Update Auto Rotation Bug? Sticks in portrait - Moto Z Play Questions & Answers

It is caused by many different apps, all very useful.
Cycling recent apps ( square key) frees up landscape.
Annoying behavior, a power button screen cycle resets. Anyone else notice this?
It happens in different apps. VZW phone on latest FW.
BTW I am trying to find a rotation helper app that can force 0* and 90* rotation only. Not 270* while 180* is normally excluded. Anyone?
This is missing the mark.
About security on Lenovo phones.
Note the comments

I think it is an incompatibility with many apps.

@aviwdoowks Did you make any progress in getting better screen rotation response? I was using NOVA launcher, and found I hadnt checked off "auto-rotate" under the NOVA settings.

teerout said:
@aviwdoowks Did you make any progress in getting better screen rotation response? I was using NOVA launcher, and found I hadnt checked off "auto-rotate" under the NOVA settings.
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I like notification toggles. It and others do not allow 0* and 90* only auto. But on the Z it is not such a bother as the Maxx.
The bug seems to be nearly all gone. ... I did take the Dec patch. Now I have OTA disabled, on my dash 1

Look at pic, I think it is my favorite UC browser causing the stick!
I Doooo not want to uninstall it.


Zero Launcher on Note PRO 12.2

Hello, I like TouchWiz but I want to have some changes. I tried Zero Launcher and kind of like it. The only issue I have is that it does not switch between portrait and landscape modes. Anybody knows how to do it? I have turning on and switching works under apps such as those for pdf viewing. However, on home screen, I cannot get the orientation turning works.
Anybody knows how to set the theme to IOS-like?
Some launchers make it an option to hold portrait or rotate when in the launcher, did you check for that option in your launcher settings?
krabman said:
Some launchers make it an option to hold portrait or rotate when in the launcher, did you check for that option in your launcher settings?
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petercohen said:
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'Yes'...and then what? Now I'm curious too! What did you find on Zero?
I haven't downloaded a single launcher for my Note Pro yet and one of the reasons for that is that as a beginner with those apps, I need better explanations than I see at the app store and the developers' websites offer no additional help. Most of them don't even bother to answer an e-mail. That said, I am grateful to you all here for having taught me so many of the right questions to ask; that's another thing that beginners seldom know.
I hope you'll come back soon and tell us what you found. I almost never use 'portrait' view on my tablet, won't download apps for it that insist on using it and can see no use for a launcher that would give me trouble getting out of it. I'm still shopping for the right launcher and I come to every thread here that mentions one.
Thanks again for a very good question.
The only way you're going to find a Launcher you like is to install them and try them. If you don't like it, uninstall it and you're right back where you started. Installing a launcher isn't going to mess anything up, so just try some. Try all of them. You might like more than one, decide to keep changing them, and you'll never get tired of your tablet.
Rolldog said:
The only way you're going to find a Launcher you like is to install them and try them. If you don't like it, uninstall it and you're right back where you started. Installing a launcher isn't going to mess anything up, so just try some. Try all of them. You might like more than one, decide to keep changing them, and you'll never get tired of your tablet.
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Well that's reassuring! In fact I was wondering if I would 'mess anything up' if I did that. The Note Pro is not only my first big tablet: it is my first tablet ever. Unless we also call my Galaxy Note 4 phone a tablet as it does function as one and still I got that not long before the Note Pro. I've lived out in the boonies for over 30 years and got used to the bare minimum in 'under-served' parts of the country. I didn't get greedy till last year and Verizon helped me to upgrade my old flip phone and join the 21st century. I've about worn out my laptop and needed to diversify and of course I'm still having to learn a completely different kind of OS and hardware to do that so I can treat my new friends well. That's taking me a while, as you can tell, but it's not for lack of effort.
Is there some app in the playstore that makes switching back and forth between launchers a little more......streamlined? Should I keep my TouchWiz default whilst I'm doing all the experimenting until I find one I want to keep for a while? I got the cautious mindset from older PC's and hangups or blue screens when I tried to run something too big, and too new, for my hardware, especially, in my experience, when it came to graphics so I really have been afraid of getting into trouble. If I tried switching my whole GUI a half dozen times in one night on a Vista laptop, I'd be reinstalling the whole system by morning, lol.
And then there is OP's question: I admit I rather thought that any developers regularly updating their launchers would be adding the 'rotating' flexibility by default, particularly as large-screen tablets have come out. A lot of apps I've tried (and later dumped) haven't caught up with that, of course, but I didn't think a popular launcher, the principle function of which is the display, would be among them. Now I know what to call it, thanks to OP, I'll look for it on the list of 'features' in the playstore.
There's probably launcher managers out there, I recall using one once a few years back but since it's easy enough to dive into Settings-General-Default Applications-Home and change it I prefer not to load yet another application that has the potential to stay cached/memory resident just for that purpose.
Trying out different launchers won't impact the device much, when you switch back to stock Touchwiz based launcher all of your widgets and icon layouts will be there waiting for you. My advice is to just do one launcher at a time, if you don't like it uninstall it rather than collecting several and switching between them . . the more you load the system down the more risk you have should a launcher you decide to not use has services associated with it that still run or cache themselves in the background taking up resources.
As for screen rotation, the rotation of home screens between portrait and landscape is not my cup of tea. Widgets scale when you rotate to try to adjust for the new aspect ratio that rotation forces upon them and this results in stretch/compression that is unappealing to me. What I use is a rotation manager like Ultimate Rotation Control to force "auto landscape" mode such that my tablet can be used in either landscape orientation (home button up or down) while preserving the ability of all other apps to have the freedom to go portrait or landscape.
muzzy996 said:
There's probably launcher managers out there, I recall using one once a few years back but since it's easy enough to dive into Settings-General-Default Applications-Home and change it I prefer not to load yet another application that has the potential to stay cached/memory resident just for that purpose.
Trying out different launchers won't impact the device much, when you switch back to stock Touchwiz based launcher all of your widgets and icon layouts will be there waiting for you. My advice is to just do one launcher at a time, if you don't like it uninstall it rather than collecting several and switching between them . . the more you load the system down the more risk you have should a launcher you decide to not use has services associated with it that still run or cache themselves in the background taking up resources.
As for screen rotation, the rotation of home screens between portrait and landscape is not my cup of tea. Widgets scale when you rotate to try to adjust for the new aspect ratio that rotation forces upon them and this results in stretch/compression that is unappealing to me. What I use is a rotation manager like Ultimate Rotation Control to force "auto landscape" mode such that my tablet can be used in either landscape orientation (home button up or down) while preserving the ability of all other apps to have the freedom to go portrait or landscape.
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OK. I got Nova today and I'll work with it a while before I think of trying another. I might put another one on my phone so I can learn how to use two of them at once. Now I have a couple of 'dumb questions:'
Do you mean locking just the Home screen so when you hit that button it takes you right back to landscape without you having to physically turn the tablet into position and slant it forward in a quick dip (at least I have to do) to make it go back to landscape? Some apps I've downloaded not only insist on going to portrait mode, they hang up my orientation for a few seconds after I've hit that Home button so then I always have to pick the tablet up and do that dip towards me to make it cooperate.
The few that were especially bad about this, I dumped. Clean Master pulled that on me with its battery checker whenever the screen was idle for a while and I got tired of hitting the back button to get my home page back. - especially since I can't see where it is at night and don't always hit it right.
I don't use a lot of lights at night and I know that's the main problem. It's too many years of working by lantern light at night and saving my solar power for the computer and even though I've moved and have grid electricity the last few years now, I'm still way out in the sticks, no 'light pollution,' and can't change the habit of letting it go ahead and be dark at night. Brightly lit rooms when it's 2 in the morning just feel weird and always remind me of my wild youth when night spots would hit the lights at closing time to shoo everybody out. (it worked too, didn't it?)
Now there's a 'widget' I'd like to find, or an app that follows me around: an alternative to that back button. It illuminates only when I hit it right so I'm constantly tapping around the general area trying to find it. I suppose it would drain my battery a little faster if it were lit up all the time but I really do need a way to solve this, since I'm not going to cure myself of all-nighters with my beloved machines. I've been looking at some likely little apps for that today, made for those whose buttons are worn out or not working, but I haven't found one yet that's been updated in the last year. Have you any recommendations? This is just for my tablet. My Note 4 is small enough so it's harder to get it wrong - and I got the white model and a lurid fuschia otter box case so I'm bound to see it easily.
Next dumb question: is there a way to access the Settings faster than apps button and scrolling through the apps in order to get to it? That's as good as saying I've downloaded too many apps if it takes me that long and I fear that's the case. Maybe a launcher will allow me to put a link to it on the Home screen? As you've said, it's a more economical use of resources to go to Settings and do my own errands instead of installing yet another app; I just wish getting there didn't take me so long. TouchWiz isn't going to let me put that icon among the A's.
Samsung (at least according to them when I asked them) won't let me put more than one language on my GUI - well if it's the same alphabet and I give up accents and tone marks, I can be creative in naming my app folders but that's all. They said I had to change the whole interface if I tried to enable another language. (They also offer Thai but discriminate against Lao so I had to go download a whole different application for that keyboard! I had to do the same just to enable one Welsh circumflex. Ridiculous. ) I can't even think in just one language! My dogs and cats are fluent by now in at least 5 of them. Are launchers a bit more open-minded? I understand I can run individual applications in as many languages as they offer, for they are 'self-contained' but sometimes, I like to change names, menus, options or widgets to different things just to keep my mental edge. I can't even display documents I've imported to the tablet that are in languages not available on my Samsung list. I have the Hancom Office and that has the fonts for them but they won't display and I sure can't edit them in those languages. Is there some simple way to manage this dilemma that I'm missing?
Best to not take this thread off topic . . suggest you ask the other questions in a separate thread that you create in the troubleshooting or general forum.
I will say this - the ultimate rotation control application does allow you to force ANY application into an orientation of your chosing which includes the launcher. So yes, if I'm in an app that's portrait and I'm holding the tablet in that portrait orientation when I hit the HOME button my tablet goes into landscape due to the rotation control app overriding the orientation sensors in the tablet.
muzzy996 said:
Best to not take this thread off topic . . suggest you ask the other questions in a separate thread that you create in the troubleshooting or general forum.
I will say this - the ultimate rotation control application does allow you to force ANY application into an orientation of your chosing which includes the launcher. So yes, if I'm in an app that's portrait and I'm holding the tablet in that portrait orientation when I hit the HOME button my tablet goes into landscape due to the rotation control app overriding the orientation sensors in the tablet.
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Good. Thanks. I found that app just now. I will post a thread about the language mix-ups. I just joined here yesterday and don't know my way around yet, but the first thing I noticed is that your membership here covers the globe and I can't possibly be the only one here who's run into this problem.
I have another rotation-related question and it's probably a dumb one too but it occurred to me because my Note 4 and my Note Pro had different rotation issues and I chose different ways of fixing them. For the tablet, I installed Ultimate Rotate Controller because I only wanted to lock my Home sceen in landscape. On the other hand, I didn't want my phone to spontaneously switch to landscape when I was holding it, as it often did, especially if I got a call because the landscape view made those 'accept' and 'reject' buttons harder to see and harder to hit right. So, I went into Settings, Display and unchecked the box for screen rotation to stop that. It worked. So my question is:
Is this kind of thing actually set by the device 'Settings' and not by the Touchwiz launcher? If you've set your device to disallow screen rotation, wouldn't that hold no matter what launcher you used? Or not?
pawpowered said:
I have another rotation-related question and it's probably a dumb one too but it occurred to me because my Note 4 and my Note Pro had different rotation issues and I chose different ways of fixing them. For the tablet, I installed Ultimate Rotate Controller because I only wanted to lock my Home sceen in landscape. On the other hand, I didn't want my phone to spontaneously switch to landscape when I was holding it, as it often did, especially if I got a call because the landscape view made those 'accept' and 'reject' buttons harder to see and harder to hit right. So, I went into Settings, Display and unchecked the box for screen rotation to stop that. It worked. So my question is:
Is this kind of thing actually set by the device 'Settings' and not by the Touchwiz launcher? If you've set your device to disallow screen rotation, wouldn't that hold no matter what launcher you used? Or not?
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Using system settings or the quick settings toggle for rotation in the notification tray is a system wide lock of rotation. If your goal is to lock a launcher to a specific rotation then look within the settings of the launcher itself. Some launchers will have a setting to lock orientation, nova does for example. Doing it within the launchers own settings only affects home screen and application tray, not other screens like the call or dialer screen.
Sent from my SM-P900 using Tapatalk
muzzy996 said:
Using system settings or the quick settings toggle for rotation in the notification tray is a system wide lock of rotation. If your goal is to lock a launcher to a specific rotation then look within the settings of the launcher itself. Some launchers will have a setting to lock orientation, nova does for example. Doing it within the launchers own settings only affects home screen and application tray, not other screens like the call or dialer screen.
Sent from my SM-P900 using Tapatalk
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Thanks for clarifying that! Going to system settings looked like the only option to try, long before I started thinking of launchers - or even thinking of Touchwiz as a separate entity. (the Note 4 was my first Android phone too ) It seemed worth the trouble to go back and allow that rotation again at my leisure, when I wasn't doing something risky like driving down the road. Mother always happens to call me when I'm driving back from town on dark mountain roads, so that was about the first thing I learned to do on my phone. Verizon has recently informed me that I can now make and receive calls on my tablet, which brings me to a question only peripherally related, pun intended:
Would you direct me to a thread here, if you happen to know of one, discussing appropriate headsets, something more up to date, for my phone and tablet? I don't know what to call them or the names of the best brands. I only have a 6-year-old little ear piece that I got for my old flip phone and almost never used and it may not be up to the job for these newer devices.
I saw some games to play with your cats on the playstore last night that you use your phone to control - and then your cats get to jump all over your tablet. If you can do that much, could you also affect the screen orientation of your tablet with your phone?
OP, have you tried this launcher: Live Launcher? I saw it on SlideME tonight and it has the 3D effects. It's free.

Micro lag on nova launcher

Folks when using nova launcher there's a clear noticeable lag when launching apps from home screens.
I've tested this versus stock oneplus launcher. On stock oneplus launcher apps launch instantly after you tap on an icon, whilst on nova the app icon lights up & then the app is launched afterwards. My best mate who also uses a oneplus 3 has been experiencing the same issue.
To test this for yourself, use oneplus launcher for a minute, opening various apps - then do the same on nova and you'll immediately notice the micro lag.
This also occurs when launching apps from the app drawer.
Anyone else noticed this?
I also experience the exact same issue. Noticed it couple of days ago but haven't had time to post about it here.
I have reported the issue to the Nova Launcher Dev via email and also in the Beta Google+ page. This is definitely a Nova Launcher bug as I have tested Google Now Launcher, the new Pixel Launcher and the official One plus launcher.
On all three apps open the instant an icon is touched while on nova an icon is touched, the icon briefly lights up and only then opens. It is something you might not notice initially but once someone tells you or shows you, you can't miss it and it gets more and more iritating with time.
Have tried moving to other launchers but the uncustomisable grid size on Google Now, Pixel and Oneplus launcher keep me from doing so as most of them have massive vertical gaps inbetween apps on the homescreen.
It happens on both Latest Beta and Latest Stable version of Nova Launcher Prime. Have tried to remove all widgets off homescreen, turning off animations system wide, but it did not make a difference.
Running Official Rooted Stock with Viper4Android Oxygen 3.2.6. Do not use xposed so a module can't be the culprit.
Try changing scroll speed and animation speed to Fast under nova setting look and feel. Also in developer settings change transition animation scale, animator transition scale and windows animation scale all to .5
stevessvt said:
Try changing scroll speed and animation speed to Fast under nova setting look and feel. Also in developer settings change transition animation scale, animator transition scale and windows animation scale all to .5
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The problem isn't an animation problem. It is a delay that happens before the animation even takes plays. It doesn't matter even if you switch the animations off system wide under eveloper options the delay between when you tap on an app and it opening is still noticeable
Oh, ok. Mine is bone stock unrooted and don't have any stutters that I can see. Wish I could help.
stevessvt said:
Oh, ok. Mine is bone stock unrooted and don't have any stutters that I can see. Wish I could help.
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No worries bro, thanks for chiming in :beer:
Can't say I notice anything more than the animation.
My nova beta with prime on stock oxygen 3.2.6 is as smooth as one plus launcher.
I don't notice it myself; that said, I'm using FreedomOS (slightly modified OOS) and blu_spark kernel, which might help improve performance a bit.
Most apps open up before I even manage to lift the finger off the screen, those that take longer are equally slow on both launchers. (Talking about cold starts here, once they're in RAM everything's pretty much instant).
Sent from my OnePlus 3 using Tapatalk
It probably comes from the fact you can assign 2 different apps for the same icon.
One for "click" and one for "slide up".
If you slide up the app drawer icon you'll enter in Nove Settings for example.
"Not a bug, just a feature" ^^
Same thing with SmartLauncher.
krohme said:
Folks when using nova launcher there's a clear noticeable lag when launching apps from home screens.
I've tested this versus stock oneplus launcher. On stock oneplus launcher apps launch instantly after you tap on an icon, whilst on nova the app icon lights up & then the app is launched afterwards. My best mate who also uses a oneplus 3 has been experiencing the same issue.
To test this for yourself, use oneplus launcher for a minute, opening various apps - then do the same on nova and you'll immediately notice the micro lag.
This also occurs when launching apps from the app drawer.
Anyone else noticed this?
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I'm using Nova since two weeks with RR and Boeffla's Kernel, and I have no lags at all. I've set the animation of Nova to "Fast". When I open the drawer, or the widget menu, I can't notice any micro lag. I think this problem is not Nova-related
Dushaine said:
It probably comes from the fact you can assign 2 different apps for the same icon.
One for "click" and one for "slide up".
If you slide up the app drawer icon you'll enter in Nove Settings for example.
"Not a bug, just a feature" ^^
Same thing with SmartLauncher.
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That shouldn't cause any lags, sliding and tapping are completely different actions.
Lags or rather delays happen when you have double tap functions, because in that case the system has to wait after first tap to see if you'll tap again. But sliding has no influence here.
I'm using swipe-up functions on multiple icons and still see no lag whatsoever.
Sent from my OnePlus 3 using Tapatalk
Explorer23 said:
That shouldn't cause any lags, sliding and tapping are completely different actions.
Lags or rather delays happen when you have double tap functions, because in that case the system has to wait after first tap to see if you'll tap again. But sliding has no influence here.
I'm using swipe-up functions on multiple icons and still see no lag whatsoever.
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He said "micro-lag" not huge lag. But you're right, those are two different things
I just checked on my device and I have a little latency due to the animation (just tried to change the speed animation and it fixed it).
I can confirm this lags on RR with Nova launcher, Trebuchet open the aps faster!
Doesn't happen to me on Sultan's ROM.
Micro Lag
Paraless said:
Doesn't happen to me on Sultan's ROM.
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The lag is a MICRO lag not a very noticeable lag. Any other launcher including, google now, pixel, one plus and action launcher 3 don't have it but nova does. doesnt matter if your using stable or beta builds. Makes no difference what home screen set up you got. There is slight delay between when you touch the screen and the app icon you pressed starts playing animation. The app lights up first which it shouldn't do. it should just start animation the minute the app icon touchscreen input is detected. It is alot less likely to happen if the app is not in memory. Once the app is in memory it does it every single time you press home, whatsapp for example. Moved to Action Launcher 3 after using Nova Prime for past 3 years. Reported to developer via email and google+ beta page but no reply in 3 days.
noticed this since i got the phone a couple of weeks ago, but only if keeping app in memory (i.e. hitting home instead of back). if i hit back to exit app, this delay doesn't occur (except maybe w/ facebook)
only happens w/ nova launcher and definitely specific to OP3. i would use stock launcher, but i prefer to turn all animations off, and nova seems to be the only launcher that keeps the light up on button/app press with animations off.
in general, OP3 seems to lag a bit compared to my OPX in regards to navigating menus (i.e. settings)
I can also confirm microlag when launching apps, really annoyed with it.

Three little "problems" I found using the OnePlus 5T

Hey guys,
while I'm extremely happy with the phone (awesome screen, perfect fingerprint location IMO, general form factor), I've come across three little problems:
1.) The biggest "flaw": Using another launcher / wallpaper than the stock one causes the face-unlock to be slower. And if you set another launcher / wallpaper, there will be a noticeable delay when you turn on the screen: The wallpaper will take longer to appear on the screen than everything else.
2.) The time between hitting the power button on the right / using the double-tap-to-wake feature and the screen actually turning on is almost a second. Coming from the 3T btw, where it almost felt instant.
3.) I'm not sure whether it's a flaw but it's just something that looks strange: The greyish navbar when using a dark-themed app. (I wouldn't really call this a problem, it's just a consistency flaw you notice, while operating the phone.
So first of all: Do you have the same impressions? It might very well just be my phone and you don't encounter these problems. But in another thread I already read about the face-unlock time taking longer, when using another launcher / wallpaper.
Thanks in advance for any replies and experiences!
Sangraphim said:
Hey guys,
while I'm extremely happy with the phone (awesome screen, perfect fingerprint location IMO, general form factor), I've come across three little problems:
1.) The biggest "flaw": Using another launcher / wallpaper than the stock one causes the face-unlock to be slower. And if you set another launcher / wallpaper, there will be a noticeable delay when you turn on the screen: The wallpaper will take longer to appear on the screen than everything else.
2.) The time between hitting the power button on the right / using the double-tap-to-wake feature and the screen actually turning on is almost a second. Coming from the 3T btw, where it almost felt instant.
3.) I'm not sure whether it's a flaw but it's just something that looks strange: The greyish navbar when using a dark-themed app. (I wouldn't really call this a problem, it's just a consistency flaw you notice, while operating the phone.
So first of all: Do you have the same impressions? It might very well just be my phone and you don't encounter these problems. But in another thread I already read about the face-unlock time taking longer, when using another launcher / wallpaper.
Thanks in advance for any replies and experiences!
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1) I do not have the problem using Nova Launcher
2} I press the power button the screen appears in less than half a second
3) I do not have that problem but I only have two dark themed apps
Sent from my OnePlus 5 using XDA Labs
Like this
Sent from my OnePlus 5 using XDA Labs
There's an app in the play store called Navbar Apps which can fix the navbar colour issue. Doesn't even need root!
Lum_UK said:
There's an app in the play store called Navbar Apps which can fix the navbar colour issue. Doesn't even need root!
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Thanks Lum_UK, but I already tried that one. I find it to be a bit slow in overlaying the "correct" color, i.e. the overlay isn't always there from the beginning when opening an app.
And I'm not interested in rooting anymore.
You can force it to just black in that app, which may be preferable to the grey, and avoids the delay issue.
Otherwise, probably not much you can do unless a future OOS adds new options.
Use gallery to set ur wallpapers, do lockscreen 1st then homescreen, don't do both. Using Action Launcher
Bradl79 said:
Use gallery to set ur wallpapers, do lockscreen 1st then homescreen, don't do both. Using Action Launcher
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Doesn't change anything for me
Sangraphim said:
Doesn't change anything for me
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What launcher r u using
So far I tried Nova, Lawnchair and the stock launcher. I'm encountering this problem with Nova and Lawnchair, not with the stock one. But if I set a custom wallpaper in the stock launcher, the wallpaper-appearing-delay is also there.
Sangraphim said:
So far I tried Nova, Lawnchair and the stock launcher. I'm encountering this problem with Nova and Lawnchair, not with the stock one. But if I set a custom wallpaper in the stock launcher, the wallpaper-appearing-delay is also there.
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Tbh I think the only thing that will be useful is a factory reset
Sent from my OnePlus 5 using XDA Labs
Sangraphim said:
1.) The biggest "flaw": Using another launcher / wallpaper than the stock one causes the face-unlock to be slower. And if you set another launcher / wallpaper, there will be a noticeable delay when you turn on the screen: The wallpaper will take longer to appear on the screen than everything else.
2.) The time between hitting the power button on the right / using the double-tap-to-wake feature and the screen actually turning on is almost a second. Coming from the 3T btw, where it almost felt instant.
3.) I'm not sure whether it's a flaw but it's just something that looks strange: The greyish navbar when using a dark-themed app. (I wouldn't really call this a problem, it's just a consistency flaw you notice, while operating the phone.
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#2 is because of face unlock. Disable it and it will be instant.
Personally i use ambient display + lift up display so when i pick the phone i can see the clock and if needed, the double tap to wake in that screen is instant too
Sangraphim said:
Thanks Lum_UK, but I already tried that one. I find it to be a bit slow in overlaying the "correct" color, i.e. the overlay isn't always there from the beginning when opening an app.
And I'm not interested in rooting anymore.
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You can turn off the animation in Navbar Apps as well. That way the correct color will load much faster.
I don't use Face Unlock, but everything turns on instantly for me.
However, the nav bar color oscuro the worst and I can't wait to get back to a good AOSP firmware. OxygenOS is great and all but missing very important features I just can't live (comfortably) without.
fuarkgl3 said:
#2 is because of face unlock. Disable it and it will be instant.
Personally i use ambient display + lift up display so when i pick the phone i can see the clock and if needed, the double tap to wake in that screen is instant too
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You're right! This means bye-bye then to face unlock, unless this is fixed. I'm using smart lock anyway. :good:
Thank you for all your replies so far! They really were helpful!
Now could you still say something about "problem" #1? Do you observe the same or is it different? So if you use another launcher / wallpaper, will the wallpaper take longer to load then everything else?
1. agreed, same exact issue here.
2. i dont have that issue. both FP and FU are pretty much instant. sounds strange. maybe factory reset is really the way to go.
3. yea i agree, not optimal.
Hey guys,
I just wanted to give a heads up to you: I just discovered how to avoid the 'wallpaper-lag' while turning the screen on when using a non-stock wallpaper or non-stock launcher:
1. Force stop the OnePlus launcher.
2. Uninstall any updates to it.
3. Use the launcher you like. (Tested with lawnchairs and Nova)
At least for me, the wallpaper lag is gone!
Sangraphim said:
Hey guys,
while I'm extremely happy with the phone (awesome screen, perfect fingerprint location IMO, general form factor), I've come across three little problems:
1.) The biggest "flaw": Using another launcher / wallpaper than the stock one causes the face-unlock to be slower. And if you set another launcher / wallpaper, there will be a noticeable delay when you turn on the screen: The wallpaper will take longer to appear on the screen than everything else.
2.) The time between hitting the power button on the right / using the double-tap-to-wake feature and the screen actually turning on is almost a second. Coming from the 3T btw, where it almost felt instant.
3.) I'm not sure whether it's a flaw but it's just something that looks strange: The greyish navbar when using a dark-themed app. (I wouldn't really call this a problem, it's just a consistency flaw you notice, while operating the phone.
So first of all: Do you have the same impressions? It might very well just be my phone and you don't encounter these problems. But in another thread I already read about the face-unlock time taking longer, when using another launcher / wallpaper.
Thanks in advance for any replies and experiences!
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For 1) and 2) : Did you force stop the oneplus launcher? No lag here..
edit, I see @Sangraphim already posted this right above this post
Sangraphim said:
Hey guys,
I just wanted to give a heads up to you: I just discovered how to avoid the 'wallpaper-lag' while turning the screen on when using a non-stock wallpaper or non-stock launcher:
1. Force stop the OnePlus launcher.
2. Uninstall any updates to it.
3. Use the launcher you like. (Tested with lawnchairs and Nova)
At least for me, the wallpaper lag is gone!
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For me this doesn't solve the problem. If the wallpaper is set through another launcher (Nova in my case) and if I use Nova, when using face unlock, i first see the lock screen for some split seconds and then it unlocks. If the lockscreen wallpaper is set through the OnePlus launcher itself, it skips the split seconds on the lockscreen completely and goes directly onto the homescreen which feels much more instantaneous. Also if I'm using a live wallpaper, like the nice new Pixel wallpapers which I wanted to use, the problem occurs even when setting the wallpaper through the OnePlus launcher and when using OnePlus launcher itself.
I've uninstalled the OnePlus launcher updates and tried to force stop it (although this wasn't possible as it seemingly wasn't even started to begin with), but nothing changed.
And yes, the wallpaper will often times take longer to appear on the screen than everything else, exactly like Dimitry from Hardware Canucks demoed in his review:
This looks very glitchy in my opinion but is of course rather nitpicky.
And as Sangraphim said, the time between hitting the power button on the right / using the double-tap-to-wake feature and the screen actually turning on is definetly prolonged when using face unlock - but that's probably by design I guess, because it starts the front camera first and waits a bit to detect a face before actually turning on the screen.

[DISCUSSION] July update screen rotation animation bug

I have confirmed from many others that the new July brings up some improvements but also an annoying bug that glitches the animation when you rotate the screen from landscape to portrait.
Now I'm curious if we can do anything to fix this diy or we need to wait for Xiaomi to fix this ... next month.
What I tried until now:
-Enable developer option and mess with animations speed - no improvement, animations go slower, faster but the black screen glitch still remains
-Messed up with 3d and hardware acceleration in developer options - no improvement
-Narrowed down the glitch to the launcher since while outside the launcher the animation continues after a black screen appears and while in launcher the wallpaper blinks with no black screen.
-Tried installing aftermarket launcher and disabling the stock launcher ... but the stock launcher cannot be stopped and disabled
-After a 2nd launcher the bug still persist
-Reset the stock launcher and wipe cache and data - no improvement
-Reset System UI - no improvement
What else is there? How can we fix this OCD inducing glitch?
I understand that this bug can be very annoying for those who often watch videos or use landscape mode apps.
But honestly I doubt there could be an easy fix (without root and customizing program)
So I'm afraid we will have to live with it at least until next update...
Mellow971 said:
I understand that this bug can be very annoying for those who often watch videos or use landscape mode apps.
But honestly I doubt there could be an easy fix (without root and customizing program)
So I'm afraid we will have to live with it at least until next update...
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I think there COULD be a solution, not sure tho. I am just curious what could cause the glitch, what process, or what app.
Maybe there could be someone knowing how the inner works of the system work, or what exactly did the OTA modified. Maybe the bug could be fixed by a simple data deletion. I don't know...
I don't like animations, so I disabled it all. Maybe this will be usefull for you, at least as alternative solution until an update solve the problem.
Go to Settings -> Acessibility -> Turn off animations
Maybe the names are different for you, but I hope you can find it.
romulocarlos said:
I don't like animations, so I disabled it all. Maybe this will be usefull for you, at least as alternative solution until an update solve the problem.
Go to Settings -> Acessibility -> Turn off animations
Maybe the names are different for you, but I hope you can find it.
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Even with animation off, the screen still blinks black when rotating from landscape to portrait. That's the bug, not the animation.
worst update ever [emoji35][emoji35]
I wonder if before release the update to public the developers testing it..
stsoulos said:
worst update ever [emoji35][emoji35]
I wonder if before release the update to public the developers testing it..
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Maybe the result was unexpected. You know why I posted this? I was hoping that someone installed a fresh copy of the full ROM on a blank device and... the problem is not there. The update maybe conflicting with something in the already configured system. Idk...

Question Screen taps missed

am I the only one that feels this?
happened with the Nov, Dec and Jan patch.
after you traverse from one screen to another ( same app, different apps, app to home screen ) there's no immediate tap registration on the screen, is like ... it gets registered like 500 millisecond ( half a second ) after the transition happens.
am I the only one noticing this?
despite what I try ( increased sensitivity, etc ) nothing changes.
things to try if I'm not crazy?
I have also the same issue any suggestions for this so please reply. Thanks in advance.
Are you using a third-party launcher like Nova Launcher and navigating with gestures?
If yes, this incredibly annoying delay has been an issue since Android 11 and is present on several devices running Android 11 or higher. Even Nova made an official statement that there's nothing they can do about it.
For now, the only 'fix' is to use the stock launcher (with all its limitations) unfortunately
vPro97 said:
Are you using a third-party launcher like Nova Launcher and navigating with gestures?
If yes, this incredibly annoying delay has been an issue since Android 11 and is present on several devices running Android 11 or higher. Even Nova made an official statement that there's nothing they can do about it.
For now, the only 'fix' is to use the stock launcher (with all its limitations) unfortunately
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omg ... amazing.
so I guess I'll learn to unfortunately live with this nonsense delay.
I will not lose double tap to lock screen from nova
I had same issue with Nova. I solved it through:
a) Using Navbar instead of gestures
b) Hide navbar (using fabricated overlays)
c) Using FNG (from play store) to handle gestures
However, for (b) you must be rooted and you will need a Magisk module with a startup (service.sh) script which generates the overlays at boot time. On the january build, fabricated overlays are removed at every boot!
I have now absolutely no issues any more with 'missed' screen taps. Also the annoying white screen flash which sometimes occur when using Nova is totally gone for me.
too bad everything needs to be done rooted.
I'm not rooting for now

