Send SMS in C# options (store sms in SIM card) - Windows Mobile Software Development

Hi all,
I am using the code to send sms with compact frame available in MSDN (
The problem is that I can't set it up so that the received SMS would be stored in the SIM card. It only flashs in the screen.
I need to use PS_MESSAGE_CLASS3 but it is using PS_MESSAGE_CLASS0 and I don't know how to change it.
Can anyone help me, it's very urgent?


Send contact / business card as a Vcard by SMS

Has anyone come across an app that allows you to send business cards / contacts as vcards by SMS like most phones ?
Yes, there is. Follow the link below and you'll find it.
much appreciated cayotte !

T-Mobile Configuration SMS

I own an unbranded HTC P3300 which I use with my T-Mobile SIM-Card (Germany).
Now T-Mobile offered an eMail-Flatrate which I wanted to use. Alas, the configuration is only aviable within a configuration sms. This SMS doesn't work for me
It consists of two SMS. The first one informs you that you will get an configuration sms. The next SMS is "eaten" by my phone
Has anyone any idea how to solve this problem?
Thanx in advance

SMS problem: Can't send sms larger than 160 chars.

Hi all
I have come across the problem that I can't send SMS larger than 160 chars after I upgraded to the "official" WM6. I am using the Swedish version on a HTC TyTN. When I try and send a message that is larger than the 160 chars i get a message saying (loosely translated from Swedish) Can't send SMS. After I click ok I also get notification on the bottom left part of the sms window saying synchronization error.
Has anyone else got the same problem and if so have anyone found a solution.
Just to clarify...
I take it to mean that you could sent sms that were over 160 characters before you upgraded?
Because most of the providers that I know don't allow that.
Found something on the forums about this:
Hope it helps.
Yes I could since the SMS program automatically sends the large SMS in smaller parts.
Say I make an SMS with 203 chars then it would send it as 2 sms, one with the first 160 chars and then a second sms with 43 chars and when the SMS arrive to the recieving phone it will be put together if that phone is capable of that. Now days I think all phones can do this. Or at least should be able to do this but after the upgrade to WM6 this fails on my TyTN.
i guess the previous version of the SMS application was allowing what is called multiparts message, meaning it send as many SMS of 160 car regarding your text lengh but with no guarantee that the reviever will have them in the proper order
usually SMS is limited to 160 car
larsuck: Thanx for the link but nothing in that helped.
So if anyone else have any idea I would much appreciate it because it is a bit frustrating that it worked with wm5 and not with wm6 so far
Have you tried to take a look at DiStefano's Cab Collection? There is an Palm SMS application. You can try it with this application if it is possible on you're device. Its a small test!
Good luck
Well I found out how to fix it.
I did this:
Once upgraded settings need to be changed to ensure desired operation, on the device go to start>settings>connections(tab)>USB to PC, untick the box (Enable advanced network functionality) then exit back to the today screen.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
??? Why would this have an effect on SMS limitations?
I don't know exactly why but what I did was that I hard reseted the unit and after that multipart sms worked as it should. Then I connected the usb cable and ActivSync wanted to reconfigure the settings so I went through the wizard. One of the questions I get is if I want to let internet calls and mms to be sent when the unit is connected and I choose that. Then I let the unit sync with my PC.
After that I couldn't send multipart sms again until I unticked the Enable advanced network functionality box
If anyone knows why this is please enlighten me

Sim messages

Hey guys,
i have a strange issue, and didnt find a solution.
Somehow, when i receive messages , it is being sent to messenger and to SIM card.
when the sim card reaches 100 limit, i receive a warning message.
i didnt choose it to send to my sim card, and cannot find the option to change anything.
i must each time to delete one by one the messages in order to keep receiving new SMS.
any solution?

Text auto save to simcard : storage issue

Hello there,
I do encounter an issue with my text messages. They are saving irectly into the simcard and not into the phone memory...
So after 5 to 10 messages, the phone tells me the simcard is full of course, and I can't receive any other one.
I'm using google message, which is the normal app. Can't change anything in the parameters. I've tried to use the app pulse instead, same issue...
Would you have any idea how to save the text messages into the phne memory instead of the sim card?
Thanks a lot in advance for the help

