Samsung Galaxy Nexus (Unified)
Slim7 is the project name for SlimRoms based on Android 7.x Nougat and offers the following original features:
Slim Navbar & Hardware key rebinding
Single tap action, long press action, double tap action!-We’ve got you covered.
Slim Actions & Chamber of secrets
Customise your device to the fullest -You’re a wizard!
A Faster alternative to stock recents -Your device, your choice.
An Open source, feature filled launcher! -Make yourself at home
Status bar customisations
Clock and Date? Battery? -More fun than you can shake a stick at.
Unified tuna Slim7
TWRP with hardware decryption support can be found here
Disclaimer: SlimRoms are not responsible for any damages to your device.
XDA:DevDB Information
[unified] Slim7, ROM for the Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Android-Andi, Ziyan, SlimRoms
Source Code:
ROM OS Version: 7.x Nougat
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.0.x
Version Information
Status: Testing
Created 2017-04-29
Last Updated 2017-08-18
Just uploading initial build, will be up in some minutes. Initial build uploaded.
First boot takes a while because i had to disable dex-preoptimization as it caused bootloop while connecting to WiFi.
Hello @Android-Andi,
first of all thank you for all you're doing to support tunas.
Here are two bugs I'm actually aware:
- green lines and artifacts previewing mpeg4 videos in gallery (just the static image, play them is OK)
- if you try to add a photo to owner profile in settings, phone reboots when saving image
Attached full boot logcat with both these bugs triggered.
Thanks again
Tested on toro, working as expected. Meaning, everything works except mobile data for me. Behavior is exactly the same as Unlegacy 7, so no surprises there. I'm on Page Plus (a Verizon MVNO) and that complicates things sometimes. Still, I was hoping that maybe it would just magically work on Slim7. Oh well... Thanks anyway, it is a very sweet ROM!
It shouldn't complicate things at all
musical_chairs said:
Tested on toro, working as expected. Meaning, everything works except mobile data for me. Behavior is exactly the same as Unlegacy 7, so no surprises there. I'm on Page Plus (a Verizon MVNO) and that complicates things sometimes. Still, I was hoping that maybe it would just magically work on Slim7. Oh well... Thanks anyway, it is a very sweet ROM!
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With PP now being a VZW MVNO, it shouldn't complicate anything (as long as your are running toro hardware). I took my toro to Tracfone (a split MVNO - between T-Mobile and VZW), and went specifically to the VZW side of things (two reasons - T-Mobile has always had signal issues here - or anywhere else, and VZW has Just Plain Worked - I'm a former VZW prepaid customer). Page Plus used to be a pager AND cellular service provider - with their own towers. I'm running Slim 7 beta because I wanted an SELinux enforcing ROM that ran N on my hardware; so far, Slim 7 is the only such. Even Lineage OS 14.1 (also unofficial) dropped back and punted to permissive - not enforcing. I won't touch MM with a ten-foot pair of chopsticks because performance bites compared to N on toro.
Followup - Slim 7 is now updating apps - all 77 of them from a previous ROM. Even better, for the first time on N, SafetyNet works (nothing broke it). I ran into a solvable problem with Android Pay, though - my VISA debit card doesn't support it (Android Pay, that is); rather amusingly, it DOES support VISA Checkout. Fortunately, that means that all I need to find is a debit card that DOES support Android Pay - time to warm up my Google-fu. (As expected, the Google-fu paid off; two banks near me have multiple branches where I can apply (and even pick up) a prepaid card on the spot - PNC and Wells Fargo (AKA Stagecoach Bank), and their prepaid cards are SPECIFICALLY supported by Android Pay. Rather oddly, a whole lot of prepaid cards are specifically denied - and from BIG banks, at that - CITI and AMEX tell their prepaid clients to hold the phone/phablet/tablet and don't even bother to try their prepaid cards. In addition to PNC and Wells, Bank of America says "si" to prepaid and Android Pay - the minus (for BOfA) is that they aren't the closest bank branch - rather amusingly, the closest bank branch where I can get a prepaid card used to be, in fact, a BOfA branch - it was acquired by PNC when BOfA did "the great branch thindown" in several states - and I don't live in either North Carolina (the current HQ of BOfA) or San Francisco (the historical beginning of BOfA and, interestingly, what is now VISA USA (originally BankAmeriCard).
PGHammer said:
With PP now being a VZW MVNO, it shouldn't complicate anything (as long as your are running toro hardware). I took my toro to Tracfone (a split MVNO - between T-Mobile and VZW), and went specifically to the VZW side of things (two reasons - T-Mobile has always had signal issues here - or anywhere else, and VZW has Just Plain Worked - I'm a former VZW prepaid customer). Page Plus used to be a pager AND cellular service provider - with their own towers.
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There used to be no difference between the settings for PP and VZW, but on October 31, 2016, Page Plus switched from Verizon's APN to Tracfone's APNs. This 'should' get updated automatically in our phones., but it doesn't because something is broken between our old RIL and any version of Android newer than KitKat. So it may be possible that data could 'just work' for a standard VZW activation yet be broken for me.
I never knew PP did anything other than re-sell VZW, that is interesting.
musical_chairs said:
There used to be no difference between the settings for PP and VZW, but on October 31, 2016, Page Plus switched from Verizon's APN to Tracfone's APNs. This 'should' get updated automatically in our phones., but it doesn't because something is broken between our old RIL and any version of Android newer than KitKat. So it may be possible that data could 'just work' for a standard VZW activation yet be broken for me.
I never knew PP did anything other than re-sell VZW, that is interesting.
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I'm on the VZW half of Tracfone; hence it mattering exactly diddly. In fact, the reason it doesn't matter for me as that I use mostly wi-fi for data (as I don't exactly have a high-cap data plan with Tracfone) - instead, I use wi-fi for data. Do you have cable-TV? Check to see if your cable-TV provider has a connection to a network of hotspots. (Comcast XFINITY, Cox Communications, and Spectrum have the Hotspot Network - literally, a network of hotspots which customers of all three cable TV companies can access via login from their respective apps (available on Google Play). The Android APKs (also available for iOS devices) work on any Android device - I have Comcast's version of the app on both my phone AND my tablet - it was on my tablet first (since I've had it longer than my phone) - and my tablet is NOT a phablet. SMS and MMS can be used over wi-fi as well; you just can't use Google Hangouts (as it doesn't support wi-fi). However, Google Messenger does - which is why it's on my tablet. (Rather amusingly, VZW Message+ can be used over wi-fi as well - it's also available on Google Play - at a cost of nil.)
As far as things being broke in the transition, that's on PagePlus - not you, and not even Tracfone, either.
I came back to post yet another followup - Magisk 12 DOES work on Slim 7, as does both Masisk SU for root (and Magisk Hide, to handle SafetyNet breakage due to being rooted).:victory::victory::victory:
I have uploaded a 2nd build silently which contains ffmpeg support (previous build was missing a small part). @musical_chairs yeah, i already thought Verizon still has broken mobile data here too, maybe we'll find a solution later.
PGHammer said:
Even better, for the first time on N, SafetyNet works (nothing broke it).
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Very interesting, not only because safetynet works on @Android-Andi build but because it works also in my Slim7 home builds when it instead fails in UA7 builds. Both my builds are userdebug and uses the same UA staging kernel, so safetynet failure in UA7 seems not related to kernel or build type... any idea someone?
Sorry for OT, bye.
Thanks, the only thing I've noticed is some artifacts on the edges of the boot animation. Didn't notice them on first boot but maybe I wasn't paying close attention.
Oh, and night light doesn't work but I think that's an issue with unlegacy. Cf.lumen only works in nonroot mode as well.
Feels snappier than the Dirty Unicorn builds too.
Thanks for this Andi.
I too saw the artifacts on the boot animation, but this will serve nicely as a backup car music player.
I wouldn't be able to test mobile data until my Verizon G4 bootloops.
I'm trying Substratum. I can apply themes per-app with the FloatUI, but when I try from the main interface it fails and fc, so some important system elements cannot be themed.
EDIT: tried versions 703 and 706
Nonno Cicala said:
I'm trying Substratum. I can apply themes per-app with the FloatUI, but when I try from the main interface it fails and fc, so some important system elements cannot be themed.
EDIT: tried versions 703 and 706
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That's because slim roms haven't merged OMS commits AFAIK.. you will see "substratum legacy" on app, that means you can't theme system elements, or it will end in bootloop or force close failures.. theming any user apps will be fine..?
____Mdd said:
That's because slim roms haven't merged OMS commits AFAIK.. you will see "substratum legacy" on app, that means you can't theme system elements, or it will end in bootloop or force close failures.. theming any user apps will be fine..
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Substratum says this ROM uses OMS7.
And I think it does because with the FloatUI I can change the theme per-app on the fly, without rebooting as I had to do with stock MM in the past.
Slim is missing the ThemeInterfacer. I tried to add a pre-built ThemeInterfacer.apk (v.50), it was recognised but didn't work.
Nonno Cicala said:
Substratum says this ROM uses OMS7.
And I think it does because with the FloatUI I can change the theme per-app on the fly, without rebooting as I had to do with stock MM in the past.
Slim is missing the ThemeInterfacer. I tried to add a pre-built ThemeInterfacer.apk (v.50), it was recognised but didn't work.
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In my case,
All overlayers got installed without any errors and without themeinterfacer, but no changes took place, nowhere, not even in user apps, in substratum app it shows "up to date" but nothing change.. then tried floating button and most of apps got themed and some system elements too (without FC or any errors)...
PS. When nothing got themed then i added interfacer and then tried floater...
____Mdd said:
In my case,
All overlayers got installed without any errors and without themeinterfacer, but no changes took place, nowhere, not even in user apps, in substratum app it shows "up to date" but nothing change..
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Same here, but if you try to enable an overlay from the "Overlay list", under Utilities, Substratum will fc.
____Mdd said:
then tried floating button and most of apps got themed and some system elements too (without FC or any errors)...
PS. When nothing got themed then i added interfacer and then tried floater...
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After I tried to add ThemeInterfacer Substratum detected it but couldn't install any overlay any more, so I removed it.
It seems that we see the same things. My problem was that I like black themes, so with just some system elements themed I found myself with white text on white background somewhere, and black on black somewhere else. Since FloatUI just let you set overlays for current elements I didn't know how to let it select some important missing elements. But I found a workaround for the SystemUI and QuickSettings: disable SlimRecents and use the FloatUI in the stock Recents menu!
I've also been able to select Google Play Services from the Google Settings.
Now I'm satisfied with my theme.
Didn't even know nougat was possible for GNex. This is pretty sick. Question... Any way to do a Toro version? Cheers!!;
The Doctor04 said:
Question... Any way to do a Toro version? Cheers!!;
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Same as @phaleg answered you in the Unlegacy thread:
phaleg said:
It's unified project for all tunas (maguro, toro and so on)
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Just got this downloaded now and going to give it a spin. I am not using data, as I primarily let the kids use this device to play games, take pictures, etc. The fact that we can get the latest and great android working on a 5 year old device is just awesome. If I see any issues other that what is reported I'll post back. Big thanks!!
Had some trouble getting Google Play Services to work. Reflashed ROM and GApps, and it fired right up after that. So far everything is running as it should. I put an old Verizon sim in the phone to see if it would at least recognize Verizon, and it did. Device is very smooth and the animations are crisp/work as they should. I do notice a little bit of lag swiping up for unlocking the device, and then it takes a second to get into the device after I enter the pin. Other than that, this is pretty dope. Battery charged fairly quickly too. I'll have the rug rats put it through the paces when I get home tonight, but excellent, excellent work!
I'm going to take the jump to a custom rom on my s4 mini. Yet I've tried to enforce my privacy on a non-rooted samsung android 4.2.2 with NoRoot Firewall, SRT: AppGuard and F-Droid apps.
From my own search OmniROM would be the one I'd like to go for but it is not available to the s4 mini. Next one wold be Replicant that is neither available to the s4mini. CyanogenMod + freecyngn would help with the proprietary parts, something I'm also looking for (as some custom roms use e.g. Nova launcher) but doesn't get rid off googles own call back/tracking/identification services in use (I don't/won't use).
Thanks for your help in advance!
I am curious, what do you use for email? your own email server?
chemicalrage said:
I am curious, what do you use for email? your own email server?
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a German email provider via pop3, encrypted with PFS and DANE/DNSSEC, ip-stripping, anonymous payment, no sale/trade of data, their Linux-server encrypted with dm-crypt/LUKS, internal connections encryted with SSH and TLS, harddrives (mails on it) encrypted therefor too, etc.
No_Signal said:
a German email provider via pop3, encrypted with PFS and DANE/DNSSEC, ip-stripping, anonymous payment, no sale/trade of data, their Linux-server encrypted with dm-crypt/LUKS, internal connections encryted with SSH and TLS, harddrives (mails on it) encrypted therefor too, etc.
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woah...that's crazy. What OS do you run on your PC/Laptop? Did you check out ?
I don't want to go into this too much as it might become rather a positional discussion/debate on principles.
In no way I'm speaking for everyone here, don't mean to offend anyone and if it helps read it as my personal opinion:
Most likely Germans (Europeans) have another view on privacy due to their history and experience and are sensible to it.
[censoring myself and cutting it down to] a hypothesis what for Americans is their right of freedom of speech, is for Germans right of privacy which threatened.
Back to topic please
If I understand correctly, any ROM that doesn't have gapps built in (which is most/all bigger releases) will do what you want. Just don't install gapps manually
No_Signal said:
I'm going to take the jump to a custom rom on my s4 mini. Yet I've tried to enforce my privacy on a non-rooted samsung android 4.2.2 with NoRoot Firewall, SRT: AppGuard and F-Droid apps.
From my own search OmniROM would be the one I'd like to go for but it is not available to the s4 mini. Next one wold be Replicant that is neither available to the s4mini. CyanogenMod + freecyngn would help with the proprietary parts, something I'm also looking for (as some custom roms use e.g. Nova launcher) but doesn't get rid off googles own call back/tracking/identification services in use (I don't/won't use).
Thanks for your help in advance!
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Would be interested if you find something. So far I did not have luck, so running a patchwork of privacy extenions
- cyanogenmod
- freecyngn
- xprivacy
- afwall+
I am as far as possible away from any google apps, but even every other app is pretty much gathering data they won't need to function.
Funny side effect is extended battery life, since a lot of the syncing and data usage is cut out.
You might also look into compiling and doing some changes to cyanogenmod yourself, as getting strong ciphers otherwise is pretty hard.
sysKin said:
If I understand correctly, any ROM that doesn't have gapps built in (which is most/all bigger releases) will do what you want. Just don't install gapps manually
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Nope, that's not correct - even without gapps your android mobile will phone home to google. There are still parts of the system that are open source and communicate with Google (eg. AGPS and captive portal check). These are just some examples.
Though CyanogenMod always claimed to be open-source, there were only few versions that had an open userspace (Some drivers and firmware have always been proprietary, but it's not CMs fault).
The first CM version I ever installed on a device was CM7 and it contains koush's proprietary ROM Manager app. CyanogenMod 9 seemed to have no proprietary parts, but since CM10 they included Google Analytics Client library (libGoogleAnalyticsV2.jar) within cmstats in the settings app (so it's not even possible to disable it). In CyanogenMod 10.1 CMAccount was included. It relies heavily on Google's Cloud Messaging service and includes the proprietary Google Play Services Client library (google-play-services.jar).
There are some people here at xda (including myself) that installed CyanogenMod because it does not ship GAPPS and is a fully (except vendor files) open-source and free rom. Since i noticed it's not, i started building CM without these closed-source stuff, but it's a pity to do so. That's when the idea of freecyngn started.
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[TOOL/SCRIPT] freecyngn - Removing proprietary userspace parts from CM10+
Being completely anonymously in this world never was an option for me because it simply takes too much energy.
However, since I already have all applications I need there's really no sense left in using gapps right now, they annoy me.
I can't contribute much for the current problem of privacy but want to throw in some hope for the future (availible from 2015):
phz. said:
Being completely anonymously in this world never was an option for me because it simply takes too much energy.
However, since I already have all applications I need there's really no sense left in using gapps right now, they annoy me.
I can't contribute much for the current problem of privacy but want to throw in some hope for the future (availible from 2015):
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The Galileo Project might become one part of the puzzle.
Something I'm looking forward to is Liberate your Android device.
There is an XDA thread entitled What Is Lost by Moving to CM from FireOS. This thread is the opposite: What is Lost by Staying with FireOS instead of Switching to CM?
Now, obviously, there is a difference in UI, which involves a substantial amount of individual preference. Some people like FireOS, others like CM.
But what concrete things are unavailable that a typical Android user may want?
For example, as of this posting, it appears that Amazon Underground will not (ironically) work on the Amazon Fire Phone.
Which common apps will still not work reliably with FireOS?
Anything else?
That depends. Do you mean to side load Google Play services and the Play Store?
I think FireOS (with root, Google Framework etc) you would keep all Amazon stuff.. on CM, you would lose everything related to the Amazon framework stuff. I personally just stay on root for now.
DePingus said:
That depends. Do you mean to side load Google Play services and the Play Store?
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From everything I'm reading here on XDA, there does not seem to be a reliable way to get it work (and stay working)... or has someone found a way?
rockpaperlizard said:
From everything I'm reading here on XDA, there does not seem to be a reliable way to get it work (and stay working)... or has someone found a way?
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I've had Google services running OK since I installed several months ago. I'm sticking with rooted stock with a third party launcher. IMO this combination works fine and I've pretty much zero annoyances with it.
The threads for the roms are pretty clear on the bugs: lots of camera issues, no mute, no nfc, Play service crashes. Some people are also reporting call drops and wifi issues on certain channels. If you read through the thread you'll notice a few people end up switching back to stock FireOS.
My phone updated to 4.6.4 when I got it so Google Play Services won't work (unless I downgrade to 4.6.3, but I don't want to start flashing stuff just yet). Right now I'm using a combination of F-Droid and apkmirror to sideload apps like FireFox and alternate launchers. I've gone through the pre-installed apps and disabled some of the Fire OS crap like Quick Start, AT&T app, Facebook and Twitter connect, Telemetry junk, etc. Some apps like Silk Browser will not stay disabled (because it does an update and I haven't figured out how to stop it from auto-updating).
Right now I'm REALLY missing Google Inbox.
DePingus said:
Some apps [...] will not stay disabled because it does an update
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Disable the following apps:
• Amazon Device Client Platform
• DCP Platform Contracts
• System Update(s) - yes, there are 2 apps with that description, disable BOTH
This will stop all updates: app updates and OS related OTA updates.
ratbags said:
I've had Google services running OK since I installed several months ago. I'm sticking with rooted stock with a third party launcher. IMO this combination works fine and I've pretty much zero annoyances with it.
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DePingus said:
,,,,My phone updated to 4.6.4 when I got it so Google Play Services won't work (unless I downgrade to 4.6.3, but I don't want to start flashing stuff just yet). Right now I'm using a combination of F-Droid and apkmirror to sideload apps like FireFox and alternate launchers.
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This is the part that confuses me... some people say Google Play store is working fine on FireOS and others say it won't work. Can you explain why the different reports? Does it all come down to downgrading to FireOS 4.6.3 and sticking with that version? If so, isn't Stagefright an issue?
rockpaperlizard said:
Can you explain why the different reports? Does it all come down to downgrading to FireOS 4.6.3 and sticking with that version? If so, isn't Stagefright an issue?
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Bottom line: Google Play Store & services...
• well on the "GSM unlocked" OS versions - (461013820) and (463001620).
• ...doomed on the "AT&T" OS versions - (461013320) and (464000420)
• GER version of the OS was problematic as well, tested it myself in the beginning (just as another example)
Using the latest US "GSM unlocked" 4.6.3 (463001620) is the best option, all known Stagefright vulnerabilities are patched in this one*.
And yes, all OS versions can be installed on all devices, netlock is ofc. not affected, multi language support is available.
Using the AT&T verson is a lost cause, because you have to use a work around, e.g. blocking updates of the Play services or uninstalling Play services updates everytime they update.
It's a dead end, because (some) apps will demand a newer version of the Play services, so all the effort is not worth it.
*A little bit of history: Stagefright Patch Round 1: 4.6.3 (463001420) / Stagefright Patch Round 2: 4.6.3 (463001620)
rockpaperlizard said:
This is the part that confuses me... some people say Google Play store is working fine on FireOS and others say it won't work. Can you explain why the different reports? Does it all come down to downgrading to FireOS 4.6.3 and sticking with that version? If so, isn't Stagefright an issue?
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I blocked updates after 461 as I anticipated problems. Stage fright isn't much of an issue because I use a third party SMS app and block auto retrieval of MMS messages. Then again, I never send or receive MMS.
Bingo Bronson said:
Bottom line: Google Play Store & services...
• well on the "GSM unlocked" OS versions - (461013820) and (463001620).
• ...doomed on the "AT&T" OS versions - (461013320) and (464000420)
• GER version of the OS was problematic as well, tested it myself in the beginning (just as another example)
Using the latest US "GSM unlocked" 4.6.3 (463001620) is the best option, all known Stagefright vulnerabilities are patched in this one*.
And yes, all OS versions can be installed on all devices, netlock is ofc. not affected, multi language support is available.
Using the AT&T verson is a lost cause, because you have to use a work around, e.g. blocking updates of the Play services or uninstalling Play services updates everytime they update.
It's a dead end, because (some) apps will demand a newer version of the Play services, so all the effort is not worth it.
*A little bit of history: Stagefright Patch Round 1: 4.6.3 (463001420) / Stagefright Patch Round 2: 4.6.3 (463001620)
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WOW! That is great info! THANK YOU! :good: That should be part of a FAQ (or a FAQ on its own).
If you buy an AT&T Fire Phone, and it includes the unlock code, will you still have the problems since it still is the AT&T ROM?
When buying a phone, besides asking the seller to turn it on and tell you the version of the ROM (which they may not do if it is new in the box), how do you know if it is a GSM unlocked version or the AT&T version?
Does the GSM unlocked version of FireOS only auto-update to new GSM unlocked versions, or has Amazon merged everything into one FireOS version at this point?
rockpaperlizard said:
If you buy an AT&T Fire Phone, and it includes the unlock code, will you still have the problems since it still is the AT&T ROM?
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Yes, the unlock only changes some information stored in a chip, eeprom maybe, who knows...
Problems are caused by the ROM, so the best thing to do is:
Receive new phone, boot it up, don't register anything and don't connect to WiFi, check the installed version, if AT&T:
Power off the device, sideload the 4.6.3 image via ADB recovery (there's a link in my sig. "Fire Phone stock recovery: factory images")
When buying a phone, besides asking the seller to turn it on and tell you the version of the ROM (which they may not do if it is new in the box), how do you know if it is a GSM unlocked version or the AT&T version?
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Fortunately, the seller doesn't need to boot it up, on the box is a sticker with basic info like: storage size, OS version, IMEI, UPC... so as long as the seller is honest, it should be clear which version is actually on the device.
Does the GSM unlocked version of FireOS only auto-update to new GSM unlocked versions, or has Amazon merged everything into one FireOS version at this point?
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Each version is independent and it will stay that way, wouldn't make much sense for them to change it and I guess there are some agreements they made with AT&T which have to be met...
Bingo Bronson said:
Fortunately, the seller doesn't need to boot it up, on the box is a sticker with basic info like: storage size, OS version, IMEI, UPC... so as long as the seller is honest, it should be clear which version is actually on the device.
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Thanks for all the super helpful info! :good:
Do the outside of the boxes indicate sufficient version info to tell if it is AT&T or not?
rockpaperlizard said:
Do the outside of the boxes indicate sufficient version info to tell if it is AT&T or not?
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Well, it does read the short version number, like "OS V 3.6.0" but the seller knows ofc. that he bought (e.g.) a pallet full of AT&T devices because it has to be declared on the paperwork.
edit: A 2nd sticker on the other side of the box states: "the device can only be used with a SIM card from T-Mobile" (dark grey font on black background, neat ^^)
I guess they will have a sticker like this in the U.S. for the AT&T variants as well, so that's another good indicator to know "what's in the f***ing box !?!"
The two biggest sellers (regarding Fire Phone) on Ebay (US site of ebay, fer sure) sell the remaining "AT&T UNLOCKED (+ PRIME)".
Bingo Bronson said:
• well on the "GSM unlocked" OS versions - (461013820) and (463001620).
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Forgive me if I missed in this thread... Which versions of the Play Service and Play Store are you referring to?
FWIW, I am running 4.6.4 with Player Services 7.8.99 and Play Store removed. I get "XXX relies on on Google Play services which is not supported on your device" complaints from some apps, but most things continue to work anyway. That is most non-Google apss - Hangouts and YouTube are problematic.
jwernerny said:
Which versions of the Play Services and Play Store are you referring to?
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No version in particular. (All versions I were referring to are Fire OS version numbers)
On the GSM unlocked version, I never had trouble with any version of Play Store & Services, so I just used the latest at that time (updates were also without issues).
I am running 4.6.4 with Play Services 7.8.99 and Play Store removed [...] complaints from some apps, but most things continue to work anyway [...] Hangouts and YouTube are problematic.
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Well, as long as it's working for you and all your favorite apps keep working properly, you don't need to switch. Livin' on the edge!
Speaking of YouTube, if you like to download videos / audio from there:
SnapTube (Received more updates lately, still beta, supports multiple media sites, can download audio only on YT as well)
NewPipe (Very lightweight, watch or download videos, just released this week, still new & buggy = be gentle ^^)
So If you have an ATT phone there is no way to get the software off the unlocked version on it?
I have the ATT and if I need to I will buy an "factory unlocked for learning rooting and installing mods as It has been a couple of three years since I have done this.
I hope the fire phone mod project succeeds and I think it will be great when the bugs get worked out. I enjoy following this but I bought the unlocked ATT because I needed a new smart phone and for $115 with a year of prime...
Ask me about my warranty service from Amazon!!!!!!!! Horror story but thats another forum!!
RandB fan said:
So If you have an ATT phone there is no way to get the software off the unlocked version on it?
[...] but I bought the unlocked ATT because I needed a new smart phone and for $115 with a year of prime...
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Don't worry, there is no "AT&T phone" only an AT&T OS variant.
All Fire Phones are the same, regarding hardware, netlock is no biggie since you already received an unlock code.
You can install the 4.6.3 version on your device, since it is the preferred version when it comes to Google Play Store & services.
Maybe you could explain that process for all of us ATTers? links?
So I don't screw things up...
Hey guys... could you clarify things up a bit so I do things correctly. My case is this:
I've ordered a brand new in box Fire Phone off Ebay that should be arriving in a couple of days, and I know for sure (as it's clearly stated by the seller) that this is the AT&T version. According to the seller they don't open the box, they just provide you the unlock code and you do the whole unlock and activation yourself.
The main reason I ordered this phone is to give it to my kid as his first smartphone but at the same time enjoy the year of Amazon Prime service, since I've been a Prime subscriber for a good 3 years now and I'm up for renewal in November. So essentially my goal is to renew my Prime subscription and give my son a decent Android phone for $35 at the same time.
Based on what I've read I'd be planning initially to keep FireOS to make it stable for him. He also has a Nexus 7 Tablet where he does most of his gaming and school stuff, so I think we can live with FireOS to keep it stable as a phone but still I'd like to install Google Playstore to have access to Google's apps, so I'd guess I'll have to replace the AT&T Rom the Unlocked-GSM FireOS ROM as described by Bingo.
What should be the recommended path for my case?... I don't want to compromise the initial activation so I get the Prime-year with no issues, after that I could play with all the Roms, roots and sideloads that are necessary (and have fun in the process). My concern is that I'd suppose that once I go through the initial activation process for the phone with my Amazon account most probably it will try to update to the latest OS version right?... since these is just a Rom I'd suppose that there should not be issues to let it update and then do the whole safetrap/rooting and sideload the GSM Unlocked Rom?... or should I take a different approach.?
Thanks, George
I have been trying some of the other roms here for the Nexus 5x. resurrection, pixel rom, pure nexus. I have figured out that there are only four things I REALLY need in a ROM. all the rest is fluff. Im sure everyone has their own list.
1. Ability to run rooted firewall so my device isnt open to the world and whatever app devs think they want to know about me.
2. Dark theme for longer battery life and easy eye strain.
3. Some version of Privacy Guard so that some random calculator app isnt sending my list of contacts to some app developer in China.
4. A blocklist that is integrated into the dialer and messenger like CM so i can just touch a number or text and say block.
SO I am using the last CM13 nightly before they went to 14.1. I tried the last CM14.1 and trying to get dark mode to work even with Substratum and several different skins gave me really random results, like it looked good but couldnt see keyboard input in Messaging, or one of the roms didnt even have a messaging app so I tried an old AOSP one floating around on Play and it was terrible (and no block option). I would love to update my phone to Nougat but really feel like I'm stuck back here for a bit. If any of you know some Nougat roms i could try for my 5X that address the features above, please let me know.
I reccomend you AICP. It's preety similar to CyanogenMod but with more customizations.
How is OmniROM these days?
Akopps said:
How is OmniROM these days?
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they are working on it but its based on AOSP and as such there doesnt seem to be privacy guard. plus the default dialer doesnt work so you have to uninstall it and use the Google dialer which i really dont want to do for privacy reasons.
thanks for the AICP recommend. it looks like Nexus 5x development has stalled but ill keep an eye on that rom. their download site doesnt come up for me so ill keep checking. it looks like ill have to wait for a Lineage release or a CM derivative Nougat rom.
thanks for your suggestions.
dcarrco said:
2. Dark theme for longer battery life and easy eye strain.
3. Some version of Privacy Guard so that some random calculator app isnt sending my list of contacts to some app developer in China.
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2. Nexus 5X has IPS LCD, so there shouldn't be any impact on battery life. Only OLED displays can absolutely shut down the pixels, which in fact reduces energy consumption.
3. Isn't that native in Marshmallow and up? I mean app permissions.
I use Resurrection Remix, has all the CM features plus some others really useful
About the privacy guard thing, since MM it is built in native on the system right?
dcarrco said:
they are working on it but its based on AOSP and as such there doesnt seem to be privacy guard. plus the default dialer doesnt work so you have to uninstall it and use the Google dialer which i really dont want to do for privacy reasons.
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Sorry for the "OT" but what are the concerns about using google dialer? I use to install it always and remove aosp dialer because it is updated in google play with good features
Pure Nexus is the way to go with this device.
Didn't try CM14 or AICP /Resurrection, which base on it, but the old PrivacyGuard was definitely more comfortable&useful than Nougat-AppSettings. But be honest: all those switches gave you a feeling to manage anything and made no smarmy app safe.
DarkTheme doesn't give longer battery-life, as said before.
AOSP-dialer allows to define blocked numbers.
I recommend AOSP: PureNexus or Slim, without GApps and with clean 3rd party apps.
rp158 said:
...clean 3rd party apps.
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e.g. Amazon App Store?
@neth15, I use this one
@Javi22 i have tried resurrection remix and had some trouble with the dark theme, but maybe i have been deluded about saving battery with dark themes anyway. but i have gotten used to having a more subtle phone screen so that bright stuff hurts my eyes.
@neth15 regardless of the technology, more light = more power doesnt it? isnt that just math? ill do some searches on the different type of display tech. maybe i am thinking old math.
@rp158 the permissions that are cooked into nougat dont seem as comprehensive, plus those are the ones that google stuck in there. i think they call it the fox guarding the henhouse. i appreciated privacy guard because it was added by CM (maybe a derivative of earlier google stuff) and seemed to pop up more often then the inbuilt permissions. the reason i even want a non-stock rom is so i dont have every google app telling google what sms i get, what numbers i dial, and where i go. i know it may be a futile gesture at this point, but i still feel a little stubborn about it.
and the blocklist thing is ridiculous. i tried AICP and i could manually enter a number to block but couldnt figure out how to block from the call log or add the BLOCKED contact i have stuck some 75 numbers under. it could be user error, but the old CM integrated blocklist was sweet. i have had a serious stalker for six weeks now and i have to block three or four numbers a day.
i wanted to try the latest PureNexus last night but even after following directions to the letter multiple times (wipe,flash,reboot) i couldnt get past the "android is starting" screen so i guess i have something to try today.
dcarrco said:
@neth15 regardless of the technology, more light = more power doesnt it? isnt that just math? ill do some searches on the different type of display tech. maybe i am thinking old math.
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AFAIK no. Displays combine red, green and blue subpixels to create other colors. So if the screen is supposed to be black, subpixels still shine, but at different rates and ratios. Maybe not that hard, but I guess the difference is minimal to none. Correct me if I'm wrong.
BTW I'm using PureNexus + Substratum + ModernUI, pretty sick
Right now I reinstalled to the latest version with no problems. Just flash newest factory image, newest TWRP, PureNexus, GApps and SuperSU in this order. Works just fine.
EDIT: And yes, I'm using OpenGapps.
I'm using DirtyUnicorns 7.1.1, great rom
@neth15 i just got purenexus to install by using the dynamic gapps instead of opengapps. which opengapps did you use? i tried to use and that didnt seem to work. what are you using for a themeable SMS app? i tried to use AOSP messaging and it doesnt theme, and the xda themeable one from the Substraum Domination thread crashes repeatedly. anyway ill keep working on it.
@dcarrco I use nano, on their site they say it contains basics to make GP work + some things, that are not available in GP (face recognition in Smart Lock I guess, but I'm not sure, thinking just by looking at install log).
I use SMS in Facebook Messenger, so sorry, idk What about Google's Messenger?
ZLevente said:
I'm using DirtyUnicorns 7.1.1, great rom
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yeah? i used dirty unicorns for a while back when i had a galaxy s3... a long time ago
ill check it out. getting stuck on themed messenger and good blacklist now...
i just tried CM14.1 and the blacklist there is almost useless. i guess ill have to wait until the features i liked are returned to a later version and stick with CM/lineage
or spend some time finding a good quality Call/SMS blocklist/blacklist manager that works well and integrates to my ROM well. i dont really understand why there isnt more energy going into these features. yeah sure, circle menus and cool animations are interesting, but having to deny 10 calls a day from marketers seems like a much larger waste of time. i hear daily from co-workers how may marketing calls the get, what a drag it is, how much time and energy slowly accrues dealing with that. iphone people cant even figure out a way to silence that stuff. at least in android we had something. now with nougat the pay apps like extreme call blocker dont integrate to SMS and the best fatures (like hanging up on the person instead of sending them to VM) dont even work. arggh. well. frustrating.
ok. i looked at Google Dialer and Google Messenger. they both allow the kind of thing i want, to select a message or call and add that number to BlockList. the only piece still missing, for some reason, is the ability to block UNKNOWN and PRIVATE callers. CM used to do that. any idea if its coming back?
CM aint dead, it is rebranded
[ROM][Official] CyanogenMod/LineageOS 14.1 for Nexus 5X (bullhead)
@Android-Desire I have been reading all that but so far not much happening. I'm keeping my eye on it and have posted over there that I'd like them to keep the blacklist stuff. we shall all see.
I just ordered a OP 7T (T-Mobile version), and while I'm not new to OnePlus (my wife has a 6T), it's *my* first OP device. I come from using Samsung devices for a few years (S6 Plus, 7, now a 9). I've read much about the 7T, read and viewed many reviews, but I'd like to know what tips from daily users I should have in mind.
Welcome to the smoothness. Make sure you enable 90hz from settings as soon as you get the phone in hand if it's not turned on. It doesn't affect the battery that much. So no need to worry about that.
And if you are familiar with bootloader unlocking and rooting and wanna try that i should say wait for the TWRP recovery to come. Then this 7t section would be flooded with popular custom roms; hopefully.
Here are some more things you can experience and enjoy. Visit here,
ShiShTuBaBu said:
Welcome to the smoothness. Make sure you enable 90hz from settings as soon as you get the phone in hand if it's not turned on. It doesn't affect the battery that much. So no need to worry about that.
And if you are familiar with bootloader unlocking and rooting and wanna try that i should say wait for the TWRP recovery to come. Then this 7t section would be flooded with popular custom roms; hopefully.
Here are some more things you can experience and enjoy. Visit here,
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Thanks, I received the phone today, finishing setup as I post this.
Guatiao said:
Thanks, I received the phone today, finishing setup as I post this.
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Please do share us your experience with the device. Hope you find the device up to your satisfaction.
ShiShTuBaBu said:
Please do share us your experience with the device. Hope you find the device up to your satisfaction.
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So far so good! Still setting up and adjusting everything to my liking. The speedy response from this phone is awesome.
This phone is awful. I hope you have better luck than I did.
Krazy_Calvin said:
This phone is awful. I hope you have better luck than I did.
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I sure hope so. My wife's 6T has been a great phone so far, and I expect the 7T to serve well.
May I ask which issues did you encounter? And were you able to solve them?
I came from a Galaxy S9 to the 7t in November. I need dual SIM capability so I do not have to carry two devices. I use a TMO SIM and an AT&T SIM and need band 71 support. Generally, Android devices sold in the US do not support dual SIMs, and dual SIM devices which can be purchased internationally do not support many US bands.
The device was easy to set up, works very well, and I have not had any of the issues others have reported. VOLTE & Wi-Fi calling work well on TMO but not AT&T, but that's an AT&T issue and not the problem of One Plus. I currently run the Open Beta 2 build. I bought the North American version from One Plus directly which supports all current US TMO & ATT bands. Both providers work well in this phone and I am very happy with the device overall.
I wear a Galaxy watch, and integration works just as well as it did with my Galaxy phone.
rjglenn said:
I came from a Galaxy S9 to the 7t in November. I need dual SIM capability so I do not have to carry two devices. I use a TMO SIM and an AT&T SIM and need band 71 support. Generally, Android devices sold in the US do not support dual SIMs, and dual SIM devices which can be purchased internationally do not support many US bands.
The device was easy to set up, works very well, and I have not had any of the issues others have reported. VOLTE & Wi-Fi calling work well on TMO but not AT&T, but that's an AT&T issue and not the problem of One Plus. I currently run the Open Beta 2 build. I bought the North American version from One Plus directly which supports all current US TMO & ATT bands. Both providers work well in this phone and I am very happy with the device overall.
I wear a Galaxy watch, and integration works just as well as it did with my Galaxy phone.
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Thanks for your feedback! I also found the 7T easy to set up, as I did with my wife's 6T. I manually configured Nova Launcher to avoid cross-brand backup/restore issues, and so far no issues there also. I did notice some widgets are no longer available, but I found alternatives. All apps are working as intended.
You mentioned you are running the Open Beta Build 2. Does OnePlus allow to easily fall back to the current release build if needed or wanted? I use the T-Mobile version of the 7T if it matters. Also, how is the Beta working? I have never used beta OS versions on my previous devices (never could register in a timely way with the S9), and am curious how OP hangles this.
Guatiao said:
Does OnePlus allow to easily fall back to the current release build if needed or wanted? I use the T-Mobile version of the 7T if it matters. Also, how is the Beta working? I have never used beta OS versions on my previous devices (never could register in a timely way with the S9), and am curious how OP hangles this.
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The Open Beta 2 works well for me. I like it. Good thing, because if I were to go back to stable I would need to wipe my phone, which is not something that is very easy to do. The 7t is a good phone. I'm not sure what the one poster's issue is, but it's likely a one off or an operator's issue.
Open Beta 3 is more stable than Stable 10.0.9, based on my experience and usage.
I did a few things when I got my 7T:
1. Unlock Bootloader, install Magisk to get root.
2. Install Nacho Notch, which makes the status bar all black, all the time and it's really nice to see the icons up there but nothing else.
3. Install my 3rd party gesture app, Vivid N.G. This allows me to use bottom gestures with massive customization. And no stupid "swipe from side" back gesture. Who thought that would be a good idea?
4. Replace launcher with Nova.
5. Install Swift Backup and restore all my apps from old phone.
6. Install and configure AdAway to block ads on a system-level.
7. Install Substratum and theme Oxygen with Liv Dark theme.
8. Replace OnePlus dialer with Google dialer (using Magisk module).
9. Install GCam and Magisk module for enabling auxiliary cameras. This provides much better photos over the stock OnePlus camera app!
I'm planning to switch to OmniROM soon since I just can't stand OxygenOS. Not that it's a bad OS by any means, just that I prefer AOSP.
Krazy_Calvin said:
This phone is awful. I hope you have better luck than I did.
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xocomaox said:
I did a few things when I got my 7T:
1. Unlock Bootloader, install Magisk to get root.
2. Install Nacho Notch, which makes the status bar all black, all the time and it's really nice to see the icons up there but nothing else.
3. Install my 3rd party gesture app, Vivid N.G. This allows me to use bottom gestures with massive customization. And no stupid "swipe from side" back gesture. Who thought that would be a good idea?
4. Replace launcher with Nova.
5. Install Swift Backup and restore all my apps from old phone.
6. Install and configure AdAway to block ads on a system-level.
7. Install Substratum and theme Oxygen with Liv Dark theme.
8. Replace OnePlus dialer with Google dialer (using Magisk module).
9. Install GCam and Magisk module for enabling auxiliary cameras. This provides much better photos over the stock OnePlus camera app!
I'm planning to switch to OmniROM soon since I just can't stand OxygenOS. Not that it's a bad OS by any means, just that I prefer AOSP.
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You just brought me back in time to when I had my Galaxy S4, that's when I heavily got into rooting, modding, tinkering with kernels, alternative OS builds, etc.
Of all your mods/steps, at least I installed Nova Launcher, been using it for many years now.
Guatiao said:
You just brought me vack in time to when I had my Galaxy S4, that's when I heavily got into rooting, modding, tinkering with kernels, alternative OS builds, etc.
Of all your mods/steps, at least I installed Nova Launcher, been using it for many years now.
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Haha, yeah. I just have a lot of little preferences that are easily obtainable with the above steps. just personal preference, I guess!
xocomaox said:
I did a few things when I got my 7T:
1. Unlock Bootloader, install Magisk to get root.
2. Install Nacho Notch, which makes the status bar all black, all the time and it's really nice to see the icons up there but nothing else.
3. Install my 3rd party gesture app, Vivid N.G. This allows me to use bottom gestures with massive customization. And no stupid "swipe from side" back gesture. Who thought that would be a good idea?
4. Replace launcher with Nova.
5. Install Swift Backup and restore all my apps from old phone.
6. Install and configure AdAway to block ads on a system-level.
7. Install Substratum and theme Oxygen with Liv Dark theme.
8. Replace OnePlus dialer with Google dialer (using Magisk module).
9. Install GCam and Magisk module for enabling auxiliary cameras. This provides much better photos over the stock OnePlus camera app!
I'm planning to switch to OmniROM soon since I just can't stand OxygenOS. Not that it's a bad OS by any means, just that I prefer AOSP.
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What Magisk module are you using for Google dialer?
creeve4 said:
What Magisk module are you using for Google dialer?
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After installation, install the Dialer app from Play Store.
xocomaox said:
After installation, install the Dialer app from Play Store.
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Is there anyway to get visual voicemail working?
creeve4 said:
Is there anyway to get visual voicemail working?
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I gave not gotten this working on T-Mobile yet. With any dialer, including stock.
I'm not even sure if Visual Voicemail works with the T-Mobile variant either. I think they just want you to use their ****ty app for VVM.
GrapheneOSThe private and secure mobile operating system with Android app compatibility. Developed as a non-profit open source project.
website :
WebUSB-based Installation :
CMD Line Installation :
Releases :
This is listed as "Experimental"...
Not to sound like a broken record but with no play services do Google Photos and app updates work with that "sandboxed Play services compatibility layer" mentioned on they site?
Android-Desire said:
Not to sound like a broken record but with no play services do Google Photos and app updates work with that "sandboxed Play services compatibility layer" mentioned on they site?
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yes. works very well (as long as you install all 3 parts of sandboxed play services). I would maybe wait a few days before installing it on the Pixel 6. but using A12 on my 3xl and everything works, photos, gboard, official gcam (all running with network access disabled).
Also, GrapheneOS for Pixel 6 still says Experimental on their download page (it might just need to be updated). But if you're okay with maybe experiencing some bugs, it should work fine (but as stated above, most should wait a few days, they're very good on updating - especially the first few weeks after release)
Good to hear about... will be watching! cheers
I basically bought my P6P for this, so I'm extremely happy development is moving forward! Really hoping that, when a stable version is out, it will be possible to use the phone "normally" with it. Keep it up, Graphene team!
I'm with @Alex-Absolute I purchased my P6 just for GrapheneOS support, coming from a string of OnePlus devices. Though I am going to wait until it's listed as stable to switch, I'm excited they have a working build going!
I've got the release page in Windows' Aignes Website-Watcher, set to look for changes after "Pixel 6 Pro" and before "Version", so I should know when it changes to Stable.
roirraW edor ehT said:
I've got the release page in Windows' Aignes Website-Watcher, set to look for changes after "Pixel 6 Pro" and before "Version", so I should know when it changes to Stable.
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Amazing, thanks for the tip!
Alekos said:
yes. works very well (as long as you install all 3 parts of sandboxed play services). I would maybe wait a few days before installing it on the Pixel 6. but using A12 on my 3xl and everything works, photos, gboard, official gcam (all running with network access disabled).
Also, GrapheneOS for Pixel 6 still says Experimental on their download page (it might just need to be updated). But if you're okay with maybe experiencing some bugs, it should work fine (but as stated above, most should wait a few days, they're very good on updating - especially the first few weeks after release)
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I used GrapheneOS on my 4a during most of the Experimental days, and i did not experience 1 hicup. I would compare their Experimental Builds to Android 12 Beta. So it's nothing to be afraid of. It's definitely ready for daily use in my own opinion....
Are there any screenshots of this OS? I always like trying new things but I'm thinking there isn't much to look at that would be different from a standard Android OS
Alex-Absolute said:
Amazing, thanks for the tip!
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You're welcome, I'm using the free version - it's been around for a very long time on Windows, and I'm using the Android app which appears to more or less sync with the Windows version through Dropbox, if you have or create an account with Dropbox. It doesn't work perfectly for me, but I at least get notifications on my phone about the same changes in websites that the Windows program lets me know about - so I at least know that I should get on the computer and look to see what's new.
Sorry to anyone for the OT - I have lots of Android-related sites set to give me notifications of changes through this program.
The non-free version is a little pricey for my needs.
RetroTech07 said:
Are there any screenshots of this OS? I always like trying new things but I'm thinking there isn't much to look at that would be different from a standard Android OS
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I will post some screens later this evening...
I've wanted to switch to this for a long time (It's actually a huge reason I switched back to the Pixel series) but I'm not sure if I can commit to losing Android Auto
AndroidAddict420 said:
I used GrapheneOS on my 4a during most of the Experimental days, and i did not experience 1 hicup. I would compare their Experimental Builds to Android 12 Beta. So it's nothing to be afraid of. It's definitely ready for daily use in my own opinion....
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I agree. I've been using it off and on for 18 months on different pixels. but just good to be cautious, as always...
GrapheneOS just tweeted a few hours ago, the next release will be Stable for the 6 series (most likely this week)
Alekos said:
Also, GrapheneOS for Pixel 6 still says Experimental on their download page
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What I read about that is that its not experimental in the "unstable" sense, its that they haven't fully implemented the security enhancements.
Flippy125 said:
I've wanted to switch to this for a long time (It's actually a huge reason I switched back to the Pixel series) but I'm not sure if I can commit to losing Android Auto
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Given the sandboxed mode for play services, do you really have to lose auto?
The.Jericho.Initiative said:
Given the sandboxed mode for play services, do you really have to lose auto?
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Good question. Last time I looked into it, AA was a no-go. Guess there's only one way to find out. I'll report back later if it works or not
UPDATE: Still a no-go. I just receive an error that the AA protocol isn't supported. Guess I'll go back to compromising my privacy for the sake of convenience while driving.
Other than that+call screeening, this build is solid for an "experimental" build (Tbh they could have put the stable flag on this, but I assume they are waiting for bug reports before doing so). If anyone is looking for a good de-Googling solution, this is it.
Flippy125 said:
Good question. Last time I looked into it, AA was a no-go. Guess there's only one way to find out. I'll report back later if it works or not
UPDATE: Still a no-go. I just receive an error that the AA protocol isn't supported. Guess I'll go back to compromising my privacy for the sake of convenience while driving.
Other than that+call screeening, this build is solid for an "experimental" build (Tbh they could have put the stable flag on this, but I assume they are waiting for bug reports before doing so). If anyone is looking for a good de-Googling solution, this is it.
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Despite the hassle and increased expense, perhaps one of those Carplay AI boxes like Apple Pi might be the necessary workaround?
I'm very interested in this OS, but I too rely on carplay/auto as a general rule while driving. If I have to outsource my maps and music to an external box in order to have more comprehensive device security, that might just be the way it has to be.
Flippy125 said:
UPDATE: Still a no-go. I just receive an error that the AA protocol isn't supported. Guess I'll go back to compromising my privacy for the sake of convenience while driving.
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Thank you for reporting. As curious as I am about this OS, this rules this out for me too. Been using AA for almost four years now and I'm hooked.
I want privacy, but I cannot live without syncing all my stuff together. Is this OS for me?