forwarding text messages - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam ROM Development

i own a HTC 8525 and I was wondering if there are any programs out there.. or any settings that allow you to forward you text messages to another number?

In text message menu> reply> forward
In inbox menu> reply> forward or hold on txt and forward.
Not sure about specific programmes though.

but how do i reply with the sms message being copied? u know, just like in emails where they keep previous txts when replying. Is it able to be done instead of copy & paste...

gerald20000 said:
but how do i reply with the sms message being copied? u know, just like in emails where they keep previous txts when replying. Is it able to be done instead of copy & paste...
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That would probably not be a great idea, since SMSes are charged per block, starting with a block of 160 characters. You would be charged for two SMSes when you exceed 160 characters and are below, if I recall correctly, 306 characters. And so on and so forth.
But in terms of answering your question, I think the best way is just copypasta...

Need same thing - not much help so far - SMS Fwd
I just did a search for the same question. I have a friend that is recieving a text message from a forex trader that he wants to be automatically forwarded to me. Perhaps we can have text message sent to a number that would automatically forward it out to both of us? Surely there is a way or a product that does this? THANKS FOR YOUR HELP


SMS problem: Can't send sms larger than 160 chars.

Hi all
I have come across the problem that I can't send SMS larger than 160 chars after I upgraded to the "official" WM6. I am using the Swedish version on a HTC TyTN. When I try and send a message that is larger than the 160 chars i get a message saying (loosely translated from Swedish) Can't send SMS. After I click ok I also get notification on the bottom left part of the sms window saying synchronization error.
Has anyone else got the same problem and if so have anyone found a solution.
Just to clarify...
I take it to mean that you could sent sms that were over 160 characters before you upgraded?
Because most of the providers that I know don't allow that.
Found something on the forums about this:
Hope it helps.
Yes I could since the SMS program automatically sends the large SMS in smaller parts.
Say I make an SMS with 203 chars then it would send it as 2 sms, one with the first 160 chars and then a second sms with 43 chars and when the SMS arrive to the recieving phone it will be put together if that phone is capable of that. Now days I think all phones can do this. Or at least should be able to do this but after the upgrade to WM6 this fails on my TyTN.
i guess the previous version of the SMS application was allowing what is called multiparts message, meaning it send as many SMS of 160 car regarding your text lengh but with no guarantee that the reviever will have them in the proper order
usually SMS is limited to 160 car
larsuck: Thanx for the link but nothing in that helped.
So if anyone else have any idea I would much appreciate it because it is a bit frustrating that it worked with wm5 and not with wm6 so far
Have you tried to take a look at DiStefano's Cab Collection? There is an Palm SMS application. You can try it with this application if it is possible on you're device. Its a small test!
Good luck
Well I found out how to fix it.
I did this:
Once upgraded settings need to be changed to ensure desired operation, on the device go to start>settings>connections(tab)>USB to PC, untick the box (Enable advanced network functionality) then exit back to the today screen.
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??? Why would this have an effect on SMS limitations?
I don't know exactly why but what I did was that I hard reseted the unit and after that multipart sms worked as it should. Then I connected the usb cable and ActivSync wanted to reconfigure the settings so I went through the wizard. One of the questions I get is if I want to let internet calls and mms to be sent when the unit is connected and I choose that. Then I let the unit sync with my PC.
After that I couldn't send multipart sms again until I unticked the Enable advanced network functionality box
If anyone knows why this is please enlighten me

Select from a list of recent SMS recipients when sending a text?

I have a Touch Diamond. I was wondering if anyone can help me. Does anyone know of an inbox extender (or feel like writing one) that will enable me to:
Open a new(blank) SMS message, write it, and when I press "send" (or even "to") it will show me a list of , say, the last 10 people I sent SMS messages to? I have another app which I bought to allow me to group message (PowerSMS) which has a feature which calls up (lightning fast) your SMS history on the stats page, so I assume it is at least possbile to call up SMS history quickly without having a performance impact.
My old Nokia used to have this, and it's dead handy. Otherwise I find myself having to scroll through the 20+ Pauls or Andy's in my contacts list to find the particular Paul or Andy that I always text.
Any suggestions much appreciated.
hmmm ... have I posted this in the wrong forum section??


Well basically I am getting charged for some of my text messages and I do not know why.
If I send a long text message will it send as a MMS???
THanks ... this is with T-Mobile
You need to speak to tmobile.
The manual says that an SMS will automatically be converted to an MMS if "very long", but not how long. Can you visually tell when this happens?
fakeuser456 said:
The manual says that an SMS will automatically be converted to an MMS if "very long", but not how long. Can you visually tell when this happens?
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Just like when you add a word tot he dictionary it will appear eith "Converting to MMS ..." once it is too long.
if memory serves, it's somewhere between 3 and 5 SMS messages in length where it changes to an MMS.
I always though 5 was the max for text messages on any phone. Then it breaks it down into seperate messages.
O and O said:
I always though 5 was the max for text messages on any phone. Then it breaks it down into seperate messages.
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it just sends it as an MMS and i get charged by T-Mobile 17p every time that happens!
That is twice now! But at least I know before i rack up a huge bill!
I will experiment and find out!
Raminder1992 said:
it just sends it as an MMS and i get charged by T-Mobile 17p every time that happens!
That is twice now! But at least I know before i rack up a huge bill!
I will experiment and find out!
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Happened to me last week, NOT COOL!
is there a way around this ?
like a config option or something like that ?
is this specific to the desire or android ?
This is standard behaviour for all Android devices, and it applies to the stock messaging app. The reason for this, is that if you are going to send more than three SMSes, it will in most cases be cheaper to send an MMS. This does not of course apply when you have unlimited texts or other discounts.
Until this gets fixed, download a replacement from the market. Try chompSMS or Handcent SMS. The automatic conversion is optional in these.
ah ok
hope this gets fixed fast
using an alternative sms program such as handcent sms or chomp sms gives you the option to break up long text messages into seperate texts instead of converting to mms

Does Anyone Know How To View Their Text Messages Log Through Sprint?

I received a text messages the other day from a friend who changed their number but of course I forgot to store it before flashing a new ROM, which wiped everything out. Sprint claims the only way to retrieve the text message log is with a subpoena but I remember when I was on Verizon, it was provided through my bill and online account. Does anyone know of a work around to get this info? TIA!
Nope, with Sprint it's subpeona only.
I'd recommend SMS Backup+ for your future protection. Very handy app that keeps all your texts backed up to Gmail.
if all you're looking for is the number that texted you, you can go to your account and look at the text message log and find your friends number, only thing is that you can't view the message within the text if that's what you're planning to do
How about the Nandroid Backup you made before flashing the new ROM
ImaWinRAR said:
if all you're looking for is the number that texted you, you can go to your account and look at the text message log and find your friends number, only thing is that you can't view the message within the text if that's what you're planning to do
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Where on the website do you go to view your texting log? I've never noticed that feature... The bill detail only displays voice numbers?
they will give you an excel format list of texts, just the number time and date, not the content of the text
i have done it, quick turn around
View Text Messages on Sprint
If you are looking for the most up to date information on how to view text messages on Sprint you can check the Sprint Community forums just type "View Text Messages" and click on the TKB, you can subscribe to it too. Depending on the context of your specific need, there are several different answers.

[Q] Text Messages Compiled help

I have a problem that i have tried to google but haven't came up with any results, maybe i'm asking the wrong way but this is a big issue for me personally.
some contacts i have (eg John) uses to mobile numbers, a personal and business.
i send text messages to both of his numbers depending the time of day and what the messages are concerned.
htc stock text message app compiles both these numbers under the same thread under the same contact name.
so basically when i go into the message thread, i'm seeing messages that i send to his personal and business number.
i can select to view which number for John the messages sent and received but sometimes it gets confusing, not used to
is there a way where i can have 2 John message threads when i get into the stock text message app? as this way will help me determine on what number am i sending to and keep the business to business and personal to personal.
i can't find any setting for that within the app and still have not come across this topic when tried to google
**besides using another 3rd party app like 'GO SMS' is there a way to solve this?

