DEVELOPERS NEEDED - Windows Mobile Software Development

The company which i work for is currently seeking developers to employ on a software engineering project.
Software is quite simple;
Invalidate the UI which comes with OS
Execute commands according to incoming call
If you are interested, please send your CV to
[email protected]
Subject: XDA Software Development
If your CV is not ready, you can post a message with some references, and if there are no references available and if you still think you can handle this, you'll be given a trial task to accomplish.
I'll be the project manager so you can contact me directly as well,
[email protected]
please add 9999 to subject so that it doesn't go to junk mail folder.
Looking forward to hear from you.
Greetings to all developers.


Is there small unofficial API (or SDK) for PPC2002 ?

Hello there,
as you know, MS PPC SDK is too big for dial up user like me
So, I'm looking for small unofficial API so I can download it and develop for it
I don't need a big API, jus API lets me add textbox and button
If there is no such API like this, please I need some developer to develop small application. I'll tell him details (Its sooo small app)
For simple apps, it's quite easy to knock them up in HTML and javascript. Also the PPC platform contains an ASP web server, for more complex apps that need file access etc. It also means that you can build/tweak them on the go directly on the device.
Wow, thats would be great to develop in ASP,HTML and Javascript. especilally in ASP which has good functionality
but this would be in IE, or it will be ran as independent program ?
Pardon my english
Yeah, unfortunately it'd all run under pocket internet explorer.
There's a plethoa of other freebie/cheap languages out there
PocketC; NSBasic; CEBasic; PocketPCPython; Waba; PocketScheme; J; etc; but at the end of the day it's worth getting the MS dev tools as they're what everybody uses.
Don't MS offer a CD of it for a nominal charge .. aha eVT3 $7.85 from
What exactly is it you're trying to build and on what platform?
Thanks very much for the link
I'll buy it now, its really cheap
I want to develop a program for PPC2002 PE, Windows2003Mobile to handle SMS better than inbox program
I found good program for developing palm os,symbian and ppc applications using VB6. the program is MobileVB and it is not too big to download
Handling SMS - a word of caution, the XDAI doesn't have a decent way of handling SMS receiving - you either need to pick it up from the inbox, or replace the entire existing SMS handing application with your own app - and that's a lot of code - not just messages, but also receipts, QOS, WAP push etc.
MobileVB is quite nice, but it's rather expensive for the casual developer.
Hello there
Thanks for answering
I bought eVT and waiting for it
I tried MobileVB but it doesn't worth that money so I didn't buy it
Actually , my idea was to get the messages from sms inbox and show it to be compaitable with nokia screen in addition to to view MMS better and Biz Cards correctly
If you have any helpfull informations I'll be glad to hear from you

[Q] Booking system app for Windows Mobile

Hey guys
I'm an entrepreneur from Brisbane, Australia. I'm looking into introducing a new product and am wondering if you guys would be able to help me clarify a few questions. I have to add I have no idea what so ever about programming languages or whats possible or not. I just going to post my vision of the application I will need and hope some of you guys can tell me what of that will be possible, what not and how much effort / money it would take to realise.
Firstly of all and most importantly I need the the Phone application to work with several other systems which would be at the moment : - Iphone, Facebook, Windows Mobile, Blackberry Android, a Website interface, Windows Vista / 7 and Mac OS. I need this to work in two ways. One for the user to sync their data on different apps and secondly for the admin to receive and send data from the main system (that would be working on Windows or Mac)
On first interface the user would have to log in with a username and password, high security would be welcome, after the log in the general interface should be offering the user a booking request form with the ability to use a saved lists of items which have been previously use / prepared but also a interface for add one or editing
It also should offer a open bookings lists and the ability to edit this lists. This should also be able to be synced to the other systems. A third interface showing a history and updates should be also available.
If possible it should offer different accounts and groups where admins can edit the bookings of other users. If this is possible it also should offer a control for the admins which shows bookings and history of other group users.
I would like this obviously to be a professional looking app which offers a good service and is secure and bug free. If anyone has an idea if this is realisable or what parts of it would be difficult or have to be changed please do me the favour and comment.
Thank you for your help in advance.

[App][plugin] in-app feedback for Windows 8 apps

I am working on a web service and thought it might be of interest to Windows 8 app developers out there, who might find the service useful and could even help testing it and offer advice on how to improve.
The product (codename Myelin, currently in alpha) brings powerful user feedback tools directly into your mobile apps. With just a couple of lines of code, you can integrate functionality that not only allows users to send comments directly to the dev, but also to track any replies and provide additional follow-up after the first submission. No private information (such as email address or account name) is ever shared, and no registration is required. It just works directly from the app.
Coming in the future are even more exciting features that make meaningful communication between the dev and the end user simpler and faster.
On the backend we have a feedback management portal that allows to monitor incoming feedback efficiently and manage any required follow-up in a bugtracking-like approach (think support tickets).
We have recently rolled out a client (== app plugin) for Windows 8 HTML apps, and would welcome devs willing to take it for a spin and give us feedback. BTW, XAML support is coming in the future; if you'd be interested, let me know and this work may move further up the priority list. XAML version for C#\VB Win8 apps is also available.
The service is currently free while it's in active development. While there are plans to eventually take it commercial, we will in any event be very accomodating to our early adopters.
You can read more at If you're interested in learning more, reply here, PM, or just go ahead and sign up over at the website (we have plenty of spots available) to see what we have going there.
Below is a collage of various screens that the plugin introduces in the form of settings flyouts.
<= clickable
Since I've seen some offline interest in a XAML-based version, I wanted to note here that we did in fact roll out a version of the plugin for XAML.
In addition, both versions (HTML and XAML) are now available through NuGet as Timefork.DyneinXaml and Timefork.DyneinHtml .

Work for hire - android hacking and development

I would like to hire a consultant to help me with my communications needs.
Specifically, I would like to hire someone who can step me through unlocking, rooting, and loading custom OS software on android phones.
I would also like help building my own development environments and setting up my own tools so I can do this myself with your instructions.
In addition to rooting/unlocking I am also interested in security and deeper UNIX internals of the phones, so if you are applying for this consulting job, you should have a very, very good understanding of UNIX/Linux and how the OS controls the phone (and how to control the phone from the command line).
DO NOT contact me about this consulting job unless you have worked as a consultant before and know how to write good documentation and how to create real deliverables ... this is a REAL JOB.
Please PM me here at xda-dev if you'd like to chat.

Looking for an experienced developer!

Hello everybody,
We are a two member team with an application idea that we think could be useful for a lot of people. We have a list of features and a complete UI design plan. A video showing the features is also being created.
The application is intended to handle the notifications in a smarter way. To achieve that, we need a Google Chrome extension also. (Please notify us in your e-mail, whether you have already experience in developing Chrome extensions!).
With a simple and easy to use interface, this app is only intended for doing a few things, but doing those efficiently and fast.
We do not have a business, or any money. Our payment for a developer would be a % cut of the revenues, or we could try crowdfunding the idea. If it works out, we could partner up for future projects too, because we have an another app idea also (it is significantly bigger and much harder to make).
If you are interested in more details and UI design pictures, PM, or send an email to [email protected]
Please only write if you think that this idea has potential. If you have previous experience from developing an app, please include a link of that in your message.
Thank you!

