I Pay you $150 USD if you.. - Windows Phone 7 Development and Hacking

First, let me explain my frustation:
I just cant deal the idea that MS screwed WP7 so badly when it comes about multitask. I cant have a decent chat with my friends in WhatsApp because when I leave the app and someone talk to me, I cant touch the Toast Notification because it will take about 5 seconds to reload the whole app. However, I could "just" hold back button and select the app with a choppy image in the card view to instant resume (which will take me 3~5 seconds too).
So, Microsoft hates multitask or what?
What I want: a hack, a registry edit that makes opening a Toast Notification or a Tile to resume the instance and bring me the app instantly.
If you can make this really works, I pay you $150 USD. And I mean it.

mikeeam said:
First, let me explain my frustation:
I just cant deal the idea that MS screwed WP7 so badly when it comes about multitask. I cant have a decent chat with my friends in WhatsApp because when I leave the app and someone talk to me, I cant touch the Toast Notification because it will take about 5 seconds to reload the whole app. However, I could "just" hold back button and select the app with a choppy image in the card view to instant resume (which will take me 3~5 seconds too).
So, Microsoft hates multitask or what?
What I want: a hack, a registry edit that makes opening a Toast Notification or a Tile to resume the instance and bring me the app instantly.
If you can make this really works, I pay you $150 USD. And I mean it.
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Thanks. You can send it over to me via Paypal.
No seriously. If you are interop unlocked just disable Dehydration with any registry Editor! It sits over at HKLM\Software\Microsoft\TaskHost\DehydrateOnPause. If you set that to 0, its faster with switching

It dont work when you open the app using the notification or tiles.. just using back button too.

Microsoft hasn't done anything to multitasking, just wait for WhatsApp to release a mango update that can handle the multitasking. I don't know if you noticed, but WhatsApp is lacking a ton of features. The developers just wanted to push out a release, they will fix it eventually. You must be patient.

Diablosblizz said:
Microsoft hasn't done anything to multitasking, just wait for WhatsApp to release a mango update that can handle the multitasking. I don't know if you noticed, but WhatsApp is lacking a ton of features. The developers just wanted to push out a release, they will fix it eventually. You must be patient.
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Actually, WhatsApp is mango compatible. So are Wonder Reader, and many others. Every app has this problem. Gchat, Evernote and others.
At first I thought it was developer's choice. But it is the system.

The reason for this is quite simple:
A Toast has a deep link to the app, and therefore starts a new instance of the app.
I guess they didn't think about it, that this would be a problem. Or possible there are some issues in how developers had to change their apps.
So, sorry, I don't think you can change this at the moment (easily).
As a side note: AFAIK each app can specify to NOT launch a new instance when it is started and is already running. Though I think that is an option that is not allowed for custom apps. But I'm not sure about that and if so, maybe it will change some day...

Hades32 said:
The reason for this is quite simple:
A Toast has a deep link to the app, and therefore starts a new instance of the app.
I guess they didn't think about it, that this would be a problem. Or possible there are some issues in how developers had to change their apps.
So, sorry, I don't think you can change this at the moment (easily).
As a side note: AFAIK each app can specify to NOT launch a new instance when it is started and is already running. Though I think that is an option that is not allowed for custom apps. But I'm not sure about that and if so, maybe it will change some day...
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Ok, but why not resume when opening through tiles? And deep link is optional. So reload when it's deep link and resume when its not. Makes sense, I guess.
Either way, I want it to resume whenever I open the app.
Hope someone can find a solution to this problem.

mikeeam said:
Actually, WhatsApp is mango compatible. So are Wonder Reader, and many others. Every app has this problem. Gchat, Evernote and others.
At first I thought it was developer's choice. But it is the system.
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I think I understand what you are talking about, once you click to open the application through a tile it reloads the application? To me, that makes sense. Quite frankly, I believe the iPhone behaves this way as well. You're telling the system to reload the application, so I guess if you look at it this way it could be considered a design flaw. However, I feel that this is how it should work.
I don't mean to troll or anything, but here's how I see it: If I go off and do something else on my phone and then hours later return to the application, I don't want that application to be stored into memory for hours on end, that will kill the battery.
I do agree with you entirely that toasts should resume the application, not reload it like you've stated. However, I haven't run into this issue so for me it doesn't bother me. It could be possible that it gets patched in the next update. Perhaps add a suggestion to the WP7 suggestion board.

Diablosblizz said:
I think I understand what you are talking about, once you click to open the application through a tile it reloads the application? To me, that makes sense. Quite frankly, I believe the iPhone behaves this way as well. You're telling the system to reload the application, so I guess if you look at it this way it could be considered a design flaw. However, I feel that this is how it should work.
I don't mean to troll or anything, but here's how I see it: If I go off and do something else on my phone and then hours later return to the application, I don't want that application to be stored into memory for hours on end, that will kill the battery.
I do agree with you entirely that toasts should resume the application, not reload it like you've stated. However, I haven't run into this issue so for me it doesn't bother me. It could be possible that it gets patched in the next update. Perhaps add a suggestion to the WP7 suggestion board.
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The problem is, the next update should happen 5~6 months from now. If they change it, wouldnt be in a minor patch.
I understand your point, but hey, not hours after, maybe it could have a time limit to stay on memory. Like.. 30 minutes without using it, the OS kills the app. The only thing the OS is killing right now is me.
Not that I want one iPhone, but since you mentioned, iPhone resumes the app. Doesnt matter if you use the fast switch or the app icon to launch it. It just kill the app when you close it on fast switch menu.

This is the biggest issue by far in Windows Phone! The multitasking is extremely confusing.
I tried to explain it here: http://windowsphone.uservoice.com/f...285744-change-or-fix-the-back-button-concept-
but couldn't explain it really well.
Please, someone make a detailed suggestion of this on Windows Phone Uservoice (http://windowsphone.uservoice.com/forums/101801-feature-suggestions) !
You will get 3 votes from me.

I wonder if Resumable XAP works for this application...

singularityduo said:
This is the biggest issue by far in Windows Phone! The multitasking is extremely confusing.
I tried to explain it here: http://windowsphone.uservoice.com/f...285744-change-or-fix-the-back-button-concept-
but couldn't explain it really well.
Please, someone make a detailed suggestion of this on Windows Phone Uservoice (http://windowsphone.uservoice.com/forums/101801-feature-suggestions) !
You will get 3 votes from me.
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It's not confusing. I understand it very well. It just works when you use the back button. If you dont use it, so you are reopening the app (when it is about third party apps).
Lumic said:
I wonder if Resumable XAP works for this application...
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It didnt work for me.

Diablosblizz said:
I don't mean to troll or anything, but here's how I see it: If I go off and do something else on my phone and then hours later return to the application, I don't want that application to be stored into memory for hours on end, that will kill the battery.
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But it doesn't kill your battery. Having the app in memory uses no more battery that not having it there. Also, the app IS stored in memory for all those hours on end as long as it's within the 5-app count.
WP does NOT do third-party multitasking, it does fast-app-switching. This means the app cannot perform any work in the background, hence it's not using any more battery.
I actually agree with the OP - if the app is already loaded it should be resumed. The OS is fully capable of doing so, they've [MS] just decided to not offer it to third-party devs.

emigrating said:
I actually agree with the OP - if the app is already loaded it should be resumed. The OS is fully capable of doing so, they've [MS] just decided to not offer it to third-party devs.
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Yeap, and why not implement? I mean.. what damages would it do? The system would be faster, without lots of loadings.
The titlet of the topic remain. I still pay for someone fix this dumb decision from MS.

emigrating said:
WP does NOT do third-party multitasking, it does fast-app-switching.
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Probably the most disappointing thing about Mango.

The only phone that does true multitasking is the Nokia N900 and N9. Everything runs in the background just like a PC.
But there is no Whatsapp or anything similar. N9 only has Skype, Facebook Chat, Gtalk and SIP for chatting so far. (N900 has more but still no Whatsapp)
I also got really annoyed with my Omnia 7 and Whatsapp. It takes too long to load everytime.
I think Kik was a little better however. So I've been using Kik instead. (it's better of the 2 on WP7 so far)

Originally Posted by Lumic
I wonder if Resumable XAP works for this application...
It didnt work for me.
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That was what I talked about earlier. Somewhat surprising that it doesn't work. But then I guess it is really not possible. As this is a quite fundamental change this means you probably have to wait until Tango or Apollo. Sorry.

jakiman said:
The only phone that does true multitasking is the Nokia N900 and N9. Everything runs in the background just like a PC.
But there is no Whatsapp or anything similar. N9 only has Skype, Facebook Chat, Gtalk and SIP for chatting so far. (N900 has more but still no Whatsapp)
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It might be true but win 6.5 was true multitasking before Ihonne,N900...Try an HD2 and see for yourself...true task manager also...
I recently helped a friend to flash back to stock his HD2, I wonder how come for a pair on new shoes Microsoft had to learn how to walk again, ups I meant they are learning how to stand up-walking later, it seems...

You could try this;
Resumable XAP Tool v0.1 Release
I would think you could take that method to edit an already installed app to do it. With a file explorer, browse to the installation directory & find the file, "WMAppManifest.xml." Copy it out to your PC & edit it. Find the line, "<DefaultTask Name="_default" NavigationPage="PivotPage.xaml" />" & add "ActivationPolicy="Resume"" to it so it looks like this, "<DefaultTask Name="_default" NavigationPage="PivotPage.xaml" ActivationPolicy="Resume"/>." Now copy it back into the installation folder of your device & reboot. See if that works.

drkfngthdragnlrd said:
You could try this;
Resumable XAP Tool v0.1 Release
I would think you could take that method to edit an already installed app to do it. With a file explorer, browse to the installation directory & find the file, "WMAppManifest.xml." Copy it out to your PC & edit it. Find the line, "<DefaultTask Name="_default" NavigationPage="PivotPage.xaml" />" & add "ActivationPolicy="Resume"" to it so it looks like this, "<DefaultTask Name="_default" NavigationPage="PivotPage.xaml" ActivationPolicy="Resume"/>." Now copy it back into the installation folder of your device & reboot. See if that works.
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No lucky here. Frustating.


Windows Phone 7 will have multitasking.

I'm opening a new thread so people don't have to dig thru other threads to find this.
Leaked documents show that Windows Phone 7 will indeed have multitasking after approval by Microsoft. Appearently you will need to ask Microsoft for special permission, and as such you will need to prove your need for multitasking. I'm sure it will be limited to apps such as Pandora that show a specific need for running in the background.
Thanks for posting this. It looks like I need to start learning silverlight which I expected would be the case.
The multitasking is annoying. I dont want to have to ask for permission to enable this. Do they plan on controlling this through the app store? If its just some hidden API's they would get leaked in minutes and everyone could use them.
Weird interpretation
From the leaked documents provided, I cannot figure out how did they come to the conclusion that developers would need to ask for permission to do multitasking. It seems that the authors of the article are not really technical and had things mixed up. OEMs and MOs will have to request access to some native APIs if Managed API and provided limited native API set is not enough for their needs, which is something totally different from processes and threads. Processes and threads, or in layman terms multitasking is business as usual. I don't see any restrictions there.
Of course the OS can multitask. That's never been a question.
The question is whether third party applications will be allowed to run in the background.
There is no word on whether this is the case, and in fact, every official statement from Microsoft currently hints to this not being the case. It seems like they're going the Apple way of not allowing third party applications to run in the background.
Did anybody read the document? There's no connection between multitasking and approval. It's not going to be done with hidden APIs that can get leaked. It's not completely clear but here's what it seems to say to me:
Anyone can write C#/Silverlight apps that use the .NET Compact Framework and install them. Hopefully this will let you do most things you want to do. The big problem would be if .NET CF 4 is missing any of the "normal" useful stuff. Personally, if I can interact with calls, texts, contacts, location services (e.g. GPS) and the internet then I'm happy.
If you want to write unmanaged (i.e. C++) code or call some extra managed APIs you'll need to get the code signed. This will probably go through a similar process to Apple's app store. This should only be required for low level stuff - drivers, etc. The wording of the doc suggests that it would only be phone carriers that are likely to be using this.
Multitasking isn't mentioned, so it's only guesswork between now and MIX10.
freyberry said:
Of course the OS can multitask. That's never been a question.
The question is whether third party applications will be allowed to run in the background.
There is no word on whether this is the case, and in fact, every official statement from Microsoft currently hints to this not being the case. It seems like they're going the Apple way of not allowing third party applications to run in the background.
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I think it may work more like the way Android does than the way iPhone does. Android multitasks properly, but suspends non-foreground processes. Looking at the built in calendar demo, it pops in and pops out to the same place, so it's not being restarted, merely resumed.
l3v5y said:
I think it may work more like the way Android does than the way iPhone does. Android multitasks properly, but suspends non-foreground processes. Looking at the built in calendar demo, it pops in and pops out to the same place, so it's not being restarted, merely resumed.
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That's not how multitasking on Android works. Android applications save their state when they are sent to the background, but they continue to run. They are not suspended, unless the system runs out of RAM.
If the system runs out of RAM, then the "oldest" process that's running in the background gets killed. Since it saved its state when it was sent to the background, you can reopen it and continue where you left off.
That's exactly how multitasking *should* work.
freyberry said:
That's exactly how multitasking *should* work.
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Really? Isn't it the same as stated by MS that apps will be "paused" in background? Also, how is it going to help my satnav app be at the right position when I minimize the dialer in a call?
vangrieg said:
Really? Isn't it the same as stated by MS that apps will be "paused" in background? Also, how is it going to help my satnav app be at the right position when I minimize the dialer in a call?
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No, it is not at all the same. Read my post again.
guys take a look at this.. this guy is playing music while navigating trough the phone..
may i ask for this thread to list facts only?
i would love this thread not to be dragged into the debate of hints and speculations. I would say, as long as we don't have something solid let's keep the speculations at the other thread.
i have seen some videos where by mistake shows multi tasking cappabilites, and i believe as long as the cappability is there (even if locked down) we can find a way around it. but we are still in the dark, maybe Microsoft will simply say that hey developers, yes we have full multitasking but not for .net cf apps, only unmanaged code can? maybe! just to ensure that not anyone can write an app to stay in the background.
Mostly the usage of multitasking is not that high, i don't keep much apps in memory. infact alot of the users of Windows Mobile (5, 6.x.x) do set their phones to close the app on X click. and most of us (including me) didn't want to run multiple apps in the background, actually that's why HTC built the Taskmanager into their ROMS. even SonyEricsson.
Of course there are exceptions for that, i would love for my Navigation app to stay in the background while my friend is playing on the phone.
the main point is we don't have any clue yet, if we get any info that is official/confirmed leak then we can get either UPSET or releafed
take it easy mates.
young blade said:
guys take a look at this.. this guy is playing music while navigating trough the phone.
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Music (Zune) is not a 3rd party app.
pilgrim011 said:
Music (Zune) is not a 3rd party app.
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okay so its about 3th party apps in running in the background.
I'm sure it will be possible.. whats the point of not doing it and having 500+ ram in the device..
thats like tuning a car up to 999 of horse power and restricting it down to 300.
young blade said:
okay so its about 3th party apps in running in the background.
I'm sure it will be possible.. whats the point of not doing it and having 500+ ram in the device..
thats like tuning a car up to 999 of horse power and restricting it down to 300.
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Don't be so sure. Unfortunately, Microsoft is heading Apple's path, the dark side...
Honestly if they make is so you have to actually program it to run the background instead of natively making everything work in the background, I beleive that would be a good thing. I have to pull the task manager up to close every app after I open it because I don't really need it in the background. For example when I use a calculator to compute something why does it need to stay up after I'm done with the calculation?
On the otherhand, If they are making it so you have to get direct permission from Microsoft and not just from the OS to run in the background that probably means they want some more money or something outta the deal and I don't think thats the best way to go. Phone these days usually have a good amount of ram to be able to run task in the background and they shouldn't underpower the device if it can handle it.
I don't think that iPhone is the way to the dark side.... they are able to make "dumb users" (I don't think you are dumb, it's a way to put it into), a way to make what they want with their device. As a higher user, you know how to manage properly a system unmanaged because you know to play properly with the system, resources, and more over, but some people just has problems knowing how to open a file...
Really, the iPhone way is bring the IT technologies to people that not usually knows or likes the IT, and use them because they must, or they like the services but not the tech itself.
I belive that maybe WP7S has become so iPhone, and we may want to drop it, but really, the human history has ever been the same. It's not about how good or how many features has a device/technology/thing, it's about how many people use it in daily life. Try to think about a space travel agency, the people will believe in space travels once people become able to go to the moon by themselves, not because the NASA did it. And no matter that NASA was able to take a "car" for the astronauts and an space agency only can bring you an your package, it just doesn't matter.
Yes, it will indeed multitask for the native apps at least. In the presentation, Joe goes to a maps app, then goes right back to the calendar app where he was. Looks like the iPhone push stuff.
Kloc said:
Honestly if they make is so you have to actually program it to run the background instead of natively making everything work in the background, I beleive that would be a good thing.
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That would be the best thing they could do. That's how it *should* work.
yes, not all apps require to be able to run in the background. things like calculator for example, i hate killing it using task manager.
things like sending sms or email, when I hit the send button and close the gui, the msg should be sent to the background service and really close remove the gui interface from the memory. i hate killing tmail.exe.
and there are a lot more examples why current winmo multitasking is not right. tweaks required just to be able to completely close app like htc album, opera, etc.
i am glad that finally microsoft will address this seriously. i am not surprise that ability to run in the background will be controlled by them. it is still better being controlled rather than not allowed at all (like Apple iPhone?).
freyberry said:
That would be the best thing they could do. That's how it *should* work.
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Careful, careful....!!
You don't know HOW they're going to adress the issue. If they completely forbid multitasking, like Apple, then things will get a LOT WORSE than they are now.
I agree that not every application has to run in the background. But some MUST run in the background and it would be a huge failure if they didn't allow third party developers to use multitasking at all, like Apple.
Multitasking for each and every application, like on WM6.5, is still a lot better than no multitasking at all!!

Hub is a new type of multitasking

I read more information about WP7 and the concept of Hub. I estimate the HUB is a new type of multitasking. The concept is OS will push the application to back group and freeze the UI, and the information for application will push to HUB, so user can catch the information from HUB. For example, while user using the TomTom,when you need return to Home,OS would push the TomTom to backgroup,and freeze the TomTom's UI ,music...,but user still can see the inf. from HUB eg, speed,direction)
Do you agree ?
Anyway , I love the concept of WP7 and HUB
Great thing about this hub. I think all these cries about no multitasking is stupid thing, because of not understanding the idea of hub...
iamcrazyfire said:
I read more information about WP7 and the concept of Hub. I estimate the HUB is a new type of multitasking. The concept is OS will push the application to back group and freeze the UI, and the information for application will push to HUB, so user can catch the information from HUB. For example, while user using the TomTom,when you need return to Home,OS would push the TomTom to backgroup,and freeze the TomTom's UI ,music...,but user still can see the inf. from HUB eg, speed,direction)
Do you agree ?
Anyway , I love the concept of WP7 and HUB
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Yup...same as iphone.
In iphone you decide which application gets prime attention. The "one" button is the task killer. The apps on the pages is akin to the apps listed on a task manager. You pick which one you want to switch to. The others tasks are frozen.
Don't iPhone tasks actually end meaning their state is lost?
RustyGrom said:
Don't iPhone tasks actually end meaning their state is lost?
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Not really....they are frozen (hibernate).
U start right back from where u left off.
Can't say that about games though.
chiks19018 said:
Yup...same as iphone.
In iphone you decide which application gets prime attention. The "one" button is the task killer. The apps on the pages is akin to the apps listed on a task manager. You pick which one you want to switch to. The others tasks are frozen.
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But iphone freeze whole application, the concept of mine is wp7 only freeze the UI and sound,wps7 stills allow application push the information to hub.If wps only run managed code is true ,this type of multitasking(multithreading) will not cash the whole OS cause of one of shiit
iamcrazyfire said:
But iphone freeze whole application, the concept of mine is wp7 only freeze the UI and sound,wps7 stills allow application push the information to hub.If wps only run managed code is true ,this type of multitasking(multithreading) will not cash the whole OS cause of one of shiit
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yeah...when iphone comes with 1.5ghz dual core processor, it will allow that too.
Multitasking requires that processing continues while the app doesn't have focus. What's being described above is simply suspending the app...not multitasking.
A good use of multitasking for example is: running a navigation app such as CoPilot 8, downloading a file with IE and talking on the phone all simultaneously. Ideally, you wouldn't want any of those apps to stop or suspend, you'd want them to continue running even though another app still has focus.
I don't know how a non-true-multitasking OS would handle doing what I just described. Even if it employed a sophisticated system of notifications and interrupts, I don't see how. I hope MS has a good work-around developed for WP7. My daily use of multitasking includes the use of MagiCall call manager app which always runs in the background filtering my SMS's and phone calls. iPhone doesn't have an app like that because it doesn't truly multitask.
Running a navigation software and then taking a phone call ... I have done this a lot and it is a good use-case.
And I dont think the new WP7 cannot do this. It is a phone device, taking a phone call should be the highest priority.
This would suck if the navigation software is then paused, I hope not. How is this on the iPhone?
But, running a navigation software ... while downloading a file ... and then taking a phone call?
You must be more specific, because I cannot imagine myself, on a running car using CoPilot and still managing my torrents That's dangerous ...
WhyBe said:
Multitasking requires that processing continues while the app doesn't have focus. What's being described above is simply suspending the app...not multitasking.
A good use of multitasking for example is: running a navigation app such as CoPilot 8, downloading a file with IE and talking on the phone all simultaneously. Ideally, you wouldn't want any of those apps to stop or suspend, you'd want them to continue running even though another app still has focus.
I don't know how a non-true-multitasking OS would handle doing what I just described. Even if it employed a sophisticated system of notifications and interrupts, I don't see how. I hope MS has a good work-around developed for WP7. My daily use of multitasking includes the use of MagiCall call manager app which always runs in the background filtering my SMS's and phone calls. iPhone doesn't have an app like that because it doesn't truly multitask.
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well those were just random examples to illustrate the type of apps that you DON'T want to suspend when they don't have focus.
WhyBe said:
well those were just random examples to illustrate the type of apps that you DON'T want to suspend when they don't have focus.
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how important is downloading the file in the whole scheme of things?
Not very much. It might benefit to stop that process and use the available power to work what you can actually see.
I think its pointless to rationalize away the need to multitask. Hopefully, MS has worked out a reasonable compromise in WP7 until it's feasible to have true multitasking AND seamless performance in a mobile form factor.
I use a call manager (MagiCall) which runs in the background. I know they don't have this type of app for non-jailbroken iPhones because it doesn't multitask.
My typical multitasking is CoPilot, MagiCall and MS Voice Command reading my text messages. This is not an unrealistic expectation. I'm hoping WP7 will have some sort of scheme to allow the same functionality.
why would you need MSVC reading text messages when the Copilot is giving out instructions?doesn't make sense.
Here is what makes sense:
Only 1 voice/sound application can be actively running at any given time. Cannot have the games music, music player, MSVC, Copilot all talking/playing at the same time.
Can have only 1 graphic application running at 1 time. I.e. Panel refresh possible only for the foregorund application.
Multiple task possible for data-fetch/push application.
Anything more is unreasonable.
chiks19018 said:
why would you need MSVC reading text messages when the Copilot is giving out instructions?doesn't make sense.
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Seems kind of obvious to me...IDK. If I am driving, it is very convenient for everything to be audible as opposed to visual. So voiced text messages are better when driving as well as voiced navigation instructions. What would be kick ass is if I could get some speech-to-text to reply to my messages vocally.
Call/SMS firewalling is enough reason for me to desire multitasking in a phone. Perhaps these could be implemented using some sort of interupt system in WP7.
I must be nuts even reading such needs & requirements
you think i'll be able to log onto an IM client and then surf the net and await for messages? or do i have to turn on some type of forward to text feature? that's probably my biggest concern. everything elsle, i could probably live w/ teh "suspend."
though if i was downloading a song or movie or smething, i'd hate to have to wait for it to finish before i can do something else...
chiks19018 said:
how important is downloading the file in the whole scheme of things?
Not very much. It might benefit to stop that process and use the available power to work what you can actually see.
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Why would it be a benefit to stop a file downloading in the background?
If you're downloading a large file, you don't want to sit staring at your phone's screen waiting until it finishes downloading before you can do anything else.
If you're so primitive that you can't find something for your phone to do while you're doing something else on it, I don't know why you bother having a smartphone.
Well, have you ever downloaded a large file to your phone?
Probably ...
But me? No, never ...
Because if I am at home, I will use my desktop PC to download which so much faster than my mobile phone. Think, the download speed is not only related to the internet connection.
Then I will pull my SDHC card, copy the file from the desktop.
Super fast, painless.
You can argue "What if you are not at home?"
I will not download that large file ... what kind of large file I must download while on the go to put in my mobile phone? Movie? How long before the battery runs out? Better to do something else
elyl said:
Why would it be a benefit to stop a file downloading in the background?
If you're downloading a large file, you don't want to sit staring at your phone's screen waiting until it finishes downloading before you can do anything else.
If you're so primitive that you can't find something for your phone to do while you're doing something else on it, I don't know why you bother having a smartphone.
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elyl said:
Why would it be a benefit to stop a file downloading in the background?
If you're downloading a large file, you don't want to sit staring at your phone's screen waiting until it finishes downloading before you can do anything else.
If you're so primitive that you can't find something for your phone to do while you're doing something else on it, I don't know why you bother having a smartphone.
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Sorry. I got that wrong. File downloads/datapush/fetch can and should continue in the background. nothing wrong with that. Just never give those processes top priority is what I really meant. Push comes to shove, those processes should be suspended for the benefit of the process on the screen.

File Explorer, Multitasking, and Using WP7 As A USB Device?

These are the 3 important things on my list about Windows Phone 7. I know initially these wont be available but i remember reading a while back that the emulator or something got hacked by someone here and revealed a file explorer in windows phone 7
is that any indication that there will be a means of exploring the contents of the device like we currently have on winmo?
also how feasible would it be for them to allow multitasking for apps? is that something impossible for this platform or could they actually do this with a update?
and whats the word on using the device as a usb drive like most phones out there can currently do?
deadwrong03 said:
These are the 3 important things on my list about Windows Phone 7. I know initially these wont be available but i remember reading a while back that the emulator or something got hacked by someone here and revealed a file explorer in windows phone 7
is that any indication that there will be a means of exploring the contents of the device like we currently have on winmo?
also how feasible would it be for them to allow multitasking for apps? is that something impossible for this platform or could they actually do this with a update?
and whats the word on using the device as a usb drive like most phones out there can currently do?
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Well you probably didn't follow the WP7 news....
Anyway at launch NONE of the above are available.
deadwrong03 said:
the emulator or something got hacked by someone here and revealed a file explorer in windows phone 7
is that any indication that there will be a means of exploring the contents of the device like we currently have on winmo?
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The file explorer in the emulator didn't really work, but was present. It won't be available in the retail version and there will be no file system access for users.
deadwrong03 said:
also how feasible would it be for them to allow multitasking for apps? is that something impossible for this platform or could they actually do this with a update?
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Multitasking will likely be added in a future update, although I would bet that this will be some iPhone-style limited multitasking where programs won't actually run in background but rather use OS services to do what needs to be done while they're not in focus. That multitasking is needed was confirmed by MS. How it will be implemented is not known, I'm guessing here.
deadwrong03 said:
and whats the word on using the device as a usb drive like most phones out there can currently do?
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This won't be available. After all, it's not really useful without file system access.
So in these areas WP7 is very similar to the iPhone. To get this features, WP7 devices will need to be jailbroken (or whatever the process will be called).
Like stated above. Many if not all the things you are looking for may be missing on launch. But future updates may change this. Also don't doubt the good people at XDA-Devs not to find some sort of way around getting USB Mass Storage access as well as a File Explorer. Never Say "Never" around this place.
what about downloading through the web browser? like downloading pictures or like i do with my tp2 download music and albums will any downloading be possible at all thru the browser? since theres no file explorer now im guessing not
IM0001 said:
Also don't doubt the good people at XDA-Devs not to find some sort of way around getting USB Mass Storage access as well as a File Explorer. Never Say "Never" around this place.
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I'm pretty sure we will get a USB Mass Storage mod, I just hope it isn't a long process like on the iphone.
deadwrong03 said:
what about downloading through the web browser? like downloading pictures or like i do with my tp2 download music and albums will any downloading be possible at all thru the browser?
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That is possible for file types supported by the OS - images, office documents. All other file types will be downloadable via webbrowser controls within third-party applications to their isolated storage areas.
vangrieg said:
Multitasking will likely be added in a future update, although I would bet that this will be some iPhone-style limited multitasking where programs won't actually run in background but rather use OS services to do what needs to be done while they're not in focus. That multitasking is needed was confirmed by MS. How it will be implemented is not known, I'm guessing here.
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I think some kinds of multitasking are available. Read this post: bolingconsulting[dot]com/blog/?p=46
Azatey said:
I think some kinds of multitasking are available. Read this post: bolingconsulting[dot]com/blog/?p=46
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There is first party multitasking for some apps e.g. Zune. No third party multitasking e.g. no Pandora.
sketchy9 said:
There is first party multitasking for some apps e.g. Zune. No third party multitasking e.g. no Pandora.
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but there is a iPhone esque multi-tasking. They call it tombstoning. The app gets put into a saved state when you switch apps, and when you hit the back button it gets brought back up as if you never left, but it is not running in the background, just saved. But if you go to the home/star menu and start the same app it gets started as if you never had it in the tombstone state.
the toombstoning sounds awefull for anything that uses bluetooth or gps....
Tombstoning is NOT multitasking and it is NOT an alternative.
crow26 said:
Tombstoning is NOT multitasking and it is NOT an alternative.
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in most cases it is the same as multi tasking with the exception of music other than zune or gps / bluetooth however i do not see a need for a gps app to be running when its not in the foreground. but any other will act the same as it would on a phone with multi tasking. i would be intrested in you posting your example that you think wp7 cant do (with the exception of what is listed above).
It's not at all the same, never. Completely different thing that has nothing to do with multitasking.
crow26 said:
It's not at all the same, never. Completely different thing that has nothing to do with multitasking.
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you keep making the claim but have yet to give an example... wp7 current way of "multi task" vs andriod "multi task"
1. App is running in the forderground
2. App is frozen in the RAM and only some threads are still running
3. App is frozen in the Flash memory and only some threads are still running
4. App is not running
1. App is running in the foreground
2. App is frozen in the RAM and only some threads are still running
3. Just a portion of an app is running in the background as a service, the main app is deflated and residing in memory, or has been killed, leaving only the service.
4. App is not running, but is still in Memory in a deflated state until RAM runs out.
5. App is killed and not residing in memory. It may leave call to the OS to revive it periodically when conditions are met.
and here are a few examples people have explained how they use "multi task"
listen to my music
surf on the Internet,
check some addresses with Google Maps.
Also I use the camera.- wp7 possable
listening to music
open my twitter program
open a link from one of the twits
pause twitting to write a SMS - wp7 possable
The fact is there are very few areas where we do need "real multitasking", they are music+whatever and navigation+receiving a call/email. And of these, it is only navigation that seem not to be working as we all expect in first release of WP7 at least. Music, mail, phone are 1. party apps, and those will run in background when needed.
What people often think about when they say; "But I need multitasking"...they often just think about that they want to work in one app, then jump to another app, and then back to the first and continue where they left off...and that is something that is handeled by saving and loading of state. For us users...it will be as it was running in the background.
And then there are multitasking-scenario where you want for example to get notified when there is a new Twitter that mentions you, or when you airplane is delayed, and so forth...and that is also possible in WP7, if the developers use PushNotifications.
for now this is what most people really use as far as "multi task" goes...
Honestly, WM 6/6.5 style multitasking would be instant death for WP7. People who are computer-retarded (the majority of people) wouldn't be able to use it properly. When the memory fills up, the phone simply "stops working" for them and it's time to get an iPhone.
This new system makes much more sense... yes, it's not the same, but it will work just fine in the long run.
Perfect example I use my phone for navigation. I'm driving and my friend wants to surf the net while I drive. My friend takes my phone and starts browsing the net. Navigation is still running in the background giving me voice guided directions. Can WP7 do this?
What about surf the net while on a skype call?
What about Pandora while playing a game?
vetvito said:
Perfect example I use my phone for navigation. I'm driving and my friend wants to surf the net while I drive. My friend takes my phone and starts browsing the net. Navigation is still running in the background giving me voice guided directions. Can WP7 do this?
What about surf the net while on a skype call?
What about Pandora while playing a game?
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as mentioned above in many post "with the exception of navigation" and not all people use pandora zune will do for current. and yes you are what most consider to be a more "advance user" however this is not the norm as most people use one app at a time.. so although its not giving you all that you are looking for at the current it will fufill 95% of the users and they way they use apps. and the most important thing is it will run alot smoother and better than android, wm 6.5, 6.1, rim... i will take this over a few things not being able to run in the background anyday!!!
"Tombstoning" is nothing. Every OS can do that.
Multitasking means running applications in the background. On WP7, nothing is running at all = NO MULTITASKING.
= no navigation in the background
= no internet radio in the background
= no downloads in the background
= no skype in the backround
= no server in the background
= ...
Is that so hard to understand?! Are you somehow retarded or what's wrong with you?
Crow26, why do you have to be rude? Politeness never hurt anyone.
After I read the review on WM7 on GSMArena, I finally made up my mind: I will never downgrade to WM7, because it's what it actually is: a downgrade.
I use navigation a lot and, obviously, I receive calls while I drive. Is my HD2 the last phone with which I can do that? Is this the end of the line?
WM7 feels like another one of those OS for people who know nothing about computers (the majority). It is such a downgrade from WM6.5 in that sense...

TouchWiz - Multitask Schmultitask!

Hello guys,
yesterday I used the Samsung Memo to write a few phone numbers down, I was going to call them all later and didnt want to create new contacts for these people, so copied the first number, pressed home button, went to the phone app pasted the number and dialed. Good.
then I used the hold pressing the home button and flipped over to the memo app again. A BLANK PAGE greeted me... ie, there was no multitasking, the app cleared itself when I returned to home via the home button.
so how is this (NON) multitasking better than my wife's iphone?
hmmm, perhaps not?
livegod said:
Hello guys,
yesterday I used the Samsung Memo to write a few phone numbers down, I was going to call them all later and didnt want to create new contacts for these people, so copied the first number, pressed home button, went to the phone app pasted the number and dialled. Good.
then I used the hold pressing the home button and flipped over to the memo app again. A BLANK PAGE greeted me... ie, there was no multitasking, the app cleared itself when I retuned to home via the home button.
so how is this (NON) multitasking better than my wife's iphone?
hmmm, perhaps not?
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Did you go back by home or back button?
And please, this is not a dev topic...
livegod said:
Hello guys,
yesterday I used the Samsung Memo to write a few phone numbers down, I was going to call them all later and didnt want to create new contacts for these people, so copied the first number, pressed home button, went to the phone app pasted the number and dialled. Good.
then I used the hold pressing the home button and flipped over to the memo app again. A BLANK PAGE greeted me... ie, there was no multitasking, the app cleared itself when I retuned to home via the home button.
so how is this (NON) multitasking better than my wife's iphone?
hmmm, perhaps not?
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Wrong forum. Shoo!
I'll answer your question though: The Samsung apps are not well made. Search the market for 'notes' and use a better one. Just because the app is included, doesn't mean it's any good. The market is there for a reason - in fact, it's the whole point of Android.
Did you go back by home or back button?
And please, this is not a dev topic...
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You can use either with the memo app, it will lose whatever was there when you come back.
RyanZA said:
Wrong forum. Shoo!
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oops, wrong forum, sorry, I had two tabs open on the browser and created a new topic in the wrong one...
so would it follow that android does not natively multitask, like ANY app in windows would keep your info if you Alt-Tabbed to another app then back again? it seems that APPS have to be written for multitasking as much as iOS ones do.
tx for other app tip, will check it out.
Android has no problem with multitask, in fact, it has the better multitask-system that could exists (maybe the WebOS is better...).
When you develop an application for android, you have to choose what happens when the user press the "Home" button. Usually, developers chooses to backup the state of the application for the next launch (= multitask without memory usage).
But Samsung, for the Memo app, just choosed to... close definitely the App. That's all
But there is a lot of "Memo-like" apps in the market (for free) wich doesn't have this issue.
(excuse my english)
pocketjpaul said:
Android has no problem with multitask, in fact, it has the better multitask-system that could exists (maybe the WebOS is better...).
When you develop an application for android, you have to choose what happens when the user press the "Home" button. Usually, developers chooses to backup the state of the application for the next launch (= multitask without memory usage).
But Samsung, for the Memo app, just choosed to... close definitely the App. That's all
But there is a lot of "Memo-like" apps in the market (for free) wich doesn't have this issue.
(excuse my english)
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meego multitask-system is WAY better than the android one (real multitasking).
and symbian's too is pretty good (real multitasking).
I hate both android and iphone fake multitasking.
RyanZA said:
Wrong forum. Shoo!
I'll answer your question though: The Samsung apps are not well made. Search the market for 'notes' and use a better one. Just because the app is included, doesn't mean it's any good. The market is there for a reason - in fact, it's the whole point of Android.
You can use either with the memo app, it will lose whatever was there when you come back.
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I can go back to memo and not lose it.
Op Learn how to use the phone. Then complain. Can your wifes I phone run run widgets? Customize the home screen? Change icons? Change launcher and lockscreen? Can you bind secondary functions to hardware buttons and soft keys to navigate to common functions faster? Do the notification interfere with what you are in the middle of? Is it dlna certified? Can it text to contact groups? Run google voice and transcribe your voicemail to text? Does it take panoramic photos? Play windows media? Does it take ota updates? I can go on....
The old iphone's lack of multitasking helped to idiot proof it and save battery which is what some people need. the idea of multitasking in ios 4 scares me. Ask those simple people that have no need for a smart phone other than its trendyness trying to do two things at once!
Android takes getting used to. It doesn't do anything for you, you are in control and that can be its strength as well as weakness.
You should be able to go to the home screen during a call and re-enter the dialer from the phone icon in the tray to add contacts without affecting the ongoing call. To re-enter the call you go through the notification bar.
(call will still be active but to get to the speaker phone and touch tone contols and have the proximity sensor turn the the screen off when phone is at you ear you go through the notification bar, or maybe the long press home method but I never tried that)
Hitting the back buton exits and is a necessary evil as a way not to leave apps running but not knowing that back kills the app and home doesn't will have you saying WTF all the time.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using Tapatalk
drowne said:
meego multitask-system is WAY better than the android one (real multitasking).
and symbian's too is pretty good (real multitasking).
I hate both android and iphone fake multitasking.
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well yeah the symbian "real" multitasking is so graet that if you leave 2 apps open you can hardly make a call.
btw as mentioned before in android theres real multitasking its just up to the developer.
some apps like motonav go on running when you open another app and you can hear the voice directions.
but thank god most apps dond do so. i dont want my nfs shift to run in the background while im trying to run another game
Just the other day i was thinking of a way to implement a webos like card interface and i had an idea.
Is it possible to create a large widget showing open apps with a card like style and a screenshot of the app taken while pressing the home button?
I'm not a programmer so i am simply asking if this is possible.
Swipe to close could be another nice feature to it.
If this is possible and there is a programmer willing to try please contact me.
drowne said:
meego multitask-system is WAY better than the android one (real multitasking).
and symbian's too is pretty good (real multitasking).
I hate both android and iphone fake multitasking.
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dude, who lied to you by saying that android didnt have true multitasking? go back and document urself before saying such insanities here!!
drowne said:
meego multitask-system is WAY better than the android one (real multitasking).
and symbian's too is pretty good (real multitasking).
I hate both android and iphone fake multitasking.
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I don't know about Meego, but Symbian multitasking is as basic as it gets. Run a couple of apps in the background, then try browsing the net in Opera Mobile. 5 Minutes later with 3 tabs open Opera has to shut down due to no memory left. Nice real multitasking
Should be better with Symbian 3, but it's still a basic system that may have to shut down apps and lose work.
I'm looking forward to Meego's release though, finally some decent competition for Android. Kinda sad that Meamo is abandoned due to it though.
There's nothing fake about Android multitasking. A developer chooses what happens to the app when the use hits the back key or home key. Usually it exits when the back key is hit, or goes to the background when the home key is hit.
Different apps may work differently, it's up to the developer to decide. If an app has to shut down due to low memory, it can save its state first so that you don't lose anything.
Can't blame Android for Samsung's crappy memo app.
Maddmatt said:
I don't know about Meego, but Symbian multitasking is as basic as it gets. Run a couple of apps in the background, then try browsing the net in Opera Mobile. 5 Minutes later with 3 tabs open Opera has to shut down due to no memory left. Nice real multitasking
Should be better with Symbian 3, but it's still a basic system that may have to shut down apps and lose work.
I'm looking forward to Meego's release though, finally some decent competition for Android. Kinda sad that Meamo is abandoned due to it though.
There's nothing fake about Android multitasking. A developer chooses what happens to the app when the use hits the back key or home key. Usually it exits when the back key is hit, or goes to the background when the home key is hit.
Different apps may work differently, it's up to the developer to decide. If an app has to shut down due to low memory, it can save its state first so that you don't lose anything.
Can't blame Android for Samsung's crappy memo app.
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I don't know what you are doing but Symbian has REAL multitasking, not matter how much you don't like it. The sluggish response (in SOME phones) is a HARDWARE limitation, not the OS, that despite being old, it's a very capable OS.
Arkymedes said:
I don't know what you are doing but Symbian has REAL multitasking, not matter how much you don't like it. The sluggish response (in SOME phones) is a HARDWARE limitation, not the OS, that despite being old, it's a very capable OS.
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And the hardware comes with the OS! What is the consumer supposed to do about that? They buy the OS and phone as a package and Nokias packages are underpowered, short on memory and as buggy as hell.
Arkymedes said:
I don't know what you are doing but Symbian has REAL multitasking, not matter how much you don't like it. The sluggish response (in SOME phones) is a HARDWARE limitation, not the OS, that despite being old, it's a very capable OS.
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I know it's real multitasking, I was just mocking how badly it handles low memory. At least with Android apps can save their state in that situation, and the app you are actually using is the last one that would be closed.
I expect Symbian 3 to improve that though.
Android mutitasking isn't any less real than the rest. It just works differently. If it goes wrong then it can generally be blamed on the app, since they have full control of what happens in various situations. Unlike Symbian where they can just get shut down without a chance to save anything.
Samsung just didn't program their memo app to save its state. Theres better apps to do the job.
Which of all these posts are related to development you say?
And now for the off-topic:
@OP: Don't get me wrong, not trying to be rude or anything, but you really don't understand yet how the phone works. If you hold the home button and switch between applications the text will be there when you go back. That's multitasking, as simple as that. If samsung's applications are crap that's another thing (which btw I agree, 42mb on apps removed from jpc and still works like crap, will try a fresh froyo build and see what happens then),
All this should be on the general section. Any mod out there willing to move this thread out of the dev forum please?
toca79 said:
Just the other day i was thinking of a way to implement a webos like card interface and i had an idea.
Is it possible to create a large widget showing open apps with a card like style and a screenshot of the app taken while pressing the home button?
I'm not a programmer so i am simply asking if this is possible.
Swipe to close could be another nice feature to it.
If this is possible and there is a programmer willing to try please contact me.
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This is possible. You can catch draws, as well as everything else that would be needed. It would probably need a homescreen replacement.
Basic idea: catch when an app is going to background, call a draw to an offscreen buffer, then show it on the mainscreen as a screenshot. Not sure how easy any of this would be, since I've never tried to make a homescreen replacement.
Finguz said:
And the hardware comes with the OS! What is the consumer supposed to do about that? They buy the OS and phone as a package and Nokias packages are underpowered, short on memory and as buggy as hell.
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Are you kidding me? Did you read before posting?
By your great conclusion, so Android should have the same performance on the HTC Tattoo and the Galaxy S right?
The point is, there are different hardwares with the same OS. You cannot compare an N82 with a C7 right? sigh...
Troll .
RyanZA said:
This is possible. You can catch draws, as well as everything else that would be needed. It would probably need a homescreen replacement.
Basic idea: catch when an app is going to background, call a draw to an offscreen buffer, then show it on the mainscreen as a screenshot. Not sure how easy any of this would be, since I've never tried to make a homescreen replacement.
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Well, glad to know that my idea is doable, the only problem is that i lack the skills, and even the tools to make something like this (any suggestion appreciated).
Hope some developer likes my idea and tries to realize it
lol, this thread is very, very stupid but nevertheless i want to throw in my 5 cents:
android has real multitasking. the system however can kill an app at any time when it feels like it needs the resources, this is maybe what happened to the OP. bad work by samsung because it could have saved the state to "disk". stupid of the OP because he obviously didn't push "save". good night and good luck!

Resumable XAPs: All the details, plus a nice tool

Hello again
I figured out a quick little change in the WMAppManifest.xml file that allows you to make your XAPs resume, rather than restart, when clicked on from the start menu.
Here's a demonstration:
So here's how it works:
In every WMAppManifest.xml file, located inside the XAPs, there's a line called "DefaultTask". In the Visual Studio IDE, there's little you can do with this line, but if you edit it post-compiling, you can actually do a lot of things. In this case, adding the term ActivationPolicy="Resume" to your DefaultTask will make the application resume the task, rather than replace it (default action). Here's an example:
<DefaultTask Name="_default" NavigationPage="PivotPage.xaml" />
<DefaultTask Name="_default" NavigationPage="PivotPage.xaml" ActivationPolicy="Resume"/>
This follows the same rules as the back button resuming, for example, if my dehydration hack is enabled, the code will resume instantly, and otherwise, it will resume with the usual "resuming..." message. It'll make sense
Should be fairly easy for you guys to figure out, and hopefully we'll see some developers integrate this directly into their code
For the end users, though, I've created a simple tool that does this patch for them, then deploys. Info and download over on my website:
I'd say more, but I'm in a bit of a hurry. Let me know what you guys think, if you have any questions, etc.
Your friend,
Awesome. Imma try this in a bit with some .xap files I got stored somewhere... jejeje
Sent from my []D[][]V[][]D ARRIVE using Board Express
thanks for this app
really nice find
Cool hack thanks again
I have been experimenting with some xaps with this.
I found some quirky apps:
- Facebook (u already know)
- NU.nl
- Daily motion (does not play the video anymore)
All others I tested seem to work fine. I did not test any games.
Its probably bad coding or not storing the back history or something.
Thanks for the tool. It helps with productivity.
I btw notice more quirky behaviour with the dehydrate on (I could be mistaken)... how is your batterylife Jaxbot? Is it fine with normal use? Or do we have to be sure to close the apps etc?
Are the apps stored in ram temporarily?
Does it affect general performances if you have 4/5 apps in "soft sleep" ?
Sakem said:
Are the apps stored in ram temporarily?
Does it affect general performances if you have 4/5 apps in "soft sleep" ?
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If you have my dehydration hack enabled, yes, they're in the RAM.
In my experience, no, the performance isn't really affected (there's a reason for that), and as an example, I've had Twitter open for the last few days and I've seen no negative impacts.
So its an updated version of this one:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=999475
FlowerPotmen said:
So its an updated version of this one:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=999475
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Not really. That dehydration hack allowed applications to stay open in the background. This method allows applications to be resumed from that state, directly from the start menu.
Eg, the instant resuming allowed Twitter to be instantly resumed when the lock screen popped up, or when you dive into messages and then click Back.
This allows Twitter to be navigated from, and then returned to, say, a day later, and it will still be where you left it. Nifty, I thought.
Does this new hack improve IM+ functionality? Will the app still have to reconnect with this hack? If so is this related to the lack of sockets in NoDo?
blindpet said:
Does this new hack improve IM+ functionality? Will the app still have to reconnect with this hack? If so is this related to the lack of sockets in NoDo?
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It has to reconnect yes. This is the way IM+ is coded. However the contacts will still be displayed on the screen so its less annoying for sure.
It will look the same as opening IM+ then exit by pressing windows button, than click back, the exact same effect... only now you will have the same if you press a live tile
Thanks for the quick reply, guess I'll have to wait for Mango for true messaging functionality despite all the hard work of devs.
blindpet said:
Thanks for the quick reply, guess I'll have to wait for Mango for true messaging functionality despite all the hard work of devs.
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If you use native sockets, you can get around this, but it means you'll have to code your own IM client, which is no fun.
if do this to all of your xap and dehydration hack.
it look like u have real multitask.
parnunu said:
if do this to all of your xap and dehydration hack.
it look like u have real multitask.
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Indeed yes... Unfortunately in some cases it screws up the order of the backbutton press and you will not be able to "escape" from apps or go back to the main Menu. IMDB, FB, some others as well will have to be recoded in order to work with this hack
posted on wmpu
awesome job jaxbot per usual! cheers!
domineus said:
posted on wmpu
awesome job jaxbot per usual! cheers!
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Thanks for the post (saw it a second ago), but you need to update it:
This is for *current* Windows Phone builds, not Mango. Mango already has this feature built in.
Eg, if you have a developer unlocked device, you can use this on NoDo, pre-NoDo, RTM, etc. You don't need Mango.
Jaxbot said:
Thanks for the post (saw it a second ago), but you need to update it:
This is for *current* Windows Phone builds, not Mango. Mango already has this feature built in.
Eg, if you have a developer unlocked device, you can use this on NoDo, pre-NoDo, RTM, etc. You don't need Mango.
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I said that in the article too
domineus said:
I said that in the article too
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Yes, but this has nothing to do with Mango. In fact, it probably wouldn't even work on Mango.
Regardless, I do appreciate the mention
Jaxbot said:
Yes, but this has nothing to do with Mango. In fact, it probably wouldn't even work on Mango.
Regardless, I do appreciate the mention
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and I'm sorry too
I've been trying to amend it and it won't amend
However I did note in the comment it works on all devices
I sincerely apologize for the mixup darn thing didn't save at all ><
wordpress fail sorry man
domineus said:
and I'm sorry too
I've been trying to amend it and it won't amend
However I did note in the comment it works on all devices
I sincerely apologize for the mixup darn thing didn't save at all ><
wordpress fail sorry man
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No worries, I know the drill Just wanted to make sure you knew, wouldn't want trolls getting on ya
Good luck man, and again, thanks for the mention

