Camera Upgrade - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 General

I believe that I have read somwhere in this forum that there is a update/upgrade for the camera on blue angel which helps get clearer pics. I have done a search but can not find it. My actual version is2.21 Build 17084.

So anybody tested them?
Does it make any difference..........i mean, there is from the starting point not so much to expect from a vga camera :?
I currently have 2.21 17084

Thanks for your quick reply! I just don't understand what this means:
"Note this is a higher build than but lower version than"
Which one is the latest/better version. Which one should I get for my blue angel, or Camera patch 10080401? I have camera version 2.21 build17084?
Do I just install the cab from the blue angel?

Lio said:
"Note this is a higher build than but lower version than"
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I suppose it should have said
"Note this is a higher Version than the one above, but a lower build"
And yes, .cab files are just copied to the PPC and executet for installation. Note that the .cab file will delete itself on installation

Thank you! It did help quiet a bit. The pictures are sharper now

Xda II
hey guys.....
is there something like this for xda II as well ?

Lio said:
Thank you! It did help quiet a bit. The pictures are sharper now
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so which cab file you did you get?

I just tested them both.
Now this is a mini test on only a few pics. in bad light, and a minimal difference on the pictures, but i found the 2.11 (Build 18157) to be just a ini mini little bit better, but in no way the same quality as you se on screen.
Anybody got an explanation on why its much better on screen (just with the camera active) than the actual picture that comes out of it??
For me it seems quite unlogical that the lens can capture a much better quality to put on the screen, but ones you take the picture the quality is much whorse.
How does this makes sence?

so which cab file you did you get?
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I got this cab file: Camera patch 10080401
Anybody got an explanation on why its much better on screen (just with the camera active) than the actual picture that comes out of it??
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Maybe it's to do with the encoding?

Lio said:
Maybe it's to do with the encoding?
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Yep, but why the h... not fiks it so it uses the lens full capasati.
Im beginning to get a bit frustrated over using so much money on a device thats not even finished.
I gotta say, that if SonyEricsson comes with a new P900 type of device thats more like the BA, i will consider turning back to Symbian.
Symbian has its own troubbles, but they are very productive when it comes to updates and getting things fixed, which definantly is not the case with HTC/Microsoft and probbably the 5000 companies they outsource to

Well I went form the P900 to the MDAIII, only since I got it free.
The P900 is a VERY nice phone, its small gives you addresses in and not just phone numbers, has a lot of good apps and when I go out I still use it due to the size.
The MDAIII, well its a PPC, and thanks to this forum you can infact fix a few of the issues like the language. Its far form perfect but its one hell of a toy if you want to waste time palying with it and trying to work out how to make it better.
I think it all about maket share, what is the point of having a PDA as a phone with a 5meg camera all in one unit if you can sell all three.
The technolagy is around, look at the Sony cameras. Shame but what can we do as the differences between men and boys remains the price of their toys.

Ha ha ha, I know MDAIIIUser........
It's just that I use it also as a tool in my business.
I have a lot of tools, and if one of them don't work as it's suppose to, it's just right back in their the next second.
I get no mercy when I'm out on a job, everyone don't get any mercy when they are on a job. If it's not finished........Well you simply just don't get the money. If it's not made by the regulations, you get a ticket to the court room, and don't expect it to anything else for you than cost a hell of a lot of money.
So you see, it's bugs me quite a bit that i buy a device at this price that’s not finished. There are major software troubles on it, making the phone part useless from time to time.
It's sold as BT compatible, what BT compatibility are they talking about??? Everyone is having trouble with it no matter what headset they are connecting to.
It don’t even have the most basic function found in every single phone sold world wide, a button lock that actually locks the device. I was sure that it was something I missed, just couldn’t believe that it weren’t in there.
And I don’t care if this is a PDA/Phone and not a Phone/PDA, they can’t be that thick in their heads that they don’t see this.
The hardware is bad, it’s getting more and more loose every day, the sliding keyboard is soon to become an auto sliding keyboard. Just hold it vertical and it will slide down all by itself.
I had the whole outer case replaced because the stylus was sliding out by itself. Now about 3 weeks later it’s so loose that it in the next week or so will be completely loose again. Then it’s in to service once again, me not having my tool which I spend a good amount of money on software for business use. Back to paper and then by hand doing the job in the office.
Now I’m guessing that this will happen again, that being the 3’rd time. Then it’s a full refund by law, and if the software isn’t ready at that time, I will claim a full refund or else ill just hand it over to my attorney. Buy a laptop for the car, a P900 again and then the irritation is over, and I can work in peace and quite.
The screen occasionally makes a high frequent sound when I’m talking in it, making it quite difficult to concentrate on the conversation. Unfortunately they didn’t have any new screens on stock when it was repaired the last time……….
I had absolutely no hopes for the camera when I got it, as I said earlier, what’s to expect of a VGA camera, and I don’t care, even though it would be nice to actually have one that could produce something just a little bit useful.
If I where the IT responsible person in a big company, I certainly wouldn’t recommend the boss to get 50 of these, the work load and support needed is simply just too much.
And all that said, ill properly end up with the MDA IV anyway *LOL* , what an idiot

Hum!!! Got out of bed on the wrong side or did wify have a headache??
Ok I admit the hardware is crap, my keyboard is auto eject at the momnet and the only thing I am REALY happy about is the fact that it has a metel case as I have dropped it (or was it threw it on the floor). My 5 yearl old girl has better developed teath than the BT on this thing. Yellow is a nice color if you realy like it but maybe not on a high depth screen. Don't even let me go down the rest, I will sound like you.
All I can hope for is the MDA 4 and that I get that one free as well. If its only to update wiki. Grin.
Thanks for your post put a big grin on my face.
Once there was a book "101 uses for a dead cat". Maybe we should start a thread for the BlueAngel:
101 uses for a dead BlueAngle
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and hope that NOBODY postes the paper wheight idea.

Well let’s not take it all out on the phone.
I think it would be more fair to get that book out with the title “101 uses for a BA owners head”.
It’s going to be the worlds most paperless book ever sold :lol:
Well maybe we could get some highly respected brain schrinks expert opinion in there, then it at least would have one page, “I simply do not now”


Why I am taking my Artemis back

I really was excited about the Artemis, here's why I am taking it back:
1) I got mine from T-mobile Germany, and they have purposefully crippled the device, and gone on the record to say that they removed the wifi chipset to a) give people a reason to buy the Vario, a higher end model, and b) make customers use the web n' walk feature they sell. In other countries and markets, this phone has wifi, T-mobile actually had to go out of their way to remove this functionality; just to make a buck.
2) Even though on the after-sale website at, it shows the Artemis being used with an english OS, they do not offer an english ROM; I had to pay 35eur to unlock the CID and put on the UK rom.
3) The camera is the worst camera I have ever seen in any device; even worse than the first generation of black and white webcams. Everything is blurry, and it cannot resolve anything within 4 feet of the device. My old HTC SDA had a far better camera than the trash they put in this. Please dear god someone tell me I am wrong, and I didn't see the 'don't take ****ty pics' button, because this is one of the main reasons I am taking this device back. This is just unforgivable, it makes me wish there was no camera included at all, that would be better than one that takes blurry, sad pictures; ruining any moment you wanted to capture. But hey; I can scale the images down from 1200 to 320 and they look crisp! But I may be wrong, I have only taken about 30 pics in varying conditions.
3a) The buttons on the side rails are way too hard to find or press. They do not stick out at all. You can't just pop out the device for a sec and turn it on to check the time, you have to feel around for the damn button first. Also, the camera is so bad and you have to hold it so still that using the camera button to take a picture is almost useless because you have to press pretty hard and it makes you move the device.
4) The trackball was a great idea, but it just doesn't register sometimes. The click wheel is really loose and lint/dirt gets stuck in it. I want a phone to keep in my pocket, not to keep on some lame leather belt protector. Lots of apps do not support the trackball, and even more the wheel. T-mobile says that you can 'scroll around maps' not in the map software i own. Also, the scroll wheel is imprecise, you almost always overshoot the item you want and have to go back.
5) For a serf star 3 shipset, it takes 1-3 minutes to get a fix sometimes. There is no support for anything you would want to do with a phone+cam+gps device. I haven't been able to find any geocoding apps, or anything that would take advantage of the hardware in this phone.
6) A personal thing, but I hate PPC, I got this because T-mobile DE no longer offers a windows smartphone. I find it so pathetic that you can't do things like enlarge buttons or font size. I want to use my device without the stylus; which is why I got this to begin with. I have having to take out the stylus to click some small. I wish there was a 'smartphone' mode that had profiles, even something ismple like holdinga button to lock the device needs special 3rd party software... or SHOWING THE TIME LARGE ON THE TODAY SCREEN... needs a 3rd party plugin. I finally got my artemis somewhat how i want and it's just this house of cards, this glued together mess of mismatched hardware/rom or 3rd party utilities and tools to do what the damn thing should when you buy it. Why should I have to go into the REGISTRY to add an icon to the launch bar at the bottom? Or to change which direction the screen turns when you go to landscape view? For how much code and time has been dumped into this OS, it is so unconfigurable through a decent UI; almost everything needs to be done in the registry or through 3rd party software. What a complete mess.
Anyway; my two cents, I am going to go through the complete hellish ordeal of taking it back on tuesday, so if I am wrong about some of this stuff, let me know; I would like to keep it, I really want to like it; I just can't.
1) No real argument here, it should have had Wifi, but it doesn't. You must have known this before you bought it though. Personally I can count on one hand the amount of times I used Wifi on my JAMin so not a major concern personally.
2) I am lucky to stay in the UK so got an English based OS anyway.
3) The camera is average. So was the camera on my JAMin, personally I woudl never buy a Pocket PC for the camera, my Canon does that job. Overall all Pocket PC cameras are poor compared to other phones.
4) Trackball works fine for me and I think it is a great idea. Yes the scroll wheel is a bit loose and it does overshoot. I am sure this is a design that will improve over time, one of the problems of being an early adopter!! Overall though I find it a great phone to use with these two options.
5) Hmmm, I get my fix from the GPS in usually less than a minute, occaisionally it takes a bit longer but I am never in that much of a hurry. Not sure what it is you are trying to use the GPS for. I personally use it with Tom Tom 6 for road navigation and Memory Map for off road navigation and it works faultlessly in both (certainly much better than my JAMin/BT receiver combo). It also works well with the new Google Maps.
6) Can't argue with you too much about the points here. Personally the only thing I would like is bigger text on my Text Message notifications. I like having the stylus option for writing and have found Mousemode on the MDAC3 works well for all other uses. Sure I still have to resort to the stylus occaisionally (afterall it is how the OS is designed) but it is very rare. I could turn this around on you and say that having so many 3rd party apps is a good thing. There are not many devices this size which offer so much diversity in apps. It is just a pain you have to pay for them!!
It sounds like your use is not suited to the Pocket PC in general. Why not sell the MDAC3 on eBay and use the money to buy a suitable smartphone?
[flame mode, he asked for it]
Do not buy a smartphone. Buy a nokia 1100 and a nikon D70.
My second phone is a nokia 1100:
battery last 1 week
it can receive and make a call
you either push the red or the green button (no thinking, no choices, just push)
you can get it for free if you buy a toaster
Since you are in germany buy a nice beamer or benz, it has wonderful GPS.
PS: next time you buy something INVESTIGATE what it can and cannot do.
[/flame mode]
PS II: my MDA compact III has WIFI and you know what, I never ever use it, I use my LAPTOP for email and Inet...
PS III: why did I buy a MDA compact III? To get rid of the GPS mouse
(I live in Amsterdam beamer and benz cost a fortune here...)
I was thinking about just taking it back to tmobile, I can do that, I don't know much about Europe, can I get a good smartphone and just pop my sim in it? I was thinking about getting the Nokia n73 (sold by tmobile). It has a great camera, and my friend says it syncs to outlook great; just like a smartphone.
I dont have a car, I wanted the GPS for geocoding photos, and for hiking/biking/walking and stuff (recording gps loaction with photos you take)
Check out these pictures taken by the camera:
This is me holding the cam AS STILL AS POSSIBLE.
Hey Bman; you're talking to a guy who has an Axim x51v, and a toughbook CF-W2, I use portable devices a lot, and I know what I do or do not want in my phone; this wasn't my first PPC device. I knew this didnt have wifi when I got it; though at that time no one knew if it was disabled or the hardware was missing.
It is the company coming out and saying their reasoning for nixing the hardware was to make the Vario seem more useful that turned me off.. It's more a problem I have with t-mobile than the device itself. It not having wifi was not a 'surprise' to me. Also, I had heard phones had altered ppc os enhancements, like a dailer and other apps with larger buttons you could press. (I cannot press the buttons on the dialer very well; maybe i have sausage fingers)
As I said I got this because t-mobile no longer even offers a SmartPhone, and I love them. This looked like it was capable of one handed use, which it is for some things, so I picked it. I have a business contract through my company, and it was ~100eur.
I have a good technical head on my shoulders, the crappiness of the cam really surprised me. I mean look at this:
This photo was taken under an array of 5 very bright halogen point lights in the ceiling above. This image quality is inexcusable. Do you not agree?
Maybe the CCD is broken?
pangloss said:
Hey Bman; you're talking to a guy who has an Axim x51v, and a toughbook CF-W2, I use portable devices a lot, and I know what I do or do not want in my phone; this wasn't my first PPC device. I knew this didnt have wifi when I got it; though at that time no one knew if it was disabled or the hardware was missing.
It is the company coming out and saying their reasoning for nixing the hardware was to make the Vario seem more useful that turned me off.. It's more a problem I have with t-mobile than the device itself. It not having wifi was not a 'surprise' to me. Also, I had heard phones had altered ppc os enhancements, like a dailer and other apps with larger buttons you could press. (I cannot press the buttons on the dialer very well; maybe i have sausage fingers)
As I said I got this because t-mobile no longer even offers a SmartPhone, and I love them. This looked like it was capable of one handed use, which it is for some things, so I picked it. I have a business contract through my company, and it was ~100eur.
I have a good technical head on my shoulders, the crappiness of the cam really surprised me. I mean look at this:
This photo was taken under an array of 5 very bright halogen point lights in the ceiling above. This image quality is inexcusable. Do you not agree?
Maybe the CCD is broken?
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I think th t-mobile firmware degrades the camera function. there are people that can make good pictures with the artemis. But they don't use t-mobile firmware...
I also use a MDAc3 mine is poor as well.
Here are two more pictures. There is green noise all over any picture I take; can anyone confirm this stuff? Any cMDA3 people have photos to send? If you want you can email them to me and I will post them here (that is my site, my email is there as well)
I have even tried all resolutions, thinking that they might have been scaling in software to get the 2MP res. Nope; all resolutions are terrible.
pangloss said:
Here are two more pictures. There is green noise all over any picture I take; can anyone confirm this stuff? Any cMDA3 people have photos to send? If you want you can email them to me and I will post them here (that is my site, my email is there as well)
I have even tried all resolutions, thinking that they might have been scaling in software to get the 2MP res. Nope; all resolutions are terrible.
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If you have CID unlocked the handset and changed the ROM good look taking it back. Doing that voids the warranty plus your option to return the handset 'in the original condition'

Specs Here

>>>Click Me<<<
or for offical specs here
Shame about the processor....
It´s almost the same as my 2005 Universal....
Anyway it´s something to consider!
udgn said:
TouchPro2 no Flash.
Just Stick to your TouchPro:
To HTC... Accept the fact that we end-up relying to the phones
camera; Who wants to go to a PARTY!!! WhooooWho!!, Activity or
to anywhere.... ohhh! wait [email protected]*# WITH a Camera and a phone (2
devices to carry with).... VEEERY UNCOMFORTABLE it is, NO PARTY
2. DON'T FALL FOR IT: Thinnnk!
They did this:
- Removed the TILT capabilities from the TouhPro, and added Flash (a mayor for decent pics).
- Removed the FLASH from TP2, and leaved same camera 3.2.
- Infra RED from tilt, ETC, ETC, ETC.
BUY THE TP2, or in other words FORCED US to UPGRADE.
It is ALL well planed.
Besides the Bigger Screen, Dual Speakers, Dual Microphones and
the more stylish design IMO (None of them are reason for
upgrade), the only thing worth for an upgrade is the
integration and usability of the TouchFlo 3D that integrates
with the OS and overall apps "PEOPLE CENTRIC", VERY GOOD, and will help you avoid 3rd parties Apps.
.... Thank GOD, Angels, and whoever you believe in, that
XDA-Developers exist, BECAUSE I will just STICK with my
TouchPRO and will Integrate the TP2 Software into my
device, until TP3, TP4 or until they stop playing or RUN
For those with a TILT... Just upgrade to TouchPRO, is worth it. It have same Procesor and Memory, and you will get it in a VERY GOOD PRICE.
For those with a TouchPRO ..... Stick with it and support XDA-Developers, and just modified it as YOU like it.
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OK just to let you know if you're comming from a tilt you DIDN'T have infrared or flash to begin with so they won't really be missed. I also want to point out that they are not needed. Tilt and Touch Pro are marketed as Business phones where you want to focus on texting and connection rather than "flashy" things like Pictures. that's why the Diamond 2 (the consumer version) has a much better camera.
Also, wtf is with "Besides the Bigger Screen, Dual Speakers, Dual Microphones and...None of them are reason for upgrade"
ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? Screen size is a major reason in upgrading. Like you said most of it's new M3D features will most likely be ported later but you can't port a screen's size and resolution also Dual speakers?? I don't even use my phone like a phone anymore I either have it on speaker or BT how can you say that doesn't matter. The Dual Mic. thing will only be cool if it works. Anyway that was my rant for the day....
I don't get all the negative vibes in the Rhodium forum?
So I have the device. Sitting right in front me at this moment. I also have the Touch Pro. I'd definately pick the Rhodium, you just have to see the screen to understand. It looks like it could eat an iPhone for breakfast. The back lighting under the keys is just wicked cool... all the keys are translucent on the sides but not on the top and the white led's light up the whole thing. Its fantastic.
I'll attach a panaromic shot I did of my very dim light kitchen. It came out incrediably.
Ahhh! Whatt? Think again, Think twice.
xcom923 said:
OK just to let you know if you're comming from a tilt you DIDN'T have infrared or flash to begin with so they won't really be missed. I also want to point out that they are not needed. Tilt and Touch Pro are marketed as Business phones where you want to focus on texting and connection rather than "flashy" things like Pictures. that's why the Diamond 2 (the consumer version) has a much better camera.
Also, wtf is with "Besides the Bigger Screen, Dual Speakers, Dual Microphones and...None of them are reason for upgrade"
ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? Screen size is a major reason in upgrading. Like you said most of it's new M3D features will most likely be ported later but you can't port a screen's size and resolution also Dual speakers?? I don't even use my phone like a phone anymore I either have it on speaker or BT how can you say that doesn't matter. The Dual Mic. thing will only be cool if it works. Anyway that was my rant for the day....
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Just to appoint that they eliminated or "EXCLUDED" the IR from the tilt, REMEMBER 8525 HAD IT, then TILT did not, so there you have REMOVED.
Now in your favor it is OBVIOUS that the dual mic/speaker, screen etc. and everything they improved or redesigned is amazing.
NOW for the part of the FLASH and Infrared NOT BEING a business tool..... YOU ARE WROOOONG.
And I'll explain why; let's just say I was waiting for a shipment of CONTAINER with merchandise and most of it arrived damaged, A CAMERA IS NEEDED.
let's just say you are in a meeting low level light in the place and someone came with the idea of taking some pictures, you don't want to look like an idiot struggling with the stupid phone trying over and over to get the best shot, DON"T YOU THINK YOU NEED A FLASH? I'll answer that for you a MAAAAAAJOR YES.
JUST READ WHAT I posted again, and while you read, pay more attention to the essence, and if for some reason, I ate up words just because I'm a busy business man, and do not have time to eleborate, just focus, so you can get it right.
AND I WON'T continue giving examples of business situations where you would kill for a phone with a flash, or with IR because I won't be able to finish. OBviously your experience in BUSINESS is SHORT, by the look of your comments. YOU SOUND like a very and loved GOOD friend of mine, that his father spoiled all his life, and because of that he dares to say that the Iphone is a business phone too, JAAA!! I'm sorry for him.
Again your points of the upgrades they made are tempting me, and I would love to go through my docs and edit my contracts from that BIG screen, and also while business flight being able to watch a movie. But I just put everything up together in my mind, and still I won't buy a TP2 if they do not release it with a CAMERA FLASH. It's just not enough.
The WORST of ALL is KNOWING they are doing it on PURPOSE and BET YOUR LIFE they will next release a TouchPro 3 with the flash and even with an IR (so you can even use your phone as a remote, AND A BUNCH OF BUSINESS APPLICATIONS)
I think I explained my reasons in my previous post. That by the way I copied paste it everywhere without knowing I was violating the rules of the FORUM, so I'm really sorry, won't happen again.
Just can't stand HTC playing with everyone's heads.
Believe me never flashed a phone but if I have to in order to have my Fuze with the same productivity APPs in TP2, I WILL this TIME.
XDA will help me in the process.
udgn said:
Just to appoint that they eliminated or "EXCLUDED" the IR from the tilt, REMEMBER 8525 HAD IT, then TILT did not, so there you have REMOVED.
Now in your favor it is OBVIOUS that the dual mic/speaker, screen etc. and everything they improved or redesigned is amazing.
NOW for the part of the FLASH and Infrared NOT BEING a business tool..... YOU ARE WROOOONG.
And I'll explain why; let's just say I was waiting for a shipment of CONTAINER with merchandise and most of it arrived damaged, A CAMERA IS NEEDED.
let's just say you are in a meeting low level light in the place and someone came with the idea of taking some pictures, you don't want to look like an idiot struggling with the stupid phone trying over and over to get the best shot, DON"T YOU THINK YOU NEED A FLASH? I'll answer that for you a MAAAAAAJOR YES.
JUST READ WHAT I posted again, and while you read, pay more attention to the essence, and if for some reason, I ate up words just because I'm a busy business man, and do not have time to eleborate, just focus, so you can get it right.
AND I WON'T continue giving examples of business situations where you would kill for a phone with a flash, or with IR because I won't be able to finish. OBviously your experience in BUSINESS is SHORT, by the look of your comments. YOU SOUND like a very and loved GOOD friend of mine, that his father spoiled all his life, and because of that he dares to say that the Iphone is a business phone too, JAAA!! I'm sorry for him.
Again your points of the upgrades they made are tempting me, and I would love to go through my docs and edit my contracts from that BIG screen, and also while business flight being able to watch a movie. But I just put everything up together in my mind, and still I won't buy a TP2 if they do not release it with a CAMERA FLASH. It's just not enough.
The WORST of ALL is KNOWING they are doing it on PURPOSE and BET YOUR LIFE they will next release a TouchPro 3 with the flash and even with an IR (so you can even use your phone as a remote, AND A BUNCH OF BUSINESS APPLICATIONS)
I think I explained my reasons in my previous post. That by the way I copied paste it everywhere without knowing I was violating the rules of the FORUM, so I'm really sorry, won't happen again.
Just can't stand HTC playing with everyone's heads.
Believe me never flashed a phone but if I have to in order to have my Fuze with the same productivity APPs in TP2, I WILL this TIME.
XDA will help me in the process.
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Wow, I have a couple things to say about that.
1. I was raised by a single mother and very NOT spoiled having to also take care of my younger bro. growing up...oh, what's a father??
2. Anyway you are still missing what I'm saying I'm not saying flash and IR are useless I'm saying if you are going from a TILT to a touch pro2 you won’t' miss a feature that you never had. Yes they removed it and it's probably because IR is old tech and flash is still considered consumer. Yes you can go on about how you can use it BUT the fact of the matter is that's what they consider it as. I'm not saying ME but HTC decided that. And the evidence is in their phones.
Next time you want to slam my knowledge of business actually read what I said (even though you said you read it twice) not once did I say that "People don't need this" or "People don't need that" I said "marketed" HTC has a way they market their phones whether you like it or not, it's just how they work. Also don't ever mention an Iphone to me. I hate apple with a passion
Guys Take It Easy
I hear both sides of the argument and I must say that both you guys make valid points.
As a user of a Tilt, I must say I hate the fact that it does not have flash. The example of the damaged goods is a usual for me. And when it comes down to the business sense. I consider myself productive when I can take the pictures on my phone, directly e-mail it to the people responsible then wait 5 minutes, call and make noise right on site. But thats just me.
I love all the new features of the TP2. Trust me, from the big screen to the dual mic to the dual speakers, the M3D interface, and the illuminated keyboard. Whereas I'll continue to miss the flash, I'mma jump on this thing first chance I get. In terms of the IR, I mean this is aging technology. BT is taking over and it is equipped on this phone so I see no reason why they should not have removed it.
I don't know why HTC adds or removes certain things. I guess that its because they have a range of phones for different purposes and targeting different audiences. Hopefully one day will come when we can custom build our phone. Until that time, I think HTC is on track to making better built phones everytime.
mystikal87 said:
I hear both sides of the argument and I must say that both you guys make valid points.
As a user of a Tilt, I must say I hate the fact that it does not have flash. The example of the damaged goods is a usual for me. And when it comes down to the business sense. I consider myself productive when I can take the pictures on my phone, directly e-mail it to the people responsible then wait 5 minutes, call and make noise right on site. But thats just me.
I love all the new features of the TP2. Trust me, from the big screen to the dual mic to the dual speakers, the M3D interface, and the illuminated keyboard. Whereas I'll continue to miss the flash, I'mma jump on this thing first chance I get. In terms of the IR, I mean this is aging technology. BT is taking over and it is equipped on this phone so I see no reason why they should not have removed it.
I don't know why HTC adds or removes certain things. I guess that its because they have a range of phones for different purposes and targeting different audiences. Hopefully one day will come when we can custom build our phone. Until that time, I think HTC is on track to making better built phones everytime.
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from what I understand all the different radios like, wifi, BT, IR, 3g, etc...take up physical space in the phone and you can only make the phone so big. I'm sure HTC has a priority system on what they should have on the phone and it probably goes something like 3G, BT, Wifi, then IR and I think they only put IR if they possibly can and I'm sure a led light is lower than that. but I would like to see IR and a flash there are some pretty cool things that can be dones especially with an IR port.
the spec says the Rhodium has the qualcomm MSM 7200A CPU. The Rhodium phone I have got has a MSM 7600 CPU, handles both CDMA and GSM
kluks said:
the spec says the Rhodium has the qualcomm MSM 7200A CPU. The Rhodium phone I have got has a MSM 7600 CPU, handles both CDMA and GSM
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where did you get it?? Also what bands does it support.
let me get this right.
this phone doesnt have a flash?
a dated processer too? is the processor better than the TP?
i agree stick with touch pro the next device i go for is not the tp2 i know now...Maybe a shift ...
The lamest of them all
Ok so I will add my 2 cents, I had the Tilt and when I found out about the Touch HD, i couldnt wait to get my hands on it. I did, i like it and i have it but miss my keyboard dearly. The touch keypad is nice but its not like having physical keys.
I have had my touch HD for about 3 months and plan on putting it up on Ebay, keeping my Tilt and selling it on Ebay once the Touch Pro 2 comes out and getting it. I know the processor is smaller which is ALMOST a deal breaker, i dont have a flash on my camera now and dont really care but going down to a 3.15 meg cam from a 5 kinda sucks too but whatever. I like a keypad, "Gimme da keeeeys ill drive!!!"
Also how much slow down do you think i can expect coming from the 7201 processor to the 7200? Doenst seem like it would be much of a difference. Not a deal breaker thats for sure. The camera issue sucks but whatever im not big on pics really. Can someone tell me the diff between WAP 2.0/xHTML, and just HTML? Deal breaker? I know the HD is a much better phone but i really miss typing with keys
johseph said:
Can someone tell me the diff between WAP 2.0/xHTML, and just HTML?
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WAP is the mobile view of internet and HTML is the standard (barely) for internet for PC. However that shouldn't matter to you since we have Opera Mobile and that runs most everything pretty well.
Do you know what VGA-Out (or XVGA) resolution have-it?
daphix said:
Do you know what VGA-Out (or XVGA) resolution have-it?
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Read the link posted in first post.
Or click device database at the top of the forum.
Grrr, I wish it had an 800Mhz Snapdragon Processor, or even one that isn't Qualcomm . . .
just giving my own opinion here
first of all i own the touch pro..
honestly i couldnt care less that the TP2 has no flash. Looking at the TP1 it has a crappy flash to begin with..wanna take a pic at night?i suggest you start praying they COULD put a better flash on it but i dont see the use for it..HTC Phones are not known for their camera quality anyway...
As about the TP2 being worth it..PERSONALLY i say hell yes..I find the bigger screen a HUGE benefit as compared to the TP1..Thats along with other small benefits of course..I use TF3D2 on my touch pro now andits great..but it surely is a different feeling when you use it on a bigger screen
too bad my contract will last an extra year so i cant make the jump now
Sprint TP2 Worldphone?
Somwhere I have seen that Sprint would release the TP2 as Worldphone. Means with CDMA and GSM radios. Somebody out there who can give thoughts on this? Oh, got it .

Pro2 and Universal photo comparison

-not the best of photos, but you'll get the drift. If anyone wants better ones, just let me know
Nice . Not that the phones look like eachother, but still funny to see. People who have the universal rate it high.
What grades would u give to both phones concerning the useablitiy?
Just from looking at it, I would prefer the TP2 for typing and watching movies.
Strange thing btw, everyone says the screen is briliant and you can see everything, even in the sun. but on photo's it realy glares a lot.
quarintus said:
Strange thing btw, everyone says the screen is briliant and you can see everything, even in the sun. but on photo's it realy glares a lot.
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I think it's because the screen dims after a few secs if you don't touch it. To save battery life.
Yeah it's cool to look at both machines but the second pic is a bit too blurred to see. Sorry...
Tomo said:
-not the best of photos, but you'll get the drift. If anyone wants better ones, just let me know
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I´m happy to find this thread!
As an proud Universal owner as primary buisness oriented device I have been waiting patiently to find the perfect replacement for my Uni, but 4 years later nothing worth to look.
TP2 is a good candidate as it has better specs in almost all, but still missing the form factor swiveling screen as Uni is really more like a micro lap top with phone than a phone with nice stuff like TP2.
I´m still no sure that TP2 can really be Uni succesor but at least is a posibility
I´ll wait till the ends of 09 to see what new models comming from HTC or Toshiba and then I´ll make my desicion on what device to buy to replace my Uni (If replaceble)
orb3000 said:
I´m happy to find this thread!
As an proud Universal owner as primary buisness oriented device I have been waiting patiently to find the perfect replacement for my Uni, but 4 years later nothing worth to look.
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From all the threads I read that you have posted, you really do love your little Universal. He he he... Not saying it's a bad thing. I respect people like you, people that knows exactly what they want and won't jump and just buy anything that is new.
It really does take a lot of patients. You will make a good equity trader! Waiting for 4 years is a long time mate! Perseverance of finding the perfect handset is hard to hold.
Me, I am waiting to buy my first full QWERTY handset, the TP2. I hope the wait is worth it. Waiting for 4 months is already very hard, don't know how I can wait for 4 years. My hands will be so itchy, there will be no hands left.
For me, the Universal was my dream phone, but the form factor made it utterly impractical for day-to-day use for me.
Now that I have a TP2, I can finally enjoy a universal-class phone in a form factor that is practical.
The keyboard is SO much better than any other HTC device I have used before. Certainly it wipes the floor with the Kaiser keypad. I feel it is more responsive than the Universals.
The screen is just plain tasty, and touchflo has been massively improved.
I am pleased!
dazultra2000 said:
For me, the Universal was my dream phone, but the form factor made it utterly impractical for day-to-day use for me.
Now that I have a TP2, I can finally enjoy a universal-class phone in a form factor that is practical.
The keyboard is SO much better than any other HTC device I have used before. Certainly it wipes the floor with the Kaiser keypad. I feel it is more responsive than the Universals.
The screen is just plain tasty, and touchflo has been massively improved.
I am pleased!
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I'm on Sprint (CDMA) and can't wait to get my hands on this provided the rumors about a mid-June launch are true. Was going to get a Palm Pre but will be forced to change my plan to almost double, so TP2 it is.
How is the battery life, ear piece quality and does it get hot? I had the original Touch Pro for a month and took it back because battery life was horrid and it would heat up in the middle of the keyboard area bad after a few mins on Opera. Thanks.
Battery life so far is on par with my TyTNII. It's not great, but it's not terrible!
It hasn't got hot for me yet, but I've not really been pushing it.
Not made enough calls to comment on the quality of the earpiece yet, but the speaker is louder than my TyTNII (though sounds a bit more "echoey")
Main concern at the moment is there is no lens cover on the back shell as with most other phones. It's just a hole that leads through to the main camera sensor lens...hoping I don't scratch it!
Oooh and the ambient light sensor and g-sensor are cool!
dazultra2000 said:
For me, the Universal was my dream phone, but the form factor made it utterly impractical for day-to-day use for me.
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Exactly the same for me, in 2005 when I bought the Wizard, my dream was the Universal. I bought it last year and keeped it only 6 month (unpractical).
dazultra2000 said:
Battery life so far is on par with my TyTNII. It's not great, but it's not terrible!
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True with the htc roms. False with the last radio. With last radio the battery life is excellent and with the last M2D and WM6.5 it terrible!!!
If the Pro 2 is something between TyTn2 and Universal, it's perfect for me. If the bluetooth stack works fine with my S705, doesn't matter for the FM radio (it's integrated in my S705).
I wanted it in Orange offer.
orb3000 said:
As an proud Universal owner as primary buisness oriented device I have been waiting patiently to find the perfect replacement for my Uni, but 4 years later nothing worth to look.
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I once had a Uni, 'upgraded' to the TYTNII and am now waiting to see if my carrier will have the TP2. Whilst the newer phones out perform the Uni (for me!) I still wish that I could get something with the guts of a TYTNII in the casing of a Uni. That was a brilliant device.
Snapped some of my own pics for you guys to ponder over.
dazultra2000 said:
Snapped some of my own pics for you guys to ponder over.
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Thanks for pictures. Nice one!
Great comparison pictures!
Thanks a lot!
Besides the size and RAM I´m still choosing Universal!
orb3000 said:
Great comparison pictures!
Thanks a lot!
Besides the size and RAM I´m still choosing Universal!
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As a fellow Universal afficionado, I share your view of how great a device it is, but apart from the RAM and size there's the GPS, higher connection speeds, screen & camera capability. These things might not be important to everyone, but made me make the change (still have the Universal though)
My Universal is long gone, Touch Pro 2 is the new King!
Tomo said:
As a fellow Universal afficionado, I share your view of how great a device it is, but apart from the RAM and size there's the GPS, higher connection speeds, screen & camera capability. These things might not be important to everyone, but made me make the change (still have the Universal though)
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+1 for the Uni lovers.
I still haven't found a replacement for my Uni.
It is still by far the most practical business PDA / UMPC on the market.
I am waiting for a TP2 to arrive, and have been highly disappointed with the Raphael. (my fault for jumping in and buying one without doing my research first) I could never get used to the tiny 2.8 screen or the little keyboard.
My Uni still makes me smile every time I use it, it has never let me down (and I've had it since they were first released) robust, decent keyboard (with tilt and flip, so no issues of not being able to see the screen whilst typing comfortably) The only let down for my poor Uni is lack of GPS, with the 128mb ram upgrade I managed to make her last a bit longer as a primary device, but eventually had to get an "All-In-One " device that was more practical for everyday use.
I hope the Rhodium lives up to the reviews and has better reception amongst other things over the TP.
I'll post some pics of my devices for peoples enjoyment (Still have a fully functional Wallaby at home too)
Here's another post from a Universal fanboy
I've been using the Universal exclusively for almost 4 years now. Except for a big mistake I made when I ordered a Glofiish M800 and used that for a couple of days, got rid of that one real quick, and since I exchanged it for a Qtek 9000 I made that wrong right again. So I now own an MDA Pro a Qtek 9000 and... since 2 days, a Touch Pro 2.
I have to start out with saying that I personally always carried the Universal with me in my pocket. I Never had an issue with it's size. And as for the real reason I got a new device? Well you know, I want to see myself as a sort-of early adapter and since that Universal was way ahead of it's time, and I pre-orderd that device in spring 2005, I just wanted something new to play with. Why it took so long for anyone to release a device that even came close to the Universal is beyond me.
Personally I never really used a lot of local applications on the Uni. Except for the phone, sms and calender functions and navigation software the thing I used the most by far was remote desktop. The size of the screen, the resolution the AWESOME keyboard and the UMTS and Wifi connections really let me use my workstation and server to their full potential, ANYWHERE in the world.
While I did flash the device with new versions of Windows Mobile that I found on this forum I never really owned a device with TouchFlo on it. Obviously I did play around with TouchFlo on devices that friends and colleagues owned.
After having used the device for about a day these are the things I noticed when I compare it to our beloved Uni's:
TP2 Pro's:
-Size: Like I said, the size never bothered me, but as I was used to the Universal the Touch Pro2 is TINY
-Resolution: 800x480 beats 640x480, especially when using Remote Desktop.
-Internal GPS
-Conference call option in TouchFlo (which someone on this forum has probably hacked into the Uni already as well)
-Just having something new already
-Audio call quality is higher
-Keyboard is almost as good as the Uni's
TP2 Cons:
-While I never used it, I just don't get why there's no mini-jack connection
-No flash: While I used the flash on the Universal as a flash light most of the time and not as a flash for the camera I just don't get why they couldn't at least put a LED light on the device.
-No TAB-key on the keyboard. I really miss this when filling in forms online.
-The slide-and-tilt formfactor is ok, but not as good as what the Uni does. When the screen on the TP2 is fully tilted It's difficult to press the number keys (top row). Also when I carried the Uni in my pocket the screen was always well protected. I guess it takes some getting used to as well.
-Keyboard is ALMOST as good as the Uni's
Johny58 said:
Here's another post from a Universal fanboy
I've been using the Universal exclusively for almost 4 years now. Except for a big mistake I made when I ordered a Glofiish M800 and used that for a couple of days, got rid of that one real quick, and since I exchanged it for a Qtek 9000 I made that wrong right again. So I now own an MDA Pro a Qtek 9000 and... since 2 days, a Touch Pro 2.
I have to start out with saying that I personally always carried the Universal with me in my pocket. I Never had an issue with it's size. And as for the real reason I got a new device? Well you know, I want to see myself as a sort-of early adapter and since that Universal was way ahead of it's time, and I pre-orderd that device in spring 2005, I just wanted something new to play with. Why it took so long for anyone to release a device that even came close to the Universal is beyond me.
Personally I never really used a lot of local applications on the Uni. Except for the phone, sms and calender functions and navigation software the thing I used the most by far was remote desktop. The size of the screen, the resolution the AWESOME keyboard and the UMTS and Wifi connections really let me use my workstation and server to their full potential, ANYWHERE in the world.
While I did flash the device with new versions of Windows Mobile that I found on this forum I never really owned a device with TouchFlo on it. Obviously I did play around with TouchFlo on devices that friends and colleagues owned.
After having used the device for about a day these are the things I noticed when I compare it to our beloved Uni's:
TP2 Pro's:
-Size: Like I said, the size never bothered me, but as I was used to the Universal the Touch Pro2 is TINY
-Resolution: 800x480 beats 640x480, especially when using Remote Desktop.
-Internal GPS
-Conference call option in TouchFlo (which someone on this forum has probably hacked into the Uni already as well)
-Just having something new already
-Audio call quality is higher
-Keyboard is almost as good as the Uni's
TP2 Cons:
-While I never used it, I just don't get why there's no mini-jack connection
-No flash: While I used the flash on the Universal as a flash light most of the time and not as a flash for the camera I just don't get why they couldn't at least put a LED light on the device.
-No TAB-key on the keyboard. I really miss this when filling in forms online.
-The slide-and-tilt formfactor is ok, but not as good as what the Uni does. When the screen on the TP2 is fully tilted It's difficult to press the number keys (top row). Also when I carried the Uni in my pocket the screen was always well protected. I guess it takes some getting used to as well.
-Keyboard is ALMOST as good as the Uni's
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Great comparative with pics that give an idea of sizes comparison!
Thanks a lot for this!
Every new year comes I think if HTC would do again something on the form factor of Universal: A micro lap top with phone functions!! but nothing...

Does anyone use their BA as a phone?

Hey, I purchased a BA about 2wks ago, it arrived waay bigger than expected, but now I love the size as I am using it as my gaming and movie device for the car... But does you actually use this as a phone? do ppl look at you weird? lol
its bloody huuge!
I use my other devices as phones, but do you actually use yours as a phone? and what do you think about the size for a phone?
cheers ba owners!
Yes I use it as a phone. I get strange looks, and people always want to talk to me about it. If you're ever lonely, take out the BA in a public place. You'll have someone to talk to, I guarantee it.
cmstackar said:
Yes I use it as a phone. I get strange looks, and people always want to talk to me about it. If you're ever lonely, take out the BA in a public place. You'll have someone to talk to, I guarantee it.
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copy that, people find it awfully large, and the first question, those stupid people have in mind is always, "is that something like the iphone" and i could always scream. who needs an iphone, when you have windows mobile, plus the iphone os is so 2007.
some people, who know about htc's phones just say, what old pda i carry around with me, and i always point out wm6.5 and say, that that is even newer than what is available in stores, plus the display is bigger, which is impressive.
to recall, yes, i use it as a phone, but i never phone longer than 10min without a handsfree, because then my arm starts to hurt, carrying this tremendous weight
Chef_Tony said:
copy that, people find it awfully large, and the first question, those stupid people have in mind is always, "is that something like the iphone" and i could always scream. who needs an iphone, when you have windows mobile, plus the iphone os is so 2007.
some people, who know about htc's phones just say, what old pda i carry around with me, and i always point out wm6.5 and say, that that is even newer than what is available in stores, plus the display is bigger, which is impressive.
to recall, yes, i use it as a phone, but i never phone longer than 10min without a handsfree, because then my arm starts to hurt, carrying this tremendous weight
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haha. i dont have a ba i have a universal and yesterday as soon as i took it out i got the same thing wow that is a nice iphone. damn it i just want to go on a murderous rampage. jk.
i have a universal too, and i don't use that as a phone, with the 3200mah battery that is really too heavy to hold up to your ear. when people see that, i never introduce it as a mobile phone, i just say i got the tiniest netbook.
well at least despite its look, BA still OK for me to have most of my tasks done.
I'm still using it as a phone, even my primary one, instead of my iphone.
From entertainment side, OK
from office side, still good to go.
the most important thing is,
from modified side - how far your device can be modified - in this case the software - BA is the great one!! from 2003->WM5->WM6..great!!
i uses it as my multimedia entertainment, mp3, work, notes, and PHONE..
its not ugly or huge or.. anything.. its fantasitic
For two years I used my BA every single day. I never cared for strange looks - as soon as people realized what the device can actually do and how great the screen is, they stopped stupid comments.
I moved on to the Universal, which is even bigger. People would make stupid remarked, but once they saw the VGA screen in action and the advantage of havig a full keyboard, their laughter turned into envy.
And now I have the biggest of them all, an Athena! And now even I laught, because it really is ridiculous big. BUT: it is such a great device... I simply don't care.
Ah, yes. I have small WM phones as well, now. And sometimes they are more convinient and discrete. I guess, every occasion demands a different phone.
yes of course
yepyep!!! i use it all day for more than 2 - 3 years!!! Ever since I got it from my father....
not yet
i just bought one from Conflipper i think my wife is hidding it from me. she has not said anything that i got it yet. i am not home yet still on vacation, but as i return i will fire it up and put it next to my ear until my ear burns...then i will put on the bluetooth
universal will also be my next toy
i am an htc addict
One of the best HTC device ever
vma said:
For two years I used my BA every single day. I never cared for strange looks - as soon as people realized what the device can actually do and how great the screen is, they stopped stupid comments.
I moved on to the Universal, which is even bigger. People would make stupid remarked, but once they saw the VGA screen in action and the advantage of havig a full keyboard, their laughter turned into envy.
And now I have the biggest of them all, an Athena! And now even I laught, because it really is ridiculous big. BUT: it is such a great device... I simply don't care.
Ah, yes. I have small WM phones as well, now. And sometimes they are more convinient and discrete. I guess, every occasion demands a different phone.
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I have had my BA since 2004 and it still work well. I have a Trinity and a HD, but the BA remains my most charming phone. From win 2003 to win 6.5. show me another device with the capacity of BA and i might think again.
its huge only for the people which had normal phones before, for me its the normal size of the phone
And how useful is that SD card slot at the top! I have a 2gig usb/sd card (the one that folds) and its fantastic for file transfer - so convenient.
if i could somehow fix my radio it'd be replacing my hermes. bigger screen and faster OS. wm2003 is somuch faster than 5

SGH-i780 worth bying?

hello everyone owning a i780 samsung phone!
i want to know if this phone is dureable if its buildquality(breaking keys;etc) is good
i want a new phone having all the features like i780 has but it is used hardly often and long and maybe itll drop once (so it should survive a fell down from around 1m50)
or is this a **** quality phone like htc vox(my current phone) is?
is the housing stable? or will it brick from a drop or will the keys fall off wenn used to often?(red phone key on vox....)
is it well done quality known from samsung?
Hi. i780 one of the best phone I used till now.
Browse the review on or on other sites to have a better idea of the capabilities of the phone.
Note that you can even have the new version of windows mobile on the i780, wm6.5....
Go ahead, you will not regret it.
1m50???? you are joking man!!
You mentionned twice the phone will fall down.....I think the minimum is to take care of the phone for it to last longer. So don't let your phone fall down too often please.....
I am using this device for more than 8 months already - and I am satisfied. Wi-Fi, 3G, QWERTY, memory, speed.... and housing is also OK. Formerly I used HTC VOX which was crap in comparison with Samsung i780... I think this device is worth for buy.
thanks treath can be closed =)
quick answer perfect
i take care but sometimes it is happening. i dont let it fall becuase i want it to
i think i will get it after christmas
i wrote 1.5m becuase thats the hight i have it when chatting or sms or surfing =)
of corse i'm higher
hashtowent said:
thanks treath can be closed =)
quick answer perfect
i take care but sometimes it is happening. i dont let it fall becuase i want it to
i think i will get it after christmas
i wrote 1.5m becuase thats the hight i have it when chatting or sms or surfing =)
of corse i'm higher
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You will really love this device.
Merry christmas to you and a Happy new year.
hashtowent said:
hello everyone owning a i780 samsung phone!
i want to know if this phone is dureable if its buildquality(breaking keys;etc) is good
i want a new phone having all the features like i780 has but it is used hardly often and long and maybe itll drop once (so it should survive a fell down from around 1m50)
or is this a **** quality phone like htc vox(my current phone) is?
is the housing stable? or will it brick from a drop or will the keys fall off wenn used to often?(red phone key on vox....)
is it well done quality known from samsung?
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Hi friend, I think I780 is worth buying a lot, let me try to explain why:
1) Keyboard - If you're used to sending lots of SMS don't buy any other phone, try this one. The keys are optimallly spreaded on the keyboard and there's enough space among them, so it'll be easy typing and writing without making mistakes. Besides that, each key has a good feedback so you won't be able to fail the keypress.
2) Performance - I flashed it using an Ironeagle WM6.5 Flame ROM and it's strong as an ox. The device runs faster than many other ones and never hangs. I suggest you trying this ROM, it's cooked better than others and it's very comfortable to use.
3) Quality - I didn't expect this device to be good at running WM6.5, but I didn't either imagine it providing best quality. Plastics and frame are strong and scratch-resistant, my I780 fell over more than once and never scratched itself. I don't know if Samsung performs best quality phone, but this one seems to give something more than HTC does, for instance: it wasn't supposed to be this way, but it is and I'm very glad of it.
4) Accessories - i780 came out from factory provided with two batteries and an additional battery charger (I'd like to figure out why other manufacturers give us less than Samsung does........), headset, USB cable, windshield mounting unit. I think we won't have the best spending the least.
I hope I stilled your doubts......... Cheers!
dudu7559 said:
Hi friend, I think I780 is worth buying a lot, let me try to explain why:
1) Keyboard - If you're used to sending lots of SMS don't buy any other phone, try this one. The keys are optimallly spreaded on the keyboard and there's enough space among them, so it'll be easy typing and writing without making mistakes. Besides that, each key has a good feedback so you won't be able to fail the keypress.
2) Performance - I flashed it using an Ironeagle WM6.5 Flame ROM and it's strong as an ox. The device runs faster than many other ones and never hangs. I suggest you trying this ROM, it's cooked better than others and it's very comfortable to use.
3) Quality - I didn't expect this device to be good at running WM6.5, but I didn't either imagine it providing best quality. Plastics and frame are strong and scratch-resistant, my I780 fell over more than once and never scratched itself. I don't know if Samsung performs best quality phone, but this one seems to give something more than HTC does, for instance: it wasn't supposed to be this way, but it is and I'm very glad of it.
4) Accessories - i780 came out from factory provided with two batteries and an additional battery charger (I'd like to figure out why other manufacturers give us less than Samsung does........), headset, USB cable, windshield mounting unit. I think we won't have the best spending the least.
I hope I stilled your doubts......... Cheers!
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thats what i call a great answer =)
you mentioned all i wanted to hear =) thank you!
of course the i780 is one of the best devices out there, considering the cost - the performance it delivers (none of them even come close!), stability (zero crashes...really, this is because samsung has really good drivers im guessing!), great specs (memory/processor/storage), really light and thin, front facing qwerty!
i'd buy another one as backup
also, another device worth considering is Samsung omnia retails at hardly 50 USD more..and its a brilliant device imo!
I have been working on porting Linux/Android to this for almost a year now. I have bashed it around, removed battery and USB easily over 10000 times and it looks like brand new!
By the way Android works quite well on it except no GPS, USB and Wifi currently has a glitch. Android will probably be working as good as WinMo in the future though. Also, Windows Mobile 6.5 runs perfect on it. Just keep these in mind.
xsacha said:
I have been working on porting Linux/Android to this for almost a year now. I have bashed it around, removed battery and USB easily over 10000 times and it looks like brand new!
By the way Android works quite well on it except no GPS, USB and Wifi currently has a glitch. Android will probably be working as good as WinMo in the future though. Also, Windows Mobile 6.5 runs perfect on it. Just keep these in mind.
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this is a realy great thing to hear =)
as i will plug/unplug it although very often!
and having the possibility to run usable android(not all freatures but mainfeatures) is although fantastiq =) dualboot is great. enjoyed this on my siemens sx1 =)
I've been using this device for more than a year now, it is getting kinda old so I'm always in the lookout for a new device that gives me the best combination of performance, form-factor (i like the hard qwerty keypad) and affordability that Samsung i780 provides. So far the only device that comes close is the OmniaPro b7330, but it doesn't have a touchscreen. I'm holding on to my i780 for the time being.
theo80 said:
I've been using this device for more than a year now, it is getting kinda old so I'm always in the lookout for a new device that gives me the best combination of performance, form-factor (i like the hard qwerty keypad) and affordability that Samsung i780 provides. So far the only device that comes close is the OmniaPro b7330, but it doesn't have a touchscreen. I'm holding on to my i780 for the time being.
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So am I!! I've been searching a replacement to i780 since I bought it......... But this hasn't been developed yet, indeed. I also bought a Treo Pro but I didn't get round to using it, the keyboard is unconfortable and the black paint is as thin as a paper sheet, it peeled just after a week.
Keep on using it

