with the Pro2's way of listing "all people" as the default address book, I really preferred the old windows mobile look where you could organise contacts through "company" and all that, I know you can navigate to "programs > contacts" to get this old look but it's not that convenient...
After having a search on the forum I couldn't find any definite so I thought I'd make this post. What I’m trying to do is when I click the "all people" button, (highlighted in red on the link) I want it to be able to open the standard windows mobile contact list that I mentioned above rather than the new HTC TouchFLO3D one. I know you can go into the registry and alter the main Home TouchFLO3D page's softkeys but I can't seem to find out how to change the softkeys on the other TouchFLO3D tabs (like mail, contacts and photos)... Can anyone help, thanks!

Problems selecting text - in SOME apps

I have just upgraded from a TyTN2/Kaiser to a new TP2/Rhodium running WM 6.1 .. and am enjoying the experience except for one fly in the ointment.
Text selection in certain apps is incredibly painful: using the stylus to select a portion of text is almost always interpreted as an attempt to drag-scroll the display. "Almost always" because if you time it properly, waiting a second or so and start dragging before the context menu pops up, then it sorta kinda works. But the selection seems to kick in quite some time AFTER beginning to drag, and therefore doesn't start at the beginning of the target. And Double-clicks (to select a whole word) no longer stretch word-for-word as I drag.
Most apps still work fine, but the following key apps suffer this annoying misbehaviour:
Contacts - But only the "Notes" tab. All text in the "Details" tab behaves as expected!
SMS texting - This occurs when selecting "Send Text Message" from a contact's Summary display (which is actually my preferred method as it is the quickest!). And it also occurs if you start an SMS from the messaging app via menu options Menu\New\SMS. But if you compose an SMS in the threaded view of a conversation in the same app, then the text selection is ok!
I can't find any posts by others who might be experiencing something similar, so is there a solution for this? A registry hack maybe? Am I the only one who has noticed this problem, or am I the only one who is annoyed so much by it?
Notes tab of Contacts app: I experience the same here. But it doesn't really bother me too much since I rarely have to select text here.
Messaging App: I didn't know you can select text like that (ie. tap and hold for a bit and drag) until you mentioned it! Anyway, if you want to select text here, you can always tap "Menu" and then "Select Text".
ohyeahar said:
Notes tab of Contacts app: I experience the same here. But it doesn't really bother me too much since I rarely have to select text here.
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I use the contact notes extensively, so it is extremely frustrating to have it compromised and complicated now (compared with TyTN2).
ohyeahar said:
Messaging App: I didn't know you can select text like that (ie. tap and hold for a bit and drag) until you mentioned it! Anyway, if you want to select text here, you can always tap "Menu" and then "Select Text".
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Ahh - thanks for that! Now if only i could find a way to keep that as the default
** UPDATE **
** UPDATE **
I just noticed that everything works properly .. if and only if you use "My Mobiler" to remotely control the phone. So you can use your mouse and your desktop monitor to drag select text in the above compromised apps (including Active Tasks by the way) .. and everything will be fine.
But when it come to using the stylus on the phone's touch-screen directly, the selection still misbehaves!!
This is not a workaround, just mentioning it in the hope that it might help someone enlightened enough to be able to piece the puzzle together
Here's a solution to your problems.
digitaliceblast said:
Here's a solution to your problems.
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Thanks, but i'm not sure how exactly does it solve the problem? If you mean the post by orlandojumpoff (post #16) about pressing and holding and then dragging when the animation starts, then that's actually the problem itself.
The animation goes by so fast, that each time you do this, it takes a few false starts before you manage to time it right. The overall effect is to give priority to TF3D scrolling at the expense of functionality in terms of text selection. It makes me want to rip out TF3D by it's heart, which of course is a bit overkill.
I'd settle for being able to tell TF3D to stop interfering in specific apps, or simply to stop interferring while editing. Actually, come to think of it .. another viable option might be to find a way to get that animation to take a little longer ... hmmm
One thing you can do to mitigate it somewhat is to double tap on a word to select a word, triple tap to select an entire line. I use Pocket Informant and it too won't allow me to drag to select unless I try to time it like you do. Another trick is to use the hardware keyboard, and your arrow and shift keys combined to select text.
Sure wish the good things we like about WM would stick from version to version, and the bad things would be fixed and stay fixed. Hey, it could happen
trids said:
Text selection in certain apps is incredibly painful: using the stylus to select a portion of text is almost always interpreted as an attempt to drag-scroll the display...
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There is a similar problem on Topaz (Diamond 2). It seems finger scrolling sensitivity was made too high and it can no more tell finger from stylus. I found a (partial) solution. Maybe it works on Rhodium too.
- Find the registry key "HKLM\Software\OEM\TFLOSettings".
- It should contains a subkey named "TFLOIgnoreAPPs". If it does not exist create it.
- For every application where you want to be able to select text add a string value called "IgnoreAppXY" where XY are two characters different for every entry.
- As value enter the name of the application EXE file as seen in file explorer (warning: case does matter).
From then on for that applications finger scrolling is suppressed and text selection works as expected.
This is a sample from my registry
"WiFiNetwork.exe" and YouTube.exe" were already there. I added "PIMHelper.exe" (editing inside SPB Diary Today plugin),
"ContactEditor.exe" (editing for Contacts), "tmail.exe" (editing for SMS and email) and "NOTEPAD.exe" (Orneta text editor).
Hope it helps.
That method worked for me for Pocket Informant, using "ignoreappPI"="PocketInformant.exe".
oruam57 said:
Hope it helps.
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Brilliant - Thank you! This is EXACTLY what i was hoping for! Awesome!
I posted this brilliant solution to the standard thread for Rhodium Cabs,Tips,Tweaks etc
.. Thanks again oruam57!
Just a word of caution. My device already had [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\OEM\TFLOSettings\TFLOIgnoreAPPs], with YouTube as the only exclusion, but i notice that the board seems to introduce a space into the "TFLOIgnoreAPPs" portion, which might cause problems for some folks who want to try this out.
And for the record, this solution does not solve the problem for the standard editor for Contacts and Tasks, which doesn't have a Process whose name you can use. So I'll start looking at custom editors for Contacts now, but it's good to have this handy tweak within reach!
trids said:
And for the record, this solution does not solve the problem for the standard editor for Contacts and Tasks, which doesn't have a Process whose name you can use.
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Maybe I do not understand exactly your problem but on my Topaz:
- in the first tab of standard Contacts and Task editor text selection does work (do not know why, I suppose Touch Flow has some internal logic);
- in the second tab (Notes) of Contacts text selection can be forced working by inserting the process "ContactEditor.exe";
- in the second tab (Notes) of Tasks text selection can be forced working by inserting the process "poutlook.exe".
At any rate using Dotfred's Task Manager ( you can inspect processes and windows on your phone and with a little patience you can find the owner process of any interesting window.
oruam57 said:
Hope it helps.
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Thank you soooo much oruam57! I searched for hours yesterday for a fix for this issue. It was driving me crazy. I made two of my own for ListPro and eWallet and they work great now too. THANKS!
oruam57 said:
Maybe I do not understand exactly your problem but on my Topaz:
- in the first tab of standard Contacts and Task editor text selection does work (do not know why, I suppose Touch Flow has some internal logic);
- in the second tab (Notes) of Contacts text selection can be forced working by inserting the process "ContactEditor.exe";
- in the second tab (Notes) of Tasks text selection can be forced working by inserting the process "poutlook.exe".
At any rate using Dotfred's Task Manager ( you can inspect processes and windows on your phone and with a little patience you can find the owner process of any interesting window.
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@ Oruam57, you're right, thanks again! I was in fact using DotFred's Task Manager to discover the processes .. but i came to the incorrect conclusion (that there was no identifiable processes, for Tasks and for Contacts) because i saw no change in the processes listed between editing and not editing their notes, as poutlook.exe was still running after i edited the notes and while the list of tasks/contacts was still displayed.
And this is how I overlooked the possibility that poutlook.exe itself was the editor
BTW, i notice that the exclusion for poutlook.exe works for the notes of both Tasks AND Contacts, they seem to use the same editor. I have no ContactEditor.exe listed at all, must be for your custom editor.
I tried with on WLMMessenger.exe, but it didint work.
I still cant select ( highlight ) text from a conversation. When i do it begins to scroll..
Has anyone the solution?

