[Q] Lollipop, The Aggressive App Killer - Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Does this even need an explanation? Lollipop kills apps like it's his hobby.
Even with only a few light (on RAM) user apps running in the background you sometimes find yourself staring at your launcher home screen that, you could've sworn, was just showing a different app a second ago.
Or the times when, after multi-tasking a bit, your phone starts becoming painfully slow. Turns out that some apps are so stubborn that they go on strike (continuously restarting) when LP kills them.
I'm sure many have experienced this. And I have seen some devs address this issue here and there. I though it would be useful to gather the info into one thread, to ease our (or my?) frustration on this issue.
What I wanna know is, what causes it exactly (why didn't it happen on KK?), and is there a solution to this? Or at some way to calm LP down a bit with his killing of innocent apps.

Djalaal said:
Does this even need an explanation? Lollipop kills apps like it's his hobby.
Even with only a few light (on RAM) user apps running in the background you sometimes find yourself staring at your launcher home screen that, you could've sworn, was just showing a different app a second ago.
Or the times when, after multi-tasking a bit, your phone starts becoming painfully slow. Turns out that some apps are so stubborn that they go on strike (continuously restarting) when LP kills them.
I'm sure many have experienced this. And I have seen some devs address this issue here and there. I though it would be useful to gather the info into one thread, to ease our (or my?) frustration on this issue.
What I wanna know is, what causes it exactly (why didn't it happen on KK?), and is there a solution to this? Or at some way to calm LP down a bit with his killing of innocent apps.
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Im running 1/8 FML with synapse injected R10 kernel on my toro and with ksm and laptop mode enabled in synapse, I haven't had a launcher redraw in days. I don't have anything whitelisted either. However, the trade-off I have at the moment is I cant seem to stream videos on my stock browser. Havent tried a different browser or anything. I just uncheck those two settings and reboot and all is well, but my phone certainly works much better now, and no redraws, with neph settings for LMK
Hope something helps someone!

erk1725 said:
Im running 1/8 FML with synapse injected R10 kernel on my toro and with ksm and laptop mode enabled in synapse, I haven't had a launcher redraw in days. I don't have anything whitelisted either. However, the trade-off I have at the moment is I cant seem to stream videos on my stock browser. Havent tried a different browser or anything. I just uncheck those two settings and reboot and all is well, but my phone certainly works much better now, and no redraws, with neph settings for LMK
Hope something helps someone!
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Perhaps you can noobify that a bit, lol. I had to google almost everything you mentioned. As I understand it, this Synapse allows you to tweak the kernel? And this KSM settings can improve this RAM issue? Care to elaborate? And what is laptop mode?
I've read about adjusting the LMK values to calm LP down a little. Any idea though why this was so necessary in LP, but not in KK? Is stock LP 'naturally' more RAM hungry than KK?

Djalaal said:
Perhaps you can noobify that a bit, lol. I had to google almost everything you mentioned. As I understand it, this Synapse allows you to tweak the kernel? And this KSM settings can improve this RAM issue? Care to elaborate? And what is laptop mode?
I've read about adjusting the LMK values to calm LP down a little. Any idea though why this was so necessary in LP, but not in KK? Is stock LP 'naturally' more RAM hungry than KK?
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I can try to elaborate little bit, as Ive been flashing things and researching xda a lot, but I am still noob in how/why things are the way they are. From what I gather lollipop just handles memory differently then kk did. I think that is some of the reason as to why the "recent apps" persist through reboots now. Remember, our device was not really supposed to run kk and certainly not meant to run lollipop. The developers here are without a doubt amazing in what they know and what they do for us users. A new kernel and driver was necessary to run lollipop on the aging gnex. Now, some of the issues we are experiencing is a google issue and will only seem to get fixed when they get around to it. I know my nexus 7 (old) has some memory issues and lag and redraws from time to time....not as much as I noticed with my gnex before the changes were made I stated in the above post. I recently helped my friend root and upgrade his oneplus one to lollipop and he has the same issues we all have, maybe not as bad, but they are noticeable
A lot of the questions you have, have been discussed recently in bsmitty83 kernel thread, since I asked them. There are links there as to what KSM and laptop mode are and what they do. KSM-kernel same page merging helps with RAM and I believe laptop mode helps to conserve power. A lot of these things are geared at devices with low ram like the aging gnex, but the developers have done a great job at making lollipop a daily driver. Most users I think use trickstermod from playstore to tune kernel settings, and that is ok, however, you must purchase the paid version to tweak low memory settings, which I did. However, synapse, also found on playstore can also be used to tweak kernel settings, but the kernel has to contain UCI support for the synapse app to work. Synapse has more settings available to tweak than trickster does, like KSM and laptop mode, which have helped me very much. The only kernel I'm aware of that has UCI support for synapse is bsmitty83 Full_Auto R10, because osmosis made it work
Hopefully this was rather accurate and helpful and not convoluted! ha.....im sure some more knowledgeable people will come and correct anything I said that may be incorrect, but in the meantime, read through the R10 kernel thread and see what you come up with
What ROM and kernel are you currently using?
Thank you

erk1725 said:
The only kernel I'm aware of that has UCI support for synapse is bsmitty83 Full_Auto R10, because osmosis made it work.
What ROM and kernel are you currently using?
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I'm currently using AOSP rom (by freshgimmi) and the Full Auto R10 you mentioned. I'll try injecting the new ramdisk now and see how it goes.

I noticed this issue as well for the first several days . However once I installed the new bootanimation from arter97 the issue doesn't occur anymore. Not sure if it's related but all I did was mount /system as rw and copied into the new lollipop boot animation from here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/software/arm-arm64-android-5-0-lollipop-t3032247
Djalaal said:
Does this even need an explanation? Lollipop kills apps like it's his hobby.
Even with only a few light (on RAM) user apps running in the background you sometimes find yourself staring at your launcher home screen that, you could've sworn, was just showing a different app a second ago.
Or the times when, after multi-tasking a bit, your phone starts becoming painfully slow. Turns out that some apps are so stubborn that they go on strike (continuously restarting) when LP kills them.
I'm sure many have experienced this. And I have seen some devs address this issue here and there. I though it would be useful to gather the info into one thread, to ease our (or my?) frustration on this issue.
What I wanna know is, what causes it exactly (why didn't it happen on KK?), and is there a solution to this? Or at some way to calm LP down a bit with his killing of innocent apps.
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SpideyTheMan said:
I noticed this issue as well for the first several days . However once I installed the new bootanimation from arter97 the issue doesn't occur anymore. Not sure if it's related but all I did was mount /system as rw and copied into the new lollipop boot animation from here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/software/arm-arm64-android-5-0-lollipop-t3032247
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I know about this issue. It is a memory leak during boot. It is a good catch, though all you're changing is the bootanimation.zip. AFAIK, it should not affect your system's performance after boot, once your phone is up and running. My issue is a different thing entirely. I never got bootloops (that is, when not messing around with xposed).

Okay, you're right. As a test last night I switched from FML 5.0.2 to LiquidSmooth's LP ROM and I'm not seeing any aggressive app kills in LiquidSmooth.
Djalaal said:
I know about this issue. It is a memory leak during boot. It is a good catch, though all you're changing is the bootanimation.zip. AFAIK, it should not affect your system's performance after boot, once your phone is up and running. My issue is a different thing entirely. I never got bootloops (that is, when not messing around with xposed).
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erk1725 said:
Im running 1/8 FML with synapse injected R10 kernel on my toro and with ksm and laptop mode enabled in synapse, I haven't had a launcher redraw in days. I don't have anything whitelisted either. However, the trade-off I have at the moment is I cant seem to stream videos on my stock browser. Havent tried a different browser or anything. I just uncheck those two settings and reboot and all is well, but my phone certainly works much better now, and no redraws, with neph settings for LMK
Hope something helps someone!
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I have got synapse up and running. I AM wondering though, what LMK settings are you using? Cause the neph settings I know of tell me to set empty app to 370, but synapse only allows max 320... If you're following different settings, could you link the post for me?

Djalaal said:
I have got synapse up and running. I AM wondering though, what LMK settings are you using? Cause the neph settings I know of tell me to set empty app to 370, but synapse only allows max 320... If you're following different settings, could you link the post for me?
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Glad you got everything up and running.....Im using Neph's settings for LMK, and your correct the empty app only goes up to 320 in synapse. There was a post somewhere where Neph said he was still tweaking his LMK values and I believe he mentioned about lower empty app to 330 or something, so I just set it to 320 in synapse and call it a day


[Q] CPU throttleed--why? and..best CPU utilization monitor?

I'm running Albinoman's JB RC3 ROM, and like it a lot. The only significant problem I have is occasional severe sluggishness. When it happens, I'll open IntelliControl and I notice either of two things going on:
1) I'll see that the max CPU speed has been reset to 664000 or something close to that (it's always the same number, but I don't remember exactly what it is...600-something). Once I crank the max limit back up to 1036800, things are good again. What keeps resetting the CPU limit to such a low level, and how do I stop it from doing that???
2) I'll see that the CPU is maxed out at 1036800, but I can't figure out what's chewing up the CPU. What tool can I use to see what process is consuming all the CPU cycles when that happens?
Thanks for the help...
1. I can't tell you why it happens... but I know it is a common problem on the JB ROMs (on the Dinc). There was quite a lot of discussion about it. I know the devs are aware of the issue and were working on it.
2. I don't know of anything that will graph percentage of cpu cycles, or anything exactly like that. But try hooking the phone up to the PC and run ddms (part of the adb tool set) and see what it is doing (or failing to do). While ddms is running in verbose mode it will give you a running output of everything the phone is doing (along with all the errors and warnings).
MysticCobra said:
I'm running Albinoman's JB RC3 ROM, and like it a lot. The only significant problem I have is occasional severe sluggishness. When it happens, I'll open IntelliControl and I notice either of two things going on:
1) I'll see that the max CPU speed has been reset to 664000 or something close to that (it's always the same number, but I don't remember exactly what it is...600-something). Once I crank the max limit back up to 1036800, things are good again. What keeps resetting the CPU limit to such a low level, and how do I stop it from doing that???
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That's because he's using an older version of Evervolv's qsd8k-common. It was fixed on Oct 10 with Change I3a0fff83: powerHAL: fix the screen off bug. This is one of the reasons I do nightlys, is to get all the new tweaks. This bug won't be fixed in his ROM till he resyncs his source and recompiles. It's triggered by the screen turning off. There's a workaround with Tasker, but since this bug is no longer in my ROM, I quit looking at it.
MysticCobra said:
2) I'll see that the CPU is maxed out at 1036800, but I can't figure out what's chewing up the CPU. What tool can I use to see what process is consuming all the CPU cycles when that happens?
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CPUSpy is a pretty good app.
MysticCobra said:
I'm running Albinoman's JB RC3 ROM, and like it a lot. The only significant problem I have is occasional severe sluggishness. When it happens, I'll open IntelliControl and I notice either of two things going on:
1) I'll see that the max CPU speed has been reset to 664000 or something close to that (it's always the same number, but I don't remember exactly what it is...600-something). Once I crank the max limit back up to 1036800, things are good again. What keeps resetting the CPU limit to such a low level, and how do I stop it from doing that???
2) I'll see that the CPU is maxed out at 1036800, but I can't figure out what's chewing up the CPU. What tool can I use to see what process is consuming all the CPU cycles when that happens?
Thanks for the help...
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For #1, a possible fix could be to use this power.qsd8k.so provided by tiny4579:
Replacing this file fixed the issue on Pons's ROM, but it may wreak havoc on Albinoman's, I have no way to know. Make sure you have a good nandroid backup before attempting to use it. Or, just wait for Albinoman to release a newer ROM with the problem fixed in the source.
musical_chairs said:
For #1, a possible fix could be to use this power.qsd8k.so provided by tiny4579:
Replacing this file fixed the issue on Pons's ROM, but it may wreak havoc on Albinoman's, I have no way to know. Make sure you have a good nandroid backup before attempting to use it. Or, just wait for Albinoman to release a newer ROM with the problem fixed in the source.
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It should work fine on Albinoman's ROM. powerHAL is a generic jellybean feature and should work on all JB ROM's. You won't need the fix however on either of Pon's ROMs whether AOKP or CM10.
I'm finding the same issue on the 11/08 build. I replaced the file with the one you uploaded, yet no change. Still reverts to 614 when the screen is off.
I'm managing it with both Incredicontrol and Juicedefender, so on wake it returns to 1075, and the SAv2 seems much smoother than interactive for me. If there's a fix in the newer builds I may flash one (if I get the time), but for now I'm really impressed by how well this one is running.
...sorry...I was on the phone...
omniatic said:
I'm finding the same issue on the 11/08 build. I replaced the file with the one you uploaded, yet no change. Still reverts to 614 when the screen is off.
I'm managing it with both Incredicontrol and Juicedefender, so on wake it returns to 1075, and the SAv2 seems much smoother than interactive for me. If there's a fix in the newer builds I may flash one (if I get the time), but for now I'm really impressed by how well this one is running.
...sorry...I was on the phone...
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It's supposed to change to 614 on screen off. The bug was that it would stick at 614 even on screen on.
I don't recommend that lib for cm. It's outdated.
Also I don't use sav2 anymore as it doesn't and won't implement project butter. Also interactive can be more aggressive than sav2 as it can jump frequency on touch via boostpulse which sav2 doesn't have.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Oh, well, then I guess I'll give the interactive another try. Maybe just needs to settle in longer. Got so used to ICS, wasn't sure what to expect from JB. Guess it's time I read back a few pages and see what else I've missed.
...sorry...I was on the phone...
Thanks, guys--appreciate the help!
Maybe its out of topic but since i still cant post on dev sub forum i wanna ask a question here to pons.
Im running your CM10 20121114, whenever i play music with appolo it always reboot my dinc.
Is any other had this problem too?
alph0 said:
Maybe its out of topic but since i still cant post on dev sub forum i wanna ask a question here to pons.
Im running your CM10 20121114, whenever i play music with appolo it always reboot my dinc.
Is any other had this problem too?
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Yep, just a tad bit off topic.
I haven't had this problem before. Granted, I've never played music off my Inc, but I haven't heard anyone else complain, either. Can you PM a logcat? And it's always preferable to report errors off latest versions (currently 1120).
PonsAsinorem said:
Yep, just a tad bit off topic.
I haven't had this problem before. Granted, I've never played music off my Inc, but I haven't heard anyone else complain, either. Can you PM a logcat? And it's always preferable to report errors off latest versions (currently 1120).
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Thanks for the reply Pons. Yes i think i will download the latest build sooner and test it again. Hope it (randon reboot with apollo) will not happen again on my dinc. But if it still, i will pm you the logcat.
alph0 said:
Thanks for the reply Pons. Yes i think i will download the latest build sooner and test it again. Hope it (randon reboot with apollo) will not happen again on my dinc. But if it still, i will pm you the logcat.
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I use Apollo Music regularly on Pons's CM10, it works fine, doesn't reboot.
alph0 said:
Maybe its out of topic but since i still cant post on dev sub forum i wanna ask a question here to pons.
Im running your CM10 20121114, whenever i play music with appolo it always reboot my dinc.
Is any other had this problem too?
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Try flashing to his newest build. It fixed a few problems for me and is incredibly fast. I had to reflash gapps from goo.im though because play store was force closing. Also, doubletwist is a better music player imo because it has a better interface and has good integration with the lockscreen.

[Q] How do you deal with lag?

Ok i really hate to say it and i know we all experienced this one time or another but, the HTC one v lags A LOT. It has its ups and sometimes is fast, but overall it's starting to really affect the whole experience. I've tried a lot of roms before and the problem is always there, even if i o/c or use scripts and stuff. But im not here to complain, i just want to know how you guys deal with lag, if any.
Dbzavatar said:
Ok i really hate to say it and i know we all experienced this one time or another but, the HTC one v lags A LOT. It has its ups and sometimes is fast, but overall it's starting to really affect the whole experience. I've tried a lot of roms before and the problem is always there, even if i o/c or use scripts and stuff. But im not here to complain, i just want to know how you guys deal with lag, if any.
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Tbh I don't have any lags man. Maybe you just use/install too many apps? I use Greenify app to freeze unused apps and generally that's it. What kind of lags do you experience?
kwitu said:
Tbh I don't have any lags man. Maybe you just use/install too many apps? I use Greenify app to freeze unused apps and generally that's it. What kind of lags do you experience?
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Just general lag every now and then. I also use greenify. But i think its because of all my apps that i have. On my old optimus v i had hundreds of apps and now i have to make sure to keep them low on the one v. Honestly the lag isn't all that bad, im really just curious as to how other people config there phones and what stuff they use.
Dbzavatar said:
Just general lag every now and then. I also use greenify. But i think its because of all my apps that i have. On my old optimus v i had hundreds of apps and now i have to make sure to keep them low on the one v. Honestly the lag isn't all that bad, im really just curious as to how other people config there phones and what stuff they use.
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You will need greenify paid ver(root) to freeze more apps, free ver doesn't freeze all.
Stock rom is a no go, you expected to be lag a lot. Custom rom is much smoother.
TheEndHK said:
You will need greenify paid ver(root) to freeze more apps, free ver doesn't freeze all.
Stock rom is a no go, you expected to be lag a lot. Custom rom is much smoother.
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I disabled greenify and it is still working smoothly. However I don't have loads of apps installed but still, ONE V releases free RAM memory when it's needed, keeping most of tasks running. So for example when you need that extra memory for some action, it will free it by for example closing an app when it decides to do so.
kwitu said:
I disabled greenify and it is still working smoothly. However I don't have loads of apps installed but still, ONE V releases free RAM memory when it's needed, keeping most of tasks running. So for example when you need that extra memory for some action, it will free it by for example closing an app when it decides to do so.
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Greenify free ver is just a kid. It only works for user apps, no system apps. The goal of greenify isn't memory managment, you are talking about somethings else like SuperCharged V6 script(I'm using it too).
One of the main problem on android is there are lots of app like to start itself even you aren't needed or do not run/call them out, they just come out random and waste your cpu/ram/battery a lot, install SystemPanel Lite on Google Play and check it period by yourself. Greenify is to stop these kinds of action completely and paid ver does 90% of its job.
---------- Post added at 05:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:12 PM ----------
Dbzavatar said:
Ok i really hate to say it and i know we all experienced this one time or another but, the HTC one v lags A LOT. It has its ups and sometimes is fast, but overall it's starting to really affect the whole experience. I've tried a lot of roms before and the problem is always there, even if i o/c or use scripts and stuff. But im not here to complain, i just want to know how you guys deal with lag, if any.
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For the performance and battery friendly, I highly suggest you to try out this new rom Sense 4 Canadian KOODO(with SuperCharge V6), it got both advantages, really smoother than many other custom roms.
However, greenify donate ver is still a must on all roms. I also recommend you to install CrossBreeder 5.21 ver(only old ver is stable) on xda and remember to change the wake to 16 from 256 default, it is a script to fix android UI lag. Since 512MB ram isn't enough, you could give SuperCharge V6 memory management script a try as well.
I have used all stuffs above personally and my One V now is much more useable. Don't overclock much, some phones or kernel don't do good in overclocking.
TheEndHK said:
Greenify free ver is just a kid. It only works for user apps, no system apps. The goal of greenify isn't memory managment, you are talking about somethings else like SuperCharged V6 script(I'm using it too).
One of the main problem on android is there are lots of app like to start itself even you aren't needed or do not run/call them out, they just come out random and waste your cpu/ram/battery a lot, install SystemPanel Lite on Google Play and check it period by yourself. Greenify is to stop these kinds of action completely and paid ver does 90% of its job.
---------- Post added at 05:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:12 PM ----------
For the performance and battery friendly, I highly suggest you to try out this new rom Sense 4 Canadian KOODO(with SuperCharge V6), it got both advantages, really smoother than many other custom roms.
However, greenify donate ver is still a must on all roms. I also recommend you to install CrossBreeder 5.21 ver(only old ver is stable) on xda and remember to change the wake to 16 from 256 default, it is a script to fix android UI lag. Since 512MB ram isn't enough, you could give SuperCharge V6 memory management script a try as well.
I have used all stuffs above personally and my One V now is much more useable. Don't overclock much, some phones or kernel don't do good in overclocking.
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I have not used any SuperCharged V6 script, did it come along with my myONEv ROM? If not, is it a big upgrade if I flash it? I think I'll consider buying Greenify full version as you said, this is going to help a lot. However still, I am not experiencing any lags yet(fresh system).
Just curious, what settings do you guys use for the paid greenify? And btw im on rhytmic rom 4.2.2
Dbzavatar said:
Just curious, what settings do you guys use for the paid greenify? And btw im on rhytmic rom 4.2.2
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There is no extra settings in donate ver, the only different is allows you to freeze a lot more apps which doesn't support in the free ver but you have to install xposed installer and enable both free/donate in it and reboot.
kwitu said:
I have not used any SuperCharged V6 script, did it come along with my myONEv ROM? If not, is it a big upgrade if I flash it? I think I'll consider buying Greenify full version as you said, this is going to help a lot. However still, I am not experiencing any lags yet(fresh system).
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No, only Sense 4 Canadian KOODO comes with SuperCharge V6 but you can install it on myONEv rom. I'm using it on mySENSE 3.5 rom pretty much identical to yours but with full sense, it works nearly perfect with my rom/kernel fixed most of the memory problem. It doesn't give you God mode but provides a very constant/stable speed environment and hence, increased overall user experiences with the spend of a little bit battery(I think it actually uses me 20% battery more, not sure if my settings go wrong).
So..... if you don't encounter any memory shortage problem during multi-tasking, you might not need it, try it yourself. It ate me 40~50mb free memory but I think it just need some space to do management or caching, or again it might be my settings problem sololy. There are too much of tweaking options in this script. If you want a speed hack, you should try CrossBreeder script(5.21 build with wake16) instead, it does speed up your UI responsive and in my experiences, it saved me around 20% battery as well.
Supercharge V6 main page
Supercharge V6 lastest build
Ultimate Jar Power Tools
The installation guide
Actually, the installation procedure isn't that hard but I just don't understand why they can write/explain it in 10 pages length with some crazy English and made me sat in front of monitor for an hour to read all stuffs.
1. I use adb shell(via windows7 command prompt)
2. Type adb shell and then sh /sdcard/supercharger/V6* <-- just put the script in /sdcard/supercharger
3. Pretty much it will go through the process itself in command prompt but just ask you to select some settings(with description so don't worry)
4. At the end, it will ask you to install Ultimate Jar Power Tools manually before continue.
5. The file after download appear to be Ultimatic_Jar_Patcher_Tools_RC6_ALL_DEX_Windows.exe.zip and I rename it to U.exe by myself in command prompt and double click it to run it in windows. Remember to put ALL_ROMS_Ultimate_Jar_Power_Tools-Smali_Patcher_RC9.sh in the same folder/directory.
6. The U.exe will auto-launch a command prompt out in your windows and start to pull the services.jar off your phone and patch it and push it back to your phone and phone will auto-reboot. That's it.
7. Now, you can go back V6 script to continue the setup. Type adb shell and then sh /sdcard/supercharger/V6* again, this time it will skip the installation menu but give you a config menu instead. You can change or enable/disable all settings here.
1. If you have some dated library in phone, you can update them with SuperCharger_Starter_Kit_RC12.zip. Extract it into your sdcard, use Smanager(script manager on play store) to run StartMeUp.sh, remember to click on the root(su icon) before run.
2. If your kernel or rom either one doesn't support init.d(script auto-run during boot). If you have this problem, your supercharge option menu will tell you at 50% level probably, not 100%. You will need to use smanager to click the /data/99supercharger.sh as run on boot and remember to click on the root(su icon) too. Click save and exit and reboot.
This is all the steps in short, I think my guide actually is the best....hehe
TheEndHK said:
There is no extra settings in donate ver, the only different is allows you to freeze a lot more apps which doesn't support in the free ver but you have to install xposed installer and enable both free/donate in it and reboot.
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Which do you also suggest to freeze? I freezed only recently opened which I don't want to be running. Not used any from the "show more apps" thing. (talking about paid version now) Btw thank you for your detailed instruction about the scripts, I'll get to it one day when I feel my phone gets laggy.
One more thing, any battery tips? Dunno if it's just my feeling but today it drained a lot more than yesterday with no big difference in usage I guess.
kwitu said:
Which do you also suggest to freeze? I freezed only recently opened which I don't want to be running. Not used any from the "show more apps" thing. (talking about paid version now) Btw thank you for your detailed instruction about the scripts, I'll get to it one day when I feel my phone gets laggy.
One more thing, any battery tips? Dunno if it's just my feeling but today it drained a lot more than yesterday with no big difference in usage I guess.
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Some process/app like to come out in background sliently without tell you or ask your permission. You'll need to use SystemPanel Lite to keep checking periodly to find out which is bad, or you can use "show more apps" to freeze all of them. Just make sure don't freeze chat apps(Hangout, Whatsapp, Skype) and some important process/app like HTC connect to PC(USB Mass Storage mode), Bluetooth service, Setcpu, MyTask(or else no one could ring you maybe), Message(SMS).
Try to wipe the cache and d-cache partition and sometimes One V battery percentage/report isn't that accurate. Or try uninstall greenify if it conflicts with your rom?
Well, crossbreeder and supercharge they are free script and easy installation in mind. In my opinion, no reason not to give them a shoot. No lagging and fast, remember there is a big different. Supercharge I believe it's not useful anymore for new phones got 1GB+ ram but to the 384/512MB/768MB is still helpful. Crossbreeder got reporting good on even all new smartphones with S4 Dual/Quad CPU.
TheEndHK said:
Some process/app like to come out in background sliently without tell you or ask your permission. You'll need to use SystemPanel Lite to keep checking periodly to find out which is bad, or you can use "show more apps" to freeze all of them. Just make sure don't freeze chat apps(Hangout, Whatsapp, Skype) and some important process/app like HTC connect to PC(USB Mass Storage mode), Bluetooth service, Setcpu, MyTask(or else no one could ring you maybe), Message(SMS).
Try to wipe the cache and d-cache partition and sometimes One V battery percentage/report isn't that accurate. Or try uninstall greenify if it conflicts with your rom?
Well, crossbreeder and supercharge they are free script and easy installation in mind. In my opinion, no reason not to give them a shoot. No lagging and fast, remember there is a big different.
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So basicly flashing Crossbreeder from this post will improve my battery life right? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2113150
I also wanted to ask if this really is wroth goin for it? My battery drops by 2-4% by night, but I guess the trick here is that it improves the active battery usage right?
kwitu said:
So basicly flashing Crossbreeder from this post will improve my battery life right? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2113150
I also wanted to ask if this really is wroth goin for it? My battery drops by 2-4% by night, but I guess the trick here is that it improves the active battery usage right?
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If you really want to find out which is battery drain part, you will need BetterBatteryStats.
And Battery Monitor Widget(check with statistics since unplug)
CrossBreeder will only helpful for UI. Only 5.21.13 is release ver thats why the developer keeps it, don't try 7.21.13 all recent build are beta, buggy and battery drain. I don't know why the developer didn't keep the 5.21.13 uninstaller but luckily I still have it in my HD so in case you meet any problem, you can uninstall it.
For the 5.21.13, you will need to change the write_wakeup_threshold to 16 and reboot via root browser or root explorer.
TheEndHK said:
If you really want to find out which is battery drain part, you will need BetterBatteryStats.
And Battery Monitor Widget(check with statistics since unplug)
CrossBreeder will only helpful for UI. Only 5.21.13 is release ver thats why the developer keeps it, don't try 7.21.13 all recent build are beta, buggy and battery drain. I don't know why the developer didn't keep the 5.21.13 uninstaller but luckily I still have it in my HD so in case you meet any problem, you can uninstall it.
For the 5.21.13, you will need to change the write_wakeup_threshold to 16 and reboot via root browser or root explorer.
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Thank you for your time. I am installing the xda-dev link. I think the most draining part is the screen but we shall see after this apps gets onto my board. Whenever I will need this uninstaller for version 5.21.13 I'll contact you, thank you for your time and engagement. Learned a lot of new stuff today Cheers!
kwitu said:
Thank you for your time. I am installing the xda-dev link. I think the most draining part is the screen but we shall see after this apps gets onto my board. Whenever I will need this uninstaller for version 5.21.13 I'll contact you, thank you for your time and engagement. Learned a lot of new stuff today Cheers!
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This is the 5.21.13 uninstaller link.
I would like to introduce one more stuff in this thread. Though Supercharged V6 is great but used more battery and too complicated for beginner.
That developer also has a small Kernel tweaking script with a bit memory management called KiskAssKerneler, it doesn't drain battery but works good, my system is also faster and memory management better alone with this script. For whose who want improvement but thought supercharge v6 is too complex, try this out.
EDIT: KickAss actually also used more battery but just might not be as much as V6. I would prefer to stick with V6 for more true performance.
I find that installing titanium backup and setting a schedule to clear system cache then reboot helps a ton with making it faster. I usually set this for 5-6 am in the morning when im asleep but you can change it to whatever time you want. I also set it to run everyday rather than every other day. I also recommend crossbreader, it helps a bunch!
To deal with lag I flashed Crossbreeder, OC'ed to 1.4GHz set zRam to 10%, set KSM, enabled purge assets, enabled 16-bit transparency, set SIO as I/O scheduler and Lionheart as CPU governor. I still get lag while multitasking but now is a good everyday phone.
Its gonna help a bit as there is no huge amount of data required to read over and over again. Not worth deleting music. Slightly noticable effect.
Sent from my HTC One V using xda app-developers app

Task killers

Experts always say that you don't need a task killer because of the way android handles memory. But here's my experience.
I used to have an early smartphone running android 2.3 and it would sometimes run as slow as molasses. An installed task killer would then show very little amounts of available ram. Clicking on the task killer would increase the available ram and the phone would become fast again.
Now I use a fast Nexus 7 with android 4.3 and there are occasions when the touchscreen would seem to freeze for a few seconds and then return to normal. I know that there is debate on the cause for this. But I'm starting to suspect that this may be caused by something using memory in the background so less is available to the running app. That is because if I reboot the touchscreen becomes responsive again. If so this might be something a selective task killer could help by freeing up ram. Especially if it could be run from within any running app. It would be less tedious than rebooting.
What do the experts think?
My opinion
Not that I am any expert, but the fact that the problem occurs across many different ROM's and kernels (and doesn't occur on other devices running the same versions of android) makes me think it is likely more hardware related than software related. Therefore, killing tasks wouldn't be likely to help.
drewmey said:
Not that I am any expert, but the fact that the problem occurs across many different ROM's and kernels (and doesn't occur on other devices running the same versions of android) makes me think it is likely more hardware related than software related. Therefore, killing tasks wouldn't be likely to help.
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Hope you're wrong....
Anderson2 said:
Hope you're wrong....
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No,he isn't wrong.This tablet has some touchscreen issues,although KitKat fixed most of them.Task killers are really useless here,because even if you are running a high-end game you will still have ~500 MB free.
Android is generally very good at memory management. You might be experiencing momentary garbage collection as it reclaims unused memory, but it shouldn't happen too often on the 2013 N7. Two gigs of RAM is a lot to fill up.
On some tablets with less memory, a "soft reboot" app like this can help by closing apps, then reopening what's required. This can help on a slower Android device before starting a game or other memory-intensive app (edit: I meant app, not device), but again, your N7 has a lot of memory and shouldn't need this. Try a startup manager and/or Greenify to keep unnecessary things from launching automatically. You could also try wiping cache, system and userdata, then reflashing your ROM (don't forget to make backups first!).
Thank you all. I appreciate the sage advice. I'm still on 4.3. Maybe I should go ahead and accept the ota update to kitkat.
I would. Let me add one more thing: the way Android works, running a task killer makes the CPU work a little more, which in turn uses up a little more of the battery's charge, so running one repeatedly (and some can run at regularly scheduled times) just reduces battery life. So with something like an N7 with lots of RAM that rarely gets filled, the best general practice is to let Android do its thing.
Pandae said:
I would. Let me add one more thing: the way Android works, running a task killer makes the CPU work a little more, which in turn uses up a little more of the battery's charge, so running one repeatedly (and some can run at regularly scheduled times) just reduces battery life. So with something like an N7 with lots of RAM that rarely gets filled, the best general practice is to let Android do its thing.
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Thank you again.
Should I also stop using lagfix?
Anderson2 said:
Thank you again.
Should I also stop using lagfix?
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I was unfamiliar with this app, but after reading what it does, I see it's wholly unnecessary for either N7 generation and most newer Android devices. Android 4.3 introduced TRIM support (equivalent of Linux fstrim), so you don't need this app at all.
Anderson2 said:
Thank you again.
Should I also stop using lagfix?
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If the 4.4.2 update doesn't solve the issue, RMA if at all possible.
Anderson2 said:
Thank you again.
Should I also stop using lagfix?
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You can keep using Lagfix if you want but Trim is working in 4.3 and above. That said... I have Lagfix also and on the rare occasion I use it there's not much for it to do because TRIM has been taken care of already. If I remember right the kernel (ElementalX) I use runs it in a script also. I would go ahead and update to 4.4.2, the firmware update might just solve your problem and there was also a noticeable increase in performance with the update to kitkat.
wantabe said:
You can keep using Lagfix if you want but Trim is working in 4.3 and above. That said... I have Lagfix also and on the rare occasion I use it there's not much for it to do because TRIM has been taken care of already. If I remember right the kernel (ElementalX) I use runs it in a script also. I would go ahead and update to 4.4.2, the firmware update might just solve your problem and there was also a noticeable increase in performance with the update to kitkat.
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Thank you. I knew about trim being now included but like you use lagfix once a week anyway. Will move to 4.4.2.

[Q] Huge FPS drops in games

I searched the forum and saw some people had similar issues but nothing in the other threads seems to have fixed their issue.
I am having huge FPS drops in games after about 5 minutes of play time. I never had this problem when I was on stock, and ever since I have tried a few different ROMs and all of them have the same result. I found that if I turn my screen off for ~30 seconds the lag will go away for about 2 minutes but just comes right back.
Currently running SOKP ROM.
Games that I play are Valkyrie Crusade, The Gate, Heroes of Camelot.
Any help would be appreciated!
Ok, so the issue seems to only be present while charging. Does anyone have any suggestion on how to alleviate this issue without unplugging my phone from the charger? My battery does not last as long as it used to and I can only play for about a half hour before my phone battery starts to get extremely low.
Does your Rom allow for Changing of Governors and Voltages ? If so, then try Trickster Mod. If it does not allow such changes then switch to a AOSP Rom and then Flash KT747 Kernel by @ktoonsez. that kernel has profiles specifically tailored for Gaming.
That kernel was not compatible with AOKP Roms until Recently. I do not use AOKP Roms so I am not sure if AOKP Code has changed to make it compatible.
Perseus71 said:
Does your Rom allow for Changing of Governors and Voltages ? If so, then try Trickster Mod. If it does not allow such changes then switch to a AOSP Rom and then Flash KT747 Kernel by @ktoonsez. that kernel has profiles specifically tailored for Gaming.
That kernel was not compatible with AOKP Roms until Recently. I do not use AOKP Roms so I am not sure if AOKP Code has changed to make it compatible.
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The app from the app store? I don't know anything about Trickster mod.
Yes its the App in Play Store. If you are not comfortable tweaking those parameters, then leave that alone.
Perseus71 said:
Yes its the App in Play Store. If you are not comfortable tweaking those parameters, then leave that alone.
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Any recommendations on settings then?
Explore the thread on Undervolting / Overclocking in my signature. Let me know if you are comfortable with making that kind of changes.
Perseus71 said:
Explore the thread on Undervolting / Overclocking in my signature. Let me know if you are comfortable with making that kind of changes.
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I checked it out but it seems pretty confusing.. still not sure what settings I should change. Why would it be different from stock rom though?
In that case, please use the App "Fast Reboot Pro". It also creates a shortcut on your homescreen that, when clicked, will improve performance.
You may also want to apply V6 Supercharger Mod by @zeppelinrox.
Perseus71 said:
In that case, please use the App "Fast Reboot Pro". It also creates a shortcut on your homescreen that, when clicked, will improve performance.
You may also want to apply V6 Supercharger Mod by @zeppelinrox.
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My ROM is 4.4.2. Do I still need to apply the Ultimatic Jar Patcher?
I have not kept up with the more recent developments on that thread. Search the thread or post the question on it.
If your battery is getting low that quickly and easily your best bet, imo, is to replace it. Aa they age and lose capacity they also lose the ability to run the hardware effectively. Youre probably seeing lag because it just isnt able to provide the stable voltage required to run the cpu/gpu at full throttle very long.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk
Perseus71 said:
I have not kept up with the more recent developments on that thread. Search the thread or post the question on it.
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I tried these modifications and I am still getting terrible FPS drops.
Your only other option is Fast Reboot Pro in lieu of Governor changes and Overclocking.

Eliminating Scroll Lag/Jitter?

I am one of the few people who hasn't been happy with his LG G4. I love the build, camera and to some extent, the stock launcher, but one thing that irks me is the irritating scroll lag/jitter I experience in most apps. Coming from the Nexus 5, this is jarring and I want to punch the G4 in the face (I then resort to pressing on the screen very hard...it doesn't care).
I have looked and looked for a solution, but there is none. So I ask here, is there a way to eliminate/reduce scroll lag/jitter? The jitter is most noticeable on the official Twitter and Facebook apps, where scrolling causes the feed to hiccup along the way.
What I have tried so far:
- Debloated (no-root) apps and services
- Tried numerous stock launchers including Nova and Google
- Turned animation speeds to 0.5.
- Greenified some apps
- Turned on forced GPU rendering (this one makes no bloody difference)
Is there ANYTHING I can do? Appreciate the help!
I have set up where lag is and jitter is pretty non-existent.
I am rooted for one. Using kernel adiutor changed to interactive on big and little.
Using Amplify to prevent wakelocks. Greenify to hibernate apps. Powernap for battery life. Finally the CTT mod.
Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of work to alleviate (not eliminate) the lag and jitter.
Hopefully we get some good roms when all bootloaders get unlocked.
Doncabezon said:
I have set up where lag is and jitter is pretty non-existent.
I am rooted for one. Using kernel adiutor changed to interactive on big and little.
Using Amplify to prevent wakelocks. Greenify to hibernate apps. Powernap for battery life. Finally the CTT mod.
Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of work to alleviate (not eliminate) the lag and jitter.
Hopefully we get some good roms when all bootloaders get unlocked.
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Damn, that's a lot of work. I am **** scared of rooting my phone in case I brick it, so that's out of the question.
I am hoping for some good Custom ROMS as well, but damn the phone is so powerful. It shouldn't lag at all!
Doncabezon said:
Using kernel adiutor changed to interactive on big and little.
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This is the default without rooting/using the app anyway
mufaa said:
Damn, that's a lot of work. I am **** scared of rooting my phone in case I brick it, so that's out of the question.
I am hoping for some good Custom ROMS as well, but damn the phone is so powerful. It shouldn't lag at all!
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My nexus 5 has less lag. True, this phone shouldn't lag, but bloat ware doesn't help. Rooting this phone wasn't as hard as I thought. I want pure Android on this phone. Give me some cyanogenmod or cataclysm and I will be happy.

