[Q] About the similar threads feature - About xda-developers.com

I love it, and all, but sometimes it's search of similar threads ranges too far.
I'm in the ATT SGSII forums, and I want to ask a question relevant to the phone. Of course, the similar threads pop up and I look through them, but many of the threads are about different phones. Sometimes this may come in handy sure, but I think it might be better to try and keep it in the paticular phone section, if at all possible.
Course, that's determined by the vBulletin plugin, huh? Does it have that capability? Because if so, it could help the noobs (such as myself) find everything easier.

Bump, does anyone agree with this, or is it just me?

demon9206 said:
Sometimes this may come in handy sure
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I think you've answered your own question there really.
Maybe it would make sense to have similar questions in the device category come first in the list, and then have other results below. I think you do really need all the results though as there will be a lot of times when the device is irrelevant.

Well in my 2-3 weeks of owning an android device its always been phone-specific. I don't doubt there are questions that are android in general, it just seems that it'd be more helpful showing results in the phones category first

Yea, I can see your point, but I think it's more of a 50/50 situation....some of the time it does help to see other threads from other forums, as many things aren't device specific.


Growing animosity in the HD2 forums

Let me start by saying that this is just a moan thread, and I don't ask or expect that anything comes from it other than me getting something off my chest and seeing what others think.
I'm a very regular reader and contributor in the HD2 forum, as I have been for over a year now. I like the fact that it's such a busy forum as this obviously means we have a larger resource pool and get answers to issues a lot quicker than a more sparsely populated forum. There is, however, a down-side to this as well. More people does mean more help, but it also means more idiots.
Unfortunately, there's a growing gang of members in the HD2 forum that seem to thrive on posts such as...
"Search for the answer, *****"
"Are you a total retard?"
Now I know that some people ask what a lot of us feel are dumb questions, and a LOT of people are guilty of posting questions without searching thoroughly first, therefore repeating threads, but it seems to be becoming a sport to deal with them with stronger and stronger animosity.
I personally have been guilty of posting "This is the wrong forum" or "This has been answered - please search", but the recent number of similar posts has made me rethink the situation.
First of all, just insulting someone is point-blank out-of-order, and I usually tend to report such posts and hope the mods agree and deal with the individual in question. So that's that done. Now we're left with the "already answered" posts.
This is all hypothetical, so don't do the following search and tell me I was wrong, okay
Say I searched for "bluetooth android not working" and didn't find anything that suited my situation and decided to open a thread. I start one called "bluetooth android not working" and explain my problem. UserXXX comes along and says "This has been answer like a million times. Use the search function"
Now let's go 2 weeks into the future when someone else has the exact same problem. They type into the search "bluetooth android not working" and they find my thread. "Great!" they think, till they read the thread. It's of no use to them whatsoever. So they start a new thread. Guess what - UserXXX comes along and says "This has been answered a million times! I'm getting sick of telling people to search!!!"
This happens every 2 weeks, with different users having the same problems and not finding a solution, therefore posting a new thread.
Okay. Here I have to say that none of the above users searched well enough - that is a valid point, and cannot be changed. By the time they start a new thread it's too late to simply tell them this.
But now, 6 months down the line, we have 12 threads that are titled "bluetooth android not working", and not one of them has an actual answer in it. By this point, the forum is becoming pretty pointless.
All it would take is for Mr.Genius-at-searching UserXXX to have searched, as he claims is easy to do, find a link and then post whatever he wants, with the link at the end of it...
"Here's a link, you **** tard. Learn to search. I can do it, so I have the right to tell you to do it. Want proof I can search? Here it is...
Basically, people giving it "do a search if you want answers" should help out new users in doing so. Do a search and maybe tell them what your search criteria was. Maybe they didn't know what NAND was when they were asking about flashing Android to replace WM6.5. Maybe they misspelt "blootueth". They need help, not an arrogant waste of space that generates just as much garbage post in the forum, but with an added side-dish of anger.
Finally, I know that we shouldn't spoon-feed people, as they will never learn to do things themselves. What I am suggesting is that if someone knows how to do something and they find someone who clearly doesn't, then they should help them, rather than just act like an idiot.
Phew. Rant over
Edit: Incidentally, apologies to those who've pointed out that it's not just the HD2 forums that are like this. I didn't mean to imply that they're the only place it happens. I just can't talk from experience for any of the other forums.
Completely agree.
This is something I try to do now (having flamed and abused in the past ) for the reasons you have stated above.
Take this post for example, I even provided a link.
Why goto the effort of answering a post if you are not going to provide an answer.
As for "don't ask or expect that anything comes from it". I would hope others who don't provide usfull replies read this and take something away from it.
DaveShaw said:
Completely agree.
This is something I try to do now (having flamed and abused in the past ) for the reasons you have stated above.
Take this post for example, I even provided a link.
Why goto the effort of answering a post if you are not going to provide an answer.
As for "don't ask or expect that anything comes from it". I would hope others who don't provide usfull replies read this and take something away from it.
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Thanks for the comments Dave. Glad to see I'm not the only one that thinks like this.
I do get abrupt with people but I also help alot, hence why I have 50 thanks.
I really do not mind helping people but what I cant stand is lazyness. Its one thing been new to teh subject and not knowing something and then asking for help but its another to simply not even bother checking a forum stickies or at least doing a simple search before creating a topic that has already been created.
On some occasions its because the subject is a hard one to search and filter out but on allot of occasions you know its simply because they have not bothered and thought they would just create a topic and let other people do work for them, That is what I cant stand.
Although I have stopped been really abrupt I will still not answer these people but instead choose to make sure they are aware that its not on.
Yes you can say that we was all new once and some people need their arse wiping for them but that is absolutely no excuse. When I first joined this forum I did allot of reading and learned allot of stuff in process, some info I didnt need at the time but later helped me with other stuff and resulted in me not needing to clone topics or ask questions that have already been asked and answered.
Completely agree with what the OP is trying to say.
TheATHEiST said:
I do get abrupt with people but I also help alot, hence why I have 50 thanks.
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Are the from people you helped, or from people who liked your quips? (j/k)
TheATHEiST said:
Yes you can say that we was all new once and some people need their arse wiping for them but that is absolutely no excuse. When I first joined this forum I did allot of reading and learned allot of stuff in process, some info I didnt need at the time but later helped me with other stuff and resulted in me not needing to clone topics or ask questions that have already been asked and answered.
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I think the point John is making, is that the unhelpful replies limit users ability to search. For example, searching for "Help Flashing Evo" will find threads with the answer "Use Search", (recursion ) hence annoying the user and causing them to post instead of carrying on.
Users who don't bother reading/searching are (and probably always will be) a problem, hence svetius's change requiring 10 post to use Development forums; we need to find more efficient ways to help them
thank you very much!!! i have been thinking about this topic a long by myself, but i didnt dare to mention it with my low post counter.
I got my HD2 only 1 month ago and its my first WM device. I am very good with all technical devices, but it was still very hard for me to find the right answers.
As i just bricked my nokia phone during an update i wanted to make sure to not brick my HD2..
its hard to get all the information, and i was thinking about creating a webpage - which really expalains idiot-proof how everything works.
oida_oida said:
its hard to get all the information, and i was thinking about creating a webpage - which really expalains idiot-proof how everything works.
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The guides and the wikis + plethora of resources are already in place especially for establishes devices like the Leo. The only issues is the "newer" crowd is lazy and does not search and hence hundreds of threads asking questions to which answers have already been mentioned sometime somewhere on the forum. That's not the only issue- the problem is that these newer people won't be patient or even post in the correct place.
For eg. I have seen threads about Android development being posted in Win D&H.
We have to live & deal with it, it's a side effect of growth and progress.
There seems to be a significant amount of animosity of late in all forums - not just HD2. I'm not certain as to why this is, all I do know is that I find unacceptable. As moderators, we spend more time cleaning up flame & troll posts than working on our own community contributions.
My observations:
XDA is about bringing together folks who have similar passions about mobile technology. As such, I expect a certain degree of maturity and professionalism from all members during their "stay" on this forum.
Responses that provide helpful and constructive information as opposed to "use the search", "try Google", "it's broken", "fix it", etc. help guide the thread back to topic. Here's a few examples:
There is absolutely no reason to respond in a rude tone, make someone feel stupid, or disrespect a member trying to offer something back to the community ... it is not constructive and serves no purpose. Members are never forced to frequent a thread on this forum and as previously stated, members should choose to move on instead of posting inflammatory comments.
Shortly after the launch of a well advertised mobile device, there is an influx of new members. Most all carriers and device manufacturers send their customers to XDA for technical assistance. Place a call to your carrier technical support department, it won't take long before the support representative instructs you to: "check out XDA, they have tons of information on how to fix that ...".
Most of newcomers who frequent the site are under the misconception that XDA is an extension of their carrier technical support department. This becomes apparent when I read posts complaining about issues with features or demanding an answer to their problem. As most of these newcomers are less technical, they lack the expertise required to assess the problem and determine the correct terminology to use in a search.
The current consumer model is not conducive to holding carrier and device manufacturers accountable. The current marketing paradigm is about convenience and how the one device that "does it all" is here. Most consumers buy into the paradigm and spend little to no time researching before the purchase. Once the device is purchased and fails to meet expectations, they simply go out and purchase something else.
vBulletin Search is horrible and unless one has a PhD in XDA Google Search, the likelihood of finding a meaningful answer in a billion threads is well ... challenging at best.
There are other observations that I have made; but the ones above are IMHO, some of the key issues and why I prefer to take a less aggressive approach when moderating newcomer posts.
Those observations are very accurate and sums up the issue well, Hilaireg.
Thanks to all for giving your two cents on this rather important issue. The problems that we currently face are a product of people not having a sense of community. As hilaireg stated, many come here for a "quick fix" simply because the CSR at their company had no idea what to do and decided to direct you here to see if maybe you could fix the issue yourself.
Admittedly, there are search engines that are somewhat better than vB's, but the point that the OP is making is 100% dead on target. By playing "smarta$$" and replying "search, you n00b" instead of providing any meaningful reply will do nothing else than dilute the results of your search. Having said this, people complaining that the search does not work, 8 times out of 10, are expecting the right answer to pop up in the first result from the thread, and will probably give up if by the second or third link they have not found anything. Patience is a virtue, and people looking for knowledge should expect for this to come at the price of a little effort.
I went from a $10 clamshell dumdum phone for 6 years, whambang straght into my Leo. I am over 36 & under 38 years old.
It took me 3 months of fumbling around getting peeved over constant resetting and crashes.
Not once did I bother anyone here with a question that with a bit of hands on do-it-yourself would eventually learn on my own.
However, I had Tmo tech. on speed dial...
I am not new to the forum game though...check my thread "Throttled". lol.
anywho, my phone will remain stock with tweaks, skins, and sweet theme action.
This is an awesome piece of awesome, but NOT for the severely impatient or timid.
Thank you XDA for doing the absolute maximum in making my leo purrrr!!!!
and moan threads are for sissies btw...lol.
@ hilaireg & egzthunder1
I understand and agree to some extent your points but the fact of the matter is that something really needs to be done to halt or slow down the amount of dupe posts or other that are polluting/diluting the forum.
I'm going to be honest I dont really have any problems using vB search and usally find the info I need. PLUS much rather find the info myself because it also makes me learn other stuff in process that I may need in future that I wouldnt usually learn if I had just gone and asked somebody for specific info.
Here are the steps I take to find the relevant info...
Check stickies
Check latest topics
Use search function (topic titles)
Use search function (topic content)
Then if I dont find any info I want I begin to start a new thread and take note of the "similar threads" function before posting. If all else fails I use google.
The problem is that 99% of newbies dont do any of this or very little to look for what they need info/help on, They just rather create a topic and let the info be brought to them, which is fine but majority of questions are already answered in stickies or tuts/guides which are easy to find.
I really think that we need to have a 100 post limit on the dev section this will reduce by allot the amount of spam we get, maybe not specifically for replying to topics but certainly for creating them. And also maybe a FAQ sticky in each Q&A forum with links to most asked ones.
TheATHEiST said:
The problem is that 99% of newbies dont do any of this or very little to look for what they need info/help on, They just rather create a topic and let the info be brought to them, which is fine but majority of questions are already answered in stickies or tuts/guides which are easy to find.
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The newbies aren't the only problem.
*You* yourself recently lit into a newbie in a very uncalled for fashion. With your post and the followups to your post, you helped muddy the waters for finding actual solutions.
There are solutions:
1) the OPs start updating their original posts with solutions to outstanding problems. The search engine is only as good as the queries being put into it, and as more "SEARCH DA TRED NEB3!!!" responses fill the thread, that makes actually finding the solution all the more difficult.
2) Regulars stop flaming the newbies. When I first started posting here I got a number of @ss**** responses to reasonable questions. If regulars behave like that, what type of newbs do you think you're attracting?
Lets not make this a 'he said/she said' or a pointing-fingers thread.
For a solution to the problem at hand, when we see such behavior, we can easily rectify it - as the OP stated - by posting the answer to questions instead of telling the person to search for the answer.
Now this does also bring a 'double-edge' scenario: This may give the n00bs the idea that it is okay to post a question without searching. But this is already happening.
So if we at least cut the amount of posts about the same topic down, there will be less of what bothers the senior members. And we won't have to suggest 'Search the forums for the answer.'
As a possible-soon-to-be-moderator of the Herald forums, I promise to do this myself. Hopefully, we can all agree to do the same as Senior Members of this community. I also don't expect anyone who has less than a hundred posts to do this, but, hopefully a trend will catch on.
apallohadas said:
The newbies aren't the only problem.
*You* yourself recently lit into a newbie in a very uncalled for fashion. With your post and the followups to your post, you helped muddy the waters for finding actual solutions.
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Hey I didnt say they was the only problem, hence "99%".
If we keep re-iterating the same answers we are just going round in circles. The ONLY way to solve this is to somehow halt/slow them from asking the same repeat questions in first place, not just keep providing the answers every time they decide to be lazy and ask the same question and not just that they also ask them by creating a topic in the wrong places.
It's not just the HD2 forum, it's the same in the Desire one too (and yes, I'm guilty of a bit of flaming but some people just ask EXTREMELY dumb questions and even when you answer continue to ignore you so they deserve it)
Rule 1 of the forum is to search and for those who haven't even done that they deserve it too. But to those who say they've actually tried and not found anything I'll try and be helpful
These people just need to learn the proper way to ask a question. If you want a response from the power-hungry people who reply with insults, you must phrase it properly.
Instead of saying: "How do you get bluetooth working in Android NAND?"
They need to say: "Android on the HD2 SUCKS because bluetooth doesn't work right!"
What you will then see is these jerks flocking to prove the OP wrong, all while answering his question. 90% of the time, it works every time.
But if we do keep reiterating the answers to properly asked questions, that makes the search engine more useful for those that do use it. The answer doesn't get buried in 'you suk n00b' responses.
If a person feels they can't respond without insults, then they should have the self control not to respond right?
IMO the ones with knowledge need self control and should control their temper; and be helping ( luckily for us most are ).
And the n00bs need to know the forum decorum and manners better.
And the minimum posts requirement to post in dev. section is a small but very important step in the right direction, I recall when I signed up on XDA for months I was just reading and posting. And posted only in the Q&A threads or threads related to fashing/ROMs ( when I needed help with that); but these days the people won't have the patience to do that.
Either we need to vomit it out on them or somehow teach them the old school method of search + posting on right threads/forums.

Lots of info on Calibration except for speed

I have Torque which displays the speed at which the phone is going. Unfortunately, it is not calibrated properly and I'm unsure as to how to calibrate it.
I've read all the relevant threads on normal calibration (yamaha util, built-in Horiz Calib tool) but have not found one thing about calibrating the speed to 0.
Oddly enough, I did attempt to use the tools mentioned but it made it worse. Instead of being off by .5, it's now off by 2.5.
Anyone have any ideas or keywords I should be using to fix the issue?
Mostly unrelated mini-rant:
Why do we have to wait 30 seconds on the search? If I don't know the exact phrase or word, I have to waste a LOT of time trying to find anything. This is why I never berate people for asking questions over and over around here; it's almost impossible to use the search function efficiently.
othan1 said:
Mostly unrelated mini-rant:
Why do we have to wait 30 seconds on the search? If I don't know the exact phrase or word, I have to waste a LOT of time trying to find anything. This is why I never berate people for asking questions over and over around here; it's almost impossible to use the search function efficiently.
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Because it makes you take that 30 seconds to actually READ the results, not saying that you specifically don't, but the searcher. Who knows, you might actually find the answer amongst the myriad of results.
Again, this is not geared towards anyone, but in my experience, it has been beneficial to me to read thoroughly all the results.
bighuta said:
Because it makes you take that 30 seconds to actually READ the results, not saying that you specifically don't, but the searcher. Who knows, you might actually find the answer amongst the myriad of results.
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If that was the case, I'd never know there was a 30 second time out on searches. I read more quickly than some others. Please note, I am not implying or insinuating that people who read more slowly than me are dumb or otherwise viewed by me in a negative light.
But when the search shows no results (as it more often than not does), then where is my recourse for efficient searching?
The nice thing is, however, when you go to post a new topic such as this one, it gives a multitude of similar threads which surprisingly works much, much better than the actual search tool. So my workaround sometimes (such as this) is to start a topic and then read through the related ones even when they're on separate boards. None of the threads presented to me had anything to do with the issue I have.
I know you put the qualifier of "not saying that you specifically don't" but your first sentence seems personal to me. Perhaps it's because of the directness of the pronoun, "you."
I just want help and help that I can actually use without having to brave the attacks and insults many people are so very eager to share here. Hence the request for keywords because I am not perfect and I may be spelling incorrectly, using the incorrect term, etc.
othan1 said:
If that was the case, I'd never know there was a 30 second time out on searches. I read more quickly than some others. Please note, I am not implying or insinuating that people who read more slowly than me are dumb or otherwise viewed by me in a negative light.
But when the search shows no results (as it more often than not does), then where is my recourse for efficient searching?
The nice thing is, however, when you go to post a new topic such as this one, it gives a multitude of similar threads which surprisingly works much, much better than the actual search tool. So my workaround sometimes (such as this) is to start a topic and then read through the related ones even when they're on separate boards. None of the threads presented to me had anything to do with the issue I have.
I know you put the qualifier of "not saying that you specifically don't" but your first sentence seems personal to me. Perhaps it's because of the directness of the pronoun, "you."
I just want help and help that I can actually use without having to brave the attacks and insults many people are so very eager to share here. Hence the request for keywords because I am not perfect and I may be spelling incorrectly, using the incorrect term, etc.
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I apologise for your feeling offended. Again I stress that it was not geared toward any specific person. I was merely explaining my logic on why there is a 30 second rule. You asked the question, i just gave you an opinion. I guess only moderators could answer for you. Who knows I could be completely wrong.
sent from my Epi[demi]c
Speed is based on GPS, there is no other way the phone can tell how fast it is going, unless you're using Torque's OBD2 connection feature. Grab the app GPS Test and see if the speed works there for you. Should be all the same, since as I said, it' GPS based. I just pulled up both Torque and GPS Test and have 0 mph.
bighuta said:
I apologise for your feeling offended. Again I stress that it was not geared toward any specific person. I was merely explaining my logic on why there is a 30 second rule. You asked the question, i just gave you an opinion. I guess only moderators could answer for you. Who knows I could be completely wrong.
sent from my Epi[demi]c
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Oh, I wasn't offended. A lot of people use the pronoun "you" when they really mean a general audience. I just wanted to make sure...on the boards, a person can't tell from text alone at times. We're all good.
Yup. Talking about Torque. After doing the horizontal calibration and rebooting a few times, it finally took and zeroed itself out.
Thanks for y'all's answers.
bighuta said:
Because it makes you take that 30 seconds to actually READ the results, not saying that you specifically don't, but the searcher.
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Nope. Its because if they let you search more frequently their server hardware would be brought to its knees. Sites enforce rules like this to limit the number of database queries.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk

Threads moved.

I moved as many threads as I could from the GSM section to here. If I missed any, please just link them in here and I'll get them moved. Thanks for the help.
Hopefully this will spark some more interest in development! I'm still learning!
I think this was a bad idea.
Its going to cause problems/confusion when it comes down to posting topics, ie what if a dev topic is not restricted to one or the other?
A much better way would have been to simply enforce set tagging standards, no need to split sections like this. It would have been like splitting the HD2 section into EURO/TMOUS (512MB/1GB) sections, its just impractical and doesn't improve things which is why tagging is a much better idea.
TheATHEiST said:
I think this was a bad idea.
Its going to cause problems/confusion when it comes down to posting topics, ie what if a dev topic is not restricted to one or the other?
A much better way would have been to simply enforce set tagging standards, no need to split sections like this. It would have been like splitting the HD2 section into EURO/TMOUS (512MB/1GB) sections, its just impractical and doesn't improve things which is why tagging is a much better idea.
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But that's also much harder to enforce
It harder to enforce.
The dev section is supposed to be about releasing a product. If your release is for either or, I'm not gonna complain if you post it in both places. That makes it a little more work to follow, but i believe its reasonable.
suggestion to alleviate that problem is to make a sticky post Call shared points of interest [CDMA-GSM] name not being important but u can keep an archive of things that have interest cross platform and to make it easier ask that the dev/readers tag posts that fit that topic.
option94 said:
It harder to enforce.
The dev section is supposed to be about releasing a product. If your release is for either or, I'm not gonna complain if you post it in both places. That makes it a little more work to follow, but i believe its reasonable.
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Amen. And it's not like it's that much more work to copy-paste to the different threads.
Personally, I love this change and have become way more active in the SGT development than when everything was mixed up.
I like the change but is there any way to get the change reflected in the android app? when i browse the forums in there, they are still mixed in one development thread. Its even more beneficial to have the split there where browsing is harder.
So, we're back to one section now? Or is it going to go back and forth for ever....
Bad move, I could easily see the files that applied to my device, now they are lost in all the GSM stuff thats useless to me.
Return please
just like to throw in my two cents I much prefer to have it split up it takes me forever now to find what I am looking for please put back to split it up for CMDA and GSM...Thanks
Are you guys on crack?
All you need to do is use your eyes and look for tags. You could even use search feature and search for "CDMA" and choose "Titles only" from the drop down menu.
Splitting the forums does more harm then good, its much better like this.
Really don't like this.
I think we should keep it separate. Lets get this organized. Too cluttered. What else can I say.
delete please
I much prefer them separated
Popped in to have a look at the latest updates (since I visited a few hours ago) and noticed a whole bunch of ROMs and kernels that I thought were new only to realise they are actually CDMA... Downloaded one and was just about to wipe when I noticed
Bobby Buggs said:
Bad move, I could easily see the files that applied to my device, now they are lost in all the GSM stuff thats useless to me.
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And vise versa! ALOT of noobs are going to be bricking devices because things are in different places... AGAIN! Sheesh...
Tatdude806 said:
And vise versa! ALOT of noobs are going to be bricking devices because things are in different places... AGAIN! Sheesh...
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And how is the forums been re-merged going to make them "brick" their device??
n00bs shouldn't be messing with their devices until they have done enough reading, if they mess their devices up its their own fault and their own problem.
TheATHEiST said:
And how is the forums been re-merged going to make them "brick" their device??
n00bs shouldn't be messing with their devices until they have done enough reading, if they mess their devices up its their own fault and their own problem.
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True this, but you also have people who DO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING, that can make an error and pull the wrong item. It does happen. Much easier to leave it the way it was... IN TWO FORUMS!
TheATHEiST said:
Are you guys on crack?
All you need to do is use your eyes and look for tags. You could even use search feature and search for "CDMA" and choose "Titles only" from the drop down menu.
Splitting the forums does more harm then good, its much better like this.
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TheATHEiST said:
And how is the forums been re-merged going to make them "brick" their device??
n00bs shouldn't be messing with their devices until they have done enough reading, if they mess their devices up its their own fault and their own problem.
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You shouldn't be pushing your opinion as law and saying people with opposing views are on crack, but you are, just as newbs flash without reading.
With that logic, we just just put every single Samsung, no, wait, every single device on this forum in one section and just use tags. That'll teach the newbs and people that don't know every in and out of vBulletin.
I saw a thread with many complaint about having 2 separated forums in Galaxy Tab then i proposed to our user Experience Svetius the merge, now i'm seeing many complaint here about the merge:
If developers put on Title for what kind of phone they are building for [CDMA] [GSM] (or Euro and TMo,verizon, or whatever) it is fair enough, if a newbie doesnt know what kind of rom grab in this mode, for sure he doesnt know even if the forum is splitted, and remember that 75% of newbie doesnt even read any sticky thread and, for what i know, those threads are plenty of usefull informations for newbie and expert users.

How to make xda forums more productive

I have been a member since March 2011 sometime - can't remember the exact date. I bought an Optimus P500 to replace my ageing Palm Treo 680. As soon as I started using the phone I was sucked into the who gamut of ROMs and improving the performance of the stock OS. Obviously, it was through the Development Forums. I am likely one of the older members using these forums - 65 years. I have now been going through the forums for things of my interest for over 2 months on a daily basis. Some of the practices and behaviour in the development forums are causes for concern as they reduce the productivity of the people who work on the developments. I am listing some and hope that the administrators of XDA will take some steps which can help in rectifying the situation.
1. People are unwilling to spend even 2 mins to search for what has been answered a hundred times - exaggeration perhaps but definitely tens of times.
2. People are unwilling, or to be less charitable unable, to read anything carefully and are just rushing to implement something new.
3. They will ask a question even when the answer is in plain words ad nauseum.
4. They will try things which are dangerous without learning enough and then flood the forums in several threads about how they have run into a problem and can someone help them. I have run into some problems but have been able to search the forums for solutions and it did not take more than 10-15 mins of time. In the bargain I learnt a lot more.
5. People are writing merely to express their satisfaction at something happening or about to happen or to praise a developer. There is a system of expressing your thanks/satisfaction. Why not use that instead of saying two words which add nothing to the development forum?
6. It is easy to identify those who are at fault and are reducing the effectiveness of the people on the development forums. Why not have a series of measures setup to gradually weed them out and let them vent their sentiments on the General Section?
7. The criteria of having someone post 10 times to the General or Q & A sections getting eligible to post in the Development Forums needs review. In one of the forums on automobiles which I use they are much more strict in enforcing posting etiquette and in weeding out totally useless members who are only looking to see their own comments on the web. I am sure we are ingenious enough to work out a more effective criteria/system.
I am not against contribution to development forums but i am against wasting time and space by writing 'Aha what fun we are going to get an update tomorrow'!
Cliff notes?
have ppl interested in the topics posted read the threads - at least the highlights. In fact the answer to the question how the forum usage and user experience could be improved might be an option that allows readers to look at a summary of the thread first showing the most helpful / informative responses... of course someone by some means needs to select the topics which will be added to the summaries.
On certain threads questions are repeated cause there are over 1000 pages of responses so i'd much rather repeat a question than spend countless hours looking through pages
I agree that people need to do some research instead of asking questions that have been answered a bunch of times before.
I'm not on the same page when it comes to people posting gratitude or excitement. Yes there is a thanks button, but sometimes you want to go the extra mile and tell them how you feel. After all, this is a community. We aren't robots and humans like to interact with each other. It's easy to skim past these types of post because it's always obvious what they are about. It also adds more posts to the threads and moves them to the top and there is nothing wrong with that.
I like the thanks button as well, because it will be obvious to people who see your name that you are helpful and someone that will probably help them with questions they might have and not be a total **** if they get a PM.
omjhd said:
On certain threads questions are repeated cause there are over 1000 pages of responses so i'd much rather repeat a question than spend countless hours looking through pages
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I agree completely. 1000, hey even 100 pages in a thread can be daunting! That's why there is a search tool (and a very good one at that).
Example: I just installed a new ROM on my Incredible S. The thread for the ROM contains 50 pages. In real life, I'd sit there and read it. That's just me. Put aside half an hour, get to know the issues people are having, the issues that have been covered, and what's still in progress. Your chances of running into issues during the install are quite often significantly lessened by reading the whole thread through. There are also some awesome hidden gems in amongst some of the posts which are worth looking for (extra themes, battery indicators, patched programs and launchers, etc.)
I understand that not everyone has the time to read an entire thread, and that's quite okay. But if you have enough time to look for a new ROM, check some screenshots, download it, install it, then run into issues and post a quesion - you have enough time to search a thread. All you have to do is hit the 'search thread' button, give the tool a couple of keywords ('launcher force close', 'bluetooth headset no sound' etc.) and see what it throws back. If it throws you an answer, all well and good. If it doesn't try a few more keywords, then post your question. At least you've done your research!
In the end, what you do is up to you. Know, however, that you stand a much better chance of getting the answer you are looking for (not just a rude single sentence - an actual answer that will help you) if you put in a little bit of effort before you ask the question.
Welcome to the largest smartphone development forum on the internet
Try being a moderator! Trust me, some of those things you listed are something we have tried to reduce for a long time, but when you have a forum with almost 4 million members, keeping everyone under control is not something we can always do 100%.
Feel free to make any suggestions as to how things can be improved. We are always welcome to hear ideas.
omjhd said:
On certain threads questions are repeated cause there are over 1000 pages of responses so i'd much rather repeat a question than spend countless hours looking through pages
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That's why we have a "search" function.
the_scotsman said:
Welcome to the largest smartphone development forum on the internet
Try being a moderator! Trust me, some of those things you listed are something we have tried to reduce for a long time, but when you have a forum with almost 4 million members, keeping everyone under control is not something we can always do 100%.
Feel free to make any suggestions as to how things can be improved. We are always welcome to hear ideas.
That's why we have a "search" function.
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HTC noob with a few questions:

For the past few years, I have been using Samsung phones, and have gotten accustomed to the tools need to root and rom with them. Friday, I am planning on using my JUMP upgrade to ditch my S4 for the M8, but I need to ask a few questions in preparation:
1) I see that S-OFF is far from a guarantee... what will I be unable to do without S-OFF? I don't care at all about AOSP-based roms, and I plan on sticking with Sense based, but it would be nice to have the option of putting a GPE-based rom on there, but this would not be a deal breaker.
2) What are some of the common pitfalls with this device, aka, how might I end up bricking it? I accidently wiped the IMEI on my GS3 when I first got it because I managed to miss the warnings about this in the forums, and don't want a repeat of that.
dont take this wrong, but these things have been asked and answered dozens, if not hundreds of times here already; you say are "accustomed" to the tools to root and rom; if thats the case, then surely you know how to search these threads; plus you've been a member here for a few years, so, you certainly know how to find things..
what REALLY caught my eye was the fact you posted a question about S-off, and there is a 35+ page thread about it, WITH THE ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTION, RIGHT IN THIS SECTION..
First of all, I don't think that my questions were at all unreasonable. Yes, there are plenty of threads on here about how to obtain S-OFF, but I am still having a great deal of difficulty determining what exactly I will be missing if I am unable to obtain it. My second question (which you in no way addressed) is one that can in no way shape or form be satisfactorily answered by searching a forum -- it is specifically in reference to the things that one might miss by searching alone.
Secondly, I want to add that comments like yours are like cancer to a web forum. If a question has been answered, you tell people to use the search function. Every time another thread pops up, you repeat the same mantra. Eventually, all searches lead to a graveyard of threads saying nothing more than "Use the search function". If it is so trivial, just provide a link, and the whole forum will be healthier for it.
as I said, both of these concerns have been addressed multiple times; what makes you think that YOU are entitled to a personal answer to your questions, when they have been answered endless times? No one here owes you a personal, customized answer to anything, especially someone who obviously doesn't contribute anything to the community?(one thanks/11 posts in 3 years)
secondly, it posts like YOURS that are a cancer to XDA; this forum used to be for developers, advanced android users, and folks who actually wanted help to LEARN about Android; instead it has become a place for N00bs, lechers, "Do it for me" types, who for some reason, think that just because they are too lazy to bother to try to figure out their own issues, or even SEARCH for it, are entitled to have their questions answered, and problems solved FOR THEM.
do you think I got over 3000 thanks because I am a cancer here, or because I go out of my way to help others?
learn how to be self sufficient, come here and HELP OTHERS out, and when you need a hand with something, folks will want to help you.
and, for the love of god, learn how to search for answers here and on other forums on the internet!
Again, as I said before, my second question is quite directly something which cannot be searched. It was directly asking for things that a user could overlook when searching for answers. I know it feels good to be smug about how much you know, but every time you reply to a post with "use the search function" you have made the search function a little bit less useful and have created another dead end for people looking for answers. I am not active on this particular forum, but I am very active elsewhere, and when I see posts that I feel have been answered I still try to point people in the right direction, as not doing so is not only petty and pointless, but is ultimately destructive to the whole community.
thisnamestoolong said:
Again, as I said before, my second question is quite directly something which cannot be searched. It was directly asking for things that a user could overlook when searching for answers. I know it feels good to be smug about how much you know, but every time you reply to a post with "use the search function" you have made the search function a little bit less useful and have created another dead end for people looking for answers. I am not active on this particular forum, but I am very active elsewhere, and when I see posts that I feel have been answered I still try to point people in the right direction, as not doing so is not only petty and pointless, but is ultimately destructive to the whole community.
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Dude, you need to search and read. I figured out a lot on my own coming from Samsung and nexus phones. Some of the stuff you're asking is a live and learn thing if you're too lazy to read. You're just wanting to leach and be hand held.
sent from my HTC One M8 using hofo mobile app

