[Project]Porting Dalvik to Bada. - Bada Software and Hacking General

I would like to begin an initiative to port the Android Dalvik JVM to Bada. This would open up access to Android applications on the Bada platform and even allow for the creation of hybrid applications.
If you are interested in the project please put forward your advice and offer your assistance.
I am personally quite busy with other side projects but would love to create a bit of momentum and get this off the ground.
Hope this finds you all well.
Comment away

sabianadmin said:
I would like to begin an initiative to port the Android Dalvik JVM to Bada. This would open up access to Android applications on the Bada platform and even allow for the creation of hybrid applications.
If you are interested in the project please put forward your advice and offer your assistance.
I am personally quite busy with other side projects but would love to create a bit of momentum and get this off the ground.
Hope this finds you all well.
Comment away
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Grt.......i am tester basically and i dont have any knowledge on programming...plz let me know if i could help you in anyway....

I think this could create a lot more work than intended because:
Bada would have to somehow support Intents/Activities
Same can be said about the UI (this could open up a can of worms) trying to match up Android UI with Bada UI aspects such as lists, menus etc
How can a dalvikvm based app be executed - we're talking about multilayers - am not sure if Bada can launch an app in this way
Dalvikvm machine under Android, is the main engine, under Bada, the C++ Runtime executes the binary, we're talking about a binary launcher launching a dalvikvm, in turn to launch a dalvikvm bytecode, that kind of process could consume far too much memory.....
Its too early to say yet at this stage on the bada SDK if it has the necessay support in place to enable this project to get off the ground
Just my 2cents

Good points. We need to establish how exactly android launches applications using Dalvik.
Does anyone know which libraries and dependencies Dalvik relies on in android?
We could create a wrapper which allows dalvik to be launched as a standard Bada app and then run a given application. Thoughts?

I did try port python 2.6 to bada last year and failed miserably due to the limited api's in place, unfortunately for bada, the majority of the API's are not there because the underlying architecture is nucleusRTOS which has a hacked up newlib and also a crappy compiler by codesourcery.

so does that mean that bada platform is not good?

I would not jump to that conclusion either...
Bada SDK has a lot of "growing up" to do... give it a chance
Who knows.... maybe bada 2.0 might have linux in place, instead of nucleusRTOS, for full head on linux sdk compatibility, multitasking.... who knows... just watch this space and wait and see....

Lets not focus on the kernel space for a second, at a user space level what BSD libraries are there?

i really thinkt hat one of the fastest ways to get a new OS on all waves mobiles is to collect some money and put it as a bounty for the releaser
i mean, it's already a LOT of work to port a new OS on a mobile phone, it's even harder if it's free D:

This company proved my point. Nice working being interested in something that is clearly worth being interested in guys.... *Facepalm*

@sabianadmin : really it would be great if it could happen to bada. Your idea was great to port dalvik on bada. Are you working on it?? just curious !!

Maybe this http://www.engadget.com/2011/02/08/myriad-alien-dalvik-runs-android-apps-on-any-phone-starting/ will be ported to Bada, too...

Yep been working on it for a couple of days. talking to a few people and getting and trying to figure out how to make a self contained dalvik wrapper (Myriad use Qt, we could do the same if someone ports Qt to Bada :-/ ). it really shouldn't be *that* hard to do.
@anghelyi i posted that link like 2 posts ago?!

It'd be pretty sweet if you could get in touch with Myriad and find out about their Alien Dalvik

Damn If you want to Port android to the Samsung wave go to the androidport site
We gonna port android 2.2 to the samsung wave (and we finally got an working ARM7 tool)
Just if you want this go to us
Just wait for that we been finished and you'll can do anything you want

wavedroid said:
Damn If you want to Port android to the Samsung wave go to the androidport site
We gonna port android 2.2 to the samsung wave (and we finally got an working ARM7 tool)
Just if you want this go to us
Just wait for that we been finished and you'll can do anything you want
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sabianadmin started this topic with the intention of discussing about the possibility of porting Dalvik VM to bada and not the whole android. That topic has been discussed and closed elsewhere.

wavedroid said:
Damn If you want to Port android to the Samsung wave go to the androidport site
We gonna port android 2.2 to the samsung wave (and we finally got an working ARM7 tool)
Just if you want this go to us
Just wait for that we been finished and you'll can do anything you want
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Once again proving your sheer stupidity. I am talking about running the Dalvik JVM to run android applications. Did you even read what we have been talking about here? This has nothing to do with porting the Android platform to the Wave.
Go troll on your own forums buddy.

I dont' know, but it seems that porting Myriad it would be more easy, interesting and powerful for run android apps, than porting android OS.
When they would release the source code?

The only problem is that Myriad uses Qt and so far we have not ported Qt to bada... Anyone want to give it a go? (yeah i know about the bada-lighthouse project)

I'm new to this forum and just found this discussion via Google while looking for some related details on Dalvik.
Isn't the Turbo Dalvik from Myriad closed source, seems like a commercial product aimed at companies?


Silverlight/XNA App development section of the forum

As per title,
Having never writting apps before, I thought I'd have a go at downloading Expression studio (mainly due to it being free for students )
Seems pretty easy to get the hang of and these tutorial videos to follow are pretty handy http://microsoft.com/design/toolbox, it would be nice to maybe have a section of the forum for developing apps in Silverlight
Espescially seeing as deploying apps directly to your phone in Visual Studio seems to be the only way to side load apps at the moment.
This is the right section, as soon as I can make clear that this section is not intended for general chat but actual software development questions
ok so, pulling the silverlight and xna libraries out of the emulator and cooking them into wm6.5.5 i now need a way to test if these libraries are valid.
anyone interested in compiling a simple test for these? it seems the xna game, input and core libraries are there as well as silverlight browser and ui stuff.
very interested to see how valid these libraries are if at all
norgan said:
ok so, pulling the silverlight and xna libraries out of the emulator and cooking them into wm6.5.5 i now need a way to test if these libraries are valid.
anyone interested in compiling a simple test for these? it seems the xna game, input and core libraries are there as well as silverlight browser and ui stuff.
very interested to see how valid these libraries are if at all
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Ha love this way of thinking, how to get new stuff running on old stuff.
Reminds me of this big community i have heard of.
Sorry dude but I'm very sure this won't work.
First up, the files have dependencies (namely CE7 and other core files must use the CE7 API). You can't get around this without source code.
Secondly, the files from the emulator have ARM headers but use x86 code, as far as I know.
You can find a whole bunch of silverlight projects to download here http://silverlight.net/community/samples/silverlight-samples/
Noonski said:
Ha love this way of thinking, how to get new stuff running on old stuff.
Reminds me of this big community i have heard of.
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thinking without restricted boundaries, it may not work and i may be waaay off, but then again....it may just work lol and if not i've lost nothing.
the silverlight causes issues and i am sure there is more to xna than just the framework dll's. will be interesting to try and call functions within them and see what happens either way.

[Q] REAL hacking.

Hello there to all the souls of the xda forums.
im new to wp7. never used one before like 3 days ago. i like it, great device my surround is. but im not here to tell you about how good it is. we all know its good.
im here to ask if theres any real hacking going on with this thing yet. im looking for at least some kind of command line.
from there i could use tools such as aircrack, nmap, metasploit, SET, etc.
ive had an iphone for about 3 years, booting iOS and Android. i am used to hacking from that, but at the same time i know there a bigger user base for those devices, so theres more devs for it. i just wanted to know if anyone has already started on such a project before i dedicate alot of my time to developing this for you all.
BTW i am not interested in pirating apps, cracking apps
With enough effort, command-line interface *might* be possible - the OS technically supports such things - but the underlying core is Windows CE. Even less so than NT, CE really isn't meant for a CLI; apps are written with the intent of being run on a graphical interface. Also, having no POSIX compatibility and only partial Win32 compatibility, a lot of apps that you're used to from the desktop (or from POSIX-based phone OSs like iOS and Android) aren't going to be available.
That said, if you want to get started in the WP7 hacking space, there's certainly plenty to do. One project that I have on the back burner until I get some more urgent stuff out of the way is a SSH client. There are a number of things that are required here. First of all, we have homebrew Socket support, but the official SDK lacks it so you'd need to use a native Homebrew DLL. Second, there's no official command line interface, so you'd need to write one. The second point is all sorts of fun, since what you're really writing is a terminal emulator.
Other interesting projects include getting a unified cross-platform approach to writing to the filesystem, or even reading from all of it (instead of the relatively small portions currently accessible) or figuring out how to make third-party apps run in the background.
thanks man. I think I'll work on getting a full file browser for the phone. That should happen , i think, before anything else. As far as a terminal emu, it sounds like its going to be more of a chalange for me. Again, I'm used to more Linux and UNIX systems than I am windows. I had to reinstall windows 7 onto a partition just so I could sync the phone with the Zune software Microsoft insisted I use.
So is anyone currently working on the file browser? Has there been any progress with it? If so, who should I contact so I can help?
sea_bass said:
thanks man. I think I'll work on getting a full file browser for the phone. That should happen , i think, before anything else. As far as a terminal emu, it sounds like its going to be more of a chalange for me. Again, I'm used to more Linux and UNIX systems than I am windows. I had to reinstall windows 7 onto a partition just so I could sync the phone with the Zune software Microsoft insisted I use.
So is anyone currently working on the file browser? Has there been any progress with it? If so, who should I contact so I can help?
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TouchXplorer. Do a bit of searching. A lot of homebrew has already been in the works.
thesecondsfade said:
TouchXplorer. Do a bit of searching. A lot of homebrew has already been in the works.
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Thanks. Just found that page

[Q] Needed:Android Apps Emulator for BADA

HELLO Xda !!!
I am a Noob from Germany !!
We all who use Bada Os have a serious Issue with the APPS !! so i want to know whether U guys (the great guys who Ported Android to Bada) can Create an APP for Launching an Android app on BADA powered Devices ! !! (atleast for S8500 and S8530) !!!!!!!!!!!!
Try it yourself? You make others happy with that
wilmervanheerde said:
Try it yourself? You make others happy with that
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yeah ! but I just started with C and C++ !!! so I cant !! only the Experts like XDA can handle this !!
lol why you write random words with capital letters any emulator requires countless hours of developing and does never reach the performance of the original system. and android apps have many rights that bada apps don't have so it would be impossible to run these without adjustments in the app itself. if you need these apps buy android.
shadowkavi said:
HELLO Xda !!!
I am a Noob from Germany !!
We all who use Bada Os have a serious Issue with the APPS !! so i want to know whether U guys (the great guys who Ported Android to Bada) can Create an APP for Launching an Android app on BADA powered Devices ! !! (atleast for S8500 and S8530) !!!!!!!!!!!!
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I don`t think that anybody would develop anything like that but everybody is waiting for Oleg`s release of the Android 2.3.3 for the Samsung Wave, so soon there could be a stable version of Android working on Bada. It works already but with a couple of bugs which make it impossible to use the phone for a long period.
In fact, this could be done with enormous efforts. As on the new BlackBerry PlayBook there will be android application support, it is not impossible from technical point of view. There are two different project for this, one is AlienDalvik (I think this will be on BB PlayBook, but it's just a hunch) and the other is IcedRobot (this one is in the very begining of the project). Google them for more information.
I think the biggest problem for us is the Bada SDK, as it is nowhere near ready to accomplish this big tasks... Of course this is just my 2 cents.
Edit: you can find some information about porting Dalvik here: http://groups.google.com/group/android-platform/msg/a177b156d338c513?
But I'm sure I'll not start it...
OK, just trying to make something else out of the bull**** about how cool would be to have a Dalvik port, can anybody say what API would be missing to have a Dalvik VM as a bada application? I know Dalvik is far more than JDK, but I never seen any deep analysis. Back several years ago I played on some embedded platform to put J2ME there (I do get the difference) and porting KVM to hello world level took me something like a weekend or so. Again, comparing KVM to Dalvik makes no sense but honestly, to say that porting makes no sense, we should at least have an estimate of effort and missing API.
BADA should open up then for its own good
If Samsung ever decides to open up more apis for an android apps emu
it will be best for BADA. Bada doesnt even have PSX, N64 emus like android has.
Im missing out on a lot of exciting apps like the ones mentioned because there is no developer working on these apps for BADA.
If bada ever comes out with an emu for Android Apps then ill be in line
im even willing to pay for it.
As for not performing at native speed thats what they said for the psx and N64 emus on android but look at where they are now.
BADA isnt that different from Android it just needs to open up more APIs to
take up the slack.
Thats all reliant on samsung.
the app could possibly emulate these apis too like calendar etc or what else is missing (dont know what it is). so for calendar just create an empty one...
or (to make the point clear) instead of using camera it could show a picture and the android app would work and just think that camera is not moving
...but i'd really appreciate an n64 emu for bada
If I wasn't precise enough I'll just put that in one question:
What exactly (as specific as possible) is missing in the API?
mijoma said:
If I wasn't precise enough I'll just put that in one question:
What exactly (as specific as possible) is missing in the API?
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I think you were clear enough, we just doesn't have answer to your question. I barely developed anything with the Bada SDK, just played with the different versions. But I know that there were no sprintf, sscanf, qsort etc. when I tried it. Maybe this is not issue with Dalvik. And I saw that SDL was ported to Bada (even if it's not free and/or publicly available) so big scale ports can be done, but I can't see the developer community which is capable and willing to do it...
anghelyi said:
I think you were clear enough, we just doesn't have answer to your question. I barely developed anything with the Bada SDK, just played with the different versions. But I know that there were no sprintf, sscanf, qsort etc. when I tried it. Maybe this is not issue with Dalvik. And I saw that SDL was ported to Bada (even if it's not free and/or publicly available) so big scale ports can be done, but I can't see the developer community which is capable and willing to do it...
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I don't think any library functions are to be the problem. Most of them are either easy to replace or source code is publicly available. I rather tend to think what hardware abstraction / OS interface might be missing. It is repeatedly brought up that there is missing API, but noone gives any detail. What I suspect is that missing API is far less important than memory requirements, but it'd be nice if someone actually had a look.
About the community I share the opinion that it'd be difficult to get the right people doing this. There is much discussion on XDA how to bring this forum back to developers, so we can finally see more people working than whining.
There is much discussion on XDA how to bring this forum back to developers, so we can finally see more people working than whining.
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oh so you think it is so bad to have a lot of testers who are ready to kill their phones to prove that you are working in the right direction???
i noticed the disappearance of the Devs like you, Adfree , larieto(but he is in vacation) , Oleg and others
i still don't get it
Is XDA bad forum for the Devs now???
Best Regards
mijoma said:
I rather tend to think what hardware abstraction / OS interface might be missing.
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Yep, you can be right. And according to this :
"Implementing a large part of what is approximately Java 5 plus a large part of some version of the Android APIs (which version is of course another problem) is not exactly trivial given that many of the Android API methods are actually native methods, or call native methods almost immediately, and they often use Android platform specific features, for example, Skia and Surfaceflinger to name but two. In fact it is quite difficult to see how it can run the majority of Android applications unmodified unless it actually contains what amounts to a largish chunk of, not to put to fine a point on it, Android." (it's about AlienDalvik)
DalvikVM itself is pretty big and it needs a few libs to be able to run .dex files and a lot more to run Android apps. With the bada 2.0 we have approx. 240-250 MB free RAM after boot, if I'm not mistaken. This might be enough for some stripped-down Android libs+dalvik+app as we have around 70 MB for apps when booted into Android... I may try to compille dalvik alone if I had some time...
One more thing: there's a project to port DalvikVM to iOS with some progress: http://code.google.com/p/in-the-box/ so this is definetly not just a dream. In fact they have DalvikVM ported. (video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhyd18h_as4&feature=player_embedded)
mylove90 said:
oh so you think it is so bad to have a lot of testers who are ready to kill their phones to prove that you are working in the right direction???
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I don't feel satisfaction when an unaware 'tester' bricks his phone.
I'd prefer people that would contribute their time and knowledge instead. With large number of people unaware what they're doing and later messing forums with requests/DEMANDS for help we are not getting any further. When I asked for help in relatively simple task of downloading and checking bootloaders with a PC app there was little response.
mylove90 said:
i noticed the disappearance of the Devs like you, Adfree , larieto(but he is in vacation) , Oleg and others
i still don't get it
Is XDA bad forum for the Devs now???
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Well, apart from me actually working hard in RL for past 3 months, I won't say much about others here at bada forum. Generally, XDA is going through hard times with developers being bashed and flooded with excrements from growing number of people feeling that clicking 'donate' is same as buying someone's time and other groups that think developers simply owe anything to users.
With going further down this path at some point the forum would have to change the name to 'xda-noobs.com' as all the devs would be gone leaving all that whining behind. Fortunately, the mods and admins do care and take actions, so I hope it will stimulate more hard-facts discussions.
anghelyi said:
DalvikVM itself is pretty big and it needs a few libs to be able to run .dex files and a lot more to run Android apps. With the bada 2.0 we have approx. 240-250 MB free RAM after boot, if I'm not mistaken. This might be enough for some stripped-down Android libs+dalvik+app as we have around 70 MB for apps when booted into Android... I may try to compille dalvik alone if I had some time...
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Wait a Minute !!! YOU CAN DO IT ??? Where can I buy the Time for you ?? Man thats an awesome News !!!!!!!!!!! I love to hear that !! !! what about the APIs and the things that other guys are talking about ?? Is it possible to bring it on BADA ??? AleinDalvik??? REPLY MY FRIENDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD !!
Hold your horses as you're simply misinterpreting and clearly should go look up what is Alien Dalvik.
VM is one thing, runtime is the other. While compilation should not take too much time, creating runtime environment won't be that straightforward.
mijoma said:
Hold your horses as you're simply misinterpreting and clearly should go look up what is Alien Dalvik.
VM is one thing, runtime is the other. While compilation should not take too much time, creating runtime environment won't be that straightforward.
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Yes, indeed! I just wanted to say that I'll check if the core libs could be compiled at all without much modification if I had time. But Dalvik alone is not barely more than having a console based java re...
mijoma said:
Hold your horses as you're simply misinterpreting and clearly should go look up what is Alien Dalvik.
VM is one thing, runtime is the other. While compilation should not take too much time, creating runtime environment won't be that straightforward.
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let android apps run on non android devices
this is what Alien Dalvik does ,right ??
it runs on N900 !! cant we make it to run on Bada ?? Yes or No ??
shadowkavi said:
let android apps run on non android devices
this is what Alien Dalvik does ,right ??
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First of all, Alien Dalvik is a commercial PRODUCT, not a general concept. Dalvik as it is does not really require android to run.
shadowkavi said:
cant we make it to run on Bada ?? Yes or No ??
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When you say 'we' who do you really have in mind? What will be yours input?
If you wish to ask the question in that tone and receive a binary answer, then your answer is No.

[news]Samsung to open source bada in 2012

Samsung is planning to open source its bada operating system next year for outside developers and other phone makers to use the code. It is a very good news for BADA users. Hope this will help in spreading BADA OS and attract many more developers.
Source : http://www.phonearena.com/news/Samsung-to-open-source-bada-in-2012_id22261
it is like "Leave me live today & kill me tomorrow"
Do you think bada 2.0 will get a jailbreak after that ?!
Just wait until 3.0 an hack it as you want
Also big question here Will Wave I/II get that update ?!
Also looks a similar story (Nokia, Symbian S^3)
I hope bada will be better than Symbian and won't die after that
Best Regards
It's just a big good news!!
Wish it will be real in 2012.
And wish developpers will follow Bada.
mylove90 said:
Also big question here Will Wave I/II get that update ?!
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Afraid not. SamFirmware tweet about Wave 3 updates begin Q2 2012, but nothing about Wave I/II.
mylove90 said:
it is like "Leave me live today & kill me tomorrow"
Do you think bada 2.0 will get a jailbreak after that ?!
Just wait until 3.0 an hack it as you want
Also big question here Will Wave I/II get that update ?!
Also looks a similar story (Nokia, Symbian S^3)
I hope bada will be better than Symbian and won't die after that
Best Regards
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I dont really understand what did samsung mean by making it open source!! There are too possibility
1) they will open the OS only to other manufacturer.
2)including first option, they will also open up API a little bit more so a developer can easily access system services for better integration off apps. for example Like accessing notification bar from your app.
I am looking forward for the second option.
No bada will be open source
The SDK and the API you can download from opensource.samsung.com its no secret that the interfaces to bada are open, only the system is missing
but why get access to the notification bar? it is a main os component open everything means hack or get malware for everything.
I dont think android is open over api enough only a root can give you to all access but some users dont want this. To watch videos to surf the net or to write sms/email nobody needs root access, so this i am an opponent of.
We saw the possibilities of rooted iphones and android phones so i am scared of using a system that could have so much viruses like windows, this is not the future.
OS Modifications on an opensource os will be custom roms i hope so, no the stock rom. otherwize i would search an alternative cause a hackable system i dont want.
Looks like these are only rumors. BADA is not going to be open source.

Please explain what porting is. I'm still confused after countless google searches.

I'm called for a job interview this Monday. They need someone to port some programs children play with on the web to Android. It's educational software that looks accessible to children.
My only experience with porting is working with Unity and going back and forth from PC to my Android phones. My problem is I don't know how porting is done exactly.
Let's say I want to port a Java program to Android. Do I have to create a layer of coding around the original Java source code and make it work with Android? Or is it just modifying the original source code to fit the new platform?
I searched multiple forums and countless google searches. I'm going insane. Please help me!
Thank you! :laugh:
Well I guess it depends. Unless you are using a cross-platform framework (e.g. Xamarin), then it would involve re-writing the code in Java.
If you already have some Java back end code (e.g. some servlet implementation), then I would just create an interface to this module and leave it as it is. No point in rewriting working code in a language that already runs on Android (unless your one of these people who can't help themselves and has to refactor everything to death).
i dont think there is much for u to do, if the games are web based, just build a laucher that links to the games, otherwise look for similar games in android version and install them as a package on all phones.
Sent from my U8150 using xda app-developers app

