Is Anyone Building Other ROMs Not Posted? - Samsung Galaxy Nexus

The choice of ROMs has slowly been dipping since Lollipop as more and more ROMs no longer have Official support for Galaxy Nexus.
At the same time, newer ROMs are popping up for other devices and they look quite interesting.
Ones I have been looking at are Dirty Unicorns, Screw'd, AICP and OctOS.
However, building an unofficial ROM has been troublesome for me.
I have been focusing on Marshmallow since there are still some bugs with AOSP/Unlegacy nougat.
My main issue is that it isn't clear which gnex repos I should be adding after I have sync'd the main ROM source.
There are lots of different forks around and it isn't clear which one to choose.
Which repos do I need to add for AOSP based ROMs?
What is the recommended way to add them?
Does it make any difference if the ROM uses Cyanogenmod or Omnirom as a base instead of AOSP?
Has anyone built these (or any other ROMs) privately and would like to share all the commands necessary for a successful build?

Take a look at this backstage development
SAOSP has more nougat builds,
Then Dirty Unicorn and Pure Nexus.....
Thank him -> @voidz777

My present time is 5 o'clock in the morning.
In other words, it is before going to work.
So I can not write
Hi, opticyclic
I did not ignore you.
I have been working forever since I got your email.
Because I can not tell the right way unless I port it before telling you.
I was doing screwed work for a while.
But I can not boot it.
Probably, I think it is due to more optimizing.
I got tired because I got
After a while, delete https: //
It is another addition.
<project path="prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.7" name="platform/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.7" revision="master" groups="pdk,linux,arm" />
<project name="proprietary_vendor_samsung" path="vendor/samsung" remote="unlegacy" revision="aosp-6.0" />
<project path="hardware/ti/omap4" name="android_hardware_ti_omap4" remote="unlegacy" revision="stable" groups="omap4" />
<project path="vendor/ti" name="proprietary_vendor_ti" remote="unlegacy" revision="stable" />
<project path="vendor/widevine" name="proprietary_vendor_widevine" remote="unlegacy" revision="aosp-6.0" />
I'm sorry, my English is not good.
If I could write in Japanese here, I can tell you a little more about the way of port.
There is no time now.
PS.Ah, oct could be pored immediately.

@voidz777 No apologies necessary!
Your posts about different ROMs on Google plus are actually what prompted me to try to build some myself!
Thanks for the info.
I'll post back after trying out a few different ROMs and give an update in the OP on any successes.

I tried to build octos with
repo init -u -b oct-mm
and this in .repo/local_manifests/roomservice.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Remotes -->
<remote name="unlegacy"
revision="aosp-6.0" />
<remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_ti_omap4" />
<project remote="unlegacy" path="device/samsung/tuna" name="android_device_samsung_tuna" />
<project remote="unlegacy" path="hardware/ti/omap4" name="android_hardware_ti_omap4" revision="stable" groups="omap4" />
<project remote="unlegacy" path="vendor/samsung" name="proprietary_vendor_samsung" />
<project remote="unlegacy" path="vendor/ti" name="proprietary_vendor_ti" revision="stable" />
<project remote="unlegacy" path="vendor/widevine" name="proprietary_vendor_widevine" />
However, they are doing something funny with the build/ and it isn't picking up the so the device isn't picked up by brunch/breakfast etc.
As far as I can tell, there is no specific info on GitHub, GooglePlus or any posts on xda on how to add a new device for their ROM.
On to AICP....

Check vendor / rom - name or device / other - device /.
If oct it will be platform_vendor_to.
Let's see the commit log.
Is there any device added?
For example, let's look for mako.
Mako has been added by this commitment.
Create the tuna file in the same way.
Well, will you continue your way of thinking? Or do you want to know the answer quickly?

Thanks for the tip.
If they are going to use a different build structure, it should really be on the README or a FAQ somewhere.
It's bad programming practice in general to expect people to search through commit logs just to try to work out how a project works.
So instead of just adding a local manifest, OctOs requires the following:
to.dependencies (same as local manifest but in JSON instead of XML) - same as the device board (
extra line in - it ignores your
Then do lunch aosp_tuna-userdebug.
Then do mka bacon
However, the first time I did this, it overwrote my .repo/local_manifest/roomsevice.xml with a generated version that contained octos revisions instead of the aosp revisions, which obviously failed as there is no octos revision in unlegacy!
Weirdly, after reverting the roomservice.xml and running lunch again didn't overwrite it.
AICP was more straightforward.
I just added the roomservice.xml and ran lunch aosp_tuna-userdebug and mka bacon.
However, both failed with the following error:
build/core/ *** packages/apps/Nfc//nxp/jni: MODULE.TARGET.SHARED_LIBRARIES.libnfc_jni already defined by packages/apps/Nfc/nxp/jni/. Stop.
What is weird about this is that it is the same module defining the library, however, the first one has a double slash in the path!

Probably revert this commit
Sent from my Nexus 5

Good catch.
I wonder how that didn't cause a build failure on the build servers.
The next failure in both was:
build/core/ *** hardware/invensense/60xx/mlsdk: MODULE.TARGET.SHARED_LIBRARIES.libmlplatform already defined by device/samsung/tuna/libsensors. Stop.
That was resolved by removing the Cyanaogenmod project and using the unlegacy one instead, so the local manifest now looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Remotes -->
<remote name="unlegacy"
revision="aosp-6.0" />
<remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_ti_omap4" />
<remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_invensense" />
<project name="android_device_samsung_tuna" path="device/samsung/tuna" remote="unlegacy" />
<project name="android_kernel_samsung_tuna" path="kernel/samsung/tuna" remote="unlegacy" revision="stable"/>
<project groups="omap4" name="android_hardware_ti_omap4" path="hardware/ti/omap4" remote="unlegacy" revision="stable" />
<project name="proprietary_vendor_samsung" path="vendor/samsung" remote="unlegacy" />
<project name="proprietary_vendor_ti" path="vendor/ti" remote="unlegacy" revision="stable" />
<project name="proprietary_vendor_widevine" path="vendor/widevine" remote="unlegacy" />
I chose revision="stable" for android_kernel_samsung_tuna", although there is also "aosp-6.0-sound" but I just wanted any kernel to allow me to compile at this point.
The next error (both ROMs) is this (maven 3 is installed)
make: *** No rule to make target '/home/buildbot/android/aicp/out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/ambientsdk_intermediates/aar/classes.jar', needed by '/home/buildbot/android/aicp/out/target/common/obj/APPS/messaging_intermediates/AndroidManifest.xml'. Stop.
This relates to this dir
Interestingly, ambientsdk dir existed all thoughout the n7.0 branch and only got removed recently in the n7.1 branch
I also don't see any maven messages in the build log and com.cyngn.ambient/ambientsdk/ is not in my ~/.m2/repository which makes me wonder if I am missing a project.
The only similar errors I see online are if people don't have maven installed.
I tried removing the files like the 7.1 branch even though it felt wrong,
rm vendor/aicp/overlay/common/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/cm_arrays.xml
rm -rf vendor/aicp/ambientsdk
Not surprisingly, it seems like something else is calling it as the same error pops up 25 mins into build.
repo grep ambientsdk shows ContactsCommon, Trebuchet and ContactsProvider using it in the files and grepping for ambient shows lot of java imports.
So now I am stuck again.
To be honest, I wasn't expecting to have to deal with errors like this as they don't seem to be device specific.
i.e. there are builds for other devices so how did they compile?

i have posted nethunter rom here:


Problems building cm-10.1

Hi everybody,
I am trying to compile CyanogenMod for my Galaxy W. I cloned using
repo init -u git:// -b cm-10.1
and am using the following local_manifest:
<remote name="arco" fetch="" />
<remote name="ralisi" fetch="ssh://[email protected]/ralisi" />
<project path="device/samsung/ancora" name="android_device_samsung_ancora" remote="ralisi" revision="cm-10.1"/>
<project path="vendor/samsung/ancora" name="android_vendor_samsung_ancora" remote="arco" revision="cm-10.1"/>
<project path="kernel/samsung/samsung-kernel-msm7x30" name="samsung-kernel-msm7x30" remote="arco" revision="cm-10.1"/>
My own repository is a fork of arco´s, but I added the automatic build of the kernel.
Additionally I cherry-picked two commits in /frameworks/native: (sorry, no links because forum does not let me)
Everything compiles and an image gets generated. However, when I flash my Image, the phone does not boot. After the initial Samsung-Screen with "Cyanogenmod" on the bottom, the screen turns all black with the backlights turned on. I have also tried compilation using the prebuilt kernel-Images with the same result.
However, I managed to test my kernel: If I flash the recently posted ROM AOIP v1.6b4, and then flash my Kernel onto it, my phone boots and show my newly built kernel in the properties.
Do you have any hints how to build a working image?
I assume the issue is with the userland. Do I need to cherry-pick any other commits for the repositories.
Already thanks in advance
Just in case there is anyone wondering how to do it. I gave up worrying about 10.1 and checked out cm-10.2. I am using this local overlay.
<remote name="arco" fetch="" />
<remote name="ralisi" fetch="ssh://[email protected]/ralisi" />
<project path="device/samsung/ancora" name="android_device_samsung_ancora" remote="ralisi" revision="cm-10.2"/>
<project path="vendor/samsung/ancora" name="android_vendor_samsung_ancora" remote="arco" revision="cm-10.2"/>
<project path="kernel/samsung/samsung-kernel-msm7x30" name="samsung-kernel-msm7x30" remote="arco" revision="cm-10.2"/>
I cherry-picked the two already mentioned commits and I can build cyanogenmod and run cyanogenmod.
ralisi said:
Just in case there is anyone wondering how to do it. I gave up worrying about 10.1 and checked out cm-10.2. I am using this local overlay.
<remote name="arco" fetch="" />
<remote name="ralisi" fetch="ssh://[email protected]/ralisi" />
<project path="device/samsung/ancora" name="android_device_samsung_ancora" remote="ralisi" revision="cm-10.2"/>
<project path="vendor/samsung/ancora" name="android_vendor_samsung_ancora" remote="arco" revision="cm-10.2"/>
<project path="kernel/samsung/samsung-kernel-msm7x30" name="samsung-kernel-msm7x30" remote="arco" revision="cm-10.2"/>
I cherry-picked the two already mentioned commits and I can build cyanogenmod and run cyanogenmod.
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So can i got a booted cm if compile it with this manifest? thanks
haky 86 said:
So can i got a booted cm if compile it with this manifest? thanks
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Yes, I have not built it in months now, but it worked that way.
ralisi said:
Yes, I have not built it in months now, but it worked that way.
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OK man i compiled it, but boot stuck with a black screen, how to fix it?thanks
haky 86 said:
OK man i compiled it, but boot stuck with a black screen, how to fix it?thanks
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To be honest, I dont know. I have also experienced this problem and I tried a rebuild a couple of days later and it seemed that the issue got fixed in the meanwhile.

HELP on making S4 build for AOSPA
Im trying to compile my own AOSPA for the S4
i got a noob question. When I try to # Initialize the ParanoidAndroid Repo i get a error on the terminal that states
/home/joel/bin/repo: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
/home/joel/bin/repo: line 1: `<!DOCTYPE html>'
can somebody help me on what extactly im doing wrong. Ive googled it and found nothing that helped out.
jm492705 said:
Im trying to compile my own AOSPA for the S4
i got a noob question. When I try to # Initialize the ParanoidAndroid Repo i get a error on the terminal that states
/home/joel/bin/repo: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
/home/joel/bin/repo: line 1: `<!DOCTYPE html>'
can somebody help me on what extactly im doing wrong. Ive googled it and found nothing that helped out.
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I will assume you followed the preceding instructions about installing Python and that it was configured correctly. I would say to "rm -rf ~/bin/repo", which will remove the folder /repo and all its contents... then to start back at #Install the Repo.
lordcheeto03 said:
I will assume you followed the preceding instructions about installing Python and that it was configured correctly. I would say to "rm -rf ~/bin/repo", which will remove the folder /repo and all its contents... then to start back at #Install the Repo.
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i did what you told me to attempt and still got the same error when try to #Install the Repo. Is there anything else that i can do. i just don't get what im doing wrong because i did it right when i did my own CM build, just attempiting now to make my own AOSPA ROM for the S4.
i was able to Initialize the ParanoidAndroid Repo but now im stuck on adding the specific device trees for the S4. how do i find it and where? im confused
jm492705 said:
i was able to Initialize the ParanoidAndroid Repo but now im stuck on adding the specific device trees for the S4. how do i find it and where for my specific device? im confused on what to do next. plz help
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jm492705 said:
i was able to Initialize the ParanoidAndroid Repo but now im stuck on adding the specific device trees for the S4. how do i find it and where? im confused
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I assume there's a better way than mine, but I always go into <your source location>/.repo and edit manifest.xml to include CM's android_device_samsung_jf-common, android_device_samsung_jfltetmo, and android_kernel_samsung_jf. After adding them to your manifest, just do another repo sync and you should have everything you need to start cranking out a build...
lordcheeto03 said:
I assume there's a better way than mine, but I always go into <your source location>/.repo and edit manifest.xml to include CM's android_device_samsung_jf-common, android_device_samsung_jfltetmo, and android_kernel_samsung_jf. After adding them to your manifest, just do another repo sync and you should have everything you need to start cranking out a build...
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is this the right informartion that i need to add to the manifest?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_jfltetmo" path="device/samsung/jfltetmo" remote="github" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_qcom-common" path="device/samsung/qcom-common" remote="github" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_msm8960-common" path="device/samsung/msm8960-common" remote="github" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_jf-common" path="device/samsung/jf-common" remote="github" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_kernel_samsung_jf" path="kernel/samsung/jf" remote="github" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_samsung" path="hardware/samsung" remote="github" />
jm492705 said:
is this the right informartion that i need to add to the manifest?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_jfltetmo" path="device/samsung/jfltetmo" remote="github" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_qcom-common" path="device/samsung/qcom-common" remote="github" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_msm8960-common" path="device/samsung/msm8960-common" remote="github" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_jf-common" path="device/samsung/jf-common" remote="github" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_kernel_samsung_jf" path="kernel/samsung/jf" remote="github" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_samsung" path="hardware/samsung" remote="github" />
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That looks good, but I didn't even think that @ayysir has his PA tree on his github.
I've never built PA but I would assume you could use CM's tree with a few modifications here and there.
lordcheeto03 said:
That looks good, but I didn't even think that @ayysir has his PA tree on his github.
I've never built PA but I would assume you could use CM's tree with a few modifications here and there.
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So would it be okay for me to put the CM trees that it in the local manifest? just making sure, and then do the repo sync sorry for the noobness just getting the hang of things and really intrested on building PA
jm492705 said:
So would it be okay for me to put the CM trees that it in the local manifest? just making sure, and then do the repo sync sorry for the noobness just getting the hang of things and really intrested on building PA
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Attempting to build Liquid Smooth ROM for captivate glide

First off i'm going to say, I know SOME BASIC CODING (I developed some for windows and a little bit on android)
I decided to TRY to build our Captivate glide users more KitKat roms!
So basically I have the source for liquid smooth but I don't know what to do from there (Remember I'm new so don't blow up on me,I'm trying!)
If there is a guide on how to build or you guys can help me on this that would be great!
I was following this guide:
[GUIDE][AOSPA:v3.+] How to Compile AOSPA from Source : + Support and Maintenance
Instead of compiling PA, I decided to use Liquid Smooth (for the life of me couldn't find PA android 4.4.2 REPO!)
did what the guide said and now i'm stuck here:
VERY IMPORTANT: Now, before the final stage sync, make sure there's no code referring to 'ParanoidPreferences' in manifest.
To check that
1) Open your File Browser,
2) Press Ctrl+H (to show hidden files/directories)
3) Navigate to android/system/.repo/manifest.xml
(Right Click & open the XML file in text editor)
*REMOVE GROUPER DEVICE TREE FROM MANIFEST* (This'll be useless, unless you're compiling for Grouper: Nexus 7)
-> Now, Lets add the device specific trees:
Add your own device tree, kernel tree, hardware source tree, & vendor proprietaries tree in the local manifest.
For this, create a new file .repo/local_manifest.xml, & use something in similar terms:
For example, I'm using all corresponding trees for Samsung Galaxy S3 i9300 - International
Following is just an example, not what you should copy/paste. SEARCH & USE YOUR OWN DEVICE SPECIFIC TREES
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="ParanoidAndroid/android_device_samsung_i9300" path="device/samsung/i9300" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_kernel_samsung_smdk4412" path="kernel/samsung/smdk4412" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="ParanoidAndroid/android_device_samsung_smdk4412-common" path="device/samsung/smdk4412-common" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_samsung" path="vendor/samsung" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_SamsungServiceMode" path="packages/apps/SamsungServiceMode" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_samsung" path="hardware/samsung" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
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I also didn't download the repo into /android/system like it says, I put it into /liquid (followed this) How to compile liquid smooth
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I'm eager to learn how to do this!
My setup
Ubuntu 13.10 x64
did you read that?
Any error message?
chmod 777 repo
./repo init -u git:// -b kitkat
./repo sync
Than you should have source.
Well this attempt to develop is on stand still until I go off on my ISP for shutting off my services because we "apparently" did't pay enough when we did!
Sent from my Kitkatified I927 running CM 11
Here is the paranoid android 4.4 repo:

mondrianwifi CM14 breakfast error

I'm trying to build Nougat for this device, which has recently been given a CM14 branch.
I'm getting binary blobs from TheMuppets and after syncing, breakfast gives me this error.
$ breakfast mondrianwifi
including vendor/cm/
build/core/ COMMON_GLOBAL_C(PP)FLAGS changed
build/core/ *** bailing.... Alto.
Device mondrianwifi not found. Attempting to retrieve device repository from CyanogenMod Github (
Found repository: android_device_samsung_mondrianwifi
Default revision: staging/cm-14.0
Checking branch info
Using fallback branch: cm-14.0
Checking if device/samsung/mondrianwifi is fetched from android_device_samsung_mondrianwifi
CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_mondrianwifi already fetched to device/samsung/mondrianwifi
Syncing repository to retrieve project.
Fetching project CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_mondrianwifi
Fetching projects: 100% (1/1), done.
Repository synced!
Looking for dependencies
build/core/ COMMON_GLOBAL_C(PP)FLAGS changed
build/core/ *** bailing.... Alto.
build/core/ COMMON_GLOBAL_C(PP)FLAGS changed
build/core/ *** bailing.... Alto.
** Don't have a product spec for: 'cm_mondrianwifi'
** Do you have the right repo manifest?
This is my local manifest.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_mondrianwifi" path="device/samsung/mondrianwifi" remote="github" revision="cm-14.0" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_external_sony_boringssl-compat" path="external/sony/boringssl-compat" remote="github" revision="cm-14.0" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_msm8974-common" path="device/samsung/msm8974-common" remote="github" revision="cm-14.0" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_kernel_samsung_mondrianwifi" path="kernel/samsung/mondrianwifi" remote="github" revision="cm-14.0" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_qcom_common" path="device/qcom/common" remote="github" revision="cm-14.0" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_qcom-common" path="device/samsung/qcom-common" remote="github" revision="cm-14.0" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_samsung" path="vendor/samsung" remote="github" revision="cm-14.0" />
Any clue?
Did you forget to run first?
Which version of the MSM are you attempting to use?
Ichijoe said:
Did you forget to run first?
Which version of the MSM are you attempting to use?
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I didn't forget to run
I'm using the MSM8974 repo that appears on github.
Which is this one
Thanks for your reply.
(ratafraking stupid spellcheck!!)
It corrected JDK (Java Development Kit), back to MSM... Which is (if we're to be quite honest) a redundant question. As you really don't have much choice beyond the 8974.
But, my rational thinking is either telling me that JDK 7 is no longer supported, or you might have missed some dependency for JDK 8.
I only have JDK 8 installed, I have successfully compiled CM13 with it.

Help building LineageOS 16.0

Hi, I'm trying to build LOS 16.0 for the kltedv but it keeps crashing (error message at the end of post).
These are the steps I'm taking on Ubuntu.
repo init -u git:// -b lineage-16.0
repo sync --force-sync --no-clone-bundle --no-tags
cd .repo && mkdir local_manifests && cd local* && subl roomservice.xml
In roomservice.xml, I have
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<remove-project name="platform/prebuilts/qemu-kernel" />
<project name="knaik95/android_device_qcom_common" path="device/qcom/common" remote="github" revision="lineage-16.0" />
<project name="LineageOS/android_device_samsung_kltedv" path="device/samsung/kltevzw" remote="github" revision="lineage-16.0" />
<project name="LineageOS/android_device_samsung_qcom-common" path="device/samsung/qcom-common" remote="github" revision="lineage-16.0" />
<project name="LineageOS/android_device_samsung_msm8974-common" path="device/samsung/msm8974-common" remote="github" revision="lineage-16.0" />
<project name="LineageOS/android_hardware_samsung" path="hardware/samsung" remote="github" revision="lineage-16.0" />
<project name="LineageOS/android_packages_resources_devicesettings" path="packages/resources/devicesettings" remote="github" revision="lineage-16.0" />
<project name="LineageOS/android_device_samsung_klte-common" path="device/samsung/klte-common" remote="github" revision="lineage-16.0" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_samsung" path="vendor/samsung" remote="github" revision="lineage-16.0" />
<project name="LineageOS/android_packages_apps_FlipFlap" path="packages/apps/FlipFlap" remote="github" revision="lineage-16.0"/>
<project name="LineageOS/android_kernel_samsung_msm8974" path="kernel/samsung/msm8974" remote="github" revision="lineage-16.0"/>
repo sync
source build/
add_lunch_combo lineage_kltedv-userdebug
breakfast kltedv
And this is where it says
build/make/core/ error: Can not locate config makefile for product "lineage_kltedv".
Has something changed in the build process from the upgrade from 15.1 to 16.0?
Same here. I am trying to build LOS16 for my moto device. Device tree builds fine with LOS 15.1. But fails for LOS 16. Error is same "build/make/core/ error: Can not locate config makefile for product". @knaik95, were you able to get pass this situation? Please update.
kalyansundhar said:
Same here. I am trying to build LOS16 for my moto device. Device tree builds fine with LOS 15.1. But fails for LOS 16. Error is same "build/make/core/ error: Can not locate config makefile for product". @knaik95, were you able to get pass this situation? Please update.
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Defining in device tree resolved the problem.
kalyansundhar said:
Defining in device tree resolved the problem.
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Yep. I also renamed to lineage_[device name].mk just to be safe. Did you get any farther? I was met with a bunch of missing dependencies after that. The first one was gradle-plugin, which I fixed by git cloning from the official aosp site, but the others I'm not sure how to get past.
knaik95 said:
Yep. I also renamed to lineage_[device name].mk just to be safe. Did you get any farther? I was met with a bunch of missing dependencies after that. The first one was gradle-plugin, which I fixed by git cloning from the official aosp site, but the others I'm not sure how to get past.
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I didn't face any further issues so far. But I have to wait and watch.
Sent from my Moto G5s using Tapatalk
Can you explain that.. in that detail please
kalyansundhar said:
Defining in device tree resolved the problem.
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there is a file exist in device tree
I wish you success @knaik95 with your build.
I do recall flashing your RR Oreo builds and they were awesome!!
pmduper said:
I wish you success @knaik95 with your build.
I do recall flashing your RR Oreo builds and they were awesome!!
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Oh, uh.... yeah I figured out what I was doing a while ago. I've built and tested LiquidRemix based on Android Pie a couple times; I was satisfied with the result. Not a daily driver yet because we're atm without Xposed SDK28 so still on RR Oreo :silly:
knaik95 said:
Oh, uh.... yeah I figured out what I was doing a while ago. I've built and tested LiquidRemix based on Android Pie a couple times; I was satisfied with the result. Not a daily driver yet because we're atm without Xposed SDK28 so still on RR Oreo :silly:
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Best of luck with your project.
I've been using a variety of Pie builds for the past couple of months. :good:
pmduper said:
Best of luck with your project.
I've been using a variety of Pie builds for the past couple of months. :good:
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If you wanna give LiquidRemix a try, I can try to post a link. It was daily driver back when the Galaxy S3 was still relevant and the ROM was called LiquidSmooth. I haven't done a thorough examination of features and what not, but I'd say Liquid rivals the customizability of RR.

