Cannot clear Lineage OS System message after update - LineageOS Questions & Answers

I have completed an OTA update of my Moto G 2nd Gen, and everything went smoothly, except for a pop-up after restart, giving me 3 options in some "pirate" lingo...
Fine and dandy, except I chose option 3 - "Take me to the deep", or something similar, - and that took me to the change log and release notes.
OK, but now there is an exclamation mark in the notification area, saying "LineageOS Settings", and a phrase "Ye be on the way to Davy Jones' Locker, me hearties".
It's rather funny, of course, but what exactly is this, and how do I get rid of it?
It's really annoying at this point...
Any help would be appreciated.

F3nn3c said:
Hello, I have completed an OTA update of my Moto G 2nd Gen, and everything went smoothly, except for a pop-up after restart, giving me 3 options in some "pirate" lingo...
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I don't have this device but, your best bet is to post this question within the following Official LineageOS thread for your device.
Good Luck!
I DO NOT provide support via PM unless asked/requested by myself. PLEASE keep it in the threads where everyone can share.

You might consider re-flashing the previous zip file. No need to wipe anything first. This has worked on the three devices I've tried it with so far. Good Luck.

April fools joke @Ibuprophen you know better. Why do you always post a link to device forum? Like having a bot running for.

Not necessarily a funny joke
kurtn said:
April fools joke @Ibuprophen you know better. Why do you always post a link to device forum? Like having a not running for.
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Personally, I wouldn't bundle a joke in with a scheduled update, nor would I expect my entire user community to effortlessly know how to remove it. Some jokes are harmless. Others are not. Perhaps I am just one of those people who wants to be able to TRUST the software I am installing (and no, I am not so blind as to assume I always can). Lord knows there are enough malicious types out there messing with enough things as it is. I am sure that, as a joke, no one at LOS was actively trying to be cruel (at least I hope not) but there are 'inside' jokes you can share with your closest associates, and jokes that are meant for global consumption. Most adults who "know better" know the difference between the two, that's all.

nezlek said:
Personally, I wouldn't bundle a joke in with a scheduled update, nor would I expect my entire user community to effortlessly know how to remove it. Some jokes are harmless. Others are not. Perhaps I am just one of those people who wants to be able to TRUST the software I am installing (and no, I am not so blind as to assume I always can). Lord knows there are enough malicious types out there messing with enough things as it is. I am sure that, as a joke, no one at LOS was actively trying to be cruel (at least I hope not) but there are 'inside' jokes you can share with your closest associates, and jokes that are meant for global consumption. Most adults who "know better" know the difference between the two, that's all.
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Thank you for the suggestion. Well, if it is an April Fools joke, it might be funny, but not being able to clear it from a notification area is actually a nuisance. I truly hope that Lineage will release another build to clear this up - I rely on my phone a lot, and although I am all for having a bit of fun, I certainly prefer a clean, well polished and smoothly running interface, that does not detract me from whatever I am doing at the moment. As a short time fix, I had to delegate Lineage OS system notifications to the bottom of the stack, just to get rid of an exclamation mark...

You are very welcome. We all are supposed to be here to be mutually supportive, after all ANYWAY - if re-flashing the last update, which in my cases left everything else about my devices unaffected, is an unsavory choice, there were some other suggestions about minor build.prop edits, etc.. which I am confident would also do the trick. Last year's LOS 01 April joke was some passive "mascot" animation and the updates after 08 April removed it. I think it is reasonable to expect the same will happen this year, and it looks as if the relevant postings on now reflect that (which I do NOT recall seeing there yesterday, but at this point, who cares ?). As for me - I guess I will just avoid installing future LOS updates plus or minus a week from 01 April. If letting the developers blow off some steam by making these sorts of things keeps things moving forward, so be it. Good Luck.

@F3nn3c and Everyone Else...
Please see the following Post that will clarify this April Fools Joke (in a form of Bad Taste) announced by the Official Lineage Team.
And please don't kill the Messenger... LMAO!
I DO NOT provide support via PM unless asked/requested by myself. PLEASE keep it in the threads where everyone can share.

I ran this command and rebooted my device. Worked for me.
"setprop persist.lineage.nofool true"

I got the update today, so for an april fool joke it's late, and kinda bad since we cannot remove the notification easily.
Anyone have a suggestion to remove it without root?
I did not root my phone because some app does not work with it root, and I did not wanted to search for 3 days to make them work on root.

As previously mentioned ......
mael976 said:
I got the update today, so for an april fool joke it's late, and kinda bad since we cannot remove the notification easily.
Anyone have a suggestion to remove it without root?
I did not root my phone because some app does not work with it root, and I did not wanted to search for 3 days to make them work on root.
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Without root, the best approach is probably to dirty flash the previous build - don't clear caches, etc.... At least, it worked for the three devices I used that approach on. OR, wait patiently until 08 April. The next set of updates will remove the nonsense if they are true to their "lineage."
Sadly, on a scale of 1 to 10, not very bright. Good Luck.

mael976 said:
I got the update today, so for an april fool joke it's late, and kinda bad since we cannot remove the notification easily.
Anyone have a suggestion to remove it without root?
I did not root my phone because some app does not work with it root, and I did not wanted to search for 3 days to make them work on root.
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You can apply the command in twrp or adb.

Why developers smoking old tyres ???
This is pure, non serious kiddish ****. 1000%.
Like these guys sitting in front of the TV and burning their farts and making bad jokes in some Trumpish slang people outside Trumpistan not understand...

stagefright1003 said:
I ran this command and rebooted my device. Worked for me.
"setprop persist.lineage.nofool true"
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Where to put that exactly?

F3nn3c said:
I have completed an OTA update of my Moto G 2nd Gen, and everything went smoothly, except for a pop-up after restart, giving me 3 options in some "pirate" lingo...
Fine and dandy, except I chose option 3 - "Take me to the deep", or something similar, - and that took me to the change log and release notes.
OK, but now there is an exclamation mark in the notification area, saying "LineageOS Settings", and a phrase "Ye be on the way to Davy Jones' Locker, me hearties".
It's rather funny, of course, but what exactly is this, and how do I get rid of it?
It's really annoying at this point...
Any help would be appreciated.
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Same problem here...

i'm really annoyed about this stupid notification i cannot remove and keeps pinging....
whichever dev thought this was a good idea, please give them a slap for me!
As mentioned above...
Reboot to twrp --> advanced --> terminal
setprop persist.lineage.nofool true

phrag said:
i'm really annoyed about this stupid notification i cannot remove and keeps pinging....
whichever dev thought this was a good idea, please give them a slap for me!
As mentioned above...
Reboot to twrp --> advanced --> terminal
setprop persist.lineage.nofool true
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Thanks All OK now.
Was very annoying

Bloody stupid thing to do.


Vote to fix haret method. Priority Component Owner Summary#makechanges
things change fast around here. try reading new threads before post useless request to fix an old problem from march
If your going to daddy me at least leave me a toy.
Wow learn to read. The android n00b thread people are still having these issues. Maybe something has changed but I have seen it. I see two categories of haret users those who work (miracles people who usually are using nand and may have some enviromental difference over us regular sdcard-hare ppl)..
If you can fix my issue fix it, but don't tell me its fixed when nothing says that. Albeit a night of going through all the updates on the different builds may produce results no one has done that in that particular thread (2, or 3, which upon someone coming up and saying this easy has ended up giving up) both threads are a bit different. One was supposed to be look how easy it is , with a few nand resistant fools getting every thing but sound. You sir are a troll... !#@@! @!# @#[email protected][email protected]@!
Seriously if you want new people using android put out a haret build that works... Don't make us n00bs flash our customized **** so we can say oh thats broke, i need that...
sorry if my tone was incorrect. let me try again
The link you posted refers to something that is not a problem any more or was due to old hardware, ie the button physically wasnt working.
k_k successfully used haret to test his build when he was working on the gps. that was the beginning of june
are you trying to say that the link is to YOUR problem? i cannot tell from the post of only a link. it looks like reading through this thread that you got past that problem.
if you need help please list your problem with as much detail as possible so i or someone else can help you.
if you are trying to make a case for haret dev, you should post links or quote more recent attempts and problems
Thanks for the news
Cool. I'll search up on that and post to the threads that I've been going to. It's just email never comes across very personable. People who say to read the entire forum get on my nerves or to search when I have is annoying because sometimes they have read it in an area I haven't landed and it like a race run condition due to bad communication. If you see something try to link it, glad I have a user name to search off, but if you can pt a better thread I'll be happy. Either way when I find it, I'll try to boot again maybe in a week or so. I'll be very happy if it does indeed work now, we'll see.. As far as my posting relating to haret, yet you can regain control of your buttons but if you actually read all of the thread you'll see it doesn't get better than that, it then is a sound issue. Either way haret is broken, and my point is that poor user from march is still suffering now, and this time its sound. I suspected that haret became broken due to the development direction towards nand. I.e. whatif system.file is reffed somehow as (NAND0,0):/initrd.gz. I mean droid when from system.img's to partitions so something very generic could lead to both issues esspecially if a user A who can't hear in haret, can hear in a nand install using the same release? See the modules and stuff are going to be the same. I hope your not wasting my time with the k_k bit...
tyler51773 said:
I hope your not wasting my time with the k_k bit...
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no. he is one exmple of people who have it working. there are others, i just know him off the top of my head.
People who say to read the entire forum get on my nerves or to search when I have is annoying because sometimes they have read it in an area I haven't landed and it like a race run condition due to bad communication.
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your first post was just as indirect. from that post i had no way of know you have been working on it. the specific link you post was probably not the best choice. with out direction from you i have no reason to go 2 links deep. not until you gave more description did i go into the xda thread where have been trying things.
it then is a sound issue.
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yes there is still the sound issue. you could have gotten much better response if you had put something in the first post to indicate you specifically want the sound worked on.
sound it is.
its just more like a watch me thread for people who care about haret. i posted a bug on vogue-android.. but the drift it haret is broken. been broken. its bad right now. can we fix it? or is it fixed already. you mentioned K_K do you mean this thread or do you mean kalt_kafee kernel are they same guy? where you saying dpad was fixed versus just sound. I guess I'm going to try his latest update kernel, unless you've seen a better thread. I've already got to goto bed. Maybe that's why the guy never came back on my own thread cause i sent him to a new kalt kernel hehehe..
sound working
Going through the list now. Thanks for the pointer. I'll will soon venture forward.
I got sound on an old androidinstall of unknown origin. it was freezing and unstable. I did not get sound ironically on VaniljEclair , the second install from the old android I also installed to system.img vs sdcard partition. trying warm
Aqtrans' CM-5.07 - nice and stable
warm eclair rls 1 - fast, worked great for a day then force closes all over
Incubus26Jc's SuperE beta 3 - still slow on kaiser
VaniljEclair 5.0.8 out! (not tested by me)
trying myn's warm donut then will try aqtrans'
you may have beaten the pepsi challenge.

[Q] SuperSU on TW4.3

SuperSU on TW ROMs running 4.3 (regardless of version, source of version and how you got it) is frustrating. Apps that need root do sometimes able to get root access, and most often than not wont' be able to.
YES !!! I have done more of my share of reading. And please do NOT treat users with less than 10 posts like idiots.
*** The only solution is to change between Default Access modes. Going from grant, to prompt. Doing so for some strange reasons wakes up SuperSU***
The following solutions DO NOT WORK (meaning the problem resists)
1. Flash Antenna (regardless of which, even with the one provided by OP on their threads)
2. Flash insecure kernel zip
3. Download the version form Play and Update
Hope this help any of you that are experiencing some crazy frustrations like me.
*** Not to offend anyone, but the rule of 10 post or less = No reply/post on dev. forum is beyond me ***
*** I have tried to report my experience with certain ROMs, but Nooooooooooo.... <10 amigo ***
--- One more, since I think I am going be booted because of offending Seniors Party Members. ---
Can anyone tell me the logic of formatting a partition 3 times ??? I found this ridiculously offending being an engineer myself.
I do appreciate every single one of the developers who spends countless hours to make the word "FREE" as free as possible.
Whoa Cool down Bro. Take a deep breath. Now tell me what precise are your problems ? I got the part with SuperSU making you go Ape. But what's with Roms and 10 Wipes ? I have no Idea what you are getting at.
So about SuperSU. If that app is making you go nuts, why don't you try SuperUser by @ChainsDD ? There's also a great Superuser app from CM team. But without knowing your Rom, I won't recommend it.
Do Kindly note, some Root apps are not compatible with 4.3. So you may get weird errors. Others like Nandroid Manager have their own limitations on Root access.
P.S. - Your Current Post Count is 1. I did respond right ?
LOL... thanks man. I am positively NOT HOT
what's with Roms
>>> TW 4.3 ATT leak on Tmobile LTElessS3
>>> I was just venting the fact that a member CAN NOT post on Development Forums because he/she has less than 10 posts.
>>> That's like filling 10 forms before you are able to download a file. Similar to registration process that just drive you nut.
>>> One engineering note is wiping a partition 3 times. The wipe process before installing a new ROM.
>>> I just don't get it... Why 3 ??? "insanity according to Albert Einstein"
Superuser..But without knowing your Rom, I won't recommend it.
>>>Superuser - NOT an option, not even working
Do Kindly note, some Root apps are not compatible with 4.3. So you may get weird errors. Others like Nandroid Manager have their own limitations on Root access.
>>> YES sir. Fully understood
P.S. - Your Current Post Count is 1. I did respond right ?
>>> call me up when you want a beer... or couple shots of the good sh****
I don't have the ATT S3 Let alone the leaked Rom so can't comment. I hate TouchWiz anyway. I don't want to comment on the rules. They are there for a reason. Yes they may be an irritant but they keep Noobs away. You my dear friend is a Newb. There's a difference.
Whoever asked you to wipe the same partition 3 times needs to get their head examined. But then I am jumping ahead without knowing full circumstances. So if you don't mind, show me the thread link.
Are you trying to get the Leaked ATT Rom with a working Root ?
Now you too sir, have been guilty as well. I need to have full problem statement, which I am sorry I have not got as yet. So can you kindly explain what precisely are you trying to do and where does SuperSU come into play ?
Ok, first, please don't assume we are all jerks who are going to belittle you or treat you horribly and then ban you from OUR playground. I personally felt it a little insulting that your first post, coming to us for help, was so defensive and presumptuous.
Yes, we want you to do as much on your own as you can. No, most of us do not consider a low post count an indicator of idiocy. We might, however, judge how much we want to help depending on the quality of your post, or any other OP by anyone. If you do your best to find your own answers, and post clearly and respectfully, it'll show.
And there absolutely are reasons for all the rules here, and no one wants to hear anyone complain about them. (And if you haven't actually read them, please do so). The 10 post rule is to prevent spammers and bots from being able to post in the most important sections. And it's just 10 posts...see you're already on your way!
So if you'd care to try starting over on a better note, here are my points regarding your issues.
There is no real benefit to formatting something more than once. This is something that apparently began with some old device where the recovery wouldn't always format correctly. So people got in the habit of wiping several times rather than the king after each time. They then spread out across xda and push this practice like gospel sometimes, even though it gives no benefit and imo shortens the life of the device. I have tried to point out to folks this is not necessary, but gave up long ago! To each his own.
Enewman found a bit of a workaround for the su issues. It's not perfect but does seem to help a little.
Find these files
/etc/init.d/dameonsu (or similar named script)
Find this line
/system/xbin/daemonsu --auto-daemon &
Delete --auto
Hopefully that helps. And fyi, I'm going by memory, but am pretty sure I've been fairly accurate.
But also keep in mind that it's a combo of things, you do also need the insecure kernel. And Knox is still gonna screw with it if it's not been removed.
Also, try to remember, all of this stuff is brand new to all of us. Do not expect miracles, it takes time to relearn everything for everyone. But if it's really that bad, then consider going back to an older Rom for now.
These are after all leaked builds and should not be expected to be fully functional and bug free.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk
Dr. and Perseus
To you both, thank you, thank you and thank you. It would have been more appropriate on the General thread. Anyhow:
If needed, I can point you to the threads. You are kind. I do appreciate that.
I think you know exactly what I was talking about. So to you I do apology if my post is offended. In fact, to anyone who do feel the same. My bad.
please don't assume we are all jerks who are going to belittle you or treat you horribly and then ban you from OUR playground. I personally felt it a little insulting that your first post, coming to us for help, was so defensive and presumptuous.
>>>No Sir, no way in any shapes or forms I do assume people are jerks. Like I stated before, I was just venting on the fact that the rule cripples members ability to contribute and alienates them as well.
And there absolutely are reasons for all the rules here, and no one wants to hear anyone complain about them. (And if you haven't actually read them, please do so). The 10 post rule is to prevent spammers and bots from being able to post in the most important sections. And it's just 10 posts...see you're already on your way!
>>> Understood. Complain is absolutely not my thing. If there is a way to monitor users' footprints, you will find out that I have been here for a while, and it just not my style to complain or ask unless I have read just about anything posted.
So if you'd care to try starting over on a better note, here are my points regarding your issues.
>>> Of course.
There is no real benefit to formatting something more than once.
>>> Got it. Now's that is at the core. That's exactly what I was looking for. Instead banging my head trying to understand how partitions are being formatted and the file system that is basically associated to the NIX for a long time . Basically what I posted is the workaround that I use for now.
Hopefully that helps. And fyi, I'm going by memory, but am pretty sure I've been fairly accurate.
>>> Correct.
But also keep in mind that it's a combo of things, you do also need the insecure kernel.
>>> Appreciate your time Dr.
Statement below is my initial love your developers. That has not changed. Just "kang" members that I do find .... well.... you got my drift.
"I do appreciate every single one of the developers who spends countless hours to make the word "FREE" as free as possible."
Whenever you two do find your way to America Finest City... ring me up. A few rounds on me, if not all.
Again, thanks.
mrbackdoor said:
you will find out that I have been here for a while, and it just not my style to complain or ask unless I have read just about anything posted.
Whenever you two do find your way to America Finest City... ring me up. A few rounds on me, if not all.
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Actually your join date of May '11 is the first thing I noticed. Pretty big time Reading on your part if you didn't ask before.
I am afraid we are still missing the problem you posted for aren't we ? Or what steps Doc suggested about the leak solved your problem ?
I'm on the app most of the time, so I can't readily see post counts, join dates, junior/senior member status, etc. But anyway, thanks for the reply op. I lurked around the forums for about a year before my first post, reading and learning all I could, so I can appreciate that you seem to have done so as well!
I was slightly off earlier, when you find those files, change this:
/system/xbin/daemonsu --auto-daemon &
To this:
/system/xbin/daemonsu --daemon &
Had to go look it up again. Sorry bout that!
I'm pretty sure his main issue was that root wouldn't always work. After a little while sometimes root apps will lose their root access, which can be annoying, obviously! Some have just resorted to opening and closing the app a bunch of times till it regained root.
If I'm not mistaken it's due to seLinux blocking root. And by removing auto from the script, it forces the daemon to run persistently, as opposed to just when it's called, thereby helping to retain root access.
Another workaround I read somewhere was to tell SuperSU to ignore the apps permissions, or something like that. Not positive on what they meant right now, I'll have to try and find it again to be sure.
The other part of this is the insecure kernel. This will set seLinux status from enforcing to permissive. You may have to reboot or even reflash the kernel if it doesn't change from what I hear. I've not seen this myself though.
And then there's Knox. If it's not removed it can also cause problems with root access.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk
DocHoliday77 said:
I'm pretty sure his main issue was that root wouldn't always work. After a little while sometimes root apps will lose their root access, which can be annoying, obviously! Some have just resorted to opening and closing the app a bunch of times till it regained root.
If I'm not mistaken it's due to seLinux blocking root. And by removing auto from the script, it forces the daemon to run persistently, as opposed to just when it's called, thereby helping to retain root access.
Another workaround I read somewhere was to tell SuperSU to ignore the apps permissions, or something like that. Not positive on what they meant right now, I'll have to try and find it again to be sure.
The other part of this is the insecure kernel. This will set seLinux status from enforcing to permissive. You may have to reboot or even reflash the kernel if it doesn't change from what I hear. I've not seen this myself though.
And then there's Knox. If it's not removed it can also cause problems with root access.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk
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Oh I see. Honestly on my 4.3.1 rom that I had, I never experienced this problem. Possible its related to the leaked Rom's implementation of SELINUX?
I have got no idea at all what you are so angry about, if it's kangers like myself well we never claimed to be true developers. The developers do they developing, and we do modifications to make things how we want them and hopefully others enjoy it too, that's all.
To OP, we're aware this SuperSU problem was annoying, we were one of the first few dealing with non-stop before bringing the leak from AT&T and debloating it over here.
enewman17 and his infinite knowledge did some poking around in the files and found a way to make root more persistent, albeit this is a leak, and we have Samsung KNOXing at our door. Things are bound to be broken, and especially because myself and others working on the leak are not professional Android developers nor do we ever claim to be, more like hobbyists who try to learn on their own by reading, or their own personal knowledge of NIX' and shell scripting.
Rest assured, we're all doing what we can to find workarounds, and make the transition from 4.1.2 to 4.3 as painless as possible because believe me, it is painful. The SDcard structure lining up with the AOSP file structure change from 4.2+, KNOX, SELinux, things just got a bit harder.
Dr. has it right about the issue (I'm pretty sure his main issue was that root wouldn't always work.). I can work around it. No biggie. Will try the recommended method.
I have got no idea at all what you are so angry about, if it's kangers like myself well we never claimed to be true developers.
>>> Sir, I am not angry. I did explained couple times on previous posts. I just find certain rules and their enforcers hinder members' contributions. Whether that is just saying thanks or report something back. .The process in my opinion alienates the excitement of new members who are willing to do what it takes in hope to return something back. And so I did vent about it, Probably on the wrong forum. And I did apologize. If you want we can table this offline to show you what I meant.
nor do we ever claim to be
>>> Nor did I
Rest assured, we're all doing what we can to find workarounds, and make the transition from 4.1.2 to 4.3 as painless as possible because believe me, it is painful. The SDcard structure lining up with the AOSP file structure change from 4.2+, KNOX, SELinux, things just got a bit harder
>>> I wouldn't doubt you. I've seen your work.
>>> The point is not about developers, contributors, members. Just rules and the re-reinforcement. I personally believe any voice is constructive and beneficial. I am not a NIX person, but I do find the creation of the linux kernel and its distributions since then fascinating. Awesome technologies have been built due to the collaboration of community sharing and giving back. I am almost certain xda was also created on the same principle.
mrbackdoor said:
Dr. has it right about the issue (I'm pretty sure his main issue was that root wouldn't always work.). I can work around it. No biggie. Will try the recommended method.
I have got no idea at all what you are so angry about, if it's kangers like myself well we never claimed to be true developers.
>>> Sir, I am not angry. I did explained couple times on previous posts. I just find certain rules and their enforcers hinder members' contributions. Whether that is just saying thanks or report something back. .The process in my opinion alienates the excitement of new members who are willing to do what it takes in hope to return something back. And so I did vent about it, Probably on the wrong forum. And I did apologize. If you want we can table this offline to show you what I meant.
nor do we ever claim to be
>>> Nor did I
Rest assured, we're all doing what we can to find workarounds, and make the transition from 4.1.2 to 4.3 as painless as possible because believe me, it is painful. The SDcard structure lining up with the AOSP file structure change from 4.2+, KNOX, SELinux, things just got a bit harder
>>> I wouldn't doubt you. I've seen your work.
>>> The point is not about developers, contributors, members. Just rules and the re-reinforcement. I personally believe any voice is constructive and beneficial. I am not a NIX person, but I do find the creation of the linux kernel and its distributions since then fascinating. Awesome technologies have been built due to the collaboration of community sharing and giving back. I am almost certain xda was also created on the same principle.
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Glad to know we could be of assistance. Glad to clear that up with you. Feel free to post more, don't be such a lurker!

FireTV gen 1 development dead?

I really thought it was coming back, but for months, many problems are going unsolved. Nothing is being updated, and no more news.
I'm on the latest prerooted software
So far, I can't get a live wallpaper, or any wallpaper for that matter.
I can't disable the ime without everything crashing.
No Google Play Services or Store.
Will anyone help me for the things listed?
Iamandrewj said:
I really thought it was coming back, but for months, many problems are going unsolved. Nothing is being updated, and no more news.
I'm on the latest prerooted software
So far, I can't get a live wallpaper, or any wallpaper for that matter.
I can't disable the ime without everything crashing.
No Google Play Services or Store.
Will anyone help me for the things listed?
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your comments make you sound unappreciative to everything rbox has done so far. How in the world would you think this was a step forward? You don't like it? Develop on your own, don't whine about what you perceive as a lack of progress. I guarantee it won't make him work harder/faster.
ldeveraux said:
your comments make you sound unappreciative to everything rbox has done so far. How in the world would you think this was a step forward? You don't like it? Develop on your own, don't whine about what you perceive as a lack of progress. I guarantee it won't make him work harder/faster.
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It's not an attack towards rbox >.>
Every time I ask a question about firetv development everyone attacks me for this same reason..
I've messaged rbox and he understands I'm not attacking him.
I can't understand how you would blow this out of proportion.
It's a question, and I would hope there is more than person developing for the device.... That is one of the reasons I brought up this question.
Iamandrewj said:
It's not an attack towards rbox >.>
Every time I ask a question about firetv development everyone attacks me for this same reason..
I've messaged rbox and he understands I'm not attacking him.
I can't understand how you would blow this out of proportion.
It's a question, and I would hope there is more than person developing for the device.... That is one of the reasons I brought up this question.
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nope just rbox. Nobody else has posted roms or recoveries. It eventually happens to every aging device.
What makes you think the new ROM (if any) will solve your issues?

Multirom? Dual-Boot patcher?

Okay so there are two multi-boot modifications flowing around XDA for a ton of various devices.. Has anyone ever considered porting one to the robin? lately with all these rock solid Roms it doesn't seem like too bad of an idea and I truly wish I had the experience to do it myself.
Oh hell yes! I'd like to see this!
Desperately waiting for it!
Sounds cool, I can have Omni and XOSP at the same time ;P[EFIDroid]-Porting-a-new-device
If you ask me, the lack of the need of the kexec-hardboot patch makes this project superior to multirom
Alexandroid99 said:[EFIDroid]-Porting-a-new-device
If you ask me, the lack of the need of the kexec-hardboot patch makes this project superior to multirom
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I'm taking a look at it and i'm gonna mess around with it and hopefully make an attempt to port it.. Hope all goes well
AnierinB said:
I'm taking a look at it and i'm gonna mess around with it and hopefully make an attempt to port it.. Hope all goes well
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If you're lucky it's seriously easy, but it can become a very involved process fairly quickly when something doesn't work...
Alexandroid99 said:
If you're lucky it's seriously easy, but it can become a very involved process fairly quickly when something doesn't work...
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Yeah but unfortunately for me repo is giving me a ton of problems and i've got to get to work. if someone else wants to try this, be my guest.
AnierinB said:
Yeah but unfortunately for me repo is giving me a ton of problems and i've got to get to work. if someone else wants to try this, be my guest.
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I'm already syncing it. Someone got it to work partially on the Nexus 5X, which is the same arch. So fingers crossed...
Alexandroid99 said:
I'm already syncing it. Someone got it to work partially on the Nexus 5X, which is the same arch. So fingers crossed...
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Let me know how it goes man :highfive:
Alexandroid99 said:
If you're lucky it's seriously easy, but it can become a very involved process fairly quickly when something doesn't work...
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No dice. Tried to compile lk using msm8994 (SD810- same workaround as 5x) and was able to fastboot boot a nouefi lk.img but but once booted there was no device showing up in fastboot devices which unfortunately is key to the next step
A lot of Devs are getting into issues assuming that this device is similar to the 5X. No. It isn't. This device's implementation is completely different. Take a look at the two sources and you'll see it. NextBit's calls to device and storage are also different. Boot patches won't work the same way. The OmniROM Dev was the first to learn this which is why it took a lot of time. Also Robin doesn't seem to respond to slot switching though it has it. I may be wrong.
valhallen.282 said:
A lot of Devs are getting into issues assuming that this device is similar to the 5X. No. It isn't. This device's implementation is completely different. Take a look at the two sources and you'll see it. NextBit's calls to device and storage are also different. Boot patches won't work the same way. The OmniROM Dev was the first to learn this which is why it took a lot of time. Also Robin doesn't seem to respond to slot switching though it has it. I may be wrong.
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I got lk to boot using the same lk_base as the 5x so there are a few thing in common because the aboot dump showed the same value. anyways I made some progress: Display to show, finalize_device to execute and was able to build uefi.img and boot it. upon booting uefi the kernel panics and reboots so I have to to figure that out before proceeding to the checklist.
valhallen.282 said:
A lot of Devs are getting into issues assuming that this device is similar to the 5X. No. It isn't. This device's implementation is completely different. Take a look at the two sources and you'll see it. NextBit's calls to device and storage are also different. Boot patches won't work the same way. The OmniROM Dev was the first to learn this which is why it took a lot of time. Also Robin doesn't seem to respond to slot switching though it has it. I may be wrong.
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Alexandroid99 said:
If you're lucky it's seriously easy, but it can become a very involved process fairly quickly when something doesn't work...
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I've got it to boot and run for the most part but I'm not the most experienced at porting and there are a few things left to do like configuring the fstab.multiboot correctly which is key to multi booting roms and installing the ota through efidroid app via github sever
AnierinB said:
So I've got efi-droid ported and working for the most part. I'm not the most experienced at porting and there are a few things left to do like testing multiboot roms and configuring a local ota sever to do so..
I'm making this post so that I can hand off my findings, config.ini, and my lk_inc.make to someone who has more experience/ someone who can get this done and wants to test multiboot and see if it's a go. Think you can do so and become the maintainer for this project?
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I wish I was smart enough to do that. I can read code. I can test. Cannot write to save my life. Sorry. That's my truth.
valhallen.282 said:
I wish I was smart enough to do that. I can read code. I can test. Cannot write to save my life. Sorry. That's my truth.
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As soon as I get these local ota server problems figured out and are able to actually test dual booting a rom I'll pm you with some goodies:good:
It's pretty easy to build yourself after you figure out what variables the and config.ini need. Although I have been doing this for 3 days now with many trial and error. Pretty shocked it's even working as good as it is right now because there's been a lot of known issues with 64bit socs
I'm gonna have to put this project behind me... I lack some knowledge on a few areas of the porting process and to configure it correctly is possible but I, myself can not do it. If a developer has the device, and wants to try porting/configuring it then go for it. The main thing is that we are able to get lk, uefi to boot and display screen (properly) so fixing the other issues like fstab.multiboot table should be easy for someone more experienced. At least theres hope with this modification. Sorry folks, I'll stick to my boot logos for now haha.
AnierinB said:
@ValHallen can you download the efi manager application off the play store and tell me what device it gives you an error for? then after doing so can you edit your build prop and add this line: efidroid.server_url=
then delete the app, reboot your phone and reinstall it.. Does it still fail?
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I think you tagged the wrong person. But I'll try. In a short while.
It's probably best to put all thaz work out in the open including github repos and a separate thread so someone who's capable might stumble upon it and pick up qhere you left off.

General Pre rooted roms(project rooted)

Mod edit: TG link removed as per XDA's TG Chat Rules.
(TG link and home page was removed I can only see in their rules the TG link all good so adding back the home page to the home page)
I started project rooted to provide pre rooted roms to people. I'm looking for someone to help with pixel 6 pro. If anyone is interested please let me know. All it really is is patching operating systems, recompiling then, and sharing them.
I think that there is no value at all in this project. All anyone needs to do is run the original boot.img through magisk before they write it to the boot partition and the job is done.
In addition, if anyone was inclined to use 3rd party hosted pre-rooted (or not) boot images, I would VERY STRONGLY recommend that they DO NOT. This is simply because it opens them up to whatever other undisclosed changes happen to have been added to it.
Thanks for the feedback!!! I can assure you that there is absolutely no malicious intent or anything out of the ordinary in these roms. I've had mixed responses with some liking and disliking the project. If it's not your preference no problem I'm not going to stop you from doing it manually or not using my project either way. I'm doing this for fun and am providing a convenient place for roms in one place(without having to search through chats) and with the bonus of being rooted from the start.
Edit: typo
Jacobh1245 said:
Thanks for the feedback!!! I can assure you that there is absolutely no malicious intent or anything out of the ordinary in these roms. I've had mixed responses with some liking and disliking the project. If it's not your preference no problem I'm not going to stop you from doing it manually or not using my project either way. I'm doing this for fun and am providing a convenient place for roms in one place(without having to search through chats) and with the bonus of being rooted from the start.
Edit: typo
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And I can absolutely assure you that I am a Nigerian Prince, and if you direct deposit $500 into my bank acount, I will turn it into $5,000,000.
Gytole said:
And I can absolutely assure you that I am a Nigerian Prince, and if you direct deposit $500 into my bank acount, I will turn it into $5,000,000.
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Lol, I get it. I'm not well known or trusted yet as this is not my first project but first I've tried to get out there as much as I am. Again I'll reiterate that you don't have to use it if you don't trust it all my work is posted even the as basic as it is website is open source on GitHub. If you have any genuine feedback for me I'd love to hear it. Constructive feedback on how to get started and trusted wouldn't be so bad. Thanks for your opinion though, it's good to hear what a community thinks of new projects/ideas
Jacobh1245 said:
Lol, I get it. I'm not well known or trusted yet as this is not my first project but first I've tried to get out there as much as I am. Again I'll reiterate that you don't have to use it if you don't trust it all my work is posted even the as basic as it is website is open source on GitHub. If you have any genuine feedback for me I'd love to hear it. Constructive feedback on how to get started and trusted wouldn't be so bad. Thanks for your opinion though, it's good to hear what a community thinks of new projects/ideas
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Thanks for being a great sport
Is there benefit in having it pre rooted? Perhaps easier to pass the safety checks for banking apps?
TrustAugustus said:
Is there benefit in having it pre rooted? Perhaps easier to pass the safety checks for banking apps?
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Yes I have had better success with safetynet since doing this they don't always work out like that but for the most part it's been better. As far as pre-rooted with pixel devices it's not too hard to do, just time consuming. I'm going to build a set of instructions tonight for my website as to how to do so yourself for those who would rather do it manually
That sounds great. I'm looking forward to the project.
Back... like 10 years ago roms came pre rooted as well
TrustAugustus said:
That sounds great. I'm looking forward to the project.
Back... like 10 years ago roms came pre rooted as well
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I remember that was one of the best things ever. That's just one of my reasons I wanted to do this. THANKS for the support!!!
Jacobh1245 said:
I remember that was one of the best things ever. That's just one of my reasons I wanted to do this. THANKS for the support!!!
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We understand, just with the new safeties built into to hardware anymore it can comicate things for some people. I am not saying prerooted is WRONG, it can just cause problems. It's not you. Lol
Yeah, some devices can, some won't. I am alware of these but also understand the risk is minimal and unlikely to be president. Reality with anything like this even down to the roms themselves have so many variables that could cause problems. Which I why I have taken the extra steps to test that I have a solidly rooted Rom
Jacobh1245 said:
I started project rooted to provide pre rooted roms to people. I'm looking for someone to help with pixel 6 pro. If anyone is interested please let me know. All it really is is patching operating systems, recompiling then, and sharing them.
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For anyone who might want to know this. I have a very poor excuse for a guide on making pre rooted roms on my page now if you have a pixel device it does work. It was quickly put together and I WILL update it SOON and will add screenshots to help as well as fine tuning the wording.
What would be nice is to have the installation routinely root the boot.img if the system is pre-rooted, like Lineage 18 does on my 1+7pro.
Jacobh1245 said:
Thanks for the feedback!!! I can assure you that there is absolutely no malicious intent or anything out of the ordinary in these roms. I've had mixed responses with some liking and disliking the project. If it's not your preference no problem I'm not going to stop you from doing it manually or not using my project either way. I'm doing this for fun and am providing a convenient place for roms in one place(without having to search through chats) and with the bonus of being rooted from the start.
Edit: typo
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Its not a question of you having malicious intent. Its a question of best practices for security. Other people who may be more or less trustworthy than you may have similar projects (and in fact, I remember another thread with this exact purpose), and trusting those may be quite dangerous.
But more to the point, and WITHOUT putting your trustworthiness or honor in question, how can anybody know whether you are *actually* trustworthy or just someone claiming (falsely) to be?
And since the process of running it through Magisk is so absurdly trivial, what advantage does this provide to users to compensate them for the risk?
Advantages: nil
Risks: elevated
Rational choice: avoid.
96carboard said:
Its not a question of you having malicious intent. Its a question of best practices for security. Other people who may be more or less trustworthy than you may have similar projects (and in fact, I remember another thread with this exact purpose), and trusting those may be quite dangerous.
But more to the point, and WITHOUT putting your trustworthiness or honor in question, how can anybody know whether you are *actually* trustworthy or just someone claiming (falsely) to be?
And since the process of running it through Magisk is so absurdly trivial, what advantage does this provide to users to compensate them for the risk?
Advantages: nil
Risks: elevated
Rational choice: avoid.
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It does a few things, it in many cases seems to help with safetynet being easier to pass( not always some roms are more stubborn). It provides a convinent place where everything is at. All my stuff is open source and downloadable so you may check whatever you want. Though I don't have the source code to the roms since I'm not building them. And I put links to the roms group chat and instructions as to how(for pixel devices) to make a pre-rooted rom yourself. So if you don't trust it but want it I give how to and where to get the files to do so some also fear that things may not work as mentioned above can happen but is very minimal especially since I test before releasing.
Jacobh1245 said:
It does a few things, it in many cases seems to help with safetynet being easier to pass( not always some roms are more stubborn). It provides a convinent place where everything is at. All my stuff is open source and downloadable so you may check whatever you want. Though I don't have the source code to the roms since I'm not building them. And I put links to the roms group chat and instructions as to how(for pixel devices) to make a pre-rooted rom yourself. So if you don't trust it but want it I give how to and where to get the files to do so some also fear that things may not work as mentioned above can happen but is very minimal especially since I test before releasing.
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What version of Magisk do you intend to use? Because on at least 2 or 3 occasions due to Google changing things, Canary has been needed. On the other hand, there have also been occasions where Canary broke some things and Stable was needed.
Because the Pixel 6 series seems to be "often" affected by changes made by Google in their monthly updates, as well as Magisk itself, it seems that pre-rooting a rom on the Pixel 6 series "may" cause some unintended problems.
It's been quite the cat and mouse game when it comes to the Pixel 6 series and rooting in terms of these changes, and not in terms of just rooting itself, but other things like custom kernels, etc..
Lughnasadh said:
What version of Magisk do you intend to use? Because on at least 2 or 3 occasions due to Google changing things, Canary has been needed. On the other hand, there have also been occasions where Canary broke some things and Stable was needed.
Because the Pixel 6 series seems to be "often" affected by changes made by Google in their monthly updates, as well as Magisk itself, it seems that pre-rooting a rom on the Pixel 6 series "may" cause some unintended problems.
It's been quite the cat and mouse game when it comes to the Pixel 6 series and rooting in terms of these changes, and not in terms of just rooting itself, but other things like custom kernels, etc..
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Currently I've been using v25.0 that is one thing I test too and check with others about. So far 25.0 is working great with the minor detail of having to download the magisk apk and install rather then the greyed out icon to "update" but it still works exactly the same and I have not experienced anything broken so far
Jacobh1245 said:
Currently I've been using v25.0 that is one thing I test too and check with others about. So far 25.0 is working great with the minor detail of having to download the magisk apk and install rather then the greyed out icon to "update" but it still works exactly the same and I have not experienced anything broken so far
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Yes, but there have been occasions where after a monthly update a Canary version was needed (e.g. December update when Google moved its fstab to /system/etc.) and John had to update Magisk and push a Canary version before people could actually boot a rooted boot image.
And I'm curious if you closely follow the issues, PRs and commits in the Magisk Github? For example, Beta 25.0 has changed (actually changed with Canary 24303 I believe) so that custom kernels will no longer boot unless verity and verification are disabled or if the kernel uses the latest AK3 which patches vendor_dlkm.img and vbmeta.img, or if the kernel patches them itself.
My point is there could be some unintended consequences for people who may not be aware of any current issues unless they are made aware of them before flashing a pre-rooted rom.
Anyway, if people find this useful then good for them and good for you.
Lughnasadh said:
Yes, but there have been occasions where after a monthly update a Canary version was needed (e.g. December update when Google moved its fstab to /system/etc.) and John had to update Magisk and push a Canary version before people could actually boot a rooted boot image.
And I'm curious if you closely follow the issues, PRs and commits in the Magisk Github? For example, Beta 25.0 has changed (actually changed with Canary 24303 I believe) so that custom kernels will no longer boot unless verity and verification are disabled or if the kernel uses the latest AK3 which patches vendor_dlkm.img and vbmeta.img, or if the kernel patches them itself.
My point is there could be some unintended consequences for people who may not be aware of any current issues unless they are made aware of them before flashing a pre-rooted rom.
Anyway, if people find this useful then good for them and good for you.
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I which case testing would show that plus I'm usually pretty good at keeping up with that kind of thing. It is a valid concern but since the versions I release are going to have the correct version for them I will do the same for each rom indevidually as need to make sure they will work properly. Whenever a new version is released. That too means if you are on the same rom and dirty flash to the next one magisk will prompt you to update the app(has been tested too)

