[HOWTO] / [GUIDE] Compile Loki_patch and execute - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S 4 Android Development

Things you will need:
Cygwin- http://www.cygwin.com/setup.exe
ADB- http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
Loki Patch source- https://github.com/djrbliss/loki
These are the steps i took to compile and use loki_patch.
I will assume you have the android sdk setup and ready, I will assume your SDK is under c:/AndroidSDK(this is how mine is setup)
Pulling aboot.img using adb:
You can copy cmd.exe into the folder where adb is located and run it from there so you do not have to navigate to the folder manually, or just run cmd.exe and navigate to the adb folder, for me it is c:\AndroidSDK\sdk\platform-tools.
Once you are in your adb file path and your phone is connected and in debug mode follow these instructions to pull aboot.img from your phone.
Original instructions from djrbliss here https://github.com/djrbliss/loki
[email protected]:~$ adb shell
[email protected]:/ $ su
[email protected]:/ # dd if=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/aboot of=/data/local/tmp/aboot.img
[email protected]:/ # chmod 644 /data/local/tmp/aboot.img
[email protected]:/ # exit
[email protected]:/ $ exit
[email protected]:~$ adb pull /data/local/tmp/aboot.img
3293 KB/s (2097152 bytes in 0.621s)
Now you should have the file aboot.img in the platform-tools folder(where the adb.exe file is located)
Copy this file to your desktop so you know where it is.
Installing gcc with Cygwin:
Original Instructions came from here http://www.eecg.utoronto.ca/~aamodt/ece242/cygwin.html
Step 0: Download and run the cygwin installer.
Step 1: Select “Install from Internet”
Step 2: Install to default location
Step 3: Use default local package directory (click next)
Step 4: Use whatever internet connection settings (click next)
Step 5: Select a mirror (use the one already selected, click next)
Step 6 (a): In the “Select Packages” expand “Devel”:
Step 6 (b): Select gcc, gdb, and make
Step 7: click next and follow the rest of the installation instructions.
Ok, now that gcc is installed we can compile the loki_patch source to make the executable.
Go here https://github.com/djrbliss/loki
You should see a file called loki_patch.c, click this link and it will open and you can see all the code.
Select the code from top to bottom and right click, copy.
Now right click on your desktop and select new> text file.
Open this text file and paste the code into it, go to file and save as loki_patch.c (make sure you have your file extensions turned on so you can save this as a c source and not a txt file).
We should now have a file called loki_patch.c on the desktop, keep it there for now.
Open up windows explorer and navigate to the following:
(You will see a few files and a kitchen folder)
Create a new folder in here called compile.
Now, let's go back to the desktop and copy loki_patch.c and aboot.img and paste those into the compile folder you just created.
Go ahead and run cygwin.
Now we need to change directories, so let's type the following:
cd compile
We should now be in the compile folder.
Lets compile this code so we can use it, type the following command:
gcc loki_patch.c -o loki_patch
We should now have a file in the compile folder called loki_patch.exe( windows added this .exe, the file extension can be left alone or deleted)
Now you need a boot.img file to patch, grab one from a rom or kernal and copy this into the compile folder.
Once all the files are in the compile folder run the following command to patch the boot.img file:
./loki_patch boot aboot.img boot.img boot.lok
We should now have a boot.lok file in the compile folder, hope this helps and i hope i didnt leave anything out, i will try and update this with screen shots later.

Nice work..thanks

C13v3r0n3 first link is Broken: Cygwin, my friend!!

TheAxman said:
Nice work..thanks
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And that's why you guys rock because that's all greek to me.
"If you ain't first yer last"
Sent from my rockin ATT S4


Easier ADB/Fastboot Usage Mac/Linux

Let's pretend you're running Mac OS X or Linux. You might have your adb and fastboot files in a directory such as:
Which means to execute the command you have to
cd ~/Android/
then execute
You must be thinking, "There has to be a similar way!" Well, there is!
sudo cp ~/Android/adb /usr/bin
followed by
sudo cp ~/Android/fastboot /usr/bin
Now, all you have to do, no matter what you're present location in your file system is to simply type whichever command you want. This will probably speed up using the commands and make your time in terminal a little easier.
It is much more efficient to add the ~Android dir to PATH.
If you ever update your android sdk you'd have to copy the files again.
so better:
export PATH=~/Android:$PATH
if you want it persistent just change your ~/.profile file (depending on your distribution)
same would work in Windows, there you have to set PATH in the system settings.

[Solved] Mount a blank.img formated to ext? to bypass permission limitations?

I was wondering if I could mount an empty.img file so that I could add executable into it and chmod 777 them or what ever the number is maybe 666.
Then I would add the location to my $PATH variable in the "/system/etc/mkshrc" file so I could execute those programs from any directory.
What say you?
Has this been done before?
It works!
Well, I wen ahead and tried it out, I figured "What the hell, its not like I have to format my sd card." It worked!
So what I did
1) I changed directories to Downloads. ("cd ~/Downloads")
2) I created a directory for my image in Downloads, and moved into it. (mkdir image && cd ./image)
3) I created an empty 4 gig image called apps.img using dd ("dd if=/dev/zero of=apps.img bs=1MB count=0 seek=4096")
4) I formated it to ext2 ("mke2fs -F apps.img")
5) I used adb to push it to my phone ("adb push ~/Downloads/image/apps.img /storage/sdcard0/Download/")
6) Then on my phone as su I mounted the image ("mount -o loop '/storage/sdcard0/Download/apps.img' '/data/local/mnt' ") {with single quotes around the directories, the double quotes wrap the whole actual command, you don't need them} [EDIT: I used bash on the phone to do this, ie I "su" [enter] ; "bash" [enter] ; "THE ABOVE COMMAND" [enter]
7) To test I used the python interpreter as my executable so I created a folder in /data/local/mnt called apps,(note* I should have made that folder on my pc before I pushed it to my phone to ensure that the foder was actually in the apps.img file.) I created two more folders "bin" and "lib" using "File Manager" on my phone. I then moved what I needed to run python into those folders (though you'll see I forgot something)
8) I added PYTHONHOME PYTHONPATH and added the bin folder I created to $PATH in the /system/etc/bash/bashrc file (Ask and I'll explain). If you don't have bash the mkshrc file is located "/system/etc/mkshrc" on your phone (if its Sprint SGSIII) adding environment variable there will accomplish the same thing, sorta.
9) I connected my phone to pc w/usb, opened up a teminal on pc, started an adb shell
[email protected]:~$ adb devices
List of devices attached
xxxxxxxx device
[email protected]:~$ adb shell
[email protected]:/ $ su
[email protected]:/ # bash
void endpwent()(3) is not implemented on Android
localhost / # which python
localhost / # python
'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
Python 2.6.2 (r262:71600, Mar 20 2011, 16:54:21)
[GCC 4.4.3] on linux-armv7l
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import os
>>> import sys
>>> import math
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named math
>>> import io
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/home/manuel/AptanaStudio3Workspace/python-for-android/python-build/output/usr/lib/python2.6/io.py", line 63, in <module>
ImportError: No module named _fileio
localhost / # exit
[email protected]:/ # ^D
[email protected]:/ $ ^D
[email protected]:~$
I'm thinking that if I can get my mkbootimg tools to work, I would mod an init script to mount the apps.img and then create links for each file in say '/mnt/apps/bin' create a link*in '/system/bin'. this should allow for phones with small or near full system partition install stuff like busybox or your own pprograms. More usefull for a developer.
I wanna try this with pythonforandroid, if I can make python and its modules. accessible during early init or just before the boot process finishes in general, and use it to run python, maybe python can handle boot in a different way, or maybe just one specific. function you might needs.
one big question I have. Does the pythonforandroid interpreter run ontop of the D VM?
Edge-Case said:
I'm thinking that if I can get my mkbootimg tools to work, I would mod an init script to mount the apps.img and then create links for each file in say '/mnt/apps/bin' create a link*in '/system/bin'. this should allow for phones with small or near full system partition install stuff like busybox or your own pprograms. More usefull for a developer.
I wanna try this with pythonforandroid, if I can make python and its modules. accessible during early init or just before the boot process finishes in general, and use it to run python, maybe python can handle boot in a different way, or maybe just one specific. function you might needs.
one big question I have. Does the pythonforandroid interpreter run ontop of the D VM?
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I don't think so. All command-line programs I know of interface directly with the kernel.
Sent from my S3 on Sense 5 (you jelly?)
CNexus said:
I don't think so. All command-line programs I know of interface directly with the kernel.
Sent from my S3 on Sense 5 (you jelly?)
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So getting an extended set of Linux (kernel) cli programs working with Android (kernel) is a matter of having the nessissary libraries, kernel prereq., and being compiled for the target processor?
From what I have read, the Android kernel has been cut back so far from the original Linux kernel that its difficult to port "Linux apps" to Android. Something about a slimmed down version of the GNU C/C++ libraries and the Android kernel being designed to run mostly Dalvik.
I haven't tried directly running any "Linux app" (already compiled for arm) on Android yet, but my game plan for that test was to load up an .img file with the nessissary execs, libs, config, etc files (as ext3 this time) and running some scripts that get the paths variables set up and then execute the script, I wrote a short Bash script that sets up python variables and adds others to PATH etc, and it worked, I had python on the img and the img mounted to /mnt/myside and python ran but with some errors, I need to get the variables right, its driving me mad, if its not this its that, last time it was the basic "help()" command not being declaired or something.
Well thats my plan, either these "Linux apps" run on Android without problem or I am going to A) write my own kernel to be compatible with Android/ cli Linux or I am going to get as much source code as I can and practice the art of compiling against Android and/or patching the code when/where nessissary.
We'll see what happens, I've done enough today/night.

Builing your own Ouya Kernel

I made a tutorial explaining how to compile the ouya's kernel from scratch.
I made this tutorial because I needed to enable the nfs protocol versions 3 and 4 to use file shares from my Synology NAS. The ouya's kernel enabled by default only comes with version 2 and i had problems to mount my NFS shares.
Let's start. my english is not very good then ignore the grammatical errors.
Let's first download the required files. I'm on the premise that you have an ubuntu linux installed on your machine.
1. Open your browser and type:
2. Search for a string like this:
http://cds.t2z5c2q6.hwcdn.net/ota/RC-OUYA-1.2.1084-r1_ota.zip (this is the latest version of ouya firmware)
3. Download it:
$ wget http://cds.t2z5c2q6.hwcdn.net/ota/RC-OUYA-1.2.1084-r1_ota.zip
2. Create a directory an put the file there:
$ mkdir ouyafiles
4. unzip it:
$ unzip RC-OUYA-1.2.1084-r1_ota.zip
5. Now you have a lot of files and directories. We need only one. The name of file is: boot.img. We need to unzip this file to retrieve the ramdisk file that will be needed along with the compiled kernel. For this we need to download the following perl script:
$ wget http://www.enck.org/tools/split_bootimg_pl.txt
5. Rename the script and change the permissions to execute:
$ mv split_bootimg_pl.txt split_bootimg.pl
$ chmod 755 split_bootimg.pl
6. Run this command to unpack the file:
$ ./split_bootimg.pl boot.img
7. Now you have 2 files: boot.img-kernel and boot.img-ramdisk.gz. We only need the boot.img-ramdisk.gz. Lets unzip this again and rename the unzipped file:
$ gzip -dc ../boot.img-ramdisk.gz | cpio -i
$ mv boot.img-ramdisk ramdisk
8. OK. Now you have this file. We will use it later in the tutorial.
1. Open the Browser and paste this URL: http://developer.android.com/tools/sdk/ndk/index.html
2. Download the Linux 64-bit (x86) package file:
$ wget http://dl.google.com/android/ndk/android-ndk-r9d-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2
3. Unzip it:
$ tar -jxvf android-ndk-r9d-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2
4. Rename the unzipped directory to "ndk":
$ mv android-ndk-r9d ndk
5. Load the environment variables:
$ export CROSS_COMPILE=/your_home_directory/ndk/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-
$ export ARCH=arm
Obs.: (remember the /your_home_directory/ is the default home directory that you user in linux uses to work).
1. Open your browser and go to this URL:
2. In the right side of the page you will have a download button called "Download ZIP". Click and Download it.
3. Unpack it and rename the unzipped directory to "kernel"
4. Maybe the /kernel/drivers/pci/Kconfig file will corrupt before unzip the file. Kconfig is a symbolic link. Remove it and Download again using the command inside the kernel/drivers/pci/ directory:
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ouya/ouya_1_1-kernel/master/drivers/pci/Kconfig
6. Now you have the default ouya kernel for compile!
1. You need to retrieve a file that is in ouya. To retrieve the file you need install the package android-tools-adb. use the following command:
$ sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb
2. Now you have to connect your ouya via usb. By default your ouya don't enable adb. You need to go to DEVELOPMENT screen on your ouya and enable “ADB: ON”.
3. Fine. Now test if the adb is connecting. Try this commands:
$ adb start-server
$ adb devices (this will show something like this “1234567890ABCDEF device”)
PS.: if no devices appears... you need to search in the internet about “how to use adb to connect android devices”
4. Now you will pull the config file:
$ adb pull /proc/config.gz config.gz (this will pull config.gz to your computer)
5. Unzip it and copy to kernel directory:
$ gunzip config.gz
$ cp config /your_home_directory/kernel/.config
6. Now your kernel is ready to compile. We're ensuring that the standards are consistent settings. From now on it is your responsibility to enable and disable kernel configurations.
1. Go to Kernel Directory:
$ cd /your_home_directory/kernel/
2. Make sure to run the environment variables CROSS_COMPILE and ARCH described above in the tutorial.
$ export CROSS_COMPILE=/your_home_directory/ndk/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-
$ export ARCH=arm
3. Use this command to change some settings:
$ make menuconfig
4. Use this command to build the kernel after you change your new settings:
$ make
5. Some warnings will display in your console... its normal.
6. if the process run ok you 'll have a bzImage file under the directory kernel/arch/arm/boot
7. copy this file to the same directory where you store the ramdisk file.
1. You will need to install the fastboot on linux using this command:
$ apt-get install android-tools-fastboot
2. Now you have to reboot your device in bootloader mode:
$ adb reboot-bootloader
3. You can check if you devices enters in this mode using this command:
$ fastboot devices
4. If it works. You can upload your new kernel and the default ramdisk:
$ fastboot flash:raw boot ./zImage ./ramdisk
The system should now boot with your custom kernel installed!
$ mv boot.img-ramdisk ramdisk
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Why do we need this? Can't we simply copy it from an existing OUYA machine?
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The current android-ndk-r10e only has androideabi-4.8 and androideabi-4.9. Can I use them, too?
Edit: I got an error ("unknown CPU architecture") with android-ndk-r10e and arm-linux-androideabi-4.8 so I used android-ndk-r9d with arm-linux-androideabi-4.6, and that worked.
6. if the process run ok you 'll have a bzImage file
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It's actually a zImage file (without the b).
Thank you so much for the tutorial!

HELP!!!! Cannot update FTV manually

Tried these steps
Connect to your Fire TV using ADB
(If you don’t know how, follow up to Step 4 Part 2 in our Windows or Mac guide)
Run the command: adb shell
Run the command: su
(If this is the first time you’ve ever run su, a pop-up will appear on the Fire TV, select Grant)
Run the command: chmod 777 /cache
Run the command: chmod 777 /cache/recovery
Run the command: cd /cache/recovery
Run the command: echo “--update_package=/cache/update.zip” > command
Run the command: exit
Run the command (yes, again): exit
Run the command: adb push update.zip /cache
(This assumes the update.zip file you renamed in step 2 is in the same directory as adb, otherwise enter the full path to the file like adb push C:\full\path\to\update.zip /cache)
Once the update.zip file has finished transferring to the Fire TV, run the command: adb reboot recovery
The update.zip file is on the same folder where the adb platform-tools is located, but when I enter the full path it says no such file or directory.
Mine looks like this C:\Users\XXX\platform-tools>adb push update.zip /cache
What am I doing wrong, please help
CD to the directory first . then enter adb push update.zip /cache
mastafunk said:
CD to the directory first . then enter adb push update.zip /cache
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I did everything in the same folder.
Do you suggests I go back to root of c folder then go back to the folder again
Copy and paste what you entered and the error..
Stevie G said:
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when you push a file with adb, the file must be in the same folder/path you're running the adb command from. From your example, you need update.zip on your PC at C:\users\Stevie G\platform-tools\
The error is saying the file isn't at that path.
Luxferro said:
when you push a file with adb, the file must be in the same folder/path you're running the adb command from. From your example, you need update.zip on your PC at C:\users\Stevie G\platform-tools\
The error is saying the file isn't at that path.
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might have issues with the space in Stevie G, try a folder without spaces.

How to setup and use SP Flash Tool on Ubuntu 20.04/later/other Distro based on Ubuntu 20.04/later

I had problems with setup SP Flash Tool on Ubuntu/Kubuntu 20.04. So here is a guide, how to do it .
1. Download SP Flash Tool for Linux: https://spflashtool.com/download/
2. Extract it, and rename folders, so that there are files in the "Flash Tool" folder
3. Delete "Lib"folder
4. Type this commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linuxuprising/libpng12
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libpng12-0
sudo apt install libusb-dev
5. Type
cd ~/Downloads/"Flash Tool"
sudo chmod a+x flash_tool
sudo chmod a+x flash_tool.sh
sudo ./flash_tool
If you have problem with " libqtwebkit4.so.4", follow this steps:
Open Terminal and type:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rock-core/qt4
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libqtwebkit4
SP Flash Tool will now works.
Hello,I don't seem to have a field for the Scatter txt.Any ideas?
Show screenshot
It's alright,I used a Windows PC to do it,but thanks for the reply anyway
Hi had trouble as attached.I deleted lib and renamed folder all I got is bland screen.Attach will show.
Did it all again,and just named the extracted folder.
Went through your commands and it worked
Downloaded upgradeed Ubuntu 20
And truly,Thank You for your work.
Oldlearner said:
Hi had trouble as attached.I deleted lib and renamed folder all I got is bland screen.Attach will show.
Did it all again,and just named the extracted folder.
Went through your commands and it worked
Downloaded upgradeed Ubuntu 20
And truly,Thank You for your work.
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This worked for me: https://github.com/P0cL4bs/WiFi-Pumpkin-deprecated/issues/53#issuecomment-309120875
Basically, its adding
in the system variable file.
The first cmd is not working this is my download as there been updates on the site is my drive correct .. this cmd not workingsudo add-apt-repository ppa:linuxuprising/libpng12

