Weixin / whatsapp on Lineage OS - LineageOS Questions & Answers

If this is flagged as a double post, apologies, I was in the wrong place last time and can't find my way back there.
I have Lineage running extremely well on an older note 3.
I need Weixin ( the Chinese version- not WeChat international) to make life easier re health check QR codes and Covid. Saves carrying a A4 folder with docs around!
I do not have playstore or Samsung shop so used a 32 bit APK from Tencent - Wechat's developer. Everything goes well until actual login to wexin when their system complains of an emulator. Is Lineage considered and emulator?
I have no idea of the tech behind Whatsapp and Weixin, similarities etc but can Lineage support Whatsapp? Or rather, does it?
I understand no one but myself can actually solve this, just looking for some feedback to give me something to go forward with.


[DEV] [REQ] C++, rewrite existing code

First I would like to thank the whole forum (with few exceptions that I'd like to not mention here) for the past 2,5 years, which have been very educating for me regarding Windows Mobile as a system. During that whole time I have searched for the perfect simple-to-use, lightweight app for storing and retrieving a grocery list, yet unfortunately I have had to come to the conclusion that it does not exist to this date. There are some existing apps but these are either not simple to use or do not accomplish the simple task at all, or they are too heavy (requiring additionally the .NET framework to be installed for example, etc.).
The idea for the simple software is that one has a changeable groups and items of groceries, from which they can select the already saved ones needed at that shopping day (e.g. during a discussion with girlfriend), and later when in shop they can just check the ones they have already put into basket. I would like to see the person who will argue that it does not easily beat archaic mode of storing information, a.k.a. paper and pen.
I have found an app which, with some relatively small amount of effort can be rewritten to accomplish that task, this software is iContact AE. As far as I understand, there is judicially no problem using the source code from iContact AE as long as following the license restrictions (correct me please if I am wrong). Why AE? Just a selection based on the fact that AE has the most appealing interface and most settings. Of course, this could be a point of discussion, but so far it seems like the best choice.
CAB - http://icontactae.codeplex.com/releases/view/28951
Source - http://icontactae.codeplex.com/SourceControl/list/changesets
I created a possible, chronological tasklist in order to get from iContact AE to the shopping app, whatever it will be called (name suggestions also welcome in due time). Also, I already have a pretty clear vision about
Discuss the usability and feasibility of the selected software / it's source code and it's alternatives (as far as I remember there was the original iContact and some other derivate version).
[*]Create, discuss and review static prototypes of the interface (basically screenshots of each view).
[*]List the requirements to be implemented (or removed).
[*]Code in / remove code according the list from previous task.
[*]Create skin and graphics.
[*]Clean up rest of code, remove unnecessary parts of it (to make it more light).
[*]Test and review changes.
I can either take lead, perform or participate actively in the tasks that are listed green. I only need a competent C++ coder who can help and thinks this is a great idea.
The changes needed to the existing source code do not seem to be much at first glance, but of course as I cannot code in C++, I could be wrong. I just looked at the parts of code where to change the tabs and queries to storage files.
So there, got it off my chest. Any C++ gurus missing a simple, convenient grocery app?
OK, I will put this in another way. I will personally contribute $50 (via PayPal or if EU country, via transfer) to the coder - provided that the end result is according to the requirements, which we will agree forehand. If anyone wants to join in with contribution, You are more than welcome.
aiiro said:
OK, I will put this in another way. I will personally contribute $50 (via PayPal or if EU country, via transfer) to the coder - provided that the end result is according to the requirements, which we will agree forehand. If anyone wants to join in with contribution, You are more than welcome.
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If I had money I to would offer some.
It's no wunder WinMo is falling behind no one wants to create apps even when offered a straight cash deal.
Amen to that. I was actually reading this and took a good hour of researching to see just how hard it might be and how time-consuming it might be. I would have loved to take this on...but alas, It would split me way too much. I am already working on my FFP_LS Pro 2.5 Improvements (Major Major improvements...I am practically re-writing the app), I am starting work on a game I plan to release (Its a rather popular game I have yet to find for WIndows Mobile), and I already volunteered to work on the Boggle Clone for WinMo ... so I am already pretty split as it is. heh...if I find free time, and nobody has taken this on, I will probably come back and make this my next project
Sorry though...I do hope some developer comes around to assist!
Thanks for Your support. I thought that I don't need to subscribe to my own threads in order to get a notification if a new post is made, but I was wrong. I certainly didn't get one for Your post. So, sorry for the late reply. I will subscribe to my own thread now

[Q] Is 'Droid working strictly for us (and not for Google) possible?

Hi, guys!
Before I pose my question: I am really in awe of projects in the Open Source community style and this is soooooo good to see and experience (my other hobby is Sat TV "hacking" and so on... )!!!!!!!!!! :good: So, endless thanx and respect(!!!!) to all involved!!!!!!!!!!
Context: recently I managed to S-OFF my HTC Desire with 'Droid 2.2.2, then somehow I rooted it, 4EXT recovery/backup (if memory serves, the "touch" one) is in, in recovery mode I flashed the latest MIUI ROM (sorry if I misspelled it) with JB 4.1.2, improved the "radio" and so on... The one or two things that do not work - that I noticed - was no sending SMSs and poor video recording and reproduction. So, the search is continuing!
My question is - before I attempt the flashing of Paranoid Android ROM (how fitting, regarding my question! ) - is there a ROM that has kicked the living daylights out of Google corporate c*a#, please? As in, there is no stuff, in that would-be ROM, that constantly collects our data and sends it back to corporate and other commercial coders, please?
Because, as a matter of principle, we ought not to have to think of just how much data is going to corporation(s) and individuals coding apps etc. And from then on, to "authorities", of course. Not that I have anything to fear, in that respect - but it is the principle that is at stake here! Similar with Linux v. MacroHard and their "enlightened" attitude towards our privacy etc.
You know, we have a myriad of apps of all sorts, so I suppose we do not need Google's intrusion in all aspects of our interaction. I am perfectly happy, for instance, to use Firefox or Maxthon or Opera browser and get into my emails that way, not having to use the Google app for Gmail! I presume we could also have other apps to replace Google chat (presumably through Firefox in Gmail?) and so on and so forth. Really, I do not need Google's maps, when we have Open Street app and so on and on and on.
So, does this ROM exist, please? No Google/corporate/commercial stuff in it, that is...
And if not, has the time arrived?:angel: It is Linux, after all...
Would it be possible to make something like that?
Many thanx, again!
P.S. I recently bought a SuperPad tablet and I wonder if there are custom built ROMs/OSs for those, as well? Anyone knows, please?
Well of course any Rom without the Google apps.
Your principles on data collection went out the window when you first used the internet.
I disagree... respectfully, of course...
For instance, see BBC website for the "right to be forgotten" EU proposal on data collection/storage/handling... However, no such battle can ever be completely lost or won - they keep going on...
As a newby I have a problem with posting links but... let me try:
bbc co uk / news / technology-16677370
My Q was also re. full functionality without Google stuff - some ROM authors warn that their ROMs can't function properly unless we flash the Google stuff immediately after ROM itself... Any clarification, please?
goggysan said:
I disagree... respectfully, of course...
For instance, see BBC website for the "right to be forgotten" EU proposal on data collection/storage/handling... However, no such battle can ever be completely lost or won - they keep going on...
As a newby I have a problem with posting links but... let me try:
bbc co uk / news / technology-16677370
My Q was also re. full functionality without Google stuff - some ROM authors warn that their ROMs can't function properly unless we flash the Google stuff immediately after ROM itself... Any clarification, please?
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its not to do with they cant function properly (they can) its just the fact that play store is "google" and u also need a gmail account. correct me if im wrong. Soo like dethrat says,.... its about gapps. (more or less).
It's not a matter of me thinking this is/you're wrong (on this one). I think/hope, that you are also hoping that I am right... Am I right?
You have a point, in a way, since it started in this manner with credit cards (easily done but also easily circumvented) and onwards but...
Look, ever tried Flipboard? I mean, if you are neglecting the examples I already wrote about... Check it and compare with Google Currents, please... Simply flipboard dot com... Need I say more?
On the level of principles: we do not need to be tethered/electronically tagged and under constant "surveillance" by Google or any other corporation or even the state, for that matter... Don't you think this is kinda worth at least trying? No offence intended to anyone(!) but I think this is the adult thing to do...:angel:
Well, this is what I am looking forward to nowadays... So, do you think that, for instance, a developer of Paranoid Android could make it all work with "alternative" apps, please? An effective "Ads Blocker" and kinda "No Script" apps included, of course. Maybe even - in this sense - "cleaned up" crucial apps, too... If "Anonymous" were really serious and competent (intellectually, professionally and morally), maybe they should get on it right away, eh? :angel:
I mean, if I ever requested anything from anyone on these boards, this would be it - an AIO OS without corporate [email protected]#. And I have a feeling that a fair few of us might keep trying this sort of thing out...:good:
bbc dot co dot uk / news / science-environment-21923360
Any more info on my question, please? Anyone with some experience?
So, the great WoH tells me that it is possible to use his ROM without the G-stuff, that is "Gapps" - and that everything should work just fine! And I am very grateful for this possibility! I only need to "skip the step with the gapps", he says.
Then, one proceeds with "3rd party app stores" like Amazon, GetJar, Fireplace and Yandex.Store. I presume there is an included browser in the ROM without the Gapps, so I start it and go to one of those sites, get their gadget and simply install from there, the free stuff... hopefully not having to log in with my Gmail account...
My problem, though, lies here in this thread - setting up PDroid. That's for seriously enhanced privacy/security! In the thread's "how to" there seem to be some discrepancies with the newer versions of PDroid... Really not sure how to do it, what exactly must be done, with which files... And I can't post in that section, to ask questions... Like "Where is the apk you mention in the top post?" and "What exactly are the steps?"
So, I must prepare by reading a lot, testing it and then redoing it, from scratch, i.e. flash the ROM again, as WoH described in his thread here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2131790
My hope would be that he includes the PDroid patch/apps - if at all possible - in the next edition of his awesome ROM!
Also, I would dearly love to see and test a ROM with all the best alternative apps, links to a few of the best 3rd party apps stores, tools etc. - but no G-c#@p (or almost no G-c#@p)... at least as much as humanly possible...
Here is a sketch:
3rd party apps stores,
keyboard and speech apps,
a couple of browsers (Firefox/Opera, maybe),
a few tools to manage the phone and set it up properly (Advanced Task Killer, Android Manager and alike),
best audio-visually capable Gtalk app and Skype for chat,
some non-demanding but good protection (Avast suite?),
Flipboard for news,
Adobe Reader, Kindle and Aldiko for reading,
MX and Meridian players for multimedia stuff,
camera and videocam apps(?),
audio, video and photo editing SW,
Sopcast (TV channels) and "1Channel for Google" for audio-video streaming from the net,
...and so on,,, everybody continuing to fill it up according to their preferences, of course... all freeware/gratis!!!
Perhaps call it an "Alternative apps pack"???
So, maybe: when apps2sd card tool has been installed, we flash the "Alternative apps pack"... and it all goes to an SD card?
I think this might be a very cool idea, for many of us...
Go WoH and co.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :good:

WARNING: Jiayu S3 Malware warning! How to detect and remove.

Recieved my shiny new Jiayu S3 3GB version today.
Noticed some dodgy apps in the all apps list, decided to malware scan - glad I did!
First check to see if your device is infected.
Go to your google apps play store and install Malware-byte's Anti-Malware Mobile.
Run a scan on the device, if it's the same as me you'll get 19 detected items. Feel free to scan with another scanner if you don't trust it.
After scanning with just Malware-bytes, the items I had were:
Black Hole
blue sea
Butterfly Love
Snow and ice
Star Diamond
I had to go into the security menu of the settings and enable Superuser.
Install this app from the Play Store: 'System app remover (ROOT)' (I can't post outside links)
Using this app you can remove the apps. I also removed the "Unlocker" and "father.rickety.ordinaire.suspiciousness" even though they weren't detected as Malware because..well they sound suspicious. (I mean come on, 'suspiciousness' in the title?!)
I have been monitoring the phone and I have seen no effect of functionality after removing these packages.
The speed of the phone has also increased, which is nice.
From my research it looks like Jiayu have used a 4.4.4 base ROM that was infected as there are other Jaiyu phones with the 4.4.4 ROM that are infected with these.
Best of luck and enjoy your malware free Jiayu S3
I am on the latest S3S rom 20150507-083407 and ran this anti malware and it picked up nothing, a clean scan. I bought mine from the Factory website.
No known malware on mine. As an extra precaution I use DroidWall, a iptables app to block any conversation from apps that don't need access to internet or lan.
KapzyPanda, where did you buy your phone ? Have you changed the Android (OTA, custom ROM) ?
I got mine from coolicool, EU warehouse, several OTA updates, then update to S3S 20150507-083407 from needrom.
Scanning now, found 2 problems.
Actually, the same file: WiFiKill - this is not a problem.
Your 19 problems found - what was the name of the infection ?
Congratulations..... you managed to remove all your pretty (variety) lock screens. Including the star diamond which is FABULOUS and can be seen in action in s7yler's review of this phone on youtube at time code 6:40.... In the later firmware version it has been removed because of all the false flagging which is a darn shame because I love this lock screen. Soooooo if any of you know how to get hold of the desired star diamond, DO please let me know...... It would be much appreciated....
PippiD said:
Congratulations..... you managed to remove all your pretty (variety) lock screens. Including the star diamond which is FABULOUS and can be seen in action in s7yler's review of this phone on youtube at time code 6:40.... In the later firmware version it has been removed because of all the false flagging which is a darn shame because I love this lock screen. Soooooo if any of you know how to get hold of the desired star diamond, DO please let me know...... It would be much appreciated....
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I guess if you can find the ROM (perhaps on needrom), then you can unpack it, and loop mount the system partition where the star diamond can be found as apk.
Nofan Tasi said:
I guess if you can find the ROM (perhaps on needrom), then you can unpack it, and loop mount the system partition where the star diamond can be found as apk.
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I didn't even know that was possible.... Newbie eager to learn..... Just did a search on the how to's now and see that you can unpack a rom with winrar etc.... Wow... Now I don't understand the loop mounting bit (yet) but I guess I can't just extract the apk, place it in the download folder and run because it's part of the system? What about using something like APK Swapper?
PippiD said:
I didn't even know that was possible.... Newbie eager to learn..... Just did a search on the how to's now and see that you can unpack a rom with winrar etc.... Wow... Now I don't understand the loop mounting bit (yet) but I guess I can't just extract the apk, place it in the download folder and run because it's part of the system? What about using something like APK Swapper?
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I work on linux where one loop mounts files that are filesystems. I guess similar tools exist on other operating systems, but I cannot tell. Sorry...
Nofan Tasi said:
I work on linux where one loop mounts files that are filesystems. I guess similar tools exist on other operating systems, but I cannot tell. Sorry...
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NAH! You've been a great help! thanks....
you should be careful from where you download roms.
Some will/are indeed infected.
I saw at least 3 roms infected (2 from that site we all know needr ...) and another one from another forum ...
Also, some Chinese stores re-flashed their devices, with those roms... I dont know whats the deal...
The deal is that what we consider viruses the China based devices are required to have so the Chinese government can monitor it's citizens.
To be honest unless you live in China I would avoid China devices.
zelendel said:
The deal is that what we consider viruses the China based devices are required to have so the Chinese government can monitor it's citizens.
To be honest unless you live in China I would avoid China devices.
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You seem to hold sufficient wisdom to close threads where so called
illegal activity is happening by innocent people who do not even know
it is illegal and where one would rather need to put people in jail
who provide tools to implement the illegal activity. It is like you
point to the drug user in stead of the drug dealer. These are my last
words on XDA. I disappear and perhaps come back under different name
(this one and all names here are kind of fake anyway).
Nofan Tasi said:
You seem to hold sufficient wisdom to close threads where so called
illegal activity is happening by innocent people who do not even know
it is illegal and where one would rather need to put people in jail
who provide tools to implement the illegal activity. It is like you
point to the drug user in stead of the drug dealer. These are my last
words on XDA. I disappear and perhaps come back under different name
(this one and all names here are kind of fake anyway).
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If it is legal or not depends on where you live. Plain and simple. Just because people don't know it's illegal doesn't protect them. It's called research. Something that should be done.
Also making another account is against xda rules and is a banable offence.
There is an app called recents. It has a blue icon with a cog. I didn't install that and every time I unlocked my phone filled my screen with ads. I got rid of the app and everything is fine. Please check your phones
atsimeri said:
There is an app called recents. It has a blue icon with a cog. I didn't install that and every time I unlocked my phone filled my screen with ads. I got rid of the app and everything is fine. Please check your phones
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I had ads too and just found this installed on my device! Uninstalled now, thank's Astimeri :good:
mrgbuzz said:
I had ads too and just found this installed on my device! Uninstalled now, thank's Astimeri :good:
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Same happened to me. Fortunately, it can be easily removed.
Odd.. I noticed that recents have updated it self... I've now removed both! thanks OP.
High RAM consumption...
Since this week,ive started expierence some laggs and high ram consumption...
I have the 3 GB version,and with just google chrome i can reach 1.2 free memory...
Is it normal?
Custom rom (by dalet11, from needrom) with twrp recovery. Xposed and many modules...(13+-)
Is that matters?
Thanks, i'm new...:highfive:
about miscellaneous adds
is anyone here getting miscellaneous ads while opening any app??
raghavveerlas said:
is anyone here getting miscellaneous ads while opening any app??
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Which ROM? You can search the big thread from "s7yler" for a user named "NStorm". He found some maleware.

[Help Request] Nano Adblocker

Hello, I'm here to speak for a great developer named jspenguin. Since he doesn't own an xda account he asked me to open a new thread here to ask help on his project.
Let me introduce his work: he developed many open source addons and script for browsers (mainly chrome). Their main purpose is to block anti-adblock. Just naming a few of this:
Adblock Protector (github : https://github.com/jspenguin2017/uBlockProtector)
AKK-Cont (gitlab: https://gitlab.com/xuhaiyang1234/AAK-Cont)
Recently he started to develop even an adblocker (based on ublock origin but with more in deepth settings) with his companion, they are called Nano Adblocker and Nano Defender (on chrome web store they can be found here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search/nano adblocker?utm_source=chrome-ntp-ico . The repos instead can be found here: https://github.com/NanoAdblocker/NanoCore).
They work together to block ads and anti-adblock and they are reaaly a war machine for what i can say a the moment.
This project become bigger and bigger and he started to support other browser like Firefox and Edge but this is very impegnative, so he is looking for other devs that can help him to maintain this addons for Firefox (it have weird policy) and Safari. Feel free to contact him by opening a new issue here: https://github.com/NanoAdblocker/NanoCore/issues
I hope I choose the right section (xda is a very big forum), thanks for your patience.
I'm In love with his work as well.
Really respect the guy. (As well as the one currently developing the beta/ unlisted Firefox quantum forks).
The apps are a definite improvement over unlock.
The nano defender had no real counterpart either then or now.
The only solution which compares in ability is ADguard.
I really hope people want to pick up on this.
perhaps post on a couple other forums, relevant to this topic on XDA?
sorry for the caps but I imagine some users might not look at their extensions once setup.
for as far as I know the Firefox version should still be okay, and might be supported by the devices whom originally did the fork of nano.
Please see relevant github issues for more upto date info.
GintoSama said:
sorry for the caps but I imagine some users might not look at their extensions once setup.
for as far as I know the Firefox version should still be okay, and might be supported by the devices whom originally did the fork of nano.
Please see relevant github issues for more upto date info.
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He said on Github that he sold his work to some unknown turkish dev, so he's not own anymore this project. This project is dead.

Finally dumped Apple for Galaxy Tab S - A few questions if I may....

Hi all, I have finally had enough of Apple (and planned obsolescence!). I have never used Android before, got myself a Galaxy Tab S and once I learn how to use it well, I will be dumping my faulty iPhone in favour of a Galaxy phone as well.
I bought a used Tab S with 4G in lovely condition. Just turned it on and it says Insert Sim. I skipped that and it said "Many features will not work without an active Sim".
Therefore the first question I have is how much to read into that message?! Do I believe it? I don\'t plan on using a data Sim, only want to use WiFi. Will the Tab S work just fine without a cellular SIM or is it going to give me constant errors and problems? If the latter I may have to sell it in favour of a non SIM version. Any advice appreciated. I quite like the idea of being ABLE to use a data SIM if I want to some time, hence why I bought it.
Second question is I DESPISE Google and all the tracking stuff. I use a VPN much of the time. A friend of mine has a Galaxy Tab and said I should "root" the device. Can anyone tell me the main benefits of doing so? I am trying to work out how necessary is it (as I am short of time so won't do it unless it will give me benefits). I intend to use VPN and try my best to prevent google tracking what I watch on youtube, what searches I do, and just about anything else I can. I also notice that for Earth and Maps to work, I obviously need to let it know my location (which I don't generally like doing but understand the trade off and will do it in this case). Is there a way (perhaps via rooting) to enable GPS location sharing without feeding GOOGLE my whereabouts (i.e. using other map software instead of Google's)?
I am blown away by the quality of this device. thanks for anyone who has time to offer their thoughts on the above. Thanks
Welcome to the real world, Neo!
SIM Card allows having such things like mobile data (this works just the same as the iPad LTE) and voice calls from a tablet (this feature is unique to Android - you can make voice calls just like it is a big phone, using either built-in mic and speakers or via Bluetooth headset). If the SIM is not inserted, there will be no problems - you can safely dismiss the warning.
Regarding the Google-free experience and rooting. Rooting is direct equivalent to iOS jailbreak. Both result in getting root shell (# or uid 0).
To root the Tab, you must flash the CF-Autoroot via Odin: https://www.theandroidsoul.com/root...10-5-lte-sm-t805-one-click-cf-auto-root-tool/ This is for 10.5 LTE aka SM-T805, for 8.4 LTE aka SM-T705 the instruction is similar: https://www.theandroidsoul.com/root...-8-4-lte-sm-t705-one-click-cf-auto-root-tool/
Also it is good to flash the TWRP recovery after you get root to get a rich recovery environment helping you to backup and restore your device, flash custom ROMs etc.nMore info here: https://twrp.me/FAQ/
Dont hesitate to ask questions once they arise.
---------- Post added at 02:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:12 PM ----------
Ph, and forgot to mention Google free experience. Once you get root, you can debloat your stock ROM but I'd advise flashing a LineageOS ROM for newer Android version and latest security patches. Also, Google services are not present by default in LineageOs but can be flashed separately. However, I am already more than a year without Google services and apps.
For example, I use K-9 Mail + OpenKeychain from F-Droid open-source app market to use GMail with OpenPGP support.
F-Droid is the primary marketplace app having opensource applications. For closed-source apps available on Google Play, the open-source Google Play client app named Yalp Store offers the same functionality as play market but not requiring Google services.
Youtube client I use is Newpipe, opensource app available in F-Droid. There are other clients too, like SkyTube.
Google Maps can be replaced by OsmAnd+ - an opensource client for OpenStreetMap infrastructure, again available from F-Droid app store.
Office application suite I recommend is Hancom Office - it is free for Samsung devices, and it processes documents faster than Office365.
Also, I made it work on LineageOS and other custom ROMs.
I use Brave Browser as a primary Web browser, as it is opensource app based on Google Chromium code but heavily de-Googled and having some cool features like embedded ad-blocker.
Hope this helps you a bit.
gellmar said:
Welcome to the real world, Neo!
SIM Card allows having such things like mobile data (this works just the same as the iPad LTE) and voice calls from a tablet (this feature is unique to Android - you can make voice calls just like it is a big phone, using either built-in mic and speakers or via Bluetooth headset). If the SIM is not inserted, there will be no problems - you can safely dismiss the warning.
Regarding the Google-free experience and rooting. Rooting is direct equivalent to iOS jailbreak. Both result in getting root shell (# or uid 0).
To root the Tab, you must flash the CF-Autoroot via Odin: https://www.theandroidsoul.com/root...10-5-lte-sm-t805-one-click-cf-auto-root-tool/ This is for 10.5 LTE aka SM-T805, for 8.4 LTE aka SM-T705 the instruction is similar: https://www.theandroidsoul.com/root...-8-4-lte-sm-t705-one-click-cf-auto-root-tool/
Also it is good to flash the TWRP recovery after you get root to get a rich recovery environment helping you to backup and restore your device, flash custom ROMs etc.nMore info here: https://twrp.me/FAQ/
Dont hesitate to ask questions once they arise.
---------- Post added at 02:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:12 PM ----------
Ph, and forgot to mention Google free experience. Once you get root, you can debloat your stock ROM but I'd advise flashing a LineageOS ROM for newer Android version and latest security patches. Also, Google services are not present by default in LineageOs but can be flashed separately. However, I am already more than a year without Google services and apps.
For example, I use K-9 Mail + OpenKeychain from F-Droid open-source app market to use GMail with OpenPGP support.
F-Droid is the primary marketplace app having opensource applications. For closed-source apps available on Google Play, the open-source Google Play client app named Yalp Store offers the same functionality as play market but not requiring Google services.
Youtube client I use is Newpipe, opensource app available in F-Droid. There are other clients too, like SkyTube.
Google Maps can be replaced by OsmAnd+ - an opensource client for OpenStreetMap infrastructure, again available from F-Droid app store.
Office application suite I recommend is Hancom Office - it is free for Samsung devices, and it processes documents faster than Office365.
Also, I made it work on LineageOS and other custom ROMs.
I use Brave Browser as a primary Web browser, as it is opensource app based on Google Chromium code but heavily de-Googled and having some cool features like embedded ad-blocker.
Hope this helps you a bit.
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Crikey!! Can't thank you enough for the time and effort there, what a great welcome to the other side
I confess most of what you said went straight over my head, ROMS and such like, but I will learn as there are clearly some great tips in this post.
So - fine without SIM, cool thanks.
Flashing - gonna take some time to learn but I think the link you posted is what I need, I have the SM-T800
So Lineage is an OS, is that right? And it comes free of Google bloatware/spyware?
I can't believe there are ways to view youtube and maps etc without giving Google your retinal scan. JUST what I hope to do!
Brave Browser - not heard of that, was gonna look for Firefox or Waterfox and set it up myself with RTC discabled, Ublockorigin etc etc (if poss) but maybe don't need to now as Brave sounds built to do what I want already.
Thanks again, great post
marrteee said:
Crikey!! Can't thank you enough for the time and effort there, what a great welcome to the other side
I confess most of what you said went straight over my head, ROMS and such like, but I will learn as there are clearly some great tips in this post.
So - fine without SIM, cool thanks.
Flashing - gonna take some time to learn but I think the link you posted is what I need, I have the SM-T800
So Lineage is an OS, is that right? And it comes free of Google bloatware/spyware?
I can't believe there are ways to view youtube and maps etc without giving Google your retinal scan. JUST what I hope to do!
Brave Browser - not heard of that, was gonna look for Firefox or Waterfox and set it up myself with RTC discabled, Ublockorigin etc etc (if poss) but maybe don't need to now as Brave sounds built to do what I want already.
Thanks again, great post
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Strange the T800 has no dedicated SIM slot, it is WiFi only. T805 does have a SIM card though. You can check it opening Settings - Phone info. Also you can use the dialer to enter a magic code *#1234# to get info about your firmware (pay attention to PDA and CSC values). Would be good if you provide these here before you start any flashing.
LineageOS is a community built distribution of Android OS (like Ubuntu or Debian are GNU/Linux distributions) with some additional tweaks like Privacy Guard (a framework giving you control about permissions application ask, like a consent or denial to read contacts, GPS location, phone number etc). Full disclosure: I am an official maintainer of LineageOS for SM-T805 and I belong to the team creating LineageOS for other devices on the same chipset, like SM-T800, SM-T705, SM-T700, SM-P600 etc. There are also ResurrectionRemix ROM based on LineageOS and also there are de-bloated stock ROMs based on latest available Android 6.0.1 official factory OS. The official LineageOS is based on Android 7.1.2, and there is a (not very stable) 8.1.0.
I was a long-term fan of Firefox on Android (and I still am on PC!), but Chromium engine is twice as fast on our tablet (90.08 for Brave vs 45.04 for Firefox in browser benchmark)
SORRY! The seller called it a T800 but I checked and yes it's a T805.
I am SO busy at the moment with work and family stuff, not sure when I can get round to this and it looks like I have a lot of learning to come which I am dreading a bit with my schedule as it is! Don't suppose there is any chance someone (if not yourself) on this forum offers any kind of service? By that I mean, I post the Tab with cash to cover the job, and someone roots it and does the things you have mentioned then post it back? Probably a bit too much wishful thinking, but if you don't ask.......
marrteee said:
SORRY! The seller called it a T800 but I checked and yes it's a T805.
I am SO busy at the moment with work and family stuff, not sure when I can get round to this and it looks like I have a lot of learning to come which I am dreading a bit with my schedule as it is! Don't suppose there is any chance someone (if not yourself) on this forum offers any kind of service? By that I mean, I post the Tab with cash to cover the job, and someone roots it and does the things you have mentioned then post it back? Probably a bit too much wishful thinking, but if you don't ask.......
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This can be done remotely via TeamViewer - you can be around and follow my commands like press home button etc. The rest is done via ADB on PC side. But write me in PM next week - I have some things to do that I promised before.
That's too kind of you. Not sure if you mean Teamviewer with the actual device or another computer. I am in no hurry at all. My device is factory stock right now, been reset and I am not doing anything with it for now.
Thanks again
I don't suppose (given your knowledge of privacy issues etc) you know of a secure alternative to Skype? I am talking mainly about a desktop app. I have researched many times over the past year and it seems to me that every time something decent gets going, they get shut down or just close down without much explanation. Sure seems suspicious in some cases. Best I could find was ViPole, which is good although has some weaknesses. I can't believe nobody has made something that can do the basic stuff Skype can do! (text, video/voice, screenshare and file share). It's so simple by today's standards! Of course plenty of options until you get to P2P or encryption, then there seems to be nothing which actually works very well at all! Just in case you know of anything?
marrteee said:
I don't suppose (given your knowledge of privacy issues etc) you know of a secure alternative to Skype? I am talking mainly about a desktop app. I have researched many times over the past year and it seems to me that every time something decent gets going, they get shut down or just close down without much explanation. Sure seems suspicious in some cases. Best I could find was ViPole, which is good although has some weaknesses. I can't believe nobody has made something that can do the basic stuff Skype can do! (text, video/voice, screenshare and file share). It's so simple by today's standards! Of course plenty of options until you get to P2P or encryption, then there seems to be nothing which actually works very well at all! Just in case you know of anything?
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Look for Signal and qTox.
Thanks. Tried and still use Signal, although it's got some flaws and not at all sure I trust the privacy side. I really need screenshare too which it doesn't have.
qtox and utox i have tried, tried all the tox chat programs. Completely buggy and unusable. Nice and secure though , which makes it a shame they can't make the software work properly! notifications dont work, cam, calls completely broken. unusable.
I looked at variuos others but it's all going over to apps for smartphones and tabs now, I want a desktop app. Maybe Skype through VPN would help a bit, but not ideal!
Thanks again
marrteee said:
Thanks. Tried and still use Signal, although it's got some flaws and not at all sure I trust the privacy side. I really need screenshare too which it doesn't have.
qtox and utox i have tried, tried all the tox chat programs. Completely buggy and unusable. Nice and secure though , which makes it a shame they can't make the software work properly! notifications dont work, cam, calls completely broken. unusable.
I looked at variuos others but it's all going over to apps for smartphones and tabs now, I want a desktop app. Maybe Skype through VPN would help a bit, but not ideal!
Thanks again
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To accelerate the process of bringing up the quality of opensource projects, one must at least report the bugs timely. Have you filed a feature request? We all donate either our money, or our time to the community. Some of us donate both
Ha, yes I do make reports whenever I spot anything. I am talking to one of the developers about it but I don't see it getting fixed as the impetus seems to have gone and no way they will add screenshare I dont think. I will try though yes, least I can do in the hope that someone produces something useful but not "in bed" with the government!

