[App] Modern Number Converter - Windows 8 Development and Hacking

If you have suggestions, or problems please provide me with feedback here rather than giving me negative reviews on the Microsoft Store. This is my first app and I'm looking to improve it as much as possible.
Number Converter
This app allows for simple input and conversion between decimal, binary, hexadecimal, and octal numbers. You can type values within any field and all of the others will be calculated. Works perfectly in snapped view too!


[REQ] GPS and Data Usage Tracker

Two ideas.
1. Useage tracker.
I've not seen a good, free, user-friendly sms/minutes/data monitor. Something like LCminutes but easy to configure. Maybe csv export for uploading to a web page and displaying reports?
2. GPS Tracker.
A stealth application to track a device/vehicle/etc. Plug-able architecture and modularised architecture. Abstracting input and output commands so that the software can be controlled via SMS/HTTP/etc. Geofence and proxity features.
Something like RemoteTracker but it does not have the above features.
Anyone interested in helping me build these two?
Mod edit: Please be more descriptive with your titles and use the 'REQ' tag to indicate a request

[App] Touring Machine

Touring Machine is an innovative platform developed to offer a complete sightseeing experience to adults and children. It is currently available in three editions: Mobile edition, Web edition and Augmented Reality edition.
The Mobile Edition targets Windows Phone 7.
The system supports:
Dynamically generated descriptions. There are no predefined texts. Our natural language generation engine is fully customizable, as it determines the description language, the amount of information included, and the phraseology used in the descriptions. It also takes into account the visitor’s history creating comparisons between the exhibits, as well as spatial expressions according to the user’s position. Immediate translation is also supported. The engine is called NaturalOWL and was developed by the Natural Language Processing Group(Department of Informatics, Athens University of Economics and Business).
Question / Answering: The user may ask questions in natural language and the Artificial Intelligence will try to create the proper answer.
Text-to-speech: The users may listen to the descriptions.
Maps: The user may search for the available tours using Bing Maps.
Mobile edition
Touring Machine Mobile edition is made for those visiting the actual place of the tour. The user selects one of the available tours and the application displays a list of all the nearby exhibits sorted from the closest (shown at the top) to the most far (shown at the bottom of the list). As the user moves among the exhibits, this list is automatically rearranged (taking account of the device’s orientation). The application is location – aware. Furthermore, in case an exhibit is approached which has not been previously visited, the mobile phone vibrates and reads out its name. After an exhibit is chosen, its description is generated.
The phone’s camera can be used for exhibit recognition. Given that the GPS is inactive indoors, the user may take a picture of an exhibit and a specialized image recognition algorithm will attempt to match the photo taken to one of the exhibits of the collection.
Web edition
The web edition virtually recreates the location by placing photos of it in their appropriate relative position and orientation. As a result, the user can navigate through a 3D model of virtual space using a mouse, a keyboard or a touch screen. Selecting an exhibit, a detailed description is presented.
Augmented Reality edition
The Augmented Reality edition transforms a room into a virtual museum. Having a collection of symbols drawn in pieces of paper, each symbol corresponds to a predefined exhibit. Viewing the symbols through a camera, the corresponding exhibit is displayed. The user can view the exhibit from various angles as it is a real one and read its description. This edition is ideal for educational purposes, as it has been proved that children consider it an easy and fun way to learn something.
Read more about the project at the Touring Machine website (touringmachine.cs.aueb.gr).
Some videos of our application can be found at
(Unfortunately I was not allowed to post any URLs, so I had to write them as above. Sorry for the inconvenience)
Looks great and useful too! You know its apps like this and the strength of developers taking this OS seriously, that makes me want a WP7 even more. Well done!

[Q] recognize letters in my app

I'm programming a WP7-App, i have a letter (for example the "A").
How can i recognize the input and match the correct character ?
sorry for my bad english
You can cast chars to ints.
see: http://www.asciitable.com/
In the table in that link, note that 'A' corresponds to a decimal number 65. When you cast your char 'A' to an int, it will turn into 65.
Similarly, (int)'a' is 97. And 'a' - ch, where ch = 'b', is equal to -1. Doing subtraction of chars automatically converts to integers. Casting the whole string to lowercase and then checking (currentChar - 'a' < 26) is a great way to check if you're looking at an alphabetic character (a through z).
Thanks for the answer...
the "A" is only an example caracter.
in the real world example i use japanese caracters.
the user shall be paint the correct caracter in my app, like this on the picture...
CB.NET said:
Thanks for the answer...
the "A" is only an example caracter.
in the real world example i use japanese caracters.
the user shall be paint the correct caracter in my app, like this on the picture...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That will be an insanely difficult task. Actually this in general takes years of study in order to accomplish
Handwriting recognition is one of the hardest things to accomplish.
If you do want to give it a shot, my suggestion:
Crop and rescale the images, and than determine patterns for each letter, thus an A can be build from 3 linear formules, check if the drawing matches this structure. You can than compute the derivatives of the drawings and from those derivatives cross check them with a database to determine which letter it is.
But this is extremely difficult, we tried to read digits in a sudoku puzzle which was already quite a difficult task to accomplish (and we tried to reference it against a database with images, as well as checking several characteristic points in a figure etc) this went OK with printed letters, but with handwritten it was a disaster. Not trying to discourage you, maybe there are libraries out there which you can use, but I would reconsider what you are trying to accomplish and determine an approach for yourself.
CB.NET said:
Thanks for the answer...
the "A" is only an example caracter.
in the real world example i use japanese caracters.
the user shall be paint the correct caracter in my app, like this on the picture...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I highly recommend making a class of "Cases" this way if it detects "A" it uses the "A" case select opposed to making a ton of "if" and "else" statements.
Better yet... You always could use an if/else statement or have an array of listed recognized items...
Here is something that might help: http://joshsmithonwpf.wordpress.com/2007/06/12/searching-for-items-in-a-listbox.

[APP]Mind Reader - Symbol 1.2

Try it and Rate it.
This is my own app.
Mind Reader - Symbol 1.2
Want to entertain your friends?
Try this Mind Reader app.
Now your Android mobile can read your mind and tell you your symbol. First you have to think any two digit number, add the individual digits and then subtract number from the total.Find the relevant symbol to your final number.
Use this Application to entertain your friends. This Application has interactive user interface and able to use it easily. It has good Graphical symbols and sound effects.
If you like it,Please rate this app.
Support my work by buying the PRO version of this app.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Market link: http://bit.ly/ZTsrQG
Website: http://www.cybapps.com/view.php?id=13
No matter what 2 digit number you choose the result after someone does the steps you said will be a multiple of 9. Every multiple of 9 you have the same symbol creating this illusion.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Thank you.THis is a good and nice app
Thanks your comment.

[APP][FREE][ANDROID] Testing a automatic personality test application.

This app can describe your personality when you start the app!
I'm still tweaking the math and statistics behind the app, therefore the generated personality traits might-be less accurate then the build-in questionnaire.
This is the first app i ever made, tip and tricks or feed-back from experienced app builders /testers would be extremely appreciated
Link to the google store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nl.hedu.gro.pesonallitytester

