Should I make a mega thread for FE170CG? - Asus Fonepad 7

I've noticed all the tutorials are spread around in random places throughout the forums. I'm sure it would be easier for many if all the guides were compiled in one thread. What do you guys think?



i agree


Can we get some subforums in the Evo Dev board?

seriously, this one forum is cluttered with hundreds of threads about ROMs, Recovery, Root, Guides, and other off-the-wall stuff. Can we get subforums made specifically for ROMs, Recoveries, Root (and only Root-related discussion), and Guides? this will organize the forum more efficiently, and we won't have to sift through hundreds of threads and thousands of posts to look for what we need. thanks for the good work so far!
bump, seriously, the Evo Development forum is a mess! we really need some subforums to help keep it organized.
do u mean like this? ~>
i feel creating a entire subforum will cause more harm then good. the wikis organize things a bit and are stickied to the top of every subforum in the EVO 4G section. these wikis can be maintained and updated by all users of the forum. also it makes it possible to organize the guides and roms by type and such. i do see ur point though and that is why i created the wikis in the first place. i thought about creating a new subforum for a while, but the truth is that it will end up cluttered just the same. at least with the wiki u can look on one page and see all the roms,recoveries, and guides that relate to our device, not having to sift through the most popular to fine roms that arent. at the same time u can see that some roms are development roms and therefor still worthy of the development section. i just know from working on the Sprint HeroC that the wikis were life savers. specially months into owning the device, with old roms no longer being supported and buried by new roms. i hope this helps resolve ur issues. please PM me if u have more to add. thanx for the suggestions as ideas are always welcomed.
i just think it would make the Dev forum look a lot cleaner and organized if all the ROM threads were in a "ROMs" subforum; all the guides threads in a "Guides" subforum; all the kernel threads in a "Kernels" subforum; etc etc.
wikis are nice, and are very helpful in organizing information, but they don't make the forum look neater or any less intimidating, and the forum is where most people go for the most up-to-date information on everything.
right now, everything is just thrown into a single place. It's the equivalent of having a single forum called "HTC Phone Discussion" that is flooded with 1000s of threads related to MyTouch's, Evo's, Diamonds, Dreams, Hero's, Nexus', HD2's, etc etc. it's really inefficient and hard to sift through because everyone's threads are getting lost in the forum. albeit, on a much smaller scale, but you get the point.
Yes, def be a big help...
I feel we do need to keep better control over the threads and make a few different sections.
yeah - would definitely make things easier.
I agree. At least group some threads, such as tons and rooting guides (there's plenty of those!) This would help make other threads a little easier to find. Not everything needs a subforum, but some things would fit naturally. With evo dev so hot right now many threads are getting buried faster then you can find them.
+1 on this, the Nexus One android development forum also has the same issue, it is full of Rom's (which is great) but you cannot find the actual development threads any more..
yeah, we dont need a subforum for everything. i think 2 will suffice: "ROMs/Kernels/Recovery" and "Guides".
+1 to this suggestion for N1 too.
do the admins even read this board?
cnstarz said:
do the admins even read this board?
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Of course we do! We'll have a resolution in the coming days. Sorry for the delay.
no worries. my thing is this:
why does xda have forums for every phone they support; why not just create a single wiki for every single phone? because having just one forum and wiki for 100 different phones is ridiculous. it'd be impossible to keep up with updates because everything would get burried. the same thing is happening to the dev forum.

[REQUEST More fine-grainded structure for forums and subforums

Hi all,
Since January, I am a regular reader of xda-forum galaxy s and its subforums. First of all I want to thank you all for your great work. It helped me a lot.
I would appreciate though if the forums could be more fine-grained like for example that in the section "Questions & Answers" there would be subfolders for "kernels", "roms" etc., and that related threads could be found in there and only there. I also suggest to do this for every section of the galaxy s forum. I think this would give the forums a little bit more structure and newbies would not get clobbered over the head with tons of threads. I know that people should search the forums with their specific questions, but it would be easier to begin with xda and maybe this would even curtail the flood of posts. By the way, this holds also for the other device specific forums
zimbardo.ea said:
Hi all,
Since January, I am a regular reader of xda-forum galaxy s and its subforums. First of all I want to thank you all for your great work. It helped me a lot.
I would appreciate though if the forums could be more fine-grained like for example that in the section "Questions & Answers" there would be subfolders for "kernels", "roms" etc., and that related threads could be found in there and only there. I also suggest to do this for every section of the galaxy s forum. I think this would give the forums a little bit more structure and newbies would not get clobbered over the head with tons of threads. I know that people should search the forums with their specific questions, but it would be easier to begin with xda and maybe this would even curtail the flood of posts. By the way, this holds also for the other device specific forums
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The trouble with this is that huge numbers more forums just give us WAY more to move around.
The trouble is that people who are unsure just post everywhere instead of posting once somewhere wrong
Adding the forums causes a huge strain on every page load as well, and vBulletin doesn't cope too well with large numbers of nested forums IIRC
Pitty, but thanks for your reply anyway

[Q] Moderators - what's all that about???

What's with all the negativity and aggression in the DHD Dev Forum? I came by a Sensation to 'practice' on so I didn't brick my DHD being a noob when it comes to all this, and I managed to have it rooted and running custom ROMs in no time thanks to the very helpful STICKY'S - take note DHD Dev Mods - and felt confident that I could wander over to the DHD part of XDA with the condifence that it would be just as streamlined and easy to read. But what do I find? Massive CAPS everywhere, bold red writing carrying warnings, and a generally negative and maybe even elitist atmosphere. You're doing no favours being so blinkered in your approach to that forum, and the Sensation side of XDA puts this to shame - maybe not in content, as it's only just getting going - but in general ease of use, browsing, and helpfulness, they've got you whipped hands down. So to qualify this as a question rather than a rant - can somebody explain why this is, and if it is likely to be tidied up and changed? Because frankly, it's a bit of a mess at the moment.
Good point well made.... Not a nice atmosphere at all....
The atmosphere in the DHD Dev thread has been that way for the last few months. Or at least that's when I noticed it being a little bit on the sour side compared to what I was used to.
I can't say for certain that I know why this change came about but I think it had something to do with a growing suspicion that some people taking others work and labelling it as their own. Not asking beforehand, refusing to acknowledge afterwards. There were accusations of theft being bandied about too but I am not up to speed on those.
To be honest, my experience here has been great, despite whatever (sometimes imagined) mood the threads seem to present. Everyone I have PM'd for help/advice has been friendly and accommodating.
I too notice the aggression, you will find these posts in dev sections of almost every phone thread on xda. I think due to the popularity of the Desire HD has lead to the mass posts and moderators regulating to the point where the atmosphere is unwelcoming.
We are in the process of cleaning up the whole site. As for being able to find things in the sensation threads that IS because the threads are still new. Wait a bit and the VS threads will pop up. As for unwelcoming that is not true. We welcome all to the threads with the understanding that this is a development based forum and people are expected to put in their own effort by searching and reading, which few seem to do but instead make threads about questions answered a hundred times over.
Will the threads be getting cleaned up. Yes they will. This is a large site and we all do this on our free time so it is a large job but we are making progress.
As for the warning in red. Yes it has come to this and more. For far to long as the site been getting filled with pointless threads, flaming, and overall rudeness which will no longer be tolerated. As for people using others work without asking. Yes this is and always will be a problem. We can ban people for it left and right but then they just go somewhere else and still use it.
zelendel said:
We are in the process of cleaning up the whole site. As for being able to find things in the sensation threads that IS because the threads are still new. Wait a bit and the VS threads will pop up. As for unwelcoming that is not true. We welcome all to the threads with the understanding that this is a development based forum and people are expected to put in their own effort by searching and reading, which few seem to do but instead make threads about questions answered a hundred times over.
Will the threads be getting cleaned up. Yes they will. This is a large site and we all do this on our free time so it is a large job but we are making progress.
As for the warning in red. Yes it has come to this and more. For far to long as the site been getting filled with pointless threads, flaming, and overall rudeness which will no longer be tolerated. As for people using others work without asking. Yes this is and always will be a problem. We can ban people for it left and right but then they just go somewhere else and still use it.
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Thanks for the response. It's good to hear that the mods are aware of the current issues affecting DHD and the site as a whole. I had written a much larger response but then this ridiculous PC (MoD use the very latest technology...) presented me with BSOD.
I hope that things will improve in the near future, as a beginer with Android, it does certainly seem pretty daunting in the dev forum with some serious digging being required to find useful information, and it would be a lot easier if it were all in one handy place. There is certainly an air of 'knowledge is power' there - and I'm sure nobody can say that is how they wished to be treated when they first joined the community (which is in breach of the forum rules btw). 'We had to deal with it, so now you do' doesn't exactly foster a feeling of being welcome.
Thanks again for replying though, I can't say newcomers are ingnored can I!

I used XDA for all my Android needs in the past...

Now that I have a Galaxy Nexus and I'm looking threw to see what's out there to flash. I get to my favorite community here and find out that for whatever reason GSM and LTE models are mixed together in one big cluster f**k that can potentially brick my phone if I don't read the fine print. This is insanely dumb, it poses a potential risk for me even tho I feel I'm a seasoned veteran of the Android flashing community, and to anyone that is completely new to this and doesn't understand the subtle differences of CDMA and GSM. So here I am typing this out trying my damnedest to wrap my mind around WHY XDA DOESN'T CREATE SUB FORUMS FOR EACH TYPE. A lot of other sites do, and it makes the search 1000000x easier to navigate.
So please could some moderator explain to me the reasoning behind having one giant pool of ROMS and mods that are completely different from one another? Is it really that hard to create a sub forum to take you to either the CDMA or GSM version?
I'd like to get some feed back here or am I the only one that is slightly frustrated about this? I mean its completely unorganized and the whole forum just feels really sloppy already.
You're not the first to mention this and, if you searched (cause you're a vet with 47 posts), you'd know the Mods are looking into it
But in essence I agree, or you just hope the threads are labelled correctly (LTE/GSM)
Dude if you used XDA as much as you say you do then you would have done a search on this topic and realized that there are already 2 threads in the last week on this subject.
Mods can we please merge all "Separate GSM/LTE forums" posts.
yeah I did try searching for it, thanks for the most obvious response
but ya know what its hard to find something when I don't know what to call it....
you'll notice that I never used the word separate which is the key word I was missing
so thanks for the ****-ish way you gave me that info it was slightly helpful i guess...
Just for the record I agree with the op. However I'm not too worried about it. This site has given me so much and asked for very little in return. I'm just greatful to have access to all this great info.
robby88 said:
yeah I did try searching for it, thanks for the most obvious response
but ya know what its hard to find something when I don't know what to call it....
you'll notice that I never used the word separate which is the key word I was missing
so thanks for the ****-ish way you gave me that info it was slightly helpful i guess...
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Some veteran. You really can't just look at the title of the thread to see if it says "LTE" or not? The only important threads that should be looked through are on the first two or three pages. Not that hard.
If you seriously brick your phone because you can't figure out whether something is LTE or GSM, you are a bit slow IMO. So far we only have one page of relevant ROMS and mods in dev section and you're already complaining about having trouble finding things when search isn't even necessary. Come on...
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App
It's because this site is a joke. There are so many things wrong with the way XDA structures and manages these forums. Look at rootzwiki...or even droid forums. The mods actually do their jobs there and make it EASIER for devs to post their work and manage their users problems by preventing/deleting/combining duplicate threads. Both of those forums even provide sub-forums for popular devs to let them manage it as well. And a simple thing like separating the LTE and GSM versions into their own forum was a non-issue at rootzwiki...yet here at XDA it seems we're asking the admins to split the atom.
That's why devs are/have moved to rootzwiki to post their work. Sure they'll copy and paste their topics over here eventually, but the difference is that if you want your post to be read by someone at the developer level, you're probably at the wrong forum. You should have seen the XDA droid bionic forums before everyone packed up and went onto rootz...LOL, it was like the wild west.
mb02 said:
Some veteran. You really can't just look at the title of the thread to see if it says "LTE" or not? The only important threads that should be looked through are on the first two or three pages. Not that hard.
If you seriously brick your phone because you can't figure out whether something is LTE or GSM, you are a bit slow IMO. So far we only have one page of relevant ROMS and mods in dev section and you're already complaining about having trouble finding things when search isn't even necessary. Come on...
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I wasn't talking about myself jackass, there are tons of people out there that have never flashed a phone before and not knowing the difference between GSM and CDMA can be a confusing concept for most. So thanks for trying to make me out to be the jackass when you've accomplished that all on your own.
I'm not having trouble finding anything considering there are only 2-3 ROMs for LTE, but in a month there's going to be 50 pages of crap to sift threw. So that's the problem I see, and the fact that if it was just broken down in to 2 different sub forums from the start would of been something very simple and I just don't see why it wasn't/hasn't been done.
quentin0 said:
It's because this site is a joke. There are so many things wrong with the way XDA structures and manages these forums. Look at rootzwiki...or even droid forums. The mods actually do their jobs there and make it EASIER for devs to post their work and manage their users problems by preventing/deleting/combining duplicate threads. Both of those forums even provide sub-forums for popular devs to let them manage it as well. And a simple thing like separating the LTE and GSM versions into their own forum was a non-issue at rootzwiki...yet here at XDA it seems we're asking the admins to split the atom.
That's why devs are/have moved to rootzwiki to post their work. Sure they'll copy and paste their topics over here eventually, but the difference is that if you want your post to be read by someone at the developer level, you're probably at the wrong forum. You should have seen the XDA droid bionic forums before everyone packed up and went onto rootz...LOL, it was like the wild west.
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It may be disorganized and full of duplicate threads, but it is an excellent resource. I have been here since Windows mobile 6, The G1, and a whole slew in android phones... and it is the same story. The devs move to some other site. You get a new phone and everyone comes back to XDA. If more people kept their mouth shut the site would be easier to navigate. I could care less, as I mostly lurk and find what I am looking for. No need to comment in every thread, because it probably wouldn't contribute much.
XDA is a great resource, if you don't like it go to another site and browse their forums.
axion68 said:
It may be disorganized and full of duplicate threads, but it is an excellent resource. I have been here since Windows mobile 6, The G1, and a whole slew in android phones... and it is the same story. The devs move to some other site. You get a new phone and everyone comes back to XDA. If more people kept their mouth shut the site would be easier to navigate. I could care less, as I mostly lurk and find what I am looking for. No need to comment in every thread, because it probably wouldn't contribute much.
XDA is a great resource, if you don't like it go to another site and browse their forums.
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I completely agree, I started flashing my first droid and found everything I needed right here with super helpful devs and a mostly wonderful community that would aid you. I personally don't care what gets posted in General though. I think only dev's should be able to post in the development forum to keep things to a minimum, but if a topic needs to be brought up multiple times to get it done then so be it. That's how things get done if a topic is shoved back into the darkness then it needs to be brought to light over and over til something gets done.
I agree totally, I started using rootz instead because they seperated the 2 devices. Also it should be GSM or CDMA. LTE is GSM. Lots of confusion can happen here.

[Administrator Request] Enable Wiki Posts w/in threads

I've been a member for over a year and been fairly active in the Epic 4G forum.
It has been my experience that a myriad of questions are constantly re-asked & re-answered by ROM devs and other little elves b/c people are too lazy to search/read-back the threads, or are simply too daunted by 10's & 100's of pages of posts.
This has become a problem to the point where on a couple different occassions we created off-site Wikis just to help redirect people to answers to common problems. The problem with this is people have to be told each time..."Go to the Wiki [here]". It would be grand if you would enable Wiki-posts. It would allow each thread to have its own little ecosystem so that Devs wouldn't have to micro-manage & update OP with Q&A on every little bug, the little guys could keep it up to snuff. It's a great way to crowd-source troubleshooting. I've seen it successfully done on a number of threads.
What's more, I believe the OP can disable it if he prefers not to have one.
Thanks for listening!
Thread moved. Would advise you to read forum rules and post in correct section.
Xda has a WIKI for all devices granted some pages need updating so i doubt the Admin will enable wiki in posts
lufc said:
Xda has a WIKI for all devices granted some pages need updating so i doubt the Admin will enable wiki in posts
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Very aware of the XDA Wiki, in fact, we are using it at the moment (albeit it, somewhat unsuccessfully).
One advantage of in-thread Wiki is that it's all right there, right below the OP, right after all the other instructions. EVERYONE sees it, instead of a link to another page.
Another advantage is that it's generally easier for people to edit the in-thread wiki posts than an actual Wiki-page (I know neither is difficult, but this comes from my experience helping to maintain a ROM-devoted Wiki).
As far as the drawbacks of in-thread Wikis, perhaps spam, or it being forced after the initial Post?
I'd like to throw the idea around. I know it would help troubleshooting/Q&A in the forums I participate in, thought I'd throw it out there in case others would be interested.
P.S. Thanks for moving my thread (and shame on my for not reading the forum descriptions more closely)
I second this. It's borderline vital in long development threads. The off thread wiki doesn't do a whole lot of good if the link to that wiki needs to be hunted for, same as everything else.
Too bad the wiki doesn't even work on my computer...I think it's something with my wifi but idk.
Years on and this is still something I wish we had on this forum. In thread wikis are essential, especially on a website as big as this with threads that run for hundreds of pages. When you come to a thread months or years after it started, the OP is often irrelevant, and the links broken. It's not reasonable to expect someone to read hundreds of pages in a forum thread to find out what the current situation is.
So people ask the same questions, over and over. Eventually people get annoyed and stop answering, and just say the ever unhelpful "go read". I'm always willing to read and learn. But wading though tons of outdated data doesn't have to be a necessity. A simple thread wiki post would make this so much easier. If you're not familiar with the concept has one (it's available to every thread but not always used). A deal is posted, people chime on on how to improve the deal. The thread may go one for a few pages, but the wiki means you can get all the relevant info in one place. The info from the OP can change, the OP doesn't have to answer basic questions over and over, or any questions. Another person can take over the thread and keep it relevant.
I checked out this wiki but it's not updated. So why not a wiki post, it's right where people are looking for the info, so more likely to remain relevant and updated.
Years on from this OP and still no in-thread wiki post? Any reason why?
I'm a PHP developer, and have been for more than a decade, if any techs want to talk more about this, I'd be happy to chat.
My favorite is when people start belly aching and go on a tirade if a newcomer hasny read the entire thread. 1/4 of which is people asking for ETAs, and the other 1/4, people getting pissed at people asking for ETAs. Like they are getting brownie points from the Dev or something X^D
I have wasted so many people's time because I've had to ask questions that have been covered a billion times. I've also had tips/tricks get buried and never come to light again which is a shame.
XDA is all about development and progression, and yet the absence of a wiki post prevents a lot of knowledge from being readily available and wastes Devs time.
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