"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
This is CandySiX. Built straight from source with commits from a variety of different Sources/ROMS. We wanted to give the users a fun, fully customizable ROM. We aim to add more features as this project progresses.
Check us out on the web @The-Candy-Shop
@Yoshi_Guy @rc420head @Cuzz1369
@Flashalot @Venomtester @javelinanddart @calebcabob @NoSpamDan @gimmeitorilltell
Founding members
@matthew0776 @Mar5hal
Disclaimer: We here at The CandyShop are not responsible for any bricks you may obtain. Please follow the thread rules and steps and everything will be gravy. Remember, backing up before flashing is always recommended.
Battery bar
LCD denisty options
Status bar customization
Quick setting customization
Quick setting pull down options
Force expand notifications
Time context headers in panel
DarkUI switch
Advanced power menu
-Power munu
-List view
Navbar customization:
-Navbar button color
-Navbar DPI
-DT2S on Navbar
Slim recents
App circle sidebar
Lockscreen customizations
More to come, we are never done...
Coming from another rom
1) Download CandySiX.zip
2) Download 6.0 Gapps (optional)
3) Boot into recovery (either twrp or cwm)
4) Full wipe (Dalvik Cache, Cache, System, Factory Data Reset)
5) Flash CandySiX.zip
6) Flash Gapps
7) Reboot
Updating from previous CandySiX release
1) Download CandySiX.zip
2) Boot into recovery
3) Flash CandySiX.zip
Bank's GAPPS
Special thanks to CyanogenMod, SlimRoms, Omni and all the rest who make their source open, we can't do this on our own.
XDA:DevDB Information
CandySiX, ROM for the Moto X Play
ROM OS Version: 6.0.x Marshmallow
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.10.x
Version Information
Status: Stable
Created 2016-08-28
Last Updated 2018-04-29
Huge thanks @rap_turkez and @GtrCraft! :victory:
Banks GApps
You can download Banks GApps from this link: download or from this Telegram channel: link.
Very good news for all the moto x play users.A new rom has come for us to enjoy.
I want to know one thing though.Currently I am using the stock based rom by Iniro,which supports VoLTE.In India we are now using using VoLTE through Reliance JIO network.It's pretty cool.Does this rom support VoLTE or is there any chance of it supporting in the future?
situ1962 said:
Very good news for all the moto x play users.A new rom has come for us to enjoy.
I want to know one thing though.Currently I am using the stock based rom by Iniro,which supports VoLTE.In India we are now using using VoLTE through Reliance JIO network.It's pretty cool.Does this rom support VoLTE or is there any chance of it supporting in the future?
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Click to collapse
Any available custom rom support VoLTE. You have to wait for CM to include it.
dado_13 said:
Any available custom rom support VoLTE. You have to wait for CM to include it.
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Click to collapse
So CM team has not bothered so far to include it in their otherwise great roms?This is really very unfortunate.
large ROM. We expect more updates? thanks excellent job !!
Enviado desde mi XT1563 mediante Tapatalk
joshua764 said:
large ROM. We expect more updates? thanks excellent job !!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, I'll keep it updated.
I noticed two things:
When you try to turn on OEM unlocking in dev options, clicking OK turns it back off, but clicking cancel turnes it on.
After going into landscape fullscreen mode, swiping right to left or up to down to see the status bar and navigation bar doesn't show the nav bar.
An radio FM ={
An FM radio would be nice
axxx007xxxz said:
Yes, I'll keep it updated.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
as multiple window works?
Enviado desde mi XT1563 mediante Tapatalk
maurilipiCOL said:
An FM radio would be nice
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You're right, I'll upload a new build tonight.
joshua764 said:
as multiple window works?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, it does (screenshot).
axxx007xxxz said:
You're right, I'll upload a new build tonight.
Yes, it does (screenshot).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
how do you do it?? Multi windows?
Enviado desde mi XT1563 mediante Tapatalk
situ1962 said:
So CM team has not bothered so far to include it in their otherwise great roms?This is really very unfortunate.
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Click to collapse
There are many details still not finished in cm13. VolTE and dual sim management for example. If you want a stable and 100% functional rom, I'd suggest you stay on stock
joshua764 said:
how do you do it?? Multi windows?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You can enable multi windows in Settings >> Candy interface >> Recent settings >> Multi-window.
axxx007xxxz said:
You can enable multi windows in Settings >> Candy interface >> Recent settings >> Multi-window.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you. already running. you will work on android 7.0? I love your work ?? expand screen there are problems please give a revised.
[emoji5] [emoji5]
Enviado desde mi XT1563 mediante Tapatalk
joshua764 said:
you will work on android 7.0?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, when ROM sources, device trees, kernel sources and vendor will be ready I'll build Nougat (don't ask for ETA).
joshua764 said:
I love your work ??
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I don't know.
joshua764 said:
expand screen there are problems please give a revised.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Are you talking about expanded desktop? It works perfectly for me.
New update
Up to date with latest sources
Added FM Radio
Added Sound Recorder.
Link: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=24694152805484201.
axxx007xxxz said:
Up to date with latest sources
Added FM Radio
Added Sound Recorder
Link: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=24694152805484201.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you. you are still in the day.
Enviado desde mi XT1563 mediante Tapatalk
joshua764 said:
Thank you.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You're welcome.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
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"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
This is Candy5. Built straight from CyanogenMod source with commits from a variety of different Sources/ROMS. We wanted to give the users a fun, fully customizable ROM.We aim to add more features as this project progresses.
Check us out on the web @The-Candy-Shop
@matthew0776 @mar5hal @gimmeitorilltell @BMP7777 @CyberScopes @Cuzz1369 @rc420head @Flashalot @tr1gg3r84 @Venomtester @Darknites @Rapier @NexusPenguin @Alx31TLse @timmytim @Bx16 @Saatvik Shukla @abbychauhan @javelinanddart @calebcabob @NoSpamDan @Men_in_black007
Disclaimer: We here at The CandyShop are not responsible for any bricks you may obtain. Please follow the thread rules and steps and everything will be gravy. Remember, backing up before flashing is always recommended.
Candy Interface
Custom navigation bar
Battery Percent
Recents Panel Options
Clock and Date Options
Wake Options
Rotation 360 degrees
Custom Notification Lights
Lockscreen Notifications Per App
IME options from 4.4+
Disable Ime selector
Battery Saver mode coloring
Custom system animations
Full Sweetner Pack compatible
Battery bar
Theme Engine
Omni Switch
Wakelock Blocker
Custom DPI
Lockscreen Shortcuts
Visual improvements
ALL of Cm's Latest Feature Additions
Download Candy5.zip
Download 5.1 Gapps (optional)
Place Candy5.zip on phones memory or SD card
Boot into recovery (either twrp or cwm)
Full wipe (Dalvik Cache, Cache, System, Factory Data Reset)
Flash Candy5.zip
Flash Gapps
Reboot and Enjoi
* Gapps
Or use 5.1 Gapps of choice
Please give first boot a good few minutes.
The base has been tested and passed most users needs for a Daily Driver.
Special thanks to CyanogenMod, SlimRoms,for making their source open.
Kernel Source
Thanks to Euphoria OS for kernel source.
Disclaimer: I am not the developer. All credits for making this ROM go to @Cuzz1369 and the Candy Team. I am just posting with permission.
I am running the LP bootstack and this ROM has been tested and is working fully on it. LP bootstack can be found here I am running the BUMP one.
You can also use the hybrid bootstack found here which requires the Blastgator BUMP TWRP and that causes issues with OTA.
To get the Candy OTA app to work do this: Open the app, go to settings and uncheck>check where it says Enable OpenRecoveryScript then reboot your phone. Afterwards the OTA app will download and flash the OTA build for you.
I'll take this one, Nice Job @biron_w
First! Oh wait..... Second!
CAF version is?
p70shooter said:
First! Oh wait..... Second!
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You were third, actually
Sweet. Glad to see another AOSP choice for the G2.
biron_w said:
You were third, actually
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
slipknot31 said:
CAF version is?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What do you mean exactly?
biron_w said:
What do you mean exactly?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
forgiveness, if necessary this
slipknot31 said:
CAF version is?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
We are based on cm-12.1 and I use the same kernel as Euphoria. Sorry I don't own this device so not sure what you are really asking.
Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
slipknot31 said:
forgiveness, if necessary this View attachment 3392214
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Oh. That's the bootstack that I'm currently on.
Cuzz1369 said:
We are based on cm-12.1 and I use the same kernel as Euphoria. Sorry I don't own this device so not sure what you are really asking.
Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
biron_w said:
Oh. That's the bootstack that I'm currently on.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
ok, if not carried CM CAF kernel is not necessary. thank you very much I'm downloading
Was curious if I could flash this and a D801 kernel to get this running on my T-Mobile G2?
t3chn0s1s said:
Was curious if I could flash this and a D801 kernel to get this running on my T-Mobile G2?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I've no idea on that one. I doubt it would work. I personally wouldn't recommend it.
Installing and testing ! Will report soon !
Thanks for the ROM !
Cuzz1369 said:
We are based on cm-12.1 and I use the same kernel as Euphoria. Sorry I don't own this device so not sure what you are really asking.
Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
They just meaning it's CM Kernel........ This Rom is Google base right ?
L0nelyE4rth said:
They just meaning it's CM Kernel........ This Rom is Google base right ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Cm-12.1 w/stock based kernel.
Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
Cuzz1369 said:
Cm-12.1 w/stick based kernel.
Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you mean that. It's meaning we're in CAF
For who want to know this ROM is CAF or Google base
This is a CAF base , This is a CAF base and This a CAF base.
And Second, It's tsunamical kernel (no need flash his kernel)
I have no problems with the ROM at the moment, but it has, as all the other ROMs, the mic problem with whatsapp.
Unfortunatly ill need to go back to stock till theres a solution for that
"lightbox_close": "Close",
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
DISCLAIMER: We are not responsible for any issues, problems, or broken phones, which may have come from using any data or information you receive from this thread. Using anything here, will most likely violate your cell phone's warranty or contract. That is also your 100% responsibility, to know, and your responsibilty if you do. If you don't know what you are doing, or you think you do, and you brick your phone, or something POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE changes with your phone, it is all 100% your responsibility. Use the following data, information, and links at YOUR OWN RISK!
Following 7.1 releases,Vanir uses Substratum as its default theme engine.
Vanir follows AOSP Upstream and mainly focuses on performance Tuning Android.
Be a part of the Vanir community!
Customizable Navbar
Customizable Statusbar
Customizable Power Menu
Customizable Quick Settings Panel
Customizable LCD Density
Heads Up (floating) Notifications
Long Press Quick Settings Header Shortcuts (Long Press Locations: Date, Time, Weather, & Battery)
Expanded Desktop Option with Per App Settings
Terminal App - Needs to be enable in Developer Settings
ScreenShot - Power + Volume Down
Advanced Reboot - Enable in Developer Settings
QuickBoot - Enable in Developer Settings
System Profiles - Turn WiFi, GPS, & other features on or off when you enter or leave trigger wifi signal
Hardware Menu with Kernel Processor & I/O scheduler settings
CM Themes in Settings
Make a backup!
Wipe /system, /data, cache and dalvik cache.
Flash Vanir
Flash Gapps
Reboot to Vanir!
Kernel source - https://github.com/LineageOS/android_kernel_xiaomi_armani
Device - https://github.com/VanirAOSP/device_xiaomi_armani
Vendor - https://github.com/TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_xiaomi
XDA:DevDB Information
Vanir AOSP, ROM for the Xiaomi Redmi 1S
Source Code: https://github.com/VanirAOSP
ROM OS Version: 6.0.x Marshmallow
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
ROM Firmware Required: A custom recovery (TWRP preferrable),ROM and Gapps zip file,knowledge on how to flash zip files.
Based On: AOSP
Version Information
Status: Nightly
Created 2015-12-17
Last Updated 2017-01-25
Thanks to Peter Alfonso, CM, the Fruits & Veggies Project, Rascarlo, Pawitp, AOKP, GaryD9, Androcom, Chevycam94, Team EOS, armani-dev for his sources (coz,you know without his sources you won't have these awesome ROMs lol,jk :3),sudosurootdev for officially supporting this ROM!
Nice share [emoji106]
Where is screen shot this rom?
Sent from my HM 1S using Tapatalk
jyo_san said:
Nice share [emoji106]
Where is screen shot this rom?
Sent from my HM 1S using Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Here - http://forum.xda-developers.com/devdb/project/?id=13002#screenshots
Thanks , will try soon
here goes party again.. Once i was a part of Vanir long ago.... I missed this...But as Dave left DHO was busy lately... Lets hows this thingy work on this phone. Its like after 1 year i am coming backkkk
sachoosaini said:
here goes party again.. Once i was a part of Vanir long ago.... I missed this...But as Dave left DHO was busy lately... Lets hows this thingy work on this phone. Its like after 1 year i am coming backkkk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yeah,but the ROM is great,been a fan since 2012,finally got the chance to support it!
Happy to join the party again as mentioned above, but a question: in the m8 subdirectory of the nightlies link above the version numbers are still 5.1.1xxxx - those aren't 6.0 builds yet, are they?
redoregon said:
Happy to join the party again as mentioned above, but a question: in the m8 subdirectory of the nightlies link above the version numbers are still 5.1.1xxxx - those aren't 6.0 builds yet, are they?
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Click to collapse
M8 has a unofficial build,here - http://forum.xda-developers.com/htc-one-m8/development/unofficial-vaniraosp-6-0-m-t3258122
well can you work on aosp caf ??? exodus is about to get supported with MM in caf aosp stuff.... I hope you could be working like on exodus too... ?? so it means no CM badass stuff @aniket.lamba
aniket.lamba said:
M8 has a unofficial build,here - http://forum.xda-developers.com/htc-one-m8/development/unofficial-vaniraosp-6-0-m-t3258122
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Click to collapse
Yup, keeping an eye on that one too.
sachoosaini said:
well can you work on aosp caf ??? exodus is about to get supported with MM in caf aosp stuff.... I hope you could be working like on exodus too... ?? so it means no CM badass stuff @aniket.lamba
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Click to collapse
Maybe,lets see,currently busy with personal life.
New nightly is up,check it out - http://www.emccann.net/nuclearmistake/VanirAOSPNightlies/armani/
aniket.lamba said:
New nightly is up,check it out - http://www.emccann.net/nuclearmistake/VanirAOSPNightlies/armani/
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Click to collapse
play services forced stop whenever i open playstore. i am using opengapps 3 dec
smustafasms said:
play services forced stop whenever i open playstore. i am using opengapps 3 dec
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Click to collapse
Use Vanir google apps,you won't get any fc.
aniket.lamba said:
Use Vanir google apps,you won't get any fc.
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Click to collapse
any link ?
found it on gplus...
do the battery optimizations work??
gamefreaksuraj said:
do the battery optimizations work??
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Click to collapse
I like the rom but I couldn't figure out how to root. I didn't see root settings so I tried to flash su in twrp and it bootlooped. I'm running Exodus lolli now but I want mm. Can you clear something up for me? Are vavir and Exodus made by the same team?
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Team Exodus brings you EXODUS Rom, coded by professional level developers with additional support from the community, focusing on improved versions of common features and improvements found in the open-source community while bringing new, original improvements and coding with the highest standards.
Take necessary backups
Be rooted w/ a custom recovery
Download EXODUS Rom & Gapps for your device and move them to your phone
Reboot to Recovery
Wipe (full wipe <exclude internal>if coming from another Rom)**
Flash the Rom
Flash the Gapps**
Reboot to System
Setup and Reboot System
These directions are not necessary after the first install if you use the Exodus Updater, included in the ROM. It can notify you of updates, download, and install them for you automatically.
**This is automated if coming from a previous Exodus build (Dirty Flashing).
We recommend using our stock (preinstalled) kernel for best results and usage of all features!
Exodus unofficial build:
Exodus official build will be started soon:
Any 6.0.x GApps of your choice
----- Advanced Developers/Users Section----
Rom source:
Kernel source:
Gerrit code review system:
For additional support, info, and updates please join us in the official Google+ community:
Crowdin project:
Help us with translating to support your native language!
Thank you to all the members, contributors, and maintainers on the Exodus Android team.
Please see our source for an unabridged list of contributions, authorship, and cherry-picks.
If you would like to thank us for our work or help in support server costs you can do so here:
Primedirective (Team Leader / Project Owner / Server hosting)
MartinRo (Project Owner / Server hosting)
Raja. M (Senior Developer / Project Owner)
Alex (Kernel Developer / Project Owner)
Jorge (Developer / Overall Project )
Adrian (Developer / Overall Project )
TEAMExodus Team
XDA:DevDB Information
Exodus Android for Cancro, ROM for the Xiaomi Mi 3
Raja.M, primedirective, TheCrazyLex, Martin_Ro, williamsss,
Source Code: http://github.com/TeamExodus
ROM OS Version: 6.0.x Marshmallow
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
Based On: CyanogenMod, AOSP, CAF Mixed
Version Information
Status: Nightly
Created 2016-04-13
Last Updated 2016-09-21
Any notice from official Exodus build for Cancro?
This has Layers or CMTE?
Me_Ashish_ said:
This has Layers or CMTE?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Enviado desde mi MI 3W mediante Tapatalk
Armin_van_buuren said:
Enviado desde mi MI 3W mediante Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
any review so far?? does it have fm radio included?
Jay sharma said:
any review so far?? does it have fm radio included?[
Yes ,fm radio works.
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Click to collapse
any news about it, how it is ?
I used it for a day. You won't need GravityBox, has the features inbuilt which can be accessed by sliding right from settings. Layers, Xposed etc everything works fine. Has content guard (piracy protection), 1st ROM in my usage. Couldn't install Lucky Patcher. A Xposed Module (One Plus forum) will probably help with that.
The kernel inbuilt is old. As the Wi-Fi turning on takes like 5 seconds & few more to find the Wi-Fi and CPU maximum frequency can't be changed.
The optimizing apps, reboot screens are different and look nice. The background blur when opening power menu is nice touch too.
Overall a feature rich ROM, one of the best with Layers.
Didn't stick as I was having slight less fluidness with the custom kernel (happens with some ROMs), but that's my usage.
How to get rid of contentguard without installing xposed..? it's blocking the installation of blackmart and lucky patcher
Sent from my MI 3W using XDA-Developers mobile app
sidhg said:
How to get rid of contentguard without installing xposed..? it's blocking the installation of blackmart and lucky patcher
Sent from my MI 3W using XDA-Developers mobile app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
There is a solution for that....
Stop piracy and start using your money
sidhg said:
How to get rid of contentguard without installing xposed..? it's blocking the installation of blackmart and lucky patcher
Sent from my MI 3W using XDA-Developers mobile app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It doesn't affect me but implementing this 'feature' on a ROM is like getting rid of users. Nobody would want a ROM with such limitation. Just sayin'
diongdyh said:
It doesn't affect me but implementing this 'feature' on a ROM is like getting rid of users. Nobody would want a ROM with such limitation. Just sayin'
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Amen brother.
I am going to give this a try. If the rom offers a pleasant stable experience then such limitations can be easily overlooked by me.
Raja.M said:
Be rooted w/ a custom recovery
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Why need to be rooted, isn't the custom recovery enough?
P.Kosunen said:
Why need to be rooted, isn't the custom recovery enough?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Custom recovery is enough
Ok, now testing the rom... Flashlight turn on always when installing apps or something else !!! Never have seen.
Other bad thing is the anti-piracy [emoji18]
Works the change between 2G/3G/4G ?
On others roms the change haven't effect.
waiting for official build :fingers-crossed:
Official Exodus Nightly launch!!!
Thanks for supporting cancro, I'll test the ROM this week:fingers-crossed:
@Raja.M thanks for great rom, u are awesome :good:
Auto brightness and auto rotate not working.
Enviado desde mi MI 3W mediante Tapatalk
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Team Exodus brings you EXODUS Rom, coded by professional level developers with additional support from the community, focusing on improved versions of common features and improvements found in the open-source community while bringing new, original improvements and coding with the highest standards.
Take necessary backups
Be rooted w/ a custom recovery
Download EXODUS Rom & Gapps for your device and move them to your phone
Reboot to Recovery
Wipe (full wipe if coming from another Rom)**
Flash the Rom
Flash the Gapps**
Reboot to System
Setup and Reboot System
These directions are not necessary after the first install if you use the Exodus Updater, included in the ROM. It can notify you of updates, download, and install them for you automatically.
**This is automated if coming from a previous Exodus build (Dirty Flashing).
We recommend using our stock (preinstalled) kernel for best results and usage of all features!
Official build: http://www.exodus-developers.net/exodus-6.0/kiwi/
Any 6.0.x GApps of your choice
----- Advanced Developers/Users Section----
Rom source:
Kernel source:
Gerrit code review system:
For additional support, info, and updates please join us in the official Google+ community:
Crowdin project:
Help us with translating to support your native language!
Thank you to all the members, contributors, and maintainers on the Exodus Android team.
Please see our source for an unabridged list of contributions, authorship, and cherry-picks.
If you would like to thank us for our work or help in support server costs you can do so here:
RajaMu (Developer & Project Owner)
Alex - TheCrazyLex (Maintainer Oneplus Devices / Kernel Developer / Project Owner)
Primedirective (Team Leader / Project Owner / Server hosting)
MartinRo (Project Owner / Server hosting)
Adrian (Developer / Overall Project )
TEAMExodus Team
XDA:DevDB Information
Exodus Android for Honor 5x Kiwi, ROM for the Honor 5X
Raja.M, primedirective, usmcamgrimm, Martin_Ro , TheCrazyLex, Triscuit
Source Code: [url]http://github.com/TeamExodus[/URL]
ROM OS Version: 6.0.x Marshmallow
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.10.x
Based On: AOSP, CAF and Few Parts of CM Mixed
Version Information
Status: Nightly
Created 2016-08-13
Last Updated 2016-08-18
Great another rom! May i ask what the features are? There are so many roms atm lol
I am really missing the switchers next to wifi and bluetooth. But I guess that's ok. Thank you so much for this. Another one for our honor 5X. Cheers.
Sent from my KIW-L22 using XDA Labs
nice rom, all seems to be running well. nice amount of essential options with out going over the top. Looks to be a very solid daily driver. Only option im really missing is to re-arrange the quick setting tiles, unless i am not seeing that option some where. some nice options i havent seen in other roms.
great stuff and thank you very much. :highfive:
@ RajaMu so at last you did it. Thank you brother for making this ROM for this little device. At last and really appreciate your work and dedication for working on so many devices. And thankful for Dave too for keeping this thing alive. Sachin.....
Vcolumn said:
nice rom, all seems to be running well. nice amount of essential options with out going over the top. Looks to be a very solid daily driver. Only option im really missing is to re-arrange the quick setting tiles, unless i am not seeing that option some where. some nice options i havent seen in other roms.
great stuff and thank you very much. :highfive:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Long press settings gear on status bar to rearrange tiles or to add extra stuff
Thank You so much RajaMu for building an Official Release for us even though you don't own the device yourself.... :highfive:
A token of appreciation... :good:
yuweng said:
Thank You so much RajaMu for building an Official Release for us even though you don't own the device yourself.... :highfive:
A token of appreciation... :good:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks a lot , have received ur donation...
will ensure quality is maintained ...!
Thanks for this hard work @RajaMu ! When it will be available for download ?
Sent from my KIW-L21 using XDA-Developers mobile app
Math996 said:
Thanks for this hard work @RajaMu ! When it will be available for download ?
Sent from my KIW-L21 using XDA-Developers mobile app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
it already is
I saw un the ROM installation the supersu procedure. But i cant find supersu app and dont works any root app. I try to install last supersu.zip from twrp, but doesnt works. Pls any sugestión??
Enviado desde mi KIW-L23 mediante Tapatalk
ciberworm said:
I saw un the ROM installation the supersu procedure. But i cant find supersu app and dont works any root app. I try to install last supersu.zip from twrp, but doesnt works. Pls any sugestión??
Enviado desde mi KIW-L23 mediante Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I think it is in Developer Options > Root > Apps and ADB.
Sent from my KIW-L24 using Tapatalk
Soapy! said:
I think it is in Developer Options > Root > Apps and ADB.
Sent from my KIW-L24 using Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I resinstalled the ROM and supersu is working now. Working fine
Enviado desde mi SM-T800 mediante Tapatalk
Udont need super su lol All CM based roms have root preinstalled..
Can we install this on KIW-L21c185b140
Sent from my KIW-L21 using Tapatalk
ciberworm said:
I saw un the ROM installation the supersu procedure. But i cant find supersu app and dont works any root app. I try to install last supersu.zip from twrp, but doesnt works. Pls any sugestión??
Enviado desde mi KIW-L23 mediante Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Soapy! said:
I think it is in Developer Options > Root > Apps and ADB.
Sent from my KIW-L24 using Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Demian3112 said:
Udont need super su lol All CM based roms have root preinstalled..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
manually flash supersu zip from chainfire thread. ROM does not have supersu installed....
thanks @RajaMu for the build, really appreciate another ROM in HONOR 5X.
will give this a try :good:
sachoosaini said:
manually flash supersu zip from chainfire thread. ROM does not have supersu installed....
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Just install from playstore
Thanks for bringing this great ROM to our device. Looks and feels great. Just some bugs tho -
Selecting Video Recording in camera app results in force close.
SuperSu app from playstore didn't work for me, had to flash binaries.
And a small feature request - please add Live Display(couldn't find it anywhere).
Thanks again.
kevoxy said:
Can we install this on KIW-L21c185b140
Sent from my KIW-L21 using Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
update your phone to stock marshmallow and then go for the custom ROMs to avoid any issue with the FP or the TZ mismatch.this ROM should work on all flavor of 5X.
Smoother than Butter
Friendly Battery
Tons of Features
DirtyUnicorns Features
Always Up-to-date
100% Build from Source
This is what
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
LineageOS 14.1 based
Built-in Task Manager switcher
OnTheGo Mode
App Circle bar
System UI Tuner
Quicker system animations
Trimmed down fat and excess bloat
Option to enable all widgets
Numerous extra lock screen options
LCD Density
Custom original BeanStalk Wallpapers by skyliner33v
Custom BeanStalk boot animation by skyliner33v
3-minit battery support
Clock and date options
Contextual Header - Original and Polygraphic
Battery styles - Includes specific colors and styles. Also includes battery bar
Do not disturb option
Show notification count
Recent screen options
Customizable navigation bar
Use Omniswitch as default recent
Built-in screen record
Toast animations
App Circle bar
Gesture Anywhere
Disable FC warnings
Disable Immersive message
Force expanded Notifications
Configure scrolling cache
Build.prop MOD options to enable/disable tweaks as preferred
Less frequent Notification sounds options
CRT screen off/on options to specify how the animation shows
Enable/disable wake up on charge option
Superuser fully embedded into the build and accessed from settings menu
CM Performance options and features
Hide superuser icon
Developer options and advanced reboot enabled by default
Numerous cherry-picks and improvements throughout the build.. baked into the*
awesomeness of existing CM layout.
Numerous other options are hidden throughout the build. For a full list of changes and features, please
CameraNext Modded By @abhi08638
Download ROM 7.1.1
Android 7.1
BeanStalk Build for Xiaomi Mi 5 (gemini)
Download OpenGapps 7.1 for ARM64!
BeanStalk Changelog
Changelog can also be found from within the ROM by going into settings menu -> about phone -> about beanstalk -> changelog
Installation instructions:
1. You must unlock your bootloader
2. You must have TWRP installed
3. Fully wipe your device from TWRP if you are on another ROMs
4. Flash BeanStalk zip
5. Flash gapps (OpenGapps)
Original Developer Scott.
Skylinerv33 - Graphics and boot animation - Thanks!
Vortex 1969
abhi08638 for allowing Taker18 to add CameraNext Modded
@bgcngm for his hard work for Mi5!
Any other coder from CM team or Beanstalk team who has actually coded.
Device Source
Kernel Source
Vendor Source
NFC Source
Framework Source
XDA:DevDB Information
Beanstalk, ROM for the Xiaomi Mi 5
Source Code: https://github.com/scotthartbti
ROM OS Version: 7.x Nougat
Based On: AOSP, LineageOS
Version Information
Status: Testing
Created 2016-11-18
Last Updated 2017-02-15
Known Issues:
Google Camera doesn't work (use external app from Play Store)
Let me know if there are issues not specified here
Which gapps I need to flash?
ARM64, 7.1 from opengapps.org
Which firmware is recommended to flash?
Updated firmware will be automatically flashed by the ROM zip
Which recovery should I use?
TWRP 3.0.2-2 or newer
Why I have the error "log command not found" during the flash?
Ignore it. It's normal.
Why I have bootloop after full wipe?
First try to wait 10 minutes, if it doesn't boot try another type of gapps (pico recommended)
Thank you
MI 5 cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi
wt abt volte?
dloading btw
the Zip is corrupted...when i try to copy in phone or open it say corrupted file
edit: i try to download 10 times but the file still corrupted! Fix this!
Wow , very smooth . thanks
Enviado desde mi MI 5 mediante Tapatalk
tiflao said:
Wow , very smooth . thanks
Enviado desde mi MI 5 mediante Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
for you work? you install it?
Yes , works fine
Enviado desde mi MI 5 mediante Tapatalk
tiflao said:
Yes , works fine
Enviado desde mi MI 5 mediante Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
how you download it?
djtechno98 said:
how you download it?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Mega apk
Enviado desde mi MI 5 mediante Tapatalk
tiflao said:
Mega apk
Enviado desde mi MI 5 mediante Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Impossible! the link is android file host!
ValoXis said:
Known Issues:
Google Camera doesn't work (use external app from Play Store)
Let me know if there are issues not specified here
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Could you add to the rom snapdragon cam ?
djtechno98 said:
Impossible! the link is android file host!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Lol ,i downloaded from mega
Enviado desde mi MI 5 mediante Tapatalk
For me too, corrupt zip when download
corrupt zip too when downloading from AFH.
Link at the OP updated!
I don't know why AndroidFileHost corrupted my file.
two stupid question, which cm this ROM is based on? Unofficial or official?
And google camera preinstalled or snapdragon camera preinstalled?
Great rom.
ValoXis said:
Link at the OP updated!
I don't know why AndroidFileHost corrupted my file.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
My two sim cards is not detected.
Is it known bug or only me?