Hacking Windows Store trial apps - Windows 8 Development and Hacking

Adding link here, as its been in the tech press today, and contains useful info on Store apps configuration etc
* Link Deleted *

Promoting warez or helping people get cracked apps is forbidden on XDA-Devs. Many of us are "legit" (store) developers as well as hackers. Nobody here *should* be helping people bypass trial restrictions or similar.
If you want to extract the non-piracy portions of the post, or better yet do some research of your own, and then write your own blog of forum post about them, go ahead and put that on XDA. There will always be people cracking paid apps, but they are not welcome here.

I agree with you
I only posted the link because the discussion had lots of info about how app configuration and xml files and tokens etc work
which is stuff we do need to know about in a Development and Hacking* forum
[ * Hacking in the original sense of the word ie investigating/understanding/modifying]
Update - I've removed the link in the above post
Anyone interested will just have to web search for the relevant My Digital Life Forum entry



"Development and Hacking" should be splitted

"Development and Hacking" forum grown and the topics are kinda mixed up.. eg: ROM development tools mixed with Themes, "ported/hacked" Applications, user-made apps, etc etc.
I think that this area should be divised. It's hard to seek a topic. Maybe one is interested in ROM tools (eg: NBHextract, XIP port, dumprom, etc,etc), maybe someone in ported applications (omnia touchwizz interface, asus glide, xperia panels, xperia camera, htc album, etc), maybe others in development resoruces.. and maybe others in applications made by xda-developers.
So, one sugestion is to split create one new category Development and Hacking wich contains the following sub-forums:
- ROM Development Tools
- Homescreen Plugins (Manilla, TouchWizz, Asus Glide, BatteryMetter, etc)
- Ported Applications
- xda-dev Applications
- xda-dev Games
- Applications Hacking (?)
- Development Resources & Tips & Tricks
The name of the forums may not be the same.. also, other sub-forums may be added.. This is just a suggestion. This forum really contains valuable information but it must be more organized.
i would have to disagree myself. i think the section is fine the way it is (all the question threads removed ) If you know what you are after then you just need to search. I think splitting things up willo nly result in more confusion on the common user's part (not knowing where top ost with so many options) and further more this is a development website, not a cache of programs like a freeware website. Whats being developed at the moment will be on top, everything else will fade out behind but still accesible if you know what you are looking for.
First, sorry if the original version of this comes off the wrong way, I just noticed it might read a little snotty...especially since I started typing it before joel2009's post, but it as posted up later it reads like I'm arguing.
joel2009 said:
I think splitting things up will only result in more confusion on the common user's part (not knowing where to post with so many options) and further more this is a development website, not a cache of programs like a freeware website. Whats being developed at the moment will be on top, everything else will fade out behind but still accesible if you know what you are looking for.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The main problem I think is that there's so much traffic in that single spot that the list of threads marked "Today" stretches into the 5th page sometimes. I'm pretty sure a lot more gets lost and many good threads aren't seen at all. It's made worse by there being a couple of different forums listed under specific models of phone which are obviously resources for many others. Examples include:
Kaiser software, which has a lot of postings that apply to several other phones.
Raphael Software/Themes Apps and Software (Diamond), both of these basically cover the same thing. I've seen a number of people make requests or ask questions that are already resolved in the other thread.
The main D&H forum, even if you ignore the little groupings the OP had (i.e. xda releases vs. ported apps), is home to at least 3 very separate postings/releases; ROM Tools, Phone Apps, and Skins/Themes. For a "simple" user who's just trying to watch for themes and skins this is a lot of unnecessary noise. Imagine a Raphael or Diamond owner looking for applications, there's at least 4 groups to watch and 3 of them are kept under specific phones. A new diamond owner won't realize all the stuff they are missing. I think that's more confusing to new users.
My suggestion, to be taken worth it's digital equivalence to a grain of salt, is to break it up into ROM Tools, Apps (both ported and user-developed), Themes & Skins. I would also put them into a major category that would be consequently named Development and Hacking, and probably move the Networking and Upgrading groups over there as well.
I'd personally also like to see a single forum just dedicated to programming. It's pretty obvious that there's a good cross-section of members who are also programmers, some of which have demonstrated more talent than most other sites can boast. There's a lot of people trying to write programs but are rooting around a lot of other forums which aren't too suited to answer their questions. The other thing is that it might give more inspiration for some of the people who are good at UI and some people who are good with system/functional programming to talk to each other or even work together on apps. Many others have pointed it out, for a site to have 'developers' in the title, it's really strange that there's not even a little conversation about one of the main forms of development.
joel2009 information must be organized..
some things are contradictory in your post. you say "I think splitting things up willo nly result in more confusion on the common user's part" and "this is a development website". If it's a development website than the development area must be extended, not limited to one sub-forum that contains different kind of stuff.
Also, maybe some of us want to learn from other developers experience.. (see "Development Resources & Tips & Tricks" sub-forum)..
The way how it's in this moment create confusion not only for the developer but also for the regular users. Maybe some developers are interested only on ROM tools. Maybe some users are looking just ROM tools. It will be hard for all of us because this section of the site is constantly growing and contain all kind of stuff (themes, apps, tools, etc).
Organizing the information into sub-forums is A MUST.
+ you can add a new subforum for "Ideas for application" where people can post ideas for developers.
If detailed descriptions are used for each sub-forum there will be less to none confusion rate (additionally someone can write about these sections so everybody will understand..).
Just my humble opinion, but I think they fit well together. The difference is small between the two and it would just require me to check two boards to get the same info.
I say let's hold a vote.
DSF said:
"Development and Hacking" forum grown and the topics are kinda mixed up.. eg: ROM development tools mixed with Themes, "ported/hacked" Applications, user-made apps, etc etc.
I think that this area should be divised. It's hard to seek a topic. Maybe one is interested in ROM tools (eg: NBHextract, XIP port, dumprom, etc,etc), maybe someone in ported applications (omnia touchwizz interface, asus glide, xperia panels, xperia camera, htc album, etc), maybe others in development resoruces.. and maybe others in applications made by xda-developers.
So, one sugestion is to split create one new category Development and Hacking wich contains the following sub-forums:
- ROM Development Tools
- Homescreen Plugins (Manilla, TouchWizz, Asus Glide, BatteryMetter, etc)
- Ported Applications
- xda-dev Applications
- xda-dev Games
- Applications Hacking (?)
- Development Resources & Tips & Tricks
The name of the forums may not be the same.. also, other sub-forums may be added.. This is just a suggestion. This forum really contains valuable information but it must be more organized.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'v been thinking the same for a long time now.
Thats not contradictory at all. The Development and hacking section is for contributers, if you are contributing an app you are developing or in need of help dev, then that is what the section is for. Things start getting more complicated when you are trying to post your own work and there are several different sections you have to swarm though to find the appropriate one. I'm a fan of keep things simple.
If you are trying to follow a specific thread, then you can bookmark it or subscribe to it.
The main problem I think is that there's so much traffic in that single spot that the list of threads marked "Today" stretches into the 5th page sometimes. I'm pretty sure a lot more gets lost and many good threads aren't seen at all. It's made worse by there being a couple of different forums listed under specific models of phone which are obviously resources for many others.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The list that is bold when you log on only shows the threads you have not read since the last time you viewed the page. If you are interested in reading everything than you will read on through them.
Here is an example, looking at you list of stuff:
- ROM Development Tools
- Homescreen Plugins (Manilla, TouchWizz, Asus Glide, BatteryMetter, etc)
- Ported Applications
- xda-dev Applications
- xda-dev Games
- Applications Hacking (?)
- Development Resources & Tips & Tricks
What if i ported a today plugin, then where would i put it?
This is just a small example but it illustrates my point that things can get messy upon where things go. Keeping one section keeps it simple and easy.
I understand both sides, but it seems that this point will be argued for a while longer, as it has been for the last few months.
I think the biggest problem is there are always themes coming out since newer apps are coming out with the ability to skin them. Personally, I would have to vote with the splitting of the two main sections since it is starting to grow a lot. On the other hand, they do fit together since a theme could be categorized as a "hack". But, the more and more the section grows, the harder it will be to find things. Considering all of the hard work and effort put into to these custom themes, a new section set for those who create the themes would be nice.
EDIT: lol DAMN! I thought the discussion was about themes and apps, my point still stands though.
joel2009 the list is just a suggestion - it may be modified.. What I wanted to underline is that the "Development and Hacking" forum is growing day by day, making harder to find interesting threads.
The faster you organize the information the better. If not, later the forum will grow so much that will be very hard to watch + the job to move the thousands of topics..
TheChampJT is right..
I think the real issue is that most users don't realize the amount of time it takes just to keep the forum as organized as it is. Splitting the hacking & development forum would require us to watch 7 threads instead of one, which honestly is a pretty full job in and of itself at this point.
Joel does a good job of drawing attention to how confusing it will be for users wanting to post new information. I know it's really frustrating to certain users to have to read through a couple pages of threads to find the one they're looking for, but it really is the simplest solution.
I think one issues that has been side stepped is that there really aren't a lot of developers asking us to split this stuff up. It's easy enough, and simple enough for them to use, especially after all the great work done by the Q & A team to clean it up. I find it pretty easy to find what i'm looking for in the thread now.
I think the thing that would help more than anything to simplify things for users would be for all threads to adopt the proper naming of their threads. Then it would be easy to see what threads are themes, what are apps, what are games. Unfortunately, the application of proper naming is very inconsistent.
Ultimately I feel that splitting the forums would cause more confusion, more frustration, and more work, so at this point I think it best to leave things as they are until we come up with a better solution.
Going to keep my post very short, the way XDA is split up is to help users to which commonly end up posting in the wrong sections as it is, the more sections we have the more confusion of posters, then we have the mods who have a hard enough time as it is trying to sift out the "wrong posters" so what was my point again? Lets keep things simple so simple peeps don't post in the wrong sections and the mods don't get over worked for there voluntary position

Forums/lagacy devices issues

Hi admin
Could you please do away with the lagacy device forum and just organize the main forum index by device manufacture that will make the forum more cleaner looking and also install cloudflare plugin its free to speed up loading times etc. The lagacy forum is the most pointless thing iv ever saw. That can also impact no new user sign ups because possible new users can't see there handset on the forum index where its meant to be. If admin wants just clone the forums in a different directory and let me at it to speed it up and organize it to make it cleaner
Thanks admin

Android Development Codex: A complete mod guide for every device! (add to XDA Uni?)

> Abstract: I have been consolidating a complete, monolithic, and community editable guide for all mobile devices, to reform how XDA Developers works. Take a look, and edit or give suggestions... (Perhaps merge this with XDA University?)
## Rationale
XDA Developers is one of the largest and most important sites to mobile device development. We know all that; we've been here for years. And after staying here for a long time, it's hard to imagine anything different from the status quo; nor why the "new guy" is so frustrated and confused.
Unfortunately, owing to our messy evolution, the guides for most devices on XDA are, (quite honestly, no offense), outdated and disorganized, divided among tons of threads and maintained by OPs who may or may not be active. The XDA Wiki was built on the premise of consolidating the info from the forum, but the tendency to link to forum posts rather than bring in the full methods has made it utterly redundant, and therefore rarely edited or trafficked.
The reality is, forums are great for development and asking questions, but they are the wrong place for constantly fluctuating guides that demand united community support. The result is the status quo on XDA; a ceberus of information difficult to organize or sift through, resulting in newbies constantly asking supposedly "obvious" questions about methods and issues long since solved.
The question is, is it the noob's fault for not trusting or reading such disorganization, or could it be that we aren't making it clear how to proceed safely?
## Design Specifications
To rectify this situation, I have been compiling the Android Development Codex, a complete, monolithic, and community editable guide to the any device I could get my hands on, taking users all the way from unlocking to customization.
The codex will also give readers a few tips and tricks for troubleshooting common problems (so they don't have to wade through 900 posts to find the answer), and general guides to cool mods that can be made on the phone. Perhaps we could even teach people to create modifications to keep the community going.
The Android Development Codex is based on eight principles:
* Everything must be in the guide. We need customized "beginning to end" guides that give the user everything it takes to mod a device and deal with problems afterwards. As stated above, the XDA Wiki failed because it only linked to the forum, making it no more useful than a forum sticky.
* Mark or fix outdated information ASAP. Outdated information is the biggest issue with the status quo on XDA; at best, it won't work, and the new guy will come crying to the forums. At worst, devices will be bricked, leading to intense mobs of angry noobs. With a monolithic guide, as soon as new developments occur, we can post it in the Codex as a warning to all, and change the method if needed.
* No redundant information. There could be thousands of devices by the time we get to a finished state, and much of that info is exactly the same. This leads to duplication of work, and eventually outdated info. Examples are things like ClockworkMod instructions, Glossaries, and general OS mods. The Codex should consolidate as many mods as possible into general guides, and for things like glossaries and recovery instructions, Mediawiki-style templates should be used to pull them in.
* One customized guide for every device family. Every device is special in some way. The XDA Developers Book is great, but even the most general of rooting guides cannot tackle the thousands of unique circumstances that exist in every device. Rooting, Unlocking, Downgrading, and other unique things are under this umbrella.
* Always provide a manual method. Automatic "one-click" roots are great, but manufacturers are always out to patch the latest method. If we don't know how to do it by hand, we can't really find much of a solution.
* Ensure that all required files are accessible and stay accessible. Eventually, all good things must come to an end, and when people are no longer around to sweep the grounds, link rot sets in. This is very, very bad; one of the archives could contain a vital rooting program, and there would be no way to recover it. Just remember the fall of Megaupload. Always have multiple mirrors for every file, and perhaps archive everything into the Internet Archive when the community is gone.
* Give all sources for methods included. Credit must be given where credit is due, not only in deference to the original authors, but also to give the methods credibility.
* The ultimate goal is to transform a layman into a developer. For most people nowadays, modding mobile phones is their gateway into the workings of the computers that control our lives today, just like home computers were in the 80s. The Codex needs to clearly show how anyone can become an XDA-Developer and participate as enlightened individuals, rather than as mere participants.
## The Monolithic Guide
The Android Development Codex is here.
Currently, only the HTC HD2 and the HTC Droid Incredible have functionally complete guides at the moment.
The entire thing is stored on Github Wiki, so you can edit it if you have a github account. Hopefully, developers will all be able to come together once and for all, and work on one big guide, rather than tons of small, redundant, and outdated ones.
## The Android Development Codex is unfinished! Why are you releasing it now?
Originally, I was going to keep the Android Development Codex as a surprise until all the guides for the devices I owned were complete. However, a new project called "XDA University" is being started with similar goals, so am prematurely releasing my work to the community and awaiting further developments.
If anyone here has a hand in creating the XDA University, please contact me, because I have some great ideas on how to make it work, not to mention tons of data for us to start with.
You have a PM

[Q] How to create New Thread in Paid Software Forum for Newbie?

Hi guys, I'm newbie on xda-developers, but I like this site. There are many people full of desire to help each other.
Also I'm newbie in development mobile application, I've released few application for Android. But my applications are better and better .
Recently I've released "SQL Tools" for Android, it's a good application useful for IT people (system administrators, developers, owners of web sites and others). It's unique application which can perform backup & restore sql databases, analyze and fine-tuning config file of sql servers (MySQL, PostgreSQL). I haven't seen similar application in Google Play.
So, my problem is: I'd like to publish review in Paid Software forum here, but I registered on forum.xda-developers.com recently and I'm not allowed to create a new thread in this Forum. I don't want to violate the rules of Forum and publish this review in other Forums.
Who can help me to post my review and then refer to me as owner of the application.
Thank you very much.

[CLOSED] Welcome to XDA 2021!

KNOWN ISSUES as of 12/3 (we're working on these!):
Some threads/posts may be missing. We imported missing threads, some first posts missing still.
Need to launch new XDA app asap. All current apps are broken like Tapatalk and XDA app. Use the browser instead for now plz (update: 12/7-8/20 target launch)
In-thread search not working (update: 12/4/20 should be fixed)
More stuff (we're reading every post!)
For login issues... use the "Forgot password" to reset your password. If you do not know your email address or it is no longer active, we will work on a way of getting access restored.
If Google login does not work, you can reset your password and reassociate (called "Connect Account") your Google account to allow login.
We're excited to welcome you to the new version of the XDA Forums, which is now based on XenForo software instead of vBulletin. If you're not familiar, XenForo is a modern forum platform with a focus on speed, sharing, and overall fluidity. TLDR: we long ago outgrew vBulletin and we wanted to make a huge upgrade.
Things are different! We know it will take some time for everyone to adjust to the new forums, and we ask for your patience as we work out bugs and issues to make the XDA 2021 forums as familiar as possible. One fun thing to try: change templates in the bottom left corner. We have a few to choose from and might add more. Whether you like a dark or light look, or if you want to see classic XDA colors from a decade ago , we have you covered.
Use this thread to report bugs or ask questions. Our partner firm, Audentio, which designed the forums, might respond on our behalf within this thread.
Thank you for your continued support of XDA, and we hope you enjoy XDA 2021! ✌
Updated lists moved to XDA XenForo 2.2 Upgrade thread here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/xenforo-2-2-upgrade-post-bugs-issues-and-comments-here.4245677
Known Bugs/Regressions:
Some posts (former DevDB OPs, at least) can't be edited unless user disables the WYSIWYG editor and uses BBCODE instead. Fixed 12/09 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/welcome-to-xda-2021.4197018/page-115#post-84076621
All users have enforced signature length and link limits, which should be higher/removed, at least for advanced forum users. Fixed 12/20 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/welcome-to-xda-2021.4197018/page-135#post-84140273 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/welcome-to-xda-2021.4197018/page-135#post-84141915
Advanced forum user max title length is too short, truncating them (e.g. "Senior Recognized Developer / Recognized Contribut").
Long forum names are truncated (e.g. "Android Software and Hacking General [Developers O").
Thanks/Likes counts are reduced for most users, sometimes dramatically, seemingly from Aug 29 - Dec 2; possibly related to (7).
Various old forum emojis aren't mapped to new unicode ones, and ones in old posts that do exist (e.g. :cowboy:) don't display.
Some users have reported their OPs and/or attachments reverting to older versions; possibly related to (1). Fixed 12/09 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/welcome-to-xda-2021.4197018/page-115#post-84076621
Broken redirects from old links for many threads/posts.
Disabling Alert in Preferences forces Mobile App Push enabled, one should be able to disable both.
Users who were Senior Members are now only Members, as though the threshold is different. Fixed 12/09 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/welcome-to-xda-2021.4197018/page-115#post-84076615
"Unfurl"ed URL links to posts sometimes show a preview of the OP instead of the correct post (e.g. [URL unfurl="true"]https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/welcome-to-xda-2021.4197018/post-84073623[/URL]
Welcome to XDA 2021!
KNOWN ISSUES as of 12/3 (we're working on these!): Some threads/posts may be missing. We imported missing threads, some first posts missing still. Need to launch new XDA app asap. All current apps are broken like Tapatalk and XDA app. Use the...
Missing colored/underlined user names to denote advanced forum users (e.g. Recognized Contributors).
Posts containing only quotes and no new text shouldn't be allowed.
Ability to subscribe to an entire forum is missing for some forums.
XDA Wiki pages are missing.
CAPTCHA from editing posts triggers an Oops error; disabling the WYSIWYG editor as in (1) apparently works around it some of the time. Fixed 01/12 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/welcome-to-xda-2021.4197018/page-144#post-84276155
Attachment file extensions need to be restored (e.g. jar missing). Fixed 12/15 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/welcome-to-xda-2021.4197018/page-130#post-84113793
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] functionality is broken and pics lost.
Attachments per post are limited to 10, far lower than the former site. Fixed 12/20 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/welcome-to-xda-2021.4197018/page-135#post-84141915
Shell scripts are detected and rejected as attachments, even if renamed as .txt files.
Attempting to enable/disable the WYSIWYG editor while editing certain posts triggers an Oops error; possibly related to (16). Fixed 01/14 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/welcome-to-xda-2021.4197018/page-145#post-84284035
Former DevDB downloads are inaccessible. Fixed 02/19 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/welcome-to-xda-2021.4197018/page-145#post-84284015 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/devdb-archives.4226791/#post-84521543
Search "this category" option never shows any results when used.
Recognized Developers can't moderate their own threads anymore.
Recognized Developer application process is gone. Addressed 01/19 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/status-of-recognized-developer-program.4220403
Some posts have lost their attachments in the migration. Addressed 02/26 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/welcome-to-xda-2021.4197018/page-152#post-84563135
Updated lists moved to XDA XenForo 2.2 Upgrade thread here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/xenforo-2-2-upgrade-post-bugs-issues-and-comments-here.4245677
Jump to Last Unread link icon in Watched threads page.
Attachments management page.
Folders to organize Watched threads.
Folders to organize saved PMs/Conversations.
Most Thanked/Liked Posts widget in thread sidebar. Added 03/11 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/xenforo-2-2-upgrade-post-bugs-issues-and-comments-here.4245677
Search This Thread widget in thread sidebar. Added 03/11 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...nd-comments-here.4245677/page-2#post-84640119
Edit Reason for edited posts.
Add strikeout to the WYSIWYG editor on mobile layout. Added 03/11 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/xenforo-2-2-upgrade-post-bugs-issues-and-comments-here.4245677
Threads Started by User search shortcut in user info popup.
Thanked/Liked Posts by User search shortcut in user info popup.
The ability to use the post editor buttons to insert BBCODE even when the WYSIWYG functionality is disabled.
Country flags below user images/info in threads (could replace trophy and post counts in expandable area)
Telegram account linking.
Make the forum search default to in-thread.
Thread Ratings.
My Devices list in profile. Added 03/11 https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/xenforo-2-2-upgrade-post-bugs-issues-and-comments-here.4245677
Donate To Me links.
Add thread page number to HTML title.
Excited to be on a new platform!
What's your favorite theme? Mine is kind of Classic!
Site is very slow.
What is the equivalent of usercp now?
So SLOW it is unusable. Worthless. Seriously, worthless.
Maverick_TN said:
Site is very slow.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I know you guys are probably still working out the bugs, but so far the forum is super slow. It take 20 to 30 seconds to load a page. And yes, my Internet works fine with all other sites at the same time so I know it's not my computer, browser or Internet connection.
Also, for some reason, I can't load page 2 of threads and it seems like some recent posts were not migrated over?
Question. What's this mean for the XDA Android app? Not able to login at the moment. Plans for updating it I take it?
Where is the Search Thread box? I used it all the time! Edit: When using the top of page Search box here is a drop-down menu option to search this thread but it's no working. Edit 2: It has been fixed!
How can you add a title to a post since Advanced is gone?
No option to not include your signature in some posts & in others not like in Advanced before the migration?
Most Thanked posts in the thread (liked) in the right sidebar is gone?
Hopefully the site is still settling in after the migration. I know this can take time. Looking forward to continue here on the new platform and hope all the great experiences of old times remain the same and new ones are added.
I would second the earlier comment about the site being slow but again i probably answered my own question in the first sentence i typed.
it's slow, but the cost of change need some time, imagine you are merge years to a new platform..
it's not easy for sure, and can't be done in one day.
I assume that everyone can already tell but it really is very slow. I hope that it can be fixed!
This is dreadfully slow, 20-30+ seconds to load a single page.
Trying to go to the *last* page of a thread causes it to continuously go to the first page of the thread, and "jump to new" is even more broken, listing "recent" posts but labeling each one as "#1" and then mixing in "first page" posts as well.
Evident for me on this thread: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...oid-auto-use-torque-with-androidauto.3657805/
Update: while we're back online, we know the forums are slow. We're actively working to fix some database issues that are causing the slowness. Thanks for your patience.
The site looks great! Thank you for all your hard work on this! I am sure you will get all the bugs worked out soon
Small bug: It seems I can no longer moderate my XDA Community App forum. Is this on the list of things to fix?
curiousrom said:
Where is the Search Thread box? I used it all the time!
How can you add a title to a post since Advanced is gone?
No option to not include your signature in some posts like in Advanced?
Most liked posts in the thread box on the right side is gone?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You should try the UI before asking, on top right of OP you will see few dots, click that to expand menu and tap edit thread and then you will be able to edit the title. I am finding my way around too.
Oops! We ran into some problems.
I can't log in to xda's Android app, which prompts me for the wrong password, but I can log in to the web, although it's very slow.

