Help me please - Upgrading, Modifying and Unlocking

I have an imate pocket pc phone edition I have some how wiped out the rom and when i try to install another one i ge error 101 connection error I have tried another rom downloads but get the same result. the rom im trying to install is the RUU172126WWE_imate.exe. The only screen I have up on the imate at the moment is USB v1.06
Can anyone please tell me what im doing wrong and how to fix this problem.
Very stressed out

Remove the handset from the cradle and put it again..after u remove u shd see serial instread of USB..if u see this then yr phone is Good alive..else press Power+Action+reset to get into bootloader mode again and cradle yr device..RUN the proper ROM update..
For more details visit wiki

1. Download Romupdate v1.11a
2. Stop ActiveSync, by Task Manager (press Ctrl + Alt + Delete) kill two processes rapimgr.exe and wcescomm.exe
3. put your device into Bootloader Mode by pressing Power + Record Button and Soft Reset.
4. Run Romupdate v1.11a (from downloaded)
5. from left top corner drop down menu Port: Choose WCEUSBSH001 (If you only see COM 1 and COM1 try unplugging the USB and replugging it)
6. press OK button
7. type "set 14 0" without the quotes in blank window that showed up to tell bootloader to boot the OS after reset. enter to execute
9. on next line you will see:
10.type "task 28" (no quotes) right after > sign to get your device formatted enter to execute, you gonna see:
12. type "task 0" (no quotes) right atfter > sign to ask your device reboot enter to execute the command
14. take the device out of the cradle, and manually reset it if it does not do that already.
good luck.

gun said:
1. Download Romupdate v1.11a
2. Stop ActiveSync, by Task Manager (press Ctrl + Alt + Delete) kill two processes rapimgr.exe and wcescomm.exe
3. put your device into Bootloader Mode by pressing Power + Record Button and Soft Reset.
4. Run Romupdate v1.11a (from downloaded)
5. from left top corner drop down menu Port: Choose WCEUSBSH001 (If you only see COM 1 and COM1 try unplugging the USB and replugging it)
6. press OK button
7. type "set 14 0" without the quotes in blank window that showed up to tell bootloader to boot the OS after reset. enter to execute
9. on next line you will see:
10.type "task 28" (no quotes) right after > sign to get your device formatted enter to execute, you gonna see:
12. type "task 0" (no quotes) right atfter > sign to ask your device reboot enter to execute the command
14. take the device out of the cradle, and manually reset it if it does not do that already.
good luck.
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Is your solution apply on JAMin mobile, also can you guide me how to download the Romupdate file?
Thank you,


PDA2K stuck on boot screen

have downloaded update rom v 1.40 form the imate site. and connected my device to my PC via bluetooth link and sync through active sync4.5 and then run the update setup setup found the device v 1.22 and ready to update it to v1.4. and then after the restart (which the setup automaticlly does) a display with out back light appers which says (Serial v2.07). i tried to soft reset and hard reset but nothing happens, on the short i am unable to load os on my device and stucked to this display (Serial v2.07). i do not have data cable or cradel. any solution Please.
1. Download Romupdate v1.11a
2. Stop ActiveSync, by Task Manager (press Ctrl + Alt + Delete) kill two processes rapimgr.exe and wcescomm.exe
3. put your device into Bootloader Mode by pressing Power + Record Button and Soft Reset.
4. Run Romupdate v1.11a (from downloaded)
5. from left top corner drop down menu Port: Choose WCEUSBSH001 (If you only see COM 1 and COM1 try unplugging the USB and replugging it)
6. press OK button
7. type "set 14 0" without the quotes in blank window that showed up to tell bootloader to boot the OS after reset. enter to execute
9. on next line you will see:
10.type "task 28" (no quotes) right after > sign to get your device formatted enter to execute, you gonna see:
12. type "task 0" (no quotes) right atfter > sign to ask your device reboot enter to execute the command
14. take the device out of the cradle, and manually reset it if it does not do that already.
good luck.

Mail button doesn't work! HELP

My 4 button above green button and red button (including message button) isn't working and i need to format storge and clean Hive...
thank you
it's ur help
first u search mtty 1.42 in this site and extract your pc.
connect ur blue angel.
Now you must kill wcescomm and rapimgr in ur task manager on pc.
now you must open your ppc in bootloader mode.
Now open mtty 1.42. Select connection usb. if you don't kill upstairs you cannot usb selection. select ok.
press enter. write set 14 0. then task 28. Finally task 0.
You can close the program and make soft reset.
thanks for the answer

SOLVED how to unbrck sprint diamond after bad flash

error 262
might be net framework 3.5
cf 3.5
this website had the answer
1. Stop ActiveSync, by Task Manager (press Ctrl
+ Alt + Delete)
kill two processes rapimgr.exe and wcescomm.exe
2. put your device into the cradle
3. Run mtty and Choose WCEUSBSH001 in 'PORT' (if
it doesn't show then you didn't stop all active
sync processes above!)
choose usb connection option
choose rts
password BsaD5SeoA
4. type "set 16 0" without the quotes to tell
bootloader to boot the OS after reset. (for some
devices it can also be "set 14 0")
5. type "task 8" to get your device formatted
6. type "task 0" to ask your device reboot
7. take the device out of the cradle, and
manually reset it if it does not do that

[GUIDE] how to loginin windows without password in windows 8 customer preview

just press windos+r this is a comand to execute run and write this :
netplwiz and enter ,
a windows appears , uncheck where it says user must enter a name and password and press applay and an other windows appears just put your password and confirm and press ok and thats all
Thanks a Lot

[REF] HTC One V Unlock Guide

Yet Another HTC One V Unlock Guide
This guide is just another way of presenting walkthrough for the HTC One V phone! Some may find this more easy to follow, other may find it more difficult. It has helped a lot of people with the NinjaTel conversion, so I thought I should share it here!
HTC One V phones come “locked”, preventing any replacement ROM from being installed. You must first get phone switched into “unlock” mode before you can perform any major changes to device.
Required Items
Working Windows 7 (32bit or 64bit) host or VM
a. We recommend VMFusion 4 if you are using a VM
Hasoon2000’s HTC One V All-In-One Kit (
Hard Power-off
Hold Power Button in at top of phone
After 6 Seconds, buttons at bottom of phone will start to blink
After 10 Seconds, phone will be hard powered off
Bootloader Access
Pro Tip: Insure phone is unplugged from computer or power supply
Hold down Volume Down button at right side of phone
While holding down volume button, press in Power Button at top of phone for one second, then release only the power button.
After HBOOT screen appears you can release the volume button
Unlocking Phone
Register for a HTC Developer Account at htcdev website
Pro Tip: This step is required by HTC to get special file that will unlock your phone!
a. Check for registration confirmation in the email address you provided on site
b. Follow link to activate your account
Un-RAR Hansoon2000’s All In One program into directory C:\Android on your Windows 7 host
a. Open C:\Andorid in a File Folder window and double click on One V 1.1 application
b. The HTC One V All-In-One Kit appears on screen
Highlight 1. Install HTC Drivers in upper left selection window and click Go
Access HBOOT screen on phone, see steps in Bootloader Access section, then plug phone into computer using Micro USB cable
a. Windows 7 will automatically install HTC device drivers for phone
Highlight 3. Get Token ID in upper left selection window and click Go
a. A cmd.exe window will appear
b. If all goes well, you will see a dump of lines starting with INFO
c. Right Click inside window with INFO and click Select All and then press Enter key on keyboard
d. Open notepad.exe and Paste results from cmd.exe window
e. Delete all lines before INFO<<<< Identifier Token Start >>>>
f. Click Edit and then Replace
g. In Find What: type INFO in all capital letters
h. Click Replace All and then click Cancel
i. Delete all text below line <<<<< Identifier Token End >>>>>
j. Save this file to Desktop as “TokenString.txt” for safekeeping, do NOT close file!
k. Close cmd.exe window (either by Red X or click inside window and press any key on keyboard)
Highlight 4. Submit Token ID in upper left selection window and click Go
a. This will open website to unlock your phone
Pro Tip: If you are not logged in, login and then follow link to website again!
b. Scroll down to bottom of page (we already did these steps!) and find My Device Identifier Token: section
c. Copy all text from TokenString.txt notepad document and paste into Enter Token box on page
d. Click Submit button
e. Now go to your email client or website and check for an email with subject line The key to unlocking your HTC Device
f. Open email and download attachment titled Unlock_code.bin
g. Move Unlock_code.bin to C:\Android\Data directory
Highlight 5. Unlock Bootloader in upper left selection window and click Go
a. A cmd.exe window will appear
Pro Tip: You might see error messages, as long as you see sending ‘unlocktoken’ (0 KB)… OKAY [ 0.xxxs] there are no problems!
b. Press any key to continue . . .
On your phone, the screen will now be at Unlock Bootloader? Screen
a. Review warning messages
b. If you accept risks, click Volume Up button on right side of phone and then click Power Button at top of phone
c. Phone will now reboot into default ROM
d. Hard power-off phone, see steps in Hard Power-Off section above
e. Access HBOOT screen on phone, see steps in Bootloader Access section, then plug phone into computer using Micro USB cable
Congratulations! Your phone is now ready for ROM images!

