Scrolling through texts 7X and 6X---not smooth - Honor 7X Questions & Answers

It seems when I scroll through group MMS/texts with any photo or GIF it stutters horribly and won't scroll past the GIF or photo unless you hold the screen and scroll slowly. Anyone else have this problem? It does this stock texting app.


outlook smooth scrolling

any ideas if this can be done? right now outlook scrolls a page at a time with the scroll wheel or with the buttons. must be some way to do smooth scrolling, which makes so much more sense.
Smooth Scrolling
Yes i would like this also
anyone any ideas????
so i take it this just isn't possible then?
Since it is scrolling link to link, number to number, I think it will continue to scroll this way unless that functionality is removed.

[Q] Why do pictures always appear grainy, pixelated, and when I zoom in they distort?

When browsing websites with pictures or even looking at pictures in my phone, zooming in tends to blur the pictures pretty badly.
For instance, if a picture has text on it and I try to zoom in to see the text, the text is unreadable and distorted when taking the photo to full size. Whereas, if I went on a computer (no zoom required because the image is already fulls size) I can see the picture just fine.
Is there a way to fix this?
I use Dolphin HD browser.

Handcent/Go SMS sending MMS upside down/sideways

Hi All,
Just wondering if anyone using Handcent/Go SMS has their MMS pictures turn upside down or sideways? Wondering if this is a common issue.
It looks like it only sends upside down when the picture is taken with the camera button on the left in landscape mode, and turns sideways when the picture is in portrait.
Any way around this?
I have the same problem!! Not cool at all. Hope soemeone will help us out
It seems to be a problem related to samsung phone. I have this temporary fix for you. Before sending the desired pictures you have to go in gallery select the picture and crop it and save it you're picture wont turn sideways. Quite annoying to do but at least it works.
I've read up on it before and it's supposedly because of the 'metadata' standard which they (SAMSUNG) use. Never supposed to use your camera in portrait mode supposedly...
Even though; how come none of the SMS apps let you rotate a picture in-app? Very amateur stuff.
I have this problem with galaxy s2 but my samsung corny pro was fine. What annoyed me abouth this phone too is that you can t set different sms tone for you're contact and was able to do so with my older corny pro
I`m having this issue on my Skyrocket any way to fix this, I love go sms pro, but cant live with this upside down pictures
same here
Mate of mine and I are having the exact same issue, pics taken in portrait are displaying in landscape (although my landscape tests so far seem to be displaying properly).
My mate and I have the same setup, as follows:
SGSII i9100
ROM: FoxHound GreyFox v2 - XWLP9 (ICS 4.0.3)
Kernel: Siyah v3.2.5.1+
Modem: XXLPB
Go SMS Pro is the SMS/MMS app.
Also, just for reference, when I test this process (adding a pic to an SMS) using the default android messaging app it always attaches correctly...
As a side note, I've also noticed that when you open the normal image gallery, the thumbnail is showing the photo in landscape but when you click on the thumbnail to open it it opens correctly in portrait, so I'm guessing, as suggested above, that it's not specific to the messaging app but something to do with the storage of the image.
Anyone got any further details/info on this and how to resolve it?
Have this same issue on GoSMS Pro. Anyone find a fix for it?

How to change web page layout?

i noticed that in the browser, the text in web pages are arranged in sort of a 'column' view, so when your tap to zoom, text automatically lines up and fits the screen. Is there a way to rearrange the text to the web sites default layout? Thanks.
I agree. This is very annoying if anyone has any suggestions it would be awesome.

Photos appear to be low resolution/pixelated with screen open?

Does anyone else have this issue? The photos on Facebook, Instagram and even reddit appear to be low resolution with the screen open. App icons, text and more look sharp and crisp. But any photo loaded looks like crap, on any wifi and data. Surely there's something I'm missing?
I have the same issue too. Would be helpful if some others chime in on this topic.
Same here on pinterest but insta is ok.

