How do you gain temporary nand unlock? All i wanted to do is copy 2 files into the /system/xbin/bb which doesnt seem to work with root explorer despite super user permission, copy paste just wont work.
Any ideas how to copy paste these 2 files without going to full s-off? Would the adb method work? or any other apk that can do the job?
Thanks in advance for those who can help and any tips is very much appreciated.
In recovery with adb.
TheGhost1233 said:
In recovery with adb.
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any links to it? a guide perhaps? thanks for the tip.
Make a nandroid before messing with the system partition.
adb remount
adb push <file_name> /system/xbin/bb
This is what i think it is just looking at the basic adb commands, here is some more info about moving stuff to the system partition.
TheGhost1233 said:
Make a nandroid before messing with the system partition.
adb remount
adb push <file_name> /system/xbin/bb
This is what i think it is just looking at the basic adb commands, here is some more info about moving stuff to the system partition.
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btw, how do i get to adb with recovery?
You do know that adb is part of the android sdk and not some function/app on the phone?
To get adb working (i hope you already installed it) just boot in to recovery, connect the usb cable, and launch adb via command prompt or terminal.
TheGhost1233 said:
You do know that adb is part of the android sdk and not some function/app on the phone?
To get adb working (i hope you already installed it) just boot in to recovery, connect the usb cable, and launch adb via command prompt or terminal.
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many thanks! i will try this tommorow.
Use the I attached in this thread, you don't need to worry about adb then.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Ghettonine said:
many thanks! i will try this tommorow.
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Ok I did my best, read alot about adb and followed some tips but I just cant seem to get these things working. I need a DETAILED step by step procedure.
I feel such a noob today, can anyone please help?
Basically, I just wanted to copy "ifconfig" and "route" from "/system/xbin" to "system/xbin/bb" and thats it! Im s-on by the way and dont want a full s-off just to copy paste 2 files.
I tried rebooting in recovery with adb and run some commands on "adb shell", many things came out and I have no idea what it ment.
Well many things came out is not such a great description. So i have no idea if something is wrong or something happened which you did not expect.
Boot again in to recovery and connect adb.
The type "adb devices" this should output something like:
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
If this does not happen you don't have a connection and most likely have driver issues (only if you are on windows). If you do get a connection next thing to do is mount the system partition as read/write. To do this type "adb remount".
The output should be "remount succeeded"
Next type "adb shell"
This should give "#" as output .
Since you know where the files are and where you want them to go type "mv /system/xbin/ifconfig /system/xbin/bb" and hit enter, you don't get any conformation about this. Next type "mv /system/xbin/route /system/xbin/bb"
To check if they go moved correctly type " ls /system/xbin/bb", now you should see the files listed.
Next type "exit" to end the adb shell.
Then type "adb reboot".
If this doesn't work you need to give more info about the errors you get or maybe someone else has a better description.
A completly other method is, if you are able to copy the files to your computer, useing the .zip mercianary linked to, just make sure the system/app folder is empty and that you make the system/xbin/bb folder and place the files in there. Then just follow the instructions.
I have my Desire HD connected to my pc and it is in recovery.
I want to adb push a file to the /system.
Do I need to mount the /system in Clockworkmod first or do I just push the file?
Firstly you need root. Once you have that simply use,
adb remount
adb push <local file> <remote destination>
adb push /system/media/
I am so trying to understand all this (I'm new of course!!), I have the zip files I want to push, but I just don't understand where exactly I start. I have the files on my sdcard, and now what? where do I go to get that abd?
Please help!!!
htc-elsalv said:
I am so trying to understand all this (I'm new of course!!), I have the zip files I want to push, but I just don't understand where exactly I start. I have the files on my sdcard, and now what? where do I go to get that abd?
Please help!!!
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I believe that Andyharney means once you have rooted your phone, you use the adb client on your computer to then push the file.
Type in 'adb remount' first then 'adb push <local file> <remote destination>'
Local file is what you want to push and remote destination is the address where you want it to go.
Hello Everyone! I would like to make a guide for Rooting our Sony Xperia Z1s for T-mobile, I tried this with Android 4.3 Firmware 14.2.C.0.159.
This is my first Post so if i make a mistake please let me Know.
Thanks to Jcase and his pwn file to make this root Posible.
This is just the way how i did it and worked for me.
Well, first of all you have to make sure that your computer have the correct adb drivers installed and you can go into it.
Debugging mode On. (Developer options, USB Debugging Checked)
Download the JCASE pwn (
Download the Adb Drivers Updated ( Thanks to, UJJWAL KUMAR.
1- With the two zip files downloaded you will unzip it in the Local Disk (C), Create a folder with a name like "Root Tool" And unzip the files there, just like these: Check attached picture.
2- Press Shift on the keyboard and right click and then "open a Command Prompt here"
3- Check if your Sony Xperia Z1s its working well in the adb typing: adb devices. If it says failed, you have to check your adb drivers, if not, you're going good.
4- So if all its going well, just type this on command prompt (Thanks JCASE)
adb push pwn /data/local/tmp/pwn
adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/pwn
adb shell /data/local/tmp/pwn
5- wait for the adb to finish.
6- Unplug you're phone and restart it.
7- Install Super Su apk (Can download it from Play Store or latest Apk)
8- Open SuperSu and update binarys with Normal Mode
Now you must be Root, if SuperSu can't update Binarys try again from 2.
If you are not able to Write to system try this:
If this works for you please say thanks to Jcase who made this can be possible.
I tried this but nothing happens I attached what happens in cmd
Sent from my C6916 using XDA Free mobile app
---------- Post added at 08:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:06 PM ----------
not working for me this is what I get in CMD
C:\Root Tool>adb push pwn /data/local/tmp/pwn
2792 KB/s (574722 bytes in 0.201s)
C:\Root Tool>
C:\Root Tool>adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/pwn
C:\Root Tool>
C:\Root Tool>adb shell /data/local/tmp/pwn
superangel16 said:
Hello Everyone! I would like to make a guide for Rooting our Sony Xperia Z1s for T-mobile, I tried this with Android 4.3 Firmware 14.2.C.0.159.
This is my first Post so if i make a mistake please let me Know.
Thanks to Jcase and his pwn file to make this root Posible.
This is just the way how i did it and worked for me.
Well, first of all you have to make sure that your computer have the correct adb drivers installed and you can go into it.
Debugging mode On. (Developer options, USB Debugging Checked)
Download the JCASE pwn (
Download the Adb Drivers Updated ( Thanks to, UJJWAL KUMAR.
1- With the two zip files downloaded you will unzip it in the Local Disk (C), Create a folder with a name like "Root Tool" And unzip the files there, just like these: Check attached picture.
2- Press Shift on the keyboard and right click and then "open a Command Prompt here"
3- Check if your Sony Xperia Z1s its working well in the adb typing: adb devices. If it says failed, you have to check your adb drivers, if not, you're going good.
4- So if all its going well, just type this on command prompt (Thanks JCASE)
adb push pwn /data/local/tmp/pwn
adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/pwn
adb shell /data/local/tmp/pwn
5- wait for the adb to finish.
6- Unplug you're phone and restart it.
7- Install Super Su apk (Can download it from Play Store or latest Apk)
8- Open SuperSu and update binarys with Normal Mode
Now you must be Root, if SuperSu can't update Binarys try again from 2.
If this works for you please say thanks to Jcase who made this can be possible.
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Just use z2 exploit 11 run it twice.
Sent from my C6916 using xda premium
Im getting this error whenever I try open SuperSU.. Tried your method about 6 or 7 times, same error everytime.. any advice?
48bloo said:
Im getting this error whenever I try open SuperSU.. Tried your method about 6 or 7 times, same error everytime.. any advice?
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Sorry about that, SuperSu its giving to you this error because the rooting it's not done, please check that your phone its adb recognizable with "adb devices" in CMD, Remember to Unistall Super Su if you get the error and Reboot in order to try again.
Damented said:
I tried this but nothing happens I attached what happens in cmd
Sent from my C6916 using XDA Free mobile app
---------- Post added at 08:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:06 PM ----------
not working for me this is what I get in CMD
C:\Root Tool>adb push pwn /data/local/tmp/pwn
2792 KB/s (574722 bytes in 0.201s)
C:\Root Tool>
C:\Root Tool>adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/pwn
C:\Root Tool>
C:\Root Tool>adb shell /data/local/tmp/pwn
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Please try again pressing enter just once at each code.
superangel16 said:
Sorry about that, SuperSu its giving to you this error because the rooting it's not done, please check that your phone its adb recognizable with "adb devices" in CMD, Remember to Unistall Super Su if you get the error and Reboot in order to try again.
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Okay so after working at this for a couple of hours I finally got it to work. For some reason, I wasn't able to uninstall SuperSu because it had been installed as a system app and I could only disable it, or uninstall updates from it. After trying over and over, I found this link.
Here, they include the exact same method in this thread, with one extra step; creating a boot script to maintain root/system permissions. Im not exactly sure how it works, but i followed the instructions provided by the links and then, after rebooting, was able to install binaries, and achieve full root (FINALLY!!) So if anybody has the same problem I did, try this out
48bloo said:
Okay so after working at this for a couple of hours I finally got it to work. For some reason, I wasn't able to uninstall SuperSu because it had been installed as a system app and I could only disable it, or uninstall updates from it. After trying over and over, I found this link.
Here, they include the exact same method in this thread, with one extra step; creating a boot script to maintain root/system permissions. Im not exactly sure how it works, but i followed the instructions provided by the links and then, after rebooting, was able to install binaries, and achieve full root (FINALLY!!) So if anybody has the same problem I did, try this out
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Nice! I'm happy To heard that! JCase said in his post that some people will have this problem to write to system, but in my case i was able to, now we have to find a working recovery in order to have a custom rom or something like that, Some people say that xzdualrecovery works for z1s, but it is in beta version, if you find something please let us know.
Guys not to be mean but we posted this a while back shows you how to root what to install for recovery as well as a deodex and perm root
Tactic13 said:
Guys not to be mean but we posted this a while back shows you how to root what to install for recovery as well as a deodex and perm root
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Oh! Excellent! thank you so much now we can all get the final access, i searched before but no luck, thank you. Now just have to buy a new phone, mine was robbed on friday , just 3 days of use .......
superangel16 said:
Oh! Excellent! thank you so much now we can all get the final access, i searched before but no luck, thank you. Now just have to buy a new phone, mine was robbed on friday , just 3 days of use .......
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Not full access bootloader is still locked but you can flash things onto your phone and as well as backups. Also sorry on the phone thing.
Tactic13 said:
Not full access bootloader is still locked but you can flash things onto your phone and as well as backups. Also sorry on the phone thing.
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Hey Thanks for Reply, that's the reason because i said de Final Acces, because we can acces to bootloader because branded phones can't have bootloader unlocked.:fingers-crossed:
Has anyone taken the update? Will we lose root?
POMF2K said:
Has anyone taken the update? Will we lose root?
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I can't be sure of that because is a said I lose my phone, but ever when you do a official update you lose root.
Sent from my C6603 using XDA Free mobile app
superangel16 said:
I can't be sure of that because is a said I lose my phone, but ever when you do a official update you lose root.
Sent from my C6603 using XDA Free mobile app
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I did not lose root. I check the box in SuperSU to try to retain root.
Kept root, now I just have to fix all the issues 4.4 has created.
POMF2K said:
I did not lose root. I check the box in SuperSU to try to retain root.
Kept root, now I just have to fix all the issues 4.4 has created.
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Which box in SuperSU was it?
superangel16 said:
Please try again pressing enter just once at each code.
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So you have to enter each line and then enter and then the next line and enter. Correct?
Sent from my C6916 using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk 2
superangel16 said:
Hello Everyone! I would like to make a guide for Rooting our Sony Xperia Z1s for T-mobile, I tried this with Android 4.3 Firmware 14.2.C.0.159.
This is my first Post so if i make a mistake please let me Know.
Thanks to Jcase and his pwn file to make this root Posible.
This is just the way how i did it and worked for me.
Well, first of all you have to make sure that your computer have the correct adb drivers installed and you can go into it.
Debugging mode On. (Developer options, USB Debugging Checked)
Download the JCASE pwn (
Download the Adb Drivers Updated ( Thanks to, UJJWAL KUMAR.
1- With the two zip files downloaded you will unzip it in the Local Disk (C), Create a folder with a name like "Root Tool" And unzip the files there, just like these: Check attached picture.
2- Press Shift on the keyboard and right click and then "open a Command Prompt here"
3- Check if your Sony Xperia Z1s its working well in the adb typing: adb devices. If it says failed, you have to check your adb drivers, if not, you're going good.
4- So if all its going well, just type this on command prompt (Thanks JCASE)
adb push pwn /data/local/tmp/pwn
adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/pwn
adb shell /data/local/tmp/pwn
5- wait for the adb to finish.
6- Unplug you're phone and restart it.
7- Install Super Su apk (Can download it from Play Store or latest Apk)
8- Open SuperSu and update binarys with Normal Mode
Now you must be Root, if SuperSu can't update Binarys try again from 2.
If you are not able to Write to system try this:
If this works for you please say thanks to Jcase who made this can be possible.
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Hello, three commands you wrote down. Do I need to write them exactly like that with a space in between each line and then enter? Or do I need to type one command and then ENTER after each command?
Thanks in advance
Sent from my C6916 using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk 2
superangel16 said:
Hello Everyone! I would like to make a guide for Rooting our Sony Xperia Z1s for T-mobile, I tried this with Android 4.3 Firmware 14.2.C.0.159.
This is my first Post so if i make a mistake please let me Know.
Thanks to Jcase and his pwn file to make this root Posible.
This is just the way how i did it and worked for me.
Well, first of all you have to make sure that your computer have the correct adb drivers installed and you can go into it.
Debugging mode On. (Developer options, USB Debugging Checked)
Download the JCASE pwn (
Download the Adb Drivers Updated ( Thanks to, UJJWAL KUMAR.
1- With the two zip files downloaded you will unzip it in the Local Disk (C), Create a folder with a name like "Root Tool" And unzip the files there, just like these: Check attached picture.
2- Press Shift on the keyboard and right click and then "open a Command Prompt here"
3- Check if your Sony Xperia Z1s its working well in the adb typing: adb devices. If it says failed, you have to check your adb drivers, if not, you're going good.
4- So if all its going well, just type this on command prompt (Thanks JCASE)
adb push pwn /data/local/tmp/pwn
adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/pwn
adb shell /data/local/tmp/pwn
5- wait for the adb to finish.
6- Unplug you're phone and restart it.
7- Install Super Su apk (Can download it from Play Store or latest Apk)
8- Open SuperSu and update binarys with Normal Mode
Now you must be Root, if SuperSu can't update Binarys try again from 2.
If you are not able to Write to system try this:
If this works for you please say thanks to Jcase who made this can be possible.
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Hey boss, I did everything exactly as instructed and my phone has no problem being identified in adb devices but every time I run the commands I get the first 2 commands looking like it went OK but the last command just can't execute.
C:\Users\TEMP\Downloads\xperia root>adb devices
List of devices attached
CB5A1Z18JC device
C:\Users\TEMP\Downloads\xperia root>adb push pwn /data/local/tmp/pwn
2806 KB/s (574722 bytes in 0.200s)
C:\Users\TEMP\Downloads\xperia root>adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/pwn
C:\Users\TEMP\Downloads\xperia root>adb shell /data/local/tmp/pwn
/system/bin/sh: /data/local/tmp/pwn: can't execute: Is a directory
C:\Users\TEMP\Downloads\xperia root>
Please help.
Bill Idol said:
Hey boss, I did everything exactly as instructed and my phone has no problem being identified in adb devices but every time I run the commands I get the first 2 commands looking like it went OK but the last command just can't execute.
C:\Users\TEMP\Downloads\xperia root>adb devices
List of devices attached
CB5A1Z18JC device
C:\Users\TEMP\Downloads\xperia root>adb push pwn /data/local/tmp/pwn
2806 KB/s (574722 bytes in 0.200s)
C:\Users\TEMP\Downloads\xperia root>adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/pwn
C:\Users\TEMP\Downloads\xperia root>adb shell /data/local/tmp/pwn
/system/bin/sh: /data/local/tmp/pwn: can't execute: Is a directory
C:\Users\TEMP\Downloads\xperia root>
Please help.
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Thank yoy sir for follow my instructions, i am sorry for the delay to answer, i lost my phone. Well i see you are getting a problem to get into the last step in this guide, please check the Jcase post to get you're problem solved;
Hope you can solve it!
I want to mount my Smartwatch to my computer, seeing the folders in the explorer just like a normal memory device. I don't want to root it. I have tried accordingly to this tutorial:, but it ends at 5:10 where CMD says "failed - device locked".
Does anyone have an idea how to mount their Smartwatch in any way? Would be very much appreciated!
Win: TotalCommander with adb-plugin
ranf said:
Win: TotalCommander with adb-plugin
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Thanks! Working decently. I found a backup folder but it doesn't seem to want to make a backup (creating a 0 kb .ab-file).
I have read that to bypass the factory reset when trying to connect to a new watch, it has to be rooted.
Does anyone have a comment on either that would make them work?
Oli1 said:
I have read that to bypass the factory reset when trying to connect to a new watch, it has to be rooted.
Does anyone have a comment on either that would make them work?
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Did you mean: to a new phone?
ranf said:
Did you mean: to a new phone?
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Yes, sorry! A good link, but I have a problem: how and where do I put in the commands? I tried with Minimal ADB and Fastboot, but that didn't work. In Total Commander I don't have write permissions to add the Reset wear client. So how do I put in the command to clear the
Oli1 said:
Yes, sorry! A good link, but I have a problem: how and where do I put in the commands? I tried with Minimal ADB and Fastboot, but that didn't work. In Total Commander I don't have write permissions to add the Reset wear client. So how do I put in the command to clear the
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Forget the Reset wear client - only for rooted watches.
In TC navigate to:
"c:\Program Files\totalcmd\plugins\wfx\ADB\bin"
Menu -> Commands -> open commandline window
now you can type or copy and paste the adb commands.
ranf said:
Forget the Reset wear client - only for rooted watches.
In TC navigate to:
"c:\Program Files\totalcmd\plugins\wfx\ADB\bin"
Menu -> Commands -> open commandline window
now you can type or copy and paste the adb commands.
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My folders were set up somewhat differently: c:\totalcmd\plugins\bin, but I managed with the task! Big thanks ranf for your time helping out !
Not sure if this is the right place (but only place I can post) I've been trying to root my phone in order to install TWRP on my Pixel XL, in order to do so I need to unlock my bootloader.
Now this won't work as in ADB it shows my device as unauthorised, and I've tried everything! Revoking permissions USB debugging, rebooting, the other solution involces deleteing the adb key in .android, but my only .android folder is under c:\\users\MyName\.android and has no adbkey here, only 3 folders -> avd, cache and studio, all of these being empty!
I'm at a real loss to authorise my device so I can continue to root my device.
Any help would be appreciated.
Kind regards
MunkeyBoy14 said:
Not sure if this is the right place (but only place I can post) I've been trying to root my phone in order to install TWRP on my Pixel XL, in order to do so I need to unlock my bootloader.
Now this won't work as in ADB it shows my device as unauthorised, and I've tried everything! Revoking permissions USB debugging, rebooting, the other solution involces deleteing the adb key in .android, but my only .android folder is under c:\\users\MyName\.android and has no adbkey here, only 3 folders -> avd, cache and studio, all of these being empty!
I'm at a real loss to authorise my device so I can continue to root my device.
Any help would be appreciated.
Kind regards
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Have tried to delete the whole .android folder ? and do you have the latest adb / fastboot files. but to unlock your bootloader you actualy dont need adb just fastboot ?
After revoking permissions did you kill and restart the adb server:
adb kill-server
adb start-server
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
ahent said:
After revoking permissions did you kill and restart the adb server:
adb kill-server
adb start-server
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
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Yes I did, and nothing changed.
Hogyoku said:
Have tried to delete the whole .android folder ? and do you have the latest adb / fastboot files. but to unlock your bootloader you actualy dont need adb just fastboot ?
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I used the adb installer by Snoop05 and using that installed latest drivers too! I shall delete the folder and see what happens I guess?
MunkeyBoy14 said:
I used the adb installer by Snoop05 and using that installed latest drivers too! I shall delete the folder and see what happens I guess?
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Not sure if the link will work but try these this is straight from Google
When I run the "adb shell" commad I get the following:
C:\adb>adb shell
adb server is out of date. killing...
* daemon started successfully *
error: device unauthorized.
This adbd's $ADB_VENDOR_KEYS is not set; try 'adb kill-server' if that seems wrong.
Otherwise check for a confirmation dialog on your device.
Not sure if this helps at all
Hogyoku said:
Not sure if the link will work but try these this is straight from Google
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Thank you so much! Running adb using the attached link caused me to get the pop up to approve the RSA. And is now showing as authorised. THank you!
MunkeyBoy14 said:
Thank you so much! Running adb using the attached link caused me to get the pop up to approve the RSA. And is now showing as authorised. THank you!
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No problem